Masthead logo: Clarity of Being — including pioneer project: Fix the Human Condition

Crisis emergency self-help — Life upturn the SMART way


(Pssst — don't tell anyone — doing so might save lives! )

Go for it, Tyger, Tyger, burning bright!

At a glance…

This page saves lives, both figuratively and actually! — Or rather, it enables people to save their own lives!

On the face of it, this is a 'quick primer' or 'crash course' page intended for people who are in a crisis, or at least who are feeling to be under pressure, from emotional / 'mental health' issues and particularly those involving non-physical / paranormal phenomena such as 'hearing voices' or experiencing psychic or garbage (mistakenly equated with 'dark force', 'forces of darkness', 'forces of evil') attack, attacks from apparent 'entities' or 'extra-terrestrials', or indeed so-called near-death experiences (NDEs) and their aftermath.

The main page for learning how to address such issues is 'Dark force' and entity troubles — The real way to clear them, so this one needs to be seen as a starter page to lay down a secure foundation outlook and strategy for the initiation of a process of re-grounding, rebalancing and self-empowerment that would then make the necessary ongoing measures come more easily when you go on to that and other relevant pages.

However, in effect this guide outlines the basics of achieving a really effective self-healing / self-actualization process for ANYONE, so actually, despite superficial appearances of its being just for people in crisis or at least with obvious 'problems', it makes an excellent focusing point for any- and everyone who is serious about getting on with their self-actualization process, whether or not they feel that they have a crisis or indeed 'problem' at all. Everyone on the planet has hidden issues that they definitely need to address and clear.

This is also clearly THE starter page that's needed by the vast majority of people wanting to do suicide (wants and needs not being at all the same thing).


Pause for an Introduction…

Slow down…!

Contented cow in rugged Cornish coastal cliff scenery near Zenno
Introducing Helena the contented cow, near Porthmeor, between St Ives and Cape Cornwall on the north Cornwall coast quite near Land's End, UK…

Just to clarify! — My current registered GP's first name is also Helena. This page was originally created in 2012, with Helena the contented cow already here. I got to know Helena the seriously 5+-star GP (the first I've ever had of such a calibre) in 2023. I'm sure she'd be joyfully tickled to encounter her bovine namesake if she explores here!

Helena's crucial message for you…

Helena the contented cow has an important message for you, but of course you'll have to wait for it, for she's in no hurry — and just maybe that wait is a subtle part of her message — a sort of hint for you…

…And while you wait for her to pronounce, just let yourself enjoy examining her delectable location.

Wouldn't you like to be there now and say a friendly 'Moooo!' to her, and feel the lumpy softness of the grazed turf and the friendly, reassuring roughness of the lichen-decorated granite outcrops and cliffs — and, er, maybe tread in the inevitable squishy cowpat in the process?

A cowpat — specially for you, to help save your sanity! :-)
Just waiting for you…

…Oh well, perhaps you're dying to move on to the supposed 'business' parts of this page and get ungrounding yourself again, so I'll say it for her: Moooooo! — of course!

— And what that means for you is It's all okay, and you're fundamentally okay, no matter how you're feeling and things are seeming to you just now!.

Further photos on this page will keep unsubtly reminding you of that simple fact!

Oh, and if you just happen to be looking to suicide as your 'solution', Helena's 'Moooooo!' has an additional comment specially for you — (burrp…) C'mon, Luv — the grass is always greener on the Other Side — we all know that, don't we!

— Which in this context translates roughly as

You just read what this monkey's gone and written below, and see why, barring certain terminal physical conditions, almost certainly you have NO need to die at all at this time, because you can at last start clearing out what's been making you feel that you want to 'end it'!

Think I'm joking, huh? — Well, just read on…


Why an 'emergency primer' page at all?

If you have a crisis or simply a pressing issue, this page is your (very) friendly means to get properly focused quickly and directly into the healthiest and most grounded mindset for starting to turn your situation and indeed your whole life around.

The initial main page (i.e., after this one) that's needed for people with problems or crises caused by 'entities', garbage interferences / attacks and psychic attacks / black magic and so on is 'Dark Force' and Entity Troubles — The Real Way to Clear Them.

For those people who don't consider themselves to be in crisis or have pressing problems, their main page (i.e., after this one) would be Healing and self-actualization — The safest and quickest way, though in many cases they'd benefit from reading carefully through the former page too, as it really presents important understandings on how to deal with all sorts of things that life may throw at one, and it would particularly help them understand what's going on for people who are less fortunate and having a rough time of it, and even be able to respond to them in more positive and constructive ways based on genuine understanding rather than automatic responses based on beliefs or social convention.

In any case, experience has shown that many people who are feeling some urgency or indeed desperation in their respective difficult situations have their awareness too ungrounded for them to readily settle down to reading and understanding the information that I give, and to get using the relevant methods that I point to.

For this reason I came up with this page initially as a short crisis 'talk-through' guide to help simplify things for such people — though it's still true that they're going to need to move on from this page and get really practical — reading up, understanding and then applying the methods that I point them to — and taking their time over it so that they're able to properly assimilate what they're attempting to take on board, so that in turn the methods can work properly.

Neither I nor anyone else can carry out that task for them. Also it's necessary for me to emphasize again that your getting to grips with this can't helpfully be rushed — do take a leaf out of Helena's book straight off! — Making 'Mooooo' sounds and dropping cowpats is optional, of course!

Having produced this page, then, for that rather 'specialist' purpose, I realized that actually it's by far the best starting page on this site for just about anyone, but I didn't want to change its title because, if I did, many people who really are in crisis might well not find it in their urgent Internet searches.

So, if you yourself are apparently not 'in crisis' or feeling to be under untoward pressure, in reading through the following you will need to filter out what apparently doesn't apply to you (i.e., at least at the moment), but still to read carefully to understand all the principles that are being laid down, because, together, they actually do establish the whole mindset and deeper understanding that would enable your self-actualization process to flow from your use of the methods I give on this site.

Some of the principles may not yet seem to apply to you, but the reality is that virtually any emotional shenanigans that you may experience at any time in your life would be garbage-mediated, and so the understandings that are gained from here would greatly assist you in understanding and addressing those later upsets and stresses, and indeed the various 'blocks' and obstacles that you actually need to be clearing now even though you may not yet be aware of them.

— And of course at any time some particular stress or upheaval in your life could precipitate more obvious garbage attacks in the form of anxiety, fear, panic, depression or grief states, or, less commonly, actual illusory manifestations, which all need to be addressed in relation to their underlying cause (garbage attack) rather than being treated as medical conditions. The medical approach, of giving drugs and ECT, is used simply to try to hide the issues by damaging your brain function.

If that's really the route you want to take, even after coming here, that's your choice, of course, and I wish you well — while sadly knowing something of the fullness of what you'd be missing out on.


Starting to gain understanding


What most people in your situation are seeking is an impossibility!

Brent geese on noisy flyabout
Reminder — Slow down — it's all okay!
(Brent geese on a noisy 'flyabout', with cirrus and cirrostratus cloud far above)

That is the apparent Bad News. You need to be aware that NOBODY can genuinely remove 'entities', psychic phenomena or other troublesome interferences / influences, or indeed apparently straightforward emotional disturbances, from you or anyone else. A huge number of 'healers', therapists, psychics, shamans, 'magic' practitioners, and other diverse sorts of pagan or New-Ager claim or indeed believe they can do such a thing (indeed, for a few years I myself thought I could!), and are quite widely believed by others to be able to, but they're ALL seriously mistaken, and being deceived by the garbage.

Thus any of them with whom you have dealings are liable actually to add to your 'problems', albeit usually unwittingly and while having the best of intentions — though actually my own experience has shown that, unfortunately, there are some who do have covert harmful agendas, and of course some who are deliberately deceiving.

In more general terms, you need to be aware that, at least with regard to non-physical issues, NOBODY can genuinely 'cure' you (whatever 'cure' is supposed to mean!).

I myself am no exception in being unable to remove such problems from people, so please DO NOT come to me asking or pleading for 'help'. The help that I actually give is what's on this website, and isn't something that I can dish out personally in lieu of your taking the necessary measures yourself.


You can do it yourself, though — Wow!

Bluebells on Cornish clifftop
Reminder — Slow down — it's all okay!
(Clifftop bluebells near Port Isaac, Cornwall, UK, with the tip of Scarnor Point just beyond. A great spot to linger for an eating stop — though hopefully not eating bluebells unless you happen to be a cow!)

It's surprise time!

The help that you actually need, and would work for you, as distinct from the 'help' that most people in your situation believe they need, is actually SELF help! — Let's start finding out now just what this confounded crackpot comedian is going on about!

The Good News is that YOU yourself CAN address and progressively resolve your pressing issues, by means of simple and actually quite joyful, non-scary and non-'heavy' methods that I give on this site — BUT this is something that YOU need to do for yourself, and is NOT something that I nor anyone else can do on your behalf. Those methods include simple means to stall and dissolve current psychic or garbage attacks and crises.

However, the task is different from what you're probably thinking, for supposed 'entities' and 'presences' that communicate with you or attack you aren't what they appear to be, and generally are actually illusory manifestations caused by garbage interferences, so the need is to use means to dissolve the particular illusions, NOT to cast out or battle against 'entities', 'spirits' or 'demons' (which can hardly be cast out or genuinely battled against, as they don't exist in the first place!). This understanding thus brings us a great simplification of outlook and method, and eases the task no end.

Not only that, but this whole DIY approach readily transforms the whole life experience from a burdensome 'seeking to recover / be cured' one to a joyful adventure of ongoing life upturn, always with new and often quite unexpected positive things opening up as you progress and explore further. Then, when you look back to your life prior to your taking on this approach of ongoing positive change, you'd be doing so with some horror at the relatively dull and restricted / constricted and indeed blindfolded life experience that you'd been putting up with previously.


An important self-triage — soul, or no-soul??!

Sheep thinking 'WTF??!'

It would be immensely helpful for a small but significant minority of people coming to this page for the first time, for each reader to have their first 'fling' at an interesting little check to see if they belong or are very likely to belong to the very interesting minority who are no-soul.

Please check the following links and see to what extent the description of a no-soul person tallies with your own outlook and life experience, and maybe also tallies with the odd other individuals you've known.

no-soul soul 'sheep'

The true nature of the soul, and how it relates to reincarnation

Please help your understanding by reading the section linked to in that fourth link.

No-one can categorically, 100%, know they're no-soul (because we cannot absolutely know anything), but for most genuinely no-soul people it should be pretty obvious for all practical purposes.

For no-soul people it's particularly important to have a proper understanding of just why they're so different from the vast majority, and that that difference is fundamentally a wonderful, tremendous asset, NOT a disorder, even though it does bring issues with it. Some no-soul people would most likely have been most unhelpfully 'diagnosed' by uncomprehending medics or 'mental health' workers as having some degree of schizotype personality disorder or some sort of 'high-functioning autism'.

No-soul people are fundamentally the most fortunate people on the planet, despite the hardships and tribulations they've generally had to endure.

Although they've come into this world with particular vulnerabilities that have in most cases given them a lot of grief, both directly and indirectly, they are the ones who are most able to use methods such as on this site for the self-actualization process they need in order to clear themselves of their troubles and bring masses of their intrinsic positivity into this troubled world. To all those people, my special first personal message is, Welcome home!

…Right, now to business! (says he, with whip at the ready…)


Yes, preparing to achieve it yourself!


Understanding the simple mechanism of an attack crisis

Mountain reflections on a still Loch Shiel at Glenfinnan, Scottish Highlands
Reminder — Slow down — it's all okay!
(Loch Shiel at Glenfinnan, Scottish Highlands — the peace and tranquillity of simplicity!)

Genuine, practical understanding — NOT belief — is the key basis to addressing ANY problem, ANY issue, in a genuinely useful and effective way.

Here we sweep aside all belief and preconceived notions and start looking at and understanding what is really there and what is really going on. Real understanding dissolves all fear relating to any issue.

The simplicity of my approach rests in the fact that the details of what you've been experiencing are at least largely UNIMPORTANT (!), no matter how bizarre or convoluted, 'exotic' or compelling they may appear to be.

That's not just some wayward crackpot opinion of mine, but my conclusion arrived at from masses of my own personal observations as I got building up a proper experience-based working model and methodology to save myself from disruptive and potentially life-threatening interferences and attacks from the garbage operating through a whole unedifying range of actually illusory aliases.

I had to work all that out for myself, precisely because all the methods and procedures that were being recommended to me from all manner of sources were at best not working for me, and generally were actually compounding my problems. I thus know well what I'm talking about!

Basically, what people in crisis and difficult situations relating to psychic /non-physical phenomena are struggling with is one version or another of garbage attack, even if on the surface they appear to have some exotic sort of psychic attack put upon them by a person or non-physical 'entities' or indeed extra-terrestrials, or they're being overwhelmed by demons, or their crisis appears to them to be purely physically based, such as a 'relationship' fracas.

Such attacks generally consist of a combination of troublesome inner messages and indeed generally troublesome whole scenarios that are given to one overtly or covertly by the garbage, which are actually more or less fictitious, together with various cocktails of unbearably painful or otherwise horrible emotional feelings, including feelings that make the false scenarios and troublesome messages (often in the form of pseudo-thoughts covertly intruded into one's mindspace) seem to represent a compelling reality.

Also, in broad terms the actual attack mechanism is remarkably, amazingly, simple — at least, from a healing perspective. That's great news, because very simple means can be used to burst the 'bubble' of an attack. Basically attacks are feedback loops of emotional trauma energy, which are steadily built up through use of one or more illusory realities plus a process of repeated emotional button-pushing. So, for example, the garbage might cultivate an illusory reality in the back of your mind, which could be summed up as Extra-terrestrials are now taking me over, and there's nothing I can do about it!.

That itself would be a relatively neutral observation, but at the same time the garbage would locate particular weaknesses in your system that are caused by (usually hidden) fears that you're carrying or are at least connected to, and it would stimulate one of those so that you feel fear — the process that I call emotional button-pushing. In that context the fear appears to be caused by that menacing illusory reality, although really it's being made to arise by the garbage independently of any genuine personal response of yours to the particular illusory reality.

