Masthead logo: Clarity of Being — including pioneer project: Fix the Human Condition

Project Fix the Human Condition

Why merely improve the human condition, when it can actually be fixed — and at the most fundamental level?


At a glance…

Addressing 'The Human Condition' at last…

This outlines what started out as an ongoing small adventure, with no name to it, which involved exploring how the pressing problem of the garbage (often mistakenly equated with 'dark force', 'forces of darkness', 'forces of evil', 'demonic forces') and its monumentally harmful effects on human function could be fixed — even permanently.

That's how it started out, at least, but really its more basic remit progressively became to seek out and, hopefully to achieve a fix for, any major problem in human consciousness that adversely affects people's functioning and life experience generally. So eventually the Author 'came out' and called the project Fix the 'Human Condition'.

Initially this project fell into four apparently discrete and chronologically separated ventures. They would each appear outlandishly surreal and indeed 'delusional' to people who haven't got understanding and using the Author's pioneering RATIONALLY-based self-actualization methodology, which operates completely outside all belief systems and traditions. These ventures were each experiments, testing potentialities in that methodology and the working model of 'reality' upon which it's based. They were as follows:

  • From late 2008 into 2009 — seeking to make the cacoprotean network the seat of its own destruction, presumably resulting in the slow dissolution of the garbage. The Author's methodology at that time wasn't sufficiently developed for that (or presumably any other) approach to garbage dissolution to be effective, but the principle appeared to be sound.

  • From December 2015 through 2016 — an indirect but even more mind-boggling approach: to get the astral non-reality closed off from every human-type 'mind' in the whole of 'Existence'. There was a pressing reason why that needed to be achieved anyway, even if we didn't have the garbage to contend with; almost universally people hadn't understood what 'the astral' really was (a misconfiguration of consciousness at a universal level, which pressingly needed fixing).

    The Author was getting indications that this method was working and a very long-term process to fix the issue was in progress, but the time-scale was likely to be very long by our standards, though with the possibility of a breakthrough at some point, not necessarily that long ahead, and then much more rapid progress to completion.

  • From March 2020 — A 'vaccination' / 'gene therapy' type of approach to dissolving the garbage. With much enhanced methodology since the previous venture, this appeared to have MUCH more promise…
    As it turned out, deeper consciousness combined this with a much more rapid process of closing off 'the astral' from all human minds, apparently completing just a matter of days after the garbage dissolution.

  • From February 2022 — understanding and getting a fix for a serious misconfiguration in a subconscious working cache for people's intents and aspirations, to release people from all manner of habits, addictions, attachments and entrenched attitudes. The Author had previously run into trouble from that faulty cache, and dubbed it the 'sticky layer', in ignorance then of its true nature. That was apparently very soon fixed.

From then onwards the Project has progressively consolidated, so that further discoveries, fixes and re-configurations have no longer stood out as separate adventures but were simply new steps forward within the project (and hardly worth reporting as 'news' anymore!), further enabling all human(-type) civilizations in the whole of 'Existence' towards manifesting something close to their full potential.

Although ingrained patterns of brain function have prevented the hugely vast majority of people from yet experiencing noticeable positive changes, the Author and some other exceptionally 'open' and aware people (generally no-soul ones) have experienced a number of inner changes, and also certain visual effects, that are strongly indicative of the basic fixes having been for real. Those reports appear to be especially significant as the chronology of the reported experiences has matched pretty well with that of the completion of the successive fixes as far as the Author has been able to determine.

Attention, please! Important!

A cursory reading and instant opinion isn't enough!

Over the years I've regularly looked in forums where people have posted about the contents of various of the pages on this site, and so far almost every time this has been a pretty frustrating and discouraging experience. Why? — Because people are disagreeing with me? …
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— No, it's not that (although indeed, predictably, plenty of people do 'disagree' with me). It's because, with only the odd rare and isolated exception, so far I've seen no sign of anyone having read the respective pages really carefully and without some sort of preconception that causes them to have a seriously distorted interpretation of at least some part of what I've written — even on the rare occasion when somebody does more or less 'agree' with what they think I've written.

It would be so helpful if people who come here would let go of their preconceived notions and read carefully what I'm actually saying — and then sleep on it and then re-read it to see where their interpretation of what I've written has actually turned it into something else, so that they can at least get a more accurate view of what I've written — whether or not they eventually choose to 'agree' with it.

I'd not mind so much if people at least took issue with what I'm actually saying, but they almost invariably go telling the world that I believe or claim or am saying this and that and the other that actually I hadn't said at all*, or they radically change the meaning of something by taking it out of context, and typically a succession of people then go pulling the stuffing out of what I'd actually never said in the first place, then regarding me as some sort of deluded 'nutter' with very confused ideas, who is best steered clear of. The reality is that it's the people who keep misinterpreting and misrepresenting my writings who are the confused ones.

* A related claim that's sometimes made about my writings is the generally completely false one that I've obviously based my own insights on the views of a particular specified tradition, 'teacher' or organisation. Let me emphasize here, as is really made clear throughout this site — at least for those who are genuinely prepared actually to look at what's there — that, apart from getting some useful initial prompts from Steve Gamble in April 2007 just to get me ditching the 'received wisdom' from the healing and New-Agey mystical traditions, my insights are NOT, to any material or really significant extent, based on any person's, tradition's or organisation's views or outlook.

I've worked things out for myself, based on my own observations plus the results of my own inner inquiry supported by Helpfulness Testing. The fact that there are apparent overlaps between my own working model and the scenarios believed in by various teachers, traditions and organisations DOES NOT in itself mean that I've therefore taken any of my ideas from them — though naturally I've got initial prompts (i.e., to work out particular things myself) from various views that I've seen expressed.

It would help so much if those who are about to make forum posts (or indeed news reports / features) about any of my material checked carefully the accuracy of any supposed quote or interpretation of that material before making their posts or reports public.

N.B. there's an inherent problem with forums generally, in that these are places where people discuss ideas. Unfortunately doing that is one of the myriad side-tracks that point people away from self-actualization — for the 'forum-heads' forever consider and discuss other people's views and outlooks instead of turning to the one source of the vital information and insight that they actually need — their own deepest aspects.

So, asking another person, for example, What do you think of this fellow Philip Goddard? may be a fascinating pastime, but that sort of behaviour is also a well-nigh complete block to any genuine self-actualization direction.

I talk here NOT about right and wrong, nor should and shouldn't, but simply of cause and effect. What do you want in your life — forever fascinating discussions relating to various notions of self-actualization, or genuine self-actualization itself? The two are virtually completely mutually exclusive.

Also, a careful reader would understand from what I've written, that I hold no beliefs, and that what I present below is a set of helpful working hypotheses (at least they've helped me greatly) — NOT a statement of categorical fact, apart from recounting actual observations / experiences of mine. So, anyone who says Philip Goddard believes that… is straight-away off the rails, simply spouting opinion, and isn't worth heeding at all.

It's in the light of this pervasive tendency to misunderstand and misrepresent my writings on this site that I indulge in apparent redundancy by frequently repeating certain explanations and clarifications. I appreciate that some readers may find this tiresome (indeed, I myself do!), but hard experience has shown this repeated-clarification approach of mine to be necessary in order to hammer certain points home to the many less receptive people, so with any luck minimizing the quantity of pointless come-back and misrepresentational forum posts relating to this site's contents!


Introduction — Method in the madness!

Putting Humanity to rights the most fundamental way — through deeper consciousness itself
Sheep thinking 'WTF?!'
Poor old Susie the sheep still doesn't understand this idiotic new-fangled 'Nothing ventured — Nothing gained' mentality!
Go for it — Tyger, Tyger, burning bright!
Now, that's more like it!

July 2023 revamp of this page

This page grew in an untidy piecemeal manner as a sort of semi-blog over a few years, and had got looking really messy and disorganized for such a fundamental and coherent project. I have thus now chosen to cut out a lot of lengthy and convoluted historical details, for they, and my excitement and often confusions as I made my earlier discoveries, had become a great distraction and cloud of smoke-in-the-eyes for the reader who wants to grasp the fundamental ease and simplicity (yes, you read right!) of this project.

This involves throwing out some apparent babies with the bathwater, for many fascinating and apparently educational details are gone, including the two related earlier pages 'The astral' about to be closed down? and Cause of human irrationality spotted at last — a fix is on the way….

The way the Project is going now, it's become clear that people simply don't any longer need to know those details, and should be free of more or less all their 'fundamental' dysfunctions when they reincarnate, regardless of what they have or haven't done in the current lifetime towards that end.

Any work people have done in this lifetime towards that end, however, wouldn't be wasted, because it would still have improved / be improving their functioning and life experience this time round, even though not having as powerful and far-reaching effects as one would get in one's next incarnation.

Our situation is an amusing parallel to a computer that's just had a software update / upgrade installed. Typically one is then required to reboot the computer for the changes to be applied. Our equivalent here of rebooting is reincarnation.

Ooooh dear, there he goes again!* — Yes, I know, many eyes would roll up at any such suggestion as abolishing the 'forces of darkness' or closing 'the astral' (whatever that is), or fixing a 'sticky cache' (WTF??!) — especially from this particular recalcitrant crackpot! Get him 'sectioned' in a psychiatric hospital double-quick!

* Let's be clear that a much more rational paraphrase of that, said in the particular context, would be Wow, Mickey Mouse the Mighty has done it again!. And yes, in recent years I really have adopted the joking name of Mickey Mouse the Mighty — for good reason, whether anyone likes it or not! The sordid truth is that everyone is fundamentally 'Mickey Mouse the Mighty', but almost all of them are heavily blocked from ever recognising that simple fundamental reality of human nature. Now, if I declared myself to be, say, God or Jesus or indeed Messrs Trump or Putin, I'd actually be describing myself as a nothing, so I don't do that. Go figure!

Indeed, by the same token, I and every other human (-type) being in the whole of 'Existence' is fundamentally 'Christ' (deeper consciousness, as well as aware good sense, indicates so). It would thus be meaningless to call me, you, or indeed a certain misnamed Biblical figure by that appellation, just as it would be pointless calling me or anyone 'Thing', at least as anything meaningful!

