FAQ corner — part 1 —
'frequently asked questions'
on self-actualization and healing issues
At a glance…
This is where the Author answers questions (whether explicit or implicit) that people have put to him directly or have used as search queries to bring them to this site.
The term 'frequently asked questions' is used here with a certain 'artistic licence', because most of these questions have come to the Author only once — but they're all questions that, it appears, a fair number of people would be wanting to have answered.
More answers can be found in Part 2 and Part 3…
"What is your view of God, the life of Jesus, and Christianity?"
As explained in The true nature of 'the forces of darkness' and its interference and attacks, my understanding nowadays is that ALL religions and so-called spiritual paths and traditions are sourced from the garbage for the purpose of turning us away from true self-actualization / self-realization and instead becoming increasingly under the control of the garbage. In all those traditions and indeed all so-called spiritual paths the garbage has got people taking on board beliefs that create for them illusory realities that are aimed to ensnare them when they die.
Part of this process is the inveigling of people into taking on beliefs in various sorts of supposed higher reality, which almost always contain supposedly higher, non-physical, beings. These include God, the Holy Spirit and 'Jesus' (as a current manifestation) as well as angels, archangels, Elohim and so on. So, sorry to say, Christianity and ALL other religions are very much sourced from the garbage, and the supposed realities that they try to get people believing in are all likewise, and they're bound to cause tremendous problems on a time-scale unthinkably beyond this lifetime for those who've taken on such beliefs.
I'm not disputing, however, that there was a man who eventually got widely known as Jesus operating as some sort of charismatic spiritual teacher approximately 2,000 years ago. However, the accounts of him and his life and teachings distort them almost beyond recognition — nowhere more so than in the accounts given in the Bible.
One thing that becomes clear if you stop and think about it in a clear-minded way is that 'JESUS' WAS NOT A CHRISTIAN!!* — Indeed, he couldn't possibly have been! And the vast majority of Christians for most of the time since the time of 'Jesus' have been and are extremely far removed from following the true teachings** of 'Jesus', which themselves, apparently, were more about being 'spiritual' (and thus actually, unawarely, captives of the garbage) than about true self-actualization and the tremendous freedom that that brings, because of the garbage-sourced distortions in those teachings.
* That's a particularly pertinent point that could give one some amusement by putting it to individuals who believe that anyone who isn't a fully committed Christian is living in sin and will be thrown by God into the (purported) raging inferno of hell when they die!
** Actually, that in itself is one of the great problems about 'Jesus' and similar figures — that people go following 'teachings' from them. That has absolutely nothing to do with self-actualization and everything to do with self disempowerment (and thus self un-actualization) through being 'sheep' and taking on another person's ideas and beliefs instead of getting in touch with the real source of what they really need to know — their own deepest aspects, which are based in fundamental consciousness (aka 'the Universal Consciousness' itself).
Indeed, the Church has strenuously sought to suppress information about the true, historical person who came to be called Jesus, because even his distorted teachings were seen as empowering people too much and threatening the hold and authority upon them of the Church — a more blatantly garbage-sourced tradition, very much about power / control and hardly at all about the genuine love that's manifested by a genuinely free person, which latter any of us could become if we kept out of religion and 'spirituality' and cultivated our own true self-actualization process.
Christianity (or at least its mainstream elements) was very much under the influence of the garbage when it deified what was really just a garbage-sourced caricature of 'Jesus' and insisted that people should believe in all that (and indeed also in an actually illusory external, judgmental God). Anything to turn people right away from self-actualization and into the clutches of the very influence that the religious authorities would condemn as 'the devil', 'Satan' and so forth! Yes, Christianity is an organisation of their own self created 'devil' or Satan — not of anything truly beneficial to us!
I refer you again to The true nature of 'the forces of darkness' and its interference and attacks, where I put forward the overall picture that, I hope, will make sense of the above apparently outrageous claim that Christianity and all religions are sourced from the garbage and are seriously harmful to us.
"I've meditated for years and years, and life has now become a flat, almost dull experience with no real feelings. Please, is this really what enlightenment is like?"
Indeed, not!
The trouble has been that you've been using meditation to try to 'get there', no doubt because you were unwittingly deceived by others, such as in the various Buddhist traditions, who themselves have been extensively deceived by the garbage, which is interfering with ALL of them, including the so-called 'great Masters'.
That fixation on formal meditation, quite apart from denying much of the abundance of life experience, results in the creation of illusory realities in which it ultimately appears that one has achieved one's aim when actually one is experiencing only a distorted facsimile of the real thing. It's thus important to extricate oneself from such methodologies and traditions — which are ALL ultimately sourced from the garbage in order to divert us away from true self-realization / self-actualization and into illusory realities that would make us captives of the garbage instead.
I've come to the clear understanding that enlightenment and self-actualization are most readily achieved without formal meditation, even though for some people an occasional meditation session can be helpful.
For garbage-free methods of gaining true and balanced self-actualization and enlightenment, please see Healing and self-actualization — The safest and quickest way.
Any tips on mind chatter? As soon as I start to meditate my brain goes into overdrive!
Yes. A great starting point would be to stop trying to empty your mind of chatter, and let it run! — Sounds sort of unlikely and contradictory, doesn't it! Also, formal meditation is very unlikely to be the most helpful way for you to be going about quietening your mind.Instead of worrying about all that mental chatter and gossip, just train yourself to observe it without responding to it, and to recognise that you yourself are not the chatter but are instead the peaceful, indefinable presence that is the observer of the chatter, and are indeed the very space within which it arises. You will find after a while that as you focus your observation upon any specific thought, the latter will tend to dissolve, and with practice over the weeks and months this will happen more and more, and less thoughts would arise, so leaving your mind quieter.
That focusing on thoughts to make them dissolve needs not be done in a manner that's striving to clear the mindspace, but to be just allowed to occur in a relaxed and peacefully joyful manner. Anytime you notice you're trying to achieve anything, relax again and let go of that 'trying' urge.
This is best carried out NOT in formal meditation sessions but simply as often as you manage in everyday life (aiming for it to become all the time), so that you're directly changing for the better the way you experience everyday life.
I counsel against anyone seeking to achieve a completely thought-free mind, even only in formal meditation sessions — and note also my answer to the previous question. Trying to achieve a thought-free mind can be a very problematical sidetrack and is completely unnecessary for you to become enlightened. Your innermost level of consciousness, which is effectively your enlightened state already there within you, is and always has been 100% thought-free, so there's nothing for you to clear from it.
As you learn to perceive yourself as the silent observer of your thoughts, you're progressively taking yourself towards the eventual moment of recognition, when you perceive directly that innermost nature of yours and recognise it as your true identity. That's all that's entailed in the gaining of fundamental clarity (as I prefer to call it) or becoming enlightened (as it's widely called). Anything more complex or esoteric, e.g., as taught in the religions (even in Buddhism), is a sidetrack.
When you have that recognition you perceive directly that you've been, in a sense, thought-free all along, even while thoughts were arising and dissolving again within your mindspace. As you progress, so at times even that mindspace will have apparently thought-free spells, but it's important not to make that state a goal at all, and to let it occur naturally if it does happen, without regarding it as good or bad or anything to try to aim for or maintain. Just perceive all thoughts, feelings, objects and phenomena as temporary arisings within the expansive space of your indefinable enlightened presence that always observes.
The beauty of this approach to meditation — what's often been called 'non-meditation' — is that it's carried out (most likely to a varying extent until you've got thoroughly used to it) all the time in everyday life, and really doesn't require formal meditation sessions at all, though for some people the sparing use of brief formal sessions can be useful initially just to get the process well started.
I don't have formal meditation sessions at all myself, though my self-actualization methods are all in a sense meditation of a sort. For a more focused 'mindfulness' meditation within the context of my continuous 'non-meditation', which is what I've been describing here, my everyday life finds all sorts of slots for me to have moments of 'observational repose' — but I keep clear of the whole notion of meditation or even non-meditation. I'm simply the proactively peaceful observer of all that I experience, at all times.
Just think of your waits in queues — supermarket checkouts, airports, traffic tailbacks, and so on — and how you can joyfully use each such experience to bring yourself back into a state of peaceful harmony and balance, not drifting off into preoccupations with non-thought or spaciness, but simply being fully aware and at peace. But you don't need to be stuck in a queue as your cue (ouch!) to enable it to happen, and neither is it helpful to think of it as 'meditation'.
I find that whenever I'm walking, whether on a hike or simply about in town, that's a great time to just let go of preoccupations and relax into full 'peaceful observer' mode, which, after all, is nothing contrived but simply my (and your) most fundamental and natural state. Not going into a vacuous blankness of mind, but remaining aware and alert. …And so on…
Actually, also much more effective and safer than meditation is the methodology that I present in Healing and self-actualization — The safest and quickest way. That would assist you tremendously towards being a buoyantly happy and proactively peaceful observer of all you experience, while opening up fulfilment of your underlying life purpose in a balanced and comprehensive way that formal meditation could never achieve.
So, you believe in reincarnation?
The strict answer to that is, no, I don't. I hold no belief in anything, but simply live on the basis of what I experience and observe, and the best possible working interpretations of my observations. — So, what are my observations and conclusions, then, with regard to reincarnation?
In fact many aspects of my life experience have appeared in various ways to relate to lifetimes before my present one, and which thus, on the face of it, appear to support the hypothesis that I've lived through a great number of different incarnations, just as various 'healers', mediums and psychics had told me.
However, it turned out to be not as simple as that, because we have a complex situation in which the garbage is constantly interacting with us in extremely harmful ways and seeking to lead us away from true enlightenment / self-actualization and into illusory realities that can then manifest after our death, leaving us trapped by the garbage and progressively processed by it to become increasingly unaware and closed to our true nature as manifestations of fundamental consciousness ('the Ultimate').
One of the tricks of the garbage is to get us believing we have had past lives that actually we haven't had, and this appears to be the cause of my own supposed past lives. I have no way of knowing about this for sure, but it looks to me as though what had seemed to be past life memories and traumas of mine were actually coming from two main sources:
Experiences of parasitic lost souls that were attached to me — so that I was indeed experiencing memories and trauma feelings from particular past lives, but those past lives were not mine but of people who had died at various times in the past and whose consciousnesses themselves had been entrapped by the garbage, with their awareness 'stuck', attached to their illusions in the astral non-reality, then behaving 'parasitically', but under the full control of the garbage — attaching to new consciousnesses (especially no-soul ones) as they incarnated, as directed by the programming they'd received from the garbage.
Pieces of 'story' and legend that had been generated by the garbage from particular primary archetypes to which I was connected.
You can read more about this scenario in The true nature of 'the forces of darkness' and its interference and attacks. Note that, according to my understanding nowadays, there are two types of reincarnation.
You're presumably a Buddhist…?
No. Because I'm a no-soul person with the viewpoint of enlightenment and thus of an aspect of fundamental consciousness, I transcend all religions and named viewpoints. In fact the same can be said even of many deeply aware people who haven't yet become enlightened. If you must put a label on my outlook and lifestyle, 'mystic' would at first glance appear to come close — except that that still implies a lot of baggage that I don't carry, especially nowadays.
Really I know of no fully suitable word for it. Off the top of my head, let's say that I could be called a self-actualized clear [/free] thinker. But then again, why seek to categorize me or anyone at all? That's an unhelpful 'sheep' preoccupation!
The general problem about the Buddhist teachings is that in a wide range of specifics and fundamentals they're distorted depictions of reality, for the purpose of scaring and coercing people into following a Buddhist 'path' rather than opening directly to their own inner 'truth' (which is what true self-actualization is about). Their distortions also lead people into illusory realities mimicking enlightenment and self-actualization, rather than true and balanced self-actualization itself.
I've seen a message on a website, from a group of extra-terrestrials who are wanting to help Humanity and are asking us to open to them telepathically. Shouldn't we open to them?
My immediate response is a DANGER!
warning. There's actually no should
or shouldn't
about this; it's simply a matter of
cause and effect. There's no shouldn't
about jumping off a high cliff (i.e., without a
parachute), but would it really make sense to do so?
Any apparent approaches from aliens or indeed higher beings seeking to assist us are, to my understanding, simulations given to us by the garbage with the aim of luring us into getting more involved — and indeed, especially in the case of supposed aliens, very deeply involved — with it. The garbage is an unremitting deceiver, and the magnitude and convolutions of its deceptions are breathtaking.
Almost certainly, opening to supposed telepathic (or any other) communications from supposedly beneficial aliens will actually get you involved with the garbage in a particularly harmful and sinister way — getting you connected to (i.e., made a part of) the cacoprotean network — what I understand to be the primary aspect of the garbage. That's how serious the issue of approaches from supposed aliens are — especially when there is anything to do with telepathy, astral projection / astral travel, hypnosis, or abductions.
I can't rule out for sure that in a very few cases the approaches are from real physical aliens*, but even then most likely they'd have an agenda of deceit directed by the garbage.
* Actually the results of my inner inquiry on this, supported by Helpfulness Testing, are strongly suggestive that the whole notion of interstellar travel as a real possibility for any sort of human-type being is a myth, no matter how advanced is their technology. Indeed, my own common sense points to genuine visitations from real physical extra-terrestrials as being extremely unlikely to be possible. People who rate such a possibility as significant really haven't thought things through properly.
And where is that myth sourced from? — Why, the garbage, of course! The purpose is to help convince people that when they get the garbage's simulations of actual extra-terrestrials, they will uncritically assume that these are the real thing, not realizing that extra-terrestrials' arrival here would actually be impossible. If we get sufficiently ungrounded, the garbage can give us apparently very lifelike virtual images of real extra-terrestrials, actually still on (or perhaps very close to) their own planets — particularly in astral realm experiences.
You may never in this lifetime realize that you're dealing with anything other than truly beneficial beings, but you'd well-nigh certainly pay a horrendous price beyond this lifetime, in having come to accept an illusory reality that manifests after your death and so prevents you from reverting to fundamental consciousness then and instead commits you to being progressively processed and degraded by the garbage into one of its unaware, programmed captives. And in the meantime, in this lifetime, most likely you'd have unawarely been made, through membership of the cacoprotean network, into an actual part of the garbage.
For more about what you could be letting yourself in for if you involve yourself with the garbage in such ways or indeed at all, see The true nature of 'the forces of darkness' and its interference and attacks.
There's no evidence that…
Anyone who makes a statement starting in that manner is being dishonest to himself, let alone anyone else. You can NEVER know that there's no evidence for something. You can only not be aware of any evidence for something. If you make such a 'no evidence' statement, that proves nothing except possibly your lack of awareness.
All too often people use the There's no evidence
line to support their denial of a
non-physical aspect or indeed basis of reality and the efficacy of non-physical healing
methods — the fallacious notion that you can somehow prove a negative hypothesis. Not many
people like to use the honest statement — that they are not aware
of evidence for… — because that wouldn't conceal the fact that they hadn't exactly
looked very hard for such evidence in the first place or had dismissed real evidence that they had found.
I've no time for people who seek to argue in that opinionated manner. Let them all become politicians on a planet in some far-removed star system, where I'm not going to reincarnate…
Do dreams have any purpose or meaning?
I explain the apparent true nature of dreams and the dreaming process in Ways of handling a prospective rough or sleepless night and also The true nature of 'the forces of darkness' and its interference and attacks — the latter also explaining the mechanism and significance of nightmares. It must be clear from those accounts that there's apparently no overall useful or helpful 'meaning' or significance in one's dreams.
However, that's not the end of the story, because your own deepest aspects often single out particular sequences in order to draw something to your attention — to give you some sort of message or 'nudge'. It's important to understand that such 'messages' aren't intended as 'story' but they can serve as prompts for you to subject something in your life to scrutiny, which may lead to positive change.
They're thus not in the business of telling you Things are this way
or This is the truth about what's happening
, but, rather, are simply Here's something worth examining / important
to examine
. In other words your scrutiny needs to be NOT of the dream contents but of
something or some aspect in your waking life that's in some way suggested by the dream or
some part of it.
In such cases it's important NOT to seek to analyse the dream or otherwise retrospectively engage with it, because any 'message' is actually NOT for your conscious 'ordinary mind' at all, but for levels of consciousness somewhat deeper than the 'ordinary mind'. Indeed, if you use your 'ordinary mind' to try to figure the dream out you'd almost certainly be hindering the deeper-seated process that's endeavouring to respond in the most positive and constructive manner possible to the inner 'nudges' contained in the particular dreams.
Additionally, the garbage (whether or not via an attached entity or an elemental) may give you a vision that isn't part of the true dreaming process, and this would usually be thought of as a dream, in ignorance of the fact that there are at least two distinct types of visual experience in our sleep that we usually call dreams — and that's completely apart from true hells (which include 'night terrors'), which are a completely distinct and separate phenomenon.
There are various books on dream interpretation, but I have to say that those I've seen are worse than unhelpful, because they give specific interpretations for particular images, in ignorance of the fact that each person's symbolism is ultimately unique to that person and even to the particular moment of the dream. Best to put all those books out on your paper recycling pile, as they will greatly mislead.
In any case, the very notion of dream interpretation is beside the point, for, as I say, the only useful function that a dream of any type might have, at least as regards your own conscious mind, is to act as a 'nudge' or prompt to you to examine and question something in or about your waking life.
It's important, though, not to get het-up about this if you're not clear as to what a particular image is about, because those dream prompts operate at all levels of the awareness, and really, as already noted, they're primarily meant for deeper levels of the 'mind' rather than your superficial, ordinary 'conscious' aspect. So, any particular issues will get examined in response to such dream prompts whether or not you consciously get an idea (which might be wrong anyway) as to what a particular dream image was pointing you towards.
My counsel, therefore, on the matter of dreams is simply for one to consider whether anything in one's own dreams might be a useful prompt for some positive change in one's life — without theorizing or getting into 'story' about any of the dreams. This can actually be very useful and indeed powerful if used in conjunction with rigorously and awarely applied Helpfulness Testing (NOT channelling), which I myself am using to great effect.
However, I know from my own experience that even Helpfulness Testing can be seriously interfered with by the garbage, so great care is needed, and if that procedure is to be used, it would be wise also to use the methodology that I present in Healing and self-actualization — The safest and quickest way, for those methods progressively strengthen your ability to 'read' from your own deepest aspects and also progressively to weaken and 'squeeze out' the interference and influence of the garbage and any 'entities'.
It's actually the garbage
that encourages us to try to find out what a dream means
(and so ensnare us with more
'story' and illusory realities), and so, that approach is best dropped in favour
of Let's consider how I might use the dream content in a useful way
(i.e., as prompts).
It is important, though, that you don't see anything of a dream as being an instruction,
for if you do that you're at once enabling the garbage
to control you through dream content (and it would do just that if you gave it half a
It's very important therefore to stick to using dream material only as possible prompts (yes, I know I'm repeating myself!) for you to then consider for yourself what are the most useful and positive choices to make in your life — and to then to let go of the whole dream, no matter how powerful or alluring it may appear to have been. Indeed, if a dream seemed particularly powerful / compelling, no matter whether it seemed positive or negative, then it's almost certain that the garbage was involved and it would be better completely ignored.
As an example of how boringly mundane a seemingly powerful and intriguing dream's actual 'message' can be, here's an example.
Now, I can well imagine that those who believe they have some expertise in interpreting dreams would have a field day on that dream sequence and make a right old meal of it and indeed of me, and would no doubt feel greatly superior through having done so.
Yet, according to my own inner inquiry, the world-shattering significance and 'message' of that sequence was simply that I was aware that winter was approaching, and, in view of my ongoing Raynaud's disease and my eyes' great sensitivity to cold winds, I had an ongoing slight concern about how I'd manage still to go hiking and get out into the wilds during any cold weather. Period! The rest was just 'dream froth'.
Yes, in a sense every detail would have had cause and some sort of 'meaning', but only with regard to the inner processes involved in the re-evaluation that was seeking to occur. With regard to what the conscious mind experiences, any attention paid to the details of the dream would cause all manner of confusion and misunderstanding, and would generate a whole mass of extremely unhelpful 'story', quite apart from hampering the underlying re-evaluation process.
You also need to be very aware and thoughtful about what particular types of dream image or experience may mean (also bearing in mind that they may contain elements that aren't truly dream but are insertions from the garbage) if indeed you're going to attach any significance to them at all. Suppose you see a forbidding or frightening dream image that you think relates to a choice that you may make tomorrow.
Does that mean that it would be best not to make that choice, or is it simply suggesting to you that you have fears relating to that choice, which latter is actually important for you to make — or, again, that the garbage is trying to scare you off that one? Carefully applied Helpfulness Testing would give you the opportunity to establish whether that choice would really be best for you at that time.
Do we need to destroy the ego?
The whole notion of destroying or getting rid of the 'ego' is a distortion, which has come to us primarily from various Eastern religious traditions that misguidedly seek to diminish or even eliminate people's true individuality and any abundance of experience in a person's life. Hence the typical gross overemphasis of formal meditation and the ritualization of many areas of life.
As anyone who truly becomes enlightened will know from actual experience, there's actually not such a thing as the ego, for it's just a particular delusion that non-enlightened people have, in which they believe that there's a discrete thing that they perceive as 'I' or 'me', which interacts with a real external 'reality'. Enlightened people still have that perception as an illusion, but they also perceive their true, deepest identity as being the actual 'space' within which all experiences arise, and which is the peaceful observer of everything that one experiences.
What you do by focusing on trying to eliminate 'ego', for example to achieve the supposed state of 'selflessness' or 'no-self' so much prized by certain Buddhist traditions, is to (a) make an impoverished, distorted travesty of your life, and (b) to create for yourself an illusory reality in which you believe you've achieved your aim of full enlightenment or self-actualization, and which will ensnare you when you die, so that then you've become captive of the garbage instead of dissolving back into fundamental consciousness. I explain more about this scenario in The true nature of 'the forces of darkness' and its interference and attacks.
The most effective way to clear the problematical aspects of what people often call the ego is to use a grounding and balanced self-actualization methodology such as what I present in Healing and self-actualization — The safest and quickest way. When you work that way you have no need nor cause to think about the 'ego' as such at all, and you simply progressively clear from your system all that isn't right for you as a unique individual. At the same time, that sort of methodology cultivates a healthy abundance and sense of your own, deepest, uniqueness in your life, which meditation-based methodologies universally fail to.
Cannabis and personal growth
Here is an email from a visitor to this website, followed by my reply to it (updated more recently, as my original response was only partly 'there'):
I've read your article Cannabis and Its Cocoon of Self-Deception — A Serious Warning and I'd like to ask you about personal growth.
I smoke it about once a week and lately I've been exploring the personal growth and the nature of the mind while on the drug. I want to be able to take the effects that happen while on the drug (ex: presence in the moment, very strong will-power, ability to concentrate, gratitude for life) into my normal everyday state. You have a good quote on this exact subject in your article: "I knew intuitively that these experiences were showing me capabilities and potentialities in my mind, and my task was to leave cannabis behind and work through various means to open up those potentialities so that my mind was every bit as expansive and creative as in the cannabis experiences — indeed much more so — and fully under my own control, without need for any further drugs or 'props'".
So I'm interested to how you went about enacting this change. The last time I smoked cannabis I started paying attention to my belief system. While 'high', I have a high level of confidence, and a deep gratitude for the present moment (unlike my normal consciousness where I seem always to be in resistance to it). So, the way I see to make this change is to change some of the deep seated limiting beliefs. Do you have any suggestions on what's the best way to change deep rooted beliefs?
Anyway, I hope that you, having gone through this experience, can offer me some advice on my path of personal growth.
The best thing to start with is to come right off cannabis, as regular smoking of it reduces people's motivation and capacity for the very sort of personal change that's needed and indeed which you recognise that you want.
In my case, Re-evaluation Counselling was my initial, and for a long time, only, formal means of effecting my personal opening up and 'growth', but the Alexander Technique, fully applied as an ongoing mental discipline, became much more important later on, and then still more recently, through convoluted and difficult experiences in 'spiritual' healing, about which you can read in My own self-actualization process or 'path' (both parts), I arrived at the safe and efficient methods given in Healing and self-actualization — The safest and quickest way.