Because then the illusory reality seems to be feeling more menacing, when the garbage repeats the emotional button-pushing, the perceived threat, because it feels stronger, elicits a bigger fear response from the emotional button pushing — and this 'button pushing' is indefinitely repeated, inexorably escalating the intensity of the fear via that illusory reality, so that the classic attack feedback loop of fear-related emotions tied to a seemingly menacing scenario or 'story' progressively builds up.

Such attack feedback loops can be built up using other types of trauma emotion such as grief or isolation, or some combination or 'cocktail' of delectably horrible emotional feelings, according to the nature of the particular illusory realities that are being used in the attack.


The crucial first step — GROUNDING, not 'protection'!

Stonechat on spike of Foxglove flowers
Reminder — Slow down — it's all okay!
(Stonechat on foxglove, near Porthgwarra, Cornwall — I'd have missed this shot, but for my having noticed a tourist trying to photograph the bird with her mobile phone!)

Although you clearly need to use methods (which I mention further below) for dissolving the attack(s) that are the core of your crisis / difficult situation as soon as possible, the really crucial first line of action is GROUNDING OF YOUR AWARENESS — hence all the apparent distractions for that very purpose that I'm presenting on this page!

Weak grounding of your awareness has made you gullible to the garbage-sourced inner messages and 'story' that you're getting, so that you're easily convinced that they're true, even though in the cold light of a really grounded outlook they'd be seen as obviously untrue and indeed, very likely outright nonsensical.

Indeed, the whole attack or crisis wouldn't have been able to happen without part of your awareness having become significantly weakly grounded*. To achieve the requisite strengthening of your grounding in order to stall the crisis, you do NOT use the supposed grounding methods that 'healers' or psychics may have told you, because those generally don't work, at least to any really useful extent, and most of them indeed are somewhat ungrounding in their own right!

* — And by the same token, even if you took no other measures, sufficiently effective re-grounding of your awareness can cause even the most severe attack crisis to dissolve — at least over a day or two. That has been my own personal experience, at least.

Thus, for example, you do NOT go doing things like imagining that you have roots growing down from your feet (very ungrounding!), NOR ever have anything to do with supposed 'Earth energies' (extremely harmful, and, in particular circumstances potentially lethal), NOR go hugging trees (though this latter, in the right context, would at least be harmless fun!).

So, to increase the grounding of your awareness you need to GET PRACTICAL and pay close attention to your physical surroundings and the physical aspects of your current daily life, and BE METHODICAL about the details of addressing your 'difficult' situation, and to let go of any 'special', metaphysical, paranormal or occult 'meaning' or significance that you've been putting upon particular physical objects, events, actions or phenomena (including synchronicities).

Grounding — Let's make a start right now!

Take some pauses right now as you're reading this, and make a mental note of every detail you can see around you, and can hear, feel or smell / taste…

Put your attention only on the definitely physically genuine things you can observe at this time. Notice a bit of cobweb on a corner of the ceiling? — Good for you! Even spotted the spider there? — Great! If you have a phobia of spiders, keep a rational approach and recognise that the little spider is just as innocent and harmless in real terms as a pretty butterfly!

Even if it's a known poisonous species, no it isn't going to jump out at you and bite you just because you've spotted it! The reality and the distorted feelings you may get towards it are two totally different things. Are there some flowers around you, either in or outside your abode? What species can you see? Note every detail of their appearance.

What are you hearing, i.e., in the purely physical reality? Any birds? If so, what species? If you don't know your birds, then it's time for you to start learning some, for it adds greatly to the life experience to get identifying a fair proportion of the living things around you, and to see and hear the beauty of all manner of aspects and details of 'Mother Nature'. Do you hear wind in trees nearby? — or maybe traffic sounds? Maybe the odd aeroplane passing by? In each case let yourself hear what you can of the details and quality of each sound, identifying it as far as you can. If you have tinnitus, for the current purpose recognise that as a 'not real' thing you're hearing (it's an internal feedback loop, largely of your own internal 'system noise'), so keep your attention on what is real and physical around you.

What can you smell? — Be aware that the garbage can give you illusory smells sometimes, or distort your perception of real smells, so do your best to keep your attention to what is genuine and recognise what (probably) isn't. When you fart, that can be quite useful in giving you a real smell — and again it's helpful briefly to focus on the smell just as any other smell, and observe it as though what you're smelling is like seeing colours on a canvas, and firmly setting aside any automatic responses of disgust. Then simply put your attention on other things around you similarly.

It's often said that putting on some music or one's TV is very helpful for emergency grounding. However, my own understanding is that while there is some truth in that, it's only partial truth and points you away from the really healthy grounding you need to be doing. TV is particularly harmful in all sorts of ways (the best place for a TV is in your local electrical appliances recycling depot, or being used simply as a computer monitor), but even the healthiest types of music are taking you away from the strengthening of your connections with your immediate physical surroundings.

From now on, make it an ongoing practice throughout everyday life to observe current details of what you're experiencing on the physical level, always noticing but setting aside all the illusory impressions or distortions of what is genuine. But avoid making it a formal sitting 'meditation', for that causes immense problems when made a regular practice. In other words, notice all those things while going about your everyday life, instead of living life in auto-pilot mode. That way, the life experience becomes much more vivid and rewarding.


Grounding — the myth of a need for 'protection'

Cliff and rock formations near Land's End, Cornwall
(Rugged granite rock formations near Land's End, Cornwall, UK. Yes, you may need to protect yourself against wind, rain, cold and excess UV light, so that you can enjoy being out in such wild places without causing discomfort and indeed problems for yourself, but it really is worth the trouble!)

Open up your intrinsic immunity instead!

'Protection' makes you more — not less — vulnerable! Think carefully about that!

Almost universally, 'healers' / psychics and so on would tell you that you must get 'protecting' yourself (i.e., meaning psychic protection) — as though your troublesome situation had been caused by you being negligent and omitting to protect yourself! To the best of my understanding, that's all very harmful misinformation, and those people have picked up such beliefs, either directly or indirectly, from the garbage itself (of course!). The point here is that when you're concerning yourself about 'protection' from untoward non-physical influences or psychic attacks from people, you're onto a real loser, because:

  • All the supposed 'protection' methods are great for boosting your confidence in the short term (i.e., until various types of disaster strike), but just happen NOT to protect you from anything significant from which you need to be protected! So, your boosted confidence would thus be false confidence, so you carry on as before without taking measures that would actually reduce or eliminate your garbage interferences / attacks.

    You might as well waste your money by putting sunscreen on yourself to try to protect yourself against 'ghoulies and long-legged beasties and things that pull funny faces at you and go whump in the night'! Thus your problems would progress rather than reduce.

  • The real protection is actually simply your own intrinsic immunity (which really is there, would you believe!), so the real need is for you to be taking measures that clear the blocks and obstacles to that potential of immunity that you have, so that it can become effective.

    One particular really crucial means of beginning to bring that about is grounding your awareness, so, that's why I recommend that every time you get any sense of 'needing protection', you notice that weasel word 'protection' in your mind and replace it with the maybe less 'sexy' word 'grounding', and point yourself in a doubly focused manner to getting practical about genuinely grounding your awareness.

  • The whole 'need for protection' mindset is inherently self disempowering AND ungrounding, because with that mindset (a) you're assuming that you're fundamentally weak and vulnerable and thus in need of protection (which isn't true to start with), thus actually keeping yourself weak and vulnerable, and (b) you're keeping your awareness ungrounded by putting focus on supposed non-physical nasties (which are actually illusory anyway, as already explained).

  • The 'protection' mindset, particularly for anyone who is getting overt 'troubles' from non-physical sources, very readily becomes an openly paranoid mindset, which not only reinforces the troublesome influences but can virulently bring about or compound a crisis for you, for the garbage could exploit that and get you into a real 'hell of a (paranoid) state', making psychiatric hospitalization and very harmful 'treatments' virtually inevitable.

If the garbage were actual conscious beings the situation might be different and direct 'protection' might be a genuine issue, but, to the best of my understanding, backed up by a whole mass of my own personal observations, that isn't the case (indeed, it was an immense relief for me myself eventually to recognise that simple fact). So, the less you regard the garbage or any of the illusory beings that it's created in your mindspace as anything conscious and 'real' (i.e., anything other than just some rogue programming in thought 'energy', rather like a computer virus), the less they'd be able to intrude upon your life experience.

Note this well, too. In April 2004, when I myself was in the throes of a particularly severe 'astral beings' (i.e., garbage) attack crisis, I sought help from GH, a particular 'lightworker' who gets a fair bit of mention in my accounts on this site of my own personal garbage shenanigans.

As part of his supposed strategy for 'helping' me he instructed me to protect myself by visualizing twice daily a very large golden merkaba (two interlocking pyramids) enclosing me. This would supposedly maintain an etheric ('energy') copy of that structure enclosing me all the time as long as I refreshed it twice a day, and, so he claimed, it would completely protect me from any entities / attacks.

Fortunately, that visualization never seemed to significantly 'take' in my system. That crisis developed into arguably the most dangerous attack crisis I ever had during my years of garbage shenanigans.

My retrospective detective work shows clearly that the various sorts of 'protection' that he got me engaging with, including those supposed etheric merkabas enclosing me, were all parts of a potentially lethal psychic attack scenario that he'd set up for me, so, no wonder my troubles got seriously, dangerously, worse!

Let that be a warning of what can happen if you go trusting psychics, 'healers' or 'lightworkers' to give or recommend to you supposed 'protection' methods (or indeed any methods at all)!


Grounding — Let go of the 'story' — it's all lies and deceits!

Metallic green rose chafer beetle on pink Creeping Thistle flowerheads
(Rose Chafer beetle on Creeping Thistle)

This is where you establish the foundations of how to ground yourself the REAL way at last!

The obvious first grounding thing you need to commence is recognition that the 'story' and troublesome impressions that you're getting are all FALSE, never mind how true they're still feeling to be. You need to train yourself to keep hold of the understanding that how things feel to be and how things actually are, are not at all the same thing.

So, no, it's NOT true that you have nothing worthwhile to live for, nor that you're being eaten from the inside by bloodthirsty demons or being taken over by telepathic Sirians, and neither are you imminently about to die an excruciating death and then fall successively into each of the hells that all the religions have come up with!

Note particularly that it's not just the obviously troublesome elements of story that you need to get disregarding and dissolving. Suppose, for example, that you've been led to believe that you have some specified special purpose in this lifetime for all of Humanity.

Now, it could be that your underlying life task really would involve your doing things that are of benefit to all Humanity (I myself have plenty of first-hand experience of that situation!) — BUT the version of it that you've consciously taken on board would definitely be a distorted version of the real thing, given to you to lead you all the more astray and embroil you in one or more crisis events.

For this reason you need to let go of the whole idea of any 'special purpose' for the time being, apart from a healthy general intent that you be constructive and beneficial generally in how you relate with other people and your environment — and allow any genuine specific life task of yours progressively to become apparent as you clear out all the issues and 'story' that are tying you in knots at the moment.

Also, think 'life task' rather than 'special purpose', which latter the garbage tends to emphasize to people to make them feel 'special' in the most unhealthy and unhelpful way.

My speaking reassuringly about nightmare scenarios that the garbage has inveigled into your mindspace is backed up by real 'hardcore' experience — yes, I've been there, done that, got the T-shirt, so to speak, in fairly grand style!

In reality I still haven't been driven to commit suicide, nor fallen into even one of the promised hells, nor had my internal organs even start to liquefy, nor got held captive in the 'astral dimension' by 'Anlil' (sic), supposed King of the Underworld, nor had my neck disintegrate and head thus unceremoniously fall off, severely traumatizing the poor Crisis Team workers who were about to arrive at my door in a supposed desperate final bid to save me! Truly, none of those things actually happened!

I tell a lie! I used Superglue to stick my head back on!

Yet those were all things that the garbage succeeded in convincing me (to a fair extent at least) were going to happen to me as the culmination of respective crisis events of mine — simply because it had managed to get me to unground my awareness sufficiently to become that gullible and accept the most crazy and nonsensical scenarios as 'real'. In each case, stage one of the grounding of my awareness was my at least beginning to get a grasp on the fact that the troublesome scenarios and threats that I'd accepted as 'real' were, or at least could be, in fact nonsensical fictions, and that in the physical here-and-now everything was continuing to be all right for me.

In reality, even those crises that appear to be based on physical circumstances aren't what they seem to be to the affected person, for the real crisis is in the way in which one is responding to the particular physical situation — and that would come down to various covert garbage interferences and attacks, so the measures that I give for garbage attack crises are still all very relevant, however physically based your troublesome situation may appear to be.

"I'm really worried that I may have a combo entity [/partial walk-in / elemental/ soul fragmentation / a hole in my non-physical aspects caused by a kundalini experience]…"

Goodness me, let's panic! Look, I myself, practical old sod that I am, as a matter of prudent policy, keep in mind the conceivable possibility that at any time in the past and even right now I may have, say, a partial walk-in or soul fragmentation!

I could selectively pick out various observations / experiences of mine to supposedly 'prove' or at least strongly suggest that I have either or both of those, and thus to get into a descending spiral of worry and panic, and indeed, through that process, actually unwittingly to create elementals that mimic what I think the particular 'nasties' would be doing with me.

It's in the nature of things that, once a person has read about such phenomena, the garbage may seek to convince the person that (s)he has one or more of such 'entities' or other problems. It's thus crucially important to let go of all 'story' about what's going on for you, regardless of what you actually have or haven't got, and to get really, physically, practical and use the simple methods that I give for clearing garbage interferences. This is your basic start page for that purpose.

Even if you do have something like the issue that you believe you have, if you let go of all 'story' about your situation and awarely and diligently use the methods that I give, in an ongoing fashion, it shouldn't be all that long before you start noticing that you're without whatever issue you thought you had, or at least that it's clearly on the way out!

