Masthead logo: Clarity of Being — including pioneer project: Fix the Human Condition

Clarity of Being (home page)

Previously titled:
Self-realization and Clear-Mindedness — The practical way


Neither 'dark', nor 'Light', nor 'left', nor 'right', nor 'spirituality', but CLARITY!
— The REAL down-to-earth commonsense way forward…

A new perspective, New horizon, New Freedom…

At a glance…

Clarity of Being

Groundbreaking research, insights and methods
— with a light touch and nothing to fear!

The fully rational trailblazer is intrinsically the genuine winner

  • A belief-free site! — Apparently UNIQUE among 'alternative health / healing' and 'self-realization' sites in presenting a whole approach that is free from belief, orthodoxy and 'received wisdom', and RATIONALLY based upon Philip Goddard's first-hand observations and working deductions made from those observations, and testing procedures based on those deductions — in the course of getting himself out of one hell of a potentially life-threatening pickle!

  • A collection of highly insightful and educational personal narratives that explain and clarify the basis of his working model and methodology.

  • All working assumptions are compliant with Occam's razor, as befits Philip Goddard's scientific background. — Surely pretty well unique among 'alternative health' / 'self-realization' sites! No pseudo-science, alluring but obfuscational 'story' or unverifiable metaphysical or 'spiritual' scenarios here.

  • Original writings that are challenging, clarifying and inspirational. Read about enlightenment and the nature of reality, and the nature of our primary obstacles, and how you can do something about the latter.

  • Empower yourself for rationally-based self-actualization / self-realization and self-healing, and to clear yourself of 'negative' and harmful unseen influences and resolve emotional and 'mental health' issues and troubles with addictions, habits, compulsions, fixations, attachments, 'voices' and troublesome 'entity' manifestations…

  • Uniquely insightful and potent dedicated pages for, respectively, dissolving most sorts of personal crisis, and starting to clear 'hearing voices' and loneliness issues.

  • Proper, proactive mindfulness — the ultimate mental health and wellbeing.

  • NOT meditation based, because ongoing regular meditation (as normally meant) is insidiously, seriously, harmful. Great popularity or antiquity is no indicator at all that a method or practice really is beneficial rather than harmful!

  • >> Hot TopicProject 'Fix the Human Condition'

    A surely unique and unprecedented highly experimental project aimed at fixing particular misconfigurations of consciousness, at a deep and universal level, one of which was responsible for the existence of the apparent 'astral' aspect of 'reality', within which a seriously troublesome unseen influence (the garbage) had been causing ALL people (without exception) massive problems, distortions and personal limitations — and another of which was a faulty subconscious data cache, which looked to be the underlying cause of all major human irrationality. If this really has worked out, it will result in a massive positive change for all human-type beings in all of 'Existence', at least in the long run.

    Why use of past tense in the above paragraph? — Please see Underlying causes of human dysfunction now in past tense….

    No doubt at all, to many newbies to this work the project would appear to be mightily delusional, but let's remember, Nothing ventured, nothing gained — surely a sensible enough dictum, especially when applying Philip Goddard's fully rationally based insights and methodology!

    >>> News Media / Press welcome spot <<<

  • All the writings are free of religion-speak (or indeed religion), New-Age-speak or esotericism!

Cutting straight through belief and obfuscation to see what's actually there — not what people believe is there
General Links, Privacy Policy, and a note about this site's traffic…
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If you value this site and its contents, a donation would be greatly appreciated and would help me maintain it and continue my projects.
Make a donation…

Snowy Scottish mountain narrow ridge-top

By way of Introduction

Original Writings
on Self-Realization / Self-Actualization & Healing

In-depth writings — subjects including the true nature of enlightenment, which is part of the intrinsic potential of each one of us because it's simply direct perception and recognition of one's true nature…

…And drawing your attention to…

  • Mental health and healing

    A section of the Author's Original Writings of especial relevance for doctors, nurses and mental healthcare workers, and indeed all who want to understand and address mental health issues.
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    If you have problems with 'entities' or troublesome psychic or paranormal phenomena, or supposedly 'demonic' manifestations, this is a great section of my original writings to help you gain understanding and actually to start resolving the problem.

    …And because people keep writing in to the Author asking for advice about such issues, and indeed for help in 'entity removal', he highlights here a great 'starting point' page for them — with the caveat that they'd need to follow the various links given on that page:

  • 'Dark force' and entity troubles — The real way to clear them

    …and because many people who come writing to the Author are feeling desperate with some particular issue or crisis, he gives the following page as a great starting point for them, so that they then have no cause at all to write in to him asking for 'help':

  • Crisis emergency self-help — Life upturn the SMART way

    — However, actually this 'Crisis' page is strongly recommended for everyone to read carefully, and it makes …
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    …an excellent starting point for newcomers here, even though originally it was intended just as an 'emergency primer' for people who are feeling desperate with troublesome psychic or paranormal manifestations including psychic attack, supposedly demonic manifestations, or attacks from supposed 'entities', 'dark forces' or extra-terrestrials.

