Masthead logo: Clarity of Being — including pioneer project: Fix the Human Condition

Philip Goddard's self-actualization methodology — introduction


At a glance…

A concise and clarifying introduction to methods based on a practical working model derived from direct personal observations and rational, grounded empiricism, to replace all those based upon beliefs and alluring but unverifiable theories and more or less unquestioned 'received wisdoms'

This brief introduction to the Author's methods for self-actualization, self-healing and, at least potentially, corrective physical change, sets out to give an overall description and explanation of the principles and rationale underlying his methods and the significant change he introduced in September 2018, which dispensed with the use of polished stone spheres (including the Clarity-Sphere), so that one was then working with no external aids at all.



Soundly-based means for comprehensive genuine self-actualization
— Means for proper, PROACTIVE mindfulness and the ultimate mental health

As explained further below, circumstances forced me to develop this whole pioneering methodology (working model plus set of methods based on it) — that development having been a progressive process over the years from its tentative beginnings in 2007.

In September 2018 I made a quite radical change to what was by then already a quite highly developed methodology, so that it no longer required nor benefited from use of polished stone spheres, including the Clarity-Sphere, or indeed any other external aids. This involved a good deal of rationalization and cutting down to essentials to increase focus. With increased focus came greater-than-ever efficiency and effectiveness.

Over the years I'd noticed with some concern that a fair proportion of those people writing in to me from this site were reporting their using older and less efficient alternatives that I'd been misguidedly keeping on the website to give people choice, as a quite obvious part of their overall self-sabotaging strategy. They all appeared to be individuals with chronically weak grounding and disturbingly scattered focus.

So, when I came to revamp the pages presenting the methods this time I decided enough was enough and cut out the weaker alternatives so that further people with scattered focus would find few or no opportunities to pick out the weak bits to use and persuade themselves that they're using my methods and therefore they're doing fine, even as they continue to thrash around in their confusions.

It also made sense at that point to produce this introductory page to help give site visitors a coherent succinct explanatory overview of the methods, with links to them all — again, helping to cut through any sense of 'jungle' here and replace it with more clarity and focus.


Why a new methodology at all?

Sheep thinking 'WTF?!'

The world is replete with methods and methodologies that purport to bring about healing and indeed 'self-realization', so why on earth would Philip Goddard, this ignorant impostor and arrogant ego-tripper (as viewed by many people), come forth with a methodology that he (arrogantly, of course!) pronounces to be 'uniquely challenging'? Surely this is just a particularly brazen piece of 'My God is better than your god!' or indeed, 'My belief [system] is better than yours!'!

The reality is that to the best of my knowledge what I'm putting forward is genuinely uniquely challenging, because one thing that all those other different methodologies have in common is that at some level they're ALL based on belief rather than a rationally-based working model that properly explains the issues that people are notionally seeking to address, and properly explains all the relevant observations. Indeed, those beliefs and belief systems universally prevent people from even properly recognising in the first place the issues they need to be resolving.

Even those disciplines that take pride in their supposedly rational and 'scientific' basis are still based in a belief system — materialistic reductionism. That ensures that all those smugly 'rational' people are actually rational only partially and in distorted ways, so they too are fundamentally operating irrationally and their methodologies, at least with regard to anything non-physical or 'in the mind', are quite as useless as those of a witch-doctor for addressing and resolving the real issues with which we're beset.

What is apparently unique, then, about my own approach is that it's OUTSIDE ALL BELIEFS AND TRADITIONS, and its underlying working model (the correct replacement for a belief-based view of an issue) actually complies consistently with Occam's razor. Indeed, it requires only a smattering of intelligence, surely, to understand that any belief at all is a complete block to seeing what's really there and what's really going on in any experience impinged upon by that belief.

If you believe that things are one way or another, you're lost! Totally lost! You look at something and 'see' something else (illusory) instead, backed up by some alluring bit of fiction about it, and take that to be 'fact' or 'truth' or 'what's really there'. What good is that for resolving issues and improving our lot? Yet that's what all the traditions, belief systems and 'disciplines' are coming up with!

The only way you can resolve any issue is, first, to recognise / identify the issue, then to observe what's going on so that you can progressively understand the issue and its details and 'workings'. Then, with that understanding, you can work out actions / methods to resolve the issue. Hardly 'rocket science', surely — yet the hugely vast majority just don't 'get it', remaining entrenched in their miry ruts of irrationality, and dismissing this crackpot's work as just rambling delusional verbosity from a clearly mentally disordered individual.