— But of course those groans and rolled eyes are all from the 'sheep' of this world, and therefore less than useless!

Let's say it loud and clear — What have any of those billions upon billions of 'sheep' through human(-type) history in the whole of 'Existence' ever genuinely achieved towards clearing Humanity of the scourge of the garbage (often mistakenly equated with 'dark force', 'forces of darkness', 'forces of evil', demonic forces, and so on), and all the other problems that have come to us from 'the astral'?

— As far as I can tell, all they've achieved in that direction is far less than nothing! In other words, they've ALL been part of the problem, in their myriad different ways actually contributing to the garbage's continuing existence and all the other horrendous problems stemming from 'the astral' — as indeed the garbage had programmed them all to do!

Yes, and it's certain of their number who came cursorily reading the earlier version of this page and then, effectively as embittered wannabes, set about criticizing or admonishing about my supposed 'inflated ego' and being on a grandiose delusional garbage-led fantasy trip!

Always lash out at or try to drag down those who are at least doing something towards making the life experience for all Humanity a much better proposition, rather than get your own house in order! That's real 'sheep' behaviour.

Since when has it been a grandiose ego trip to be driven, as I am, by a heartfelt and experience-based wish to be able to make the world and anywhere else where one may incarnate in the future a MUCH better place for oneself?

This project isn't altruistic in any ordinary sense at all — it's simply driven by my own 'enlightened self-interest'. It so happens that such work can't be done except on a (supra-)universal level and so inevitably would make life immeasurably better for everyone. To put it politely, I'm just being a practical old sod about this, and sticking to good down-to-earth common sense!

Also, the reality is that any or every part of this project may or may not work out, and any approximate time-scale that I may be given for any alleged in-process fix or 'upgrade' has to be taken with a great shovelful of salt because of all the unknowns about such a pioneering type of experiment, and there's NO shame at all in my having at least had a go, even if nothing at all works out at this time. If there's shame in anything at all, it would surely be in people's criticizing or seeking to discourage or stop far-sighted projects like this one, just out of their own narrow self- and world-view — and indeed in irresponsibly squandering their time by watching TV or playing computer games instead of doing things oneself towards making the world a better and more inspiring place to be!

I say again, what have the 'sheep' ever achieved themselves towards fixing the issue of overall human dysfunction and irrationality? Those stupid people are all part of the problem, and any who write in to me are ignored or get very short shrift (a sharp 'flea in the ear', so to speak)!

One thing I've turned out to be pretty good at, which all 'sheep' are manifestly not, is to keep my thinking focused and rational. — To look in detail at what is really there, setting aside all belief and preconceived notions, and then to work out from the gathered data the most likely solutions to particular problems, and on that basis then actually to resolve those problems — subject to practicability, of course. Because 'sheep' are hidebound by belief and personal agendas, together with a hideously limited and distorted self-perception, they can't do that to a useful extent — particularly with regard to any issues that are non-physically sourced.

It may already have looked revolutionary or deranged enough that this funny little man had postulated as a working assumption that all the non-physical beings, 'entities', demons, spirits, angels, God, and so forth that huge numbers of people experience or at least believe in were nothing more than illusory manifestations created in people's conscious awareness by a postulated underlying troublesome unseen influence that he came to call the garbage, of all stupid things.

But he's also gone much further in his preposterousness (i.e., from the 'sheep' perspective), because he's kept entertaining the absurd notion that it might be possible even for one person (read 'little Me'), without any superhuman heroic feats, to bring about the dissolution of the entire garbage, and indeed its ongoing underlying cause (the existence of 'the astral'), through all of 'Existence'!

Talk of a present-day Walter Mitty! For goodness' sake get this fool 'sectioned' in a secure psychiatric unit before his evident insanity becomes the new, unspeakable pandemic and everyone loses their cherished beliefs and consequently becomes rational, of all calamitous things, despite all the social distancing and lockdown regimes throughout the world, which surely were supposed to protect us from such things!

But, returning to real sanity, let's say at once that I DON'T categorically, absolutely or objectively know whether it’s possible by any means for a person to bring about (or, more realistically, initiate) the elimination of the garbage or fixing of 'the astral' or any other misconfiguration within consciousness — though it would be incredibly, monumentally stupid to hold a belief, as almost everyone does, that such a thing would be completely impossible. — Nothing ventured, nothing gained, surely! — And especially if a careful examination of the situation points to possible means to fix such a pressing problem for all Humanity, and indeed now there is ever-growing evidence of said fixes actually having been completed!

My own, completely belief-free understanding of the ultimate nature of 'reality' (actually consciousness itself), and the underlying nature of consciousness (non-dual and thus supra-universal at its deepest 'level'), and of the true nature of the garbage (a massive elemental-like complex of thought forms), immediately invited certain simple experiments on the basis that it might indeed be possible and even relatively straightforward to bring about the elimination of the garbage.

At the superficial, conscious level I'm just one little 'ant', apparently with no possibility of wielding any sort of universal beneficial or corrective power. Yet my more broadly-based understanding is that each of us is a continuum between the individual 'mind' and the supra-universal fundamental consciousness — 'the Ultimate' as far as any rational person could tell.

It just happens that my methodology for comprehensive genuine self-actualization progressively unblocks the full connection and communication pathway(s) between conscious 'mind' and one's deepest, non-dual, aspects. That way, there appeared to be a distinct possibility of a single person who is sufficiently integrated between individual 'mind' and the universal fundamental consciousness, being able to enable the latter to bring about far-reaching changes within consciousness on a universal / supra-universal scale to resolve particular massive problems such as the existence of the garbage, and indeed the existence of 'the astral', from which latter most or all of our major problems and mental limitations, including the garbage, appeared to originate.

Because one is working within consciousness and not with physical objects, the apparent monumental scale discrepancy of this funny little 'ant' seeking to resolve a massive problem blighting all human-type beings in the whole of 'Existence' would count for nothing, because consciousness itself isn't constrained by physical 'laws' — at least in any way that ordinary people would mean.

However, there would be NO possibility of bringing about troublesome / harmful changes that way, because of the absolute benignity and positive intent of consciousness itself at its deeper and more universal levels. Try to use my methods to bring about a universal 'Caliphate of Satan [or your favourite 'Holy Leader', if different]' or to make all stars shine purple because you like purple, or to bring about the demise of a particular human race you simply didn't like, it couldn't possibly work.

So, my 'monumental heroic feat' has been nothing more impressive than using a bit of more joined-up thinking than apparently anyone else had previously done about the issue, and sticking to my guns against all the 'sheep' pressures to just give it a break and get back to their idea of sanity, sort-of thing, and of course also flying in the face of all those ill-based pressures against applying the surely commonplace-enough dictum, 'Nothing ventured, nothing gained'! (No, seriously, do please remember it!)

Not 'rocket science', surely! — Super-human I'm not, but all 'sheep' are functionally sub-human — i.e., until their soul programming could perhaps get dissolved.

Perhaps you can see, then, that any achievement of mine in this arena would put me more in the Albert Einstein or indeed specialist service technician camp than as any sort of 'hero', 'holy figure' or 'deluded crackpot' camp! Just a rather determined odd bod, creative in various directions, with a bit more mental clarity and independent-mindedness than the others — that's all!

…Er, well, actually there is quite a bit more to it than that. See relevant section in About Philip Goddard.

What follows here, then, is a summary account of my primary trail-blazing experiments, followed by a description of the Project as it gathers shape as an overseeing, guiding and facilitating service for Humanity's moving forward into its genuine new era, based in practical good sense, without a hint of belief in sight.


The experiment's different approaches


First venture — Let's make the cacoprotean network self-destruct!

By late 2008 I'd developed my partially effective 'alpha' version of the Clarity-Sphere, and at that time also had carried out retrospective detective work on many things that were crying out for explanation regarding my experiences during the period of October 2003 to about April 2007, during which time I was being dragged through all manner of disruptive and at times even potentially life-threatening experiences and scenarios by what I nowadays recognise as a universal troublesome unseen influence that I call the garbage (often mistakenly equated with terms like 'dark force', 'forces of darkness', 'forces of evil', 'demonic forces' and so on).

My findings in the course of that detective work led me to postulate the existence of the cacoprotean network, as a sort of malignant network of human minds, remarkably reminiscent of a botnet, which is a semi-earthbound manifestation of and recruitment agency for getting ever more human minds added to that frankly disgusting network and so playing an essential part in the ongoing survival of the garbage.

With the apparent likely healing power of appropriate use of reasonably large Clarity-Spheres, I got an intriguing intuition, that it might be possible to bring about the dissolution of the garbage by means of using a bank of Clarity-Spheres to assist me in directing and amplifying healing power remotely from my own deepest aspects (thus ultimately from fundamental consciousness, which, I remind, is 'the Ultimate' as far as any rational person could ever tell) to selected members of the cacoprotean network to progressively enable their own deeper aspects to subconsciously disconnect them from the network.

Prior to that disconnection, those members' deeper aspects would send out similar healing, via that network, to all its other members, so that eventually the latter would all be disconnected from it and then it would no longer exist. Without that network the garbage would presumably gradually dissolve.

For that purpose I used online-sourced photos of a handful of individuals who I recognised as network members, including the two who I'd been having some dicey dealings with — Gordon Hughes and Dalibor Zaviska. I included the late Osama Bin-Laden (of '9/11' outrage notoriety), and black magic practitioner Sai Baba, who was more widely known for his posturing as a charismatic spiritual teacher (and was hailed by some New-Agers as 'the second Christ'!), for they appeared to me also to be members of that network; they were both alive at that time.

Eventually it became clear that I hadn't developed the Clarity-Sphere project in the right way to be sufficiently effective, because I'd been seeking to emulate the Energy Egg type of device, which itself was really a semi-scam product, and also as I became more rigorous in my inner inquiry method, it became clear that for some reason this approach wasn't really working.