For people wanting to let go of cannabis or other addictions / habits, I also recommend Letting go of addictions and compulsive behaviours.
One belief that you and countless other cannabis or other drug users need to drop like a hot brick is the very notion that you need that or indeed any mind-affecting substance for anything to do with the mind or your awareness. In your case you clearly do understand the various life changes that you need to make, so the real need is simply to get on with bringing those changes about, while any use of mind-affecting drugs would only hinder or completely block that process.Your use of cannabis, while better not to have occurred in the first place, has shown you some things, and now the need is to fully and completely leave it and its experiences behind, otherwise you will have still more problems later on. One of the problems is the tendency to assume that while one is 'high' one is experiencing 'it' — enlightenment or a highly 'spiritual' or self-actualized state, so there's an understandable tendency for people to want to keep on repeating the experience and to kid themselves that their drug use is a workable 'spiritual' or indeed self-actualization 'path'.
That isn't a way forward, for we need to let go of our attachment to any type of experience. Cannabis gives one only a temporary facsimile (like a sort of cardboard cut-out) of the real thing, which is achieved in a state of considerable dysfunction. Being truly self-actualized and indeed enlightened involves enhanced function — light years from the mental and physical impairment caused by such drugs — so it's a very different experience yet again.
Shamans routinely use drugs to supposedly open their consciousness, but they're attached to their particular ways, which commonly involve drug-induced dysfunction and aren't on an effective path to enlightenment and self-actualization. In any case the opening of their consciousness that they do achieve isn't pointing them to genuine enlightenment and genuine deep awareness at all but to the astral non-reality, so drawing them further into the seriously harmful illusions given to them by the garbage. Is that what you'd really want?
A true self-actualization process involves constant progressive change, and the very notion of a 'path' needs to be let go of because that implicitly puts self-actualization somewhere out there in the future, which is no use to man nor beast. Progressively opening up one's self-actualization here, now, is the only worthwhile aim.
Note, however, that I'm not talking of anything here as being right or wrong, but simply of cause and effect. It's not my task to tell anyone what he ought to do; in my writings I'm just giving pointers to what's most effective to be cultivating a genuine self-actualization process and functioning increasingly as a complete human — the fullest possible incarnated manifestation of fundamental consciousness.
How did you discover you were a healer?
Actually I didn't experience a sudden discovery that I was a healer, and my start into healing was most undramatic and tentative. The dramatic discovery came before that, when I crossed the threshold of enlightenment at the beginning of 1997. At that point, at age 56, I suddenly recognised that I was on what I interpreted as a 'spiritual path'* and indeed what would be seen as a very 'high' one. It then made sense to me to accept that there was something in spiritual healing, for until that point I'd regarded all that as most likely the province of cranks and charlatans.
* Yes, and it was the garbage, via the highest of the Buddhist teachings, that got me taking on board the confusion between self-realization / self-actualization (which is what we need) and the garbage-sourced phenomenon of 'spirituality' and so-called spiritual paths.
As you can read in My own self-actualization process or 'path' — Part 1, my getting into 'spirituality', which is really a garbage-sourced distortion of self-actualization, got me into tremendous problems with garbage interference and attacks, and I consider myself lucky to have come out from all that in good (indeed great) shape, and indeed even to be still alive at all.
However, I didn't at once point myself towards getting into any sort of 'healing' work, because although I had a gut intuition that my life had some underlying purpose involving benefiting the human race generally I was concerned that 'healing' could easily become an 'ego trip' for me. So I just assumed that I'd be able to do healing, at least with a little training and practice, and shelved the notion, assuming that at some point if I were really meant to involve myself in 'healing', somehow I'd be guided into it. Then, in September 1998 I had a strange hitch-hiking encounter that I took to be that 'guidance'.
I'd hitch-hiked out to Bude, a Cornish coastal resort, for a hike on the coast path, but found the wind just too strong, and so I abandoned the outing and hitch-hiked back on the same route as my outward journey. I got dropped at Halwill Junction, a village along the way, and was almost immediately picked up by a strange man who I could feel had a strong charisma about him, and he immediately remarked that he could tell I was a highly 'spiritual' person and he wanted me to be his guru.
I felt uncomfortable about that, feeling that there was something not quite right about him. He said he lived down a turning only a little way along the road (near Beaworthy), and he wanted me to come with him to his home, and he'd drive me later further along on my way. Although I felt a little unease about this, I was mindful that I had plenty of spare time and so might as well venture a little bit into the unknown.
At his home he introduced me to his sister, who was physically and in some ways mentally 'retarded' (I'd say now, actually deformed rather than retarded), and he told me that her problem was possession by a 'spirit', and he said he wanted my help in finding an effective 'healer' for her problem. This was the first time I'd ever knowingly had contact with such an issue, and I felt rather nervous about it.
I took this as a sign to me, and then I started reading up about spiritual healing and found a small local group of 'healers' who met every Thursday lunchtime above a shop in central Exeter and accepted novices. At the time I wasn't able to help the strange man or his sister, for, as I quickly realized, he was in the grip of a strong manipulative pattern that was seeking to use me in a quite negative agenda of his, and he rapidly lost interest in me because he could sense that I could see what was going on and could see through his bullshitting.
In the sessions with the healers' group (led by an 'Usui' Reiki teacher) I started without having any idea whether I was really channelling any healing 'energy' at all. I just felt that I had to trust the process and keep looking out for signs that something significant was happening. Indeed, after a few sessions I did increasingly get experiences that I assumed (till 2007)* couldn't be explained satisfactorily except through accepting that healing energy was being channelled.
* The point here is that I now understand that virtually all the strong impressions that people get of 'flowing healing energy' are actually impressions given to them by the garbage, and thus in at least the vast majority of cases don't accurately represent what is (or isn't) really going on.
The impressions that I'd had of healing energy flowing and other non-physical effects during healing sessions had all been presented to me from that source, and so actually, contrary to my assumptions at that time, had no useful meaning apart from indicating that the garbage was giving me illusory impressions in order to mislead me and indeed lead me progressively into serious problems.
Later, I went on Reiki I and then Reiki II workshops with the leader of that group, though that teacher on the Reiki II workshop set some homework to be completed before she'd issue a Reiki II certificate, and it included one particular item that I couldn't complete because of my situation of isolation — and so on the basis of a completely unnecessary technicality I never received my Reiki II certificate. I was in no rush anyway to get a Reiki III certificate, and it wasn't till some two years later that I went on a Reiki III workshop with another teacher, who fully accepted that I'd 'done' Reiki II even though I lacked the certificate.
I didn't at any point observe 'miracle' instant physical cures to prove to me that I was a healer, but I did find that I was being catalytic in various people's positive life change, and I assumed at the time that the channelling of healing energy would have been part of that, although also my functioning as an effective positive life change and emotional counsellor would have been at least part of the equation.
I recognised that being a really worthwhile 'healer' would involve a lot more than just channelling supposed 'energy', and would call upon a wide range of disciplines and skills. The underlying primary purpose of spiritual healing was supposed to be what I used to call 'spiritual opening up'* and emotional / karmic healing, but actually I now understand that what people are achieving with all the various types of spiritual healing is a distortion of what people are really needing, which is self-actualization, and for a long while I was actually using 'healing' with the normal, distorted view of its real purpose, not at that time recognising how I'd parted company with the true self-actualization direction.
* What that term really signifies is one's becoming more ungrounded and open to the astral non-reality and the massive problems that it contains — so actually it's something NOT to seek but to avoid!
In any case, physical improvements follow through as a by-product of any improvements in one's non-physical aspects brought about by 'spiritual' healing, so they weren't a main focus.
As from April 2007 I went beyond and indeed jettisoned Reiki and all recognised forms of 'spiritual' healing altogether, for I then understood them to be highly problematical, with various covert garbage influences — and those I used no doubt contributed to my eventual big troubles with the garbage.
I now work (as any of us could) only from my deepest aspects, which are actually based in 'the Ultimate', and so not invoking any supposed higher beings (which are apparently always illusions given to us by the garbage) and no longer using any crystals, wands or other supposed healing aids — even the Clarity-Sphere, which I'd been using for quite a number of years. — see Philip Goddard's self-actualization methodology — Introduction.
I've more recently established that I'd picked up various problematical 'energy' configurations, ranging from thought forms to 'implants', from various of the Reiki teachers and other 'healers' with whom I worked — so I do strongly caution that getting involved in 'healing' as usually understood is highly problematical and could very easily cause you major problems, even if only covertly.
That underlines the importance of the lattermost page that I link to above, where you can find truly safe means of self-healing, self-actualization and clearing yourself of all garbage interferences and 'entities' without depending on teachers or other 'healers' who can so easily unawarely give you more than you bargained for.
I relate some further, and highly educational, personal experience relating to my early involvement in 'healing' in "Am I a healer?" — Explaining 'healing' and the problems it causes, and go on to explain how all types of 'spiritual' or 'energy' healing are seriously harmful and best dropped in favour of a proper rationally-based self-actualization methodology, such as I present on this site.
Are night terrors caused by fear of the dark?
No, not at all. If anything it would be the other way round — hells (which include night terrors) are often (probably always) a contributory factor in fear of the dark — though there would also be an element of common cause as well as simply one causing the other.
As I say on my page Night terrors and hell experiences — Understanding and clearing them, to which I refer you for a full explanation, true hells are the result of certain types of interference and attacks from the garbage. Their underlying cause is thus not something traumatic that has happened to one in this life, though they can be precipitated by a traumatic event or indeed the use of certain psychoactive drugs such as cannabis or LSD, and, ironically, a variety of psychiatric drugs.
Similarly, the primary cause(s) of any major fear of the dark would be interference and attacks from the garbage, in particular exploiting the effects of two main factors:
- Having one or more lost human souls attached to you, which in one or more past lives had had particular traumas relating to being in the dark, and indeed, being into 'dark practices'.
- Having 'active' connections to relevant primary archetypes.
I used mind power to try and divert a tornado. The tornado did divert but there was a severe flood instead. Had I done anything wrong?
I'd not get into judging something as right or wrong, because 'right' and 'wrong' are just labels that we put on things, and aren't an intrinsic quality of anything. However, this question raises an important point.
If you use your ordinary mind to try to achieve a specific outcome, if you're genuinely achieving anything at all, (a) you're very likely using some of your own energy and thus wearing yourself out and threatening your emotional well-being and health, and (b) you're most likely trying to achieve something that isn't for the general ultimate good. Your ordinary mind doesn't know what's for any one person's ultimate good, let alone what's most beneficial for the whole of 'Existence'.
The way to keep clear of this dilemma is to set your intent that whatever is for the ultimate good will happen, whether or not it's what your ordinary mind wants. There may be specific reasons why it's for the ultimate good* for all that a tornado comes ripping through a particular community, causing considerable hardships and loss of life — so you could be doing people a great disservice by diverting that tornado — just supposing you were really ever able to do such a thing.
* This is something our ordinary minds can know little or nothing about. It's not about seeking to make people happy (or indeed unhappy) at the present time, and would very likely have more to do with simply the way that we relate with Nature rather than any sense of direct higher purpose about it.
However, the real point is that, owing to garbage influences, human-type civilizations, not only on Earth but anywhere else too, have tended to over-expand and to spread into all sorts of disaster-prone areas, and the real lesson from the resultant disasters — though almost always going unheard — is to stop overpopulating the planet, and to live in relatively non-disaster-prone areas. — Stands to reason, surely!
Further, the need is to reduce its population as rapidly as possible by humane means to a small fraction of its current level, and for all people to withdraw from known strongly disaster-prone areas as primary living bases, or at least recognise that if they don't do so they'd have to face the consequences and not expect people then to come running in to bale them out.
You'd find that if you face situations with an intent for the outcome to be for the ultimate good of all concerned, without fixating on a specific outcome, then you'd have a positive effect if indeed that's appropriate and possible, and your own energy wouldn't get used, so that you'd then not end up drained and eventually health-compromised.
The same principle applies to other types of world events such as wars. Your ordinary mind can't know what's for the ultimate good of even one person, let alone everyone. If you think it does, that's just belief, which can be speedily released by putting the thoughts relating to that to inquiry using The Work, or, more simply and reliably, by 'zapping' them with the Grounding Point procedure.
By releasing such beliefs from your system you're then enabling yourself to be radiating an intent and wish for what's for the ultimate good of all concerned. That would be much more helpful at every level. The important thing is to address the underlying cause of wars — and, as with all major problem issues for people, both individually and globally, that underlying cause is interference and control from the garbage.
Thus, the effective way for individual people to really help towards elimination of war isn't through busying themselves opposing or trying to stop individual wars (which is generally done out of painful emotion) but by directly addressing the garbage interference issue. And the first step in that is ongoing balanced and comprehensive genuine self-actualization, for which I present a very effective methodology in Healing and self-actualization — The safest and quickest way.
Having addressed the general principles raised in the question, it's necessary for me to add that I think it unlikely in the extreme that anyone has ever diverted a tornado, or similarly amended any other weather event, by psychic means in the physical 'reality' in the whole of human history.
I'd expect accounts of such things having happened to belong to two simple categories: (a) astral realm experiences and (b) situations where the relevant person had had very poorly grounded awareness and had thus been very gullible to the garbage-sourced notion that (s)he could achieve such feats, and had been extremely selective about what data they accepted relating to their ability or otherwise to psychically affect physical phenomena.
If you stop and think about it, if I thought I was diverting a tornado from taking a particular course, how ever would I be able to know that it would have done otherwise if I hadn't attempted to divert it?
— Of course I couldn't know such a thing at all! So, straightaway I'd be deceiving myself as well as anyone else if I made any claim to have diverted the tornado myself. Also, if people really could control weather phenomena psychically, just think of the absolute chaos we'd have, with our weather phenomena repeatedly disobeying physical 'laws' in happening where it's physically impossible for them to happen, and all sorts of unpredictabilities where different people's attempts to control particular weather phenomena were in conflict!
All those things can happen in an astral realm, for within the astral non-reality there are no consistent physical 'laws' and indeed a sort of chaos reigns. In an astral realm a thunderstorm with terrifying lightning strikes and phenomenal hailstones could be created at the drop of a hat, without reference to whether the adiabatic lapse rate in the upper atmosphere would support such a phenomenon — because in the astral non-reality there's no such thing as an atmospheric lapse rate (change of temperature with altitude) at all to start with — there's just illusion and make-believe!
Aren't your troublesome entities / 'dark force' interferences just creations of your own mind?
I periodically get people asking that question — usually not because they really want to know the answer but as their means of expressing their very confused belief on the particular issue and their fear-based desire to impose their own level of unawareness upon me. It's really just an empty rhetorical debating point.
I do empathize with such people to a point, because until I started channelling and ran into major problems with the garbage, I myself strongly suspected — though held no full belief — that 'lower' or 'dark' entities were manifestations of the fear in particular people's minds and were not really anything separate from themselves.
Significantly, I felt a great deal of fear at the notion of 'dark' entities having any sort of independent existence, and was really being driven by the fear to half-believe that as long as I disbelieved in the existence of such manifestations I'd not encounter them. Real head-in-the-sand stuff. Things are as they are, whatever anyone believes.
To the people who ask the actually quite unhelpful question quoted above, I'd say, Aren't all your experiences of this fellow called Philip Goddard, and indeed of all other
humans, just creations of your own mind? Wouldn't it be better if you just ignored them
You see, that question — or rather, the belief that would underlie it — is confused and unhelpful thinking. Where does it actually get you? If you have no personal experience of what appear to be troublesome entities, then isn't it better to keep a very open mind about the issue and leave it to people with such experiences to seek to understand and explain them?
Yes, it's true that from a truly enlightened viewpoint all experiences and objects can
be seen as illusory and indeed as creations of consciousness — but is it
realistic for me or anyone to turn away from all experience, therefore? Oh, that dratted
alarm clock is illusory — I won't get up. Indeed, there's nothing to get up for, because
all experience is illusory.
The fact is, we do have this experience of life,
whether or not anyone puts a label of 'illusion' on it, and regardless of whether it's
ultimately 'real' in any objective sense. We do get up in the morning and
breathe and eat and drink and shit and piss and interact with people, whether or not we
could describe any of that as illusory. Oh yes, I won't go to the toilet [or, I'll
simply ignore that rhinoceros that appears to be charging at me] because my
discomfort [or, that rhinoceros] is just a creation of my mind.
(which in an
important sense it is.) — try it!
And so, if you get manifestations in your non-physical levels of experience — what you'd call your mind, though your 'awareness' would be a better term to use — that behave as though they're entities separate from yourself, and particularly if you find that regarding them as separate from yourself is helpful in dealing with those manifestations, then why on earth go denying that they're what they appear to be? It's not as though you have to hold a belief as to what their actual nature is — which is just as well because that's something that nobody could objectively know, me myself included!
And it's not as though the people who claim that the 'entities' and other garbage manifestations are one's own creations actually have a useful or constructive angle on dealing with them (I don't count denial or medication as constructive). For myself, I hold no belief about what's absolutely true or 'real', because nobody can ever know such a thing. I operate on the pragmatic principle of "If it works or is helpful, use it".
I've found not one good reason for believing that what had seemed to be interfering entities that had caused me so much trouble from October 2003 were just creations of my mind (i.e., without any sort of intrusion of some non-physical influence that was 'not me'). But if I'd changed tack and believed that, then what?
Do you really imagine the 'entities' and other garbage manifestations would have been good little boys and girls and then evaporated and troubled me no more? Or do you really imagine that I'd then have 'come to my senses' and got a doctor to prescribe for me some nice antipsychotic drugs to try and hide the issue (which is what the whole medication approach does)?
In any case, if one seriously countenances the notion that the troublesome experiences are just a product of our own minds, one is left with a very obvious unanswered question — as to why on earth one's own mind would turn upon itself so and behave like immensely malevolent entities — at least without some external influence interfering to make that happen.
Doctors and psychiatric workers would of course 'explain' that by sticking the label 'mentally ill' on an affected person — being unwilling to acknowledge that the label merely serves as a fig leaf to put over the person's problem because those practitioners have no clue as to what's really going on. The 'ill' label then is used as an excuse for further disrupting the person's mental functioning by use of medication or ECT to try to hide the problem.
It has actually been through my going against all my fears of 'dark' entities and cutting out recognition of the entity-like manifestations as being as 'real' as you and me that I came to develop understandings and insights that brought me forward tremendously and gave me great strength against the garbage and all its manifestations — even though eventually I came to understand that it was the influence that was producing the manifestations, rather than any apparent identities as 'astral beings', that was 'real'.
I note too how many people who have troublesome 'entity' problems themselves have been finding the wealth of information about these manifestations that I've put on this website extremely helpful for them in their own difficult and in some cases desperate situations.
Here is a quote from an email, of another variant of the unhelpful sort of approach:
I've come to experience the world as being an extension of myself. To feed an idea of a 'dark force' is to create one within oneself. Perhaps this 'dark force' is an aspect of oneself that we must overcome.
On what basis does a person with such a view actually hold onto that view as a real, useful, working assumption? Yes, these are all postulations that sound sort-of commonsense, yet they're all theoretical, not practical.* It's all too easy for such people to make facile assertions of that nature to me, at least implying that there's something fundamentally wrong or misguided about my regarding the garbage as an actual 'external' influence (i.e., something that isn't simply a bit of my own mind).
* Also, typically, when such assertions are put to me, the individuals concerned are posturing, albeit generally unawarely, because the person is implying a certain superiority for him/herself over all people, including me myself, who've had more up-front experiences with the garbage and for purely practical reasons regard it as some sort of 'external' influence.
Typically it's more or less young people with little or no experience of handling really major and up-front garbage interferences and attacks who posture in that way to me. More aware and experienced people are more inclined to appreciate the flexibility and pragmatism of my own approach and understanding.
Without recognising the garbage
as some sort of external influence, how can the you create your own 'dark force'
people explain how the garbage
can co-ordinate the providing of very specific misinformation to one person from widely
separated and completely independent human channel sources (as repeatedly happened for
And could it really be true that, throughout the world, two-year-old babies have actually already each created their own individual 'dark force'? Why and how, and for what reason or purpose would that be happening? How otherwise would the 'you create your own dark force' faction explain childhood night hells?
You see, unlike such people, I myself have 'done my homework', indeed in grand style — having had the necessary mass of observational data from which to build up a working model that actually explains all these things — and in a way that's genuinely helpful in practical terms.
My own understanding actually includes the above quoted postulations, but goes further to recognise what I consistently observe happening in the 'here and now' of everyday life.
Based on my actual observations, my own working model sees the garbage as being a particular aspect of human consciousness (i.e., ALL human consciousness — not an individual's supposed mental illness) that has, for a historical reason that was most likely a misadventure, become seriously distorted and loaded with thought forms programmed to interfere with people to make them behave in ways that continually reinforce and replenish those thought forms (which would progressively dissolve otherwise).
This, then, affects every single person, but in different ways according to each individual's 'make-up' and configuration. Yes, the garbage appears to be an aspect of each individual person too in a sort of way, but it's basically something more generalized throughout all human consciousness. In other words, the indications are that you do NOT create your own individual 'dark force', as so many unaware individuals seek to put to me (they themselves indeed showing interfering and controlling behaviours that betray some of their own particular unaware garbage interferences).
You can, however, reinforce the garbage — and one of the prime ways to do so is to regard it and the illusions that it creates in your mindspace as actual conscious entities or beings. Another quite effective way in the long run is to take on board facile and simplistic supposedly 'enlightened' postulations about the garbage being just something that some (implicitly somewhat perverse or flawed) people create individually for themselves, and which doesn't affect other people — a sort of denial that creates a covert illusory reality for oneself, ensuring one's covert captivity to the garbage, with all the implications then of what would most likely subsequently befall one after the end of this lifetime.
What do you think about homosexuality being taught to 5 year olds at schools?
I'm not aware that homosexuality is being taught to anyone at schools, let alone 5 year olds. Indeed, I'm not aware that homosexuality can be taught to anyone, period.
The above question reflects a confused, judgmental anti-gay outlook that dishonestly makes out that teaching people about homosexuality or homoeroticism is actually teaching them homosexuality (i.e., turning them into 'homosexuals') and is therefore bad.
Whether it really is helpful to be teaching such young people about sexual orientation, I really don't know, and my deepest intuition is that there's no general rule about this because each person, each child, is unique. If I myself had the opportunity to teach young people about sexual orientation, I'd use Helpfulness Testing to establish for each person whether it was helpful to him/her for me to teach him/her about the subject at the present time.
As long as you're living by rules and judgments, you're effectively living 'on the dark side', allowing yourself to be controlled by the garbage, which operates on the basis of power, control and fear rather than love and free choice, even though you may justify it with 'morals' or religious belief (both of which are also products of the garbage). Living on the basis of genuine love, you don't follow rules but instead you listen to your deepest aspects and ascertain what's currently most advancing and strengthening for each person in their underlying uniqueness.
I say more about sexual orientation in Love is not what nearly all people believe.
"I have an increasing awareness of the sexual field / sexual history of others [account given] and wonder if you have such perceptions yourself…"
My counsel is that, if the individual asking the above question wants to become healthy and complete, and free from garbage connections and influences, for the time being he'd do well to totally disregard ALL those impressions that are coming to him through non-physical means — whether clairvoyant or channelled, and also to completely disregard any such perceptions or 'readings' or channellings that come from other people. I'm serious about this, for a very serious reason.
Another point worth making here is that the particular person clearly has a preoccupation with sexual feelings and indeed sex. There's actually no such thing as a 'sexual field' around anyone, and it's really quite bizarre, though no doubt not that uncommon, for people to interpret subtle impressions that they get from other people as revealing those individuals' 'sexual histories'.