    The point is that for anyone at all this is a highly educational page, which would assist the reader towards a more focused and awarely thought-out healing / self-actualization strategy and process.

  • For People in Crisis — An Emergency Primer (courtesy Helena the contented cow)
  • Glossary

    More than just a glossary, actually being a mini encyclopaedia covering not only relevant routine definitions, …
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    …but also including the Author's clarifying redefinitions and often challenging, belief-busting understandings relating to the terms covered. It makes an extremely valuable and educational read in its own right.
  • Affirmations & declarations of intent for healing & self-actualization

    True self-actualization / self-realization not only doesn't require ongoing guidance by a guru but actually requires ongoing 'guidance' by yourself with no guru. …
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    Also, contrary to widespread belief, it does NOT require formal meditation and works better without it. The Author shows the easy way you can start today and get moving fast towards optimal self-actualization (given sufficient motivation, awareness and mental clarity) — turning your life around as you most likely never thought possible.
  • Alexander Technique

    — Put paid to back and neck trouble, make walking much easier and less stressful on the knees (great for hiking), and reap all manner of other benefits…

Other Top Pages —
Challenging and Educational…

  • 'Spiritual' enlightenment — Personal experience, clarifications, tips

    Clearing away the harmful baggage and distortions imparted by all manner of spiritual and metaphysical traditions …
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    …upon the notion of 'enlightenment', and pointing to the real practical essentials.
  • My own self-actualization process or 'path'

    Not just a bit of 'self-discovery', but a progressive almighty upheaval, potentially life-threatening at times …
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    …during its 2½-year crux period, with eventual far-reaching positive consequences for many people…
  • The 'forces of darkness' ('astral beings') — My own tough experiences

    Progressively finding out from severe and potentially lethal personal experience how the underlying unseen troublesome influence was operating, …
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    and what it really was, so that simple means to clear oneself of its interference and attacks were able at last to be developed…
  • Psychiatry: my personal experience — Gaining fundamental insights

    How the Author made full use of four short psychiatric hospitalizations, both to dissolve respective attack crises …
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    … by means of getting his awareness sufficiently grounded, and to learn hugely from first-hand experience about just how off-the-rails and devoid of rational or genuine scientific basis psychiatry (so-called 'mental health') really is. That put him in a much stronger position to get building a whole new working model and methodology pointed directly to the genuine mental health of fully rationally-based self-actualization.
  • The true nature of 'the forces of darkness' and its interference and attacks

    Going into detail about the Author's totally new working model (not belief system) of the universal unseen troublesome influence (the garbage), …
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    …which was interfering with, and to various extents distorting / screwing up, every single person in existence, and how it was operating, so that with that understanding we can start clearing ourselves of the left-over effects of that interfering and distorting 'something'.
  • Night terrors and hell experiences — Understanding and clearing them

    Through examining a variety of very early childhood night experiences of the Author, ranging from desperately stressful to …
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    …weird and enigmatic, he was able eventually to work out what REAL hells are, and how most people who experience them can at least theoretically clear themselves of their occurrence.
  • 'Hearing voices': how to stop them — The REAL self-help way

    Companion page to the Crisis Emergency Self-Help page. For anyone who 'hears voices' or gets any other type of …
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    …communication from non-physical sources, reading this page and acting on its contents can be a real life-changer.
  • Understanding loneliness — The real practical solution

    Loneliness is widely hugely misunderstood, and is (most unhealthily!) the primary driving force in people's close relationships and desires / cravings for such relationships. …
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    … With true understanding we gain means to come into the one underlying deepest-of-all relationship, which everyone is seeking, and doomed never to find, as long as they continue with their loneliness- and attachment-based notion of a 'relationship' being anything desirable or genuinely beneficial. — And no, we're NOT talking about 'God' (or equivalent), except as 'Him' being a harmful illusory decoy!
  • How all psychiatrists could begin genuinely to help their clients

    No pussyfooting here! With a loving directness that may shock some people the Author explains how psychiatry / 'mental health' …
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    …(which latter term in widespread usage is just a euphemism for psychiatry) continues grievously to fail everyone it claims to be helping, and how a totally different mindset is required, in which one fulfils the basic requirements for resolving ANY issue properly.

