Masthead logo: Clarity of Being — including pioneer project: Fix the Human Condition

The future of humanity — Countenancing the unthinkable


At a glance…

We've had many predictions about the future of humans on this planet, and all of them of which the Author has been aware have been seriously flawed because they were based on particular individuals' or factions' partisan viewpoints and beliefs. In this article he presents an 'inspired speculation' that takes into account a broader range of factors than he's seen before, to give a more balanced picture, though hardly a comforting one.

In particular, no prediction nor speculation about the human race's future can be usefully meaningful without taking into account the effects of the all-pervasive interference from the garbage. Such effects include a blind fixation on procreation and 'growth', and the mindless building up of civilizations in such a way that they will catastrophically collapse when particular non-renewable resources, such as oil, begin to run out.

It would appear that our hugely massive overpopulation of this planet is on the verge of producing dire consequences for us, the like of which no politicians nor economic commentators have so far dared to countenance.

Sheep thinking 'WTF?!'

Important — this is observations and reasoned speculation, not a statement of established fact!

It needs to be clearly understood that what follows here is NOT a channelled or clairvoyantly sourced prediction, nor a belief of mine, but is a speculation based on my own observations of what's going on at the moment, assisted by deeper levels of my awareness, enabling me to extrapolate in a manner that's both reasoned and aware. To assist myself in this process I've used a fair amount of inner inquiry supported by Helpfulness Testing, and I want to make it clear that Helpfulness Testing doesn't establish whether a hypothesis is true or false, but simply whether it's 'strengthening' or 'weakening' for oneself to work on the assumption that the hypothesis is true / false at the current time — and also there are certain pitfalls that one needs to be aware of in carrying out such inner inquiry. We can never know what's true beyond the immediate physical here and now, but we can get a pretty good idea of what assumptions are likely to be most helpful for us to use in improving our lives, provided we approach our inner inquiry work with awareness and discernment.

Thus what I'm presenting below is NOT intended for anyone to take on board as a belief, for it's not even a belief of mine, but is, as I say, simply a speculation. However, it's an important speculation in that it could very constructively set certain alarm bells ringing, which actually we need to be ringing, and indeed it points to ways in which the existence of humans on Earth could be significantly extended (i.e., in relation to its apparently imminent cessation) if we really put both mind and heart into those various means.

Also, I gently suggest that this 'speculation', whatever its uncertainties, is actually much more soundly based than the plethora of alternative scenarios that it's intended to replace, for they're all based on channellings and beliefs (which latter are generally based on channellings anyway) — and of course politicians' agendas —, and none of them in the slightest is based on a clear-minded looking at what's actually there and what's actually happening.


The various threads in the story

Let me list here some factors that are all pointing to the not-far-off demise of the human race on Earth. I make no claim that this is an exhaustive list.

  • Unrestricted procreation — a grossly over-huge world population
  • A widespread addiction of individuals to possessing / consuming things, regardless of their real value for quality of life, and regardless of any adverse consequences of their doing so
  • Consuming of non-renewable resources
  • Overuse of soils, leading to their impoverishment and their being eroded away faster than they can regenerate
  • Degrading / destroying natural habitats and ecosystems
  • Global warming
  • Ozone depletion
  • Waste disposal
  • Chemical pollution / poisoning
  • Wars
  • Electromagnetic energy pollution
  • The use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs)

Some of the above are relatively self explanatory. I shall have more to say about population size and wars further below, and here will amplify just the last two items in the above list.


Electromagnetic energy pollution

I wrote this page originally in 2008, when I was in the early stages of developing my own pioneering working model of human function / dysfunction, together with a rationally-based self-actualization methodology based on it. Because of the actually pretty twisted and unreliable source of many prompts I'd had towards that methodology, I'd picked up from that source the quite widely held notion that electromagnetic 'radiation' is a major and increasingly harmful factor in our lives. More recently, with much more effective methods and soundly based insights, I had cause to largely dismiss that rather paranoid belief and mindset.

Please see Is environmental stress real? — A rational approach.


Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)

This is another case where people have got into a paranoid sort of mindset — all too often tied up with conspiracy theorizing —, and are greatly overstating the real risks. I'm not saying there are no risks, but it's a matter of getting things into proportion. All of life has risks — there's no such thing as complete safety. Yes, it would no doubt be possible to create the odd GMO that has seriously harmful potential, but nobody with a scrap of good sense would deliberately create such things or use them without some very special requirement and appropriate precautions.

Of course particular GMOs could be used in biological warfare — but the problem there isn't GMOs per se, but the idiocy and terrible harm of warfare. It's thus warfare and not GMOs that needs to be wiped off the face of the Earth.

I'd also point out that there would be no apparent need to develop GMOs for food at all if we didn't have such a glaringly oversized population.


A fundamental fact — we can't survive indefinitely on Earth

Sure. We all know that (and then change the subject to something more comforting, because we all believe that 'it' wouldn't happen for a long time yet — well beyond our current lifetimes). But now I shall show some important respects in which we have been compulsively keeping ourselves in relative ignorance about that subject, and that there are things that we could do about it — to a point — if we were, or became, willing to let go of some of our cherished mental / emotional attachments.

More and more people — even occasionally the odd government nowadays — are talking of 'living sustainably'. The latter is a great-sounding cliché, but the sad truth is that, apart from the odd few individuals or remote small tribes who are living without industry or technology, truly sustainable living is an impossibility. Yes, the rate at which we consume our planet can be reduced to a certain extent, but as long as there are so many of us and we're trying to live some sort of 'civilized' life, we can't escape the fact that we use up non-renewable resources and so ultimately we use up our planet, at least, as any suitable place for humans to live.