This is the sort of preoccupation with sex that the garbage cultivates in many people. It helps to keep them turned well away from any genuine self-healing / self-actualization direction and pointed instead to all the unhealthy distortions of the life experience that control from the garbage brings.
That person, like virtually every 'healer', psychic or other 'sensitive' person in the
world, has an important part of his awareness poorly grounded, and
thus his awareness tends to be open to the astral non-reality, and
thus, whether he intends it or not, his psychic or supposedly 'higher' perceptions are
mediated by or/and indeed sourced from the garbage,
through the astral non-reality. To heed such perceptions cultivates one's connection to
and interference / control from the garbage,
whether or not one is ever aware of it, and would lead to very serious problems for one
that go way beyond this lifetime.
Grounded 'energy' awareness is very different. Such grounded
awareness senses 'energies' around us simply in terms of how they're affecting us —
specifically, whether they're strengthening or weakening for us — so that we can make the
most strengthening choices at every point in our lives. Such grounded 'energy' awareness
operates without 'story'.
It's the garbage that continually seeks to insinuate 'story' into people's 'energy' awareness, and divert their attention from the reality of 'What Is', and away from their own deepest aspects, which latter are actually their only worthwhile source of information / guidance / healing.
As my own experiences showed, the garbage will relay to you an amazing array of supposedly accurate clairvoyant or channelled information, but that will ALWAYS come with distortions and usually virtually total fictions too, and often purporting to come from 'higher' sources. This happens not in some sort of chaotic or random way, but following a ruthless agenda of seeking to lure or manipulate the 'sensitive' person into getting more into the garbage's control.
So, do you want to be yet another of the myriads of humans who've become 'lost' to the garbage because they've fallen to the latter's lures (particularly fascinations and illusory realities), or do you want to become free, happy and fulfilled and to revert to fundamental consciousness ('the Ultimate') as Nature intended when you die?
— If it's the latter alternative you want, then getting properly grounded is crucial, as is using self-healing / self-actualization methods that are free from garbage connections (nearly all are not) and which are grounding in their effect. In Healing and self-actualization — The safest and quickest way I outline a range of such methods, and include a section on proper grounding. Also crucially important (actually linked to from that page) is Affirmations & declarations of intent for healing & self-actualization.
The most powerful way that I know to cultivate grounded 'energy' awareness is by use of the self-actualization methods that I present in Healing and Self-Realization — The Safest and Quickest Way. Those methods turned my life around, progressively wiping out garbage interference and influence.
And finally, to answer that person's query directly — my answer is Yes and no
. That is,
I do pick up certain non-physically derived impressions about people, but they're generally NOT of a clairvoyant nature, but more in the sense of my having a recognition of
the areas of energy/awareness openness, blocks and distortions that a person is carrying.
If I do get a more detailed element of 'story' about a person come into my mind, nowadays I filter it out, because I know from experience that this would have come to me from the garbage and, whether it's true or false, it's been presented to me with an agenda to lead me astray in some manner or other, and get me more into the clutches of the garbage again.
If you're in any doubt as to whether openness to the astral non-reality and thus the garbage is worth excluding entirely from your life, just read The 'forces of darkness' ('astral beings') — My own tough experiences and related pages that are listed underneath that page's Contents list. If, having read all that, you're still happy to be ungrounded and open to the astral non-reality, well, that's your choice, and I have more constructive priorities than minding your business rather than my own!
Why is there a pain around my solar plexus while I'm astrally projecting?
— To which I'd be inclined to say, Why the hell are you astrally projecting
, and also Why is there a searing pain in my hand when I put it in a flame?
Astral projection / travel is one of the most dangerous things you can possibly do, with regard to non-physical aspects of reality. If you genuinely understood what so-called astral travel or astral projection really is, you simply wouldn't even consider doing such a thing.
When you do astral projection or astral travel, you're massively ungrounding an important part of your awareness, and opening yourself Big Time to the garbage, for it to do whatever it will with you, including giving you a partial walk-in or a serious spirit attachment problem — not to mention all sorts of more or less direct interferences and attacks from the garbage, including indeed becoming unawarely incorporated into the cacoprotean network.
Indeed, if you've been doing astral projection / travel, there's a high chance that you already have one or more of those issues, and this is a major part of the cause of the various problems and issues that you're nowadays experiencing. The garbage widely interferes with particular people to cultivate an interest in and fascination with astral projection / travel for just that purpose.
Also, what you perceive during astral projection / travel is NOT anything 'real' or 'concrete' (and thus supposedly worth exploring) but instead is simply images and impressions given to you by the garbage in order to mislead you and get you ensnared in illusory realities, so making you a total captive of the garbage on a time-scale extending unthinkably far beyond this lifetime, as I explain in The true nature of 'the forces of darkness' and its interference and attacks.
Thus let me spell it out clearly — there's NO real travel or projection that you can do through the astral non-reality. So-called astral travel or astral projection is actually all illusory, because the very nature of the astral non-reality from our conscious viewpoint is that of illusion and distortion of 'reality'. So you're creating big problems for yourself if you engage with that stuff and believe that it's in some manner 'real'.
When people use astral projection in 'healing', they have a tremendously misguided notion of how to go about healing work, and every time they use such a method they put themselves in extreme danger, quite apart from not even doing genuine healing work. You NEVER need to use astral projection or travel for supposed 'healing', nor indeed for anything at all worthwhile.
So, to answer the original question, I'd say that any such solar plexus ache clearly indicates an attack from the garbage, though it would most likely be using attached parasitic 'lost' souls or/and particular primary archetypes as weapons for this purpose.
Are you so sure now that you want to be astrally projecting / travelling?
If you've been doing so and now want to clear yourself of the problems you've thus created or greatly exacerbated for yourself, there's still real hope for you! Your best starting point would be Crisis emergency self-help — Life upturn the SMART way, whether or not you consider yourself to be in any sort of crisis. If you want to understand a bit more about why the astral is so troublesome for us all, please see my glossary entry for astral non-reality.
As a teacher, can I be myself?
To me that question is utterly bizarre, and it reflects an almost universal misunderstanding as to what makes a worthwhile teacher. There's an almost universally held notion that to pass on information to another person for the purpose of that person's learning it you have to put on what I call an inscrutable front of 'perfection'. In other words, Teacher has to be perceived as 'right' and unflawed, or at least superior, and unquestionable.
This is all bullshit, which has come to us from the garbage, which seeks to get us all inextricably tied up in personal status and control agendas.
So, to come back to that question, I'd say that anyone who isn't openly being him/herself can't be a worthwhile teacher (except of deception) — period. And that applies to ANY sort of teacher, including schoolteachers.
Why is self-realization so difficult?
Wrong question! Try this one instead: Why does self-realization appear to
many (or most) people to be so difficult?
There can be nothing really difficult about self-realization / self-actualization, because it's simply a matter of learning to be fully yourself, and to stop doing the 1,001 things you're habitually doing that point you away from uncovering and tuning into your own deepest aspects. To achieve that requires releasing all the emotional stresses, traumas and beliefs that you carry — which actually can be a simple and easy matter, albeit an ongoing process and not instantaneous.
So, how come that not doing all those things that get in the way seems so difficult?
The answer is habitual tendencies or patterns, and the very much related issue of emotional attachments.
These arise as a result of emotional stress or trauma that we fail to clear from our system, and are very much kept in place and indeed by various means augmented by the garbage, generally via the use of primary archetypes and attached 'lost' human souls. The garbage in particular consistently seeks to divert everyone's focus away from any direct and simple means towards self-actualization.
The garbage's means to divert people in this way include ALL religions and ALL so-called spiritual paths and traditions. These have come to us from the garbage to lure people into distorted views of self-actualization that make genuine self-actualization at best a long and difficult process and indeed for most people frankly unattainable.
The solution to this situation is simply to turn away from so-called spirituality altogether and use methods such as those that I present in Healing and self-actualization — The safest and quickest way. That way, you can be working from and with your own deepest aspects, which, at their deepest level are effectively 'the Ultimate', and thus no longer be led astray by the garbage and the obstructive beliefs that it cultivates.
What are the karmic consequences of a grudge?
When a person asks this sort of thing I can be quite sure that they have in mind the troublesome distortion of the real meaning of 'karma', which the garbage has cultivated in various religious, spiritual and healing traditions. I explain about the real and distorted meanings of karma in What Karma Really Is — Cutting Through the Confusion.
So, I reject any notion that you will get some sort of punishment (i.e., from some external force or presence) for holding a grudge (i.e., because it's a Bad Thing). However, that's far from the end of the story, because even with the undistorted meaning of 'karma' (i.e., the accumulation of weakenings and distortions in your non-physical aspects caused by inharmonious choices, events and situations in your life) you do gain a karma from holding a grudge.
Indeed the grudge itself is a karma, but as long as it's held, it continues to generate further levels of karma through the ways that it causes your outlook and behaviour to be distorted and thus stressful to yourself — each further stress stored in your system actually being another karma. Even though any such karma in itself may be very tiny indeed, these all accumulate, so that the eventual harmful effects of holding that grudge can be very major.
A grudge itself is a distortion of your emotional energy, which creates distortions in other parts of your non-physical aspects, and, quite apart from the grudge itself greatly marring your life experience, over time you'd get physical health issues and very likely various 'misfortunes' that result from 'fruition' of those distortions and the accumulation of all the consequent ones as they all increasingly distort your physical being and life experience.
According to my own inner inquiry, held grudges are among the most potent of the stored stresses that are predisposing factors towards eventual cancers as well as other serious health conditions.
However, for many (but far from all) people, there can be an apparent sort of retributional or 'an eye for an eye' quality about the harmful effects that eventually manifest. That's because the particular people are (often unawarely) carrying beliefs that karma operates in that retributional way.
Beliefs are actually notions contained in illusory realities that we're carrying, in which the particular notions appear to be true, and these illusory realities impinge upon and distort one's experience of the 'real' physical world. The garbage is constantly cultivating such illusory realities and thus beliefs for most people, making distorted perceptions of reality to appear to be 'normal' and thus supposedly to represent the true reality.
The simple way out of this mess is to take on a direct and effective genuine self-actualization / self-realization methodology, such as I give in Healing and self-actualization — The safest and quickest way. Then you could be rapidly clearing yourself of any grudge and any distorted notions of the nature of karma, and indeed retrospectively clearing from your system the accumulated harmful effects of having been holding onto those over time. Such methods also progressively weaken the hold of and eventually 'squeeze out' in one way or another all 'entities' and garbage interferences that have been cultivating such distortions and helping to keep them in place.
Does masturbation interfere with self-realization?
It's not masturbation itself that interferes with the self-actualization / self-realization process. In many ways masturbation is just as neutral in itself as, say, sitting on a clifftop rock to admire the tremendous view — though it's a bit weakening for one when practised more frequently than is biologically beneficial — and it's always ungrounding, which isn't conducive to a genuine self-actualization process, and may cause or exacerbate all manner of problems, some of which could be really serious.
As to what's biologically beneficial, it's NOT to do with when you want to 'do it', but to do with how frequently you need to do it in order not to get certain physical problems later in life — the widely recognised one being prostate enlargement in men. I don't know if there are any equivalent considerations for women, but there might well be, whether or not they're medically recognised.
The main problem about masturbation (as with all sexual activity) is in the enormous degree of attachment that nearly all of us have to erotic and orgasmic ecstasy feelings, and the way that this is cultivated and ruthlessly exploited by the garbage in order to control us and keep us pointing firmly away from true self-actualization.
Because of this, masturbating at one particular time or in one particular context would be highly problematical, while on another occasion, in a different context, a particular masturbation could be actually supportive to your self-actualization process. A key consideration is, to what extent are you allowing yourself to be driven by desire (which is an aspect of attachment) and are keeping your awareness within that desire and attachment rather than maintaining a balanced and more detached perspective?
If you're seeking some sort of reconciliation between self-actualization and masturbation, a prime need is to keep aware all the time of the extent to which feelings of desire and attachment are taking you out of balance, and to seek, in a loving and non-judgmental manner, to get yourself more into balance.
It's extremely unhealthy and unsupportive to self-actualization if you're constantly trying to suppress urges to masturbate or to have particular sexual or erotic experiences, so aware balance is what's called for, not a general suppression, and NOBODY is truly in a position to prescribe to you how much or how little masturbation or eroticism would be healthiest for you, because they simply have no clue and are just mouthing garbage-sourced beliefs if they do say anything on the subject.
As I intimate in Love is not what nearly all people believe, the most effective way to assist yourself into a truly healthy balance is to take up careful, aware and discerning use of Helpfulness Testing. Then you can test for yourself as to whether it would be 'strengthening' or 'weakening' for you to masturbate or have some particular erotic experience at the present moment.
Provided you're using the Helpfulness Testing method carefully and aren't getting misled by garbage interference, you'd almost certainly find that the answers that you get point to some prospective masturbations as helpful while others would be indicated to be 'weakening' or unhelpful.
And again, Helpfulness Testing, if used awarely and creatively, would point to particular ways of going about that solitary sexual or erotic experience that would be more strengthening or less so for you — so, this way, you can choose whichever way of going about it that's either most healthy or, at least, least unhealthy for you, depending on the circumstances at the particular time.
However, if you're being strongly driven by an arousal that won't go away (almost certainly caused by garbage interference), it's important to Helpfulness-Test not only the notion of masturbation but the notion of continuing to try to resist that particular pressure to masturbate.
While you may be able to get your attention on to other things during the daytime and so get it more grounded, when you're in bed the garbage can keep you awake all night if you keep trying to resist the urge, and that would be exhausting and actually harmful to you because of its stressfulness. Your own deepest aspects would recognise that and in such circumstances almost certainly, if given the appropriate 'query' via Helpfulness Testing, would indicate 'strengthening' for you to 'go ahead' in that specific situation just so that you could get that pressure off you and then get some sleep.
If you do that with the clear intent that you're aiming for a better balance and are simply making pragmatic interim choices towards that end rather than making your masturbation or sexual / erotic experiences an actual goal in your life, then you're on a very healthy and 'strengthening' course despite sometimes having to pragmatically make the odd apparently 'weakening' choices.
I don't mean by this that one needs to avoid enjoying and indeed getting the most out of the experiences while one is having them, for such avoidance would be getting into self denial, and that's just as harmful as attachment to seemingly pleasurable or ecstatic experiences.
Even if you seem not to be getting 'driven' at all towards masturbation, if you're male and do Helpfulness Testing you'd probably find that if you don't have moderately regular opportunities for eroticism with one or more appropriate people, you get an indication, via Helpfulness Testing, that periodic masturbation is actually beneficial, and not doing it at all is actually harmful, because, as already intimated, not to have periodic ejaculations adversely affects hormone levels in the blood and quite potently encourages prostate enlargement.
I don't know whether there's an equivalent situation for women, but in any case Helpfulness Testing is the way to find out what's uniquely 'right' for you at the present time. The words of supposed 'experts' on the subject are worth nothing against the results of your own Helpfulness Testing, provided the latter is carried out with due care and awareness — in particular, with vigilance for garbage interference.
Can masturbation draw dark spiritual entities into your life?
For starters, I'd keep completely clear of the adjective 'spiritual' for anything, because of the problematical and highly confused connotations with which the garbage has loaded it in people's minds. I assume that by 'spiritual', the questioner really meant 'non-physical'.
As explained in my answer to the previous question, masturbation itself is relatively neutral apart from always being ungrounding, and indeed it doesn't actually attract anything at all to you (at least, anything that's objectively real).
However, if, as is generally the case, masturbation (or indeed any other sexual activity) is being practised out of feelings of compulsion, the garbage would be involved in that compulsion, and your doing it more frequently than is biologically beneficial would be rather weakening for your non-physical aspects, and there would be other, probably much greater, weakening effects caused by allowing yourself to be driven and controlled by your desires. Those themselves are being cultivated and manipulated by the garbage. Indeed, the garbage drives quite a few people to extremely frequent sexual activity, and that's seriously weakening for one.
Everything that ungrounds you and weakens your non-physical aspects is in some degree rendering you more open and vulnerable to the garbage. So, depending upon a person's individual situation, it could look as though doing a lot of masturbation has attracted 'entities' to the person, BUT it would be almost certain that what was really happening was that the garbage was already interfering a lot with the person, even if only covertly. It would have managed to get the person to unground and weaken himself sufficiently to enable it then to interfere more intrusively, posing as 'entities'.
Excessive masturbation could well have been part of the means used to weaken the person*, though most likely the primary means would have been something else more potent, such as alcohol, smoking or other drugs, or indeed some types of supposed healing methods such as use of moldavite or sacred geometry devices (which latter indeed dropped me myself right in the brown stuff, Big Time!).
* Actually it would most likely be more a symptom rather than a major cause of the problem.
Why do we need channelled information?
Why do you need a hippopotamus in your bath? Why do you need a hungry ferret up your trousers? Why do you need to go to bed with a green mamba? — The answer is just the same: you don't! Indeed I'd go further and say we need channelled information like we need a great big hole in our head.
My own hard experience demonstrates a definite need for us to keep completely clear of any channelled information, never mind how elevated or even 'divine' the source may appear to be. See Channelling and clairvoyance problems — The safe alternative, The 'forces of darkness' ('astral beings') — My own tough experiences and The true nature of 'the forces of darkness' and its interference and attacks.
Can chakra meditation remove a spirit attachment from a person's aura?
Not to my knowledge. Indeed, it would be greatly helpful for a start if you let go of the very concepts of 'aura' and 'chakras' and worked only from your own deepest aspects. If you want to remove 'entities' from yourself or somebody else, truly effective means to address the situation are given in 'Dark force' and entity troubles — The real way to clear them and certain related pages that that one links to — but those methods are NOT the sort of instant casting-out operations that people misguidedly expect of healings for 'entity' removal.
They need to be repeated regularly, and the work is NOT attempting to cast anything out at all, but the person healing and strengthening his/her non-physical aspects to make them increasingly resistant to garbage and 'entity' issues. Really this is work that has to be done by the affected person and can't be done on his behalf by somebody else.
Please note that I warn about seeking to remove 'entities' from other people, or indeed supposedly giving 'healings' to them. People's involvements with doing that are inevitably ineffective and are extremely unhealthy and liable to cause them serious problems, as well as very likely compounding the problems of the people they're seeking to help.
The most important thing is always to be working consistently on clearing your own 'entity' issues and garbage interferences. What any people who you want to 'help' really need to be doing is NOT to be 'helped', but to reclaim their own self-empowerment and to get clearing their issues themselves!
Impossible!? — Not at all! Their starting point is right here on this site — Crisis emergency self-help — Life upturn the SMART way.
Even actual spirit attachments involve garbage interference, and in any case usually what people identify as a spirit attachment is nothing other than garbage interference (albeit usually involving attached parasitic lost souls, which are a related but rather different phenomenon to the so-called spirit attachment, or/and primary archetypes), though quite often an elemental may be a major factor. Fortunately, at least with my methodology, you have the simplicity of using the same methods for any or all of those issues.
How can I remove dark astral energies from my aura?
Although that particular description of the troublesome 'energies' is a bit confused, my answer is the same regardless of the exact nature of those supposed 'energies'. What's actually being referred to is garbage interferences, which may possibly involve an elemental and possibly soul fragments or/and some sort of spirit attachment.
Any and all these issues can be progressively resolved by taking up the methodology pointed to in 'Dark force' and entity troubles — The real way to clear them and certain pages on this site that it links to — though the best starting point for most people, even if they don't consider themselves to be in crisis, is Crisis emergency self-help — Life upturn the SMART way.
Can positive entities attach to me?
Actually, no, because anything that would attach to you is harmful and therefore can't sensibly be regarded as 'positive', regardless of any appearances. You may certainly get the impression of positive, benign or beneficial 'entities' around you, but those would all be bogus, as I explain in The true nature of 'the forces of darkness' and its interference and attacks.
The garbage, which poses as those supposedly beneficial entities or beings is actually NOT entities attached to you at all, but rather, you're simply open to it because the astral non-reality, through which the garbage operates, is an intrinsic aspect of consciousness itself.
Indeed, as I explain in the aforementioned major account, astral 'entities' appears to be a misnomer, because they're just illusions created in one's mind by the astral thought form complex that is the executive aspect of the garbage, which may put on the appearance of being entities or indeed conscious beings, but in reality is something completely different, more like an autonomous, self sustaining computer virus, created in 'thought energy'.
How can I tell if dark entities are around?
If you mean astral entities (also known as 'dark' entities), then the question is irrelevant because they're just illusions created in one's mindspace by the real troublemaker (the garbage), which is always 'around' and interfering with you and other people whether or not you're aware of the fact.
Unlike people, the manifestations of the garbage aren't geographically located, but elementals are, and also soul fragments are (sort-of), and in any case it may well be that the questioner is really thinking more of troublesome manifestations relating to what seem to be ghosts or ghost-like things.
The best way to tell if there are any soul fragments or troublesome elementals attached to a particular location or person is to use Helpfulness Testing (NOT dowsing or channelling). Your direct impressions may well give you false information, because most likely they'd come from your garbage interference and thus would be given to you with the purpose of misleading you.
However, Helpfulness Testing can't tell you what's true or false, so actually even this can't indicate categorically whether a person has attached entities / elementals. The most you can get in this manner is a working hypothesis that's indicated to be 'strengthening' for you to use as a working assumption for the current purpose at the present time — but you simply can't know by any means for sure what the actual, objective situation is.
How can I remove astral masters' power to control?
First of all, and crucially importantly, you need to get right out of your mind and right out of your whole being the very notion that anything at all in the astral non-reality is a 'master' or indeed any sort of conscious being at all. As long as you regard the garbage as actual beings with power, you're cultivating and reinforcing its ability to manifest in that way. The astral non-reality is that aspect of reality into which we project all our illusions, beliefs and distorted perceptions and distorted notions. It's thus not at all a place where there ever could be such a thing as a 'real' being, let alone a 'master'.
Indeed, if every single human-type being in all of 'Existence' completely cleared themselves of all notion that the astral non-reality contains 'masters' or consciously aware beings, and recognised that what's there is nothing more than empty, virus-like thought forms, almost certainly within a matter of months to a few years in Earth time the whole massively troublesome contents of the astral non-reality would dissolve, humans then being free to start developing healthily and positively at last.
I explain more about the true nature and origin of the garbage in The true nature of 'the forces of darkness' and its interference and attacks. As for means to clear out your own personal interferences from the garbage, I refer you to 'Dark force' and entity troubles — The real way to clear them.
Can a self-realized person have a partner?
It's not a matter of can
or can't
, but of whether having a partner would be helpful
or supportive to the person's self-actualized /
self-realized state or/and self-actualization process. What people almost
universally mean by a partner is a strongly and exclusively attached companion. That's incompatible with true self-actualization or indeed fully 'whole' and healthy
living. So, if you know a supposedly self-actualized person who has such a partner or
indeed a spouse, that's a quite good indicator of a serious limitation of and block to
that person's 'full' (i.e., optimal) self-actualization.
Companionship and indeed great closeness between highly compatible individuals is in itself perfectly compatible with self-actualization, and indeed supportive of it, but ONLY without attachment. Most people don't understand that closeness doesn't require attachment and so tend to confuse the two.
There are lots of people out there who believe that their own long-term close relationships are indeed unattached. However, although usually in such cases the individuals concerned are pointing in the right overall direction, in looking to cultivate individual self sufficiency and self determination, they're generally deceiving themselves in imagining that their relationships are unattached at the present time. Generally, as long as they think in terms of having a 'relationship' at all they're sabotaging any aspiration for genuine non-attachment and personal freedom that they do have.
I refer you to Love is not what nearly all people believe.
How does alcohol attract dark entities?
This question prompts me to clarify, for two different manifestations tend to be involved with alcohol use, and they both tend to get called 'dark entities'.
The garbage, which commonly manifests as apparent entities, and everyone has connection and some degree of interference from it via the astral non-reality. You can't therefore attract the garbage, because you've already 'got' it! You can, however, cause its interferences to become stronger and more extensive.
