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One really weird hike
— 'grand design' or outlandish psychic attack?


At a glance…

One special hike's unique 'higher purpose':
Healing 'Humanity'? — Of course!
Getting rid of him? — Don't be silly!

Personal story of a weird hike that proved to be a most educational — and potentially life-threatening — outlandish psychic attack scenario in convoluted disguise.

Bold single-day solo hiking adventures in which the Author hitch-hiked to and from the chosen route within the day had been a regular feature of his life from about 1981, and when he 'opened up' as a 'healer' those outings developed a strong sense of underlying purpose about them, with some inspiring and occasionally extraordinary seemingly 'guided' encounters.

On Saturday 9th September 2006 the Author was manipulated by what he took to be 'higher' powers into a most extraordinary hiking situation, whose alleged 'higher' purpose must surely have been unprecedented — if indeed it was really true.

The later explanation that he includes is eyebrow-raising and instructive for us all — but the final explanation goes further and shows just how sinister the whole event really was (and indeed how fortunate he was, to escape with a mere major attack of osteoarthritis in his right knee through that autumn and winter!), and how this led to his pinpointing the primary troublesome or 'negative' influence on the planet, with an understanding of its true nature that opened up at least theoretical possibilities of weakening and even starting to dissolve it…

A cursory reading and instant opinion isn't enough!

This page recounts great confusions that the garbage — manifesting as supposed 'astral beings' and indeed posing as my own 'higher consciousness' — was able to take me through because, like so many people, I'd been fondly imagining that with sufficient diligence I'd be able to channel reliably from a true 'high' source that would be reliable, and also that it was somehow important for us to know of the supposed 'higher reality' that would thus be revealed…
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That supposed importance was because of the way that the purported higher reality's 'higher presences' were supposedly overseeing and assisting the evolution of the human race and indeed individual humans. This was actually one of the regular deceits that the garbage gives us in order to get us unwittingly involved with it and turned right away from genuinely sorting out our own lives here and now on planet Earth.

What I understand nowadays is that any supposed astral or 'dark' entities, or indeed guides or any sort of higher presences and beings (including even one's own purported 'higher consciousness' as any sort of separated-off presence, and indeed 'God', however named in the different traditions) are all merely illusions created in people's minds by the garbage, so, in the account below the 'astral beings' and any other interfering or supposedly guiding presences were all simply illusory manifestations created by the garbage.

I therefore ask you to read the following account with that in mind, for I'm deliberately leaving certain of my misunderstandings of that time in place in the narrative section. I did at last learn the underlying lesson, as you can read in the follow-up and also Channelling and clairvoyance problems — The safe alternative, and, apart from educational situations such as on this page, I've removed just about all channelled information from this site, together with all supposed insights gained from that channelled 'information'.

One of the misunderstandings portrayed in the account below is the assumption that I was channelling / receiving guidance from my 'higher consciousness'. In fact I understand nowadays that the notion of a separated-off higher consciousness was itself one of the garbage-sourced 'New Age' fictions that I'd taken on board. What was really happening was that a very deep level of my consciousness, which my ordinary mind couldn't 'hear' directly, was being 'listened to' by the garbage, which then relayed a highly adulterated version of my own deeply sourced, deeply aware and 'enlightened' thoughts to my ordinary mind.

As I explain in Channelling and clairvoyance problems — The safe alternative, that's how ALL channelling and gaining of clairvoyant information occurs, and that underlines what I'd already been getting to see by the time I wrote that page: that ALL information so gained has come via the garbage and so needs to be discarded, no matter how seemingly wise, 'enlightened' or uplifting it may seem.

It's in the light of people's pervasive tendency to misunderstand and misrepresent my writings on this site that I indulge in apparent redundancy by frequently repeating certain explanations and clarifications. I appreciate that some readers may find this tiresome (indeed, I myself do!), but hard experience has shown this repeated-clarification approach of mine to be necessary in order to hammer certain points home to the many less receptive people, so with any luck minimizing the quantity of pointless come-back and misrepresentational forum posts relating to this site's contents!


In order to properly understand the contents of this and many other pages on this site it's necessary to carefully read Exit 'spirituality' — Enter clear-mindedness, which provides essential background information.


Introduction — the background

Sheep thinking 'WTF?!'
You may say Baaaaaaa! if you want, but…

My hiking outings — maintaining health and sanity!

I'd had a single-minded motivation to go on long single-day hiking outings on a regular basis from 1981 onwards, though what really set the ball rolling was my 'falling in love' with walking on the Scottish mountains in a 12-day Easter visit to Fort William in 1979. Because I wanted to go back there again and again, and wanted to walk on the mountains there far and wide, and in view of certain weaknesses in my knees and ankles, this was a strong motivation for me to keep doing long and strenuous hikes on Dartmoor and strenuous coast path routes in order to keep up the strength of my legs for the mountain trips.

There's nothing so especially unusual about that, of course — except that nearly all the walks have been solo, even in the remotest and most rugged situations, and, with the odd exceptions, in South-West England I've kept quite strictly to hitch-hiking out and back, even for walks in the Land's End area, some 120–130-ish miles from where I live in Exeter. That makes for very long days indeed, with many uncertainties and requiring a very open mind about detailed outcomes and the time of my return. I've never met nor heard of anyone who does this — at least in such a regular and single-minded way.

Once I'd 'opened up' as a 'healer' in 1998 I found that the average type of people who picked me up in the hitch-hikes appeared to have changed markedly, and more than 50% of these people then appeared to be more or less strong 'healers'* themselves, and what I interpreted at that time as being distinctly spiritually 'open'**, even though usually being unaware of their 'healing' abilities.

* Actually, as I recognise nowadays (post-2007), what I was noticing was NOT directly that they were 'healers' (that couldn't be directly noticed at all!), but that they had at least a fair degree of mental openness and depth of awareness, and indeed also typically their weakness of grounding drew my attention.

** I'd word that differently now, for I've come to understand that the whole concept of 'spirituality' is seriously problematical, as I explain in Exit 'spirituality' — Enter clear-mindedness. I'd nowadays recognise such people as having relatively deep awareness resulting from their being no-soul people or people who've soul reincarnated no more than a few times.

Let's also point out that nowadays I regard the whole concept of 'spiritual healing', in its many forms, as almost completely a great and seriously harmful red herring, and I look back with a fair amount of horror at what I'd allowed myself to get involved with back then.

I soon became able to sense relatively accurately* such things about people and would usually tell them, so that on my outings I was giving information to them that was at least potentially very positively life-changing. A sense of a deeper or 'higher' purpose in my outings thus developed, and also often during my hikes I'd be at least notionally sending out supposed love and healing 'energy' / intents to all people on the planet, because hikes, especially out in wilderness or otherwise wild and rugged places, seemed to me to be the ultimate sort of 'meditation' in which I could send out supposed healing 'energies' widely, even on a global scale.

* That is, 'relatively accurately' within the framework of reference of my 'healing' involvements at that time. In retrospect I'd say that indeed I was noticing important things about various people, but inevitably misinterpreting them in line with the 'spirituality' and New-Agey notions I'd taken on board then. In particular, it was a grievous error to be putting primary emphasis on a person supposedly being a 'healer', for every time I did that that I was putting up a smokescreen preventing me from understanding the important things about such people that I really could have greatly benefited from knowing about.

This wasn't a matter of giving away my own 'energy' but of allowing myself to be a channel for what I took to be the 'highest'-sourced healing energies*, as a result of which I'd always come out of a walk feeling energized and invigorated.

* In some respects that was helping, but it was also part of the developing problem!

In 2007 I came to understand that the almost universally held belief among 'healers' that for the most effective healing one needs to be channelling 'higher energies' from outside oneself was actually sourced from the garbage for the purpose of ungrounding us and getting us more and more intricately involved with the garbage.

As I now understand, if 'healing', as generally understood, is a worthwhile thing to be doing at all, the only safe way — and also the most effective way — to give healing to yourself or indeed anyone is to allow your own deepest aspects to manifest as the healing 'power' or 'energy'. That's not at all the same as the giving away of one's own energy that occurs when people try to carry out healing through use of their ordinary mind and ego-centred willpower.

I think that actually on those hiking 'healing meditations' I was generally to a fair extent using my own deepest aspects, as far as I could at that stage, simply because, through (apparently) being a no-soul person and indeed being enlightened, I naturally and spontaneously perceived myself as being a manifestation of fundamental consciousness ('the Ultimate'), and so actually I generally visualized healing 'energies' as radiating out from my deepest, non-dual aspect rather than coming into or through me from some 'higher' source.

However, my doing so much of that, and at that time rather following the Tibetan Buddhist line of it being somehow a great and virtuous thing to give yourself away for the supposed good of others, would have been adding to my ungrounding, or at least minimizing the grounding effect of the hikes, and generally weakening my non-physical aspects.

This sense of 'higher' purpose became further underlined when I eventually had certain extraordinary — apparently strongly guided — encounters with particular individuals who purportedly had exceptionally strong past-life connections with me.

However, 'purportedly' is the operative word here, for although there may well have been certain real connections, of a nature that I'd probably never be able to ascertain, the alleged past life connections were simply pieces of a story that was being given to me in my channelling (i.e., by the garbage) for a seriously troublesome purpose.

Then, in late 2003, when I ran into problems with 'astral beings' (i.e., the garbage) pretending to be higher beings giving me information and guidance, I was given a far-out scenario in which supposedly I'd been set up by the highest powers to do all those hiking outings in that particular way because it opened my consciousness in a unique way that had a unique function for the whole Universe.

This appeared to be part of an agenda of the 'astral beings' to adulterate useful channelled information with misinformation to try and convince me that I was unique in a very special way, thus adding to its various schemes to try and make me feel as isolated as possible and be generally regarded as insane.

However, I noticed that there was a tendency for the fictions that I was given to be based on true or at least very plausible situations, so I was left wondering whether there might yet be some very special if not actually unique purpose for my hiking outings, which was yet to become apparent to me.

In 2004 I was given different but very plausible misguidance, to the effect that I no longer had any need nor cause to walk such long walks as I'd been doing up to that point, and it would make sense for me to relax and take somewhat shorter walks. I actually believed that one to a certain extent, so that my 17 to 21 miles became about 10 to 12 and occasionally 14 miles.

However, in 2006 I found that from late July onwards I was developing a new enthusiasm and strength for taking myself to my limits again, and so I reverted to the sorts of length I'd been doing before — and indeed even a bit more — feeling that this was leading up to something, and particularly having at the back of my mind the need to build up extra strength again if I was going to have my intended Scottish Highlands trip in May 2007, which would be my first mountain trip since 2000 and was intended to serve an additional purpose of my releasing hundreds or even thousands of ghosts along the way (as I now understand, another of the fictions from the garbage in order to convince me that I had 'special powers').

Indeed, it would have been a pointless exercise, going through the motions of releasing all those ghosts, because my understanding nowadays is that ghosts are NOT human consciousnesses at all, but simply elementals left over from particular people's deaths.

True, it would be beneficial to dissolve them, but nothing like the benefit of releasing real trapped human consciousnesses, and simply not worth my spending time on like that. In any case, the 'ghost' elementals couldn't be simply 'sent on' as I'd been led to believe I could do with them. It takes ongoing work over a period to dissolve such strong elementals, and in any case at that stage I simply didn't have the sort of methodology, as I could well have now, that might be able to achieve such a thing to any useful extent.