If we try to cultivate bio-alternatives to the huge range of non-renewable resources, we simply create food shortages and further speed up the degradation of soils through overuse. Also, with our increasing demand for land to cultivate, we put further pressure on the diminishing natural habitats throughout the world, which, in more ways than people generally recognise, function as 'the lungs of the Earth' and help to maintain some degree of overall stability of our climate.

As politicians are beginning to discover, there's NO truly environmentally neutral or 'friendly' means to generate power for us. Each method that's 'friendly' in one way gives rise to serious environmental problems in other ways — and they all involve considerable consumption of materials (non-renewable resources) to create the necessary equipment and infrastructure — all of which would need periodic replacement. That means not just further consumption of non-renewable resources but also still more waste material for disposal. Only so much of what we're finished with could ever be recycled, so every move of ours to live more sustainability, while necessary, creates its own consumption and disposal pressures upon our planet.

But in any case, how can any politician or head of State be genuine about a desire to move towards sustainable living if they don't face the issue of dependency on OIL, which latter is speedily running out?

My own inner inquiry supports the picture of it being inevitable that human-type beings will consume any planet they inhabit and so in time be forced to cease living there — this scenario having occurred repeatedly on various planets in various parts of this universe and indeed other universes, both current and apparently previous. It's in the very nature of human-type beings* that they will develop technology and seek to explore and be creative. However, without one very major factor, which isn't actually intrinsic to humans, they'd be able to spend much longer on each planet they're using / consuming, and, on ceasing to use each planet, would actually leave it in a much better state than in fact has been happening, and without causing themselves any catastrophic collapse of their civilization.

* Whenever I refer to 'human-type beings', or indeed to 'humans' in a broader perspective than here on Earth, I'm referring to all at least potentially fully self aware beings, for those are really fundamentally the same whatever physical form in which they incarnate. Thus, in truly meaningful terms, a being that has a fully human type of consciousness and inner awareness but would look to us physically like a praying mantis or indeed an eight-legged, three headed kangaroo or a winged brontosaurus is in my reckoning still a human.

So, what's been going wrong, to cause human-type beings repeatedly to screw up their planets to an extent that has never been in their intrinsic nature to do?


'The garbage' screws up Humanity and gets them screwing up the planet

The answer here comes down to the immense negative effect of the garbage upon us. I explain about what the garbage is and how it interacts with us in The true nature of 'the forces of darkness' and its interference and attacks.

As I eventually worked out in 2022, actually the garbage was only part of the picture, because there was also a serious 'bug' (in the computer sense) in a deep aspect of consciousness at a universal scale, as I explain in Project 'Fix the Human Condition'

Without the interference of the garbage

Without interference from the garbage, humans would have sufficient depth of awareness and love of all they experience to live in reasonable harmony with their surroundings. I say 'reasonable' because exploration, diversity and creativity are in their very nature, and so they'd NOT remain as tradition-bound 'indigenous' tribes but would naturally develop some sort of civilization, and indeed technology, and spread onto various parts of their planet, and so actually couldn't help but gradually degrade various aspects of the biosphere. However, they'd have the awareness and consideration to do all that in a thought out way that sought to keep to a reasonable minimum their impact on their environment and so maximize the period in which they could stay on the planet.

For one thing, they wouldn't be fixated on procreation, and would procreate only to a level that produced / maintained a population size that wouldn't greatly degrade either the functioning of the planet's biosphere or the inspiring, invigorating, healing and self-actualization-supporting effects of having a true natural environment with which to harmoniously interact.

The arriving at what is a harmonious population size would take into account NOT having settlements in areas particularly prone to natural disasters, regardless of their fertility for cultivation or their carrying other natural resources. Thus, generally speaking, there wouldn't be settlements on or close to potentially active volcanoes or in seriously earthquake-, flood- or hurricane-prone areas. To put settlements in such places wouldn't only result in totally unnecessary great loss of life but would also increase people's consumption of non-renewable resources because of all the rebuilding work following each disaster. Another type of area that would generally be avoided is the most disease-ridden ones.

Also, a good general working guideline would soon get established during the early stages of the particular planetary population, that no country or very large region would become populated with more people than it could sustain, particularly with regard to food and energy. Not all imports / exports would be fully proscribed as those of food and energy would generally be, but they'd all be seen as ultimately problematical with regard to long term human survival on the planet, and therefore would be limited in type and scale, and wouldn't be of a nature that encourages more unsustainable living in the recipient country or large region. This is crucial, because this is the only effective way to ensure that a catastrophic economic 'meltdown' situation wouldn't eventually occur. (See further below…)

Such time as the planet's biosphere had become degraded to a certain (still quite liveable) level, these fully 'natural' humans would simply cease using that planet — commencing the change by the simple means of ceasing procreation. It would be a difficult time for the remaining people on that planet as more and more of the old ones died and the population aged and declined, and it would be a matter of individual choice then whether to carry on and die naturally or to end one's life* to bypass possible suffering in that terminal stage of the particular civilization.

* I'm not talking here of what people call 'committing suicide'. As far as I can tell, there's actually a simple and perfectly harmonious, peaceful and painless way to die when the time is right for it, which I explain about further below.

However, although it would be difficult for many, it would at least be generally understood what's happening, and everyone would be happy that things are as they are, and that in due course they'd be able to reincarnate (directly from fundamental consciousness, without souls) elsewhere if it were appropriate for that to happen.