What alcohol does is to harm the drinker's non-physical aspects in ways that make the person much more open to interference and attacks from the garbage (which has most likely controlled the person into drinking in the first place), and also make the person more open to getting soul fragments and other problematical non-physical manifestations such as thought forms and elementals attaching to him/her. Drinking alcohol even in the most modest quantities always has this effect, at least to some extent, so there's no truly safe or healthy amount of alcohol to drink.
How can I recognise my twin flame?
Sorry to disappoint you (though glad to have the opportunity to point you to the real situation!), but you can't recognise your twin flame, ever, because in the 'real world', objectively there's no such thing even as a soul mate, let alone a twin flame or twin soul — at least, in the sense invariably meant by people using those terms.
The whole notion of the twin flame — a sort of super-soul-mate with whom you're destined to come together at some point in your purported evolution — is one of the many troublesome fictions that have come to us from the garbage, as I explain in Love is not what nearly all people believe. See also Exploring close relationships — Exit the soul mate.
However, as pointed out on those pages, in no way am I claiming that there aren't some individuals out there who are potentially extremely compatible for you and would make great companions for you in appropriate circumstances. If you use Helpfulness Testing carefully and awarely, heeding all the caveats that I give about using it, you'd be able to confirm any particular person's suitability or otherwise to be any sort of companion for you at the present time or potentially, in the future.
On the other hand, if you're thinking in terms of seeking companionship you're off the rails to start with, because the real need is to get on with life and enjoy the companionships that naturally arise as one gets on with various active and indeed creative interests and activities in everyday life.
In my own life experience I've been aware of the very occasional individual who does appear to have some very deeply sourced connection with me (my inner inquiry supporting that impression), but always my further inner inquiry as to the nature of such apparent connections has indicated that the true nature of any such connections can't be established, and that this would be the case for ANY person, and that it would be unhelpful to get into 'story' about them.
In any case, where such a connection is apparent, that does NOT in itself mean that the two of you are 'meant' to come together in some sort of 'relationship'. Rather, it underlines the importance of ongoing use of Helpfulness Testing to establish what's the most beneficial choice for you to make at the current time with regard to any person and indeed any aspect of your life. That way, you can make the best possible choices with regard to any person, whether (s)he has any apparent connection with you or not, so that then the presence or absence of a connection is something that you don't need consciously to concern yourself about.
Why does it hurt so much to meet my twin flame?
It doesn't, because there's no external 'twin flame' to meet, as noted in the previous answer. The reason for what you're experiencing is quite major interference that you're receiving from the garbage, which cultivates attachment in us and thus gets us believing in and hankering after predestined soul mate or twin flame relationships.
Actually, it's painful emotions that are the basis of attachment, and if you feel such painful emotion when faced with a particular person with whom you seem to have a strong positive 'energy' resonance, that indicates that you have a relatively deep level of awareness and are better able to clear yourself of such attachments and the underlying emotional issues than the vast majority of people, who are simply driven by such attachments and even experience them as pleasurable, much as a smoking addict experiences the harm and physical pain of tobacco smoke in their lungs as 'enjoyment'.
You feel the pain so much because the garbage, in response to certain emotional 'buttons' being pushed, attacks you with the relevant emotional trauma energy and feelings in order to greatly magnify what would otherwise be quite slight painful emotion feelings. The chances are, too, that all or nearly all of the substance of those feelings will be from trauma material and experiences that aren't even yours, but which are coming through your 'active' connections to particular primary archetypes.
In particular, I recognise a specific primary archetype as being the source of this myth of the soul mate / twin flame / twin soul. The effects of any primary archetypes to which you're connected can be progressively minimized and possibly cleared over a relatively short time-scale by ongoing use of the methodology that I give in Healing and self-actualization — The safest and quickest way.
Can twin flames be homosexual?
No, because in the 'real world', 'twin flames' don't exist! Yes, within an illusory reality they may appear to exist, but you'd get that impression only as long as you're allowing yourself to be interfered with by the garbage. As noted in the answer above, the notion of the twin flame is one of the multitude of lures used by the garbage to bring people under its control and away from genuine self-actualization.
Also as noted in the previous answer, if your real concern is about whether you can come together with a truly compatible person, then I can say with confidence that there are bound to be such people available somewhere, and the deepest and closest friendships and companionships can be between people of same or opposite gender.
However, you'd do best to concentrate on your own self-healing / self-actualization process, because your interest in twin flames and seeking a particular 'orientation' of relationship, and indeed, in having a special 'relationship' at all, suggests that you have major issues to clear before you're able to relate healthily and satisfyingly in a really deep and close way with anyone, and indeed also there's need to clear out the garbage influences that are affecting your perception of what would really benefit you in terms of relationships.
Genuinely healthy relationships are NOT sought-for ones and indeed wouldn't even be thought of as 'relationships', at least in the generally meant sense!
Could I be stuck if my twin flame [/soul mate] is stuck?
It's not a matter of 'could', nor a matter of whether the particular person you have in mind is 'stuck'. If you believe that a particular person is your twin flame (or soul mate) you are stuck — seriously so! As noted in the preceding three answers, the twin flame and indeed the soul mate is an illusory concept that the garbage seeks to get us engaging with, for it seeks to cultivate attachment in us in all manner of ways, and being attached to another person is a very potent limiting and stultifying means of being kept away from genuine self-actualization and freedom from garbage interference and influence.
So, you can take a big step forward in your liberation by using particularly the Grounding Point procedure and Self-Power Walking to enable you to clear yourself of your attachment both to any particular individuals and to the very notion of anyone being a twin flame or soul mate of yours, and indeed to the very concepts of the twin flame and the soul mate.
That doesn't mean, of course, that there aren't some people out there who are highly compatible with you and with whom it would be a great experience to encounter or indeed be companions with when there's some particular circumstance that brings you together for a while, such as a particular shared activity.
But attachment to and belief in some 'bond of love' is a very serious obstacle to the genuine self-actualization process. A 'bond of love' is indeed a bond, but a bond of attachment or/and desire, not of love, and is a restrictive, limiting factor in your life, which you need to dissolve. Love is our innate propensity to experience delight in everything and everyone in our surroundings, and is nothing to do with bonds. Love is the stuff of freedom, while bonds are the stuff of captivity.
Does your spirit leave your body sleeping and astral travel to heal?
It's a common belief among 'healers' and psychics that this occurs, and they use this purported happening to explain why some people who are at least to a fair extent 'psychic' find themselves waking up in the morning feeling drained or 'shagged out' after what was apparently a peaceful night's sleep.
My understanding, however, is that this is NOT what's happening, and indeed it simply doesn't happen. This notion of people going on 'astral walkies for healing purposes' in their sleep is one of the multitude of deceptions that have been given to 'healers' and psychics by the garbage in order both to divert them from finding out the real cause of their tiredness and exhaustion and to lead them further astray with a belief that's very troublesome in its own right and that also cultivates an interest in astral travel.
If you're waking up of a morning feeling 'shagged out' with no obvious physical explanation, it's quite likely that your energy is being drained by one or more 'spirit attachments', elementals or/and soul fragments. THAT is what (or rather, one of the many things that) the garbage would be seeking to hide from you, for it's a regular part of its agenda to get people set up with 'entity' attachments that make them weak and more vulnerable to the garbage.
However, before just assuming that such tiredness on waking up has a non-physical cause, it would be important to investigate the possibility of there being a physical cause — i.e., a virus infection, 'post-viral' or 'chronic fatigue' syndrome, or some other physical health issue (which could indeed include some types of developing cancer).
So, the practical answer, then, is that for your own well-being you need to let go completely of any notion of your doing astral travel or astral projection for any purpose at all, and instead to have an appropriate medical check-up and also to take on genuinely effective self-actualization / self-realization methods that clear out any attached 'entities' and progressively clear you of garbage interferences — such as I give in Healing and self-actualization — The safest and quickest way.
Where can I find some spells to protect me from astral / dark entities?
Nowhere, because ALL spells are sourced from the garbage — regardless of whether they come from 'white' or 'black' witchcraft or any other tradition — and thus are no true protection at all — though the garbage may organise its interferences in such a way as to deceive you into believing that certain spells do protect you. Of course there are plenty of spells out there that are claimed to protect you from supposed entities / 'dark forces', but 'claimed' is the operative word there.
If you're serious about wanting to get clear of the garbage's interferences, you need to get right out of Wicca, Satanism or whatever 'spiritual', mystical or paganistic tradition or group you're in, and take on genuine self-actualization methods, such as I give in Healing and self-actualization — The safest and quickest way. For a particularly effective direct replacement for the hopelessly useless and garbage reinforcing notion of 'spells', you'd do yourself an immense favour by regular use of my set of affirmations for self-actualization and 'entity' / garbage clearance.
Can Reiki help with night terrors?
Not to any useful extent. Indeed, because of Reiki's strong garbage connections* and the way it weakens one's grounding (like virtually all 'spiritual' healing methods), it would in some circumstances exacerbate any hell (including 'night terrors') problem. In Night terrors and hell experiences — Understanding and clearing them I explain about the true nature of 'night terrors' and go on to give pointers as to how you can address and resolve any night hell issue.
* Sorry, but true! Read My own self-actualization process or 'path' — Part 1 to see how spiritual healing,
including Reiki, was part of the means by which the garbage
was leading me astray and into very big troubles. My certificate that laughably proclaims
me a Reiki Master
isn't worth the paper it's printed on!
Why do night terrors involve insects?
I assume the questioner is referring to insects being among the images presented in hell (which includes night terror) displays. Actually, they wouldn't necessarily appear to a significant extent in everyone's night hells, but I'd expect them to be at least a common feature for many. Certainly particular types of insects were quite a significant feature in my own childhood night hell visuals — primarily masses of writhing maggots on the one hand and quivering, twitchy ichneumon wasps and similar insects on the other.
As I understand it, this arises from particular types of insects having historically been the focus of many people's feelings of revulsion and indeed fear. Some of the parasitic lost souls attached to a person may well have had traumas that involved such insects or in some way got emotionally linked to their revulsion / fear of those insects — though the primary cause of the phobic associations of various types of insects lies in particular primary archetypes to which affected people are connected.
So, the present-time person experiencing hells would have the garbage presenting visuals that restimulate phobic trauma feelings associated with the insect images, and then would attack with those feelings in order to greatly intensify the unbearableness of the experience.
I suspect that such trauma experiences in the relevant primary archetype(s) or indeed carried by attached parasitic lost souls would in a fair number of cases relate to experiences in Satanism and other traditions of 'dark' practices, where various kinds of insects — both real and visualized / illusory — may be used for the purpose of heightening feelings of fear / revulsion during some of their practices — particularly sexual practices, and men would even direct their ejaculations into images of those insects (women visualizing their being 'raped' by the insects).
For more about the true nature of hells, please see Night terrors and hell experiences — Understanding and clearing them.
Which part of the brain is involved in night terrors?
That's actually an extremely unhelpful question, because it's based in the materialist-reductionist belief that our experiences are based in aspects of brain function. As I explain in The Nature of Reality and Truth, the very impression or concept of our having a brain is itself a construct of mind or consciousness, and thus in trying to understand any of our experiences, the brain isn't a useful place to start looking. You can get to understand or explain experiences only by reference to, or in relation to, experience itself.
If you really want to get understanding hells (which include 'night terrors'), and actually start doing something useful about them, you're in luck and have come to the right website, for the information you need (albeit not necessarily what you thought you were after) is in Night terrors and hell experiences — Understanding and clearing them and the related pages that page links to.
Is hearing voices demonic or psychotic?
This question is understandable, and clearly is coming from somebody who is genuinely seeking to get a deeper understanding of 'hearing voices', but who still has some very basic (and normal) confusions.
In order to start gaining a proper understanding of the true cause of 'hearing voices', one prerequisite is that we let go of labels like 'demonic' or 'psychotic', and even 'hearing voices'. Those labels have belief systems attached to them, and so in order to really get understanding what's going on, you have to drop those labels and never use them again.
Now, having given my little (but important) homily, I refer you to 'Hearing voices': how to stop them — The REAL self-help way!, in which you will find pointers as to how to clear oneself from the underlying cause of that phenomenon.
How do you stop astral nasties from following you?
You can't, because they aren't following you (at least, if they're anything astral)! The garbage, which so often manifests as apparent 'entities' (whether 'dark' or 'Divine'), is non-physical and not physically located, so if you get the impression of any such (actually illusory) entities following you, that's simply an impression given to you by the garbage to unsettle, disturb and frighten you.
The astral non-reality is an intrinsic aspect of consciousness, so everybody is at least potentially open to whatever is in the astral non-reality — and so, in reality (sic), nothing in the astral non-reality would really be following anyone, but the garbage would simply be already with you and interfering with you in various ways via the astral non-reality.
It's possible, however, that the questioner was really referring to experiences with certain kinds of elemental, which could indeed at least seem to be following a person around — and the garbage could use the non-physical aspects of a particularly poorly grounded person to create elementals that would indeed follow the person in order to frighten him.
Elementals aren't true (i.e., conscious) beings and thus can only loosely be called entities, but unlike the garbage they are physically located — or, more correctly, they're 'semi-physically' located. I explain about them in The true nature of 'the forces of darkness' and its interference and attacks.
However, whatever is troubling the person who asked the above question, there's a range of ongoing measures to take, which would progressively clear the problem. The best starting point is probably Crisis emergency self-help — Life upturn the SMART way.
Can wearing of crystals bring on a period?
I hope not — at least, not for me! For women the picture might be a little different, though…
Generally speaking, wearing of crystals (or using them in any way or just having them around in your living space) is decidedly harmful to your non-physical aspects, as I explain in Sacred geometry, wands and crystals — A serious warning. For this reason, different people can experience widely varying undesirable physical effects — nearly all of which would have a long-delayed onset, for it takes time for a serious amount of 'energy system' damage to accumulate and for this to progressively translate through into physical effects.
So, yes, for a particular person one of the adverse effects could theoretically indeed be that of bringing on a period — though I'm not aware of any general tendency for crystals to specifically cause period disturbances for any woman who goes wearing or otherwise using them.
Can fear lower your vibrations during astral travel and take you to the lower astral world?
Methinks whoever asked that question is in BIG trouble and could do with Crisis emergency self-help — Life upturn the SMART way quick! Just carefully read my Glossary entry for astral non-reality, and get understanding what a horrendous enormity each person is perpetrating by doing that really crass thing.
I've already briefly explained further above the big problem about astral travel / astral projection. Also, this person has taken on board beliefs and illusory realities that greatly help to bring him/her under the control of the garbage. The whole concept of higher and lower 'vibrations' is a New-Age one given to us by the garbage to divert us away from simply seeking to expand and deepen our awareness in a grounded way and thus maximize our clarity.
For 'high vibrations' you can quite safely read 'ungroundedness with garbage connected awareness', and for 'low vibrations' you can similarly read 'ungroundedness with garbage connected unawareness'. In other words, it's by far the best to keep right away from the whole notion of 'vibrations' (in the non-physical sense).
The concept of a lower astral world (or 'dimension' or 'plane') is another bogus one that has been given to us from the garbage, which presents to us a range of polarities that appear to make the astral non-reality into a place where actual beings could reside and where people could go. So, for example, you have the polarities of 'light' and 'dark', good and evil, positive and negative, and 'high' and 'low'.
However, once you understand the true nature of the astral non-reality you'd realize that such concepts are meaningless there, except as aspects of illusions that the garbage is constantly trying to get us engaging with and incorporating into our perception of 'reality' and so getting ourselves ensnared by the garbage.
Also, the whole concept of there being any sort of astral world at all in which people could travel or project themselves is a deception given to us from the garbage in order to get us believing that story and thus creating an illusory reality in which all that appears to exist and be true, to encourage people to involve themselves with their illusory reality and the garbage.
In The true nature of 'the forces of darkness' and its interference and attacks you can find out what's almost certain to happen to people who involve themselves to any degree at all with all that. In that major account you can also find out more about what the garbage really is — which is something quite different from what nearly everybody believes it is.
How can I protect my solar plexus from negative vibrations?
Contrary to what almost all 'healers' and psychics would tell one, I can say with some security that the person who asked that question is seeking the wrong thing because of seriously troublesome misinformation that the garbage has given to 'healers', 'lightworkers' and psychics virtually universally.
Indeed, the whole notion of the aura and its detailed structure, including different 'energy bodies' and the chakras, has been given to us to lead us astray and divert us from genuine self-actualization / self-realization — which process would bring us the most comprehensive and effective healing and strengthening against all weakening or 'negative' so-called energies.
Although you may feel nasty feelings in your solar plexus area when you think you're experiencing 'negative energies', it's NOT specifically your solar plexus that needs protecting, but your whole being. It just happens that a high proportion of garbage attacks, masquerading as various types of harmful 'energy' events, are felt at the solar plexus, and the garbage cultivates the notion that therefore you need to protect your solar plexus, in order to divert you from taking fully effective protection measures.
And those protection measures are NOT visualizations of white or coloured light around you (that's more stuff from the garbage to lead you astray, and it simply doesn't work), but are measures to progressively build and strengthen your whole being so that you progressively become immune to all weakening or harmful 'energies', no matter what their nature or origin.
That means, in effect, true self-actualization methods, and the best place that I know of for you to find such methods is Healing and self-actualization — The safest and quickest way — though your best starting place would actually be Crisis emergency self-help — Life upturn the SMART way.
Does my belief in karma mean I should remain in my situation?
Actually that's a funny sort of question, because the answer is both clearly 'yes' and clearly 'no', according to from which viewpoint you approach it.
If you hold a belief in karma, almost certainly your 'understanding' of karma would be the seriously troublesome distortion of its true nature that's sourced from the garbage and disseminated in various religions (including Buddhism) and the majority of healing and mystical traditions.
Please see What Karma Really Is — Cutting Through the Confusion. Because of the garbage source of the distorted view of karma that people believe in, that whole set of beliefs contains an underlying thread of seeking to keep people feeling that they're tied to obligations from their past and are at the mercy of 'their karma'. If they've supposedly done some dark deed in a purported previous lifetime, then supposedly they're obliged to go through certain hardships in this lifetime to clear their 'karmic debt'.
So, if you hold that sort of belief, as long as you live your life within that belief — actually a completely illusory reality — it would be true that you're stuck with your adversities until and unless they change of their own volition, and your life events would tend to work out in ways that underline that belief.
However, to allow yourself to be so bound is, frankly, crazy!
The point here is that the moment you're into belief (any belief), you're living an illusory reality — in other words you've then to a certain extent parted company with the simple reality of 'What Is'.
From the viewpoint of reality (i.e.,'What Is'), there's no such concept as should
or shouldn't
, for use of those words is arguing or struggling against 'What Is'. The
reality is that things are as they are and people do as they do and have done as they've done. There is thus NO obligation upon you nor me nor anyone — there's only cause and
The whole concept of karma as normally understood is thus best thrown right out of the window. — Well, no, please don't do that, because other people would pick it up and reuse it! The real way to dispose of it is by use of the Grounding Point procedure, and ongoing use of my set of affirmations for comprehensive healing and self-actualization.
As long as you believe in karma as any sort of retributional or obligational force upon you or people in general, you're potently keeping yourself under control of the garbage, and the distorted and actually illusory sort of karma that you believe in would tend to manifest, and would prevent you from reverting to fundamental consciousness, as needs to happen, when you die, so that you'd then instead be more or less fully at the 'mercy' of the garbage (to which the concept of 'mercy' is completely meaningless!).
The good news is that by completely dropping any belief about karma (and indeed anything at all) and by using genuine self-actualization methods, you free yourself totally from any garbage-sourced illusion that you're in some way bound or obligated by any karma that you may be carrying. What karma really is, is simply your particular accumulation of weakenings or damage to your non-physical aspects, and a genuine and comprehensive self-actualization process progressively clears all that. No obligation in sight!
Nobody on this planet is obliged to remain in their particular situations — and indeed bringing about positive change in one's life is all part of a genuine self-actualization process, progressively freeing you from the interference and control of the garbage.
That's in any case by far the most effective way you'd make any sort of amends for any actual past unfortunate happenings — not through submitting to retributional hardships nor going around trying to make amends to people or the world at large out of some sense of obligation. The only fully and deeply meaningful amend for anyone to make is simply to clear their internal 'energy blocks' and distortions that are causing or have caused one's errors and misunderstandings.
Through doing that you enable an inner 're-evaluation' process to occur, which is a retrospective deep learning from all your past experiences from which you hadn't already learnt. That's the real amend — anything else is just titting around at the edges!
What Reiki symbols would be best to use for an anal fissure?
My question to that person is, do you want to resolve your anal fissure problem, or do
you want to keep it or indeed make it worse? I suggest you do a keyword search in the Google 'Search this site' box at the bottom of this page, for Reiki symbols
, and indeed
just Reiki
, and see what I have to say about them, and then do a similar keyword search
for anal fissures
, and see what I have to say about the normal underlying cause of them.
I don't think you need me to go drawing conclusions on your behalf…
Is it normal to hear voices in meditation?
I don't know about exactly 'normal', but it's a tremendous warning sign that one is way off course in using formal meditation sessions. Those voices, whether seemingly malign, benign or even divine, would all be manifestations of the garbage seeking to cause the person problems, and it's able to do that particularly in meditation sessions because the sessions are seriously ungrounding the person's awareness (or at least a particular part of it).
As I've indicated in various places on this site, extensive or ongoing use of formal meditation by anyone is highly problematical and best avoided. Yes, I know that many a Buddhist will claim that the problems come only when people are doing their meditation without a 'qualified' guide or guru — but, sorry to say, that's bullshit that those people have picked up from the garbage via their (ALWAYS) garbage-led gurus.
Even if you go using ongoing meditation under the direction of a 'qualified' guru (the 'qualification' is actually worthless because it's indirectly sourced from the garbage), and things seem to be going brilliantly, with no problems, you'd still be progressively building a subtle illusory reality that is a negation of what true self-realized / self-actualized life is like and is about, and it would be very quietly and covertly bringing you increasingly under the control of the garbage, whether or not you were ever aware of it.
If you want to do a really constructive and grounding replacement for all types of formal sitting meditation, then I strongly recommend Self-Power Walking. That, like the other practices and methods that I present on this site, assists you in really clearing yourself of 'entity' and garbage interferences, whereas formal sitting meditation sessions make you both more open to garbage interference and often also more oblivious of it.
I also strongly recommend giving a full and very careful read to The true nature of 'the forces of darkness' and its interference and attacks, and generally to take up the methodology presented in 'Dark force' and entity troubles — The real way to clear them.
What is the quickest way to become psychic?
Hmmm… What's the quickest way to fall over a cliff? What's the quickest way for me to blow my head off? What's the quickest way for me to wreck myself? What's the quickest way to get 'sectioned' in a psychiatric hospital? …
Well, without knowing all available means to become psychic I couldn't possibly know what's the quickest way, but I do reckon that the various methods that I was using from the time I first got into 'healing' in 1998 up to early 2007* would be quite effective. You'd thus need to keep clear of the contents of this whole website, for they progressively help you come to your senses and get away from the whole, highly troublesome, 'psychic' mindset.
* You can read about them in My Own Self-Actualization Path, and indeed about what they were actually achieving…
I think, looking back to those severely 'dark' and troubled times of mine, the use of lots of moldavite, Lemurian seed crystals and sacred geometry 'healing' devices would all 'greatly help' you become more psychic, and I could even give you a couple of very psychic-enhancing (and actually very beautiful-looking) symbols that I channelled at that time (except I'd not give them to anyone now because I don't want to go causing people harm).
…Well, actually I can easily remark thus with a certain dry humour now, because I'm doing so in hindsight. When I originally got into healing I too wanted to be psychic — indeed more psychic than anyone else! And just look what I dropped myself into by seeking to 'open myself up' in such ways. Like so many other people, I thought I was 'opening myself up spiritually' — not realizing that that was something different from genuine self-actualization, which is what I was really after (and which we all need), and was actually sinister in its implications.
