Masthead logo: Clarity of Being — including pioneer project: Fix the Human Condition

Is environmental stress real?
— A rational approach


At a glance…

Gaining a proper understanding of environmental stress — at last!

Over recent years, on the basis of much personal observation and careful scrutiny of just how and why people experience what is interpreted as 'environmental stress' (ES), and the application of much rational scrutiny of products and services claimed to be for environmental stress elimination / neutralization, the Author has become clear that, generally speaking, ES is NOT what people widely believe it to be. However, a range of phenomena are covered by that term, and any categorical statement that environmental stress is 'real' or imaginary simply helps to maintain confusion on this subject.

Until / unless we apply rational good sense to the whole issue we cannot even begin to address and resolve the bunch of issues that get labelled 'environmental stress'. Purveyors of purported environmental stress eliminating devices or services won't like to hear this, but effectively their businesses are not only scams, even if superficially well-meant, but are actually CULTIVATING environmental stress in people — to the great financial advantage of said purveyors!


A long-time puzzler for me

Over the later decades of my life so far I'd been bemused and feeling a bit disturbed by claims by some individuals that we're being significantly harmed by being close to electrical / electronic devices or even live electric cables, and being similarly harmed by electromagnetic energy such as radio / TV signal 'radiation'.

I could well understand that a very high level of such factors might well cause significant harm, but I was very doubtful that the very low levels of such factors that nearly all of us are getting would really be a significant issue for us, particularly in the light of the vast majority of people apparently not getting ill effects from them.

While that impression could well have been sourced simply from my own emotionally-based reluctance to face an inconvenient truth, what I did notice even back then was that what was disturbing me most wasn't the claimed issue at all but a certain paranoid aspect of the mindset of people who were making such an issue of those (and other) purported environmental stress factors. Not only that, but I also came to notice how that mindset included a fixation on pseudo-science and distortions of scientific thinking and method as a basis for their outlooks.

Then, when I got into 'spirituality' and indeed various forms of spiritual healing in the late 1990s, I found that such outlooks were rife, and started to buy into them to a certain extent because the spirituality and 'healing' was actually weakening my non-physical aspects and thus rendering me increasingly weakly grounded and thus in turn increasingly gullible. So I started taking on board that ES was 'real' and I needed to take various measures to avoid or eliminate it in my abode and surroundings more generally.

However, although I took on those ideas at a certain superficial level, I still felt ill-at-ease with them — all the more so because my engagement with the whole unedifying pantomime of 'spirituality', 'healing' and the New-Age movement meant that I came into contact with many people who actively believed in the purported great threat to our well-being that ESs (purportedly) represent. This proved to be highly educational, for I was observing clearly and pretty consistently in such people with that paranoia-mindset a connection between (among other things):

  • A belief in extra-terrestrials coming to Earth and abducting people and / or aiming to take us all over to rule over us

  • A belief that 'environmental stresses' were a big issue for us, which we needed to take action against

  • Beliefs in various way-out conspiracies, such as governments of major countries taking totalitarian-style measures to cover up the 'reality' of the beliefs of these individuals

  • Beliefs in the effectiveness of all manner of 'quack' cures and methodologies such as homoeopathy, acupuncture (outside a narrow range of genuinely verified beneficial uses), 'herbal remedies', and other methodologies that don't stand up to rational scrutiny, including ones that are based on the actually fictitious structured aura system

  • An inability to understand genuine scientific method, and a perverse unaware skill in distorting research study results and statistics to make them appear to support their particular beliefs

  • An interest and belief in the validity of so-called 'aura photography'

  • Very often a much stronger-than-average susceptibility to psychic attack, and quite often a predisposition to send supposed psychic attacks to others.

  • A very strong tendency to experience adverse and even severe symptoms that were getting interpreted as 'environmental stress'.

It disturbed me that certain individuals whose assistance I was seeking to help clear me of the troublesome and disruptive interferences and attacks from supposed 'astral beings' (back in 2003–2007) were into the aforementioned paranoid mindset — but I was so desperate then to find a real solution for my situation that I superficially took on board certain of their ideas — particularly with regard to ES.

So in 2006 I came upon the Energy Egg, which was claimed to be an environmental stress eliminator, which could supposedly in some way alleviate my troubles. I was extremely sceptical, and felt very ill-at-ease about the purveyors, sensing both that paranoid aspect about them as well as the 'vibes' of astute business people most likely running a lucrative scam.