With the interference of the garbage

Agenda for the ultimate catastrophe…

With garbage interference, power and control agendas permeate everything that people do. People are driven to try to control and exploit their surroundings and each other without regard for what is for one's own or anyone else's ultimate good. The garbage cultivates people's attachment to sexual / erotic feelings and to the complete fiction that people's central purpose in life is procreation, so that the population expands at a huge rate, which results in rapid and largely uncontrolled exploitation of the planet's natural resources — this exacerbated by the utilitarian and exploitative outlook of at least many of the people.

Even those who are no-soul people and are genuinely promoting self-actualization and clearance of garbage interferences are almost all doing it as a money-making business in which self-actualization and clearance of garbage interferences, and the methods to achieve these, are treated as saleable commercial products whose free distribution isn't allowed, rather than making the methods freely available and as widely so as possible for the benefit of Humanity at large, and gaining one's income from training workshops, manuals and so forth, relating to those methods.

This exploitative outlook leads to communities settling in all manner of unsuitable places that are disaster prone or severely disease-ridden — all just because people can grow crops there (if they're lucky) or get money from exploiting some natural resource such as oil, coal or precious metals, metal ores or building materials. It's bizarre, for example, that communities actually settle near or even on the flanks of active or dormant (as distinct from truly extinct) volcanoes, just because the volcanic ash tends to form fertile soils. Periodic major loss of life is seen as little or nothing against the urge to exploit and make 'quick bucks'.

The power / control agendas constantly lead to rivalries, both between individuals and between factions, which in turn lead to wars, which all cause a tremendous amount of destruction — and then of course there's widespread reconstruction, all augmenting the rapid further consumption of the planet's dwindling resources. Whole civilizations blindly build themselves up on the basis of complete dependency on a non-renewable resource (notably oil and gas for us here on Earth), so that as soon as the supply of the resource starts running out the whole civilizations collapse.

The garbage strenuously cultivates attachment in all people, so that they're driven by their personal desires without regard to what is for the ultimate good of themselves or the human race or their planet in general. Thus they don'thing (at least, effective) to limit their procreation, and are almost completely deaf to the eventual signals from their own deepest aspects that it's time to stop procreating altogether and bring that planetary civilization to an end so that the planet may recover over perhaps some 100,000,000 (yes, one hundred million) years.

Instead they continue procreating as though there's no tomorrow. However, there is a change from the point at which they started getting and not hearing the signals that it's time to stop procreating — for from then on no further direct incarnations of fundamental consciousness (no-soul people) are being born on the planet.

The presence of no-soul people has always had a moderating effect upon the mindless excesses of the garbage programmed population in general, and as these no-soul people disappear from the population through natural mortality, without being replaced by others, so the garbage programming of the major part of the population increasingly comes to the fore, with a general lessening of deep awareness and consequent increasing fixation on 'appropriate' rather than authentic living.

Rules and conventions become stronger and harsher. Virtually everyone has some degree of the 'rigid' character structure, and so is virtually completely unaware of his/her deeper (non-physical) aspects and true nature, and to such people any notion of a human's deepest aspects or 'core essence' or indeed enlightenment is just cranks' talk.

At the same time technology and technology-based science flourish, the civilizations becoming increasingly like those inhuman techno-civilizations depicted in so many science fiction scenarios of the present time. Indeed the garbage is cultivating in people — particularly the young — a fascination with such 'sci-fi' scenarios, precisely because it's helping condition or program those people to develop towards those mechanized, dehumanized societies, which are presented as, and indeed see themselves as, 'advanced' but lack the loving and joyful 'heart', depth and consideration for one's environment that marks true, authentic humans.

Not only are they ethically and aesthetically sterile, technological and warlike, but their still underlying striving towards self-actualization is consistently diverted into superficial beliefs — religions that are generally much more superficial than those on Earth today and much more obviously (to any outside observer) simply the power / control 'games' that the garbage is 'vicariously' playing out through its captive human puppets. Major and very destructive wars are fought between such 'religious' factions, so further depleting the planet's resources.

Indeed, some of those 'religions' are overtly 'dark', so that the use of 'special powers' increases, causing massive suffering in addition to that caused by the mere physical wars. Again, people believe that they're 'advanced' because of their (mis)use of 'special powers' — not understanding the tremendous problems that are caused by the use of such powers by anyone other than no-soul people who are very advanced indeed in their self-actualization. Intimations from my own inner inquiry are indicative that there hasn't yet been one human-type civilization in the whole of 'Existence' that has been anything like advanced enough for the use of 'special powers' to be appropriate or safe.

There comes a time when people's destructive exploitation of the planet causes their environment to begin to become too hostile for them. That's when they go underground — and I mean that literally. The final phase of such a planetary civilization is when they're living in systems of artificial underground dwellings.

One of the crazy things is that these garbage controlled humans actually believe that when they're doing that they're still more advanced than ever, and living their actually greatly impoverished lives underground is somehow superior and 'cool' (which is relatively easy for them to believe, because they simply don't know what they're missing). Of course, in no way does that mean that they aren't still consuming the planet; they're simply staying on and 'milking' it to the bitter end.

The death throes of the planetary civilization would be long drawn out and involve much suffering, with increasingly desperate attempts to maintain survival. Generally it's been war, even in such desperate conditions, that has wiped out garbage controlled human-like civilizations on other planets, and no doubt will do so on Earth.

Such ravaged planets would take an extremely long time to become properly habitable again for human-type beings — if indeed they ever could. Typically we're talking of at least a billion (1,000,000,000) years, because it's not just a matter of recolonization with a tolerable biosphere but also a matter of having time for various phases of continental plate movement and mountain building to have occurred, and whole mountain ranges to have been eroded away while others have been formed, in order to build up all the mineral and energy resources that a human-like civilization would need. The planet wouldn't necessarily be young enough for sufficient further such tectonic movements to occur.