You do still need to be aware of possibilities, as that's part of having a proper and very helpful understanding of your situation, but the worry / panic, or troubling or indeed paranoid interpretation of your experiences, is something else that gets superimposed upon that perfectly sensible awareness. Through use of my methods you can easily dissolve those harmful emotional feedback loops, which are the real substance of the garbage's attacks on you.

I repeat again — in order to clear these seemingly so troublesome issues, your need is to set aside your current troublesome interpretation of what's happening or has happened to you, and focus instead on the sheer practical need — to take on board my simple understanding of how a garbage attack operates, and use the methods I give on this site for self-actualization and dissolving the mechanism of garbage attacks.

All the 'story' and troublesome interpretations are there to hog your attention and keep you within the attack or problem, so it's essential to let go of them, no matter how compellingly true they may feel to be. Just address any troublesome issue as a simple garbage attack that's clearable by my simple methods, and, except in the unlikely event that you have some other issue that needs clearing first, you will discover that the task of clearing that seemingly daunting issue is amazingly, absurdly, simple and short work.

If you're concerned that you have or may have internal physical damage that has been done to you by entities or other non-physical sources…

Again, let's panic — or maybe just lie down and die!

For a more rational and helpful approach to such a situation, there's an important little bit for you in Healing and self-actualization — The safest and quickest way, pointing to a level-headed practical strategy. The chances are that the situation isn't nearly as bad as you've been thinking anyway.

"All the weird synchronicities happening for me are driving me crazy — I can't keep focused on my self-actualization / self-healing / garbage clearance with all this going on!"

In a nutshell, disregard ALL such synchronicities — utterly and completely! — They aren't what they appear to be, and have no useful or beneficial significance!

It's quite common for somebody with really weakly grounded awareness, and having a lot of garbage interference, to experience several to many apparently weird or extremely unlikely synchronicities / coincidences in their everyday life. Actually this is exactly the same phenomenon as, for example, particular colours, numbers or dates appearing to have some special significance for you.

The need in ALL such cases is to disregard them ALL! When you're in the thick of such a scenario that advice may appear to be really stupid, because those synchronicities / coincidences seem to have some sort of compelling importance to you. However, that impression of importance is just the result of a particular illusory reality and no doubt piece of 'story' that the sweet little garbage has been cultivating in some part of your mindspace. Once you've got reasonably clear of your garbage interferences and have your awareness much better grounded, you'd most likely recognise most of the supposed 'synchronicities' as unimportant once shorn of the attached 'story', and no longer worthy of that 's' word at all.

I say 'most' rather than 'all', because some synchronicities can remain puzzlingly unlikely, even in far retrospect. I've had experience of that myself in particular encounters with people. Whereas most encounters that had seemed to have special significance for me during my own garbage shenanigans lost any real sense of significance once I'd got myself out of said shenanigans, there was a series of encounters with one particular young Czech man that leave me puzzled to this day. However, the point here is that just why and how the seemingly astronomically improbable set of encounters with him happened is simply unknowable by anyone, by any means!

At the time, while the garbage was pixie-leading me with merry abandon, those very improbable encounters reinforced a story that I was being given, that the particular guy was one of five exceptionally closely connected soul mates, of whom I was also one, who were all current (indeed, concurrent) incarnations of the purported 'Archangel Michael' (who I prefer nowadays to refer to as Archangel Mickeymouse, seeing that 'he' is no more existent than Mickey Mouse, as far as I can tell!).

But once I'd come to the understanding that all that story was bullshit being given me to cause me all manner of serious problems, I dropped all that like a hot brick (Ouch — my effing toe!) — but was still left with the conundrum about that Czech guy and that series of very unlikely encounters.

Actually, because in the spring of 2007 I dropped Reiki and other 'spiritual' healing, and indeed spirituality, my and his ways parted (he'd returned to his home country too), and I no longer have contact with him, and see no worthwhile reason to do so now, particularly as he was quite attached to his 'spirituality' and wouldn't have got on with me at all in my current direction of clear-mindedness rather than 'spirituality'. It would be pointless, then, to engage further with the actually quite significant possibility that he had some special connection with me that had been formed outside this lifetime.

Even if a person does have some such special connection with you, that doesn't mean that in this lifetime it would necessarily be helpful to involve yourself with that person — but of course the garbage would always seek to build up some story around that connection, to try to convince you that you should or indeed must get deeply involved with the person in some way — indeed, not just in this lifetime, but in successive lifetimes.

So, in a nutshell, the pressing need in the event of apparent synchronicities / special significances is just to be aware of them, but not to dwell on them nor allow them in any way to shape or colour your life, and always to be aware that the reason for them is generally unknowable. It helps no-one and indeed immediately creates a problem when you do regard any apparent synchronicity as having some sort of importance for you or anyone else.

To assist yourself in having a grounded outlook, think of synchronicities that you experience as being not actual synchronicities but 'apparent synchronicities'. It's important to dissolve all illusory realities that you may be carrying in which the particular apparent synchronicities, objects, numbers, colours and so forth supposedly do have real significance for you. Use The Work or/and Grounding Point for that.

If your life is plagued by misfortunes or/and people causing trouble for you…

It's a matter of unpicking and dissolving an unedifying tangle of illusory realities that you're carrying. In this sort of situation, no matter how compellingly 'real' all the troubles may seem, things are never fully as they appear to be.

Some people have a particularly rough time on the apparently physical level from a whole range of troublesome life situations, as though there were some sort of powerful 'jinx' on them. Although I have no personal experience of dealing with such an issue, my general understanding is that overall the underlying principles involved are much the same as for the weird synchronicities referred to in the previous section.

The need is to get to work dissolving all associated illusory realities that you're carrying, using the simple methods for the purpose that I give on this site. My understanding is that as you proceed with that, you'd find that the dissolution of the relevant illusory realities would be associated with a progressive decline in what you're experiencing as misfortunes and people troubles.

Some of those illusory realities would be adding purely illusory troublesome subjective elements to basically more or less benign physical situations, while others would be causing one unawarely to create and draw to oneself a range of troublesome situations, which tend to repeat over and over because those illusory realities are preventing one from learning from the respective 'misfortunes', so one repeats the same errors over and over, which would include unawarely communicating messages to other people that draw them into behaving in apparently untoward ways towards one.

In some cases the affected person is sure that such troubles of his are because of a psychic attack that has been put on him, and so feels particularly powerless to do anything about it. However, the reality (sic) is that psychic attacks use illusory realities as a prime part of their mechanism, so by being methodical about dissolving all illusory realities that you're carrying, whether they're obvious or covert, you'd be effectively dissolving any psychic attack that's using any of those illusory realities, and rendering yourself increasingly immune to ALL psychic attacks, of any kind.

Important note!
Although a fair proportion of psychic attacks put an elemental on the target person or in their home, the operation of an elemental still requires illusory realities in order to be able to interfere with people, so if you do have an elemental interfering with you, you'd still progressively gain immunity and facilitate dissolution of the elemental by dissolving all associated illusory realities that you're carrying.

In all cases it's also necessary to retrain yourself to recognise the likely illusory nature of what's driving the sequence of misfortunes, because until you do so you're maintaining a further illusory reality in which your whole situation is impossible to rectify except perhaps by some specialist 'healer' (who actually doesn't exist, for this requires DIY work, and an external 'specialist' — always deluded and in deep trouble him/herself — would simply compound your troubles).

Such a poor choice in turn would cause it to be difficult to dissolve the various illusory realities contained within your whole 'coincident misfortune syndrome' scenario, so, that 'locked prison cell' type of illusory reality would be a top-priority one for you to clear.

In cases like this, there's no point in trying to work out whether you do or don't have a particular illusory reality. You simply look at what's going on for you and pick up on the troublesome thoughts that arise from both your overall situation and its component parts, and 'zap' the illusory realities that those thoughts appear to be representing, and you'd find that things start progressively to change for you. Then, as you become gradually clearer and more healthily aware, you'd become increasingly effective in recognising any further illusory realities that need zapping.

— And of course, also crucial is the matter of grounding your awareness by getting 'seriously' practical about handling your life situations. You want to start looking at a situation and working out what you are, or have been, doing that has brought about each 'misfortune'-type experience, because each contains essential data for your learning to live in such a manner that such silly things don't keep happening.

Even regarding any of the adverse events / experiences as 'misfortune' or 'bad luck' is part of the problem, because that implies for a start that you're emotionally attached to things working out in particular ways, so you need to dissolve the illusory realities underlying those emotional attachments, so you're experiencing supposedly untoward things more as life challenges and learning experiences rather than as misfortunes / bad luck!

In other words you're taking yourself out of the stressful and stultifying 'perpetual victim' mindset into a potent self-command one. — Do you now begin to get the picture of a much more helpful mindset for clearing out all that miserable old 'misfortune' trash?

In fact there is one aspect of my life that I myself used to regard as a sort of chronic misfortune syndrome — albeit without labelling it as such because I didn't know of that term back then. That was concerning my chronic loneliness and the way that people avoided forming meaningful friendships with me or even visiting me over some shared interest, even for just one time. The odd few would accept me visiting them in their homes, but only on their terms, which meant mainly watching TV with them and their regular friends — which wasn't only very boring to me, but also reinforcing to my loneliness.

The answer, which only very gradually trickled through to me, gaining ground over many years, was that, being a no-soul person, and close to enlightenment right through my life till I actually became enlightened, I needed close relationships and socializing like great big holes in the head, and my genuine need all along had simply been to clear the emotional issues that had been making me feel lonely, and to dissolve all illusory realities I'd been carrying, in which I was isolated and shunned by everyone, and in which I needed 'relationships' or any sort of regular 'company'.

Having at least largely cleared all that trash out of my system, I've found my life experience to be massively better and more vibrant, even though there does remain a non-critical certain base level of stress through my being surrounded almost (but not quite) exclusively by people of massively lesser awareness and rational thinking ability — all to varying extents 'sheep', and quite to totally incompatible with me for anything that ordinary people would recognise as 'friendship', let alone 'relationships'.

Somebody appears to know everything about you and is exploiting that to cause all manner of problems for you

Hang on a moment — is it really true that that 'somebody' could know 'everything' about you? — Telepathy? — Bothersome emails or other online messages from some sort of stalker? — Maliciously gossiping neighbours?

— Let's examine what's really going on in such cases…

From within that bothersome to downright tormented perception it may appear to you that what I have to say about this issue is plain ignorant and stupid (Tell me something new, Mrs Mooo!). Nonetheless, there is real practical method in my madness!

To the best of my understanding this is just another variant of the aforementioned 'bothersome synchronicities' and 'coincident misfortune' syndromes, and the general approach needs to be the same. It would seem compellingly real, that the particular individual knows every little thing about you, and you're finding this very threatening, regardless of whether or not the person is overtly abusing what (s)he appears to know about you.

The reality is bound to be that the person actually doesn't genuinely know anything about you apart from what she's physically observed of you, or been told by you, and of course, some bits and pieces of information that have come to that person indirectly via other people who know you. The latter indirect 'knowing' is really not knowing anyway — it's just passed-on 'information', which may be correct or distorted or totally false.

Your perception is undoubtedly very different, because you're carrying a troublesome illusory reality in which that person does know every single thing about you and can misuse it (and undoubtedly is doing so at least some of the time). So, her knowing every detail about you is just the particular story that the garbage is cultivating in your mind. And what do we do about such 'story', whatever it is? — Why, dissolve it, of course, because it's illusion that's distorting your perception of reality!

Therefore the pressing need is to get using The Work or / and Grounding Point (see the Methods section further below) to get dissolving that and any other related illusory realities you're carrying. It's important also to apply the grounded, 'real world' understanding that the troublesome aspects of your life experience at the moment are largely or wholly illusory, never mind how they are currently feeling to be, so you're re-training yourself to tune into the much more supportive reality outside the distortion of it created by the distorting filters (illusory realities) you're carrying at the moment.

Am I saying that the particular individual is really okay in the 'real world'? — Actually no, because it's highly likely that that person's garbage interference really is making her troublesome in some degree, and really your need is to keep clear of any such person as much as is workable, and at other times to be cultivating a strong personal boundary, learning to put a figurative 'paper sack' over your head, so you are no longer unawarely sending out signals to that person that are drawing from her various troublesome responses.

Think in practical terms of both outer and inner non-engagement with people by default, like a good computer firewall, just allowing individually tailored engagement profiles for people with whom you can interact at least to a reasonable extent without problem, and recognising carefully when and in what circumstances particular individuals push buttons for you, and amending / redrawing your boundary / engagement rules for that person as appropriate.

Like that you can go through everyday life in a much more joyful and light-hearted sort of way, not letting yourself get drawn in by anyone or taking any adverse behaviour unduly seriously. After all, their weird behaviours are their problem, not yours, so your need is to sort yourself out and not to get concerning yourself about what really the other person needs to sort out in their own life.

That way, the person who was bothering you so much by seeming to know everything about you would progressively appear to genuinely know less and less about you, apart from being guided by the garbage to respond to particular issues of yours that make it appear that she knows much more about you than she ever could.

— But then again, if you're keeping a proper distance from her and maintaining your personal 'firewall' boundary effectively, you wouldn't be having all that much contact with the person anyway in which she could be troubling you any more… — Get the picture? — Get doing it, and start finding how much more enjoyable life is that way, without all the hassle!

Still seems impossible? — Here's another handle for you to get hold of in such seemingly intractable situations. So, you've kept noticing signs of said old cow (evidently not our Helena) knowing every little thing about you. Now, start training yourself to get noticing the much more huge plethora of things that she doesn't know about you, or hasn't got at least completely right about you, or which at least you have no clear physical evidence that she does know about you!

You need to start that on the basis of a clearly-focused postulation that nobody in the whole of 'Existence' could possibly genuinely know everything about anyone or anything. That postulation is actually stating the real situation. Over the days, weeks and months, continue building up your observations and understanding of how much she really doesn't or may not know about you, and enjoy those many little 'lightbulb' moments as your perception of the real situation becomes increasingly grounded and accurate.