I wouldn't at all have paid serious attention to them, but for the fact that at the time I was still pretty desperate with my 'astral entity' (actually garbage troubles), and a 'healer' 'friend' was insistent to me that those Energy Eggs could help remove my 'entities'.

The weird thing about my buying one of those, and eventually buying more out of that range of ovoid-shaped polished stones, was that they provided a focus for me to start developing my own, increasingly soundly and rationally-based methodology despite all the unverifiable and, in considerable measure, false claims made for those stones by their purveyors.

Stephen and Lynda Kane, the Energy Egg developers / purveyors, didn't like at all that I was publicly expressing reservations about any of their products and was publicly adapting their methodology into something much more soundly based and more effective, and making my developing methodology public and freely available.

Consequently they (vainly) sought to pressure me into withdrawing from this site my adaptations of various of their methods, on the completely fictitious basis that I was infringing their copyright because I'd copied parts of their training workshop manual and then posted them publicly — which I'd not done at all.

They also sought to discredit me among students at their workshops, and among anyone who mentioned my name to them (such people having come to the much earlier version of this website), and were sending out an eye-wateringly dishonest dossier full of out-of-context quotes from me (many trawled from the odd page on this site) plus a large bunch of unfounded and totally false claims about me, to 'prove' that I had paranoid schizophrenia and was a deeply disturbed and disordered, and indeed dangerous, person who everyone needed to keep well clear of.

(Not a significant observation really, of course, as everyone knows already that I'm one of those — surely! — And no, I'm not telling how many babies I've eaten or choirboys I've groped to date — a closely guarded dark secret!)

So, out of all that mess of confusion, I pretty quickly extricated myself from the bulk of that paranoid and pseudo-science-attached mindset as I developed my own much healthier and 'saner' methodology (albeit largely unremunerative financially, through offering what people need rather than what the hugely vast majority wants!) — but yet I was still not cleaning up that mess entirely with regard to the issue of ES, and was still hanging onto the notion that environmental stress is environmental stress (just as Brexit is Brexit, as one may say! ) and therefore my Clarity-Spheres were notionally programmed to neutralize it.

But even then I did understand and explain that neutralization of ES was really only a superficial appearance — a convenient way to describe what was going on, and not necessarily a fully accurate description of the situation, which would really be more about how a person is reacting internally to the various external factors and influences.

That's why now, in 2019, I chose to produce this page, bringing us up-to-date with my best thinking so far, based on a mass of my own observations, about the true nature of what people are calling 'environmental stress'.


'Environmental stress' isn't what people believe

For a start we need to distinguish between two main categories of what may loosely be called ES effects apparently caused by external factors:

  • Subtle effects — inharmonious aspects of one's life experience
    Small weakening effects that would pass unnoticed at the time, but if occurring all the time or at least very frequently would cumulatively result in some eventual degree of mental (and thus eventually physical) health impact. That impact would normally not be traceable to any specific cause, and would typically be (mistakenly) regarded just as an intrinsic part of the ageing process if noticed at all.

    It would need to be borne in mind, though, that some of what would appear to be in this category would actually be low-level examples of the following category.

  • 'Attack ES' — Gross or 'acute' effects; the type of ES that gets noticed
    Mental or/and physical impacts that occur anything from immediately to fairly quickly, and which can range from relatively minor annoyances to serious and even life-threatening symptoms. These are much more readily identified as issues that ought to have a specific cause, and can often but by no means always be provisionally associated with a possible triggering (allegedly 'causative') factor.

For convenience I exclude straightforward generally recognised physically harmful factors from the term 'environmental stress', so being more or less in line with accepted usage of that term. Thus I exclude poisons, strongly excessive noise levels, radioactive decay products, contact with strong electric charges / currents, excessively high or low temperatures, and so forth.

Some factors, such as invisible (i.e., non-light) electromagnetic energy (often emotively described as 'radiation', conveniently associating it in people's minds with radioactive decay 'radiation'), remain surrounded in controversy as to what extent if at all they're harmful. To my understanding, generally speaking, such factors ARE harmful, but mostly coming within my first category above.

That is, at normal levels in everyday life that harmfulness manifests as subtle weakening effects that don't in themselves make people ill in the short or (usually) even medium term, but they would be predisposing factors for various conditions, such as cancers, which couldn't readily be traced back to a particular source, or which may be traced to a supposed cause, but in ignorance of a prior predisposition being caused by, say, electromagnetic energy from mobile phones or wi-fi setups and so on.