What I was really doing was progressively ungrounding myself and in various ways distorting, disrupting and generally weakening my non-physical aspects in ways that enabled the garbage to have more and more control and ability to interfere with me and disrupt my life with severe attacks.
The reality is that being 'psychic' or indeed 'spiritual' is NOT being enlightened nor self-actualized, but is being open to the astral non-reality, through which the garbage operates and, as far as I can tell, interferes with every single person on the planet.
That's true no matter whether any supposed non-physical beings that one perceives appear to be demons, guides, ascended 'masters', archangels, 'Jesus' or 'God' — they're all illusory and created in one's mindspace under hijack control from the garbage, and none of them is benign, no matter what the appearance or 'feel'. So, 'being psychic' is NOT something that anyone with a proper understanding of the situation would want to aim for at all, and it represents a serious problem for the affected person (whether or not the person recognises it) — which problem, as I've intimated, can be progressively addressed by the methods given on this site.
When you let go of the seriously troublesome urge to be 'psychic' in favour of pointing yourself towards genuine self-actualization you do NOT lose all 'extra-sensory' perceptions, but you do let go of those that are ungrounded and open into the astral non-reality and thus expose you further to the garbage. Indeed you don't even lose your ability for those perceptions, for you can still, even as an optimally self-actualized person, choose temporarily to open any such astral or 'psychic' perception — for whatever good that would do you!
On the other hand you'd steadily gain and cultivate proper grounded deep awareness, which is what's truly valuable in our lives, and become increasingly able to know what you need to know from the deepest aspects of your own consciousness, without reference to any supposedly 'higher' source (which is always bogus).
But the choice is yours. Just don't let it be said that I didn't warn…
I was really scared after reading your Astral Entities article. For two nights I couldn't sleep But now am more composed. The problem is still that my chakras are open, which scares me a lot. But I'm coping and am sure will come out of it…
That was the 'bad' news. Now for the good news. It looks quite clear to me in this case as though the fear is mostly coming from attacks from the garbage, which is using your belief in the chakra system, and the belief that your chakras are vulnerabilities that can be 'open' (and supposedly let nasty things in), as its 'footholds' for attacking you. In fact that's very normal misinformation about what chakras are and how they supposedly function.
So, the answer to this is remarkably simple — to dissolve all illusory realities you're carrying, relating to the aura and chakra system being real, and also the notion that 'open' chakras are vulnerabilities and even dangerous. Also, cultivate the self-perception that your true nature is consciousness and clarity (not 'light' nor 'energy'), and is inherently immune to all non-physical 'nasties'.
As far as I can establish it, the reality is simply that we're consciousness or awareness, and NOBODY (including ALL teachers and so-called Masters) knows nor understands (nor could ever do so) what that is. Consciousness is basically immune to all interferences and attacks, and our vulnerabilities are simply our accumulation of distortions and weak points in superficial levels of that consciousness or awareness.
It's the garbage that has given people and traditions the various beliefs in a specific 'energy' system that people can 'see' and draw. The purpose of its giving us those beliefs has been to divert people away from the simplicity and directness of working purely from their own deepest aspects, and thus away from a genuine, healthily balanced self-actualization process.
So, my point here is that by getting clear of notions of the chakras and indeed the human 'energy system', you wouldn't be losing anything beneficial, let alone important, and would be pointing more squarely in the genuine self-actualization direction.
How does one most easily clear oneself of such beliefs and illusory realities? — Not by going into disbelief (which is just another belief), but by using the Grounding Point procedure to dissolve them.
As for cultivating your self-perception as being pure consciousness that's totally invulnerable apart from the odd superficial distortions that you're progressively clearing, a particularly helpful quick practice to carry out up to a few times a day would be Perception Integrator.
For releasing stored fear and indeed any other painful or problematical (trauma) emotions that you're carrying (whether or not you're aware of them), I recommend Self-Power Walking as by far the most effective and indeed enjoyable.
If my experience is anything to go by, with both those methods you'd rapidly gain a sense of joyful self-empowerment, and be rapidly letting go of any sense of the self-actualization process being some sort of grim struggle against the garbage.
Is leaving home needed for self-realization?
Theoretically no, but in practice yes, in virtually all cases — though that does depend on what's being meant by 'home'. I'm assuming here that it's one's original family home that's being referred to. For an optimal, comprehensive and balanced self-realization / self-actualization it's essential to let go of all attachments. How on earth are you going to achieve the latter if you're living in your original home and are unwilling to move out?
Yes, theoretically a person could remain there even while clearing all his attachments to staying there — EXCEPT THAT without moving out, the person would have no way of telling whether (s)he had really cleared out all attachment to remaining there, AND almost certainly in fact the person wouldn't have cleared out such an attachment, because, why is the person hanging on there in the first place?
Particular circumstances may be put forward as practical reasons for remaining there, BUT on closer examination, this is seen in virtually all cases to be just rationalization of an attachment and not really a valid reason for not moving out and at last really beginning to broaden one's life experience.
The same sort of thing applies to family set-ups, where one feels tied and obligated to
spouse and children — especially the latter. I have to stay here because of the children
is a really old chestnut that countless people use to keep themselves imprisoned and
closed to self-actualization, even when they believe they're working for the latter.
I'm not talking here of what anyone should do; I'm talking simply of what's helpful or hindering for self-actualization, and I'm seeking to encourage people to get more honest with themselves about whether they really are on a self-actualization process or are fooling themselves into believing that they are.
"I have to stay here because of the children" sounds so convincing, doesn't it! However, my experience so far has been that people who come out with that are completely unwilling to hold that assumption up to full and deep scrutiny to see if it's really true. How many such people use The Work or Grounding Point, or indeed use Helpfulness Testing to find out for themselves just what would be in their best interests?
I'm not suggesting that in every case the person would have to leave the family situation at once, but by not holding their situation up to full and deep scrutiny and question, one is still living on the basis of attachment and belief, and so completely blocking any comprehensive self-actualization process.
Am I a walk-in?
Whoever asks that question almost certainly isn't anything of the sort! For one thing, as far as I can establish, true, full walk-ins are a myth.
A walk-in is a consciousness that has completely taken over a human body, following the vacation of the body by its original consciousness, whether this is in some manner brought about forcibly or by a mutual agreement between a non-incarnated consciousness with an actual person.
What does appear to happen, all too commonly, is the partial walk-in — and the fact of these being partial underlines the very likely mythical status of full walk-ins. I have no doubt that the garbage would get no-soul people such as me completely forced out of our bodies to make way for full walk-ins if indeed that could happen, but it appears not to.
In fact the very concept of the walk-in, whether partial or full, is sourced from the garbage. There's absolutely no valid reason for a person to vacate his body until the proper time for his death, and any consciousness or 'entity' that seeks to take over a person's body or 'energy system' to any degree at all would be under control from the garbage and so there would be no beneficial reason for allowing that consciousness to achieve what it appears to be seeking.
So, now let's take the related question — Am I a partial walk-in?
. The answer to that
would be Virtually certainly, no!
. You just might be a victim of a partial
walk-in, but you wouldn't be the partial walk-in itself, because these are extremely
controlling and, as far as I can ascertain, in all cases they're programmed not to have
significant awareness of themselves as anything separate from the affected person.
Thus they would manifest simply as an apparent (changed) part of the affected person's personality, and also their programming controls the affected person into remaining unaware of his situation, and generally to be strongly defensive if challenged on this.*
* However, there do appear to be certain no-soul individuals who have an exceptionally tenaciously grounded aspect of their awareness, which, in the event of a partial walk-in, would render them at least potentially to have some degree of awareness that something is wrong and even possibly have some inkling of the actual nature of their problem.
It looks as though I'm one such individual, and if the garbage had succeeded in getting a partial walk-in 'installed in my system' (apparently it did try mighty hard to do so several times in 2003 to 2007), it's very unlikely indeed that I'd have been oblivious that there was something wrong and indeed that something appeared to have taken me over.
Indeed, the young man X who I recount in Psychiatry: my personal experience — Gaining fundamental insights appears to have been one such individual, actually having what appears to be a partial walk-in, which was giving him immense problems and behaviour disturbances. In that case he was actually seeking me out, in an almost spookily direct and perceptive manner, as somebody who could potentially help him get out of his predicament, about which he well realized the psychiatric profession had absolutely no clue. And that was well before I knew anything about partial walk-ins!
The chances are, if you're thinking you are or might be a walk-in, it's the garbage that's cultivating that notion in you — very likely as part of a particular strategy to get you ungrounding your awareness still more and thus getting yourself further into the garbage's control, and indeed more open to the possibility of actually getting loaded with a partial walk-in.
The way to get clear of any unhelpful beliefs / illusory realities in which it appears that you're a partial walk-in are remarkably simple. Use the Grounding Point procedure to dissolve all beliefs / illusory realities that you may be carrying, to the effect that you are or might be a walk-in or indeed partial walk-in, or anything other than your own true self as a straight-forward human being.
However, it's always strongly advisable also to keep an open mind to the possibility that you do have a partial walk-in, but to do so in a grounded, realistic way. That is, look out in a non-paranoid way for actual practical real life evidence that materially points to your possibly having such a problem.
How do you wear a Lemurian crystal?
How do you hang yourself? How do you wear plastic explosive? How do you wear nitric acid?
I assume the questioner actually means, "How does one wear a Lemurian crystal for maximum benefit?". — To which my answer is:
You take it to a sheer sea cliff where the sea is reasonably deep right against the cliff even at low tide, and well away from any beach where it might get washed up, and, being careful not to throw yourself over too, you throw that crystal and any other Lemurian crystals that you have over the cliff (together with any moldavite that you have, because that's similarly 'beneficial', albeit in a somewhat different way), into the sea, where, hopefully, they will get eventually worn down into relatively harmless tumble stones.
Alternatively, wearing suitable eye protection against any flying fragments, shatter them with a good hammer on suitable hard ground, and carefully clear up the remains and dispose of them in such a manner that (hopefully) you would if you'd just broken some glass there. This has the advantage that there's then no possibility at all of their ever being found and used again!
Please see Sacred geometry, wands and crystals — A serious warning.
Can astral entities physically harm you?
The strict answer here is 'no', because 'astral entities' are simply one of the plethora of types of illusion created in one's conscious awareness ('mind') by the garbage.
However, the garbage itself can cause you physical harm in a whole variety of ways, though the means are more or less indirect, precisely because the garbage (together with its illusory manifestations) is a non-physical phenomenon and so can't directly affect physical matter. I'm not going to attempt to list all ways that I know that the garbage could cause you physical harm, but here are just a few for starters.
To get your awareness sufficiently ungrounded that you get landed with a 'spirit attachment' (if you haven't already got one), which, if you can be got ungrounded enough, can move parts of your body sufficiently to throw you around and cause you injury or even death (depending what you bump into or fall off).
Actually, although it's generally assumed to be spirit attachments that behave in such ways, my current understanding is that, although 'spirit attachments' are a troublesome and remarkably common phenomenon, what actually troublesomely interacts with the affected person and physically moves him and even throws him around is NOT actual human consciousnesses (what is generally meant by 'spirit attachments'), but particular elementals, which can be programmed to behave as though they're actual malevolent beings.
You can also develop health problems over time, which relate to particular traumas (including physical injuries) that a spirit attachment had in previous lifetimes, particularly its last lifetime. You'd also have a certain degree of predisposition to die from a similar cause to that of the final death of the attached consciousness.
Any parasitic lost souls that the garbage has got attached to you have similar, though generally less marked, health effects, and again, without any specific intent to do so, can impart upon you a certain predisposition to die in a similar manner / circumstances to the entity's final death.
To use usually covert 'energy' feedback loops involving one or more illusory realities that the garbage may have covertly put in more or less hidden parts of your mindspace, which can cause particular weaknesses in your energy system that then go on to cause physical problems, which can be small and go virtually unnoticed, but are often serious in the long term, including heart problems, degenerative problems of parts of the gut, or indeed of virtually any organ, spinal degeneration, and cancer of pretty well any type.
Less commonly, to seek to destroy you via potentially lethal psychic attacks using 'Earth energies' — though for this to work at anything like a lethal level within a reasonably short period it would require actual people under control of the garbage to carry out such attacks — generally as a combined or 'networked' group effort.
Such people could be overt 'dark' practitioners, or could be individuals who believe they're working for positive purposes (typically they'd regard themselves as 'lightworkers') but are actually, unbeknown to themselves, members of the cacoprotean network and thus under very strong guidance and control of the garbage. I know about this particular method, because I found that there were highly suggestive pointers to it having been used upon me.
If indeed it had been used on me, it would appear to have failed in its primary intent for a very specific reason, but it was most likely the cause of a flare-up of osteoarthritis in my right knee about a month later. People who could do that sort of thing include a high proportion of so-called lightworkers and prominent 'healers' and even so-called 'spiritual teachers'.
More commonly than the above, to control more or less 'dark' oriented individuals into putting upon you psychic attacks in the form of particular thought form complexes, which may be described as spells, curses, 'voodoo', black magic, or all sorts of other things.
All these place illusory realities in parts of one's mindspace — usually without your being aware of it. The garbage then uses various means to make them more virulent and build up seriously harmful energy feedback loops that weaken or disrupt aspects or parts of your 'energy system' so that serious physical and often mental / emotional problems follow through. They can easily be fatal over a period and indeed often quite quickly.
To wear you out physically, mentally and emotionally by driving you into incessant sexual activity. Even if you sought to resist that, continual arousal in a man without ejaculation would speed prostate enlargement, not to mention the adverse effects of all the sleep deprivation.
Sleep deprivation itself is a common way of the garbage to cause physical harm. This may or may not involve sexual arousals or/and hell (including 'night terrors') visuals.
Causing both chronic and temporary major clenching of the anus or/and bladder ('pee') sphincter. The anus clenching not only makes it often difficult to pass faeces, but tends to cause small injuries, particularly during defecation, which then develop into extremely painful anal fissures, which are made excruciating and difficult to heal because of the clenching, and may lead to formation of an abscess and indeed, not that uncommonly, a fistula.
The clenching can also make even slight haemorrhoids painful and rupture-prone. Clenching of the pee sphincter causes difficulty in peeing, which in men is very liable to get misdiagnosed as caused by an enlarged prostate, and has undoubtedly led on occasions to individuals having unnecessary prostate surgery. Indeed, I myself was referred for such surgery, but fortunately I understood in time what was really going on and so didn't go through with it.
- To drive you to suicide. A wide range of pressures and torments can be used for this.
You can read more about how the garbage (often posing as 'astral beings') caused me major disruption, and potentially could have caused me much more physical harm than it succeeded in doing, in The 'forces of darkness' ('astral beings') — My own tough experiences.
Do we meet our loved ones when we die?
When a person talks to me of 'loved ones', straight away that person has told me of one big problem of his, even though it's extremely widely — indeed quite ubiquitously — seen as not a problem at all but simply how normal (and thus supposedly healthy) human life is. For 'loved ones', read 'people to whom I'm attached'. ALL attachment, however normal and 'natural' it may be regarded by the vast majority, is a massive problem for everyone who harbours such attachment, and, to some extent, for whoever is the object of the attachment, even if they aren't reciprocating.
I've explained in The true nature of 'the forces of darkness' and its interference and attacks what we all really need to happen for us at death, and how for the vast majority of people that doesn't happen because, by all sorts of means, they've been (almost always quite unawarely) ensnared by the garbage — which ensures that they're then driven into highly problematical soul reincarnations instead of reverting to fundamental consciousness. The big underlying factor in all the methods used by the garbage to ensnare people is attachment, in one form or another (or many!).
So, anyone who has 'loved ones' (i.e., is attached to them) may well have the experience of apparently meeting up with some or all of them at the time of death. Unfortunately that wouldn't be at all what's really happening, for you could never meet up with people like that once you've died.
What would be happening would be that the person's own attachment would be causing him to go through illusory encounters that have effectively been set up by the garbage as bait in a trap. The illusory 'loved ones', just as any supposed higher beings (such as 'Jesus', ascended masters, angels or indeed 'God'), may well seem friendly and loving, but they'd mark the beginning of the person being programmed to accept more power / control agenda in their next (soul) incarnation, and to see various actually illusory beings as being 'higher' than themselves.
That would all be part of their deepest awareness getting progressively more attenuated as they're trained and actually programmed to accept that non-physical and actually illusory reality as being the actual 'higher reality'. In the aforementioned page I explain the extremely untoward consequences of that. You've been warned!
If you'd like to extricate yourself from all attachments and live an immeasurably freer and healthier life, without getting trapped by the garbage when you die, a really effective methodology for that purpose is right here for you, in Healing and self-actualization — The safest and quickest way.
Do night terrors get progressively worse?
That depends. Generally, for young children I'd not expect hells (which include 'night terrors') to get progressively worse once they'd become fully established (generally around the age of two) — though for any affected person there would tend to be phases of greater and somewhat lesser activity. The reason for the hell experiences normally not getting progressively worse is that such worsening would require the child's awareness to be getting still more ungrounded, and really the reverse would virtually always be happening.
In fact the very young child is effectively not quite fully incarnated, and thus a particular part of his/her awareness is poorly grounded to start with — and that's what enables the garbage to deliver to the child those horrendous hell experiences. Generally speaking, such a young child would be progressively, even though with much difficulty, getting his awareness more grounded — though this happens more easily once the child gets among others, such as in nursery or indeed actual school.
Almost always a cut-off point is eventually passed, where the child's awareness has become sufficiently grounded to make night hells no longer able to gain his attention — so that they can terminate quite abruptly. In my case, sometime at the age of six, it was hell as usual one night and no hell at all the following night and onwards.
However, for somebody who starts having hell experiences later in life the situation is different. Something must have happened to weaken that person and unground the relevant part of his awareness in order for hells (or related experiences) to have commenced.
Unless the cause of the problem (i.e., the factor(s) causing the weakening and ungrounding) is addressed, that weakening / ungrounding process is almost certain to continue, and thus the hells or related phenomena would almost certainly get worse — though they may come in forms that would tend to be given other labels than 'night terrors', since the medical and psychiatric professions have no genuine understanding of these phenomena, and have no idea of the single primary underlying cause of them all.
In Night terrors and hell experiences — Understanding and clearing them I explain what hells really are and how you can address a hell issue. With the understanding that I present there, hells become a truly manageable and indeed resolvable issue, so that nobody need be condemned to such experiences. It's just important to understand that the medical approach is itself sourced from the garbage and doesn't resolve the real problem at all, and indeed does major harm in its own right — that harm remaining compulsively unrecognised by the medical and psychiatric professions because of their garbage-sourced materialist-reductionist belief system.
Why did God allow Satan to give me bipolar disorder and hearing voices?
From a Christian or indeed any other religious viewpoint that may look like a very obvious and sensible question to ask. However, when the garbage-sourced deceptions that underlie ALL religions and spiritual traditions are stripped away and you have real clear-mindedness you see just how comically nonsensical that question really is. The reality, as far as I've been able to establish it, is that 'God' is simply a 'divine'-looking illusory 'face' of what could just as readily manifest to you as 'Satan' — i.e., the garbage.
When you recognise that, it makes perfect sense that the garbage allows itself to do what it effing-well likes to you! Sorry to say, 'God' and 'the Holy Spirit' are no genuine help to anyone, and when they do appear to help, it's only through acting as a lure for you, leading you into some illusory reality through which the garbage ensnares you — usually completely unaware that anything is untoward.
As long as you maintain a belief in God and Satan or any other non-physical presence with which anyone could interact, you're accepting the illusions and illusory realities that the garbage is presenting to you (whether directly or indirectly), and you're thus reinforcing the garbage and thus your problems.
For a really helpful understanding and real way forward with regard to resolving at least the vast majority of supposed 'mental disorders', please see Night terrors and hell experiences — Understanding and clearing them, The true nature of 'the forces of darkness' and its interference and attacks, and 'Dark force' and entity troubles — The real way to clear them — though actually your best starting point would be Crisis emergency self-help — Life upturn the SMART way.
What do you do with sacred geometry crystals?
Equipment required:
- A reasonably heavy hammer
- A brush and dustpan or other means of clearing up afterwards
- A suitably hard surface such as a concrete path, on which to do the work.
- Possibly some sort of shield to protect your eyes — also best to wear glasses.
Ensuring that your eyes are protected from any fragments that may fly out, use the hammer to deliver one or more hard blows to the crystal or structure, till it's no longer recognisable as a sacred geometry structure. Then clear up the fragments and dispose of them in a responsible manner.
You would have done yourself and, to a small extent, all people, a great service by destroying a potent tool of the garbage, which the latter, through various traditions and 'New Age' beliefs, dupes people into using for supposedly 'spiritual' purposes, which in reality involve weakening and disrupting their non-physical aspects in ways that progressively increase the garbage's ability to interfere with and attack them, and which may additionally give the postulated cacoprotean network relatively direct access to them — for whatever good that would bring them!
But once the fashioned crystal is in fragments it's lost all its harmful 'energy' properties. Just best to be careful to clear up carefully afterwards so that nobody gets any fragments stick into them — but that's just a plain down-to-earth commonsense issue and nothing to do with anything 'dark' or 'occult'!
You could of course throw the sacred geometry 'nasties' over a cliff into reasonably deep sea in a place where, with any luck, they wouldn't get washed up on a beach and found by anyone — but the disadvantages are that (a) you're still being somewhat harmed as long as you have the device(s) anywhere within the radius of your 'energy' field, during the time up to the actual disposal, and (b) you can't really be sure that they wouldn't eventually get washed up somewhere and then found and even used by somebody.
Also, the act of physically destroying a sacred geometry structure of any kind would be a powerful gesture of your breaking connections with the garbage, and would benefit you by grounding your awareness a bit more. You may initially be menaced and attacked by the garbage (maybe posing as a supposed higher being) for considering doing such a thing, or indeed for having done it (and it may well menace you with an empty threat of severe retributional karma for destroying a 'sacred' object), but you'd actually be empowering yourself distinctly against the garbage by going ahead and doing it.
By destroying it you'd have actually made the garbage just that bit more impotent against you, and you'd NOT have gained a significant new karma, despite what the garbage might seek to tell you, and indeed you'd have very slightly lightened your load of genuine karmas.
N.B. The very concept of sacredness of an object or symbol or indeed mantra comes from the garbage, and is best completely dropped. So, in this context, destroying a 'sacred' object / symbol would be a very positive act, and NOT AT ALL something that would create genuine karma or any sort of genuine problem for you.
I say this of course subject to the consideration that in the case of some supposedly sacred objects, which aren't intrinsically harmful, the most positive action may be to conserve the object but, in whatever manner is workable and positive, to annul its supposed sacredness (Tibetan singing bowls, for example, would generally come into that sort of category).
Further reading (particularly if you think I've fallen off my trolley):
The 'forces of darkness' ('astral beings') — My own tough experiences
The true nature of 'the forces of darkness' and its interference and attacks
Concerns about one's children's psychic / paranormal experiences
Somebody wrote in with this query:
I have a 14 year old who is seeing a large man wearing black. She said he's scary and has large arms. I'm a concerned mom. She has a school teacher that says she is a star child. I don't know but I'm open to learn. My concern is that some people can give you negative energies and cause problems. Do you mind sharing your thoughts?
First, let me put this in perspective, because here we're talking of garbage interferences. The garbage interferes with everyone on the planet, whether directly or indirectly (e.g., through soul programming) and whether openly or covertly. Also, this specific issue is very common, and so there's actually nothing freaky or exotic about what's happening — even though it would usually be made to feel that it's very much so.
Your daughter will be either a no-soul person or will have soul-reincarnated very few times — so that she has at most only a small amount of soul programming and thus still has a basic considerable depth of awareness.