Telepathy part of the equation?
Generally, no — at least not in any way that's significant for your / our purposes. Yes, my understanding is that some degree of genuine telepathy can theoretically occur in some limited situations, BUT, for just about everyone on the planet genuine and potentially healthy telepathy cannot occur at all to any noticeable level, for the practical reason that we are all too blocked from that by our garbage interferences, including any soul programming.

What I understand does occur in limited situations is that when particular individuals have a particular part of their awareness sufficiently weakly grounded, the garbage, sometimes using an elemental, will 'read' something from one person and relay it to another similarly weakly grounded individual. That then can get interpreted as 'telepathy', but, just as with channelling and clairvoyance, the garbage relays any such 'information' either overtly distorted (even completely inverted), or in a context that's aimed to mislead and cause or lead to particular serious problems for one or both involved parties (and others too).

It's thus to be understood that a person who superficially seems to know everything about you has been interfered with in that way by the garbage, and is loaded with garbage-relayed (channelled or supposedly telepathically-sourced) 'information', but that 'information', like all channelled 'information', isn't at all what it first appears to be — as I say, being full of distortions and misleading contexts.

Still sure that supposedly telepathically sourced 'information' is 'real' information? — Look, just consider this. How is it that at NO time — even during my own quite desperate and at times potentially life-threatening garbage shenanigans — has anyone managed to telepathically read any passwords or bank account details of mine and by such means create merry mayhem in my life?

Indeed, I've little doubt that many people throughout the world would have sought to do just that in order to get this site of mine hacked and brought down, because it exposes the deceptions of their own beliefs and traditions and points to the real, practical way forward for each of us — yet nothing of the sort has been achieved. And just think of the absolute chaos that would be reigning generally if people could really do such things! No, a strong password really is pretty secure if it doesn't get physically exposed to third parties — and the same with bank account details.

Some people are uneasy about me because they feel that I can 'read their minds' — and in a way I can, but NOT in the way they're thinking. It isn't really any sort of telepathic reading at all, but simply my having very clear and focused awareness and generally tending to be much more accurate than the vast majority in seeing in broad terms what's going on for each person — both overtly and covertly. That includes my often using inner inquiry to sharpen-up my understanding about a particular person's issues where it's appropriate for me to do so.

I still don't get that right all the time, but I do get it right often enough for it to be a real help. — But if I were to try to get private details about somebody, which were not specifically required to gain beneficial insights, any details I obtained would have come from the garbage and not my own deepest aspects, and so would be worse than worthless.

Any supposed telepathy, therefore, that appears to be part of your situation needs to be recognised as just another part of the pile of 'story' that you need to disregard and dissolve.

But this person is doing it by email, and she knows all about me! What do I do about that?
Lie down and die, of course!  — Or, to get more grounded about it, get PRACTICAL about the situation, and recognise its mind-blowing simplicity! As soon as you see that an email or other online personal message is spam or has some sort of untoward content, with a playful evil grin and maybe chuckle, you simply STOP READING IT, and immediately delete it, drawing a firm mental line under it, mentally disregarding and letting go of anything that you did read before you stopped!

It doesn't matter a f*ck who's sending you such messages, or what issues or threats they're seeking to dump on you — just delete (i.e., as a joyful life-affirming response), and allow yourself a little laugh at the respective silly saddo troll wasting their time writing and sending you twisted rubbish that you're never going to read to any significant extent and would always summarily delete.

I myself periodically get such things sent to me; I just delete and merrily get on with life. Indeed, I recommend the excellent MailWasher Pro to enable you to set up filters as elaborate as necessary to keep your inbox completely free from spam and troll rubbish in the first place — there's a free version of MW for mobile devices.

Straightforward blackmail spam messages
I mention these really just to make it clear that I wasn't referring to those, but the solution is just the same. Those usually tell you they've been observing you through your webcam and you have to pay up for them to keep secret the heinous things they claim you've been doing. I get lots of those (a complete own-goal every time, because I have no webcam attached to my computer, and in any case I simply don't do the sorts of thing that they claim to have seen one doing), and they're a separate issue from that of people who are just seeking to wreak havoc in your life.

The blackmail spammers are basically after your money; the others aren't specifically so, but are seeking to destroy you and so get some twisted satisfaction through their wielding of power over another person.

Thankfully, the solution is the same in either case — a light-hearted delete and Gotcha, Silly!, making a point of NOT stopping to read what trash they're trying to dump on you. They don't genuinely know who you are, even if they've dredged up an email address and a probably very old password you'd been using for one or more sites — though of course if they do mention a specific password you've used at some point, if you know where you used it you'd do well to change your password for any relevant sites or close those accounts if possible. You see again, it's all about getting practical!

Shadow people / shadow entities

This phenomenon (please see relevant Glossary entry) is really only a particular category of 'entity' manifestations, which means for one thing that the first thing for you to do about them is to recognise those apparitions — however 'real' they may seem — to be 100% illusory, even if one or more elementals are involved. Regard them as just 'visual story', to be disregarded and dissolved through more effective grounding of your awareness and use of the methodology presented on this site.

You get nasty attack feelings every time you encounter / visit / think of particular people

Generally those people have problems involving their having seriously weak grounding of particular aspects of their awareness, to the extent that they are living in a constant state of delusion, and in other words in important ways out of touch with reality (i.e., more seriously so than 'Mr and Mrs Normal', who are deluded enough as it is). Such people can have a negative to seriously destructive 'resonance' effect for sensitive and vulnerable individuals.

This sort of situation can generate all sorts of troublesome 'story' about what's going on, such as them putting psychic attacks on you, or entities exploiting some sort of unhealthy connection you have with them. If you try using my methods in a relatively unaware way — trying to tackle the superficial appearance of the issue —, you'd probably make little progress in clearing the issue. The chances are that your most effective big step forward would be to stop for the moment any approach you're currently using to attempt to address the situation, and do the following bit of 'lateral action':

  • Take your attention right OFF those hideous attack feelings that those particular individuals trigger, and indeed right OFF even the fact of those individuals triggering them, and right OFF even any theory about what is causing your little shenanigans, and do the following:

  • Go to my The Work page and learn or refresh that method, and make out a 'Judge Thy Neighbour' sheet for each of the problem or likely problem individuals, thoroughly putting to inquiry using that method each of the main judgements of yours relating to each of those characters. It would probably be best to put no more than a few judgements to inquiry per day, so you still have your attention on other, much more enjoyable and grounding things the rest of the time. 

    During that whole process, notice any illusory realities (which may include specific judgements, though would mostly just relate to the judgements in some way) or thoughts that may represent relevant illusory realities (such as fearful thoughts, terrible things that are going to happen to you if…xyz), including the various notions you've so far had about what the problem may be, and note each one down on a separate list from the The Work lists.

  • You now (again no more than 2 or 3 per day) use Grounding Point to zap notionally each one of those illusory realities, plus others that may come up as you work through the list. I say 'notionally' because you need not to slavishly zap every possible illusory reality, but to prioritize, recognising the 'biggies' — the ones that effectively contain others on your list — so you most likely wouldn't need to zap many of the lower-priority ones. Keep it as efficient as possible.

    Use Helpfulness Testing to help you identify the priority ones to zap. Indeed the same regarding putting the judgements to inquiry when using The Work. You may be able to cut that work down substantially by prioritizing and effectively picking on the ones that cover other ones on the list.

  • Operate your own internal firewall!
    There are many people who have serious problems, who I myself immediately feel uneasy about. It looks as though the broad difference between my experience of them and what's happening for the headline questioner is that I learnt to operate the equivalent of a dynamically operating computer firewall, so I would inwardly brace myself and draw that clear boundary each time I came anywhere near such a problem person. I do seriously recommend to anyone at all to build such a firewall into their everyday perception of everyone they see or even just hear.

    That's not a matter of being paranoid, but of applying real practical good sense to each situation, and always learning from the results of current interactions and adjusting your future firewall responses on that basis, and so constantly improving its effectiveness.

    One possibly helpful way to visualize your firewall operating if you're new to the game is to imagine that, with regard to the current problem person you have a 'smart' paper sack over your head, which still allows you to see and minimally interact with the person (if really necessary), but only on a very superficial level.

    Then any unpleasant effects you you do still feel from particular encounters would generally be lesser and increasingly easy to dissolve speedily using Feedback-loop Zapper and, if necessary, Grounding Point.


Grounding — See the 'crisis' NOT as a disaster but as a helpful 'stop' signal and golden opportunity for a new and better beginning!

On snowy narrow north ridge of Stob Ban in the Mamores, Scottish Highlands
(On upper reaches of north ridge of Stob Ban in the Mamores, Scottish Highlands, April 1980 — the freedom and joyfulness of many a new beginning!)

Such a recognition can readily bring about a seemingly miraculous positive transformation in your life. Life's hardest and most 'difficult'-seeming experiences are really challenging you to stop and do a rethink, letting go of various attachments, beliefs and preconceived notions that have so far greatly limited your life experience.

If your crisis / emotional stress is apparently based on, say, a relationship situation or break-up rather than an obvious garbage-sourced scenario, then completely set aside the very notion that you need or indeed ever needed that person, and look at the current physical reality without that person, as the start of a really positive new beginning for you, without all the stress or/and distortion of your life that your 'relationship' had been causing for you. Indeed, let go of any notion that you need a close 'relationship' at all, even though it will most likely still feel that you do need one!

To get a healthier understanding of the real nature of what we generally call 'relationships', please see Exploring close relationships — Exit the soul mate and Love is not what nearly all people believe. The points and principles set out there would greatly help you understand why your particular relationship shenanigans were happening and have made an apparent crisis for you, and how you can get yourself clear of the normal tendency to keep repeating the same troublesome relationship issues through one's life.

Here's a great example of what I'm on about…

In December 2004, during one of my own psychiatric hospitalizations caused by very severe garbage attack crises, the other 'patient' sharing my room seemed to be absolutely 'smashed' with what was 'diagnosed' as depression.

When I eventually managed to get him into conversation with me, he told me that his particular 'psychiatric' crisis had arisen because he'd really lived for his regular running activity, and then, in his fifties, he got some ankle injury on one of his runs, which resulted in his not being able to run any more. At that point this 'depression' had come down on him like a ton of bricks, and he became virtually unable to continue living, the 'depression' was so severe.

I then, instead of sympathizing and 'being sorry' as most people would, good humouredly explained to him about how his 'accident' had actually served as an important 'STOP!'signal for him, because his life up to then had been immensely unbalanced and in many ways had thus been very unhealthy, at least from a mental / emotional perspective, and I explained how he now had the golden opportunity to open his life up in different ways and work towards a more balanced and genuinely happy life experience.

His face lit up and he expressed amazement at what I was saying — and my further quizzing him revealed that NO-ONE in that whole 'mental health' establishment had ever asked him even the simple question as to what he thought had triggered his depression in the first place!!! Yet they were merrily drugging him and even giving him ECT, of all crass and extremely harmful things!

— That man didn't need 'treatments' nor psychiatry in any form at all, but simply a little bit of counselling, just as I was informally giving him — to put him in touch with the reality that his 'disaster' was simply a particular kick up the arse to get him beginning the rectification of what had really been a problem all along in his life, so that now he was onto a new beginning with all sorts of exciting possibilities.

He latched onto that new understanding, and during my final few days of that hospitalization he was daily becoming more alert and bright in his countenance as he thought more and more about the implications of that whole new outlook on his life and that supposed 'crisis' of his.

It's just unfortunate that the doctors of course assumed that their harmful 'treatments' were working particularly well for him — particularly as I'd already learned that I had to be secretive about any sort of healing-related assistance I gave any of the patients, because my doing any of that was actually forbidden as an alleged interference in the doctors' supposedly good work!

That the 'treatments' were extremely unlikely to be the cause of his recovery was clearly pointed to by the fact that all the other patients, who were getting similar 'treatments' but no input from me, were not transforming at all like that.

So, I hope that, at least now, you can see that whatever the exact nature of your crisis and its apparent cause, the really helpful and practical (and thus grounding) way to perceive it is as a signal that something in your life has so far been awry (even if you hadn't recognised before that it was), and you simply can't continue that same way.

That, then, is NOT bad news at all but actually great news, because this is your own great 'kick up the arse' prompt and golden opportunity to start bringing about much needed positive change in your life, which would then steadily decrease the possibility of further such crises arising in the future.

And — lucky you! — really effective means for you to get progressively achieving that positive change are actually on this website!


Grounding — Get out for a walk!

Weeping Willow trees in Belle Isle Park, Exeter, UK
(Weeping willow trees in Belle Isle Park, Exeter, UK, with autumn colours)

One good immediate grounding / rebalancing thing to do is to go out for a walk — in a park or some countryside if possible — especially where there are some trees. On average, keep your gaze reasonably (but not rigidly) horizontal, countering any normal tendency to be compulsively gazing at the ground as you walk — but don't do the opposite and go around gazing up at the sky, except when you're actually looking at something (i.e., physical) there.

Go out on the walk with a clear understanding and intent that this is part of a whole process of grounding and rebalancing yourself and clearing your attack / crisis, and so make a real point of not getting spaced out or dwelling on what seems to be going on for you 'within', and instead pay close attention to the details of what you see and hear and indeed smell around you (yes, even those cowpats!).

Look at details you've never looked at before, say, in particular flowers, the appearance and details of, perhaps a fly, butterfly or beetle that's feeding at one of the flowers — or the colours and pattern of the plumage of a bird that you can see on one of the tree's branches, or even the often very beautiful tiny structures on a growth of lichen. You hear some birds singing? — Well, have a go at seeing the particular bird responsible for a particular song or call, and identify it or at least observe its identifying features (e.g., plumage colours) — and so on.

Xanthoria parietina and other lichen growths on a tree trunk
(Xanthoria parietina and other lichen growths on a tree trunk; note the orange, dish-like spore producing structures (apothecia) on the Xanthoria, and the black, more blob-like ones on the other lichens.)