On the other hand, proximity to area transmitters of such energy (mobile phone masts, radio / TV transmitters, and so on), is very much more unhealthy, the 'subtle' effects then being much magnified, with a much greater likelihood of serious problems developing at an earlier stage in one's life. And I'm talking here of a hypothetical situation without any garbage interference to exploit that weakening for weakly grounded people and cause for them more immediate and acute symptoms.

Thus, taking up that last point — the reality is that some people with particular inner configurations of weakness in their grounding would be made apparently directly ill — even seriously so — by those 'radiations'. Indeed, that would happen for a smaller number of people even by normal everyday levels of the 'radiations' — not as a direct effect of the 'radiations', but as an indirect effect resulting from the subtle weakenings together with their particular pattern of weakness in their grounding, which in turn enables the garbage to produce classic 'attack' ES symptoms.

Some people and sources make a lot of there having been many purportedly genuine scientific studies over many decades now, which demonstrate a connection between being exposed to electromagnetic 'radiation' (presumably mostly at high levels) and a range of seriously harmful effects.

I wouldn't dispute those nor support them, and neither would I get involved in that line of inquiry, because of the various agendas involved. People who want me to read such historical studies are generally (albeit often unawarely) seeking to get me to believe in the supposed direct harmfulness of electromagnetic radiations.

No doubt at all, whole industries would seek to cover up or minimize recognition of such harmful effects, but it's just too easy for weakly-grounded individuals to make a big issue of the harmful effects and of the big-business cover-up conspiracy (which would no doubt really exist at least to some degree) and thus use it all to feed their own anxieties and 'paranoid' tendencies.

That's why I'm putting forward a more rational and balanced view. As I've pointed out, just how we may be affected by such factors isn't straightforward, and instead of getting swayed by 'ES-political' factions my purpose is to encourage real understanding of the situation and thus the most effective possible mitigation / avoidance of any harmful effects.

We need to let go of the idea that an external object or other factor is intrinsically an environmental stress creator — just as nothing is intrinsically good or bad. So, where a supposed ES is occurring, this is because of the way that the affected person is responding to that factor. In other words, it's just the same as when a person appears to have caused you an upset. When the latter happens, the upset is actually caused by your own reactive internal response to the other person's words or actions.

And similarly, what usually get called ES effects (generally the 'attack ES' category) are all a product of one's internal response to the particular external factor, which would depend on what emotional issues one is carrying, plus what garbage interferences one has in place, plus particular genetic configurations that can indirectly affect susceptibility. This helps explain nicely why people vary hugely in their susceptibility to such effects.


More about susceptibility

In order to address any supposed ES issue, we need to understand how it's operating, and why it's happening to the affected people and apparently not to others.

What's become clear to me about the 'attack' category of ES effects is that they all appear to be working in just the same way as clearly recognisable psychic attacks, and indeed garbage attacks. That simplifies things greatly, because we have here on this site a collection of remarkably effective means to clear ourselves of such issues.

Indeed, my indications are that these ESs are no more than a particular type of garbage attack, which may be just a result of the garbage exploiting a particular vulnerability one is carrying (involving seriously weak grounding of a particular part of one's awareness), or may have been initiated as a psychic attack from another person — the particular garbage attack then being the payload (or part of the payload) of the psychic attack.

Also, we need to be aware that there's a whole category of unwitting psychic attackers who are greatly magnifying and proliferating serious ES issues. Yes, I mean all those scaremongering paranoia-brokers, making out to be so well-intentioned, who are producing, promoting or selling purported ES neutralizers! They are cultivating and spreading, as a contagion among weakly grounded and gullible people, beliefs that all sorts of seriously harmful ES sources are out there, causing or poised to cause us all manner of problems, which we need protection from.

In my case I got caught a bit by the Energy Egg producers / purveyors, though fortunately it was only superficially that I took on their notions of lots of very harmful ES sources 'out there', because there were aspects of that outlook that simply didn't 'add up' with my own life experience and observations of what's really going on for myself and other people — and I intuitively quite rapidly steered myself right away from their harmful agenda, exploiting the real, beneficial potentialities of using polished stone ovoids (soon changing over to spheres) instead.

No wonder the Energy Egg producers were so dismayed at what I was doing, that they felt the need to tell people a seriously defamatory pack of lies about me in a foolish and rather inept attempt to keep their reputation and business safe from exposure for what it really was! If they'd really had people's well-being at heart, surely they would have sought to work with me to improve their (and my) methodology — not to seek to discredit me and my own work in order to preserve their own shady, dubiously-based and seriously harmful business!