That's actually a great 'plus', because she has a much greater potential for relatively easy self-actualization (and thus getting altogether clear of the garbage's interferences) than most people. However, 'healers' and psychics in general would describe her completely incorrectly as an 'old soul' (please read that page to get more of the picture, including the extremely harmful myth of 'star children' and 'indigo children').
Now, as for 'the Man in Black'. You've already had the 'Bad News' (your daughter gave you that), so you can now relax! The 'Good News' is that there's NO NEED to go agonizing about the exact nature of that manifestation, because all such manifestations are actually bogus — yes, illusory! They're various types of illusion created in a person's mindspace by interferences from the garbage.
Therefore, whatever your daughter 'sees', the healing considerations are the same (so that the practical outlook on this becomes amazingly simple!), and the only understanding that's needed at all about that 'Man in Black' is that, however realistic it may seem, it's an illusion that can easily be dissolved, at least with some ongoing practice and relevant self-healing work over at most a reasonably short time-scale.
I caution, however, that it's necessary to use the same approach to ANY strange visual manifestations, even if apparently benign or 'divine' beings appear. They're ALL garbage-sourced illusions that need to be dissolved.
The best remedial approach that I'm aware of is actually just the same as for clearing hell experiences (including 'night terrors'), and so I refer you to Night terrors and hell experiences — Understanding and clearing them, which points you to really effective methods to cut out all that sort of garbage from one's life and progressively fade out all garbage interferences and influences. You will note the importance of grounding — both of the whole person and specifically of the person's conscious awareness.
It's important to encourage your daughter to understand what's going on, and not to try to hide anything, so that she can make rationally based decisions for herself to recognise and discard garbage influences. Indeed, at the earliest possible stage it would be helpful for her to read the pages on garbage interferences (and of course on healing and self-actualization) on this site.
It would also be tremendously helpful to her if you worked on recognising and clearing your own garbage interferences and influences — otherwise it may be difficult for your daughter to feel sufficiently motivated to take the necessary measures for herself. As that would be part of a basically joyful self-actualization process, we're talking of getting into something that's joyfully life-enhancing and nothing that's dark and heavy in nature.
As for that schoolteacher, I'm sure her intentions would be for the best, but not only has she got some very harmful (though very common) beliefs, but it's quite possible that she is, as you suspect, quite unawarely passing on various sorts of troublesome 'energies' (particularly thought form constructions) to your daughter.
Unfortunately a high proportion of 'healers' and psychics do so to other aware and sensitive people, almost always unawarely, because they don't realize that they're being interfered with and manipulated by the garbage. Various 'healers' passed problems on to me, so I'm talking from experience here.
The best protection that I know of for such situations is a combination of a practical, non-paranoid awareness of what may be going on and the use of the Feedback-Loop Zapper procedure on your mental images or impressions of all problem people, also using the Grounding Point procedure to 'zap' any thought forms, illusory realities or other disturbing 'energies' that are noticed (whatever their source) and to 'zap' similarly a mental image of each problem person.
That's work that your daughter would need to do herself, though you could to great advantage carry out some Feedback-Loop Zapper 'zaps' together with your daughter, you both working alongside each other doing your own respective 'zaps', even though your doing some of that may have little more than 'demonstration' value if you try to 'zap' the same things that she needs to be 'zapping'.
On the other hand you could actually be 'zapping' something more relevant to yourself when doing a 'zapping' along with your daughter. There's no 'one size fits all' right approach here, and Helpfulness Testing could be very helpful for enabling the most helpful choices to be made at any particular time.
It's extremely helpful always to be a living demonstration of using the methods on and for yourself — a general principle crying out for parents to take on board universally.
Are certain people supposed to become enlightened?
Taking that question at face value, the straight answer is 'no', because here supposed
presumably means has some degree of obligation to
, and NONE of us is under any such
obligation to do so. However, the situation 'on the ground' is beset by a huge
amount of confusion, which is presumably why the particular question has been asked.
Let us be clear about this — gaining of enlightenment and self-actualization are part of the underlying life task of EVERY one of us. But there's no obligation about this — it's simply intrinsic in our true nature. By not gaining enlightenment and self-actualization, each person lives a limited life — indeed, lives as a sub-human, squandering the precious resource that they've brought into the physical aspect of existence through their incarnating. As it stands at the moment, almost every person on Earth is actually living as a sub-human, not as a full human at all!
By gaining enlightenment and self-actualization people live vastly happier, more abundant and creative lives, with a freedom that others can only dream of (but most actually don't even dream of it, because they don't even know what true freedom is, thanks to their soul programming).
So, what's gone wrong, then, that people almost universally are not gaining enlightenment and self-actualization — their birthright — and indeed are generally motivated right away from such spectacular positive change in their lives? — The answer is that an extremely troublesome influence — the garbage — has by a myriad means diverted people away from enlightenment and especially genuine and comprehensive self-actualization (which latter actually incorporates enlightenment).
Indeed, the vast majority of people have soul programming, given to them by the garbage, and this distorts their whole outlook, so that almost all of them can't conceive of enlightenment as being something achievable for them — mistakenly seeing it as something that happens only for supposedly 'highly advanced' adepts, and which is thus a rarity and something of a freak occurrence.
Out of that distorted outlook on the nature and role of enlightenment for people, come confused thinking and questions such as the above one. Only the garbage would put into people's minds the notion of gaining of enlightenment as being the subject of some sort of obligation, and the completely wrong notion that only certain people (very few, of course!) are meant to become enlightened.
However, it's in the very nature of the garbage that it doesn't actually invent complete fictions but instead presents distortions of actual situations — though the distortions are often so great as to alter the original situations beyond recognition.
The actual situation that has been distorted here is that of, as I've said, enlightenment being part of the fundamental life task of every one of us. But further, in the light (sic) of the actual situation, in which the vast majority of people have soul programming that completely blocks their natural intrinsic ability to become enlightened, there are only some people who in practice are able to become enlightened (at least, properly so) — and those are no-soul people and thus have no soul programming.
They're also the most likely to be directly and deeply aware of genuine, comprehensive self-actualization (including enlightenment) as being part of their fundamental, intrinsic life task.
If we're truly 'meant' or 'supposed' to become enlightened, it's only we ourselves who are meaning that to happen — there's no 'God' or other high-falutin astral or 'divine' presence up there in some higher realm of existence 'meaning' them (or anyone else) to become enlightened. So, you yourself could be said to be 'supposed to' become enlightened (if you're not already so) — but only on the basis of your fundamental and intrinsic life purpose and what would make the most of your life.
How can I protect myself against ley lines and geopathic stress?
There are two approaches here, and they're BOTH necessary if you're serious about wanting to clear those issues.
Use the Environmental Stress Zapper procedure.
Clear out all beliefs and illusory realities that may be anywhere in your system, in which there are such things as ley lines, energy or power points and indeed any other 'Earth energy' manifestations. These are actually part of various illusory realities that have come to us from the garbage, and they don't exist outside those illusory realities.
Therefore, if you clear yourself completely of any such illusory realities you can't be affected by whatever is in them, such as ley lines and 'Earth energies' (yes, the latter are illusory too!). That also means that you can make yourself invulnerable to the most directly lethal type of psychic attack, which actually uses these illusory 'Earth energies'.
By far the most effective means that I know of for clearing out such illusory realities and beliefs is use of the Grounding Point procedure.
Geopathic stress largely but not entirely derives from various illusory realities that one is carrying, so it's greatly helpful to use the Grounding Point procedure to 'zap' all beliefs, ideas, thoughts and images relating to the apparent geopathic stress — including 'zapping' the very notion that you're being affected by a geopathic stress.* Again, the ES Zapper procedure enables you progressively to become to a large extent immune to any such stresses, whether genuine or/and derived from various beliefs and illusory realities that you haven't yet fully cleared.
* The purpose of this is NOT to get yourself taking on a disbelief — which would be a belief in its own right and would also be harmful — but simply to become free of all belief one way or another. In other words you dissolve your attachment to any notions that you may be carrying. Without that attachment the notions themselves are powerless over you, and would tend naturally to dissolve.
There's actually a third element that would be extremely valuable to add in to your means of clearing yourself of illusory realities — ongoing use of my full set of affirmations. These are especially effective when used in conjunction with Grounding Point or any of the other healing and self-actualization methods that I present on this site. Indeed, there would be a fair degree of synergy between the affirmations and use of the Grounding Point procedure.
Is sexual arousal necessary in healing by black magic?
What by black magic???!! Genuine healing? Never! Not on your furdlemucking nelly!
I do have some understanding of what's going on for the person who asked that question, however, for during the period when the garbage was actively seeking to take me over or destroy me, it repeatedly used various ploys to try to drag me into Satanistic or indeed 'black magic' type 'healing' practices.
The garbage uses all manner of tricks and deceits to lure people into carrying out harmful 'dark' practices, and one of the oldest deceits 'in the books' is that of getting people doing what they're persuaded to believe are powerful 'healing' practices that actually do have a notional healing component (which may indeed work in a limited sort of way) but whose main effect is weakening and harmful to one's 'energy system' and makes the person still more open and vulnerable to garbage interference, control and indeed attacks.
Just consider, if you will, how many people who do 'healing' by black magic or indeed any
other 'dark' tradition are healthy, radiant, vibrantly happy, creative, positive and
unconditionally loving people (your answer would be bound to be none
, for they'd be
virtually all in a quite poor state in various ways, though some would no doubt do their
best to put on a superficial personal 'gloss' in an attempt to conceal their true state) —
and also consider whether the supposed healing methods of such 'dark' traditions' are
really aimed at, or able to achieve, comprehensive ongoing and stable genuine happiness
and healthiness.
You see, it's not a matter of black magic 'healing' being good or bad, but simply a matter of cause and effect, and what you want of your life. A flame in itself isn't bad in the slightest, but if you put your hand in a flame, it gets burnt and hurts tremendously.
It's necessary for me to clarify here, that any particular physical healing, even if apparently 'miraculous' in nature, does NOT constitute a comprehensive and worthwhile healing in any long-term sense.
Indeed, as noted below, such physical healings, not linked to any broad based self-actualization process, are ALWAYS highly problematical, because they're being used as lures to point one away from the genuine and comprehensive healing of the self-actualization process itself. Also, such healings are generally considerably harmful for the supposed 'healer' because of the 'inner working' of the means by which the healing has been carried out.
In the same way, if you want health and genuine happiness, the so-called dark side is hardly the place to go looking for methods that would enable you to achieve that — even though some actually very limited 'healing miracles' may sometimes occur as a result of 'magic' of one kind or another — actually because the garbage makes such things happen in order to attract people into such practices and traditions and thus (more) into its control.
Another of the favourite lures used by the garbage is sexual arousal / desires / ecstasy feelings, and this is often therefore brought into not only overtly 'dark' practices but into what are supposed to be 'healing' practices. Actually sexual arousal always hampers genuine healing methods or practices — even though actually there can be unusual and very specific situations where a particular sexual activity in a particular context has a certain degree of healing effect on balance.*
* The only helpful way to find out about this for yourself is through very careful and vigilant use of Helpfulness Testing. If you use any other source for your information as to whether a particular sexual activity at a particular time would have a healing effect for you, you'd almost certainly be given a wrong answer, because your answer would have come from the garbage, even if seemingly coming from a higher source.
An example of the garbage fooling 'dark' practitioners into using sexual activity in a supposed healing method is the practice of supposedly healing one's birth trauma by going into a solo sexual act in which, as one comes to climax, one is attacked (by the garbage) with a quite horrific-feeling distorted representation of birth trauma energy, and at the same time one mentally directs the ejaculation or at least orgasmic experience in a way that I shan't describe here as I don't want to encourage anyone to try it (not because it's bad or evil but because it's harmful).
That sort of thing is tremendously weakening and draining for your non-physical aspects, and anyone who is carrying out such practices is in really deep trouble.
N.B. If you want to heal any birth trauma that you're carrying, there's a very simple, elegant and 100% healthy way to do this, and you can do it easily, painlessly and indeed joyfully with a combination of use of the Grounding Point procedure followed by the Feedback-Loop Zapper procedure, and some Self-Power Walking.
Aside from really way-out 'dark' practices, overall the garbage seeks to get people using much harsher and more difficult (and actually less effective) methods for healing particular issues than are actually necessary or helpful. The garbage, for example, may seek to convince you that you have to go through hundreds or thousands of hours of crying, trembling, laughter and other 'biological' emotional release processes in order to clear one's emotional traumas, and would seek to keep one firmly away from elegant and efficient fast-track methods.
It may well also bring in sexual arousals and actual sexual practices as part of that, supposedly to make the healing more powerful. As I say, apart from a few uncommon and very specific cases, bringing in sexual arousal really has a hindering and seriously weakening effect on any healing that would otherwise be taking place, and increases the hold of the garbage upon you.
The answer to all this? — Dump black magic, Satanism, or indeed religion or any supposedly squeaky-clean healing or spiritual tradition — for they're all in their different ways instruments and snares laid down for us by the garbage — and instead get into genuine self-actualization as I present it on this site. Then you'd be starting to find out what healing can really do for you — and so easily, and in an overall context of a progressively increasing joyful and vibrant harmoniousness — not the pain, strife and struggle that the garbage brings!
Is there any safe way that I could get out of Satanism and clear myself of all its influences?
Yes! — Though we need to remember that 'safety' is a relative concept in everyday life, for total safety just doesn't exist. The information you're after is in Healing and self-actualization — The safest and quickest way and 'Dark force' and entity troubles — The real way to clear them, plus various of the pages that are linked to from there.
My own past life memories seem so 'normal' and just 'me' — surely these can't have come from the 'dark force' or attached entities??!
Why on earth not? The garbage constantly seeks to convince people that 'foreign' memories and experiences that they have are theirs, and theirs alone, and it would do its utmost to conceal the parasitic lost souls and any other 'entity' attachments, and indeed primary archetype connections that a person has, any of which could be the real source of those 'memory' experiences.
The really important point to understand here is that ultimately it doesn't matter what the source of any supposed past life impressions is, because, with one important exception*, ANY apparent past life memories indicate one or another extremely unhelpful predicament that you're in.
* That exception is apparent past-life impressions that no-soul people, and particularly creative artists experience, which are actually experiences stored in fundamental memory. Those impressions tend to be non-traumatic, non-stressful, more or less non-narrative, and not really possible to relate to any story about supposed past lives of yours that you may have picked up (though the garbage does try to exploit them that way).
They are generally visually quite vague, even though certain aspects of the experiences can seem quite vivid. Thus I myself am in touch with certain apparent past life impressions of whole or parts of certain of my music compositions — with the implication that I have sometimes been incorporating parts of or even occasionally more or less whole music works that had been composed before (presumably not on Earth). Many other composers and artists in other fields of art have had similar compelling impressions.
There's never any way to know whether any such experiences are one's own or somebody else's. I can never know whether it was I who composed any of the earlier versions of what I've composed in this lifetime.
If the memories or impressions aren't yours, they'd generally either be actual past life memories of attached human consciousnesses, or, probably more commonly, pieces of 'story' and legend that the garbage has generated from particular primary archetypes to which you're connected.
If any of the supposed memories do indeed represent past life experiences of your own, what that would most likely show (depending on the overall nature of the particular memory) is that you've already been through a number of soul incarnations, which means that you're already well and truly a captive of the garbage, as I explain in The true nature of 'the forces of darkness' and its interference and attacks.
The methodology for clearing oneself of such issues (including any soul programming that one may be carrying) is presented on this site — see particularly Healing and self-actualization — The safest and quickest way — though people who've soul-reincarnated more than about a couple of times would generally lack motivation to use such methods, at least effectively, and would normally indeed 'rubbish' my writings and methods, and use ineffective (albeit generally more widely used) methods themselves.
Is it a big deal to be saved in the astral by Jesus?
YES! Greatly so!
However, there's one little catch. The great deal would be for the garbage, and the event would most likely be something of a disaster for the supposedly 'saved' person.
The astral non-reality is the aspect of reality / consciousness into which we project our illusions and distorted notions because we have persistently misunderstood its true nature, which you can read about in the relevant glossary entry (click the link). It's thus NOT a part of what you could call 'real reality' or 'What Is'.
Rather, it contains all sorts of distorted replicas of elements of 'What Is', because it's a 'system-reserved' area of consciousness that's accessible to people's 'ordinary minds' only because of a configuration error within consciousness itself. The result has been that we're persistently maintaining it in a state of corruption, and hence all our massive problems stemming from it.
As I explain in The true nature of 'the forces of darkness' and its interference and attacks, as far as I can tell, ALL non-physical beings that are seen by or communicate with people are actually NOT genuine beings at all, but are illusions created by a particular aspect of the person's awareness under 'hijack' control from the garbage.
So, when you have 'Jesus' (or Archangel Michael or God, etc) manifest to you in any way at all, what you have is an illusion that the garbage has caused to present itself to you in order to mislead you and to keep you turned well away from true self-realization / self-actualization and indeed in (usually covert) captivity and some degree of control of the garbage.
Thus, if you've had the experience of being 'saved' by what appears to be Jesus, you've actually become more captive to the garbage and it's then become harder for you in the future to get into a genuine self-actualization process and thus become free (including becoming immune to garbage interference and attacks).
A good way to start getting clear of that garbage, if it's happened to you, would be to 'zap' a mental image of that 'Jesus' and all beliefs, thoughts and feelings associated with 'him', including any notion that 'he' was a real being and had saved you, using the Grounding Point procedure — and also to start regularly using my set of affirmations for comprehensive healing and self-actualization.
In that way you can start undoing the harm and progressively bring yourself out of garbage captivity and towards the great freedom and happiness of genuine self-actualization. Healing and self-actualization — The safest and quickest way presents a whole range of methods that you can use in order to further your clearance and self-actualization process; 'Dark force' and entity troubles — The real way to clear them would most likely also be highly relevant, especially seeing that an apparition of 'Jesus' is definitely a garbage 'trouble'. Thus lies your real 'salvation'! Yes, genuine salvation is exclusively DIY!
How do stereotypes bring clarity to confusion?
They do what??! That's like asking How does total darkness make it easier to
! — Oblivion brings the 'clarity' and 'simplicity' of oblivion, and nothing more.
With stereotyping comes the oblivion of an unthinking 'autopilot' mentality.
On one occasion I got a brief flurry of visits to this site, each with the above headline question in their search engine queries. Presumably some psychology lecturer / tutor had given that question to his/her students for them to write an essay on. That implies that the particular lecturer / tutor actually believed that stereotypes do serve some important positive function.
Frankly, I'd like to give him or her a good kick up the arse to shake him/her out of his/her ignorance, unawareness and complacency — not that it would really do any good, of course, with individuals like that!
What stereotypes do bring is a new and very major confusion that's so great that one more or less completely loses sight of the real situation that's in fact being covered up by those stereotypes. The latter actually do operate as a sort of covert oblivion, masked by the pretence of all those categorizations and labels.
Instead of perceiving the immense variety of human personalities and the fact of individual human uniqueness, you hide that with pointless categorizations, such as 'man', 'woman', adult, child, gay, 'straight', 'hip', 'eccentric', normal, abnormal, black, white, Asian, European, Christian, Muslim, wife, husband, housewife, girl, Social Democratic flower arranger, boyfriend, mistress, doctor, priest, writer, musician, wearer of formal clothes, wearer of casual clothes, 'pot' smoker, 'hippie', 'druggie', prostitute, slut, 'City gent', psychiatrist, social worker, 'weirdo', and so on, and you react to those stereotypes then instead of responding to the unique individual people.
What you do in stereotyping is to abandon your innate ability to think rationally, so that you no longer see what's unique in each situation, and thus you inevitably produce rigid, repetitive, reactive responses to situations instead of unique and truly appropriate responses that would take into account all factors in each specific situation.
The use of stereotypes, therefore, is one of the manifestations of human irrationality and unintelligence, and it enormously degrades our life experience. This isn't genuinely human behaviour at all, but is highly dysfunctional behaviour that's the result of interference from the garbage, as I explain in Beliefs and illusory realities — Their role in human irrationality.
Without such interference we'd ALL be more intelligent and rational than almost anyone on the planet is at the moment, and would NEVER use stereotypes as any essential part of our life experience.
How can I tell if I'm a member of the cacoprotean network?
If you're seriously wondering how you could tell if you're a member of the cacoprotean network, the implication is that you're wondering if you yourself are a member, and in that event it's extremely unlikely that you'd be a member of it — for the simple reason that the network controls its members into being very resistant to any notions that might reveal their membership of the network and thus give them the opportunity to do something about it.
As far as I understand it at the moment, network members simply wouldn't countenance any such possibility, and would dismiss outright the words of somebody like me who draws attention to the network.
However, there's something of an 'unknown' factor about this, because, as a considerable rarity, there are the odd no-soul people who would most likely prove impossible for that disgusting network to take over and control completely, and who would manage to retain sufficient free awareness to hold their own situation up to scrutiny.
So, although generally anyone who is wondering if they're a member of the network would actually not be, that may not necessarily be universally so. I strongly recommend very careful use of Helpfulness Testing, heeding all the cautions and caveats that I give in my Helpfulness Testing guide, to help you get a better idea of your actual situation
Do you have Inner Knowledge?
Somebody asked me this question, implying that he had the misguided notion that there was a clear yes/no answer to it and if I didn't answer with a simple categorical 'yes', I wasn't really enlightened (or whatever he considered to be the ultimate or definitive state that he thought we're meant to be aiming for) and had failed some fundamental test of credibility and indeed integrity!
Actually any question of that sort is loaded with extremely unhelpful preconceptions (and a troublesome personal agenda), and reflects one or more of the multitude of distortions that the garbage insinuates into the 'spiritual' traditions.
Let's be clear about this: if a person believes that (s)he has 'Inner Knowledge', almost certainly that person has picked up some mystical or esoteric bullshit from the garbage and has been well and truly diverted from genuine self-realization / self-actualization.
In a sense enlightenment does bring inner knowledge (without capitalization of those words and without any preciousness about the notion), but that 'knowledge' is hardly what almost anyone would mean by 'Inner Knowledge', because it's simply an awareness, gained through direct perception, of the intrinsic lack of substance of all concepts and conceptual 'knowledge', and an awareness of our fundamental inability to absolutely know anything that could be put into words.
So, I do my best to avoid using the word 'knowledge' to describe the perceptions and insights that genuine enlightenment brings.
Many people may pick up some mystical / esoteric 'knowledge' (apparently from within) upon becoming enlightened, but what's really happening then is that they've got more ungrounded at that point, so that their perceptions have become more open to the astral non-reality — actually nothing to do with genuine enlightenment, except that crossing the enlightenment threshold, like many other types of experience, does tend to be an ungrounding experience.
And so, while the person is in a poorly grounded state and more open to the astral non-reality, the garbage has then put into their mind at that time a whole lot of its illusions and distorted notions about the nature of ourselves and of reality, in order to convince the person that they're then party to genuine — yes — 'Inner Knowledge', which ever so conveniently (for the garbage) diverts that person from continuing for genuine self-actualization, which latter actually requires the dissolution of all the beliefs and illusory realities that have been brought in with that supposed 'Inner Knowledge'.
That also ever so conveniently (again, for the garbage) confuses the person as to the true nature of enlightenment, so that a belief is perpetuated, that enlightenment brings one esoteric 'knowledge'. In fact it doesn't do so at all. Enlightenment is simply a specific radical shift of 'viewpoint'.
So, if one wants to ask me if I'm enlightened, the most useful and straightforward
question to ask me is simply Are you enlightened?
or, if you really understand what you're talking about, Do you have fundamental clarity?
. My answer then would be Yes, it
appears that I am [/I do].
. I give an account of my gaining fundamental clarity (becoming
enlightened) in 'Spiritual' enlightenment — Personal experience, clarifications, tips.
I'd add to that, that by means of inner inquiry supported by Helpfulness Testing I'm able with great caution to interrogate my own deeper aspects to obtain particular information that isn't available to people's 'ordinary minds', for healing and self-actualization purposes, and in some quarters that may be regarded as 'having Inner Knowledge' — but I still want to keep clear of that particular categorization, which I see as very unhelpful and liable to lead people into making seriously mistaken assumptions about me and indeed about the nature of enlightenment.