The 'meltdown' stage

At some stage in the process that I've described above comes a catastrophic 'meltdown' of the planet's civilization(s), which is brought about by, broadly, two primary factors:

  • The commencement of a decline in availability of food and natural resources while the population is still blindly increasing or at least tenaciously maintaining a hugely over-large size;
  • A completely unsustainable, 'lunatic', economic system, which is based on hoarding of money, spending money that isn't one's own, and a pervading requirement of continuing economic growth (i.e., unlimited acceleration of consumption of the planet's resources) and financial inflation.

    It's a house of cards, and the longer it survives and larger it grows, the more catastrophic would be its collapse, which is totally inevitable once the system is well established and people remain under the control of the garbage and thus don't apply awareness to the situation and extricate themselves (extremely difficult anyway, though sort-of possible for a relatively small global civilization such as we don't have on Earth).

    Each time a recession starts, governments borrow more money to spend money that isn't theirs for the purpose of increasing public spending (i.e., further consumption of the planet's resources) for the sole purpose of staving off the inevitable catastrophe, so increasing the size of that house of cards and ensuring a still more severe catastrophe when it eventually can't be held off any longer. Talk of 'whistling in the dark' while the house burns!

Because generally people are unwilling to countenance such a possibility and indeed the all-crucial need to keep population size to a very modest level, they're hit as though by a bombshell when it happens. The whole infrastructure of 'civilization' falls apart in what could be little more than a decade, for there have never been any contingency plans for this sort of disaster. Tremendous loss of life occurs, with mass starvation and disease, with no clean water supplies. In this situation there's a state of anarchy, for there's no infrastructure left to maintain law and order or indeed healthcare services.

This 'meltdown' in some cases completely wipes out the human-type population on the particular planet, while in other cases a relatively small but highly technological 'rump' civilization builds up again, to go through the final phases as described further above.

Inevitably such a 'meltdown' is closely presaged by globally rising food and fuel prices, and politicians and economists all turn a blind eye to the tremendous implications of what's happening, seeking to find superficial causes such as speculators manipulating shortages for their own ends, or 'market dynamics' — even when a catastrophic hyperinflation or deflation sets in.

Well, of course there would be garbage led speculators seeking to exploit any shortages, and undoubtedly there would always be 'market dynamics' playing games with prices and availability, but to dwell on that is just a distraction from the massive time bomb that's then preparing to 'explode'.

Please note that I'm not making any prophesies / predictions about specifics for us on our own planet, and I've been presenting only a certain 'informed speculation' in general terms. However, I'd point you to the previous paragraph, and you might like to consider its relevance or otherwise to the situation of people on Earth currently.

The garbage has extensively sought to divert people from recognising the immensely serious developments here on Earth, by getting them believing in all sorts of 'escape' scenarios, such as 'ascension' into the '5th dimension' or some other sort of 'heaven', or the notion that we're imminently going to become a fully enlightened civilization in which, supposedly having 'special powers', we'd be able to manifest our living requirements and transport ourselves without significantly using Earth resources, so we could all live idyllic, sustainable lives here.

In some such scenarios, for example, very large quartz crystals would supposedly be used as our power generators, and smaller quartz crystals would serve as our 'computer data stores', being worked by our minds and not by electronic machinery at all. How very, very convenient — especially if it actually worked!

I've no 'moral high ground' about such beliefs, because I myself for a few years 'bought' the big lie of an idyllic enlightened and apparently sustainable Earth civilization being imminent, which had been presented to me by the garbage posing as higher sources. I'd first taken on that myth, in fact, from the writings of the psychic surgeon Chris Thomas, whose books are actually a great menace because of all the superficially convincing-looking garbage-sourced deceptions that they contain*.

* I also warn against The Healing Book by Chris Thomas and Diane Baker, because in that book they give instructions for creating 'energy implants' in people (in the book those are called matrices (or matrixes)). Although these are meant as temporary healing devices, they're all disruptive in one's 'energy system' and unfortunately the garbage tends to 'piggyback' still more harmful implant creation when a 'healer' does create such supposedly beneficial 'healing' implants.

You may well be aware that various mystical and esoteric traditions and channelled writings point to the year 2012 or thereabouts as a time for some sort of supposedly wonderful great change to affect us here on Earth. One thing that all those predictions and prophecies have in common is that they're all sourced from the garbage and so are designed to seriously mislead us.

However, garbage-sourced stories do tend to be distortions of true information rather than being total fiction, and it may well be that there's a significance for us of the year 2012 or not far off — but if that were the case it would almost certainly be a different significance from what the garbage (through various traditions channels, seers, prophets, mediums and other psychics) had been telling us…

But now I must qualify what I've written in the last few paragraphs, because otherwise some people would no doubt get seriously upset and frightened at an apparent imminent catastrophic collapse of human civilization on Earth — especially as the garbage would seek to exploit my disseminating this information by attacking those who read it — using as its ammunition a motley assemblage of distorted, doom-laden perceptions and feelings of intense anxiety and fear.

Let me emphasize, therefore, that although 'meltdown' does look to me to be on the verge of happening for us here on Earth, the nightmarish or indeed hellish picture of a more or less sudden and extreme situation in which everything 'collapses' virtually overnight is more of a theoretical possibility and worst-case scenario rather than a real likelihood. It's pretty well inevitable that people would start 'waking up' to a certain extent as things go more and more 'pear-shaped', and governments would eventually start taking more sensible measures than yet again, e.g., kick-starting the economy to boost spending, to try to soften the blow of the collapse.