Grounding — Get doing some practical tasks

For example — How about beating this duck at its own game…
Female mallard swimming, followed by 13 chicks
(I didn't think a mallard duck could lay a clutch of as many as 13 eggs, but it looks as though this one could! —Amazing! — Photographed on Exeter Ship Canal near Double Locks, Exeter, UK)

Also, as part of your active awareness-grounding régime, carry out the odd practical tasks that you'd been meaning to do for some time. Maybe a bit of cleaning in your home, or a bit of gardening (maybe even having a go at laying a clutch of 13 eggs, at least if you're a duck!) — but with a clear intent that you're doing it as part of your attack / crisis clearance process, and so again, pay particular attention to being aware of every detail of what you're doing and seeing, hearing, smelling and physically feeling while you carry out the task, and being aware that this is nothing whatsoever to do with all the absurd 'story' that had been used to menace and terrorize or otherwise trouble you.

Another such task might be a bit of shopping to get, for example, a healthier item of food for your next meal (duck's eggs, maybe? — even cowpats, if by any chance you're a dung fly! ). Avoid doing anything on autopilot, and aim to be as aware and clear-thinking as possible about each thing you do, including all the routine things. Note the constancy and un-threatening nature of your physical surroundings, as compared with the chaotic and volatile nature of the 'story', thoughts, feelings and other impressions that have been troubling you.

Start cutting out addictions and habits

Also, if you've been smoking or/and drinking up to this point (or indeed taking any other mind-affecting substances), NOW is a GREAT time to cut those out (completely, forever!), particularly as your attending to that would be helping you ground your awareness because again you'd be focusing on a (very positive) physical task that you're carrying out.

The most sensible and effective thing to do is cut out ALL mind-affecting and addictive substances (including mild stimulants such as caffeine, and all confectionery and other sugary 'foods' and drinks) at the same time. If you choose to cut out just one, or only the biggest 'offenders', or the lot one by one, you're making it all much more difficult to achieve anything much in the long run.

It's so much simpler if you boldly and joyfully start and maintain a consistent across-the-board policy of 'no mind-affecting / habit-forming substances'. That way it's SO much easier not to give in to temptations to relapse. In other words, you boldly and joyfully face your life experience as being intentionally different from now on, so you use your mind, your brain, as you've never used it before, to make so much more out of your life without all those emotional crutches to keep you imprisoned in notionally 'comfortable' but oh-so-dull ruts!

I have direct experience of how easy that is (relatively speaking), for in 1974 I myself made a personal commitment (NOT a vow, but simply a rationally based choice) to make that change in my life. I experienced just a little mild discomfort — a slight physically 'rough' feeling for a few weeks, and a week or so later transiently relapsed to the point of drinking some coffee again, which simply caused me to take the challenge presented by that lapse (I really noticed then the adverse effects of that coffee) and become fully consistent and not having any more at all of that stuff, even though a really good coffee can still smell very attractive indeed.

As long as you're holding onto certain addictions, habits or attachments, you're still affirming the harmful principle that addictions, habits and attachments are okay really in your life — and so you're effectively self-sabotaging.

Remember that cutting out even the whole lot of them could NEVER impoverish your or anyone else's life. What it does achieve is the removal of the harmful and horribly restricting ball-and-chain that your habits / addictions had been, so freeing you up for opening your horizon and making all sorts of better and more constructive things of your life.

Similarly, getting rid of or rigorously repurposing a TV or any device that you'd tend to use as a TV would give you the freedom to get using your mind and indeed body increasingly creatively and healthily, replacing passivity and vicarious (usually more or less stress-making) experience with at least the beginnings of genuine, authentic life experience, taking up active pursuits instead. The same principal applies to watching a lot of videos, and indeed to computer gaming. That's all vicarious or surrogate-based living — i.e., spurious living, and indeed non-living in any useful or helpful sense. GOYA! — Get off your arse and get living your own genuine life, rooted in proper connection with and awareness of your here-and-now physical surroundings!

Please see Letting go of addictions and compulsive behaviours.


Grounding — attention to your living space

Expansive view from my city centre abode
Even if your view is nothing like as expansive as that from my own living room and bedroom, shown here, every bit of outside view does help.

I used to have net curtains across the windows the whole time, so cheating myself of the healthiness of the view, and when it was dark I used thick, opaque curtains, including even when I was having my own 'desperate' times with garbage attacks. Nowadays it seems unthinkable to live in such a 'shut in', 'claustrophobic' way.

Curtains and windows
As far as is sensibly workable, don't have curtains — even net curtains — covering your windows, so that you have maximum view outside, beyond your immediate dwelling. Ensure that you frequently look or at least glance out of the windows and notice details in what you can see. On the other hand, train yourself not to vacantly gaze out there (or indeed anywhere!), for that would be ungrounding.

Use curtains only when considered really necessary so you don't get, for example, complaints from Lady Victoria Birtley-Scroat across the road because she saw you NAKED or caressing your aspidistra (perish the thought!). I appreciate, though, that if, for example, you live in a ground floor apartment in a city or residential area there may be a practical security issue to balance against any advantage of minimal curtain use; clearly practical common sense needs to be applied to your actual situation.

Also, without getting obsessive about it, ensure that you keep your windows reasonably clean, so that your view through them is as clear as reasonably possible.

Dim or too non-daylight colour lighting is weakening for ones' grounding, so, as far as sensibly possible, ensure that you have reasonably bright lighting in your abode. I myself have tried some different approaches to the healthiest lighting colour(s) to be using. I've finally arrived at a return to full daylight colour (6500K) LED bulbs after a year or so's flirt with somewhat 'warmer' colours as pointed to in the current unsoundly based 'received wisdom' on the subject.

Allegedly the blue wavelengths in average daylight colour room lighting tend to make it more difficult for many people to sleep well. As far as I've been able to work out so far, it appears that that's a bit off-track, and it isn't so much the light being too blue but a bit too bright. Because daylight white (6500K) is subjectively brighter for a given measured illumination level, you can get away with somewhat less powerful bulbs (and so save a little on your electricity costs) if they're giving light of that colour temperature.

Anyway, I've replaced 11W slightly warm daylight bulbs in my living room (in a reasonably modern social housing one-bedroom flat) with little 5W 6500K ones, just reinforcing that when necessary with a 2.7W LED reading lamp for my working, reading or eating area, and this feels much more harmonious and restful for me than warmer colour lighting ever did. In a larger room obviously more powerful bulbs would be required to achieve a similar illumination level. For more details please see the relevant section in Ways of handling a prospective rough or sleepless night.

I'm sleeping mostly better now than for a long time, BUT that started shortly before I changed over to the lower-level full daylight colour, so I cannot honestly make any claims about noticeable effect of the change in lighting upon my sleeping pattern. I'm pretty sure, though, that at least there's been no deleterious effect on my sleeping, and the great sense of harmoniousness I get from this rather lower-level daylight-colour lighting leads me to expect a positive effect owing to reduced stress.

Finally (for here!), if you have clutter in your abode, as you most likely have, now is a great time to make a start on clearing it, for clutter in one's living space isn't only ungrounding but quite disruptive to one's non-physical aspects, and thus increases one's vulnerability to garbage interference and attacks.

There are more things to attend to in order to make your living space really healthy and grounding for you, but the above items make excellent starting points.


Grounding — Other people as 'grounding agents'

Belle Isle Park, Exeter, UK — riverside and with trees
(Part of Belle Isle Park, Exeter, UK, which borders the River Exe and abounds with birdsong for much of the year)

Other people can be a problem, but with the right mindset, and being sensible about who you engage with, and to what extent, you can gain much grounding effect from light-hearted undemanding interactions with others — even psychiatric workers!

Being among genuinely supportive people, and interacting with them in fully positive ways, is greatly helpful — but for this purpose it's well-nigh essential to keep reasonably away from people who themselves are weakly grounded, for they'd resonate with your own weakness of grounding and, quite unawarely, aggravate it. Such people include virtually ALL 'healers' and ALL psychics and 'lightworkers', all of whom have serious problems (in most cases, without being aware of the fact) and can potentially not only exacerbate your weakness of grounding but can pass additional problems on to you.

Ironically thus, when I myself had serious crises I found that the most supportive people available to me for the purpose were the nurses in the local psychiatric hospital (!) and the members of the Crisis Resolution Team associated with that hospital.

That, however, was in the context of my being very articulate to those people as to what my needs and requirements were and were not, and working on my own issue-resolution process, so I managed to get away with absolutely minimal medication (which I accepted at all only as a sop to the doctors to ensure that I didn't get pushed into any more drastic medication), and I discontinued medication as soon as I got back home.

For more about how you could make the most positive use of any dealings with your local 'friendly'(?) psychiatric or 'mental health' services, you can read my own experiences of this in Psychiatry: my personal experience — Gaining fundamental insights (both parts).

It thus need not be the disaster for you that maybe you thought, if you do get shunted into a psychiatric unit — at least, if you handle it well and make it clear to all who deal with you that you're actually managing and rectifying your situation yourself, and all you need from the psycho unit is NOT psychiatry at all, but just some supportive people around you briefly to enable you to re-ground and rebalance your awareness to enable you to spontaneously recover from the particular crisis, and you actually need not to have any 'treatments' — particularly as the latter would hinder your re-grounding process.

However, if you go in with a Help me! Please help me! sort of angle, the staff would almost certainly jump in with their own preconceived notions of what the requisite 'help' would be, and would drug you to the eyeballs, probably more or less forcibly, also always with the risk of the extremely harmful ECT 'treatment'.

It's important to maintain a clear policy NOT to talk much or indeed at all with the professionals or other supportive people about specific details of your crisis experiences, and to treat each of those individuals with understanding and respect — as though they're friends for whom you want to make the day the most positive and enjoyable experience possible. That's the point. If you go on about details and the 'story' of your crisis to those people, you'd be burdening them and adding to their day's load of stress, and you'd be keeping yourself within the troubled illusory world of your crisis.

If you take a real personal interest in each involved person, whether an actual friend or, say, psychiatric nurse, without so burdening them, you'd find that your attention comes steadily out of the crisis, and the latter is becoming able to start dissolving. — And the person is inherently more grounding for you that way because you haven't been unwittingly interfering with their own grounding by so burdening them, and they feel more relaxed with you and able to respond well and give of their best in their interactions with you.

To some people a passing reference to the crisis can be positive, but that needs to be in the context of, say, I'm here to re-ground / rebalance my awareness as the beginning of my strategy for clearing a severe crisis. In other words you do NOT go burdening the poor soul with the story — though again, it can be positive if you non-repetitively précis the 'story' into just a sentence or so, with the sense of It's really great to be here now with you and the team, and get balanced again. I'd got into such a hole that — would you believe it! — I'd actually got believing the story that I was getting in that crisis, that a witch doctor was destroying me with a curse! You see how absurd this thing is, that I'm now getting out of! (and allow yourself to laugh about it!).

If you're still taking the 'story' seriously, however, you'd still be compromising your and the other person's grounding, and would be much more likely to get psychiatric 'treatments' (all harmful) forced upon you.

One category of people who one normally needs to steer well clear of if one is requiring human support in a crisis is 'friends and family'. I appreciate that that statement might come as a surprise to you, and you may indeed feel that I'm being quite loopy in saying such a thing. The reality, however, is that generally there are too many emotional entanglements involved with 'friends and family' to really promote your re-grounding and getting better balanced.

Indeed, in the majority of cases one's relationship with 'friends and family' would have been partly responsible for the weaknesses in one's system that enabled the crisis to develop in the first place. It's thus generally better to get yourself among people without any sort of real or at least perceived 'ties' to you — i.e., apart from relevant professional responsibilities towards you.


Grounding — a little reminder to take around with you

Learn this little pair of thought-provoking and fundamentally grounding plain commonsense fundamental statements (axioms) — you could call them my 'Heavenly Twins'! — and periodically call either up and very briefly think through it in your mind — but obviously this needs to be done in a focused sort of way that doesn't cause you to get spaced out and ungrounded. If you notice any hint of your grounding wavering, let it go and come back to it other times in more grounding situations. Here we go, then:

I'm tempted to add in also (yes, you've guessed!) a further statement — Mooooo! — though of course that would be completely optional, as would be the cowpats.


The simple methods to use

Reminder — Slow down — it's all okay!
(Ash foliage, with some sycamore)

Simple and joyful tasks to turn your life right around. No battling against 'demons' or 'dark forces', because they don't exist to start with! (Sorry to disappoint you over that!)

First, for the benefit of anyone who's received or been using 'spiritual healing' in any form whatsoever, I have these two serious cautions:

  • It's ESSENTIAL to keep clear of ALL 'spiritual healing', including all forms of Reiki, and repudiate ALL attunements or initiations that you've ever received (or given!), for any of that would be a big factor in the problem (very ungrounding, with a range of other seriously harmful effects too) — and NEVER to allow yourself to receive another attunement or initiation (to anything at all) ever again.You can make that repudiation really effective through use of my full set of affirmations, carefully following the directions for carrying out a really effective reading of them.

  • Beliefs, whether ones you're aware of or ones that are unawarely stowed away in the back of your mindspace, are a fundamental component of ALL the issues that screw people's lives up — apart from actual physical defects. Therefore it's crucially important to keep that fact foremost in your awareness and to be proactive in recognising beliefs you're carrying, and pointing yourself towards letting go of them. This site gives you simple procedures for actually dissolving them — even covert ones (illusory realities).

    Please be aware that a belief of ANY kind ALWAYS blocks your ability to see properly what's really there and what's really going on.

    As long as you have such blockages in place you haven't a dog's chance of properly resolving any issues that are impinged upon by those beliefs. So, it's crucially important for you to free yourself from ALL belief, very definitely including ALL religious and 'spiritual' beliefs, as soon as (sensibly) possible.

Now for the methods you do need to be using…

What you need to keep clearly in mind is that each of the attacks that have created your crisis, and indeed the crisis itself, is rather like a bubble, and can easily be 'pricked' or stalled by taking particular very simple and easy actions, which I describe on this site, to (a) heal or 'seal' the particular emotional button-pushing vulnerability, and (b) to dissolve the illusory realities involved in the attack feedback loop.