Being able to obtain such information is actually not dependent on enlightenment, though the latter does help insofar as it enables you to have a more open-minded approach to Helpfulness Testing, with less likelihood of having preconceived notions that distort the process.
It's important to understand, though, that that information is NOT cut-and-dried facts about the nature of reality nor indeed about anything else. Instead, it's simply various indications as to what working assumptions / hypotheses would be most helpful to use at the present time, and what assumptions / hypotheses would be 'weakening' and thus unhelpful to use at the present time. You see, that's all very down-to-earth and practical, with no airy-fairy mysticism or esotericism in sight. It thus doesn't sit at all comfortably with the popular, and, as I say, misguided, image of what 'Inner Knowledge' is.
Shouldn't we be opening up our third eye so we can really see what's going on for us?
A correspondent asked me this (this is slightly edited for clarity):
Isn't it important to get in touch with opening up your third eye so you can see what's going on for yourself and see through deception? I read we originally were gifted but enslaved through non usage to the third eye over years, which explains why the pineal gland is much smaller. Any thoughts?
If you read in the right places, you can read that the Earth is flat, that we're all being pursued / interfered with by CIA mind control agents, that 'aliens' are in the process of taking us over, that God rules over us all and at some time of His choosing He will judge us all and throw those who He has 'weighed in the balance and found wanting' into the flames of hell, and indeed also, that psychiatry and its 'treatments' are the only real means of addressing so-called mental health issues.
And reading such things indicates that they're true or at least likely to be true, yes? — Why the hell are people such 'sheep' and hanging on the words of others instead of really looking with clear-mindedness to see what's actually there?
The 'third eye' is simply yet another of the myriads of illusions and deceptions that people have picked up from the garbage. The third eye is just as illusory as the illusions that it opens you to.
When you're 'opening your third eye', what you're actually doing is (further) ungrounding the relevant part of your awareness and thus (further) opening up your perceptions in the astral non-reality — which means in practice, your openness to whatever the garbage shows you, and NOT to any direct unadulterated perception of 'What Is'.
As for the pineal gland, the results of my own inner inquiry, supported by Helpfulness Testing, are strongly suggestive that, except in particular illusory realities that people have taken on from the garbage, the pineal gland in humans is NOT any sort of seeing organ (and has never been so in human history on Earth) and is simply a part of the brain, with some endocrine functions, and all the metaphysical functions ascribed to it are garbage-sourced myth as part of the garbage's agenda to get people well entangled and ensnared in the illusory realities that it cultivates in them.
You open up the deepest possible awareness and perception of 'What Is', including accurately seeing what's going on for yourself with regard of garbage interference, and indeed any other interferences such as environmental stresses, in the course of a genuine grounded self-actualization process, the means for which are presented on this website. THAT's the real way forward, for you, for me and for everyone else.
My ex-partner seems to have swapped her spirit / soul with mine — what the hell do I do now?
One correspondent asked the following (this is slightly edited for clarity, and what's placed in square brackets is my addition to make sense of that sentence):
I had a relationship recently and I found out that our spirits had switched. Not sure how, but she did claim to steal my soul on several occasions, and when I asked her why she would even say such things she said she was joking. I haven't been myself since even after breaking up with her. I didn't ice she was acting more like me — positive and full of life. I thought breaking [with her] would be the best thing to do to reverse the damage that had been done.
Sounds like a freaky Friday movie, right? But it really happened and I'm the only one that seems to notice it. Do you know how I can fix this problem? I know I'm not crazy right? Can the clarity sphere undo possible black magic done on a victim? I'm just assuming I was a victim? She has no problems with her life at the moment so I don't know.
It sounds to be a real scary sort of situation, doesn't it! — But just stop a moment and ask yourself, could that really be true — what he believes has actually happened?
— Of course it couldn't! — Why? — Because if that had really happened, he'd be in her body and she'd be in his body — and there's no indication at all that that was or had ever been the case!
I'm not doubting at all that something very untoward had happened there (it's well within the range of nasties and grotesqueries from the garbage that I myself have observed happening), but it clearly can't be what the worried fellow had been believing.
It appears that the issue here is that either she or he, or, more likely, the two of them unawarely operating together under the hijack-control of the garbage, had produced one or more thought form complexes that were a halfway house to a full-blown elemental, which had then created an illusory reality in her mindspace including the belief that she could, and wanted to, steal his 'soul', and an illusory reality in his mindspace, including the belief that she'd stolen his soul (or 'spirit', as he described it).
For some reason he then slightly misinterpreted what the actual belief in his particular illusory reality was telling him, and so took it that a swapping of souls had occurred — which is quite odd, seeing that she wasn't talking of swapping souls but of stealing his soul.
Additionally to those complementary illusory realities having been set up in her and his respective mindspace, the garbage would have exploited those illusory realities to give these two individuals covert controlling pseudo-thoughts and attacks to give them the impression that she really had stolen his soul, and to divert them from actually giving themselves and their situation a clear-minded appraisal, which would at once have shown that she couldn't possibly have stolen anything like so major, if indeed she'd stolen anything at all.
It's clear to me that the woman is the one who is in the greater trouble — so the notion that she has no problems in her life at the moment is very superficially based, and is seriously incorrect.
This sort of happening can easily be part and parcel of black magic practice, whether or not anyone was overtly and awarely using black magic to bring about this particular situation. In any case, if the fellow had taken more time to read the relevant pages here, he'd have realized that diligent ongoing use of the healing and self-actualization methods presented on this site would sort out all problems of that sort.
It doesn't matter how scary the details of any such problem may seem — as long as the person has the necessary motivation and positive intent, together with a reasonable degree of mental focus, (s)he can use this methodology to not only get free of the particular problem but actually get truly free, period. That is, self-actualized, with all the tremendous benefits that that brings.
I'd point out, incidentally, that the use of the word 'soul' or 'spirit' by the fellow who asked the above question is actually the common but unhelpful use of those words, simply to mean that person's consciousness — because actually the soul isn't something that any clear-minded person would want.
Also, a consciousness isn't something that one has, but is something that one is — so to talk of 'his consciousness', although common parlance, is actually meaningless. I make this point not in any way to take the questioner to task, but simply to make the point that we generally think and talk in a very confused way about the individual consciousness that is the fundamental 'substance' of a person, and this is all part of our getting ourselves more programmed by the garbage to believe that our basic identity is the soul.
As long as we have that belief firmly seated in our being, we're captive to the garbage and will almost certainly have programmed degradational sequential soul reincarnations. Not a prospect that any clear-minded and well functioning person would want for themselves!
Are magnetic bracelets and diodes to be avoided as well as crystals, sacred geometry and 'energy protection' devices?
Yes, definitely! Indeed, in terms of the harm they do, I'd group them with 'energy protection' devices of the worst kind, which include such nasties as the Green 8, Memon, Tesla Protector, and electronic devices such as the Bailey Stressbuster, whether or not their function is claimed to be protection or healing of some sort.
Really, it's up to people to carefully use Helpfulness Testing to find out for themselves, and not go taking up my time on fielding such queries. However, even without your doing any Helpfulness Testing, there's a very simple principle here that can be your guideline.
Is the particular device the same type of device as the Clarity-Sphere or the Energy Egg 'family' of devices, which are based on a rounded polished stone with programming that enables the user's own non-physical aspects to progressively immunize oneself against any environmental stresses (ESs) that are occurring or that one has experienced in the past? If it's not, then it's worse than rubbish, because, broadly speaking, there's only one other way that so-called energy protection devices can operate, and that's the almost universal way that so-called energy protection devices do operate.
…And that way is, to emit particular 'energies' that (are supposed to) neutralize specific stressful 'energies' such as those from mobile phones or well known geopathic stresses such as underground watercourses. I list below, off the top of my head, their main (non-)benefits.
Such devices are fully 0% user programmable, so they can't be tuned to any environmental stresses other than the specific stressful energies that they were designed to neutralize, and the sad fact is that nearly all environmental stresses that the user is experiencing are thus not being neutralized at all by any of these devices.
They are made to supposedly neutralize particular energies (though any effectiveness would only be through the placebo effect), but do absolutely nothing to assist you in becoming more immune or resistant to those or any other environmental stresses.
They have NO healing functions, and so can't clear from your system the damage that you've accumulated from all manner of environmental stresses during your life.
Any 'energies' that they do emit are always harmful, but in very different and more subtle ways than the 'target' energies that they're supposed to be neutralizing. Indeed, my inner inquiry results on this are suggestive that at least many of them emit various harmful 'energies' that are additional to any involved in supposedly neutralizing the particular environmental stress 'energies'. — Now, just why would that usually be the case, I wonder…?…
Relating to the last item, my own inner inquiry suggests that these devices generally have a bonus undocumented feature, generously put in them very deliberately by the garbage, which is controlling the makers of these devices (who in their conscious minds normally wouldn't know at all that this is happening).
Those additional harmful 'energies' aren't just any old harmful 'energies', but ones that interfere with the user's non-physical aspects in particular ways to make them more accessible and easier to 'recruit' or capture by the postulated cacoprotean network.
As far as I've been able to ascertain so far, ALL people who make these devices could be unwitting members of that disgusting network (if indeed it exists) and thus could be, albeit unknowingly, part of the garbage itself — so if you value your well-being and don't want to become an unwitting part of the garbage yourself, you'd do well to keep right away from those individuals, their businesses and ALL their products, never mind what claims are made for the latter. If my own inner 'pointers' on this are correct, these devices are thus TROJAN HORSES. Beware, in case I'm right about this!
Additional note, September 2018
Please note that I've now developed my methodology far enough to render redundant any devices at all — even the Clarity-Sphere.
The latter's use is now discouraged on this site, in order to encourage use of the simplest means for our self-actualization and consequent hugely greater degree of immunity to all the environmental stresses that any device would even notionally assist us over — and considerably more still.
Is it wrong to hug another male if you're male?
I'll say it is! According to which 'authority' you accept, it's 'against Nature', 'disgusting', 'evil', 'immoral', 'sick', 'perverted', 'not normal' (which of course is dreadfully wrong!), 'pathological', and so on. Indeed, on that account and others too I myself am all those things and more! Keep your children well away from this disgusting creature!
If you choose actually to apply intelligence and good sense to the situation, however, you'd come up with a different picture. What do we mean when we say something is 'right' or 'wrong'? Can you point out to me an intrinsic quality of rightness or wrongness about something? — In fact the answer to the latter is in every case that you can't, because 'right' and 'wrong' are simply judgmental labels that people stick on things (and upon other people and their behaviour).
Nothing, thus, is intrinsically right or wrong. Some things may cause problems for us, yes, and some things and indeed some behaviours can be very harmful for us, but that's a matter of simple cause and effect, and is a quite separate matter from whether anyone happens to 'go judgmental' and stick a label of 'right' or 'wrong' or 'good' or 'bad' upon something.
When you put such labels on people's behaviour, what you're doing, at least implicitly, is trying to exert a personal power / control agenda on the particular people — telling them that they should behave in one way and not another, and so trying to take away their free choice. That behaviour is always sourced from garbage interferences, for such personal control fixations aren't an intrinsic or natural attribute of ours at all, but are very much what the garbage is about in its immense multitude of ways in which it interferes with every single person on the planet.
So, if you're going to be intelligent about it, your own
answer to your question is clearly going to be, No, it isn't wrong at all to hug another
male, no matter whether you're male, trans-gender female, the Pope, Al Capone, Romeo,
Prince Charles, Donald Trump, a gay three-legged salamander, or —
heaven forbid! — a Social Democratic flower arranger!
The obvious follow-up question, then, is, Is it harmful to hug another male?
And in fact my answer to that isn't what you may well have been thinking. For
men generally it would actually be more beneficial and less harmful to
have more hugs with other men than with women. And if it is
beneficial, where's the intelligence in labelling it as 'wrong' or any of the other
pejorative epithets that people, in their idiocy, throw at people who behave in authentic
and harmonious ways rather than follow imbecilic 'moral codes' (i.e.,
culturally established garbage-sourced
control agendas)?
As to why it's most beneficial to hug more with people of your own gender than the opposite gender, I refer you to Hugging is for everybody!.
Does going out of our body equate with enlightenment or help us gain that state?
No, not at all! Indeed, if it equates with anything of significance, it equates with a very serious problem!
Very many people do equate some sort of ungrounded spaced-out experience with enlightenment, especially if the experience is peaceful and euphoric, but they haven't at all understood what enlightenment really is, and have got things quite wrong. Actually you become enlightened more readily through getting your awareness really well grounded while also clearing from yourself those emotional issues and 'energy' weaknesses and distortions that currently attenuate or block your awareness of your own deepest aspects of consciousness. The healing / self-actualization methods that I present on this site are the best means that I know of to achieve that.
When you unground yourself and go out of body, what's happening is that you're opening NOT to your deepest aspects but to the astral non-reality, which is that aspect of consciousness or reality into which we project all our illusions and distorted notions, and through which the garbage operates.
Although some people may experience unpleasant and even hellish experiences through doing so, others experience all manner of supposedly wonderful things, including 'seeing' a whole catalogue (or I'd be inclined to say 'menagerie' or 'zoo') of higher realities populated by supposed higher beings. The problem about all these, and indeed about just simple spaced out euphoric or blissful states, is that they're illusions and sidetracks that are being given to the particular people by the garbage, and they don't represent nor in any way point the person towards enlightenment.
Indeed, the garbage gets people ungrounding themselves precisely so that they can then be given such illusions in order to divert them away from enlightenment and indeed, from fully comprehensive self-actualization (which is more than just enlightenment and renders people at least theoretically eventually virtually free from garbage interference, attacks or influence).
Going out of body also opens you to a considerable likelihood of getting landed with a spirit attachment or partial walk-in, and makes you also prey to extremely harmful and destructive elementals that have been created by ill-willed individuals to cause people major harm.
Being enlightened involves very much seeing things as they really are. How on earth would one be able to do that by going out of body? You then see or at least experience illusions instead! You may 'see a great Light' in that manner, but that's NOTHING to do with what's actually inappropriately called enlightenment (what I actually prefer to call the gaining of or having fundamental clarity).
Thus for anyone who genuinely wants enlightenment, self-actualization, and overall great well-being, ANY ungrounding activity, and especially going out of body, is a complete no-no.
What will happen to me when I commit suicide?
Here is a full question that somebody sent me. Very occasionally I've received rather similar messages from other people.
I'd like to ask you what happens after I commit suicide. My core essence left my body. I don't feel any emotion whatsoever and last year I was in a coma. Life literally went out of my body during that. Will I go to the astral sub-realities?
For a start, it's necessary to say that when somebody emails me from this website asking me such questions, that's unacceptable behaviour. As I explain on my Contact Me page, such messages are a burden upon me and they serve no useful purpose, and my attempting to answer those wouldn't really be helping anyone. As I explain on my Contact Me page, it's up to such people to read the relevant material on this site and use the healing and self-actualization methods that I present.
I'm naturally greatly sorry that anyone is in a seriously suffering state, but nothing is gained by such people seeking to drag me down with them, nor by my allowing them to do that sort of thing to me (out of a misplaced sense of 'kind-heartedness' without regard for the harmful consequences for me). As I say, the means to their 'salvation' are right here on this website, and if people won't get using those methods and turning their lives around, that's their business and not mine.
In order to help forestall further such pointless questions to me, for the benefit of others I shall now do my best to answer the question quoted above.
Let us be clear that NOBODY on this whole planet — I myself included — can actually know (as distinct from believe or speculate) what happens after death (including suicide), so the best that anyone can come up with is some sort of working hypothesis based on a working model of the nature of the 'reality' that we observe. On this site I've presented such a working model, which in my own experience so far has been much, much better at explaining all my experiences and observations than the beliefs and working models that I've come across from any other source.
Within the framework of reference of that working model, the guy who wrote in with the above headline question is in very deep trouble, not least because of his state of confusion and not being willing to properly read and take action upon the material I present on this site. He'd written in to me before in a quite similar vein, seeking to question me about the suicide that he claims that he wants to commit, but he shows no will actually to rectify his situation.
He only has to read The True Nature of the 'Dark force' and its Interference and Attacks to see that he's headed for a really sticky fate in the very long term if he doesn't stop all his confused nonsense and actually get onto a practical self-actualization process, now — but it's his choice and his alone, and nothing to do with me.
His claim that his 'core essence' left him can't be correct, because his core essence is him — so, whatever he experienced to give him that impression must have been something else: no doubt at all the garbage putting pseudo-thoughts into his mind — and indeed cultivating illusory realities there, in which he has no purpose in carrying on living — and also no doubt getting him in various ways to unground himself very seriously.
The garbage has tried that trick on me on various occasions, but my awareness remained grounded enough that I didn't fall for that trick and cleared out the harmful illusory realities that had been put in hidden aspects of my mindspace.
As far as I can understand it, it's not invariably the case that somebody who kills himself will fail to revert to fundamental consciousness and would remain trapped by his attachment to astral-based illusions — but nonetheless that sad happening would be bound to be the norm, because of the normal confused and disturbed state of the person killing himself.
In order not to get trapped by your astral-based illusory realities, you have to do actual work to clear them from yourself, and, unfortunately, a person who is pointed to suicide is actually being driven by at least one illusory reality, and, generally speaking, isn't concerning himself with actually, effectively, resolving the situation that's making him feel that he has to kill himself.
Did you ever see evidence of
self-consciousness in these dark forces
Let's be clear about this — there's evidence and evidence, and not all evidence is equal! Before I even realized that the non-physical 'presences' communicating with me were themselves any part or aspect of 'the dark forces', I took it as self evident that the communications that I was getting must be from real self-awarely conscious beings.
After all, however troublesomely 'they' were behaving towards me, it was a two-way communication, so I took it that 'they' were real beings, each based in its own self-aware consciousness. Also, 'they' showed so much (apparent) intelligence in their deviousness and purposefulness in seeking to disrupt my life and indeed destroy me, that at the time it seemed at face value unthinkable that 'they' could be other than real conscious beings.
However, even in the thick of the troubles, I was aware of certain discrepancies, which at the time I found deeply disturbing, because I couldn't understand how real conscious beings could behave in such dim and moronic repetitive, agenda-driven ways, just as though they were modules of computer malware.
Subsequently, as I got clear of the deceptions and major interferences from the garbage, I progressively came to see that there were no real discrepancies, as I took on board the likelihood that all those 'entity' manifestations were merely illusions created in one's mind by programming in thought 'energy', and not 'real' conscious beings at all.
What I'd particularly noticed about all those 'entities' and supposed 'higher beings' included the following observations, which all pointed to the likelihood of the 'entities' being fundamentally based in programming — not consciousness at all:
'They' were totally unremitting in 'their' agenda to disrupt and cause problems in very specific ways. That's not what I'd expect of a genuinely self-aware conscious being.
'They' appeared to 'know' every minutest detail about me and my supposed past, but yet showed a multitude of signs of having no understanding of that 'knowledge' except in terms of how that data could be used to further 'their' troublesome and disruptive agenda towards me.
'They' showed many huge gaps in 'their' 'awareness', which enabled me to get the better of 'them' in many situations where real awarely conscious beings would have had the flexibility to recognise the obstacles to what they were trying to do to me, and would have worked round those to make things tremendously more difficult for me.
On many occasions I was aware of things that the supposed entities could have done to cause me very much greater problems, but 'they' stuck to types of behaviour that, over a period, became increasingly obvious as just fairly elaborate pattern-based behaviour, and so didn't even take up any cues from my own thinking about what 'they' would do if they were really awarely conscious beings.
It became clear that 'they' were seeking to exploit various experiences and characteristics of mine, but I very soon came to see that this was happening in a most inept and 'amateurish' repetitive manner — again, because 'their' behaviour was pattern-based and lacking the sort of flexibility that enables uniquely appropriate responses to be made to each individual situation (as a genuinely awarely conscious being could do, at least to quite an extent).
There was a phase in my 'troubles' where my 'guidance' kept seeking to dictate to me things that I was typing on the computer. Initially, in my innocence / naivety, I allowed this to happen, and the results were 'illuminating', shall we say!
When I allowed the 'guidance' to dictate to me the contents of a few particular emails, the resulting messages were horrendously troublesome in various ways and usually 'barbed', ensuring that the recipients wanted nothing further to do with me.
In the case of my writing up entries in the journal that I keep of all my hiking outings, what I was given (allegedly from my own 'higher consciousness'), although not actually 'wrong' in a factual sense, was completely empty of any sense of describing the real experience that I'd just had on the particular hike, and completely lacking in any sense of creative vibrancy.
The writing was vapid and insipid, as you might expect to be generated by a reasonably competently programmed piece of computer software intended to produce texts for some very humdrum purpose. I then rebelled against my 'instructions' and deleted that hopelessly inane bit of text, then writing the relevant account again properly, without allowing that interfering 'guidance' to dictate anything further to me.
Not even once did I get the impression of any of these supposed entities or higher beings actually communicating with each other. In functional terms 'they' were really like stylized cardboard cut-out figures that were simply programmed to communicate with me. Also, 'they' never told me anything about themselves, except that sometimes when I asked 'them' certain things about themselves and their own supposed lives, I'd be told what I could best describe as a few vague platitudes or generalized statements.
Just as with that empty-headed inane text lacking in any sense of real personal experience, which my 'guidance' had dictated to me into my journal, so, when questioned, these supposed 'beings' came out with just the same sort of thing — some words, yes, but no sense that 'they' were actually describing real experiences that 'they' had had personally.
There was a time in the early stages of my 'troubles' (in late 2003) when certain 'guides' were making a real effort to convince me that 'they' were real beings — BUT even then I felt quite compellingly that that couldn't be right, because 'they' were displaying the most absurdly low-grade and 'primitive' feelings and personal reactions to situations. Not at all the behaviour of a real 'higher' (and thus presumably enlightened) being!
If the garbage were consciousness-based and had real intelligence, surely it would have recognised all the implications of my being enlightened, and would have sought to present its illusory manifestations to me in forms that would have appeared 'enlightened' to me, and would have demonstrated 'enlightened' outlooks and behaviour. It appeared that all the garbage could do in an attempt in that direction was simply to make a particular 'being' appear to have some sort of radiance of light, or/and carry about it some feeling that people would generally interpret as peace or/and love.
But you see, what sort of fool does this garbage take me for, that it attempts to fool an enlightened person such as myself with a little display of 'light' or an attack with feelings that get misinterpreted as peacefulness / love, into believing that I'm witnessing actual enlightened beings?
I'd be more convinced if the garbage did the 'intelligent' thing and printed 'Enlightened' (with a capital 'E') on each of the cardboard cut-outs that it was seeking to have me believe is enlightened and therefore to be listened to and followed!
The way that all the 'entities' or 'higher beings' repeatedly changed their stories, at least in various details, was highly suggestive that 'they' actually had no notion or concept of an underlying 'real' reality.
Any sort of 'factual' or 'historical' data was just being treated as material to be distorted and strung together in any particular way to get me to believe way-out and convoluted stories about myself and my past.
It appears that the garbage has no concept of 'deceit' or 'distortion', because it's just programming, which uses particular data in particular ways to have particular effects on people in order to ensure that people keep behaving in ways that reinforce the garbage and keep it in existence. I explain more about this latter behaviour in The True Nature of the 'Dark force' and its Interference and Attacks.
I could spend a lot of time describing further observations, but really it all comes down to the same thing — that all the signs were that the apparent intelligence and interactive ability of these troublesome manifestations (and I include here all the apparently beneficial or 'divine' ones too) was fundamentally based in programming, rather than any sort of personal consciousness of those 'entity' (or indeed 'divine being') manifestations.
The catch, however, for the vast majority of people is that the latter don't have the depth of awareness and discernment ability to see through the superficial appearances, and so they perceive the illusions — the stylized cardboard cut-outs — as 'real', and thus help keep the garbage in place.