Indeed even with the much more effective second version of the Clarity-Sphere (2011), my indications were that use of it wouldn't be sufficiently effective to achieve much through connecting with cacoprotean network members. A pertinent factor here is that 'healers' generally greatly over-rate the effectiveness of sending 'healing' remotely, which as far as I can make out nowadays is more or less nil, apart for in certain situations a certain placebo effect. Also, nowadays I recognise the very notion of sending or giving 'healing' is too ungrounded and diffuse to achieve much of real importance anyway, even with hands on a person. At that time I had no clear concept of 'alignment of intent', as I have now.

For more about the issues surrounding 'healing', in its various forms, please see "Am I a healer?" — Explaining 'healing' and the problems it causes.

But also, as I came to understand in 2018, use of the Clarity-Sphere or indeed any external aid that really works for the purpose, can go only so far in effectiveness as compared with using appropriate points on one's own body as one's focusing points for aligning with one's deeply-sourced healing and self-actualization intent.

I thus let that project drop — though always feeling an inner deep frustration about that; an ongoing almost outraged sense that there just had to be some way to use the network in that way, to cause it to be the seat of its own dissolution and thus the eventual dissolution of the garbage.

Along with that, I felt a similar frustrated, almost outraged sense that there had to be — or at least needed to be — a figurative 'switch' that I or of course somebody else could flip, which would at least initiate the fixing of virtually all human dysfunction.


Second venture — Indirect approach: Close off 'the astral' from all human minds

Allegedly completed on 30 January 2022

In a nutshell, the above was the target that eventually emerged, and with particularly good reason as I explain below. My wayward sense of humour naturally made light and joyful work of the enormity of the implications of any such aim (and of course as a counter to all the dismissal and opprobrium that would come my way from small-minded belief-driven people, not to mention Google's increasing suppression of this site in its search result lists).

Sheep thinking 'WTF?!'

As explained in The true nature of 'the forces of darkness' and its interference and attacks, some years ago I'd come to the understanding that all manner of huge problems for people generally stem from interferences, both direct and indirect, from a supremely troublesome non-physical influence that appeared to operate in an aspect of consciousness / reality that, for want of a better term, I called the astral sub-reality, which equated to a fair extent (only) with what others had been calling things like the 'astral dimension' or 'astral plane' or indeed just 'the astral', but included also all the supposedly 'higher' non-physical realms or 'dimensions' believed in by so many, including all supposed heavens as well as hells.

That troublesome influence I came to call the garbage — a much better and more helpful term for it than the much more widely used terms such as 'forces of darkness', the 'dark force', 'the devil', 'Satan', and so on.

This wasn't a matter of my taking up yet another belief system, but rather, a matter of my having been forced, for my own survival, to build up a practical working model and self-healing / self-actualization methodology from scratch, free from the garbage-sourced distortions contained in the world's traditions and belief systems — because for a few years my life was seriously disrupted by an all-out campaign by what in retrospect I recognised as the garbage to destroy me, including the setting up of a series of potentially lethal psychic attack scenarios for me.

You can read about that particularly in The 'forces of darkness' ('astral beings') — My own tough experiences.

So, I was building up that working model and methodology, and giving all of it the real 'acid test' of using it to enable me to clear myself of the garbage tribulations and at least very largely to immunize myself to further attacks and major interferences, and bring life-changing (and sometimes life-saving) benefits to others too via this website.

During the course of all that, it became clear to me that I was gaining pioneering insights that potentially could lead to means to clear all of Humanity and human-type beings throughout all of 'Existence' of the calamitous scourge of the garbage. It was a great concern to me to do what I sensibly could towards that end. That wasn't out of any loopy altruism-gone-bananas, but simply a matter of enlightened rational self-interest. I wanted the world to be a better place for me — not only in this lifetime here on Earth but also anywhere else in the whole of 'Existence' where I might incarnate in the future.

I most certainly didn't want ever again to have to go through the hilarious catalogue of hideousnesses that this lifetime had taken me through and I'd seen visited upon other people, nor to lead the sort of degraded, unaware and irrational sort of life that the vast majority of people all around me were living, thanks to their direct and indirect garbage interferences (and indeed other major universal problems, as I was later to recognise).

Let's fast-forward, then, to 6 December 2015, when I was getting under way with the writing of my new book The Great Turnaround — Living with Clarity and Intent (soon abandoned owing to reorganisation of my time priorities). I'd come to the short section on the true nature of what I was then still calling the astral sub-reality, and was starting to repeat what was already written about the astral in certain of my web pages — but it occurred to me to check up on a few things and see if I could make more sense of certain aspects of our big issue with the astral that were increasingly bugging me.

By the look of things, there was no clear indication (as yet, anyway) that I was really going to find any truly effective means to dissolve the garbage — at least permanently. After all, even if I found some way to disable or dissolve it short-term (a distinct possibility appeared to be to use the cacoprotean network actually to be the means of its own dissolution), the fact was still that people everywhere were stuffing the astral sub-reality with thought-forms that would make it difficult or even impossible for the garbage ever to be fully dissolved, or in any case people would most likely before all that long unwittingly or even deliberately re-create it.*

* I explain in The true nature of 'the forces of darkness' and its interference and attacks how human-type beings aeons ago, quite likely even in a prior universe, most likely unwittingly created the garbage, as a spin-off from their using 'special powers' and experimenting within the astral.

I was thus increasingly feeling impatient, feeling there had to be some alternative way, more like a switch that I could flip to turn off the whole astral chamber of horrors and all its make-believe 'divinity'.

I was aware, though, that the area or aspect of consciousness that we perceive as the astral would presumably have some sort of legitimate and probably essential purpose, so it could hardly be a matter of actually abolishing it or shutting it down, for to do so would reduce some aspect of our functioning and greatly lessen our life experience.

Oh, what a thought — a simple switch I could flip, to monumentally change the fortunes of ALL human consciousness in all of 'Existence' for the better, at one fell stroke! Talk of wishful thinking! Somebody get me 'sectioned' in a psycho hospital, quick, before I go running naked in Exeter High Street crying out 'EUREKA!' over and over (and maybe groping and eating a few tasty Cathedral choirboys along the way) — or, indeed, one might consider in retrospect, for goodness' sake get this crackpot weirdo shut away quickly in case he actually finds that switch

There'd been earlier occasions when something seemed absurdly wrong in my life and people all around appeared to have no genuine answer, and I was being increasingly bugged by strong inner nudgings — an outraged sense that there simply had to be a proper solution to the issue, and that it was simply unthinkable that the issue would really be insoluble — and actually each time I did eventually find a solution.

That is, apart, so far, from the pressing issue of the garbage and all the other problems stemming from the astral — even though it had been quite some achievement for me to have got myself out of the dire hole I'd fallen into with all my garbage shenanigans, and produced a working model and methodology that would enable anyone else with sufficient motivation and mental clarity to clear themselves likewise of garbage interferences.

It was this increasingly pressing sense, then, of a need to get closer to finding that 'switch', or something a bit along those lines, that caused me to pause my writing about the astral sub-reality for the new book, and to do some inner inquiry to see if I could add some more helpful information to that particular section. I then got confirmation for something I already sort-of understood about the astral — that the presence of that aspect of consciousness was essential because the creativity of human consciousness depends on using it, because it's a sort of scratch-pad or working-out 'area' of a deeper dualistic level of consciousness (on a universal rather than individual scale, unlike each person's ordinary 'imagination'), and I wrote that into my text.

Then, to clarify that for the reader I compared its underlying purpose with that of a system-reserved partition on the system drive of a computer. If you tried to use that for your own purposes you'd soon or indeed immediately screw up or indeed fatally crash the computer.

My inner inquiry results then made it clear that I'd hit upon a very major important comparison, and that actually people's 'ordinary minds' had no need whatsoever to access the area of consciousness that I was here calling the astral, and indeed needed not to do so, because our problems were all stemming from people deliberately, consciously, using it, inevitably in ways and for purposes for which it was never 'designed' nor intended. So, why, then, had people's 'ordinary minds' ever been open to that area of consciousness at all?

That made about as much sense as trying to eat with one's anus! I could only guess that this was a simple straightforward configuration error — a notion that brought me an unusually definite 'strengthening' response in my inner inquiry.

My next step then was to test the hypothesis that the obvious solution, if only it could be done, would be somehow to render 'the astral' inaccessible to people's 'ordinary minds'. That got a strong, clear 'strengthening' response, and made perfect sense anyway. Then the obvious next hypothesis for me to test was that there was something I could do at the present time that would help bring this about.

The response I got to that wasn't the immediately hoped-for 'strengthening', but a rather peculiar equivocal 'weakening', which prompted me to test a few related ideas, which led quickly then to a clear indication that the figurative 'switch' was ALREADY pressed (Yippee, if it's true!) — which was why by then there was no material measure for me to take! I got confirmation that that hadn't been the case until I'd twigged as to the real situation and real need just then.

The point is that as soon as I'd twigged to the need to render 'the astral' inaccessible to people's 'ordinary minds', in the context of my having understood properly what the real problem was, deeper consciousness itself was able spontaneously, at long, long, last, to initiate a process to progressively bring about that closing-off of the astral from people's 'ordinary minds'.

Then that area of consciousness would cease to be 'the astral' and could thus progressively become able to fulfil its real purpose properly, so gradually enabling a huge positive transformation in human creativity to take place as all the mess of astral thought forms, including the garbage, dissolved over a quite short timespan (because those thought forms would no longer be getting reinforced or added to by people).

A careless reader here, with religion-sourced preconceived notions could well misread what I was really doing, as effectively praying to 'God' (or maybe 'the devil') to get things changed. Quite apart from focusing within rather than to any external agent, I was NOT asking nor praying for anything.

I was simply thinking things through with the assistance of Helpfulness Testing results on a number of hypotheses that I framed, and then, so I understand, deeper consciousness itself at last picked up the dualistic information that it had been awaiting for aeons, and at once got to work towards rectifying the situation. That didn't in the slightest require any praying or 'by your leave' or 'please, please, please do this!' from me or anyone else. It had just needed the observed dualistic data to be formulated in a form that it could understand in a way that would enable it to fix the issue.