My self-healing 'path' — leading me into untold trouble!

I've gone to some lengths to describe the considerable personal convolutions and trials of my intensive process of self-healing on my page, My own self-actualization process or 'path' — Part 1.

From 2004 onwards, attacks from 'astral beings' (i.e., really the garbage) often plagued me, but although the garbage was genuinely trying to control and indeed wreck me, in practice, because I was enlightened I could experience the attacks as a proactively peaceful observer instead of getting very much into nasty emotional states and getting traumatized anew.

The consequence of that was that each attack, although feeling extremely unpleasant, was notionally resulting in the healing of a smallish chunk of the stored trauma emotion that I was carrying, and thus was allegedly bringing about a sort of healing process for me despite all its troublesome aspects and its overall gross inefficiency compared with methods such as what I present on this site nowadays. In real practical terms, such 'healing' was more or less nonexistent, but I didn't know that then, apart from having a nagging doubt about it at the back of my mind the whole time.

My supposed 'guidance' (i.e., really the garbage, only I failed to realize that then) made a lot of that, about all the attacks and ordeals being supposedly extremely powerful healing for a huge amount of past life trauma that I was allegedly carrying — supposedly from an extremely long and turbulent sequence of incarnations, in many of which, allegedly, I'd picked up severe traumas, which had all accumulated to give me a massive self-healing task in this lifetime, in which I was supposed to clear myself of it all.

In March 2006 I took up The Work, which, compared with any methods I'd used before, seemed to be bringing forward my remaining healing process in leaps and bounds, and it quickly seemed that I must surely have cleared out just about all of my issues — yet the 'astral beings' were still somehow finding trauma material to attack me with*. Eventually, in late August 2006 I started tentatively asking some questions of what I took to be my 'higher consciousness', having had a year's embargo on all channelling because of all the interference I'd been getting.

* For convenience I describe it that way, but that's really a bit misleading. To carry out an attack the garbage didn't figuratively pick up some 'emotional nasty' energy and throw it at you like an item of physical ammunition. There appear to be two processes, typically occurring together:

  • The garbage by some means would cause particular stored trauma energies and feelings to arise strongly in one or more of the parasitic lost souls attached to you, and you'd then feel those as though they were your own, and often much more strongly than you'd ever feel them in normal everyday situations without the garbage attacking.
  • The garbage also would use any active or 'live' connections between you and any primary archetypes, to bring in emotional trauma energy to crank up in 'attack' feedback loops in your mindspace.
So, you were being 'attacked' solely with material that you were carrying or at least connected to, even though usually, especially for the really strong attacks, it wouldn't have been your own trauma material. However, if you did have significant trauma material of your own (at least most of which you'd most likely not have been aware of), that could also be used in attacks, though would generally be a much smaller resource for that purpose.

I was told categorically that I'd cleared all my emotional issues (supposedly in July 2006) — yet still more material was surfacing in strong attacks from the garbage, so, where was this coming from? Could the 'entities' be attacking me with other people's material?

The answer I got in my channelling was that they couldn't actually do that in the normal course of events, but I was in a unique situation because well over 4,000 years ago I'd made a soul-level decision to carry out a very bold experiment in the long-future lifetime in which I was scheduled to completely heal all my big accumulation of emotional traumas — that is, this very lifetime.

The experiment would be this: in that future lifetime (i.e., this one), before my birth my 'higher consciousness' would create strong healing energy links with a number of other people who were especially strongly connected with me through similarities of 'soul origin' and many 'deeply loving' connections having been made in different lifetimes. They could all be described as soul mates* of mine — and, allegedly, there were 26 of them.

* As I nowadays understand, the very notion of soul mates comes from the garbage, which is constantly using all sorts of means to lure people into, and cultivate, attachment, so keeping everyone blocked from genuine self-actualization. The very notion of the 'soul mate' or any such relationship being something ideal and to be aimed for, is mythical and indeed based in an extremely harmful primary archetype.

During my 'dark times' from 2003 the garbage, posing as my 'guidance', almost constantly sought to hook me on all manner of scenarios in which I supposedly had many soul mates and was imminently due to reconnect with various of them (but of course it never happened, and, as I now recognise, it would be a major hindrance for me if I did ever let myself get involved in any such scenario).

Also, the very notion of deeply loving connections is a fictional one, about attachment and nothing genuinely worthwhile (much as is the fairy-story-ending …they lived together happily ever after type of notion).

The purported point of making such connections with these 26 soul mates was that, whenever I was healing myself, whether through 'spiritual' healing or natural emotional release or any other method, I'd be simultaneously healing similar emotional issues of all these people.

Now at last, so I thought, I had an explanation for the massiveness of what I'd understood to be just my own self-healing task in this lifetime, and why, when I'd allegedly cleared all my issues, the attacks from the 'astral entities' were still strongly bringing up emotional nasties. Yes, purportedly, I'd taken on for this lifetime the simultaneous healing of 26 soul mates' emotional issues as well as my own very considerable ones!

This is the story that I was given at that time, but, as I indicate in the follow-up section, it was actually fiction, though rather tenuously based on elements of likely fact.

This led quickly onto my being 'guided' to do some healing work (using The Work) on the supposed Creator consciousness's own stresses accumulated over the various Cosmoses and universes — and particularly the issue of existential terror.

When I did this I promptly had an attack from the 'astral beings' bring up a very strong wave of terror and related trauma feelings, but I rode it and 'understood' that it was releasing through me, so healing a chunk of the existential terror stored by my 26 special soul mates.

According to the story I'd been given at that time, those 'soul mates' were all more or less directly Elohim sourced, and the Elohim were allegedly the very highest beings short of the 'creator consciousness' itself. Because of our alleged exceptionally close connections with the Creator consciousness, through us and this healing a chunk of the Creator consciousness's own stress over the issue was being released.

I think the notion of the purported Creator Consciousness getting stressed was all part of making further story that I had a 'higher' purpose to heal not only 'Humanity' but also the Creator Consciousness itself (I being allegedly its most unique and special incarnation), and this was being put to me not only to convince me that I was ultra-special but also to get me accepting massive garbage attacks on me on the pretext that in accepting them I was carrying out my destiny to heal the purported Creator Consciousness.

Another version of this notion was used in what I take to have been my final very major crisis event brought about by the garbage, in February 2007, which I recount in Psychiatry: my personal experience — Gaining fundamental insights.

After that I kept getting further waves of trauma feelings surfacing, supposedly for release through me (i.e., really simply being strong attacks from the garbage). This was the situation on the two days prior to the hike that I describe below.

Now it's time to draw the 'healing' and the hiking threads together, and I caution again that during the ensuing account I'm leaving my various misinformations and misunderstandings more or less intact, though will do my best to be clear that I'm distanced from them, and I shall 'pick up the bits' properly in the follow-up section at the end…


My hike on Saturday 9th September 2006

Sheep thinking 'WTF?!'

First thing, I was getting indications, apparently from my higher consciousness — but always with the possibility of fiction creeping in from the interfering 'astral beings'* — that I'd now achieved full consciousness** (as a result of purportedly having cleared all my emotional issues), and this could be problematical for me because in that state I'd be liable to freak other people, for, I was led to understand, a person with full consciousness would look and 'feel' very strange to ordinary people and would have many special powers.

* As I've already noted, the very concept of a sort-of separated-off 'higher consciousness' that you could communicate with as though it were an external guide is one of the myriad deceptions given to us from the garbage in order to get people receiving 'information' (i.e., adulterated, distorted information or misinformation) from the garbage instead of the fundamentally reliable information that we could obtain from own deepest aspects if only we opened sufficiently in that direction (hardly anyone does).

So, the notion that I was liable to interference from 'interfering entities' when channelling from my 'higher consciousness' or some other 'higher' source was a big distortion of the true state of affairs, in which my communications were ALL simply from the garbage, which would choose from moment to moment whether and to what extent to brazenly attempt to deceive me or to lure with apparently good information in order to keep me 'hooked' on channelling and paying attention to this extremely troublesome 'guidance'.

** Likewise, the notion of 'full consciousness', in which a person's purported higher consciousness supposedly 'comes down' into the physical 'dimension' and merges with his ordinary mind, is another of those deceptions, for the purpose of getting us attached to certain illusory realities and causing very major problems for ourselves, most of all when we've died. You see how 'pixie-led' I'd become at that time by the garbage?!

I was meant to get out on the hike to get away from people and have more trauma energies, this time purportedly from all Humanity, emerge through me to release (via attacks from the 'astral beings') while I was out on the hike. Meanwhile, as a result of that purported healing, a major part of the rest of Humanity would also achieve 'full consciousness', while the other part of Humanity, of different soul origin and not so suitable yet for an enlightened civilization, would die, so that they (i.e., the consciousnesses, not their then abandoned bodies) would leave the planet to eventually incarnate in another, far removed, star system. Exciting stuff, hey!


It's what they call an unexpected outcome…

As usual, at about 7.0 a.m., I set out early for the outward hitch-hike. I felt that it was the turn of a walk from Mousehole on the Cornish coast path to Land's End, continuing to Sennen Cove just beyond — or indeed extending to Cape Cornwall (making it a full 21 miles) if I got very good outward lifts and had an early starting time for the walk. This was right down at the south-westernmost tip of Cornwall and indeed of England.

I walked my usual half-hour's walk from central Exeter to Alphington Junction on the A30 dual carriageway, feeling nervous lest I be conspicuous and seem strange to anyone who saw me (i.e., on account of my having supposedly attained 'full consciousness'), and placed myself on the filter lane as usual so that I could get traffic on both slip road and main carriageway.

I waited some 40 minutes, and then noticed that a car from the main carriageway had pulled in for me further down the filter lane. Something was odd, however. Both the couple in the car got out and stood staring at me as I half-ran towards them. I don't remember having both members of a couple in a car that had stopped for me ever getting out before — let alone standing and staring at me like that. There was no sense of welcome about them, as I'd generally get when a driver did get out of the car at that point.

Then, as I was coming up to them it was clear that they were looking at me oddly, with an uncomfortable sort of atmosphere about them, as though they thought something was wrong. The fellow asked Are you all right?. I was mighty puzzled, replying Sure!, and asked where they were going. Anyway, I got into the car with them, and learnt that they were going to Truro, so it was quite a good lift, especially as I generally got picked up quite quickly just beyond the Carland Cross roundabout where they'd be dropping me.

Nearing the Merrymeet roundabout, which came before Okehampton — only about 12 miles out from Exeter — the driver said they needed to stop a moment at the Whiddon Down services just off that roundabout, to buy something. When we stopped there, however, the couple both started getting out of the car, with a very 'difficult' atmosphere and looking as though they'd seen something very nasty indeed in some woodshed, and the fellow said This is as far as we're taking you. — No apology, no explanation; just a strong feeling about them of fear and something being very wrong. I'd never, never ever had anything like that happen before.

Another thing that struck me was that although in the car they hadn't discussed prematurely dropping me off here, they both seemed 100% unanimous in what the fellow said, almost as though they'd telepathically come to a complete agreement as to what to do when they stopped here. It wasn't at all like the usual situation of one member of a couple doing the talking and the other meekly agreeing.