I mention the Energy Egg people only because of my one-time engagement with them and their products and methodology; there are masses of other people out there all running businesses selling what are basically very harmful scam products and services, and spreading the ES paranoia contagion.

Indeed, in my experience the Energy Egg people are very unusual, in that despite all their distorted notions and motivations, they'd come out with many bits and pieces of the right understanding of many things, and a methodology that clearly had been an attempt by their own deepest aspects to produce something like what I have here on this site — but it had been distorted by their own particular garbage interferences into something fundamentally harmful — just another version of 'spirituality', including a paranoia aspect dressed-up to look respectable, and of course a strong business agenda, which latter is another relevant thing that I don't have.

The trouble, then, with purveyors of purported ES neutralizers isn't just any harmfulness of their products in themselves, but in their promoting (almost invariably with whole screeds of sensationalist scare stories, rich in pseudo-science) the notion that if we don't buy what they're offering we'll have all sorts of nasty things happen to us because of all these ESs.


Getting practical — what to do about environmental stresses

It's necessary here for me to deliver one great big (indeed, RED) caution with regard to this subject. There are countless books and web pages out there that tell you about how pervasive and harmful ESs are and indeed how you can supposedly 'neutralize' or protect yourself against them — yet the rather bewildering truth is that the vast majority of those supposed information sources are themselves in various degrees harmful and to be avoided like the plague. — Why?

— Because the whole notion of ESs actually feeds very many people's 'paranoia' patterns (or, 'paranoid tendencies', if you like). Those books and web pages are communicating an ungrounded and fundamentally paranoid outlook, which resonates strongly with any such tendency in other people, particularly those with poorly grounded awareness — and that includes virtually everyone who is regarded as having mental health issues.

For this reason I do NOT at all recommend going 'reading around' about ESs, because, that way, one is bound to pick up a lot of very unhelpfully distorted information and pseudo-science,together with troublesome thought forms that would tend to cultivate in you an ungrounded and paranoid sort of outlook or indeed a very unhelpful reaction against that by switching off to the whole subject of ESs.

Also, at least nearly all the commercial products that are being offered, that supposedly protect against or eliminate or 'neutralize' ESs, are not only NOT usefully effective (despite the glowing claims made for them — and of course strings of testimonials from highly gullible customers!) — but, long term, they're actually hellishly harmful for the user in particularly insidious ways (and are thus major ES sources in their own right), and are thus for keeping well clear of.


General measures

For a start, let go of any urge to read anything more about ES, because most such material is carrying a contagion factor to draw you into the aforementioned 'paranoid' mindset and get your awareness (still more) ungrounded, and thus to bring more and more (apparent) ES into your life!

An implication of that is the pressing need to use your own plain down-to-earth common sense, assisted by rigorous use of Helpfulness Testing, to establish what is 'strengthening', neutral or 'weakening' for you. That way you can routinely find out, with no sense of anxiety, what you need to choose or avoid or change (and indeed how to change) in order to maximize your own mental and physical health. Note that this doesn't involve actually trying to find out if something is an ES source for you, so you keep right out of that paranoid mindset and simply get training yourself to make the healthiest choices in your everyday life.


Clearing out any 'attack' ES effects

Go for it — Tyger, Tyger, burning bright!

Just as with other psychic attacks, the supposed ES attacks are basically from the garbage, so the mechanism to dissolve is basically one or more feedback loops of some sort of stress or trauma 'energy', based in one or more illusory realities together with the garbage carrying out emotional button-pushing while it draws in the requisite stress / trauma 'energy' to continue and indeed escalate the attack.

One complication may be that an elemental is involved, especially with the more extreme 'ES' occurrences — but the basic mechanisms and thus remedial measures are just the same, if more challenging and slow to work through.

The prime methods given on this site for clearing the troubles, then, are Grounding Point (and optionally The Work) for dissolving illusory realities, Feedback-Loop Zapper for stalling the emotional button-pushing and initiating healing of the vulnerability that the garbage is using for the particular attack, and Self-Power Walking to progressively clear stored emotional stress, which the garbage uses in attacks.

For descriptions / instructions for the methods, please see Some potent self-actualization / healing practices — though by far the best starting page for most people is Crisis emergency self-help — Life upturn the SMART way — not least because that takes the reader on a friendly crash-course in establishing a healthily grounded and practical mindset as a foundation for being effective in using the methods.