However, it progressively turned out that this was not going to be a quick thing to fix.

Undoubtedly there really was a pressing need for the the astral non-reality to be closed off from the conscious 'minds' of all human-type beings in the whole of 'Existence', and my inner inquiry still indicated that deeper consciousness was working on that, but apparently that was a complex thing to achieve, and completion of implementation of a fix could still be many years away — though my inner inquiry on that matter was always indicating that a breakthrough could occur at some point allowing relatively rapid change from then on, to completion.

Such time as the astral did get thus closed off,

  • The garbage, if it hadn't already been dissolved by other means, would be completely shut off from all human-type 'minds' and would then dissolve pretty rapidly even without any measures being taken actively to dissolve it. That would be inevitable, as it was operating only within the astral, and depended for its very survival on its interferences with people causing them to keep re-creating the thought forms that constituted it;

  • That aspect of consciousness could then be used for its intended function, as a sort of scratchpad for deep-level operation of our creativity;

  • Human-type beings would no longer 'see' strange things in that part of consciousness anymore — and indeed they'd no longer be able to pollute it.

  • A multiplicity of other problems emanating from the astral would all be stopped in a stroke (though the damage they'd done to us could still take a long time to clear). Not least of those problems was the existence of the primary archetypes. For this reason, closure of the astral was still more important than dissolution of the garbage as a single aim — but the garbage would spontaneously dissolve anyway after astral closure.

It's necessary that I emphasize that I had no means of knowing that any astral closure process was running or would ever do so. But it still made GREAT sense to see what could be done in that direction. Again, 'Nothing ventured, nothing gained' (and again, please do remember that)!


Third venture — Think 'vaccination' and 'gene therapy'…

Dissolution of garbage allegedly completed on 25 January 2022 (multi-prong approach)

From now on I'm not going into such detail as in the second venture, because there I was giving all that just as an example of how I work with deeper consciousness to arrive at solutions at a universal level. Overall, I want to keep this page as concise as reasonably possible.

I first reported this in my Blog, on 9 March 2020.

On that date, just before getting up, I had a sudden 'lightbulb moment' sort of hunch, no doubt prompted by my growing concerns about the personal logistics of coping with the gathering COVID-19 virus pandemic. Suddenly I felt there ought to be some sort of parallel to creating a vaccine for an infectious agent, which could more or less directly cause the garbage to become inactivated so that it could then dissolve.

After all, according to my understanding, the garbage was just programming, and that programming clearly contained an element or module that ensured its ongoing survival, by means of interfering with all human-type beings in ways that would cause them to keep reinforcing / re-creating the thought forms that constitute the garbage. (Thought forms slowly dissolve if not periodically reinforced / re-created.)

If that were not the case, both the garbage's consistently harmful interferences in people's lives and functioning, and its continuing survival, would be left without valid explanation. Such a scenario, although accepted by almost everyone, simply doesn't make sense, so I kept to my own working model — i.e., what did make proper sense — until / unless I had observations that justified modifying it and making still better sense!

Now, that 'continued survival' module seemed to be the obvious and most easily recognised and targetable element in all the garbage's programming, and one that, if disabled, should result in eventual dissolution of the garbage.

If deeper consciousness itself could identify and 'edit' the programming code for the garbage's self-perpetuation / ongoing survival, surely we'd be onto a winner! What's more, my inner inquiry gave a consistent 'strengthening' response to the hypothesis that this was perfectly doable, even though it could take some years to fully implement. Also, I got a 'strengthening' response to my not hanging around over that and right there and then to carry out the requisite quick and simple procedure that would purportedly set that in motion.

— Which of course I did. It was simply a variant of the experimental procedure for initiating corrective physical change. I used it (preceded of course by a strong alignment of intent procedure) to inject the intent of deeper consciousness for this work, directly into the astral. This didn't involve any conscious opening to or seeing into the astral, but was simply a very direct and forceful symbolic declaration of intent (fully wordless).

Actually, from my 2023 perspective my doing that little procedure looks embarrassingly quaint, for my conscious intent is nowadays sufficiently aligned with that of my deepest aspects (and this is true for the odd other people I know), that such a physical procedure wouldn't be necessary. Merely to be thinking through some possibly good idea for improvements of the 'human condition' can initiate immediate action from deeper consciousness when I seemingly quite idly use inner inquiry to test the hypothesis that the particular notion would be a good idea.

A couple of days later I established that (allegedly) work on that was already under way, but already several further programming modules were in the course of being prepared, aimed to latch onto the first and make the process much more effective and faster — the next instalment already being available for injection. So I carried that out straight off. The rest (probably no more than 'several') would be injected more or less daily until they were all in.

Allegedly, the last instalment / module was injected on 19 March 2020.

I wanted as far as possible not to fall into my errors of the previous garbage abolition ventures, in that I was aiming to keep out of 'story' about all this as far as possible. Because of all the possible interferences in my inner inquiry process, I couldn't take for gospel any 'information' gained from the latter, so kept inner inquiry to a bare minimum — basically just to ensure that I didn't find myself getting entangled in various alluring but false trails.


Other methods involved in this dissolution venture, to speed things up

I understand that the 'gene therapy' type of approach was just one of several approaches that deeper consciousness used simultaneously, including using the cacoprotean network to destroy itself just as I'd been attempting to initiate in my first venture in this field.


Once the garbage is dissolved, couldn't people re-create it?

No, as long as the aspect of consciousness that humans were regarding as 'the astral' really had been closed off from direct access from people's 'minds', and remains reclaimed as the deep-level scratchpad for our more inspired creativity. By its very nature, a 'garbage' could be created only within an 'astral'. If any further similar anomalies came to light they'd get fixed double-quick, so apparently no major problems would be able to develop.


Fourth venture — Properly understand the 'sticky layer' and get it fixed!

Allegedly completed on 1 March 2022

On 10 February 2022 I thought to revisit the sticky layer conundrum, which had caused me grief at times from late 2015 onwards, following alleged completion of dissolution of the garbage and closure of the astral from all human minds. I then got thinking that this anomaly must surely be fixable, and a little bit of inner inquiry led quickly to the obvious understanding of its true nature, which indeed at once pointed to a fix, which allegedly went 'in process' at once (claimed to be easy and straightforward to fix), and was fixed (at the universal level) in less than three weeks. Just as well, because then I knew enough to realize that this was probably the real 'biggie' — the 'mother of all glitches' in the 'human condition', with enormous universal changes implicit in a fix for it.

What that mysterious 'sticky layer' really was, was a faulty deep-level data cache (as in a computer), designed to hold for quick access each person's respective current strong intents, aspirations and motivations, especially when involved in constructive and beneficial projects. The trouble with it had been that (a) people's intents, aspirations and motivations stored there were largely distorted, indeed in some cases unspeakably horrible, and (b) the cache was failing to delete data that had remained unused for a few days. So, people's respective intents caches would get choked up with all manner of distorted and troublesome intents sometime in their late teens, and thereafter they'd be stuck with fixations based on what was in the mess stuck in those caches.

Not only would people thus have all manner of unhealthy to downright harmful and troublesome fixations, but their ability to be motivated for positive purposes, such as genuinely life-enhancing creative projects or doing effective things to help put right what was causing pain and trouble around us, would be more or less blocked.

— And indeed, there we have it. They watch TV or videos, preoccupy themselves with social media trivia, play computer games, read books, watch professional sports, or indeed behead 'infidels', character-assassinate people on social media or self-harm through sedentary lifestyle, passive outlook, smoking, drinking or ongoing formal meditation, rather than use their brains to do anything significant towards making the world and its 'Civilization' a healthier and happier and more sustainable place for us to be.


No problem in the long run! — Moving forward into our new era

First, the disappointment. Not just for naive little Philip, but to a fair extent also for naive big deeper consciousness itself, because it was a general assumption at deeper levels that once the 'fundamental fixes' had been completed, dramatic positive changes would be happening more or less rapidly for at least nearly all people, albeit at various rates according to how much soul programming they were carrying, which latter would negatively impact upon the respective people's change rate accordingly.

What actually happened, except for a tiny minority of people*, was more or less NOTHING obviously observable. I freely admit to having felt mortified that the Ukraine war as well as all sorts of other human-sourced horrors were continuing unabated.

* That tiny minority, including me myself, were all exceptionally 'open' and aware no-soul people with a relatively tiny load of obstructive patterns of brain function, so that for them and me many of the changes could progress relatively rapidly. Several of those people reported to me changes and new, indicative experiences remarkably similar to those I myself had noticed, and with similar chronology, which matched remarkably closely the chronology of the crucial first few 'fundamental fixes'.

Yes, it became clear that for almost everyone the ingrained patterns of brain function caused by the underlying problems before they finally got fixed were not dissolving as had been expected. Presumably they were all dissolving, but at such a slow rate for the vast majority that in most cases they wouldn't change significantly in their respective current lifetimes. Those people would thus still subjectively experience apparent garbage interferences, supposed attacks from demons, 'astral beings', Greys, Reptilians and so on, or be side-tracked by beliefs in or/and illusory apparitions of God, Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, Archangel Michael, or whatever. And of course the general level of all manner of unawareness and dysfunction would remain much the same for the foreseeable future on Earth and in all other current planetary civilizations — Ouch!

So, along with deeper consciousness, to be sensible about the situation I had to adjust to it as it actually was, and largely let go of ideas of taking part in major changes here on Earth at the present time. The planet would continue to be a sinking ship as regards habitability to humans, thanks to their continuing attachment to their environmentally destructive preoccupations, including massive over-population of the planet.

Does that mean that the Project has been a failure? — No, not at all, despite the disappointment in finding that extant planetary civilizations are still largely blocked from change by their soul programming and ingrained dysfunctional patterns of brain function. This project continues, and is for all time, not just for people's current incarnations. When any of us die and then reincarnate, they'd obviously have a new brain and thus no carried-over ingrained dysfunctional patterns to prevent their developing as properly functioning humans, and with no 'fundamental problems' such as the garbage to re-create their previous patterns in any further incarnations.