The Merrymeet junction improvement — a hitch-hiker's nightmare!
The Merrymeet junction improvement — a hitch-hiker's nightmare! (4th October 2006)

My bewilderment was short-lived, however, as I had practical decisions to make, never mind how weird things had become. The Merrymeet roundabout* was at that time plagued with major junction redesign work, and it was very unlikely that I'd get another lift for Cornwall from there, because of the difficulty for any vehicle to stop safely. I was sure also that a 'higher' power had directed things to work out this way to manipulate me into spending the day in a completely unexpected way.

* The redesigned junction (with no roundabout) is called Whiddon Down and no longer Merrymeet.

I was getting a general message that I'd got to get myself as grounded as possible by walking, without significant hanging around before getting going with that walking — and a potentially quite smart idea came to me, for I was aware that an old friend of mine, who I hadn't seen for some time, lived just some ten to fifteen minutes' walk from that junction, out in the countryside a bit to the north of the A30. Let's visit him!

That would very likely be helpful for grounding, and he might well really like to get out for a walk with me — except that he tended to be away from home for quite long periods. I did happen at that time to have a mobile phone on me (kept switched off by default, as they're not a good thing to be carrying around with one normally without a very specific need to do so), and called his number, but got only an answering machine. Oh b*gger — what to do, then?

I'm quite sure in retrospect that the idea to see if he was available for a visit or joint walk came to me from my own deepest aspects, and was something that 'slipped through', which the garbage would have blocked or greatly distorted if it could — for, as you'd understand from my account below and the final understanding of what it was all about, my getting off at that point with a friend (a genuine grounding influence) would have nicely scuppered the garbage's real 'plan' for me that day.

Then I got an urgent message, supposedly from my 'higher consciousness', that the purported healing process for Humanity (via attacks upon me from 'astral beings') was already starting, and it was imperative that I get walking now, because that was needed in order for me to keep sufficiently grounded (and, implicitly, harm could come to me through not being extremely well grounded for this event). I could certainly feel waves of attack increasing, so I wasn't going to argue with that.


The walk, in brief

So, with no relevant map (which, no doubt at all, was precisely as the supposed 'higher powers' intended), at about 9.15 I started on a completely unexpected and unplanned walk, not knowing where I'd go nor where or when I'd finish. I walked a few miles down the Moretonhampstead road to Sandy Park and then via a riverside track by the River Teign and then on road to the little market town (more like a substantial village) of Chagford (nervous of how I'd appear to the people there if indeed I now really had 'full consciousness'), and up onto Meldon Hill (on the fringe of Dartmoor proper) for lunch stop.

A track down the other side, an ascent on a narrow lane, and then out onto open Dartmoor, on a bit where I hadn't been before, though I recognised some features to orient me — particularly the ugly blotch of Fernworthy Forest, a conifer plantation.

I got thrashing around, tiring myself on some thick tussocky terrain where I couldn't find a way through in the direction I was aiming for, then having to meander around a lot to avoid boggy bits, and then eventually got up onto Hamel Down via Hookney Tor, proceeding along its top to the southern end above Widecombe, then with various meanderings and to-ing-and-fro-ings, and finally, as the sun was going down, making for the minor road from Widecombe that joins the Princetown to Moretonhampstead road further along, which I reached at sunset.

After some walk along there in the gathering dusk I got a lift to Moretonhampstead, by which time it was dark, and then my 'guidance' indicated for me to keep walking towards the Merrymeet roundabout, and I didn't get a lift till I'd reached the vicinity of Sandy Park again. My estimate of mileage during that walk, combining all the road and moorland walking, is somewhat over 27 miles — pretty good going (but by no means unique) for a 64-year-old — even for one not being severely attacked by the garbage!

Well, that was the route, now what about the experience?


A decidedly nervous road walk

During the initial road walk from the Merrymeet roundabout the attacks felt to be mostly of what I'd call moderate intensity, with the usual nasty solar plexus feelings coming up and down. Every time a car approached or I passed any dwellings I felt a little nervous lest I, now supposedly having full consciousness, would be seen by the odd people and inadvertently freak them by looking strange to them or indeed inadvertently telepathically broadcasting thoughts of mine. After all, at this stage I didn't know precisely how I'd so spooked that couple who had given me the lift, so I had good practical reason for concern that I could alarm other people too.

As the walk proceeded, my mind kept returning to that spooky lift to Merrymeet. What on earth had that couple experienced? Could it be that my supposedly having now achieved 'full consciousness' had caused them to hear all my thoughts, completely uncensored, broadcasting telepathically without my knowledge? Or could it be that they'd seen my etheric horns and tail?

My 'guidance' came out with an explanation — that briefly during my wait at Alphington Junction my higher consciousness had 'switched on' visibility of my aura (i.e., to other people, who wouldn't normally see it), so that indeed I'd looked a bit freaky to the people who picked me up. Then during the lift they'd got frightened because they were hearing thoughts of mine that were inadvertently broadcasting telepathically — and also they were clairsentiently feeling the strong nasty solar plexus feelings of fear that were actually what I'd been feeling just then from an attack by the 'astral beings' (i.e., really the garbage).

Oh, of course — that switching on of the visibility of my aura would no doubt account for any displaying of my horns and tail, so scaring the shit out of anyone! But then — seriously for a moment — actually the explanation from my 'guidance' sounded messy and didn't really add up for me, so I just kept an open mind.

I was told, apparently from my 'higher consciousness', that although I'd achieved full consciousness, most of my integration process (integration of the higher consciousness with the ordinary mind) was being deliberately held back at the moment until this walk, and the healing for Humanity that I was to carry out during it, had been completed. Once all Humanity had thus been healed — presumably later today — my consciousness would then fully integrate and 'switch on', and all of Humanity who were scheduled to remain on Earth for the great transition would 'switch on' with full integration at the same time, so that then I'd not be a 'freak' any more and would be fully accepted by others and able to fulfil my alleged forthcoming significant roles in the new, enlightened civilization. Oh, what a story!

Meanwhile, it was alleged to me, all those people of what for convenience here I shall call a supposed 'lower' soul origin would leave this planet by the simple means of simultaneously dropping dead*, and I was feeling a trifle concerned about the huge worldwide calamity of traffic and other accidents that would be precipitated by that happening. It did seem to me a bit drastic, for those people all to have to leave the planet so very suddenly and result in so many additional deaths from all the accidents!

* As I understood it at the time, the scenario put to me was nothing to do with religious notions of the supposed 'bad' guys all going to hell while the 'goodies' go to heaven — but now, in retrospect, and knowing that this scenario and the religious ones have all come from the garbage, I see a considerable similarity!

As I plodded on I kept having questioning thoughts arising in my mind. Surely this was all rubbish! Surely I was being led on another big fiction! But then again, each time my mind came back to the vivid memory of that couple who'd given me the lift, for surely some 'higher' power must have been involved in manipulating them and precipitating me into this strange adventure. And the reality was also that I was being attacked by Tiddles (the belittling and disempowering collective name I'd given to the 'astral beings' — really the garbage, if only I'd understood that then!), and I well 'understood' (i.e., had 'bought' the fiction) that this represented healing of somebody's traumas even if it wasn't my own.

Thus I assumed that something beneficial was bound to be going on, whatever the ultimate truth of the story I'd been given. So, I wasn't really being so crazy in going along with all this; indeed I had little sensible alternative, taking into account all I knew and understood and the all-too-real real attacks that were occurring.

I was told that it was crucially important that, for this unprecedented and unique healing to proceed correctly, I have a completely open mind about where I'd be going and where and when I'd finish. Going out for as long as possible into wilderness, on rough ground — even if I got more or less lost — was all essential, for by this means I'd be breaking up and dissolving all manner of unhelpful thought patterns and preconceived notions that were associated with the emotional trauma material from Humanity that I was now purportedly releasing through the 'Tiddles' attacks upon me.

In much later retrospect, I can see one very good reason why I was being told I had to have no idea of where I was going and when I'd finish the walk — to further unground my awareness and thus make myself still more vulnerable to all garbage interferences and attacks that came to me!

During the initial road walk I noticed one rather disturbing manifestation in my mind — my inner 'guiding' voice was starting to persistently put a tedious metric rhythm into everything it was saying, and was nudging me into insinuating it into all my thoughts as they arose. This was particularly disturbing for me because the last time I'd had that happening was in October 2004, when I'd been following guidance that most certainly wasn't from my 'higher consciousness' nor a higher source and was indeed taking me through some relatively benign Satanistic practices as part of the ordeals that had led to my first hospitalization.

This time I was told that it had in fact been my higher consciousness giving me the rhythm on that previous occasion, as part of my training for this very day, when it was essential that I use it as much as possible, shaping all my thoughts into that meter. Although still feeling a bit of unease about that, I started complying, and this became really pronounced as I had my first significant ascent: up onto Meldon Hill just after my leaving Chagford behind. By that time I was greatly relieved that the various people I'd passed in Chagford seemed not to have seen anything unusual about me at all. Maybe after all I wasn't looking as conspicuously different as I'd been fearing as a result of my alleged full consciousness.


No nice after-lunch nap on Meldon Hill — Cusses!

I ate my packed lunch sitting on top of Meldon Hill, a wonderful panoramic viewpoint, albeit not in the same league as the mountain-top panoramas that I'd come so much to love. The weather really was excellent for hiking, being fine and mostly sunny with broken cloud and a moderate to fresh breeze and very good visibility.

On top of Meldon Hill, looking back over Chagford
Overlooking Chagford from the top of Meldon Hill (4th October 2006)

When I finished my lunch I thought it would be rather nice to lie down here and have a little nap — perhaps half to one hour — before moving on. But my 'guidance' would have none of it. No, the attacks were going to come on more strongly from now on and I'd got to get moving again and out onto the main open moorland as soon as possible without actually rushing.

Now I wasn't quite so sure what to do next, for of course I'd been manoeuvred into coming out here mapless — my map of the Land's End peninsula in my pack hardly being of any use here! So, hoping that nothing about my appearance (or possible inadvertent telepathy) would cause alarm, I rather nervously approached a family group at one of the minor granite tors here and exchanged greetings.

I noticed an amazing radiance about the man — much more than I'd noticed about very 'open' and aware people previously. According to my 'guidance', he was almost fully 'there' — i.e., almost at 'full consciousness' — already. Wow! Anyway, I asked if I could look at his map, and confirmed that I just had to descend on a very obvious track down the bracken-covered slope and then follow a narrow lane up towards a tongue of moorland that would lead me out into the main area of the moor.

My gentle descent route from top of Meldon Hill, towards open moor and Hamel Down
My descent route from the top of Meldon Hill, with the open moor and Hamel Down prominent in the distance (4th October 2006)

I plodded up the lane towards the main part of the moor, enjoying the plant and insect and bird life all around me but with that confounded three-in-a-beat rhythm becoming so very, very tiresome — going like:
— and walking and walking and raiding the store — and walking and walking all over the Moor!
The syllables were all the same length except (in this case) 'store' and 'Moor', which each were twice the length. Otherwise the variation was just in which syllables were stressed.

I wasn't thinking those particular words then, but that's what came to me just now to demonstrate the rhythm, which I should think would be enough to get on anyone's tits when repeated over and over. Still, it was supposed to be helping this unique, epic healing, so of course I was meekly shaping all my thoughts and any questions of mine for 'my higher consciousness' into that rhythm, and when I had no actual words to fit in I just kept thinking the rhythm and that mild exclamation intonation at the end of the second phrase, using an imagined 'hm' to fill each empty syllable.