Also, an 'unknown' in the situation is the extent to which genuine self-actualization and self clearance of garbage interferences and influences by various people might, through a sort of 'resonance' effect between human minds, enable governments and heads of State to get making more aware and genuinely intelligent decisions than they're making at the moment.

2022 update — a little experiment!
If my outlandishly bold and unprecedented Project 'Fix the Human Condition' does result in the (supra-) universal changes in human consciousness that look to be at least theoretically possible, then future human-type civilizations anywhere in the whole of 'Existence' would be able to apply much more rational and forward-looking policies and strategies to the management of population size and dynamics, harmonious coexistence and general mutual respect between communities on all levels of scale. Also, with any luck this project would enable our own planetary civilization to be able to slow its demise sufficiently to soften the blow a bit if that project really is working out as intended.

See Project Fix the Human Condition.


How might people avoid the dread global economic meltdown?

Simple — abolish all money / currency, and write off all debts, globally!

Now do you see why people overall are simply not intelligent enough to extricate themselves from and completely defuse their self made ticking time bomb? They're so loaded with and driven by all their desires and attachments that, without dissolution of the garbage and at least most of its influences, they simply wouldn't change their ways, at least to any material extent.

Without garbage interference and influence it would be possible, even if difficult, for people to work without pay, for the good of everyone, and for people to survive through much more of a barter system, in which some sort of local short-term barter currency would be used, but not what you'd call an economic system.

Also, because of garbage influence, there are hideously too many of us, so that, unless we became willing to drastically reduce our population over an extremely short time-scale, there would be no way that most people could survive through simply operating local barter systems. Our population is so large that for most people's survival a major infrastructure is essential, and that would no longer be viable without some sort of large-scale financial or economic system.

…Or just maybe it would… Neither I nor anyone can know for sure the fullness of what could be achieved if people generally found themselves at long last without garbage interference and influences, and were at long last able actually to apply deep awareness and full intelligence to their situation.

I hope you will see, therefore, that my aim isn't at all to 'preach doom', but to inform so that we can make the best of what we have.


Some things people are telling us about all this

I include here a few popular confusions that the garbage encourages people to use in order to avoid really facing and addressing the issues, and thus to compound our difficulties.


"It's okay really, because each country's population reaches a level at which it stops increasing."

Yes, would you believe it — many people believe they're being clear-headed and rational in turning a blind eye to the tremendous problems we're creating for ourselves, on the basis that in any country population growth does at some point cease, even without any specific efforts to make that happen. So, according to that 'school' of thought, further huge growth of the world's population is all okay, as long as it levels out of its own accord.

Well, yes, of course that's 'okay' from the viewpoint of anyone who doesn't give an eff about the state of the planet and how long humans can continue to remain on it, in the hell-hole that they're making right now for themselves. Screw today for what you can get out of it, and let tomorrow look after itself!. That's garbage programmed mentality, not the thinking of genuine humans.

It also permeates what's very widely regarded as (supposedly) 'enlightened' thinking — in that people trot out the mantra All we need to do is live in the present, for 'now' is all there is. That apparently oh-so-wise statement (which does serve a useful purpose in pointing us away from getting into an emotionally stressed state about what one can't change) is widely being used by people lacking the awareness to really understand what they're saying, as an excuse not to think about nor to seek to address the most critical issues that face us today.


"It's okay really, because when any particular resource gets too expensive, the scientists always come up with something else."

…and similarly, the same people come out with things like It's a lot of twaddle, all that stuff about climate change*. History has shown that humans are adaptable and they will always find new ways to cope". So, according to such people we should merrily get on with our supposed life task of helping our national economy and indeed the global economy to grow still further, and meanwhile enjoy collecting our piles of throw-away plastic carriers from the supermarket and throwing away mountains of stuff at and following Christmas or any other consumerist festival…

* Yes, and we could really do with heads of government like Donald Trump being 'taken out' in one way or another because of the immense harm they're doing, in denying the findings and urgings of scientifically-based inquiries, all just to support their own business or personal status interests.

We pressingly need a global organisation with power to depose and incapacitate or eliminate such individuals in order to limit the damage they're causing, regardless of the insane popular support for such individuals in their destructive power positions — though Humanity is currently too irrational overall for such an organisation ever to come about, at least here on Earth for a long time to come.

I don't think there's any need for me to proclaim any of that as 'right' or 'wrong'; when I hear such things I just pinch myself to check that I'm actually awake, and wonder which planet the people believing such things are on, or, more realistically, what sort of astral realm they have their awareness anchored in…


Colonize other planets — the Final Solution?

You're joking! Virtually every human-like civilization that has ever existed, when it's got into its final, underground, phase, has squandered huge further amounts of the planet's dwindling resources on projects supposedly to try colonizing planets in far removed star systems. My own pointers here, from my inner inquiry, are to no civilization ever having achieved such a thing.

Yes, there have been the odd spaceships go off out into space, containing groups of deluded 'hopefuls', but the reality is that even in a real luxury 'Ten-Star' spaceship a human-type being rapidly loses 'life force energy' and deteriorates in health and mind, and would die very prematurely — long before coming into even the faintest sight of any truly liveable planet. This is something intrinsic to living for an extended period in space, away from a human-supporting planet.

Such health effects have been clearly observed even for the very short periods in space endured by our astronauts to date; it amazes me that, with all that clear physical evidence, there are still people seriously believing that it would be a worthwhile project for us to seek to eventually colonize Mars, and even to have some sort of colony on the Moon, of all places! Absolutely crazy, but the very sort of thing the garbage would have people doing — and it would control people into tying it all in with various war strategies, the whole 'Star Wars' mentality being very much of the garbage.