However, having said all that, I'd say that it appears to me that the 'intelligence' of the programming of the garbage is enhanced by its hijacking part of the awareness of each person that it's connected to in the general, universal way (which means everyone) and also, more virulently, by the hijacking of additional aspects of the awareness of those unfortunate individuals who've been made members of the postulated cacoprotean network.
Although this scenario is speculative on my part, it does explain how the garbage could, at least at times, behave in more 'intelligent' and flexible ways than it would have otherwise been able to do purely on the basis of its programming.
On the other hand, I postulate that any such additional degree or aspect of 'intelligence' that the garbage gains that way is still limited in extent because there's still no actual core self-aware consciousness to either the garbage overall or any of its apparent manifestations (i.e., the illusions that it gets people to create in their awareness). Hence its appearing as actually so moronic and stupid to a deeply aware person such as myself.
If there's an external negative force trying to influence everyone, is there also a positive force, trying to help us?
Well-nigh universally the garbage actually cultivates that very notion in people's minds — that there are both 'the forces of darkness (or negativity or evil)' and 'the forces of light (or positivity or good)'. The point here is that, yes, there is what you could call a 'positive force', but it's not something outside ourselves, which would, figuratively, hold out a helping hand to us (and thus actually keep us disempowered), but instead it's actually us ourselves, or in other words, human consciousness itself.
The garbage constantly cultivates outlooks in which it's believed or assumed that there is some reality that's 'higher' than ourselves and which contains 'higher' beings who can help us — all to keep us turned away from the real 'Ultimate', which is none other than our own very deepest aspects, so that we remain disempowered and captive to the garbage.
As long as you continue to assume or believe that there's any reality or being or 'presence' that's 'higher' than yourself, and which, at least theoretically, could help you, you're lost to genuine self-actualization — so it's a particularly important belief to let go of and completely clear from your system.
Superficially this may sound to be a rather unbalanced scenario, but actually when you have a better understanding of the true nature of reality*, it ceases to appear so. The point is, the fundamental nature of reality (as far as anyone can tell) is actually awareness or consciousness itself, and the garbage is simply one particular aspect of awareness / consciousness that, some unimaginably long time ago, got distorted in a particular way, probably owing to a particular benignly-intentioned human misadventure, as I explain in The True Nature of the 'Dark force' and its Interference and Attacks.
So, the garbage is really not genuinely 'external', even though in practical terms, for each individual person it behaves as a sort of external agency (but with a deep connection into every single person's awareness, of which it's actually an intrinsic part).
It's also necessary to point out, as I do in various places on this site, that the belief that there's a polarity of 'positive' and 'negative' in any non-physical or metaphysical sense is in itself false. 'Positive' and 'negative', like 'good' and 'bad', are just labels that people put upon things. The real polarity is between freedom and captivity, awareness and unawareness, clarity and confusion, and flexibility and rigidity. All the other contrasting attributes such as happiness / misery and lovingness / hatefulness stem from those four integrally linked polarities.
I'd like your thoughts on the [xxxx] chant…
One correspondent wrote in as follows, but my answer really could refer to virtually any chant that's purportedly for some sort of life improvement, 'spiritual advancement' or self-actualization or indeed healing or clearance / protection from troublesome or 'negative' forces.
Do you know anything about nam myho renge kyo? It's a chant, but it refutes the existence of God and the people say that it asserts one's own inner forces to be activated. I'd like your thoughts on this.
To all people coming to me with that sort of query I'd say that the really important
thing is that you get finding your answers from your own deepest aspects, rather
than seeking the (very likely distorted or even completely wrong) views of others. You wouldn't get all that far in genuine self-actualization until you do so. On this site
there's a guide for you to learn rigorous and relatively safe use of Helpfulness
Testing in order to find out what's strengthening or weakening for you.
To the person who wrote in with the above query, my specific answer is as follows.
I'm not yet aware of any chant (i.e., that's perceived as a chant rather than simply a song) that is genuinely helpful and clear from garbage involvements. That is, when spoken or sung words or syllables are being used as having some special significance that gives them a sense of 'chant', you're at once, probably quite unwittingly, running a particular type of garbage agenda.
Without that agenda you simply wouldn't have that sense of 'chant'. It's very much to do with the control agenda (and control 'energies') involved in chanting — generally repeating over and over a sequence of syllables or words to give them some special meaning beyond normal use of language to speak or sing to each other. In giving each chant such a special significance you're actually creating a subtle illusory reality within your awareness, which renders the latter much less grounded and thus much more open to the garbage.
It's true that if you use such a chant as the one you mention with a deeply enough held intent for those positive changes that you mention you may get some degree of those positive changes, BUT those effects would be coming from your focusing that intent rather than from the chant itself, and, as I've just noted, there would definitely be other, garbage connecting, effects of using the chant.
There are other methods that you can use to focus that positive intent for opening out your own deeper aspects, without any problems of garbage involvement or influence — two particular ones that I give on my site being my full set of affirmations and the use of my self-actualization methods in general, and a set of what I call Regular Core Practices.
Use of them in the ways I describe also has the advantage of being grounding to your awareness and completely free from any tradition, which the chant you mention most certainly wouldn't be, for all those traditions and their methods bring with them increasing, albeit typically covert, garbage ensnarement (illusory realities and control agenda, which can be very subtle and difficult for ordinary people to notice) over and above the problems that are intrinsic in the use of the chant.
Actually, by writing the above paragraphs in answer to the particular guy's question, to put it politely, I was giving him a considerable deal of 'benefit of the doubt', because his question was one of those timewasting agenda-driven communications with a most unhelpful subtext, which I proscribe for good reason on my Contact page. Clearly he was seeking to get me engaging with his own confusions and beliefs rather than genuinely seeking the sort of answer that I've put above.
Are you saying in your writings that the dark forces are the same as the ego?
Nowhere do I say any such thing or anything remotely like it — though there are plenty of people who come to my site with all sorts of preconceived notions picked up from various traditions and other seriously misguided sources and then effectively paraphrase in their mindspace what their eyes half-read here, putting all manner of confused verbal nonsense into my mouth, so that they then, generally with the best of intentions, post the most absurdly confused and incorrect things about me and my supposed beliefs in forums and other public places.
For one thing, as I make quite clear on this site, according to my current understanding there is, and can be, only one garbage, so anyone who thinks I'm making statements about the 'dark forces' is straightaway demonstrating that (s)he is actively — albeit probably unawarely — distorting my writings to try to fit them into his/her well established beliefs, preconceptions and confusions.
As far as concerns what the so-called ego is, that's made quite clear on certain pages on this site, but let's spell it out here anyway. It's not a real thing at all. It's nothing other than a certain delusion that nearly all people are carrying — indeed probably even the most self-actualized people still carry at least some hint of it, though its gross manifestations dissolve at the time of becoming enlightened. That delusion is the illusion, believed to be 'real', that one is an actual thing that's interacting with a 'reality' that's external to oneself.
When you become enlightened you perceive directly that you're not any thing that could be conceptually defined at all. Rather, you seem to be 'something' that can't be defined and thus which you really can't accurately even call 'something' (!), but, whatever it is, it's whatever is observing all that you experience. As I often express it in a nutshell, it appears that one's true identity is the meta-space within which all experience arises — including the whole Universe and all phenomena, both apparently physical and non-physical.
The so-called ego, thus, is the 'I'm a definite, discrete thing' delusion that keeps you from enlightenment and any reasonably advanced self-actualization — which is why, in all manner of ways, the garbage universally cultivates the 'ego' delusion in people, particularly through cultivating attachment and desire, and a sense of separateness from the rest of 'reality' (so that then one reacts to it and consistently fails to recognise or be a really effective manifestation of one's underlying true nature as fundamental consciousness).
A Crucifix pendant had been left on my windowsill; does it mean anything?
Yes, definitely! When you find one of those on a windowsill of yours, it means that you have a simple little task to perform! Recognise the pendant for the unwholesome object that it is, and, with complete lack of ceremony, drop it in the nearest garbage container, for it has no place in your home or your life.
Then, in your mind, draw a line under the matter, for people do all sorts of strange and usually unhealthy things for even more unhealthy reasons (even while often superficially meaning of the best), and it would be only a drag and a weakening influence upon you to spend time and energy concerning yourself about the whys and wherefores of each such happening.
The garbage (whether directly or through channels / mediums / clairvoyants) would undoubtedly seek to get you taking on some story about a supposed meaning for you of that object having appeared on your windowsill, but you can be sure that any such story would be given to you only to cause or aggravate problems for you, and wouldn't represent true, undistorted and genuinely useful information.
It's possible of course that whoever left the pendant on your windowsill was meaning something in particular by leaving it there — but that's their problem, not yours; no doubt some belief / illusory reality / garbage interference that they're carrying. You need that sort of stuff in your life just like you need a hole in the head. A Crucifix, like any sacred or 'holy' symbol is actually a tool of the garbage for weakening your non-physical aspects, getting you taking up particular illusory realities, and generally making you (more) captive to the garbage. Is that really what you'd want?
How can I protect myself from dark entities while astral-travelling?
Hmmm… — How can I protect myself from faeces and all manner
of likely infections and poisonings while swimming in my local sewer?
, and How can I protect myself from getting burnt while putting my hand in
a flame?
— Need I go on?
The point is, why the hell are you doing it anyway? — I've already answered a quite similar question further above, to which I refer you — and would just add here that to my best understanding 'dark entities' are nothing more than particular illusions that the garbage gives to a person, as much as anything, to hide its true nature.
How do I get rid of a sexual entity?
The strict answer is, you don't — you can't — because, to the best of my understanding, there's no such thing as a 'sexual entity'.
The fuller answer is that my understanding nowadays is that non-physical 'entities' of any kind that we recognise are either completely illusory, those illusions being created in our minds through hijacking interference from the garbage or, in relatively uncommon cases, they may be elementals. What they're not is actual conscious beings — and certainly not 'sexual' ones!
Am I therefore saying the particular person's problem doesn't exist? — No, not at all! It is just that it needs a fresh understanding before you can seriously begin to resolve the problem.
What this comes down to is just one of the myriad types of interference from the garbage. The latter uses attacks with sexual and erotic feelings, sexual arousal and indeed sexual 'ecstasy', routinely including a distorted and extremely addictive version of one's orgasm feelings, with the 'purpose' of keeping people fixated on eroticism and sex, and of controlling people's behaviour with those feelings — including, in some cases, driving people into various 'dark' and extremely unhealthy pursuits such as Satanism and black magic. The garbage also uses attacks with sexual arousal to try to deprive a person of sleep.
I've had all this repeatedly attempted on me, so I'm very familiar with this behaviour of the garbage. However, in my case I was never to any significant extent given the impression of having a 'sexual' entity around me — but actually the specifics of any one person's experience are largely or completely irrelevant to the actual methods required to resolve the issue, which are the same regardless of the details.
To get resolving such an issue, please go to 'Dark force' and entity troubles — The real way to clear them and, for much helpful explanation, The true nature of 'the forces of darkness' and its interference and attacks — though nowadays the best starting point for most people is Crisis emergency self-help — Life upturn the SMART way, regardless of whether or no you consider yourself to be in crisis.
Can night terrors become real?
The strict answer here is 'no', because, by their very nature, hells (which include what are generally though rather misleadingly called night terrors) are illusory.
Thus, the most that they can do is to appear subjectively to you that they're 'real'. That can happen only if your awareness has become sufficiently weakly grounded, when the garbage can then feed into your mindspace no end of covert or indeed brazenly direct messages and 'pseudo-thoughts' to the effect that the horror shows or other very stressful experiences that it's presenting to you are actually 'reality' or are liable to become so in the future, and, in your ungrounded state you're gullible enough to accept those messages without significantly holding them up to critical scrutiny, let alone actually filtering them out altogether.
This underlines the crucial importance of cultivating real solid groundedness of your awareness and indeed of your whole being.
Please see Night terrors and hell experiences — Understanding and clearing them, and Beliefs and illusory realities — Their role in human irrationality.
How can I avoid neck pain caused by driving / travelling?
Somebody wrote in to me as follows:I've been successfully treated for neck pain but I still get it quite badly when driving, or being driven. My doctor suggested the Alexander technique. I've read carefully through your very useful website but haven't found any specific reference to this. Is there something I can do to reduce it?
Yes, there is something. What that person can do is to take up the Alexander Technique (AT)! However, he'd need to take it up properly. That means integrating it fully into his life so that it's no longer experienced specifically as 'Alexander Technique' and instead is experienced simply as a better way of living. It also needs understanding that, as stated in my AT guide, the AT is very much a whole body discipline.
It's no good just seeking to get your neck into better alignment if you're not attending to the balance, alignment and optimal use of your whole body and all its parts.
In my AT guide he wouldn't have found a specific mention of neck pain caused by travelling because the cause of the neck pain would be not so much the travelling but his own habitual body misuse in driving and travelling situations. Thus his issue, or at least its resolution, wouldn't be specific to driving / travelling. When you're automatically applying the AT in all areas of your life you simply use your body in the best possible way in each situation.
Driving and travelling does generally present a lot of challenge to spine alignment and good use, but that isn't such a problem when you recognise when you're getting such 'challenges' to your healthy alignment and do your best to counter those 'challenges' by more aware, 'counter-challenge' body use.
I actually empathize a lot with people who experience neck pain, but as I found out through my own experience, a full application of the AT makes it possible for the vast majority of people properly using it to be without significant neck or back pain in the vast majority of situations in which they'd previously experienced it.
During my first year of use of the AT, travelling either in a train or a car (the latter generally more difficult) was still a bit troublesome for my neck, though less so than before, but this gradually became less, so that after that first year the only neck pain that I got in travel situations was due to my keeping my head turned round to talk with somebody on one side or the other of me. When that happened it reminded me that I needed to be more careful not to have any part of my spine significantly twisted around except transiently.
When people are driving, I note that one of the commonest relevant body misuses is the pulling back of the head by over-shortening the large muscles down the back of the neck. Usually that's associated with a drooping or hunching forward of the shoulders / upper back. Also, any tendency to collapse into a car seat that, in too many cases, appears to have been designed for an animated jellyfish rather than a human, would cause progressive neck and back problems for anyone.
Reclining car seats may have a place in highly 'technical' racing cars (i.e., ones that aren't for road driving), but they have no healthy place in everyday life, for they train your spine to collapse into a poor alignment, and that progressively brings about painful conditions as the spinal musculature becomes more distorted and lacking in a properly balanced tone.
So, one needs to think in terms of upright seats, and, where seats aren't properly so, sitting in a relaxed, balanced, upright state regardless of the seat's beckoning you to collapse into a harmful state of alignment.
Trying to sit upright like that without the AT would be hard work and would most likely cause still further problems, but the AT, in cultivating the right awareness, gives you the means to achieve this lightly and naturally and in the most beneficial manner possible. Indeed, you learn to be able to sit upright in a relaxed manner on any suitably raised surface, whether or not there's anything there to support your back.
The significance of paranormal physical manifestations around one
Somebody wrote in as follows:
What does it mean when you experience physical manifestations around you like chairs being pulled from underneath you, pictures falling off walls, or your car being locked on you after getting out?
It means that that individual or somebody else in the immediate vicinity has a particular aspect of their non-physical aspects seriously weakly grounded, so that the garbage is able to use his / their 'energy system' to affect physical objects. An elemental is generally an intermediary in the process of causing such phenomena.
Such happenings are a sign of an extremely unhealthy and harmful situation, which needs timely attention if the affected person values his/her long-term wellbeing. Clearly, such psychic phenomena are potentially physically dangerous and can lead to people being injured or even killed.
There's no instant fix solution to this sort of problem, BUT the Good News is that this very site presents a whole set of methods that, if used in an aware and ongoing manner, aiming at a genuine self-actualization process for yourself, would progressively strengthen your non-physical aspects and indeed your grounding, so that the troublesome manifestations would progressively phase out. Also, you'd experience all manner of other improvements in your life.
Is it possible to remove all Vortex Healing implants without the help of one of the original Vortex Healing teachers?
I think I'd put the word 'help' there in quotes, and indeed scoop it up in a dog poo bag and deposit it in an appropriate bin! From my perspective, it's a fairly bizarre notion, that one would need assistance from one of the original Vortex Healing teachers in order to be able to remove any energy implants at all, whether they be Vortex Healing ones or any other type!*
* Actually I'd say it would be virtually impossible for any VH 'healer' to remove such implants even from themselves — because they're actually not in control of what's really going on, as you will understand from what I write below. In any case, my understanding is that generally one person can't achieve much in terms of removing implants from other people; basically it's work that the affected person needs to do on him/herself.
Without prejudice to any intent of those Vortex Healing teachers to be genuinely helpful, the important point is that there are better, safer means for you to achieve what genuinely needs to be achieved — and without your depending on an external 'healer' at all. You yourself are already your own best healer, and you have no need for a complex, esoteric or otherwise 'precious' 'healing' system in order to become effective in that role.
The person who asked me the headline question explained that, as part of a student's training in Vortex Healing one of the original Vortex Healing teachers places a series of energy implants in the student's (I'd be inclined to say, victim's) non-physical aspects, purportedly for the purpose of enabling that lucky person to be able to channel healing energy at certain specific frequencies.
To a deeply aware person who is free of the normal garbage obfuscations and deceptions, that's enough to trigger red DANGER signals.
Vortex Healing, like other healing systems, is sourced from channelled 'information' and 'guidance' from supposed 'higher' non-physical beings — which latter are all illusions created in the healers' minds by the garbage — and, yes, that does include so-called Mehindra and Merlin, who allegedly channelled the Vortex Healing system to Ric Weinman, the Vortex Healing founder.
It's thus yet another healing system given to us by the garbage to fool people into imagining that they're fully healing themselves and clearing out all their issues, while actually the method's complexities and all the 'transmissions' / attunements given to trainees by the teachers provide the garbage with much opportunity and scope for causing everyone involved a lot of further problems.
However, as intimated above, there's more to the Vortex Healing situation than just that. The question I'm answering here prompted me to visit the Vortex Healing official website and examine carefully the portraits of the six original VH teachers displayed there, to examine their 'energy' and get some intimations from their own deeper aspects as to what's really going on there, and, I have to say, the picture is a sorry mess.
In particular, five out of the six (including Weinman the founder) are in dire trouble themselves without having any idea of what's really going on. I'm really sorry to have cause to say this, because of the undeniable good intentions of those individuals, but all the signs point to their having at some stage become incorporated into the cacoprotean network.
Thus the whole VH setup is one of the 'front' organisations of that network, and the 'transmissions', placing of implants, and the use of what's euphemistically called the Merlin Grid for supposed healing, together are classic means to get the 'trainees' incorporated into the cacoprotean network too, and so likewise effectively to be an actual part of the garbage itself.
I have a particular empathy with the VH founder and his colleagues over this, because of the way that the garbage, posing as high guides and ascended masters (including 'Merlin'!) sought to set me myself up in competition against the VH team in 2004, with a supposedly new healing system (much simpler than VH) that initially was called Divine Consciousness Reiki and then later got renamed to Am Re Reiki, which I'm sure in retrospect was designed to be just another means to get people incorporated into the cacoprotean network. I thus can have no 'moral high ground' over this.
My saving grace was that part of my awareness remained all along too grounded for me to fully take on board the garbage's deceptions, and also I was already enlightened, so that inevitably the garbage was then trying to destroy me as a potential threat to it — and that in turn forced me, for my very own survival, to subject all my experiences to far deeper and more objective scrutiny than happens generally with people who the garbage seeks to get on 'lightworking' or teaching missions. That then led to my progressively arriving at my current understandings.
On this site I present methods that you can learn and use free of charge* (although I always welcome donations to assist my beneficial work), which, according to my understanding, would enable you single-handedly to progressively clear whatever non-physical cack you're carrying, including any nasties put into your system by a cacoprotean network member or 'front' organisation such as VH.
You can be sure that anyone who seeks to have you believe that you can't clear all of your material without the help of their particular healing system — or indeed without specific practitioners of it — is either running a sort of 'religious evangelist' trip on you or is (probably unawarely, under garbage control) seeking to put nasty things in your non-physical aspects, or/and is being motivated by financial interests. All of those are dishonest agendas that seek to keep you disempowered and NOT addressing your real issues.
In the case of Vortex Healing, people are paying fairly big bucks for the massive problems they're actually gathering for themselves in the name of 'healing' and 'full clearance', so there would be a lot of financial motivation in some quarters to try to keep people imagining that they're dependent on paying out those big bucks!
In June 2012 I chanced upon a web page (link removed in 2018 as the site no longer exists) giving a graphic account of one person's troublesome experiences from a Vortex Healing 'training', and of the absolutely classic defensive 'denial' responses she got from Weinman — very much in the same league as the 'lightworkers' Dalibor Zaviska and Gordon Hughes (also apparently cacoprotean network members), and indeed Stephen and Lynda Kane, the Energy Egg people, who each had such problematical dealings with me.
To me this is exactly how I expected Weinman would have responded to me if I'd got into VH (and inevitably gained severe problems as a result), and, overall, is compelling documentary evidence of the accuracy of my own appraisal of Vortex Healing and the unfortunate predicament of its founding team.
From my own perspective I see the writer of that web page as having already been ungrounded and weakened by all the Reiki she'd been into, as well as by her evident highly ungrounded 'spirituality' belief system and astral perceptions (so most likely she was unknowingly already in a steady feedback loop of self-ungrounding), so that the Reiki, although seeming to her to feel wonderful, was actually all part of the same overall BIG problem of the garbage's involvement in all the healing traditions and formal healing systems, and weakening her through various avenues — Vortex Healing just being the most virulent.
Just why do very small differences in an object or its placement make a big difference as to whether it creates environmental stress?
Here is an example query of this sort that I received recently:
I was wondering why (let's say) sleeping with a larger clear quartz sphere (2") would have a negative benefit towards one's well being (vs. sleeping with a smaller (14mm) one). I can't find any info on this on the web.
The answer to all such queries isn't just I don't know
, but Nobody can ever know
Many people would claim to know, but that would necessarily be channelled or clairvoyantly
obtained 'information', which would all have come from the garbage in order to mislead for seriously troublesome
purposes. You're thus much more 'in truth' by actually acknowledging that you really don't know certain things — and indeed acknowledging that 'what goes on' beyond the physical
aspects of experience is intrinsically impossible for us truthfully to describe, explain
or understand.
That's all part and parcel of the general principle, that consciousness is completely unable to explain or understand itself. Unfortunately for us, the garbage exploits that simple fact and cultivates in people a constant urge for 'knowing the unknowable', and all the time it fills that perceived void with masses of 'story' that's all aimed at keeping people captive and pointed well away from the simplicity and clarity of genuine self-actualization.
So, with regard to whether a particular object in a particular location, with a specific placement, would be strengthening or weakening for you at a particular time, either you do what almost all people do — just leave it to have its beneficial or harmful effects on you — or you do the smart thing and carefully use Helpfulness Testing (carefully heeding all the cautions and caveats that I give in my Helpfulness Testing guide) to establish whether it would be strengthening or weakening for you, and then consistently choose only what's strengthening for you (or the least weakening option where all options are apparently weakening).
What is NOT helpful is to go hanging on the words and advice of other people, for we each have our own particular subtle interactions and 'resonances' with all the details and aspects of our surroundings, and nobody else can take that properly into account in giving you some sort of advice or 'reading'. Thus finding out for yourself what's strengthening or weakening for you (i.e., by means of Helpfulness Testing) is the real way forward, rather than concerning yourself too much with what this Philip Goddard guy or indeed anyone else says is generally weakening or strengthening for us.
Donations are appreciated!
If you value this page / this site and its contents, a one-off or especially regular donation would be greatly appreciated and would help me maintain it and continue my beneficial projects.
All donations are welcome; a £5 minimum is suggested, but anything at all would help and be really appreciated, though clearly larger sums would really help.