As already noted, I did even then have a certain nervousness about my being 'guided' to use that rhythmic figuration in my thinking, because my 'guidance' had been speaking to me in that rhythm during the later and thus more harmful part of my October 2004 crisis that had led to my first hospitalization.

At that time it was specifically while the 'guidance' was dragging me through various supposedly Satanistic practices and indeed seeking to pressure me into believing that I was a Satanist at heart, and from then on should live a largely nocturnal life and accept so-called 'Lucifer' as being my ultimate leader / guide — something I didn't go along with, even in my horrendously weakly grounded state at that time.

Bit by bit I gleaned more information or misinformation about what was going on. I was told that I was meant to imprint this rhythm into my mind so that it would shape my speech and writing, making it all flow more beautifully and persuasively, which would be very important in my alleged future special roles for Humanity.

The point wasn't to make me speak or write strictly within that metre or rhythm, but to have it come in and out of focus as it happened to fit or not fit with my thoughts as they were being shaped for speaking or writing. I'd still have rhythmic flexibility but with a greater feeling of a sort of musical flow. Couldn't be bad, could it! (well, that is, if that claim were anything like the truth…) Although I went along with that superficially I felt very circumspect about it, and, awkward old cuss that I am, I continued to be doubtful of such claims.


-and staggering and stumbling all over the Moor!

Once I was out on the moorland proper I became more conscious of the fact that I was wearing only hiking shoes, not boots, for I nowadays got great painful aggravation on my malleoli (ankle bones) if I walked in boots, and indeed for that reason in 2004 I'd discontinued walking on Dartmoor because I'd had enough of walking in boots and ending up in such pain, and in shoes I'd almost certainly end up with very wet feet on Dartmoor except in a prolonged dry spell.

Fortunately this walk was indeed in a prolonged dry spell, but even then I could encounter the odd boggy patch, so vigilance was going to be required. Wet feet could mean blisters, so I wanted to be careful to avoid that.

As I got into more thickly tussocky ground, with mounds and tussocks of tall grass as well as thick heather, I was stumbling my way about like a drunkard, as I'm so used to on Dartmoor terrain, and was thankful for my lightweight aluminium walking stick, which helped me prevent myself from quite falling over and also was very handy for probing boggy-looking ground.

My 'guidance' was telling me that all my irregular walking rhythms were important as part of the means to break up restrictive thought patterns associated with the trauma energy allegedly from Humanity that was now coming to me in stronger attacks, sometimes up to what I experienced as 'moderately severe'.

I was trying to find a way to cut across to the highest hill, which I took to be Hamel Down, but I was getting into boggy ground intermixed with the tussocks, and it was becoming really hard and tiring work making my way round one way and then another, trying to avoid the boggy ground. I then retraced some way, stumbling about as I went, seeing what looked like a track going the right way, which I must have crossed to have got this far, but evidently without noticing it.

Meanwhile, while I was thrashing and stumbling my way back to that track, I thought of the music of mine that quintessentially reflected such wilderness walking — in the opening of my Nordic Wilderness Journey. I doubted whether that music, with all its augmented and diminished triads* and tormented emotional undercurrents, was suitable for me to bring to mind during this alleged healing for Humanity, but my 'guidance' insisted that I was meant right there and then to run the whole work through my mind, as it was important for this healing process.

*Augmented and diminished triad — musical notation

A uniquely dense and concentrated use of the augmented triad is in my 2024 Nature-Symphony Prelude 2 (Song of anguish — memorial to Alexei Navalny), which is absolutely seething with that chord, with truly hair-raising effect.

So, rather dubiously I started trying, though couldn't remember exactly how various passages of the work connected, so I quickly foundered on that, and at that cue another inner 'thought voice' told me it was important not to bring any music into my mind during this process, and especially all that stuff with augmented triads would be very problematical*; it was best just to keep to the virtually pitchless rhythm I was constantly being given, using 'hm' for each syllable when I hadn't got words to fit in — except that it was also important that I break up that rhythm quite a bit too, so helping break up thought patterns associated with whatever I was healing through the Tiddles attacks.

* Actually that's how I myself viewed those sounds — both the augmented and diminished triads, when dwelt upon and made the basis of musical passages that don't rapidly resolve into other harmonies. Indeed, even then and more so now, I regarded them as having notionally Satanistic resonances, so that such music works, whoever the composer, would be seriously unhealthy to dwell upon — at least, unless possibly in an exceptionally grounding and balancing context.

Evidently I was getting conflicting messages — some presumably from my higher consciousness and some with mischievous or downright sinister intent from 'interfering entities' (but, as I've already intimated, it was neither, and really all from the garbage). Anyway, I reckoned it was safest to keep off the music, and I felt happier now that at least I'd got definite word to keep playing little games with that tediously repetitive rhythm and have a bit more variety and flexibility about it.


What were the attacks like?

Before I go any further, let me clarify something. Because I was enlightened I wasn't experiencing the attacks from the garbage in the way that the vast majority of people would, and very likely I could withstand very much stronger attacks than they'd be likely to.

An important key to this was that for the most part I no longer got into the emotional states of painful emotions to a great extent, but merely felt their feelings. So, when I was attacked with fear or panic, for example, I was neither frightened nor in a state of panic, but was simply the peaceful observer of some extremely unpleasant feelings, which could be very intense and still quite disruptive to my life in a severe attack. Emotions could be combined in an attack, three particularly virulent combinations that I'd experienced being apparently depression plus panic, anxiety plus panic and revulsion plus panic.

One thing that greatly helped me keep on an even keel even during severe attacks was the knowledge from real experience, that strong peaks of attacks don't last long, however menacing they feel. Indeed, progressively since this particular occasion, such peaks became especially short-lived because I had such a strong radiant 'presence' outside those feelings, which meant that I was powerfully dissipating their energy just by experiencing them, and the garbage couldn't keep up such an intensity of attack for at all long, for it would have been a bit like trying to keep an extremely leaky vessel full.

In my experience the overt attacks normally used fear and related emotions such as anxiety, panic and anger. Without my getting into their emotional states, I'd just feel extremely unpleasant feelings that seemed largely physical, mostly centred at or around the solar plexus. 'Fear' gave a deep menacing ache in the solar plexus.

'Anxiety' gave a quite different unpleasantness — an unfocused sort of almost hot feeling extending from solar plexus up to the heart area and into my upper arms, while 'panic' gave a solar plexus ache combined with a nauseous feeling and a particularly strong sense of aversion and unbearableness. 'Anger' gave a solar plexus ache but a bit less focused than with fear, and with a very distinctive almost sore-feeling 'edge' to it.

I put the names of the emotions in the above in quotes to signify that I can't say that they were precisely those emotions, because everything that the garbage presents is distorted in some way or other. My 'guidance' was always very precise as to which emotion(s) the particular attack feelings were supposed to represent, but I think it wasn't as simple as that, because of the way that the garbage always worked with trauma energy 'spectra' or 'profiles' rather than the neat categories that we know and have named.

And certainly none of the attacks that I had from the garbage ever felt the same as the real emotions of fear, anxiety or anger that I'd experienced previously.

During this hike I was keeping my attention on the walk and was deliberately not focusing on the sensations of the attacks any more than I could help. So I was vaguely aware of various combinations of the above nasty feelings arising, and I assume others mixed in too, which I don't remember now because it wasn't of any consequence to me.

What mattered to me was that I was enjoying my decidedly odd hike, and the discomforts were subjectively for me in that situation no worse than having a gut upset — AND it didn't even make me vomit or have diarrhoea. Indeed I've never had even the most extreme attacks ever cause me to vomit. However, as I now understand, the attack I could feel on this occasion was acting as something as a smokescreen for something else much more serious that was apparently going on for me then, which I didn't know about at all at the time, but you're just going to have to wait for the final section of this page to learn about that…


To and fro on Hamel Down

At last I got onto the track, which led me in turn to the road from Widecombe towards the Princetown to Moretonhampstead road, and then I plodded up the other side onto Hamel Down, Hookney Tor being the first top, sporting a curiously weathered collection of prominent granite crags — the latter being the meaning of the term 'tor' on Dartmoor.

As I got onto easy walking on the track along the top of that very broad heather moorland ridge, my 'guidance' urged me to get off the track and onto the fairly rough heathery ground, for, allegedly, it was important that at all points the ground should be engaging me and not allowing me to get into a regular plod or mental autopilot. On significant gradients it didn't matter being on an easy track, for then the terrain was actively engaging me anyway, but on the more or less level stretches I had to be on reasonably rough and uneven ground.

Grimspound and Hamel Down from Hookney Tor
Grimspound and Hameldown Tor from Hookney Tor (4th October 2006) — site of ancient 'dark' practices

I descended a bit to the broad dip where nestled the ancient stone settlement ruins of Grimspound. The odd people were here — quite a popular focal point — and again I was nervously wondering whether they'd see anything weird about me. No obvious sign of that, and I kept walking without seeking conversation.

However, on the ascent the other side I encountered a small older-middle-aged group coming the other way, down the track, and when I paused to exchange greetings with the first of them to come, they seemed to respond very warmly to me, and the others who then arrived all seemed to be drawn to me. A little brief conversation had given me an opening for mentioning the Alexander Technique or / and The Work, to which they showed considerable interest, and I gave them a leaflet bearing my website address so that they could follow that up.

I got a feeling of warm recognition from those people — not just any recognition but the sense that they recognised me as a teacher, and my inner voice told me that they, or at least most of them, were actually recognising me from at least one previous lifetime, and they were more open now to such recognition because they were themselves well on the way to 'full consciousness' within the day.

There goes the garbage again, in its channelled agenda to lead me astray! Quite apart from the 'full consciousness' thing, I was always being reminded that I was supposed to be a 'great spiritual teacher'. Well, at least the following year I got clear of all that harmful garbage, when I finally jettisoned all channelled 'information' that I'd received.

I'm quite sure now that those people were being manipulated by the garbage to interact with me in that particular way, and any 'recognition' of me by them was simply impressions given to them by the garbage in exactly the same way that it could manipulate various impressions of mine on this particular day.

As to how it was able to manipulate them like that, when that sort of thing wasn't happening generally in my life, I'm sure that the answer comes down to my particularly weak grounding on this particular day, thanks to the phase of severe garbage interference that I was in. The mechanism would undoubtedly have been just the same as that of the garbage's manipulation of the couple who gave me the outward lift on this weird day — about which I write much further below in the final explanations.

As I continued walking I was still a little concerned about the postulated worldwide sudden mass 'death' of all the people who were not due to continue in the purported new, enlightened civilization. As it had initially been given to me, this was something that was going to happen during this particular day.

I wondered what risks or indeed dangers I'd face on the eventual hitch-hike home — though I understood that it was allegedly an important part of the current situation that I not know how this walk, and indeed this outing, would end. At least by now I was picking up the notion that the 'calamity' would occur late in the evening, so maybe it wouldn't be of concern to me. Anyway, I'd learnt by this stage in my life that despite the demanding experiences I was sometimes put through, there were clear signs that 'higher powers'* were carefully protecting me and wouldn't allow true harm to come to me.

* As I now understand it, there was indeed such a protection, BUT it wasn't from some 'higher power' (i.e., something higher than and thus outside of myself), but was from my own deepest aspects, and was able to work more strongly for me than would be possible for most people, because of my being what I nowadays identify as a no-soul person.