Another crazy aspect of seeking to colonize other planets is that it's always intended without regard for whether any such planets would really be suitable for humans from Earth, and whether it would be in the best interests of its inhabitants (quite possibly including humans in a different physical form) to have garbage-controlled or programmed humans from Earth arrive there and at once start seeking to take the planet over for themselves. You have there a formula for extermination, slavery (of one 'side' or the other) or recurrent wars — and no end of suffering and pointless loss of life.

There's a widespread notion that any planet that has water and life on it — even 'intelligent' life (i.e., probably humans in a different physical form), and a reasonably Earth-like atmosphere — would be a fit place for Earth humans to colonize. That's widely off the mark, because of one's not being adapted to resist the micro-organisms of the remote planet.

However, as I say, that's actually not an issue in practice because, if my inner inquiry results are correct, we could never get there in the first place — well, except possibly through incarnating there (in which case the aforementioned issues wouldn't exist)!

Thus, if my speculative 'reading' is correct, it's fortunate that it's really impossible for us to travel to such far removed places, for we;d only take exploitation and destruction everywhere we go. That isn't what humans incarnate for — anywhere.


"But many people have actually encountered extra-terrestrials…"

Yes, I know there have been many reports of UFOs and of encounters with and abductions by extra-terrestrials, which would suggest that what I've written above is a lot of tripe, and that ETs do actually visit Earth, and therefore presumably Earth people could eventually travel to other habitable planets (i.e., in far removed star systems).

However, as I've explained in The true nature of 'the forces of darkness' and its interference and attacks, it appears to me to be very unlikely that any of those reports are of real physical happenings, and most likely instead such experiences and observations are a result of the individual Earth people concerned getting temporarily inveigled by the garbage into astral realms, in which illusory happenings presented to the person by the garbage can seem compellingly real and 'physical' — also most likely sometimes with the involvement of elementals appearing to be ETs, which can sometimes be seen by other people and even, supposedly, be photographed.


"The indigenous tribes show us the way…"

Oh no, they don't! — At least not in any way that's truly meaningful for human existence. Those tribes are virtually all severely garbage-controlled, just as are our bloated consumerist 'developed' civilizations, but just in a different way. There you have people who are living simply and for the most part (as far as 'developed' civilizations allow them to) just going round and round in unassuming little circles. They live to a considerable extent within illusory realities created by their tenaciously held superstitions and 'spiritual' beliefs, which themselves reflect illusory realities that they're carrying, and so they aren't in any sort of ideal state at all.

They're often highly regarded for their great 'spirituality' or 'spiritual awareness', but the garbage, by means of the beliefs that it has cultivated and made an intrinsic part of the particular cultures, has quite consistently kept those people away from true self-actualization / self-realization or indeed genuine enlightenment. All too often ritualized uses of (natural) drugs or / and various meditation techniques convince them that they've found enlightenment, but generally they have soul programming that gives them a limitation on the depth of their awareness, which prevents them from understanding fully what real enlightenment is.

There's a quite widespread notion that living 'a simple life' and 'returning to nature' is enlightened living and would be our way forward (although few people in 'developed' civilizations actually choose to try it), but (a) we would need a massive cull of our population for that to be an even half-sustainable option, and (b) that's not what our incarnated existence is about.

As manifestations of fundamental consciousness, we've incarnated to experience exploration and diversity — NOT each living a simple 'carbon copy' life with minimal individuality, whose experiences are largely laid down by an established tradition and are thus repeats of what everyone else is or has been experiencing. That latter way of living is a travesty of what we're really about, and keeps people living in illusory realities and even up-front astral realms that keep them ever more strongly in the control of the garbage (albeit usually in covert ways). Various Eastern religions — notably Buddhism — lead people into a similar error through their fixation on formal meditation and their confusion of genuine individuality / uniqueness with 'ego' and thus seeing it as something that needs getting rid of.


What we can do to improve our future on Earth

Clearly, every measure taken towards reducing our impact on the planet helps, so I don't mean to rubbish (sic) the mostly marginally effective measures that people are taking, such as organised recycling of domestic refuse and the ceasing of shops' supplying disposable plastic bags with their goods, and the use of high efficiency light bulbs.

One particular practical need is for as many people as possible to keep rubbing politician's and governments' noses in their own shit — if you'll pardon the expression! — by demanding of them that they immediately seek ways to reduce or eliminate our dependency on non-renewable resources, and in particular, OIL, because that's what looks virtually certain to precipitate the collapse of civilization worldwide, and imminently so.

Certain whole industries could to great advantage be outlawed and eliminated virtually at a stroke — such as the tobacco and alcoholic drinks and fashion and cosmetics industries, and indeed what I loosely call 'the Christmas industry', which all get people spending huge amounts of money on goods that serve no genuinely beneficial purpose.

Because of our interference from the garbage, at the moment we have a bizarre and grossly distorted notion of the status of free choice in our lives, and defend to the hilt people's freedom to maximize their own self destruction and indeed the extinction of the human race here on Earth — and yet they have no interest in the real freedom that is self-actualization and living for a substantial portion of the planet's life in an overall low population density so that one has 'room to breathe' and be at one with the beauty of Nature.

The primary need — screaming for our attention but still going almost completely unheard because of people's garbage programming — is for us to drastically reduce procreation. Limiting to just two children per couple is nothing like enough at the moment. For the sake of argument I'd suggest that we need to aim for no more than a hundredth to even a thousandth of our current global population size, as soon as possible, and then to keep it capped at a level no higher than that.