Typically, (a) would need repeating a fair number of times for a major crisis event, because the garbage is sneaky and switches over to using an alternative 'button-pushing point' in your non-physical aspects, and then switching over to yet another as you use the particular procedure on it. However, that doesn't at all mean that the procedure isn't working if the attack is continuing, but simply that you may need to repeat the procedure successively for a fair number of such vulnerabilities.

The Good News is that each one that you've addressed with the procedure fairly quickly (often very quickly) becomes more or less unavailable to the garbage, so that you're progressively cutting down the number of options that it can use significantly to interfere with you in that way — and thus your benefits accumulate over time. The same is true to a fair extent with the 'zapping' of illusory realities, so the more of these you've dissolved, the fewer options are still open to the garbage for use in further attacks.

Additionally to further use of the above methods, and beyond the immediacy of your current crisis, to make yourself more generally immune to any such attacks and crises in the future you need to use methods to strengthen and rebalance your non-physical aspects in a comprehensive manner and to 'iron out' their current plethora of major and minor distortions. That includes a need to clear out all emotional stress or trauma that you maybe carrying or connected to (most of which would be hidden or 'buried', so you wouldn't normally be aware of it). Effective methods for achieving this are right here on this website. — Isn't that convenient!

I refer you to:

 - to start learning about the methods to achieve all these actually quite simple and joyful tasks and turn your life situation right around.

— And you thought that to achieve such things one would have to battle against demons, 'demonic forces' or other 'dark' nasties, or otherwise have a 'heavy' time of it? — Pull the other one, Cedric!


Cultivate and apply your sense of humour!

Grey wagtail about to take a bath in River Exe
Reminder — Slow down — it's all okay!
(Grey wagtail about to take a bath in the River Exe by Trew's Weir, Exeter)

It's being so cheerful that keeps me going

NO! — It's having such a playful sense of humour about everything that helps keep me going and makes me come over so damned cheerful! — Like it or lump it!

If you have a pervasive sense of humour about your situation and indeed the apparently most horrendous things that the garbage drags you through, you have a big advantage for weathering out any attempted crisis that may come your way, and indeed for actually getting clear of your shenanigans altogether. Humour alone can't resolve your situation, however, and you need to be vigilant to ensure that the garbage doesn't actually exploit your sense of humour and seek to embroil you in various humour-based 'story' scenarios to build up the basis of new attacks and crises.

Nonetheless, a pervasive and playful sense of humour about it all is still a great 'salvation', and indeed well-nigh essential. That very much includes seeing how absurd are the garbage's programming- (rather than genuine intelligence-) based behaviour and all the things it tries on you.

Having said that, though, I caution that generally people who act as comedians are a poor and indeed harmful example to follow, because so much of their humour is actually strongly dysfunctional, effectively being their own cries for help about their own emotional issues, and typically containing a lot of negativity and putting themselves down. To be helpful, humour needs always to be applied within a positive, self-loving mindset.

You can hardly have failed to notice my own sense of humour, not only on this page, but in my writing about all the merrily dire shenanigans that the garbage dragged me through. That reflects not only humour in retrospect or as part of a quirky rhetoric in my public writing, but a really life-saving sense of humour running right through all the 'horrendous' experiences as they were assailing me, so enabling me to have the necessary healthy emotional detachment from all that the garbage was trying to embroil me with.

Also, that sense of humour about all my / our adversities is one of the things that many people encountering me in everyday life find engaging and inspiring, so they really like me. That not only means that I can be disgustingly smug about my improving other people's life experience in our various exchanges, but also have my own life experience further improved by all those positive and often 'inspired' responses from those other people. If you cultivate a similar strategy, undoubtedly you'd increasingly get improving experience from your everyday exchanges with people around you.

All that humour wasn't and isn't just me being 'funny' (ouch!), but me yet again being a practical old sod, recognising that I still had my life to live, regardless of what was being thrown at me, and so it made perfect sense to apply a light-hearted view of it all — without prejudice to my also being unremittingly 'serious' in the sense of being purposeful — having an ongoing clear and unwavering intent to get clear of all the 'nasties' and turn my life experience right around into something properly harmonious with my totally positive and constructive underlying true nature.

I remember one occasion during the particularly dark and troublesome early stages of the whole campaign of confusing scenarios and attacks put upon me, back in early 2004, when supposed 'ascended masters', as part of my purported 'testing and training', made out to have sent me a couple of 'demons' to deal with. One of them I think I supposedly 'sent to the Light' (that scenario was all a lot of old dinosaur's testicles really), but one, looking like a miniature dragon, and really fearsome except that I realized that it was just an image that I was being given, clung to my right lower leg, digging its teeth in.

I felt a slight nagging aching pain briefly there, which I suppose was to try to convince me that this paper dragon really was doing something nasty to me, and it was just making me feel slightly nervous. But, first and foremost, I saw the funny side of this, because I saw the resemblance to a dog clinging to my leg as it shags it! I was in fits of open laughter for a long time about that — not, I suspect, what the garbage was really aiming for!

If you do at all similarly in seeing the absurd and funny side of whatever besets you, you'd be greatly assisting yourself. Even cowpats have their (very) funny side!

A cowpat specially for you — to help you see the funny side of everything!
(This cowpat's feeling quite 'down', because you still haven't trodden in it! — Self esteem is important!)

If you're feeling driven towards suicide…

Here's the cliff edge, now where's the best spot to…?

— But hang on a tick. What's that bird singing just over there? — What are these beautiful growths on the cliff-edge rocks here? — Surely something I could be sharing with others to help bring something of beauty into their lives too…?

Clifftop crag with thrift and orange lichen growth
Reminder — Slow down — it's all okay!
(Serpentine cliff-top crag at the Lizard, Cornwall, UK, decorated with Thrift, a little Sea Campion, and various lichens including Xanthoria species).

You've come to the clifftop to throw yourself over for a juicy little suicide, have you? 

— Well, well, well! — Now, how about taking this opportunity to stop and get observing the natural beauty here on and among the rocks, which is so much inviting you to live after all and really make something new and wonderful of your and other people's life experience!

I write more fully about how to die naturally and in a peaceful, healthy way, in How to Die Peacefully and with Dignity, which is worth reading if you really do think it's a proper time for you to die — though you'd most likely find that what I've written there is different from what you thought you were looking for!

At least unless you're in a genuinely terminal condition, your natural, intrinsic will is to LIVE, not to end your life — incredible though that may seem from your current troubled viewpoint! That's nothing to do with the widespread irrational and extremely harmful beliefs about us each supposedly being obliged or 'required' to live until our body can't support our life processes any more, but is just a recognition of something intrinsic to your true, underlying nature.

Therefore, if you feel driven towards ending your life, you can be sure that that desire or intent is NOT GENUINELY YOURS!

It would be something that the garbage is seeking to get you doing, both by giving you feelings that life is unbearable and by putting various"I've got to 'end it'" pseudo-thoughts into your mindspace. I very briefly experienced this myself, so I had the opportunity to observe what was really going on when the garbage made me feel that way.

Fundamentally, therefore, you need to use just the same methods that I've given above -particularly, as a first step, to get your awareness grounded and enabling you to get back in touch with the perhaps surprising reality that there's nothing intrinsically unbearable about your life (!!!), and what's so far been untoward in it (if anything!) is simply a matter of work to be done in your making something much happier and more positive of it — and, more immediately, that your immediate surroundings right now are, or can easily be made, supportive to your re-grounding and rebalancing and thus letting your crisis feelings fall away and dissolve.

However, the garbage can use a particular type of attack (which I myself have experienced) to put one under immense pressure, with a sort of desperation to 'end it' and maybe carry out other desperate acts. Therefore, for your own safety, with any sort of 'want to end it' urge, it's good policy to get yourself among supportive people and let them know that you're under this pressure.

In that event it's also best practice to reassure them that you have no real intent or wish for that to happen, so you're wanting nothing more than simple supportive contact from them (i.e., without their needing to do anything to try to be supportive), just as a precautionary measure to ensure that you remain sufficiently grounded and balanced for things not to get out of hand before the current crisis has had time to dissipate.

Another sensible measure in any such situation is to gather up any sharp knives you might feel pressured to use on yourself, and hand them to somebody suitable to keep them until your crisis has passed.

I myself did that during a particularly threatening and indeed potentially lethal crisis event in September 2006. When things had got to a particularly desperate-seeming point I finally rebelled against my 'guidance' (i.e., really the garbage) and called the local Crisis Resolution team, telling them I'd got a particularly serious crisis and needed to get into Wonford House (the psychiatric hospital where I'd been before) quickly to get my awareness grounded again.

While I was waiting for them, being unsure as to whether they'd be able to get me to the hospital very soon, I quickly gathered up things for a short hospital stay, AND I took out a particularly devilish-looking carving knife from a kitchen drawer and put it out on my dining table to remind me to ask the Crisis Team people to hold on to it till the coast was clear again.

Actually, by taking even those brief actions, starting with the phone call, I'd already commenced the regrounding of my awareness by starting to get practical again. Also, by taking those actions I was once more implicitly reaffirming my deeper awareness that I was okay really, and that the hilariously dreadful thing that was supposed to be happening to me imminently was just another bit of harmfully mischievous 'story'.

Bev and Alan, who'd been wonderful before with me during a previous crisis, arrived just 15 minutes later, and speedily arranged over a mobile phone for them to take me directly to the hospital (except that this time it was to the much friendlier-seeming Cedars unit), and I asked them to hold onto the knife just in case I came under pressure to use it on myself while I was so ungrounded.

What was a bit hilarious for me about that was that the dear two apparently hadn't quite understood my reason for having put the knife out on the table, even though I did explain to them. So at the Cedars unit successive staff questioned me in rather worried voices about my supposed suicidal tendencies, because of Bev / Alan having reported that when they'd arrived at my abode I'd had that knife out there on my dining table!

I think I did eventually manage to get it across to them that, far from having suicidal tendencies, I'd put the knife out there on my table to remind me to get it into safe custody to ensure that I did NOT have the opportunity to attempt suicide if I came under big pressure to do that!

Incidentally, Bev and Alan were visibly moved and inspired by that encounter with me, for they were so unused to encountering a 'service user' who knew just what he needed even at the most desperate-seeming point in a crisis. Even then, when I first opened my door to them, bursting into profuse tears and shaking like a jelly as I welcomed them with immense relief, they were at once exclaiming as to how inspiring this was for them.

They said they could see at once how I was very purposefully coming right out of the crux of it all, and was using them in a way that was at the same time validating and appreciating them, both as Crisis Team staff and as real people themselves, with their own morales that could go up and all-too-often down in their often very difficult and stressful work. Although I'd called them out, I was at least making it as easy and as positive an experience as possible for them to do their job with me.

One thing I was not asking them for was 'help', apart from simply arranging to get me into the Cedars as quickly as possible. That was quite a strange experience for them!

On my rare encounters with either or both of them during the years since, they always spontaneously remarked again as to how inspiring and uplifting they'd found that experience. Indeed, on one of those occasions — a chance encounter while I was out shopping — Bev spontaneously gave me a hug among her glowing words about their previous experiences with me!

I recount all this to encourage others to understand that even a seemingly suicide-worthy crisis can be turned into a great and life-affirming experience / event if you keep proper focus on your own self-command and put a very positive focus on how you interact with available support people. If you use that approach, you too could similarly transform any apparently dire crisis into something that gives you (and other involved parties too) a joyful buzz to remember.

— Isn't that nice!


 Doubts, questions and clarifications…


"But I can't take all this on board and do all those things you say! Please help! — Please!"

Painted Lady butterfly on Red Valerian flowers
Reminder — Slow down — it's all okay!
(Painted Lady butterfly on Red Valerian on cliff-top in outskirts of Newquay, Cornwall, with just a glimpse of the sea beyond)

Oh really! — What on earth do you imagine such 'help' would consist of? — Let's get straight about those toxic feelings of helplessness!

Whoever comes to me or indeed to anyone else with that sort of story line after coming to this page is being their own most proficient saboteur. I'm doing my level best on this site, not only to present tried and tested simple and easy methods that people can use as complete self help to clear their current crisis and to progressively immunize themselves against further such untoward personal situations, but also to make the whole methodology as accessible and easily usable as possible.

If a person comes here and then turns their nose up at it all and asks or indeed pleads with me to 'help' them instead, they're bound to get short shrift from me, because I've already said over and over that even if I did spend my own precious time trying to help them, it simply would not work — not least because the self-empowerment of using the methods oneself is an essential part of the healing and self immunization process. When you ask for or receive supposed 'help', you're intrinsically disempowering yourself (yes, actually choosing self disempowerment!), and thus keeping yourself firmly within your particular 'problem'.

I'd gently remind, too, that I'm only one person, with a life to live, and it would simply not be workable for me to go 'helping' people individually on demand, even if it would work reasonably effectively (which, as I say, it could not). Countless 'healers', gurus and 'helpers' across the planet are on such 'helping' trips, and their doing so impacts seriously on their health and longevity, and generally tends to compound the underlying problems of those who are supposedly being 'helped'.

When you wake up of a morning, do you say, Oh dear, I can't do all those things like putting all those clothes on and then taking all those measures to get my breakfast — please help!?

When you need some more provisions for your everyday life, do you say, Oh dear, I can't do all those things like all that walking and finding my way to the store and finding the items that I need and choosing the right ones and then trying to cope with that checkout machine — please help!? (to which I'd be inclined to reply, Unexpected item in bagging area; remove this item before continuing!)

If you really feel that you can't cope (which wouldn't really be true apart from actual physical disability getting in the way), then, if you're unwilling to push through those obstructive 'helpless' feelings and get practical on your own behalf, then, sadly, there would be no alternative but for you to call what professional support services are available, and see what (probably) dreadful hash of things they make of your situation, all because you were unwilling to lift a finger to genuinely help yourself. Please note, however that, as already intimated, I myself am NOT a support service, though plenty of people appear to think I am or at least ought to be!

Important! These notes also apply to people coming to me with questions about how to clear their own particular problem (which is of course also asking for 'help', but just not actually calling it that). I'm not a personal counselling service, and when people come to me with such questions, pretty well invariably they're doing so because they're unable or unwilling to read my material here sufficiently carefully / thoroughly and are seeking to get me to fill in their resultant gaps in understanding.