It wasn't all that long before I came to the top of the southern slope down to Widecombe. What should I do now? Maybe I'd finish at Widecombe? Any idea yet how much longer before completion of this healing?, I asked my 'higher consciousness' (i.e., the garbage — if only I'd known at the time!). Very likely about half an hour.

Okay, so I'd hang around up here, contouring around onto the neighbouring spur, go down that a little, then come back up and contour back to here… …Which I did, with the attacks still coming although not at all so consistently strong now. I did have my doubts as to how even my 'higher consciousness' could tell how long the process would take to complete. Wasn't it possible that it would gradually tail off over a very long time? What would happen if that were the case? Would I have to keep walking overnight too? At least I had a little very basic LED headlamp (pretty dim, though) in my rucksack, so I considered that getting benighted wouldn't be a complete no-no if it was really necessary.

So, were there now any signs of completion of the process? No. My 'guidance' agreed that overall, barring the odd brief stronger peaks, the attack level was falling off and would very likely finish very soon now, but it couldn't be absolutely sure about that. Oh well. I chose to return to Grimspound and in fact Hookney Tor beyond, so that if the process completed on the way I could then just continue to the road for Moretonhampstead and then hitch-hike home. However, the attacks were still continuing, albeit with the average level gradually reducing.


Drawing a sensible line under it all

There was still a moderate amount of time before sundown. From Hookney Tor (to the north of Grimspound) I turned around and started retracing towards Widecombe, asking my 'higher consciousness' more about the state of the process now. I asked if it knew roughly what proportion of the material to be processed had yet to be cleared. I was told that it was in the order of billionths, and also that by the look of things this could run and run, very slowly tailing off.

I asked Is it essential that I try to keep going to clear it all, or is it for the 'highest good' that now or at some point soon I draw a line and accept that a minute proportion of the total hasn't been processed in this session? The answer came that drawing a sensible line any time from now on was in order and for the 'highest good'* (which latter, after all, would take into account my own 'highest good'!)

* There's nothing exactly wrong with that expression, but I prefer not to use it these days, and instead talk of one's 'ultimate good' or 'in one's own best / deepest interests'. The trouble with the expression 'highest good' is that it's part of garbage-sourced New-Age-speak that's widely used by 'healers' and psychics, and incorporates the implication that there's a polarity of 'high' and 'low' beyond the physical aspect of experience — which there isn't, apart from in the illusions presented to us by the garbage.

So, to keep ourselves as clear as possible of garbage influence and interference we need to avoid referring to non-physical polarities of high and low — and indeed other non-physical polarities too, such as 'light' / 'dark', positive / negative, good / evil (or bad), and so on.

I thus chose to continue once more to above Widecombe and then to return along the top of Hamel Down, via Grimspound and Hookney Tor again, right to the road from Widecombe that joins the Postbridge to Moretonhampstead road — my arrival at the road then marking the final cut-off point if the process hadn't completed by then.

As I was returning from above Widecombe for that last time, still with briefly fairly strong attacks coming through, I was moved to carry out inquiry (using The Work) on a variety of very fundamental stressful thoughts that allegedly reflected particular accumulated stresses of the Creator consciousness.* Certain of them caused me to stop briefly and cry intensely until I'd completed my inquiry on them. The light was already fading as I made my stumbling, crying-punctuated final descent towards the road, and I reached there at sunset (about 7.30).

* Yes, and that wasn't one of the most sensible things I did that day — for that was making that final part of the moorland walk a further ungrounding experience, with my attention on actually illusory issues instead of firmly on the invigorating beauty of Dartmoor and 'Nature' in general!

Rough heathery slope on final descent from Hookney Tor back to the road
The final rough heathery slope I descended from Hookney Tor to the minor road from Widecombe at sunset (this view at midday, 4th October 2006)


And now for the return hitch-hike…

At that point my 'guidance' acknowledged that a line had now been drawn, and now, while I started walking on the road (carrying a very well made and conspicuous EXETER sign) for my return hitch-hike, I was told that my 'higher consciousness' was now starting to release the 'Tiddles' beings (i.e., supposed astral beings) from me.

I was still under attack as long as they were with me, but I could feel a succession of definite changes, a minute or two apart, as each of my alleged relationship chakra cords connecting me to the Tiddles beings and keeping them with me* was supposedly dissolved. Aware that this could all have been simulation from the (supposed) interfering entities themselves, I didn't get greatly excited about that, simply concentrating on walking in the Moretonhampstead direction and showing my sign to the occasional car that came by.

* What a lot of old codswallop that was! Relationship chakra cords keeping supposed astral beings with me, indeed! That was all part of the deceits to encourage me to believe that what was happening to me had some sort of 'higher purpose' and had actually been chosen for me by my own 'higher consciousness'! As already explained, any 'entities' were actually illusions given to me by the garbage, and those relationship chakra cords were thus totally fictitious.

That detail of the garbage's story was just a repetition of a hopelessly misguided 'reading' that a 'healer' (trained by the prestigious School of Energy Healing, and thus using Barbara Brennan's healing methods) had given me at the Quest mind, body and spirit fair at Newton Abbot in July that year, in which she'd 'seen' those 'relationship chakra cords' connecting me to the supposed astral beings. Of course it was the garbage showing her all that.

I should say that I'm sure that the particular 'healer' was doing a good job within the framework of reference of 'Energy Healing' — but this underlines the tremendously flawed and distorted nature of that whole healing modus operandi, which had been made famous by Barbara Brennan's classic books on spiritual healing, Hands of Light and Light Emerging.

Brennan had no idea that all her supposed 'higher' perceptions were actually images and impressions being given to her by the garbage in order to lead her astray, and that her guide, 'Heyoan', was, like all other guides and supposed higher beings, just an illusion created in her mind by the garbage, using messages and data from her own deepest aspects (but with various covert distortions) in order to appear to be a real 'higher' guide.

Eventually, near the Beetor road junction (well off the Moor), it now getting to the dark side of dusk, a returning farmer in his four-wheeler picked me up. He was going part way to Chagford, but most kindly diverted to take me to Moretonhampstead, where I arrived in the dark — though at least the centre there was lit. I was greatly relieved that the farmer didn't seem to notice anything spooky about me and in fact I felt a lot of warmth from him and a sense of his liking me a lot. I assumed that, if today's right weirdo happenings really were what I'd been told, this man was himself getting close to full consciousness and so I was feeling his increased openness.*

* No doubt at all, that was another false impression that I was being given by the garbage in order to continue cultivating for me the story of everyone then being on the verge of 'full consciousness' — though undoubtedly the particular man was friendly enough.

The indication from my 'guidance' wasn't to wait here in the little market town for a lift, however, but to continue the open-ended adventure aspect of the whole outing, by walking in the dark, on and on along the unlit road towards the Whiddon Down and the Merrymeet roundabout, being prepared to walk all the way if necessary.

Fortunately there turned out to be a more or less full moon, so except where large trees cloaked the road in shadow I had sufficient light to walk by, although it was really quite dangerous in that in some positions cars might not see me in time and I could possibly get hit, especially as I still didn't have proper high-visibility outerwear at that time. Still, I was quite enjoying the sense of adventure, even though this was a stupidly dangerous thing to be doing.

As I walked along here I received the message from my 'guidance' that people wouldn't be reaching full consciousness yet; they'd wake up tomorrow in that state.

So typical of the garbage! As its bluff starts to get called, at once it brazenly changes the story, relying on the person's ungroundedness to keep him gullible enough to accept the story change without applying serious scrutiny to what was really going on in all that story-telling.

When I eventually got to the Sandy Park area I did finally get a lift, and then it was a relatively normal hitch-hike for the remainder of the way home, with another lift from by Whiddon Down services into Exeter, arriving home about 10.30 p.m.

Those final two return lifts produced no surprises — just kind people with warm and friendly 'vibes'. Evidently there was no need for the supposedly higher powers (i.e., really the garbage) to do anything freaky to make anything happen now.


A post-hike big surprise

Right there back in my flat I was breathing sighs of relief that apparently I'd done whatever major thing I'd been meant to do, and was amazed that at age 64 I'd walked the longest walk that I'd done in the region*. Little did I know that the day was still to spring upon me what seemed at the time to be a most magnificent and awesome surprise.

* My longest mileage ever was in about 1962 — a solo 36 miles in 8 hours' walking (!) on very easy ground (mostly tarmac pavement and canal towpath) from Harrow Weald (Middlesex), via Watford to near Tring (Hertfordshire) and retrace. I'd done that in everyday shoes /socks, and, yes, I did have rather sore feet at the end of that one!

As you can imagine, back here in my flat I had many feelings of scepticism about what had gone on during the day — but the matter of that extraordinary outward lift couldn't be dismissed at all and definitely pointed to something very 'special' having been going on — and indeed the day's attacks from my little Tiddly Widdles likewise appeared to be pointing to something very much out of the ordinary.

Also, when I checked my appearance in the bathroom mirror, I found I looked very strange — a disturbing appearance with what looked like a sort of radiation around my head and a prominent bluish radiation around each eye. However, I was aware even then that that might be a distorted impression that I was being given, so I took it as 'likely evidence' rather than proof of a very major change having happened for me that day.

Another thing that appeared to tell me unequivocally that something special had happened to me was the enormity of what I experienced while I was getting my horribly late simple evening meal — something for which I was completely unprepared, so that I felt to be reeling in incredulity as the experience hit me.

As soon as I'd arrived home and removed my shoes, the first thing I did — which was at that time what I almost always did upon return from a hike — was to put on a particular CD of Frank Perry's incredible Tibetan singing bowls music, called Chakra Healing. It's such restful and relaxing music, but also, the tracks that are supposedly for the higher chakras* had for me a spellbinding visionary quality that was powerful and extremely difficult to describe — especially the seemingly incandescent Third Eye Chakra track.

Note that nowadays I warn against listening much to that sort of music, despite its beauty, because it's so ungrounding, particularly music using the sustained tones of the bowls.

* One of the things I didn't understand then was that the chakras, along with all 'energy system' structures, including auric bodies and indeed really the whole 'aura' as normally understood, are actually fictional illusions given to psychics and 'healers' by the garbage in order to cause a whole variety of problems. So actually Frank Perry's intent behind the creation of the musical sounds on that CD, that they'd be very much for the listener's good, was actually seriously distorted by inveigled garbage agenda. Please see glossary entry for 'energy system'.

As the music played this time it all seemed more vivid than usual, but when it came to the track for the so-called third eye chakra — really, it's very difficult to find words for the enormity of what I experienced then. Imagine a continuous music of eternity (although actually playing only for some 12 minutes), whose intensity is like a never-ending electrifying orgasm, but not of the body. It was a total indescribable ecstasy of 'mind and soul' in musical sound.

I could hear a whole plethora of strands and shifting relationships within the continuous sound, which I'd never heard before — but again, when I listened in a more normal way for an instant I realized that actually I wasn't physically hearing anything more at all; it appeared that my mind was hearing a huge part of the music that was beyond the physical.

I cried and cried intensely as I underwent this experience of ecstasy and rapture, the like of which I'd never even dreamt of before in my life. To talk of beauty is hardly to touch the radiant — even incandescent — magnificence and splendour of this…whatever it really was.

My 'guidance' then explained to me that, having reached 'full consciousness', I was hearing for the first time — as others would when they had 'full consciousness' — the true music of the Elohim, which can't be directly heard by a human's ordinary mind. According to the story I was given then, certain Earthly music links one to the purported music of the Elohim and then, if one has or is close to 'full consciousness', one's 'higher consciousness' hears the Elohim music and integrates its experience with that of the 'lower' or 'ordinary' mind, which latter itself hears just the physical music.