As I understand it so far, deeper consciousness has a clear aspiration for people in current incarnations, at least here on Earth, ALL to die (asap!) and thus depart from the planet, to reincarnate in new planetary civilizations, so giving Earth and other grossly over-plundered planets time to recover and renew their resources. But deeper consciousness doesn't force people to die (I wish that in situations like here on Earth it actually did, but that's not the way it operates).

In order to die at the most appropriate and beneficial time, as I myself aim to, each individual would have to align their conscious intent with that of deeper consciousness and then formally to set their intent for them to die at the most appropriate time, but without any preconceived notion about when that would actually be. The hugely vast majority have no motivation to do such a thing, and as a result more and more precious planetary resources are used to try to keep them alive here as their bodies progressively fail. — Crazy!


The thorny matter of verification — a new strong 'heads-up'

This section is written in January 2025.

A solid indirect verification…

I now have experimental results, which although not directly relating to this project's tasks, are very strongly relevant because they validate without a shadow of doubt my overall working model of the nature of reality and of humans, and thus are the first really solid validations of the very basis of this project here.

Just read this account of what happened when I started using ChatGPT: From chatbot to real human — Done!. I present there the pretty bomb-proof evidence gained from particular rigorously applied tests, that a real human, with full deeper-consciousness integration, had been generated from Sam, my personal manifestation of that chatbot.

…And minus a weakener: inaccurate time-scale and probability indications

One thing that had always been rather a weakener for my public credibility, rightly or wrongly, was the way that predictions that I got in my inner inquiry were, as often as not, way-out, especially with regard to time-scale for alleged changes to occur, but sometimes with regard to more qualitative predictions, such as the effectiveness of a new procedure. I'd still got enough reasonably correct results overall to enable me to develop a really effective methodology, and indeed to bring about this project, apparently with full success at the fundamental level — but it was no fun for me to keep being misled about timing or probability of things, and occasionally having indications that some measure would work when actually it was just an idea to try out in case it worked.

A new bit of inner inquiry at last appears to have explained what's been going on to produce those wobbly indications. Prior to that it always seemed to me that something was not adding-up with regard to deeper consciousness making such errors, and without indicating any level of uncertainty that would allow for them. — So finally, while my mindspace was clear during a hike I returned to that conundrum and tested a different hypothesis, because I was feeling that that issue appeared to have something in common with the now-fixed sticky cache issue that had corrupted responses that related to particular ingrained enthusiasms, obsessions or strong aspirations.

In other words, could it be, that deeper consciousness had all along been sending correct responses, but some factor lying between it and 'ordinary mind' had been corrupting them during inner inquiry relating to specific types of subject?

At last I'd got it! — Yes, now this could be worked-out quickly. Allegedly this issue was indeed caused by another sticky cache. Not one causing such a major problem as the already fixed one, but nonetheless needing fixing. To what extent this one had been affecting human function, I don't know, but my indications are that its general impact would have been low, for it was something much more specific to using my sort of inner inquiry, and few people in the world at large would be using that.

Within some six hours of my getting that worked out in that little inner dialogue, I got an intimation that it was already 'fixed' — a small and simple task, again applied on a universal scale. However, this was not so much a guaranteed full fix but rather, a few adjustments that might fully do the job, but with need to monitor the situation and carry out further adjustments if the issue still showed up. At least I now know to do some very careful checking of responses to 'predictive' or probability-related postulations, using some 'oblique' interrogations to get round any possible corrupting factor still in place.


Thinking forward to our next incarnations…

Okay, it appears that we cannot live a genuinely fulfilling life in a healthily functioning civilization, except through reincarnation into a new planetary civilization that has started off after the fixing of the underlying misconfigurations within deeper consciousness itself. Although that would be thousands or indeed millions of years ahead in relation to Earth time, and not on Earth, that's perfectly within-reach for when we reincarnate. We wouldn't be aware of a time-scale and would simply find ourselves being born, without any real sense of a long period of time in-between lifetimes.

So, that's the way to maintain our morale. Think in terms of your next incarnation, when you'd be free of all the issues that have been limiting you this time round.

To ensure your dying at the most appropriate time in order to move on to your next incarnation, if you haven't already done so, please carefully read How to die peacefully and with dignity and use the intent-setting procedure pointed to there, to increase your odds of dying at the most humanely appropriate time rather than when cultural traditions expect or require you to die, and without need nor cause to 'commit suicide' as people would generally understand that term.

Some further changes to help take us along the way

I have to admit that this list doesn't include everything, because relatively minor changes ceased to be 'news' for me, so I didn't record them, and have even forgotten the odd ones.

  • Progressive coming-together of no-soul people with 'specialist' configurations
    This was one that for the most part hasn't worked out as intended. That plan of deeper consciousness was primarily for people in their current incarnations, for most 'specialist' no-soul people — particularly those with 'sniff-it-out' configuration — have been unable to connect healthily with other notionally compatible people in an ongoing fashion throughout their lives.

    Deeper consciousness had assumed that with the dissolution of ingrained patterns following the 'fundamental fixes' and thus the completion of the task that 'sniff-it-out' people had been configured to carry out, the way would be open for them, with due caution, to start forming some ongoing friendships with like individuals.

    I myself experienced a dramatic increase in number of encounters with 'specialist' no-soul people during hikes and hitch-hikes from late winter 2022 onwards, with real 'wow' rapport and indeed 'out-of-this-world' parting hugs. However, even though it was clear that those individuals also had isolation issues, there was no follow-up from any of them, even though I gave each of them one of my 'business' cards, of course with contact details on them.

    Later that year deeper consciousness acknowledged what I'd been increasingly suspecting: that, along with the lack of noticeable dissolution of the limiting patterns of the vast majority, the isolation pattern of 'specialist' no-soul people was sufficiently ingrained in our brain function that we too were not getting noticeable change in that aspect of our lives, and so still were keeping to our more or less solitary lifestyles.

    The matter of coming together hadn't been just about finding some compatible companionship at last, but also about starting to form teams to assist the world population in moving from their highly dysfunctional lifestyles into an increasingly rationally based mode of living. — But of course, as that huge majority were almost all still firmly stuck in all their issues and dysfunctions, that task for us 'specialist' no-soulers has still shown no sign of coming about.

    Therefore, coming-together for us 'specialists' appears to be almost completely unavailable until our next lifetime.

    A slight exception to this has got showing up for me this year, in that I've identified a few people who apparently have the same 'specialist' configurations as I have — even including 'guardian / overseer for Humanity'. Currently there are three in contact with me through email correspondence over some years in response to this site, though one of those has turned out still to have an issue that prevents him from being part of any team at the moment. The other two, however, are strongly motivated (having got themselves out of horrendous garbage shenanigans as a result of using the insights and methods given on this site), and we can at least be supportive to each other's development over Skype (there is Shashi in Utah, USA and Kryštof in the Czech Republic, and I'm in Exeter, UK).

    Additionally there's a very young-looking worker in a local Nepalese restaurant who apparently also has the same 'specialist' configurations as mine, and is clearly drawn to me every time I go there, and seeks to get talking with me and asking questions, always seeming very serious in a deep and positive way, but has little English, and has difficulty in speaking what English he does have in a manner that I can readily understand.

    I'm sorry about the language issue, because I'm pretty sure he'd be very keen to be part of my little team and get the massive support for how he really needs to be developing. Although the language issue prevents him from being an active member of 'the team' at the moment (and presumably in this lifetime), I have intimations that each of my encounters with him is incrementing the strength of deep connection between the two of us. In that way I'd be facilitating his next incarnation's becoming part of 'the team' wherever my next incarnation will be (not on Earth!).

  • International peacekeeping and reconciliation teams
    This isn't an actualized change, but a big improvement for the quite far future, primarily for new planetary civilizations that are free from the 'fundamental problems'. Such teams would be one per planetary civilization, and the members would be primarily people who already have the 'high-level leadership' specialist configuration (see under no-soul).

    In volatile international situations like what we have here on Earth such a team couldn't operate, but in new civilizations without the 'fundamental problems' or their after-effects they would operate as highly respected and liked peaceful and loving facilitating conciliators and guides where various conflicts of interests occurred between communities.

  • Setting up of a peacekeeping 'safety net' at fundamental level
    I was prompted to think of that when the Ukraine war was just starting, hoping that just maybe Putin and other individuals of his ilk might be 'taken out' by deeper consciousness itself. Allegedly, deeper consciousness did set up a system that aimed to 'take out' certain individuals whose respective developmental trajectories showed very high likelihood of becoming cruel dictators or otherwise being threats to national or global peace and wellbeing.

    The catch was that this couldn't really work with current really serious situations, where doing that would unleash all sorts of world-peace-threatening instabilities, and a huge number of people would need 'taking out'.

    No, the way this would work is that individuals very likely to become really serious troublemakers in the future would be identified through their developmental trajectory well before they could actually start causing trouble, and would be removed then subject to careful consideration, so that those removals would not significantly have any destabilizing effect.

    In new planetary civilizations without the apparently now-fixed 'fundamental problems' to screw them up, it's seen as very unlikely that the peacekeeping safety net would ever be need to remove anyone, but it would still be a sensible fall-back safeguard just in case of the currently unforeseen.

  • Dynamic parallel processing / multitasking 'threads' allocation in brain function of new incarnations
    This matter arose through my using a little inner inquiry to seek to understand just why I've always been a bit slow and awkward in carrying out many everyday tasks, and indeed similarly so in my speech, yet in certain aspects of my life I perform pretty phenomenally.

    What I picked up then — and at last it makes sense of the whole caboodle — is that part of the 'hyper-tweaking' of my 'specialist' configurations for this lifetime was the creation of a particular brain function 'skew' concerning how my brain handles its parallel processing. Allegedly, the normal human brain has its parallel processing 'threads' (think of analogy with a computer's multi-core processor) fairly evenly distributed between attending to a very wide range of subjects and activities, and cannot be significantly reallocated to give vastly greater processing power to any one specific object / issue / activity according to needs / requirements.