Sure, some people have issues that are more challenging to clear, such as destructive elementals, but nonetheless the only way they'd ever even begin clearing themselves of such issues is, to really get understanding the relevant material on this site and then get trying out methods that I've given, adapting them as necessary, and treating it all as experiments, with a clear intent to find out what works best for them. If they seek guidance from others (including me), rather than experiment for themselves, then they're onto a real loser and will never resolve their issues as long as they continue in that mindset.

So, if you come to me with questions about how to clear your particular pressing issue, please be prepared to be either ignored or sent packing with a flea in your ear!


"You and your stupid website have ruined my life!"

If only people recognised their own responsibility to make the best of their lives, very much including when things get 'difficult' for them, then we wouldn't get people in crisis situations blaming crackpot idiots like this one for their ills instead of actually taking command of their lives and sorting themselves out.

Yes, as a great rarity (so far about one in a decade) somebody has written in with a confused and fairly abusive tirade summed up in the above adapted quote from the most recent one. In fact I expect there would be others who feel similarly and, although not having contacted me in such terms, would have been sounding off to their own respective circles of friends / acquaintances / forum-heads about this dreadful Philip Goddard man and his toxic website.

Why do you think this happens? Really because this baby-eating, choirboy-groping charlatan (and paranoid schizophrenic for good measure!) has ruined / wrecked their lives, and everyone needs to avoid him like the plague?

A very clear common factor stands out every time somebody gets onto that sort of hobby-horse. They're blaming me and my work for their troubles because they were never in touch with any significant sense of their own personal responsibility for resolving those troubles in the first place. So, as soon as they discover that what I present on this site isn't some sort of 'silver bullet' after all, which magically sorts out their lives for them without their taking full responsibility for themselves and being committed to ongoing work to progressively clear the issues, they thrash out at this muggins here who they perceive as having failed them.

I don't read the tirades from such people, beyond just a quick glance to get a general sense of the nature of their communications, but in the latest one to come my way (August 2016) I did see that the person was blaming and lashing out at me because, she said, she'd previously cured herself through the agape love of Jesus Christ, and my site had stuck in her head and warred against [her] faith and caused her dreadful problems.

What was so clear from her communication was that it was her faith (i.e., belief) that was causing her the big trouble, and she was valiantly though hardly sensibly trying desperately to hold onto it while deeper parts of herself had recognised something of the importance of this site and the need to let go of all belief.

With that sort of mindset she wouldn't possibly be able to get any of my methods to work even if she tried (I assume she didn't try anyway — though there were more useful things for me to spend my time on than to read further through her wodge of confused anger and abuse to find out!), and of course the garbage would have been exploiting her confusion, which it itself would have been cultivating in the first place, in order then to launch a range of attacks and interferences upon her.

In that particular case, clearly, if her faith in what she calls agape love of Jesus Christ (which is all illusory stuff that the garbage presents to people to cocoon themselves away from 'What Is' and any prospect of self-actualization) really was genuinely important to her, then all she needed to do was to keep away from this evidently toxic site and draw a clear line under her one-time engagements with it! She could also help herself by using methods such as The Work to help her clear out her absurd and toxic notions that what I present on this site could actually benefit her! — Well, except of course that in that event she'd find that the methods wouldn't work for her to reinforce her distorted notions.

What she actually needs to clear from herself is her attachment to her belief in and reliance upon the illusory Jesus Christ! She also needs to clear herself of all apparent / illusory realities in which anyone else or indeed ANY external agent at all, rather than she herself, has or could have genuine responsibility for putting her life to rights.

The bottom line, therefore, is that if you feel that I or this site have ruined / wrecked your life, you urgently need to take a step back and look at the way you're failing to take proper responsibility for your own life, and actively to change your mindset and strategy. Until you do, you're lost, and the methods I present on this site couldn't possibly work for you, at least to any worthwhile extent.

If I myself had operated within a similar mindset I'd never have got off the ground and built up any useful working model or methodology, and would presumably be dead or have become an intractable psychiatric case years ago because of what the garbage was clearly trying to do to me. I succeeded in turning my situation around because:

  • I had an open-minded positive outlook and treated the whole situation as an experimentation bed, in which every time something untoward was happening for me, I experimented. Guided by the results of my Helpfulness Testing together with application of down-to-earth good sense and careful observation of the outcome of anything I tried, I worked out what measures I needed to carry out or change in order to resolve the new little shenanigan.

  • On the basis of my own observations I'd come to understand that there was nobody, and no other type of external agent, who could genuinely resolve my pressing issue.

    Indeed, I recognised that all attempts of mine to seek 'help' had significantly compounded my problems, or, in the most recent cases, failed by a gnat's whisker to do so because by then (in 2007) I was at last taking proper command of my own self-healing and self-actualization process and so had become much more resistant to the untoward things that the particular individuals were trying to put upon me.

It's up to every single person, when their self-healing / self-actualization methods appear to be ineffective or harmful, likewise to take command of their situation and work out how to clear the problem they're getting. Generally it would be some sort of garbage interference / attack requiring the dissolving of one or more illusory realities / beliefs that one is carrying, plus 'zapping' the related emotional button-pushing.

I've yet to observe or hear of anyone resolving their issues, even in the slightest degree, by criticising / abusing me or my work either to my face or through posts in forums or social media. That way they just succeed in confirming and reinforcing their confusions and 'lostness', and ensure that they have a bleak very long-term future laid out ahead of them.

"Please confirm for me whether your methods would work for the clinical depression that I have"

Oooh dear! — Witness a classic and truly brazen example of self-sabotage! — This isn't to make fun of anyone, but to give warning that you need to be vigilant for any self-sabotage tendencies that you yourself may come out with from time to time.

Yes, somebody who claimed to have been reading around on this site was sure that his 'depression' was in a different league from 'ordinary' depression and was 'major' or 'clinical' and therefore at least potentially incurable — and was asking me to give him a cut-and-dried categorical answer as to whether my methods would work for him, so that he needn't waste his time on using said methods if they weren't going to work for him!

Stop and think carefully about the corkscrewy-convoluted logic of what he was asking of me!

Yes, and consider too the significance of that weasel expression 'clinical depression'! Sure, ANY dysfunction may have various causal factors, including physical ones, but when a person talks of 'clinical depression', (s)he is living a plain deceit about that depression.

NOTHING of the mind or our life experience is intrinsically 'clinical', even though some physical health factors would be involved in some cases. But of course anyone whose beliefs drive them to deny non-physical factors in a particular dysfunction will use that blessed 'c' word with merry abandon, to underline their denial of non-physical (and remarkably addressable) causes for anything.

If you value your well-being, you completely let go of that weasel word 'clinical' for anything either of 'mind' or body, and simply do your best to understand what's really going on in each situation of any sort of dysfunction.

The reality is that as long as he continues in that self-sabotaging mindset, circumscribed by his depression pattern, my methods, and any other potentially genuinely beneficial method aimed at clearing depression and similar / related issues, couldn't possibly achieve that aim! — The whole point of this page is to take people out of that self-sabotaging and self-defeating sort of mindset, and into a constructively positive mindset that is based on a clear choice for ongoing positive change in one's life.

That particular individual was writing from within the imprisoning confines of his bunch of 'depression' illusory realities and story, and so was looking for every possible reason why not to use my methods, or indeed any methods at all that would genuinely help him.

So, to the likes of him the message is that, whether they want to or not, their actual need is to read properly and really understand and act upon the contents of this page, with a clear for-all-time choice to bring about ongoing positive change in their lives. Trying my methods for the sake of proving that they won't work for them is the crazy sort of thing that the underlying 'story' of the depression illusory realities gets people doing. Only you yourself can draw a line under that stupidity and align your 'ordinary mind' and conscious intent with your underlying self-actualization and self-healing intent and direction.

This page and this site is your prompter and facilitator for at least beginning to bring about such change in your life, but the bottom line is that if you choose to continue to be your own most proficient saboteur, then you'll continue to be lost until such time as you get off your arse and change your ways!


A clarification about resolving your situation / crisis yourself

Being fully responsible for yourself does NOT mean that you mustn't ever delegate particular tasks — primarily relating to physical issues.

Most people would understand from various things I've written above that I recommend a non-doctrinaire, pragmatic, practical approach to resolving any crisis that may have beset them. However, some individuals have (mis)interpreted my words on this and certain other pages on this site as telling them that they must resolve their situation single-handedly without recourse to anyone at all to assist them. That's really a distortion of the point that I do have to keep hammering home. It's true that you yourself are the only one genuinely responsible for your own well-being, and you disempower and so harm yourself if you try to pass that responsibility over to somebody else, such as me. Help!, please help me! is no valid or helpful way forward!

On the other hand, there are various situations where it would make perfect sense and wouldn't be very or even at all disempowering to enlist assistance from genuinely appropriate individuals to achieve specific ends, as long as this relates only to the odd details in your overall self-directed strategy. In other words, instead of simply trying to get somebody to 'help' you (disempowering), you may delegate some particular task to a specialist in the particular subject area — as long as it's NOT for the purpose of giving the 'specialist' the task of supposedly helping you clear your overall problem(s)! — And also the 'specialist' needs to be a specialist in something that is genuinely soundly based. Calling in a 'healer' or indeed witch-doctor for example would be a flagrant act of self-sabotage.

But that can usefully be achieved ONLY if you're in reasonably clear-minded overall command of yourself and your situation to start with, so you're not simply trying to dump your problem on the other person or people. As already mentioned, in certain circumstances in crisis or near-crisis situations it can be a very positive move to enlist appropriate mental health professionals such as a crisis team or even the nurses in a psychiatric hospital to provide a bit of grounding support.

Importantly, the name of the game in such a situation is NOT to ask such individuals to help you ground your awareness, because that would be disempowering for you, and would most likely get unwanted responses from them because they would have little or no idea of what would genuinely help you.

So, in such a case you'd need always to keep full command of your situation and tell the support workers that you yourself would use or are using each of them as grounding agents for your awareness, simply by interacting with them as positively and constructively as possible, and you'd reassure them consistently that there's nothing they themselves need do to bring about that grounding, beyond just being their nice friendly selves.

Also, if you're tending to have rough / sleepless nights, as I explain in Ways of handling a prospective rough or sleepless night, it may well make sense to get from your doctor some Zopiclone sleeping tablets (but not any of the benzodiazepine 'family' of drugs if at all possible, because those are seriously harmful) — though you'd need to heed my cautions on that page about how to use such sleeping medication most effectively and with a minimum of harmful effects.

In rare cases a person may have one or other unusual troublesome manifestation for which he's had to add a small extension to my own working model to account for it, and which is of such a nature that it may be actually helpful to discuss with a relevant professional about having a brief course of a particular psychiatric medication to subdue the runaway feedback loop of the manifestation while one gets on with learning to use the methods presented on this site well enough to be able to address the underlying issue effectively.

One can make mistakes that way, of course, but that's no great problem as long as one is sharp-minded enough to recognise the mistakes in reasonable time and try alternatives. After all, that whole pragmatic approach is how I myself brought myself out of the 'hole' I'd got into. Just mindlessly trying to follow to the letter what you think Uncle Philip has said you need to do isn't in itself genuinely taking proper responsibility for yourself, and may well not be very effective for you. The really important key to handling a self-guiding approach is of course the careful and rigorous use of Helpfulness Testing to ensure that you make the most strengthening, or at least the least-weakening, choices in all situations.

Enlisting genuinely helpful assistance from 'third parties' can include such things as having Alexander Technique lessons, and professional tuition in use of The Work. Also, as long as it's done only as the odd 'one-off', you could book a session or two with a professional life change counsellor, who, if sufficiently deeply aware and well-grounded (many wouldn't be), may be able to point or encourage you towards certain practical changes you need to make in your life to assist your self-actualization process and ensure that further crises would be much less likely.

Actually, though, by far the most effective way is to take up Helpfulness Testing, as noted above, so that you have no need nor cause to require others to effectively do thinking for you. But in any case, if you go to types of practitioner who I warn against on this site, such as psychics, 'healers', hypnotherapists, and so forth, then that's of course your own responsibility, and it's your inalienable 'right' to be your own most proficient saboteur!


"The garbage keeps attacking me to try to prevent me from using these methods"

Many people have this experience. The sordid and unbelievable truth is that those people do NOT have to battle valiantly through a whole mass of garbage attack in order to use the methods I give on this site!

There's a very specific primary reason why a person would get a lot of garbage attack as though to prevent him, or put him off, from using these methods, and that reason is different from what such people would be expecting. It's simply that at some level or some manner they are still regarding the garbage as a conscious and scheming being or beings, which would therefore behave in such ways. That's all there is to it!

Because the garbage is just programming, rather like a computer virus, it's nonsensical to think of it trying to do anything, or in any way having a conscious intent. It's simply, yes, programming! And what that programming is constantly doing is exploiting any vulnerabilities that it detects, which are relevant to its (again purely programmed and not consciously driven) agenda towards each person at the current time.

So, if in any way or at any level you're still regarding the garbage as something conscious that has or could have actual intents towards you, you have there a major vulnerability that's bound to cause you trouble as you start using, or indeed even think of using, these methods for clearing yourself of garbage interferences / attacks. That's how I myself came dramatically unstuck in the late summer of 2006 when I was using The Work in a valiant attempt to clear my 'astral beings' (i.e., really garbage) troubles — at that stage not understanding the illusory nature of those manifestations.

Clearly, if the garbage really were anything with conscious intent, then it would indeed strenuously seek to stop you from using these methods. For that very reason, if you regard it in that way, you keep the door wide open to it to be constantly cultivating an illusory reality within your mindspace, in which indeed it really is a conscious and indeed malevolent presence or being or beings that would and indeed does seek to prevent you from doing anything that might weaken or abolish its hold upon you.

The solution, then, is breathtakingly simple and straightforward. You use The Work and Grounding Point to initiate dissolution of all illusory realities that you are or may be carrying, in which the garbage is anything conscious at all, and anything other than simply programming in thought energy that has no ability to scheme and try to prevent you from doing anything at all, or indeed to make you do anything.