Picking up the bits — making more sense of it all

Okay, now let me tell you things that I resolved or sorted out subsequently that make some more sense of the proceedings on that hike. I'd written a lot in this section at various stages after the event, which incorporated continuing confusions and deceptions that I was receiving from the garbage because I was still channelling. I finally chose to wipe all that out and replace it below with a new follow-up and explanation, clear of all my earlier confusions, now that I'm not channelling at all and am getting much more clear of garbage interference.

Let us be completely clear that all my channelling and listening to or accepting 'guidance' was enabling the garbage, posing as the particular alleged higher sources, to communicate with me and lead me seriously astray. Actually, through all those problematical channellings I was receiving communications from a pure and reliable source (my own deepest aspects), but the catch was that they were being relayed to me by the garbage, which was adulterating them to fit the big and troublesome story that it was seeking to involve me in.

I've used inner inquiry based on Helpfulness Testing to support or cast aspersions upon my direct intuitions about various aspects of the events of that extraordinary day in my life. I must caution that all 'information' so gained is intrinsically of somewhat speculative character, and isn't a statement of categorical fact; its actual value is simply in its providing the most helpful and seemingly meaningful explanation yet of all my otherwise weird observations and experiences on that 9th September 2006 hike and the ensuing events / experiences that befell me.


That mysterious outward lift — He will be surprised but will know where to go.

My speculative understanding as to what most likely was going on concerning that freaky outward lift is as follows:

First, taking advantage of my seriously weakly grounded state, thanks to the crescendo of serious garbage interference and attacks over the last couple of weeks, the garbage succeeded in hijacking part of my 'energy system' in order to cause it to create an elemental — i.e., without my being aware that that was happening. Just when that elemental was created, I don't know — but for convenience I shall assume here that it was created sometime during my walk out from the city centre or maybe actually while I was waiting by the A30.

The elemental would have been attached to me, but a great extensibility was built into its programming, so that it could reach out for a fair distance to interfere with particular people who came within perhaps 200 metres of me and were also clearly visible to me.

During my initial wait, when the garbage determined that a particular car was approaching with people who were themselves sufficiently weakly grounded that this nasty little trick would be effective upon them, the garbage caused my 'energy system' to operate that elemental, so that it sent out a figurative tenuous 'pseudopod' to them, which enabled it then to manifest to them as though it were an actual non-physical being that could speak to them.

That then caused them both actually to hear a man's voice saying That man over there needs assistance. Would you please stop for him. — while they were simultaneously being gently attacked with a feeling of obligation to stop for me. So, no wonder they seemed quite disturbed and assumed that something was wrong, but yet also didn't seem really to want to have picked me up in the first place.

Then, once we were on our way, the garbage, via my own 'energy system', used the elemental to attack the couple with uncomfortable feelings of fear together with pseudo-thoughts to give the impression that there was something very untoward and probably spooky about me, then also, as we were approaching the Merrymeet roundabout, by the same means gave them pseudo-thoughts about stopping off at the next Services in order to purchase something as a pretext then to get rid of me.

Then, just as they were pulling into the Services car park, they both heard that mysterious man's voice again, saying Please say to this man, 'This is as far as we're taking you'. He will be surprised, but will know where to go. — and simultaneously the garbage caused the elemental to attack the couple more strongly with the fear feelings, also giving them pseudo-thoughts that had the effect of distorting their visual impression of me to make me look subjectively 'weird' to them — hence their looking all shaken up when we all got out of the car, as though they'd seen a something very nasty indeed in that woodshed!

That was it! I think this was most likely true, and my inner inquiry supports every detail of this, because it explains precisely what I observed, with no loose ends that don't 'add up', and from hard personal experience I'm all too familiar with such control tactics of the garbage.

I was struck particularly by the clear and definite way that the driver told me just This is as far as we're taking you — carefully calculated words — rather than making an excuse or openly admitting that they didn't feel comfortable with me and apologizing for not wishing to carry me further. There was no embarrassed searching for words; it was very much as though he'd been instructed to say those very words and no others. In all my thousands of hitch-hiking journeys I'd never before or since had anyone behave in such a manner towards me*.

* Yes, but weirdly it did happen again. On 27th June 2009 I was summarily dumped at an unlit lay-by at dusk between Launceston and Okehampton, on my way back to Exeter after a hike in Cornwall, and exactly the same words were said to me (though with Would you please get out of the car appended), with absolutely no explanation given. That was much more puzzling than on the occasion related on this page, because there was no obvious reason for that to have happened then. I recount that experience in 'The hitch-hiker's nightmare' on the Favourite great hikes page on my personal website.

Also, the notion of that couple's being interfered with to distort their visual impression of me is very valid indeed. In fact the garbage (probably via the elemental again) did just that to me when, as already recounted, I looked at my face in a mirror once I was back at home that day, to convince me that I'd undergone a major change (supposedly having reached or almost reached so-called full consciousness, and no doubt also to convince me that I'd then be looking weird and even frightening to other people). If I hadn't at that point been expecting myself to look possibly somewhat strange as part of a very positive process I could well have been very disturbed and indeed scared about what I saw of myself then in that mirror.

That elemental was most likely involved in the strange visual perceptions I had of some people who I encountered during the hike, and in manipulating the group of people just beyond Grimspound, whose response to me was really quite odd in comparison with people who I'd encountered on other hikes over the years.

Really, that outward hitch-hiking weird happening was nothing short of real black magic — although not deliberately carried out by me. It was a little pointer towards how harmful and indeed potentially dangerous a weakly grounded person being seriously messed-around with by the garbage could be.


Had I really attained 'full consciousness'?

No, not at all! Indeed, to the best of my understanding nowadays, all that stuff about 'full consciousness' was garbage-sourced bullshit of a seriously pernicious sort. As related in The true nature of 'the forces of darkness' and its interference and attacks, huge numbers of people are being led into extremely long-term horrendous problems through the garbage having been disseminating through New Age and various healing and 'spiritual' traditions a belief that 'Humanity' or at least a significant proportion of the human race are now very close to 'ascension' into an actually fictitious non-physical '5th dimension' or similar 'higher reality'.

I was similarly being bullshitted by the garbage into an alternative but equally fictitious scenario involving attainment of 'full consciousness' here on Earth — a scenario that some have called 'ascension on Earth'. Attachment to either scenario creates an illusory reality within the mindspace of the believers in it, and this then would most likely ensnare the person's consciousness at the time of death and cause immense problems for the person in further incarnations.

So, I can 'thank my lucky stars' that I've released myself from that extremely dangerous and harmful snare that had been given me by the garbage.


What was happening for the human race?

The alleged great healing for Humanity

After the hike the garbage, posing as my 'higher consciousness', gave me the story that the healing that I'd supposedly carried out during that hike was actually not directly upon people at all but was on an alleged template of human emotional make-up in the purported 'collective human consciousness'. Then, allegedly, from August 2007 people's 'higher consciousnesses' (or 'higher selves') would start using that template to bring about swift clearance of all emotional issues for the particular people, to enable them to move rapidly to the state of 'full consciousness' by 6 years from then.

Although the target year for Humanity in general to reach 'full consciousness' wasn't told me directly, the 6 years from that September 2006 hike pointed to 2012 — indeed corresponding well to the (in)famous 2011 or 2012 beloved of so many New Age and mystical movements and traditions.

You note how my 'higher consciousness' or other 'guidance' was consistently changing its story as it went along?! That was, in my experience, a consistent hallmark of garbage behaviour. As soon as events were taking me towards exposing one story as bullshit, a different version of the story would then be dished up to me, to try to cover up the imminent demise of the just discarded version, which latter, if now queried, was always claimed to be not [or not entirely] correct, but always with strong denials that I'd been told lies.

In an ironic sense the latter denials were correct, because the garbage, being just programming with no underlying conscious awareness, has no concept of genuine truth of anything, and thus the concept of a lie (deliberately incorrect information being imparted) is actually meaningless in relation to it.

For me that sounded (and still sounds) an immediate warning bell, for that's all part of the garbage agenda to get us hooked on illusory realities in which 2011 or 2012 or thereabouts would indeed appear to be tremendously significant, actually for the mass ensnarement of people by the garbage in some sort of 'heaven' (which wouldn't necessarily be experienced as anything like 'heaven' by those involved once they could no longer turn back), in which their processing by the garbage could get going in earnest.

I thus fully distance myself from that story of the great healing for 'Humanity', while not actually ruling anything out, because we can't actually know what will or won't happen in the future. If there is such a template that people are now using or going to use for fully positive self-healing / self-actualization purposes, then that would be great! If there's no such template, that would be great too! Things are simply as they are, whatever anyone believes. However, I do have to say, that the whole notion of 'template' healings has for me a very strong ring of astral illusion and garbage-sourced story rather than anything in the reality of 'What Is'.

So, on the face of it, as far as I can tell, this story about a great healing for Humanity was all just garbage-sourced bullshit for the sake of further building up the 'weasel' story in which I was destined to shortly become some sort of world 'spiritual' leader or 'father figure', and in preparation for that I was to be the Great 'Healer' and effectively Saviour of Humanity (although the actual word 'Saviour' was never used to me) — an illusory reality in which I could get ensnared and then be more or less fully in the power of the garbage.

However, this isn't quite so straightforward because something very powerful with apparent healing potential did appear to be going on during that hike, even though, as I say, at face value the story I was given and involved in was seriously troublesome bullshit designed to lead me very much more deeply into the clutches of the garbage.

To be as grounded (at least in most ways) as I was on that hike and remain proactively peaceful observer while being constantly severely attacked by the garbage with trauma 'energy', and to be maintaining a clear healing intent for the human race (as well as myself) during that whole process, very likely indeed did bestow some sort of healing effect upon people in general, even though it was presumably not the sort of thing that would immediately and obviously 'save the world' or be noticed by anyone*. At a very deep level we're all connected, and indeed at our deepest level of all we're simply fundamental consciousness or 'the Ultimate'.

* One person did write in soon after I'd originally written this page following the event, telling me that she was sure that she was experiencing major healing resulting from the aforementioned alleged template healing. Although I can't absolutely rule out that that was indeed happening (how would anyone ever know for sure?), I see it as much more likely that the particular person was herself being taken in by elements of the garbage-sourced story that I was being given, and the cause of her own self-healing process accelerating at that time (if indeed it really was) was most likely something else.

It could even have been her reading this very page and most likely certain others on this site that had in some way opened her awareness more and thus enabled her self-healing process to become more active.

So, although nothing can be proved, I assume that some sort of benefit for people in general would have arisen from that outing of mine* — even though it would appear at face value to be only a drop in the ocean. However, we need to remember that each drop in the ocean counts to make it what it is, and so each is to be welcomed as a very positive thing, and in the case of healing through connections in consciousness we can't know that there would always be such a mathematical relationship, and just maybe even one 'healer' working in the right way to fulfil an intent of fundamental consciousness itself might actually in one session have a greatly disproportionately large positive effect, whether or not that effect is ever noticed by anyone or attributed to a specific source.

* Actually, in more distant hindsight, my view is that really the above observation would be trivial anyway, because the same situation exists with any really open and deeply aware person progressively clearing their issues in any sort of genuine self-healing / self-actualization process. So far we have no clear evidence that my or any other person's self-actualization process is in itself having sufficient effect on others (i.e., through non-physical connection, on a global or universal level) to have an observable degree of effect.