For People in Crisis — An Emergency Primer

Along with those procedures, it's crucial to apply oneself to improving the grounding of one's awareness. Through doing that, you're making it more and more difficult for paranoid or otherwise unhelpful notions or 'story' to 'take' on you and be used in attacks of any kind, including supposed ES effects.

Illusory realities that would need zapping with Grounding Point would include things like Many objects and factors in my / our environment are environmental stress sources and will cause me / us harm and If I don't take particular measures to neutralize or avoid environmental stresses, terrible things will happen to me — and so forth.

One crucially important measure that a fair proportion of people with pronounced attack ES effects need to take is, very purposefully to disengage from all sources of supposed 'information' about ESs (such as websites, groups, organisations and 'teachers'), and from people they are currently involved with at all who are into the paranoid / ES-preoccupation mindset.

The need is to get drawing one's personal boundaries more firmly and consistently than ever before, and to stick clearly and thoroughly with one's own full disengagement from that sort of (seriously toxic) mindset. Even turn away from friends? — Yes, definitely (even best friend or partner), if any of them have that sort of mindset. Simple! Turning away from (actually!) false friends is always a tremendous liberation and healing action!

Finally, you also need to remember that, generally speaking, once you've more or less eliminated your vulnerability to a particular 'attack' ES effect, in most cases the assumed initiator of that effect would still have a direct 'weakening' effect and thus still need responding to on that understanding. See below for doing something about that…


Is it worth doing anything about the category of subtle ES effects?

Definitely — but not in the same way. This category, generally speaking, covers factors that are apparently somewhat inharmonious to healthily functioning incarnated human consciousness, even if there were no garbage interference. They could thus be regarded as 'intrinsic' stress effects. However, the degree of any deleterious effect can be amplified by garbage interference, so in the 'real world' there would appear to be a considerable overlap or gradation between the two basic categories.

The rational, healthy approach is to think long-term. Does it really make sense to be shortening your life or at least degrading your health and life experience as you get older, by ignoring all the minor stressful factors around you now and not doing anything about them? If you think so, you still have some work to do on opening up your own intrinsic rationality!

The important thing, however, isn't to treat this issue in an anxious or paranoid way. For any particular person all sorts of details in one's surroundings are either strengthening, weakening, neutral, or indeed some combination of strengthening and weakening. The conscious mind of the average person has no ability to recognise what is strengthening or weakening for them (wants and genuine needs are not at all the same!) — and this is where learning to use what I call Helpfulness Testing comes in to take centre-stage.

Helpfulness Testing (as described by me on this site, and almost certainly not by any other source) is your key to being able at any point to make choices based on what is most strengthening or least weakening for you. That way you can maximize the strengthening factors in your life experience and minimize the weakening ones. There's no way any of us could avoid ALL weakening factors, so it's just a case of being a practical, pragmatic old sod like me (Okay, maybe just a bit like… ), and accepting that there would always be some weakening factors in one's surroundings and life experience, but still to do one's sensible best to minimize their number and impact — and of course prioritizing the more significantly inharmonious factors.

However, that isn't the end of the story, because, as I've already intimated, in practice this category of ES effects also includes low-level attack ES effects. So, where you get indications (particularly from Helpfulness Testing) that something is or would be significantly weakening for you, it's a good idea to use the procedures I've already mentioned to clear yourself of any 'attack' element in a particular 'weakening' or 'stress' effect.

When you do that, for these small 'detail' deleterious effects, of which there would be many, it would generally be most efficient, wherever possible, to zap the illusory realities associated with whole groups of related effects, rather than separately for each little detail effect.

Indeed, it generally wouldn't make sense (i.e., in terms of time expenditure) to do all that much 'zapping' (i.e., with Grounding Point) at all for such small effects, but simply to use Helpfulness Testing to guide your choices and ensure that wherever possible you maximize 'strengthening' and minimize 'weakening' factors and choices in your life.

Helpfulness Testing can be used to intimate whether or not it would be worthwhile to directly 'zap' any possible illusory realities relating to a particular small 'weakening' factor, so there's no need nor cause to get tied-up in knots of frustration / anxiety wondering what the hell to do about all these minor stress factors!

Donations are appreciated!

If you value this page / this site and its contents, a one-off or especially regular donation would be greatly appreciated and would help me maintain it and continue my beneficial projects.

All donations are welcome; a £5 minimum is suggested, but anything at all would help and be really appreciated, though clearly larger sums would really help.