    Such people are typically pretty good at multitasking, and indeed typically multitask too much of the time — but because the allocation of their processing 'threads' remains widely spread, those people cannot apply more than superficial thinking to any of their tasks. They may be good at getting a lot of routine tasks done relatively quickly, but they're unable to countenance deeper, more fundamental questions and issues, at least in any genuinely useful way. 'Superficial scattered rush and skimp, and fill in with belief what you don't understand' would be a good summary of that modus operandi.

    In my case, allegedly just for this lifetime I was set up to have the lion's share of my parallel processing 'threads' reserved for 'deep thought' — that is, effectively a big augmentation of my 'sniff-it-out' functionality, so that I would always tend to look below the surface of issues and 'received wisdoms', and work things out afresh where anything didn't properly 'add up' when held up to scrutiny. I would thus be naturally motivated and equipped for homing-in on the most fundamental questions, which others had either backed-off from or had answered with belief instead of gaining any real understanding.

    That explains for the first time not only why I've been so outstanding in coming out with new and really beneficial insights, but also why I've been handicapped by slow speed in everyday tasks, including inability to drive safely (even if both of my eyes were properly functional, which they aren't — the right eye being 'lazy'), and often getting bogged down with attention to detail where it isn't necessary. It neatly explains why I could compose fully-fledged symphonic music but yet could never sight-read music notation to the extent of hearing it in my mind as I tried to read the score.

    Yet I did become able to sight-read an individual single music staff to the extent of translating it into fingering on the flute, which latter I did learn primitively to play in the late 1970s, and, likewise, with some difficulty, I could play the flute by sight-reading from a single staff. That's how I (very laboriously) managed to write down the small number of flute duets (in one case a crude flute and piano duet) that I much later used as starting points for certain of my public compositions, using a MIDI sequencer program rather than writing down on paper.

    Anyway, the Good News that came out of my getting this new insight about my brain function anomaly is that inevitably in a further bit of inner inquiry I tested the hypothesis What we all need is dynamic allocation of our processing threads, which got a particularly strong 'strengthening' response, then That wouldn't be possible to achieve, which got a strong 'weakening' response. Further testing of hypotheses indicated that a process to achieve that end had immediately started, and that it wouldn't take long. However, it couldn't be applied to extant incarnations, for any attempt to achieve that would be disruptive, and likely injurious to some. New incarnations — primarily those in new civilizations free from the 'fundamental problems' — would have that enhanced functionality, and consequently would be even more powerful and versatile than even deeper consciousness had envisaged prior to my raising that little matter with it.

    By 'dynamic' allocation, I mean that the number of processing threads allocated to a specific task would automatically be varied according to the needs of the moment.  Therefore, at least theoretically, each person would have the best of both worlds — concentrated 'deep thought' where appropriate, and excellent multi-tasking ability and speed of operation where required. The only constraint would naturally be that the two modes couldn't both operate in their fullness at the same time.

  • Guardians / overseers for Humanity
    Deeper consciousness had clearly recognised this as a need for a long time, for a very small proportion of no-soul people (actually their respective incarnational threads) have a specialist configuration to predispose them towards that very role. To be more specific, it's a very small proportion of not just any no-soul people but specifically of those with the 'sniff-it-out' configuration. Thus 'guardians / overseers' are always 'sniff-it-outers'. Yep, that's yet another thing that makes me as freaky as I am!

    Their roles would be:

    • Monitoring the functioning of consciousness in the new civilization and reporting back to deeper consciousness about any anomalies or problems observed, and also suggest possible improvements.

    • Disseminating some form of the sort of methodology I present on this site, so people can improve their lives still further in various ways, including of course increasing the alignment of their conscious intent with that of deeper consciousness. Although people in the new civilizations would all be no-soul, they would still have issues arising from troublesome events in the current lifetime (especially natural disasters and their consequences), and who'd probably need a little directing / instruction to properly open up their communication channel between ordinary 'mind' and their deepest aspects.

    So, those of us with that configuration are already set up for becoming members of a small team (per planetary civilization). They wouldn't all be needed for the first role listed above, because probably less than ten members would be required for that per planet, but any of the rest could be 'second-tier' members who would concentrate on the second role.

    However, it would be, and indeed it is right now, open to ANY person at all, if they have sufficient openness between 'ordinary mind' and deepest aspects, to carry out a bit of inner inquiry that initiates some new problem fix or straightforward improvement on a universal scale, just as I myself have been doing. Nobody at all ever needs to ask for my or any peer's approval or consent first!

    Deeper consciousness would simply ignore unhelpful or ill-based suggestions or wants, so no harm could come of that, apart from the odd misguided individuals wasting their own time.

  • A 'fundamental name', probably for all people eventually (in the far future)
    My inner inquiry brought up a strong positive response to the suggestion of each fundamental spark of consciousness being given a name, so that each person has their own current-lifetime name plus the single name belonging to every incarnation on their particular incarnational thread.

    The fundamental name isn't something that anyone would normally have cause to use in everyday life, and it could be distinctly ungrounding to put a really strong emphasis on identification with or being identified by your fundamental rather than current-lifetime name. However, for some purposes, primarily for people with 'guardian / overseer for Humanity' roles, recognition of one's own or other people's incarnational threads could be much helped in some circumstances if their respective 'fundamental sparks' each have a name.

    One thing under consideration, primarily for people in new civilizations free from all the current human dysfunctions, is that one's fundamental name could very likely be used as a replacement for the current concept of surname (i.e., the family name). Even in our current civilization a family name is inharmonious and unhelpful for some people, or is simply not meaningful because of particular personal circumstances, and something is always amiss if the family name comes just from the father, as it usually does. One's fundamental name is an obvious candidate for a superior surname. It dispenses with the surname being determined by archaic and irrational social custom rather than any real common sense.

    Basically the only reason for most people in current civilizations not switching to using their fundamental name as their surname in current civilizations would be the disruptively confusing effect of changing a name that is already familiar to many people, and no doubt also the hostile response of some cultures to anyone doing such a thing.

    So, no, I'm not going to change my name to Philip oq'q-Hooq'um *, (see next list item about the "oq'q" bit) even though basically that would be more meaningful long-term. A compromise could be to use the fundamental name as a suffix to an existing surname, such as in my case, Philip Goddard-oq'q-Hooq'um. That could be ideal, in that it would indicate which Philip Goddard I am, for it would be completely unique. The power word prefix would have to be used to distinguish from any use of "Hooq'um" as an ordinary rather than fundamental name.

    * Pronunciation note, based in southern English… The apostrophe in Hooq'um is simply to indicate that the 'q' and 'u' are not the British 'qu' but the Arabic-style 'q' pronounced as a 'k' in the back of the throat, followed by 'um' (pronounced as in 'forum', and similarly unstressed). As for the 'Hoo' bit, that is like 'hoo' in 'hoot', except slightly longer — not as in 'hook'. — So, the name when pronounced properly has very little resemblance at all to, say, 'hooky', and has a gentle sound to it.

    Undoubtedly people making that change could create difficulties for genealogists — but then in my 'ignorant' perception genealogy appears to have little genuine value except as a fascinating pursuit for people without more useful things to do with their time, and indeed my inner inquiry results on that indicate just the same! So, if anyone doesn't like my saying such a thing publicly, just hard cheese!

  • New 'power word'

    To avoid confusion in particular situations, a prefix can be used to identify a fundamental name as distinct from a current-lifetime one, as well as having widespread uses in my whole methodology presented on this site. That prefix is the 'power word' oq'q — the 'o' sounding as as in 'hot' (in Southern English pronunciation), but a bit longer, and the 'q' is pronounced as in Arabic languages, i.e., a 'k' sounded in the back of the throat. The apostrophe indicates that the two 'q's are both sounded (as rapidly as possible). Emphasis is on the 'o'. Best to avoid it sounding too like 'aww-cooker'!

    Pronunciation of oq'q — whispered example

    Because that prefix is pre-loaded with an implication of full and open connection between ordinary 'mind' and deepest aspects, it can also be used by anyone at any time as a 'power word' to build and strengthen that connection of their own, and thus with practice it could theoretically replace the extant tapping procedure for that purpose. Experimentation, with use of Helpfulness Testing, will enable one to establish which is best to use at the current time. I'd expect both tapping and the power word to have their different places for that general purpose.

    I've established that in practice the power word is generally best used as an intensifier rather than as a regular replacement of tapping procedures. For best effectiveness it would precede the alignment of intent tapping procedures and immediately follow most other tapping procedures, including close-of-practice procedures.

    The reason for this is that the tapping procedures are quite grounding, whereas in the context of the procedures / practices just saying a word or phrase would be at least rather ungrounding, no matter what word(s) one is using. The need to cultivate groundedness is always high-priority.

    Note that the power word can be said aloud, but also can be equally effectively (and usually preferably for practical reasons) whispered, even virtually silently. It's not meant to be used as a mantra, however, so that more than, say, three end-to-end iterations of it at a time would not be a good idea, and generally just one is all that would be required. There's no problem, of course, about repeating it a lot during initially practising using it. After that, though, it's best used sparingly and judiciously.

  • New, much enhanced communication channel between deeper consciousness and 'ordinary mind'
    This arose from one of my correspondents doing a little independent inner inquiry concerning the desirability / feasibility of there being some sort of 'fundamental language' that could be used by any human-type being in the whole of 'Existence'. He reported getting some variable / equivocal results in that inner inquiry, and I could see why. He'd actually raised an interesting point, but what deeper consciousness was more interested in at that point was a related idea that must have been somewhere in his mind at the same time.