However, because of people's fixation on procreation, no significant number of people would heed that message, and there's something else that people need to do before their minds are able to open to a rational and truly natural outlook on their existence on this planet.

That's where self-actualization and the clearing out of garbage interferences and influences comes in, for people who clear themselves of such interferences and open up their own deepest good sense would naturally make choices that support their long-term survival on Earth instead of blindly trying to satisfy immediate personal 'wants'. Indeed, their whole concept of personal 'wants' would progressively change and progressively become more aligned with what was actually for their deepest and ultimate good (which includes the ultimate good of others).

That's precisely what this whole website is about. The primary means that I'm presenting to assist people in moving into self-actualization and becoming free from garbage interference are given in Healing and self-actualization — The safest and quickest way.

— Well, er, except that experience is showing that far too few people have the motivation or mental clarity / focus to use such methods — at least effectively. The real need therefore is for my Project 'Fix the Human Condition' actually to work, as that would have at least some effect on everyone, and no-one — even cruel dictators — could opt out of the resultant changes.

But then again, from my 2023 viewpoint, it appears that the aforementioned project has apparently succeeded in its primary aims, but programmed replicas of people's garbage interferences continue in extant civilizations because of the ingrained patterns of brain function that the direct interferences had created over time. In the case of Earth and no doubt other current planetary civilizations, it looks as though they would carry on to their self-destruction, and only new planetary civilizations would be (more or less) free of those remnant interferences and thus able to conduct themselves in a sane and rational manner.

When you're well established on a true self-actualization and garbage clearance direction, then, especially with the aware and vigilant use of Helpfulness Testing, you could start finding your own best answers as to what you personally could most usefully do (and indeed not do) in order to be of maximum benefit to yourself, to the human race, and to the planet. The more people who take up this sort of direction instead of simply following their immediate 'wants' and opinions and beliefs, the better a place for us this planet could become.

The answers are right there in our hands, if only we would look, and, to use a popular expression, I've now put the ball squarely in your court.


How to die peacefully and with dignity, such time as the catastrophe comes

Believe it or not, there does appear to be a way — and it's so simple! — And it doesn't involve committing suicide, and it's carried out without even a trace of ethical problem in sight! Unbelievable, maybe, but true as far as I can make out!

Please see How to Die Peacefully and with Dignity.


Doubts and questions!


"But why worry about all this, when it evidently must be all part of the intent or design of fundamental consciousness itself?"

I don't speak about any supposed need to worry, and it's only people who have awareness blocks that give them difficulty in understanding what I'm on about on this site, who argue (dishonestly) that I'm telling people that they should be worrying about how things are going. What those individuals are actually meaning by 'not worrying', however, is NOT simply not worrying but actually keeping unaware or at least accepting of the situation and not lifting a finger to put anything right — the time-honoured figurative 'head in the sand' approach.

The problems for people individually and the human race at large that I talk of on this page and elsewhere on this site have one underlying cause — gross interference from the garbage, plus a strong tendency to attachment and pattern behaviour caused by a faulty data cache in a middling-deep aspect of consciousness. It's that same interference (by a multitude of means but especially soul programming) that causes people almost universally to be so resistant to recognising what's going on and the tremendous problem that they're creating for themselves so imminently in the future through their unawareness and indeed blatant stupidity — and the fact that they could be turning their lives around and progressively getting themselves out of the horrendous predicament that they've been blindly getting themselves into.

If we're going to talk of the supposed 'intent' or 'design' of fundamental consciousness, first of all we need to drop any notion that the fundamental level of consciousness has the sort of dualistic, conceptual intents that we, as its dualistic manifestations, have. So, the question Does fundamental consciousness intend that we be in the screwed up state that we are? is actually verging on the meaningless. Because our troubles basically come down to the results of garbage interference and certain misconfigurations within consciousness at a universal level, the real question to ask — except that, as I intimate, it's verging on the meaningless — is Is the presence of the garbage and its interferences upon us, and the presence of certain misconfigurations within consciousness, part of the intent or design of fundamental consciousness?.

Actually, in 2022 retrospect the situation turns out to be simpler than that, for the garbage itself is a result of one of the misconfigurations within consciousness (the presence of the astral non-reality), and thus is a product of a misconfiguration. It would be perverse to claim that the misconfiguration is intended by any deeper aspect of consciousness — especially as my own inner inquiry about the astral has always pointed to deeper consciousness having always regarded it as a grievous misconfiguration that needed fixing — which is one of the things that my Project 'Fix the Human Condition' is aimed to address, and indeed apparently has succeeded in doing so.

At face value that question is virtually unanswerable, because fundamental consciousness isn't a 'mind' and doesn't operate like one. However, what does become clear as you become more advanced in your self-actualization, is that our underlying nature is one of vibrant, joyful happiness and deep awareness, with an intrinsic inquisitiveness and creativity that leads us naturally into abundance and variety of experience and always tending to maximize freedom of choice rather than unnecessarily to constrain it — and this must be 'telling' us something crucial about the true nature of fundamental consciousness.

At the same time you become aware of the self-actualization process as being something intrinsic in your life purpose, which latter is simply to experience — in as much variety and abundance as possible, and in positive and basically happy ways, regardless of any temporary difficult or painful experiences that may arise.

Clearance of garbage interferences is an intrinsic part of genuine self-actualization, and the latter can't be fully achieved without clearing out those interferences. As we're incarnated manifestations of fundamental consciousness, and our true nature actually seeks, when free to do so, to clear out garbage interferences, it can reasonably be said that to free ourselves from garbage interference is actually the clearly expressed intent of fundamental consciousness, because we're the conceptual, dualistic manifestations of it (i.e., to whatever extent we're free of garbage control and programming).