And of course the garbage would make any supposed personal self-healing feel immensely powerful and 'significant' in order to mislead a person into greatly overrating its significance, so it makes great sense to let go completely of any thoughts about whether or not the crazy things I was dragged through on 'that day' really significantly benefited anyone in any direct way.

The significant benefit that I am aware of has been from my publishing this account and exposé afterwards as part of an extremely beneficial educational resource to assist people in getting into a proper self-actualization process and getting clear of garbage interference themselves.

2023 addition
Oh, haha! — It could now be reasonably be surmised that there had after all likely a healing effect of that crazy bogus 'healing for all Humanity' after all — but NOT a direct one. That whole sinister pantomime had at least got me much more in touch with awareness of my real primary life task, and so helped predispose me several years later to start experiments that were more recently to become consolidated and expanded into Project 'Fix the Human Condition', which is fully rationally based, rather than based upon beliefs or 'received wisdoms' (more beliefs)…

That mass exodus from the planet — fact or fiction?

I think a good way to describe it now is, bullshit!

However, while it's helpful to be light-hearted about such issues, it's necessary also to say that that story was all part of a seriously harmful agenda, and I felt considerable relief at letting it go with the rest of the garbage-sourced stories and convolutions.

Again, of course, I can't say categorically that such a thing won't happen, but the simple truth is that none of us has any means to know such things, and indeed we have no reason beyond the garbage-sourced stories to expect such a scenario. All the channelled stories about our future — including those in any hallowed ancient teachings and prophecies — are all basically from or at least greatly distorted by the garbage, and so need to be fully ignored if we value our well-being.

However, I'd put a word in here to say that there IS tremendously good reason to expect an imminent major cull if not full extinction of humans on Earth at the rate things are going at the moment. I say that not on the basis of any channelled story or esoteric teachings but simply on being aware of how we're HUGELY too many for our planet to sustain for more than a short period now, and we STILL haven't got the screamingly obvious 'message', that if we don't take drastic action to reduce our numbers pretty well immediately, the results of our lack of self-responsibility will overtake and very likely overwhelm us.

Again, it's the garbage that's blocking people's awareness and cultivating the fixation on procreation as being supposedly the primary fulfilment in people's lives (one of its myriad upon myriad of deceits). I write more about this situation in The future of humanity — Countenancing the unthinkable.


The aftermath for me of the big hike

Right at the beginning of the hike my 'guidance' explained to me that after completion of my (purported) big task for Humanity on this hike through being bombarded with massive 'Tiddles' (i.e., 'astral beings', i.e., garbage) attacks, 'Tiddles' would then be released from me and in place of the attacks I'd start to receive a massive healing from (what were supposed to be) higher sources.

This I 'understood' to be the major healing and repair of my various physical issues (including the skeletal wear) that had been predicted in a channelled reading by an apparently high grade* medium in July 2006. In her reading she'd said that my physical state would get a lot worse over about the next three years owing to the effects of the 'astral beings in my aura' (which her channelling source said would be with me for seven years yet) but then would level off, and then in years 4 and 5 this powerful healing would come in and restore me to a significantly better physical state than for quite a long time.

* I don't mean by this that that particular medium, or indeed any other, is good or safe to go to for a consultation or 'reading' (please see Channelling and clairvoyance problems — The safe alternative), but simply that she was much more deeply aware and positive in her outlook than the vast majority of those who regard themselves as mediums. That in no way renders benign the garbage-sourced deceptions that she'd inevitably and unawarely be channelling.

So, how did things work out?

Although allegedly the 'astral beings', which, as already noted, I was at that time mockingly calling Tiddles (but of course they were just an illusory manifestation of the garbage), had supposedly been released from me at the end of that hike, it turned out that I still had the impression of interfering 'entities'. Allegedly these were 'parasitic extra-terrestrials' called Hathors, but I'm now clear that this was all just more 'story' to keep me engaged with the garbage. Basically, no entities at all had been 'released' nor sent off from me, and now the garbage was starting to work on the next stage of what looks to have been actually a particularly sinister attempt to get my awareness sufficiently ungrounded for it to stage a partial walk-in upon me*.

* As I now understand (in 2023), by the look of things any attempt to lumber me with a partial walk-in would have been a side issue on this occasion, and indeed would have been completely redundant in the event of success of what appears to have been the primary plan. Further below you can read what this was apparently all really about.

Another part of the fiction was the notion that I had 'relationship chakra cords' connecting me to the 'astral beings', though my inner inquiry on the subject does support the notion that at that time I had a variety of highly problematical 'energy implants' (purposely induced localized distortions) in my non-physical aspects, which made it easier for the garbage to interfere with and attack me.

By the end of that hike I noticed that my badly worn neck vertebrae seemed to have got distinctly worse, with more scrunching of shredded cartilage and rubbing of smooth bone against bone than ever, and these ominous signs seemed to be a bit worse still the following day. My 'guidance' was then telling me that indeed the vertebrae were rapidly disintegrating, and even within that day my neck would break as it failed any longer to hold up the weight of my head, and I'd die in a gruesome and excruciating manner. An elaborate and quite gruesome scenario with a streak of sick humour in it was put to me to explain why this was all supposedly meant to happen.

I had a sleepless night and was being attacked again, in ways that made it seem that my body really was in a process of disintegrating and dying — and of course I was given an elaborate and indeed awesomely apocalyptic fictional reason for this and why I was supposedly going to fall, upon my imminent death, into a succession of every hell and night terror that anyone had dreamt up during the history of all 'Creation'. Another sleepless night followed, with the threat seemingly increasing. I was getting a bit afraid to get up off my bed in case something horrible happened to my neck. Also this was resulting in me getting skimpy about getting meals for myself…

This led into a crisis, complete with further severe attacks, which took me into my third hospitalization. During the second day of my hospitalization I became aware of what seemed to be massive healing 'energies', supposedly from a 'high' source, coming into my neck while I lay in bed very early that morning, and allegedly that was another template healing, and could theoretically have done a very major repair of the worn vertebrae, but that would have required me to lie there on my back motionless for about an hour — which wasn't workable for me and so the energy matrix that had allegedly been placed in my neck got broken up by my movements and the healing couldn't proceed at all far.

However, it had restored my neck to its crappy but at least usable state pre-big-hike, so there was no longer any serious threat of a ghoulish head-falling-off scenario!

That of course was all more bullshit from the garbage. In reality, what it had been doing was to interfere with me in ways that tensed up certain of my neck muscles to cause poor alignment of the vertebrae, which in turn resulted in the adverse effects that I'd been noticing. It then gave sensations to convince me that an actual healing was occurring, while the only positive thing that actually happened then was that the garbage eased off with its interference with my neck muscles, so that naturally the vertebrae were able to get back into better alignment and so the nasty scrunches and rubbings of bone on bone markedly reduced again.

I was also given a fiction about a 'template' healing for my whole body, which was allegedly going to be carried out in stages over the following months. That 'healing', supposedly using an energy template taken from the 'historical' king Gilgamesh at age 25, was allegedly going to transform my body so that it had a biological age of 25 and it was going to have nearly all the features of the alleged historical king Gilgamesh at that age. Wow!

Needless to say, I let go of that story pretty quickly. However, like so many of the garbage-sourced fictions, it was no doubt based on elements of historical fact. In this case, particularly because of my having purchased an Energy Egg just back in July of that year, my deepest aspects were actually aware that I was bound eventually to follow that particular direction and take on methods by which I could very much slow down or indeed in some cases reverse some of what people normally regard as the natural ageing process*, and so in some respects become stronger and healthier than I'd ever been — even though a full resolution of all my physical problems wouldn't be possible, and there would presumably be no 'magic' reduction of my biological age; I'd simply have particularly good vitality and strength for a person of my age, and at least potentially live somewhat longer than I'd have done otherwise.

* When I was writing this account originally I was giving too much credence to the claims being made for what the Energy Egg 'family' of devices could achieve. Although those devices can be very beneficial when used in particular ways, the reality is that they were being sold with a long list of 'selling a dream' claims for them, which were all unverifiable.

Indeed, for those products even to approach various of the claims made for them, they'd have needed to be actively used in a different context from that in which they were being claimed to be effective. In that respect I regard their marketing to be 'semi-scam' (to put it diplomatically).

In 2007 I did indeed take on the beginnings of such methods, as detailed in My own self-actualization process or 'path' — Part 2, and additionally, over the years my evolving methodology increasingly powerfully enabled me progressively to reduce the garbage interference and attacks, and eventually apparently to eliminate the very sources of those interferences.


Further hiking and life experiences

After the one-week hospitalization following the 9th September weird hike, I got back into hiking again, but soon ran into a 'mysterious' severe flare-up of arthritis in my right knee, which put paid to my hiking outings for the whole winter season. Then very gradually this eased and I gradually extended the occasional very short, level walks till in March 2007 I broke through and started having hikes again, albeit short and with great care taken to minimize stress and jarring on that knee.

Then, in May 2007, once I'd taken up the Returning Life Sequence (original predecessor of what I now call Regular Core Practices) and other powerful yogic practices, and also Helpfulness Testing, my hikes became progressively longer and the knee aggro gradually diminished, so that by the time I officially became a State pensioner (age 65) in August that year, I'd just walked the 21 miles and over 1,100 metres of ascent from Exmouth to Beer once more. The arthritis continued to recede, and during the following year ceased to be an issue at all.

My clear understanding WAS that the arthritis was a result of a progressive weakening of parts of my non-physical aspects by the repeated interference and attacks from the garbage*, and indeed from the very presence of the parasitic lost souls attached to me (see further below), and actually a healing process for all that (albeit initially not nearly as fast as was occurring from May 2007 onwards) had already begun when I purchased my first Energy Egg in July 2006. My understanding is that if I hadn't bought that then, the arthritis would have been more serious and wouldn't have recovered in that really quite dramatic way, if indeed at all, and other major physical problems would have started manifesting.

* In late 2008 I gained a new understanding, and came to realize that there had to be far more to that than met the eye, and there were indications of a truly sinister aspect of the proceedings, of which I'd been unaware before.

So, although I'd had no further weird encounters, my life experience was changing dramatically and I was feeling not just more happy and energetic but like an altogether new and more powerful person. One effect of the Energy Egg, which was eventually reinforced by the subsequent practices and measures that I'd been taking, was that soon after that September 2006 hospitalization I started getting up 1½ hours earlier — 5.20 instead of 6.50.

That didn't reduce significantly my amount of sleep but did somewhat reduce my amount of time lying in bed awake and wanting to be asleep, and allowed me to have more productive days without putting any unhealthy pressure on myself. However, my actual day length was really only about half an hour longer, because part of the 'deal' was to go to bed an hour earlier than I'd been doing. This felt very positive and exciting, as though entering into the identity of an altogether new and more powerful person (even without all the garbage-sourced story about my becoming the new king Gilgamesh and all that! ).

Actually, in more distant hindsight I wince slightly at reading that last sentence. Back then I was still a bit under the spell of the garbage's dratted 'new body' / 'new personality' scenario for me, covertly still hankering after it a little even after having consciously dropped it like a hot brick! The reality was simply that I was progressively clearing out a lot of issues that had previously been obscuring / distorting elements of my true nature — 'the real me' — so of course I'd be feeling and perceiving things differently, but I wasn't entering into any new identity — only properly cleaning-up my existing one!