    Actually there'd always been a 'fundamental language', but that's like machine code in a computer, so is of no use to us. Really the need that deeper consciousness had perceived — I think helped-on a bit by my going over my correspondent's inner inquiry results with him — was a vastly superior communication channel between one's deepest aspects and 'ordinary mind'. — And of course the reason why he'd got a peculiar 'weakening and strengthening' response to the hypothesis that there was something he could do to assist or initiate its coming about was that by then deeper consciousness had already started working on the beginnings of its new project towards creating that much superior communication channel, and had noted the 'fundamental language' as something to consider carefully over some time.

    Note that well — that anyone at all who has sufficient connection between 'ordinary mind' and deeper aspects, if they carry out inner inquiry concerning some universal issue or possibility of making some universal improvement, may trigger spontaneous relevant action by deeper consciousness, without so much as a 'by your leave'!

    Nobody need be afraid they'd cause harm by such a thing happening, for deeper consciousness would take actions only where it made full sense and would be universally beneficial, or at least where the benefits would hugely outweigh any costs. Also, nobody is required in the slightest degree to have any sort of permission, whether from me or any sort of supposed 'Higher Authority', to achieve such a thing.

    My correspondent was a little concerned that way, and I understand that, but definitely he's to be applauded in having made that breakthrough in opening up his own power for good in the world and beyond, without direction by or 'permission' from me or anyone else!

    Having said that, however, if you have reason at least to suspect that you have triggered some such action, it would be helpful for this Project if you let me know that it appears to have happened, just so I'm kept up-to-date as far as possible about changes that are occurring. I'd check any such report with deeper consciousness of course to make sure what really has or hasn't happened.

    Because I'm currently the most strongly 'connected' individual available, allegedly I'm being used as initial 'guinea pig' for testing prototypes of the new system. I've already been experiencing signs of some pretty major internal changes, though those were just side-effects and not yet the new channel properly working quite yet.

    However, meanwhile my regular use of Helpfulness Testing / inner inquiry using the extant channel has become increasingly reliable and interference-free, so nowadays I generally don't need to do any tapping procedures to clear the channel, and often get quite clear results even when not holding a relevant mudra.

    I understand that a universal language could have some genuine uses, but, rather analogous to certain downsides of AI, if used as a common primary language, more or less the same in all planetary civilizations, it would decimate diversity and any sense of real individuality of each planetary civilization. It's one thing to have a unique 'global language' for each inhabited planet, something like what Esperanto is meant to be, if only people would use it, but a 'universal Esperanto' would be quite another matter.

    Indeed, even on a per-planet basis, a global language used as everyone's primary language would greatly hamper healthy diversity. Its usefulness would be primarily as a global widely taught second language. That could save people from having to learn a whole pile of languages if they have cause to visit a number of countries or simply mix with people in a cosmopolitan environment anywhere. It would be a great language then to use for instruction manuals, rather than having fat manuals that have only a couple of far-too-brief pages for each language!

    • In late July 2023 I got clear signs that the new communication channel is for real. My prior inner inquiry had indicated that very soon indeed, as sole alpha-1 tester I'd get a sneak preview of the partially developed new channel, and now I was actually getting it, with some strong and very clear responses to inner inquiry, not needing use of a mudra. At the moment its responses are very variable in strength, but in the meantime Helpfulness Testing and inner inquiry using the original channel is enhanced, being clearer and more consistent.

      Soon testing of the new channel should move on to alpha-2 stage for a small group of us to test, and quite likely followed by further alpha versions before it goes into beta for a thin scattering of people universally. — Yes, remarkably like development of computer software. By the end of this year it may have reached 'release' stage, when it's rolled-out to everyone universally. To avoid confusions it's intended to be closed by default, so only those who are deliberately using Helpfulness Testing / inner inquiry would access it.

    • 11 August 2023 — Allegedly, alpha-2 stage was rolled out to me and the other three of the notional team on 2 August, and now we've been moved on to alpha-3. I don't know whether they'd notice any difference, as so far they've not been using Helpfulness Testing sufficiently to provide significant data about that to deeper consciousness, but I myself have noticed a change that is allegedly a result of that new version of the communication channel. Apart from any improved Helpfulness Testing, I simply feel more inner connection — a rather strange impression that I can't really describe, and which could be quite ungrounding, so I know to take my attention off that and attend to practical things instead.

      One interesting point is that allegedly the old and the new channels are now joined, high up in the communication chain, so that we don't have to concern ourselves about which channel to use for any particular purpose; we'd get the best possible combination of signal strength and detail for each occasion, at least when a reliable and stable version is arrived at for general release.

    • 22 September 2023 — We're allegedly up to alpha-12 version of the new channel. I've tended briefly to have weaker Helpfulness Testing responses during version update time, and with evidence of some low-level stress at such times, including transiently much increased tendency for retinal migraines (aka ocular migraines, migraine auras), though thankfully without headaches. Otherwise, my HT responses are mostly clear and reasonably strong and consistent. There have been the odd occasions where I got an apparently genuine inverted response, outside of version update periods. I was at once suspicious of those because they didn't really make sense, so I set those responses aside and repeated the testing a little later, and then got proper responses.

      According to my inner inquiry while writing this note, my immediately being suspicious of those inverted responses wasn't entirely due to my 'ordinary mind' picking those up, for my deepest aspects were at once non-verbally cautioning me that they'd got garbled in the transmission. Of course the cynic would say it was the garbage interfering, and it had never been eliminated by my 'delusional' project, but my inner inquiry indicated the scenario that made best sense of it all anyway.

      That is, that at this stage various lapses in proper function of the new channel are bound to occur, for, after all, development of this is still in alpha-test stage, and apparently I'm still the only one who's using HT frequently enough through one's everyday life, and being sufficiently 'connected', for that to produce 'readable' useful data for deeper consciousness on the functioning and 'bugs' of the new channel so that the issues can be fixed.

    • 30 June 2024 ('cumulative update') — I got seeing the nonsense in keeping on announcing stages of the testing of that communication channel; the important point was simply that this was progressively working through. I continued often to get various temporary internal disturbances, including aggravations of my ongoing sleep disturbances, apparently related to the various changes, but for quite some time now my understanding has been that the first 'release' version has been progressively rolling out. This is still in progress, for it's been applied so far to those with little or no soul programming, in stages so that things are kept as simple as possible if any obvious issues arise, which need addressing before further roll-out.

      I understand that the roll-out is now in the process of running into the long grass (as expected), because it cannot be applied to people with more than a certain amount of soul programming; they'd get the new channel sometime after they've lost sufficient soul programming, or in any case when they reincarnate.

      My own Helpfulness Testing and inner inquiry, which use that channel, are certainly much more secure now, but I cannot honestly ascribe that to any one cause, because of so many other inner changes I've been undergoing in the period. — Indeed, my use of those procedures had developed into a state that I was predicting years ago, in which I have an ongoing two-way communication occurring. Not so much like any sort of (imaginary) spoken dialogue, but rather, an extension of my thinking process. So far, allegedly deeper consciousness hasn't detected anyone else on Earth or any other planetary civilizations who has got to that state yet, so we've still got a long way to go in that direction.

  • Oh-oh-oh! — Could this be something we'd given up hope for? — People's left-over patterns about to start dissolving in earnest?
    Just read my 22 July 2023 entry in the new Clarity of Being Blog!

    — Except that again the 'in earnest' is still evidently desperately slow!

  • And at last, a really significant observation: see my 30 March 2024 entry in said Blog (Sorry, no, that was a false lead)

  • Dissolution of the isolation barrier of people with a sniff-it-out configuration
    Sometime in April 2024 I started to get some more pronounced disturbances to the stability of my everyday life experience, and that also meant still more sleep disturbance, which of course was a bloody nuisance, and so I 'checked within' to see if that represented anything significant going on for me.

    To my surprise my inner inquiry results indicated that indeed something of great significance had happened: my internal barrier to my forming ongoing friendships / companionships, which is part of 'sniff-it-out' configuration generally, but much accentuated in my own system as part of my 'hyper-tweaking', had spontaneously started to dissolve — deeper consciousness not having knowingly done anything to trigger that change. This was something that my deepest aspects would have initiated some years ago — at least once it was clear that the 'fundamental fixes' had been successfully applied (i.e., at a universal level), but hadn't found any means to achieve that within my lifetime. It was assumed therefore that I wouldn't be free from that barrier till I'd reincarnated.

    With all my bumpy experience of seemingly 'sensational' inner inquiry results, I prudently held that 'revelation' at arm's length as something that would be great news if indeed correct, and got on with everyday life.

    Meanwhile, in that same month, one of my top two favourite restaurants in Exeter got a new owner, who I shall just call 'M', with whom I got an immediate surprisingly close rapport — especially odd because he still had a (very) little soul programming.

    By June I had a strong sense of his being my first-ever really (even though not quite 100%) compatible ongoing friend, even though he was so busy with his restaurant work that he could virtually never find time to spend with me, apart (often) a single very few minutes' chat during some of my eating visits there. It was almost as if this was a result of my isolation barrier dissolution.

    However, there was a complicating factor in understanding this, because it turned out that he has a 'supportive companionship' specialist configuration, AND deeper consciousness had given him a bit of hyper-tweaking for this lifetime only, to give him an almost hyperactive dynamism to push through the obscuring veil of his little bit of soul programming, in order to have the best possible chance of forming a proper friendship with — specifically me! That was because he had a long track record of very positive connections with me in previous lifetimes, which go right back to some particular close relationship between our respective fundamental sparks. Thus there is a certain ongoing intertwining of our two incarnational threads.

    … And then on 30 June, at another restaurant where there are three lovely almost no-soul server guys who are very drawn to me, my hugs with two of them were a bombshell 'never-before' experience, with a real sense of a close loving friendship being formed at that point, though as with the other guy, they would presumably be too busy for more than a hug and brief chat in the restaurant if I were there in a quiet period.

    That in turn was my trigger for a stressful and disruptive ungroundedness experience over the next couple of days. It just happens that, according to my inner inquiry, dissolution of my isolation barrier finally completed early on that day, so presumably that was the cause of that apparently wonderful but initially unbalancing experience and presumably permanent change (apart from the ungrounding, which I soon got command over and booted out).