As to whether the original coming into existence of the garbage could reasonably be thought of as being intended by deeper consciousness can be argued about till the cows come home on a blue moon in a month of Sundays in a year that never comes anyway*. The point is, deeper consciousness, through our own underlying intent now, DOES intend for the clearing out of not only garbage interferences but the garbage itself. The almost universal resistance against any such clearance comes not from any worthwhile source but from people's garbage interference. In any case, my more recent insights show as conclusively as can be that deeper consciousness really does intend for clearance of that lot — see here!

* I give a speculative account of how the garbage could well have actually come into existence, in The true nature of 'the forces of darkness' and its interference and attacks — and, as you'd see there, I postulate there that it was actually early human-type beings (long before Earth and most likely even in a prior universe) who created the garbage — through a sort of innocent misadventure — and then they'd had no idea of how to undo the momentous disaster that they'd unwittingly unleashed upon all human-type civilizations in all universes for the rest of 'Time' until / unless some human-type beings came along at some point, who could somehow outwit the troublesome influence sufficiently to find out what it really was and how it might be destroyed or dissolved.

The creation of this troublesome influence presumably wouldn't have been through any negative or truly harmful intent but through a certain naivety and lack of responsible thought about the likely consequences of fooling around with 'special powers' (what we could loosely call 'magic') through use of the astral non-reality.

On the basis of the garbage having arisen as a result of an unfortunate misadventure, it makes particular sense that one or more people would come along at some point, who are able and motivated to find out what the garbage really is and then get experimentally seeking, by effective means at last, to bring about its dissolution. That can easily be seen by any clear minded person to represent the working-out of a sort of 'fundamental intent' of deeper consciousness, while there appears to be no corresponding evidence that, aside from what the garbage is making people 'think' and do, there's any 'fundamental intent' to retain the garbage.

So, while I don't go telling people that they 'should' or 'must' do this or that, I do point out to those people who just might be able to listen properly, that they're in a serious 'hole' and there are means by which they could start getting out of that 'hole' — and that (as far as I'm aware) no valid reason for not doing so has yet been found.


"What you say is all very well, but it's lacking in the basic qualities of hope and of optimism"

That has been said to me as though there were something wrong with what I'm putting forward on this page, because in my writings I'm not expressing either hope or optimism (i.e., in the sense that people generally mean).

Actually, if you really stopped to think rationally about it, you'd realize that what people normally call 'hope' and 'optimism' are neither rational nor genuinely helpful, for they both incorporate belief, and aren't at all about actually looking at what's there and what's actually happening. Unless one does the latter, no amount of 'hope' and 'optimism' will save you from any disastrous consequences of what's going on at the present time. Religions are a particular (secondary) source and cultivator of those unhelpful concepts — the primary source of course being the garbage, which in all manner of ways seeks to get people looking in any direction but that in which one can actually see what's there.

Thus, 'hope' and 'optimism' are actually false positive outlooks and need letting go of if one is to be optimally positive in one's outlook and lifestyle. A genuinely rational outlook is positive and joyful, and seeking the most effective ways to improve one's life situation (which would include the world situation), without trying to ignore problems and just assume or indeed 'hope' that 'everything will work out all right'.

Thus, from that perspective the very concepts of 'hope' and 'optimism' have no place in a healthy and positive life, and are effectively meaningless. It's people of limited awareness, who aren't that much in touch with their intrinsic positivity who most readily cling to 'hope' and 'optimism' to try to give their lives a superficial appearance of 'being positive'.

The very notion of 'hope' is based in attachment to a future outcome that one regards as 'good'. But being forever attached to a particular outcome that simply may or may not happen is, frankly, plain stupid. Whatever will happen will happen. That's the reality, and we have no means to know for sure what will happen. We can extrapolate and speculate of course, but that's not the same thing at all as actually knowing what will happen.

'Optimism', as generally meant, is simply more of the same. Rather than actually look at what's going on and seeking to understand what the problems and hazards are, so that something could possibly be done to improve things, 'optimism' breeds stupidities like You don't want to go worrying about supposed running out of natural resources, because when one resource becomes too expensive the scientists simply come up with an alternative, and thus there's no problem, and You're underrating human ingenuity; when things get difficult, people always work out a way round, so there really is no significant issue… — and so on.

'Faith' is another of those weasel words that we need to drop like a hot brick. A person with a reasonable degree of self-actualization does have a sort of faith (indeed, deeply sourced and powerful), but it's NOT what's generally meant by 'faith', which is just a religion-sourced posh term that's used for belief in something that one regards as 'good' or 'desirable'. Believing in something that's supposedly 'good' is still belief, and blocks your ability and motivation to see and recognise what's actually there and what's actually happening.

So, do you want me to be painting my picture here of the human situation with a stultifying rose-tinted distorting filter, or do you want the most rational and clear-sighted account here that I can muster? The two are totally incompatible, and in this case the choice is not yours to make, because I have sufficient clarity not to be taken in by pressures from people for me to write what they want to hear. Wants and needs aren't at all the same! If you want 'hope' and 'optimism' and indeed 'faith' as generally meant, then you have no option but to look elsewhere if you feel that you really must indulge in that sort of irrationality.

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If you value this page / this site and its contents, a one-off or especially regular donation would be greatly appreciated and would help me maintain it and continue my beneficial projects.

All donations are welcome; a £5 minimum is suggested, but anything at all would help and be really appreciated, though clearly larger sums would really help.