That dratted metrical rhythm

Oh yes, that! It was really something of a relief for me that I was able to confirm a little nagging thought that had been at the back of my mind — no doubt itself a communication from my deepest aspects. The story about the need to use that rhythm hadn't come at all from anywhere worthwhile, but of course from the garbage, which on the face of it had been seeking to get that rhythm implanted into my mind well and truly so that, supposedly, it would manifest in my speech and writing, to make me a channel for its own controlling 'energies'! To what extent exactly that could have happened I don't know, but it was clearly a means of instilling some sort of garbage control into my mind, however much or little of that I'd then subsequently pass on to other people.

Additionally, the use of that or indeed any other repetitive rhythm would have had a certain degree of ungrounding effect on my awareness — but when I abided by my deeper good sense and disrupted that rhythm I was actually very slightly improving the grounding of my awareness again.

So, subsequently to the hike, using my clear intent, I dumped that nonsense, and whenever that rhythm came up in my mind I disrupted it with a few strong rhythmic glitches, and soon it no longer came to me at all.

Indeed, if you have 'guidance' instructing you to do anything, you've got a problem. Your own deepest aspects don't instruct, and indeed don't manifest as obvious 'guidance', at least to anyone who isn't exceptionally advanced in their self-actualization and manifestation of their intrinsic immunity to garbage interferences. And any such guidance from one's deepest aspects would be much more subtle — not a bit like what people generally recognise as 'guidance'!

Attempts to protect me…

You may remember from the account above, how there appeared to be some conflict of 'guidance' that I was getting, with regard to running music through my mind during the hike, and with regard to what extent I (supposedly) needed to get that dratted metrical rhythm ensconced in my mind.

My speculative understanding now (supported by my inner inquiry) is that there was considerable protective guidance seeking to manifest, and it was NOT from any 'higher' power but from my own deepest aspects.

It was the latter that was the source of the ideas to break up the rhythm, but the problem was that the garbage was trying to cover up the real message 'from within', which was that the rhythm was extremely harmful in the particular context, and so, in the way that the garbage generally does when a person's deepest aspects seek to get the person back 'on track' (i.e., out of the garbage's clutches), the garbage was relaying that message to me in distorted form, so that instead of my getting the message that dropping that rhythm like a hot brick would be greatly in my best interests, the advice that I received was simply to periodically break up the rhythm.

This served the garbage's purpose in that I then thought I was doing what was necessary and so wasn't 'listening in' to the quieter and more subtle message, that I pressingly needed to let go of that rhythm altogether.

Similarly with the music. There were aspects of that particular music that, for me in that particular context, were only helping to compound my problem on that day, which, as noted in the final section further below, was much more threatening to my well-being and even survival than I was able to know about at that time.

Additionally, very likely the alleged importance of my consciously and awarely 'engaging' with the terrain all the time, rather than going into a steady plod and getting into a sort of 'autopilot', was at least partly sourced from my own deepest aspects, to strongly assist my real grounding and thus to help protect me to some extent from the worst excesses of what was really going on.

As becomes apparent when one reads the final section of this page, something really sinister appears to have been going on without my knowledge on that day, and in the light of that it looks extremely unlikely that the garbage, without intervention from some genuinely beneficial source, would have been doing other than seeking to get me ungrounding myself in every possible way on that day.

The garbage had quite a way of covering up when such self-protection messages came from one's own deepest aspects, so that distorted versions of those basically highly beneficial messages would get built into the troublesome 'story' that the garbage presented, and the quieter, more subtle genuine messages direct from one's deepest aspects would naturally go unheard.


Those past-life connections of mine with certain people

Yes, you've guessed! Bullshit yet again!

— Except that, like so many of the garbage-sourced fictions, that story was most likely based on elements of fact. There was something that needed explaining, and had appeared to be explained by those actually fictitious 'energy cords' connecting me to certain people. The true explanation is given in My own self-actualization process or 'path' — Part 2.

So, the masses of emotional trauma material that I'd been carrying throughout my life, and with which the garbage had been attacking me, were apparently not my own but instead belonging to an exceptional load of parasitic 'lost' souls attached to me. There would thus have been plenty enough emotional trauma material attached to me, even though not my own, to enable the garbage to attack me in a sustained and severe manner on that weird hike without anyone trying to explain it as material from the 'collective human consciousness' or from 'a template of the human emotional make-up' — or indeed as just something 'wrong' about me (which of course would explain nothing at all but would have satisfied some 'ego' through having put a pejorative label on me).

It wasn't till 2012 that I finally came to understand that actually in this particular case there was ironically a very large grain of truth within my channelled 'information' about that, because actually the biggest part of the emotional trauma 'energy' that the garbage was able to attack me with (indeed, all along) was sourced NOT from the parasitic lost souls themselves but from primary archetypes that were connected to me via them.

On this basis I think it's extremely unlikely that any healing at all for the human race was occurring in the way that the garbage, posing as my purported higher consciousness, was making out.


That powerful musical experience after the hike

My understanding now is that the ecstatic experience was actually nothing other than an attack from the garbage. It's extremely little known that the intense ecstatic experiences that people have, whether it be erotic, sexual, aesthetic or 'spiritual', were virtually all greatly magnified by, if not almost completely caused by, such attacks from the garbage with particular painful — yes, painful! — emotions, which until we're very advanced indeed in our emotional clearance and self-actualization process, we misinterpret as intensely pleasurable and ecstatic. It's thus really no surprise that that particular ecstatic experience had me crying my guts out.

I've little doubt that I was given that particular ecstatic experience associated with the particular music specifically for the purpose of the garbage then leading me on to all the story about the so-called Music of the Elohim as part of the whole illusory reality that it was seeking to get me to create for myself (including the fiction that I was the sole incarnation of the very first of the Elohim) so that I'd get more deeply ensnared by the garbage. Fortunately I had the clarity eventually to see through all that and get clear of it.

My current inner inquiry is suggestive that there were quite a few grains of truth in the story that I was given about 'the Music of the Elohim', but they didn't all belong together, and had been put together in a way that was designed to seriously mislead and help to cause me major problems.


In a nutshell, then…

So, although with an open mind about everything, for practical purposes I dismiss the possibility of positive things for the human race having happened directly as a result of my 9th September hiking experience, and I keep clear of that notion and get on with life in the present. Whatever is, is, and whatever was, was — whatever that was —, if you see what I mean!

However, there was a big indirect positive effect for 'Humanity' in the longer term because that whole attack scenario, and its part in the whole sequence of garbage troubles I had, gave me masses of data that not only incriminated Gordon Hughes but also was a major part of the mass of data I accumulated that led to not only the methodology I present on this site, but also to my Project Fix the Human Condition.

Let my experiences serve as a warning to others about the grand designs and schemes affecting us that purport to be from 'higher' sources but have actually ALL come from the garbage.

We need to bear in mind, too, that it was ONLY the garbage that would set purported specific time-scales or chronology for supposed future events. That was in the nature of the unseen influence of power and control, but never was in our own deepest nature, which is everything to do with aware and responsible free choice. If there's any sort of true 'higher plan' for the human race from 'the Ultimate', it would be very different from the fixed plans that come to us from the garbage through the astral non-reality of illusion and delusion, and it would be based on an unfolding of events on the basis of an immense probabilistic matrix with no imposed describable plan or schedule.


Postscript — intimations of something still more sinister…

Sheep thinking 'WTF?!'

It had continued to bug and puzzle me, just how the garbage, which for most of my time seemed to be really quite stupid, volatile and opportunistic in its attempts to 'bring me down', seemed to become much more purposeful, intrusive, 'intelligent' (albeit in a distorted sort of way), and even apparently creative, during the crescendo of interferences and attacks that led up to each of my really major crises.

At those times it was as though an almost human-like intelligence was involved (albeit a seriously twisted one), and yet it just didn't make sense to assume, as, I think quite a lot of people did, that the problems were all nothing more than manifestations of my own (implicitly 'ill') mind. (Indeed, how could any of those fools ever know such a thing rather than just believe it?!)

Even taking on board my more recent understanding that the garbage is nothing more than a virus-like 'malignant' complex of thought forms that hijacks aspects of people's minds in order to function as though it were true conscious entities, it seemed a pretty far fling, that the garbage would create all those complex and convoluted crisis sequences, with their deeply involved and yet sort-of purposeful 'story', just out of some perversity of my own mind, with no externally intruded agenda being involved.

In late 2008 I carried out a piece of careful and methodical detective work (with a series of later reviews and updates), centred around my detailed chronological journal of the increasingly strange and disturbing behaviours towards me of a certain 'lightworker'Gordon Hughes, the man who made and supplied my sacred geometry healing wands (for whatever 'good' they did me!) — together with the chronologically related sequence of garbage 'troubles' I was having.

Many details, patterns and synchronicities in that sequence were disturbingly odd, and were crying out for some sort of explanation, for clearly there had to be something very major going on here 'under the bonnet', to which in some way this particular individual was party to a major degree. He was consistently evasive over certain things and withholding from me what was clearly important information that he believed he had, which was in some way relevant to my 'astral beings' troubles and indeed my situation in general.

The fruits of that detective work of mine are presented in My 'astral beings' — Now the scary bit: What I was really dealing with, and in that penetrating and ultimately inspirational account I explain what appears to have been underlying that weird Dartmoor hike experience and indeed the whole crisis of which that was a particular climactic part. Even the subsequent bout of arthritis in my right knee gains a new and sobering significance, as I explain there.

Even for readers who prefer to ignore or dismiss my findings there (on what basis?, I don't wonder!), the actual events that I've recorded on this page give you a quite good idea of how the garbage could lead a person into convoluted scenarios, complete with all sorts of attacks and wrecking tactics, which then would result in the unfortunate person being typically 'diagnosed' as mentally ill and drugged and even given ECT to try to hide the problem of such interferences.

On this site I present a much more viable approach to ALL such issues — that of seeking to understand what's really going on and then proceeding actually to get resolving the underlying cause, which latter, generally speaking, was various sorts of interference and attack from the garbage.

In a nutshell here -
Let's just say here that it appears that the real 'higher' purpose of that hike and all its weirdnesses was none other than to cause my death within a matter of days to a few weeks as a result of a massive psychic attack using 'earth energies' focused upon me by actual people who themselves were all members of the cacoprotean network — the presumed ringleader being of course Gordon Hughes. Apparently the garbage attacks that I was feeling were in effect a smokescreen, a decoy, as part of a fictitious scenario to deflect me from any possibility of discovering what was really being done to me — at least until it was too late for me to do anything about it.

Attacks with 'earth energies' can't be felt, but, when jointly carried out by a number of people (more or less always connected to each other through the cacoprotean network) together focusing the 'energies', they are potentially strongly lethal, destroying the more 'superficial' or dualistic levels of the target person's non-physical aspects ('energy system').

As explained in the aforementioned linked page, as I'm apparently a no-soul person, relatively free of belief and illusory realities, I turned out to be only slightly vulnerable to that actually massive attack, which depends on the prospective victim carrying the relevant illusory reality in which the purely illusory 'earth energies' were 'real' — and THAT would have almost certainly been the cause of the subsequent 'mysterious' osteoarthritis attack. It appears that I was very, very lucky to get off so lightly (and indeed still to be here to report the fact)!

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