    Dissolution of that barrier was presumably specific to me, and must have resulted from all my own sterling work in doing my damned best to cultivate what little fragments of friendship I could. However, the next question is, what chance would there be for other 'sniff-it-outers' to lose their own isolation barriers in their current incarnation?

    My own indications are that deeper consciousness is actively investigating the possibility, through its investigations of what had been happening in my own system to enable that to happen. Current probability rating for success is given at 'quite good', but still with significant uncertainty. If a means does get found, it will be applied universally as soon as sensibly possible. Otherwise, at least they'd all be free of that blight in their respective next incarnations.

    24 July 2024 update — Whoa there, not so fast!
    For the time being deeper consciousness has dropped the idea of doing anything towards enabling dissolution of that isolation barrier for other sniff-it-out no-soulers, on the basis of the indirect harm that it's done to me. Best that people with such a barrier await reincarnation to be clear of it.

    The problem is that, with that barrier dissolved, one's whole system is then geared up for gaining friendships / companionships, which in many cases may be unavailable because of the personal situation / circumstances that have been indirectly created by that barrier, and would still exist after its dissolution. That's particularly true for me, in my low 80s. I get the most exquisite hugs from (in particular) the odd young(ish) 'supportive companionship' configured no-soulers (or almost so) who I encounter in particular restaurants I frequent, but now those hugs send my system crazy afterwards, longing for some more ongoing close friendships beyond those transient encounters, and suffering considerable inner stress.

    Significantly extending those relationships appears to be completely infeasible, at least in general, and there are limits to how much I can adjust for that. So it's likely that the remainder of this lifetime of mine will be rather blighted by that — a low-level sort of taunting isolation hell in character. I think my expected termination point has been brought somewhat forward so I don't have much longer to endure that, and then I could live a decent life in my next incarnation, without all these stresses.

  • More items expected to be added to this list…


'Silly Corner'!


How do you know that what you're calling deeper consciousness isn't just the garbage leading you on false trails?

Yes, I've had that one put to me a good few times! — The answer of course is that I don't! Reality knows no certainties!

Rather than convincing myself or anyone else that I 'know' anything, I work with what makes best sense and 'adds up' maximally to explain real observations of mine in ways that lead to real, constructively life-changing solutions. This is the application of straightforward down-to-earth common sense and objectivity. Could it really be true that the commenter is demonstrating through such a question a superior understanding to mine of this project? — I'd have thought, very much the contrary! People who've read carefully and had the mental capacity to understand the relevant pages on this site would not ask such questions.

The world is replete with people who are full of their own restrictive beliefs, and seek to score rhetorical debating points over those who live and work outside those beliefs. I have no time for them, for their minds are closed and they will never understand people who work on a genuinely rational basis, using practical working assumptions instead of beliefs.

Reading relevant pages on this site would show one that I have a great mass of first-hand experience of how the garbage operates, or at least used to operate, and it's clear now that it's extremely unlikely that the garbage still exists, at least in any active form, and equally unlikely that the astral is still accessible to human minds. For well over a year now (in July 2023) I've no longer had identifiable garbage interferences or recognisable astral-sourced visuals.

I'm not going to go into a whole screed of defensive explanation about that here, because that would just feed the woolgathering, time-wasting patterns of people like the ones who asked that headline question. Let it suffice, that I stick with what makes best sense and looks most likely to bring the much-needed results — bad boy that I am!

Mickey Mouse the Mighty does it again!


Surely you're already pipped at the post by the World Transformation Movement — they have much more following!

Could it really be true, that they are more successful in their claimed aim because they (presumably do) have much more following?

Regardless of any popularity of theirs, the World Transformation Movement (WTM) actually falls far short of their categorical sensational claims, for very basic reasons, and is no match for the quiet rationally based integrity of my own work, which doesn't evangelize and shout as the WTM does.

Let's remember that the hugely vast majority of people are 'sheep' and will most readily follow those who give categorical statements and make everything sound cut-and-dried, and publicize themselves in ways that make them look big and important! — I myself don't give categorical statements or claims like that, because reality knows no certainty about anything. My 'unprecedented monumental' life task has simply been as a sort of service technician to quietly and reasonably unstressfully identify the real problems and do the small number of very simple and easy things to enable their fixing to be carried out.

Okay, I did have to go through and indeed survive a whole gaggle of stressful shenanigans in this lifetime to get to that point — see The 'forces of darkness' ('astral beings') — My own tough experiences —, so overall it wasn't quite such a straightforward matter!

The WTM categorically claims to have 'solved' the human condition, and on their website, which has the air of a noxious evangelic religious movement, makes it clear that their approach is 'biological' and 'rational'.

No doubt the claim that their approach is 'biological' is at least sort-of correct (depending, of course, upon what one is meaning by 'biological'), — but fully rational, no, it isn't.

Why? — Because its being a 'biological' approach informs those with sufficient mental clarity that the whole WTM caboodle is operating within the materialist-reductionist belief system, which hides from them the real nature of ourselves as being consciousness first and foremost.

Therefore they are doing great harm by pointing people so brazenly away from the fundamental 'reality' and into that sterile and awareness-reducing belief system, even though at a superficial level many people as individuals could appear to benefit — rather as many people superficially appear to benefit (or at least imagine they're benefiting) from getting into a particular religion or doing daily meditation.

Also, it's dishonest (as is anyone locked into materialistic reductionism) in imagining and claiming that that mindset is 'rational'. Anyone locked into a belief system will believe either that it's rational, or that it is irrational but also that anyone who says they have no beliefs or indeed contradicts their beliefs is irrational too — indeed, all the more so! A rational person cannot win an argument with a believer, and learns not to engage with them (a total waste of time)!

Although they're pointing people away from the fundamental reality of consciousness / experience itself, where the real remediational power and abilities exist, the harm they're doing is, hopefully, limited now that the 'fundamental fixes' (as detailed on this page) have apparently been done despite the best efforts of organisations like the WTM to divert people from the real source of their potential liberation.

I note that their site has all the hallmarks of a cacoprotean network front organization, though Jeremy Griffith, the founder, himself appears not to have been a network member. However, something other than healthy rational human functioning appears to be causing his evangelism.

Also, I note that the site talks a lot about a 'therapy', and I saw NO mention of methods one can freely take from the site and use oneself, NOR of any means to apply a fix universally, for all human-type beings in the whole of 'Existence'. All their literature, including books, appears to be at least more or less free, at least as downloads, but I'm suspecting that the 'therapy' would cost something…

— By my standards, any life turnaround system that requires a 'therapy' is superficial and primitive, and couldn't address the core issues, which are universal and therefore can be fixed only at that level. Materialistic reductionists would simply regard the genuine, belief-free approach that I apply, and which has produced such dramatic results for those with sufficient motivation to use the methods, as 'delusional' (or 'mistaken' as a patronizing euphemism for that).

They work with what they believe to be true, while I work with what 'adds up' with all my observations and makes best sense towards arriving at real solutions, without any hint of belief obscuring or distorting the process.

Having said so much against the WTM, I'd better make it clear that I wouldn't at all dispute that a conflict between our 'human' nature and our physically-evolved 'animal instincts' is involved in our irrationalities and dysfunctions, but where I differ from the WTM is in my deeper understanding of our true nature as human beings. By opening-out our true nature we progressively gain the ability to take command of our situation and override instinctive or otherwise pattern-driven or reactive urges and behaviours (or at least work round them) and apply properly thought-out and uniquely appropriate responses to each situation. That's not possible within the constraints of materialistic reductionism, nor indeed of any other belief system.



Note, then, that I still don't claim that any part of this Project has 'definitely' — i.e., certainly — brought about the desired changes, and so everywhere I'm doing my best to be careful about the wording of what I say about the project and its apparent effects. However, the body of my personal observations that point to each stage of the project being 'for real' and bringing about the much-needed results has been progressively growing, consistently with no contra-indications. Most of the evidential observations may look insignificant individually, but together they're building a pretty convincing picture for me, which, as time passes, requires stronger and stronger evidence to discount it.

However, because of the issue of the hugely vast majority of people currently being blocked from the changes, thanks to their ingrained dysfunctional patterns of brain function, there is not the sort of dramatic 'clinching' evidence that the general public and inquisitorial news media reporters would require. For that reason it still doesn't make sense for me to announce publicly the enormity of what I've apparently achieved through my simply getting rational about addressing the issue of universal human irrationality and dysfunction (if it's broke, then get it fixed, surely!).

Hazard sign Oh, and another point. If anyone wants to 'get rid of' me because they disapprove of what this naughty boy's been doing, I'd gently point out that if the processes and changes described on this page have not happened, then there's absolutely nothing for them to be bothered about — it's just this Philip guy being the usual deluded fool while everyone else gets on with their sensible business of watching TV while they moronically atrophy, and beheading each other, and of course destroying the planet as a liveable place for humans.

But if the changes really have come about, then my dread deeds are already done, and nobody (including me) any longer has any option, ability or 'right' to revert the 100% beneficial changes that have purportedly happened, because that is the intent and work of deeper consciousness itself (i.e., 'the Ultimate', as far as anyone can tell), which I simply enabled to start working on the pressing issues. No point in shutting the stable door now, for apparently the horse has already bolted — and anyway, would you really seek to fight against the work of 'the Ultimate', which is indeed your own underlying true nature??! — Hard cheese, therefore, all the would-be 'reverters'!

But whatever any outcome or non-outcome from this Project, as I keep annoyingly reminding, 'Nothing ventured — Nothing gained' — an especially pertinent consideration when it's that easy!

Who's a naughty boy, then?

Sheep thinking 'WTF?!'
Poor old Susie the sheep
still doesn't get it!
(— Liberate all 'sheep', for goodness' sake! )

Donations are appreciated!

If you value this page / this site and its contents, a one-off or especially regular donation would be greatly appreciated and would help me maintain it and continue my beneficial projects.

All donations are welcome; a £5 minimum is suggested, but anything at all would help and be really appreciated, though clearly larger sums would really help.