    He sets out those commonsense requirements and points to how the whole 'mental health' Establishment needs to undergo a complete change of mindset in order to give people the rationally-based help they actually need, rather than what they may happen to want.

A little about me as a 'teacher'

Some things you always wanted to know about this 'teacher' but didn't dare to ask…

And More…

Original music works to support self-actualization

CD-quality downloads of recordings of a range of my own music works — symphonies and other orchestral, choral and instrumental works.

Broad Horizon Nature

…a large resource of uplifting and life-enhancing photos and high-grade sound recordings of nature and wild scenery subjects, with a …
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Digital Download Catalogue where you can find links to CD-quality FLAC downloads of those recordings. Great for enhancing your living space — whether it be as computer desktop wallpaper or as Feng Shui enhancements in your living space, or simply invigorating and health-enhancing natural soundscapes playing on your hi-fi as a much healthier alternative to incessant music…
Natural soundscapes Digital Download Catalogue

Backup copy of this whole site (updated weekly)

Site backup

This is available as a zip file. It's important to recognise it as a backup (in case of disappearance of this site, which would presumably happen after the Author's death, the latter currently estimated as most likely sometime in first half of 2025), …
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…and not to use it as a regular offline version before that time unless you regularly update it from here. The Author has a reminder set up for him to update it weekly.

Thus, as long as this site's online, and he's still alive, this online version would always be more up-to-date than the latest backup copy, and so is what you need to be using whenever possible.

News Media / Press spot


1. This is just a little précis to point you in some helpful first directions on this large and very content-rich site. Please take great care to read the relevant pages thoroughly and NOT rush through any of them, and to carefully read all Glossary links! — Otherwise you will almost certainly be passing on misunderstandings, having missed vital points in my 'message'.

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  1. Many of the pages are inconveniently long for reading on mobile phones (Sorry!). Please use at least a large tablet or laptop if at all possible.

  2. Please don't make the all-too-common error of reporting that Philip Goddard claims [xyz] (to be true).

    I go to great lengths on this site to make it clear that nothing I say, except for historical details of things I did or am doing in the physical 'reality', is to be taken to be categorical fact or 'truth', because we cannot absolutely know anything, particularly with regard to anything beyond 'the physical'.

    Please, please, please don't use the verb 'to claim' with regard to anything I've said or written. The contents of this site are based in working assumptions (collectively, a working model) that have proved to be extremely helpful in gaining practical insights. They are NOT 'claims', nor beliefs.

  3. Please also be sensible and NOT publish reports on Project 'Fix the Human Condition' that are saying that it's 'failed' or is 'not working', or is 'delusional'. It is intrinsically experimental — apparently unprecedented since 'the beginning of time'. I make NO guarantee that I'm not on a false trail, until such conclusive corroboration has appeared. Just the odd one or two people experiencing positive changes isn't enough. If I eventually get clear indications that the project is on a false trail I'll say so, on this site.

    Sure, on this site I joke about the project as being 'delusional', but that's only me poking fun at the fools who come to this site full of their own beliefs and no wish nor intent for genuine understanding, and who thus immediately dismiss this work, and indeed me, as being, yes, 'delusional', for no better reason than their being unable to bear any hint of articulate rational challenge to their beliefs (each of the latter in fact being a delusion), and having no genuine basis on which those beliefs could ever be supported!


How this site stands out from the crowd

by Philip Goddard

This section had become too long to be here on the homepage, so that in October 2021 its contents were moved, with an addition and various small revisions, to a new page, unsurprisingly titled…

 >>> How this site stands out from the crowd <<<

Main topics covered by that page

  • Résumé of this site's important features
  • Discarding belief, our great cocoon of self-deception
    • This site's reputation
  • Where's the evidence that this site is trustworthy?
    • This site's objectivity
    • This site's safety
  • The site is contradicting scientific consensus, so is of poor quality
    • One great 'Achilles heel' of the whole 'scientific' Establishment — materialistic reductionism
  • Are Philip Goddard's working model and methods peer-reviewed?
  • The site's standpoint and methodology are highly controversial
  • The site's bounce rate is very high, so it can't be any good!
  • What a lot of rubbish you've written!…
Cutting straight through belief and obfuscation — To see what's actually there — Not what people believe is there


"It's really cool to be normal…"

A sideways look at what it means to be 'normal'

Are you really so sure you want to be 'normal'?

Self-actualization beats Psychiatry — hands down!

Donations are appreciated!

If you value this page / this site and its contents, a one-off or especially regular donation would be greatly appreciated and would help me maintain it and continue my beneficial projects.

All donations are welcome; a £5 minimum is suggested, but anything at all would help and be really appreciated, though clearly larger sums would really help.


Website designed and built by Philip Goddard