Also, throughout your everyday life you need to train yourself to drop any ideas, impressions or thoughts that at least imply that the garbage is anything that could have a conscious intent towards you, and to recognise any apparent attempts to stop you doing what you genuinely need to do as signs that somewhere in your mindspace you're still at least somewhat holding onto an illusory reality in which the garbage could have such an intent toward you. Recognise it and drop it like an effing-hot brick (Ouch, my toe!). — Simple!

Sadly, a small minority of affected people have a fundamental physical malfunction, at least often genetically-based, which affects brain function in a way that gives them particular difficulty in recognising their illusory manifestations as anything other than 'reality', and those people would generally not be able to let go of the illusory realities they're carrying, and would be limited in what they could achieve with these methods.

But that's only a really small minority, and generally if you seem to have a difficulty over stopping regarding the garbage as having conscious intents towards you or anyone, another illusory reality that you'd need to dissolve is any in which you have any sort of fundamental or intrinsic defect that makes you unable to recognise or clear yourself of illusory realities! — Get the picture?


How best to enable yourself to recognise 'entities' and other apparitions as illusory

Many people have an ongoing struggle to properly let go of the notion that the supposed 'entities', 'beings', 'spirits' and other manifestations they're experiencing are objectively 'real'. Yet really there's an extremely simple and helpful way to go about it, which a minority of affected people do latch onto spontaneously, as I myself did.

Instead of any idea of trying to let go of that troublesome perception of your non-physical manifestations as being what they are presenting themselves as, you carry out a little thought experiment.

So, you don't try to browbeat yourself into believing something that seems to you to be at variance with the 'reality' that you keep observing in your everyday life. Instead, you simply carry out a little 'What If' exercise in your imagination. Just imagine that all the seemingly so-real manifestations that you experience are just illusory products of interferences by some rogue programming in 'thought energy' (which is effectively what the garbage appears to be), and let that be like an optician's lens used during an eyesight test, so you look at your situation through that notionally corrective lens and see what difference it makes.

Immediately gently look at your whole life situation through that lens and ask yourself, does that 'lens' (i.e., trial mindset) make better, the same, or worse sense of your life? Does it make life look simpler? Does it feel better? Does it put you more in charge of yourself and your situation? Does it point to any sort of real solutions (rather than some sort of cover-up job)?

Just doing that little thought experiment life-review with the changed parameters would be enough for many people at once to see that the 'all those manifestations are illusory (and therefore to be totally disregarded)' mindset is the only one that truly makes sense. Once that has 'clicked' for you, there's nothing further you need to do to take on board that mindset, because you've now properly recognised what makes sense, and surely would stick with that experimental but apparently extremely helpful mindset.

Surely, then, without cause to try to believe something, you can immediately start living your life turnaround, based on that actually plain commonsense experimental new mindset, in which all those 'entities' attacking you / 'demons' playing nasty games with your anus / little green men coming to snatch your soul away and roast it on a spit for a banquet lunch somewhere in the Sirian star system / [and so on (Yawwwn!)…] are just froth or flatus (fart gas), to be totally ignored as you focus on getting on with your rapidly improving life experience in the much more consistent and supportive physical 'reality'.

Isn't that nice!


Why 'mindfulness' isn't nearly enough

There's 'mindfulness' (which is widely known about, and generally based on some sort of regular meditation), and genuine, comprehensive mindfulness (with no cause to enclose the word in quotes).

'Mindfulness' training has become quite fashionable in recent years, and does indeed appear at face value to help a lot of people with stress-related issues. Wouldn't it better, then, to turn your nose up at this site's offerings and go for the much more popular 'mindfulness' instead?

Note, however, that, awkward old cuss that I am, I put what people generally are calling 'mindfulness' in single quotes every time. And indeed, miserable old sourpuss that I am, I actually caution against it. What on earth is the matter with me?

I'll tell you. I'm crazy (and thus sane!) enough to have produced a whole methodology, which is what this page is pointing you to, which leads you increasingly into the REAL, PROPER, proactive mindfulness. That is what is naturally opened up by a genuine comprehensive self-actualization process.

In other words, what people far and wide are calling 'mindfulness' is a pallid facsimile of the real thing.

Yes, it makes many people more comfortable and more accepting, but it's meditation-based, and carries with it the harmfulness of not only regular meditation but of the whole meditation mindset, which tends to hide major issues (just as psychiatric drugs do, albeit in a much more genteel and insidious manner) and thus actually makes them well-nigh impossible to clear.

That meditation approach is ungrounding and builds a certain passivity and lack of constructive thought processes into your life outlook, which is at fundamental variance with the vibrancy of your underlying true nature. In any case, if you've already got garbage-related shenanigans, the last thing you need is anything that weakens your grounding or dulls you rational thinking ability.

None of us came into this life just to turn the other cheek to life's challenges and contentedly not engage with them! I don't mean that we need to be proactively engaging with everything that presents itself to us, but we need the flexibility and rationality to stand our full height and know when it makes sense to engage and even be challenging (in constructive ways) as well as when it makes best sense to draw a line around other potential or actual challenges and get on with more worthwhile pursuits. That's the way you live a rewarding and fulfilling life.

The whole methodology presented on this site takes you in that direction, progressively into the proper, proactive mindfulness that I call clear-mindedness. This way you become more vibrant and dynamically balanced instead of tending towards being quiet, unassuming and unchallenging, and you enjoy what is effectively the ULTIMATE mental health, particularly as this whole process involves clearing out your issues properly, understanding them and dissolving them at the deepest level, so your life experience unfolds properly and isn't constrained by rigid patterns caused by now-hidden emotional issues.

Surely, it's a no-brainer as to which version of 'mindfulness' makes sense to choose??!


Important warning — keep up-to-date with my methods!

We need to remember that my methodology is intrinsically experimental, and therefore from time to time I update or even replace particular methods / procedures. Generally speaking, anyone who remains attached to an out-of-date method or version is in the grips of a self-sabotaging pattern.

It's become clear to me from emails from various people who consider that they're benefiting from the methods they've picked up from this site, that it's normal for them to keep using the versions they originally picked up, and to omit to take on new versions as I post them on this site. A small proportion do take the trouble to update reasonably promptly, but I think the majority are persistently self-sabotaging by sticking to what they know and seems to be working for them.

I can understand that reluctance to embrace change, when the methods they've originally picked up seem to be helping so much — but these people generally write in describing further shenanigans they're experiencing, which actually they would be experiencing to a much lesser extent or not at all if only they took on the new versions of the methods (or indeed replacements for certain of them) that I post on this site.

It needs remembering, that my methodology is NEVER set in stone (i.e., fossilized into a tradition or orthodoxy), at least, by me. It's an ongoing process of exploration and experimentation to find what makes best sense and works best for one's self-actualization and clearance of all the problems that the garbage brings one. I develop new versions precisely because I'm aware that, however helpful they may be, there's always room for improvement. I shan't be fully satisfied until we're able to close altogether the connection between the astral and our ordinary 'minds' (or that closure happens for all of us anyway), so that then the garbage is finally eliminated from our life experience altogether.

One particularly important watershed / quantum-leap point was in September 2018, when I finally reworked the whole methodology to be fully free from use of external aids — together with putting consistent prime focus on alignment of intent. If you use methods involving use of external aids, you're liable to run into the sort of troubles I occasionally ran into while I was still using the Clarity-Sphere in my methods — when for a few months at a time the garbage was able to attack me repeatedly while my methods were unable significantly to dissolve those attacks at all.

That was because working with external aids rather than the current incarnation of my methodology allowed a distorted, messed up 'level' of consciousness (what I referred to as the 'sticky layer') to remain in its screwed-up state, whereas, to my best understanding so far, the current versions of the methods 'tunnel' straight through that, and progressively clean it up, so that such shenanigans as I experienced in 2015 to 2017 are extremely unlikely to happen for me again, or at worst would be much briefer and of much reduced intensity. The same would presumably apply for anyone else.

Somebody recently (in 2019) wrote in to me detailing some weird and untoward experience he'd recently had, wondering what I thought about that, but what jumped out at me as most significant was that he mentioned his carrying out 'Grounding Post' — the original version of what I call Grounding Point nowadays. He was thus self-sabotaging by persistently using the earliest and least effective version of the procedure, and staying attached to it! At least he had the good sense to take on board my urging to get using the current version of each of my methods.

So, please don't self-sabotage, for that sort of strategy helps no-one at all! For your own good, please therefore reasonably frequently check the What's New page for news of updates, and ensure you really are using the latest versions of the methods!


About the use of methods not presented or pointed to on this site

When you're in crisis or feeling under pressure from your issues, or simply are new to the methods I give on this site, it's understandable that, in the name of maximizing your odds, you may want to use additional, 'third party' methods that come from a different system or tradition but seem to be helpful. Examples would include some Hatha Yoga or Bioenergetics exercises.

Use of such additional methods, however, comes with a very sneaky cost, even if you apparently do just the right thing in disregarding any of the theories / beliefs that underlie the particular methods, and superficially find those methods beneficial.

The problem is that if you're looking outside my methodology for some of your own self-actualization methodology, your focus wouldn't be fully in the fundamentals of my methodology, and consequently it's unlikely that my methods would be properly effective for you. Also, it's most likely that your motivation for using 'third-party' methods at all is (a) operating as something of a Trojan horse in allowing and maintaining covert illusory realities associated with those methods (i.e., even if you are consciously disregarding them), and (b) driven by a self-sabotaging pattern, which always seeks to minimize and underplay one's use of the methodology that would help you most overall, long-term.

Most people who contact me from this site tell me enough to show that they're running some degree of self-sabotaging strategy, needlessly drawing out their self-actualization process rather than really getting on with it with due diligence. Scattering of one's focus is one of the regular means of self-sabotage.

One reason for a fair proportion of people choosing to extend or switch to alternatives to my methods is their having or desiring a cherished sort of 'relationship' (i.e., a decidedly attached one) with another person, and knowing / fearing that my methodology would free them from that attachment / craving (which indeed it would if used properly!).

So they self-sabotage by parting with at least those aspects of my methodology that challenge their 'relationship' patterns, going over to other methodologies (normally 'spirituality'-based but always contaminated by at least an element of belief in their basis), which don't challenge them to clear their issues underlying their attachment to having a 'relationship'.

Of course their real need is to clear the emotional issues that are causing them to hold onto their desire / craving for having a 'relationship' in the first place! See Love is not what nearly all people believe, and Understanding loneliness — The real practical solution.

So, if you're using, or thinking of using, a 'third party' method as well as some of my methods, your real need is rigorously to carry out some Helpfulness Testing, to find out whether use of that method really would be beneficial for you at the present time, and, if you get an indication that it would, periodically to repeat that Helpfulness-Test because the indications may well change with time.

Unless your Helpfulness Testing gives you a clear strengthening response to using a particular 'third party' method, the only sensible policy is for you not to use it, at least at the present time — regardless of how much you may 'want' to use it. 'Wants' and needs have a funny way of often or indeed normally being very different! However, as you progress on a genuine self-actualization process your 'wants' themselves change focus, and become increasingly aligned with what would truly benefit you.

Note, however, that with great care and rigour in using Helpfulness Testing you could at least theoretically identify the odd particular 'third-party' methods that are properly complementary and supportive to my methodology. On this site I present two of those — the Alexander Technique and The Work, to be regarded as compatible third-party plug-ins to my methodology. However, if you stuck just with one or both of those while using my own methods little or not at all, then that would be a certain degree of self-sabotage because of your limiting the scope of your self-actualization process.


And now the final advice and pointers

Clumps of Thrift on Cornish clifftop
Reminder — Slow down — it's all okay!
(Thrift on clifftop not far from Bude, Cornwall, UK)

There's all manner of ways you can begin exploring on this site to get started clearing your crisis / troublesome situation. To a fair extent, the more you read to get a proper understanding of your type of situation and how the garbage mucks around with every single person on the planet, the more effective will the methods be for you.

As indicated in this page's Introduction, a very good starting page after this one is 'Dark force' and entity troubles — The real way to clear them, or / and Healing and self-actualization — The safest and quickest way, depending on your particular situation — but also now there is a concise introduction to my methodology, which is well worth reading: Philip Goddard's self-actualization methodology — Introduction. Any of those would then direct you to other pages that you'd need to visit, both to learn particular methods and to get a better understanding of what you're doing and how the garbage operates and thus how its interferences and attacks can be recognised and indeed dissolved.

I wish you all power and indeed a great time in turning your life around. If you really appreciate this page you might like to consider making a donation. Thanking me is all very well, but thanks without ££ to back them up have a sneaky way of not paying my bills! My overheads in developing and running this website and keeping it available are considerable, and so far donations have been rare and in almost all cases very small (though of course I've greatly appreciated every one that has come), so still for the most part I myself am paying out of my meagre 'pensioner' income for the benefit of the many people who get positive change in their lives from coming to this site.

So, finally, that just leaves me to say…

Reclaim your own power and…

Go for it, Tyger, Tyger, burning bright!

…And here's a little 'munchie' to take with you as you move on from this page, getting more and more practical (and thus grounded) about sorting yourself out, now that you have the means to do so…

Repeat out loud, at a reasonably rapid pace without hesitation or stumbling, and definitely without blushing (remember, at least it's less nonsensical than all the trash you're now going to be clearing from your life experience!), and definitely without 'corpsing' (this is serious! ),

A chic cheat sheep leek fleet sleeps in cheap sleek sheets, all served up on a shifty shelf of selfish shellfish in the kitchen's chicken checkout.

And what would the neighbours think of your doing something so eminently sane (in the circumstances)? — You can say BAAAAAA! if you want, but Susie here says it for them all…

Sheep thinking 'WTF?!'
Fake Moos, Fake Moos! It's all fake moos! — Donald Trump ranting
A 'sheep' in wolf's clothing, who urgently needs to sort himself out…

Och aye the MOOOOOO! — two very nice Highland cattle
…And two very nice Highland cattle, with much better life outlook, wishing you well on your life upturn process…

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