Why did I ever think to do this work?

Actually, in an important sense I didn't 'think to do it' at all — at least, in any way that people would mean when asking that question.

Far from this being some sort of attention-seeking cranky hobby-horse of mine, this whole project was forced upon me by circumstances, for my very own survival! As described in depth elsewhere on this site, in the period from late 2003 to early 2007 I found out the hard way what all the various types of 'spiritual healing' were doing to their practitioners and recipients, in weakening and distorting their non-physical aspects and ungrounding their awareness so that they became increasingly open to the astral non-reality and thus more vulnerable to interferences and attacks from what I came to call the garbage.

The disruptions and attacks that came to me as the garbage attempted to destroy me were at times potentially lethal. Fortunately I was already enlightened, which fact, together with a lifelong sharp and questioning intellect, enabled me to be proactively peaceful observer (sort-of!) even during the most disruptive and hellish attacks and desperate-seeming situations.

That in turn enabled me to be observing and gathering data as I was dragged through all the various shenanigans, so that eventually I was in a position to build up a provisional model of the true nature and mechanisms of the disturbances so that I could then work out methods to disrupt or dissolve those mechanisms.

That worked brilliantly for me, resulting in my progressively reducing the attacks / interferences to an insignificant level as well as having all-round great improvements in my life. It's not just a cliché for me to say that I'd hit upon the ultimate mental health, which incorporated a type and level of mindfulness that stood head and shoulders above what is generally called 'mindfulness'.

Naturally it then made sense to share my experiences and methods with others, so that my work and hard-earned benefits could bring about as much positive change as possible in the world at large. In fact that's not so tremendously altruistic of me, because this is really about 'enlightened self-interest' rather than giving myself away for other people's benefit; it's a matter of making the world and the whole life experience, at least in some small measure, a better place for me.

All this has meant that the working model and methodology has passed stringent tests of its validity, for it has consistently worked for me, and brilliantly so, even though not usually being an instant 'silver bullet' for anyone's problems. Also, many people have written in to tell me of their own dramatic life upturns when they came to this site and at last found an explanation of their woes that actually made sense to them in relation to what they were going through, together with methods that they found actually to work for them. I'd evidently been doing at least a few things right!


The methodology and its September 2018 revision

Except for one fundamental matter, the essentials haven't significantly changed in that particular revision, for the aim all along had been to achieve in the simplest, most direct and effective way a comprehensive genuine self actualization process — what could correctly be described as the ultimate mental health. To that end, over a number of years I'd progressively gathered up a collection of mostly yogic practices (co-ordination of certain physical movements and simple breathing patterns) to act as a focus for opening-up blocked-off communication pathways between one's conscious 'ordinary mind' with one's most deeply-sourced healing power and intent, and so enabling deep and indeed universal 'levels' of consciousness to operate as a powerful remediational force.

The issue, however, was that for nearly all people the amount of distortion and blockage in their awareness would mean that such practices wouldn't be anything like as effective as one would really need for clearing out our issues, including garbage shenanigans, in a reasonable time.

To get round this issue and enhance the effectiveness of the methods, therefore, I was prompted by my experience with user-controlled energy devices, and developed the Clarity-Sphere, and indeed the whole concept of using polished stone spheres whether or not notionally programmed. The spheres were used as a means to focus and amplify one's healing intent and bypass one's blockages to the manifestation of one's deeply-sourced healing intent.

That worked brilliantly — at least, compared with how things had been going before I started using the Clarity-Sphere —, and I came up with a number of procedures that required the Clarity-Sphere for them to be usefully effective.

So far, so good, but I was always aware that it would be still better if I could find some means by which the whole methodology could work at least as well without any external aid at all. That would be simpler, and then there wouldn't be problems about only certain people being able to be very effective in the notional programming of spheres to make them Clarity-Spheres — not to mention many people having difficulty finding suitable spheres at an affordable price to start with.

Then late in 2017 my own inner inquiry on the matter led me to start investigating using simple tapping procedures to replace the use of spheres or other external aids. Over nearly a year then, bit by bit I experimented with different patterns and positions for tapping on specific locations on one's own body with the intent of greatly increasing the connection (really, removing the existing blocks in the communication pathway(s)) between conscious 'mind' and the deepest levels of consciousness. Finally, in September 2018, satisfied with my test results, I made this change from external aids to tapping procedures 'official' on this site.

What surprised me as I came towards completing this change-over was that it turned out that this new, non-Clarity-Sphere use of the now-modified methods was proving to be not just a match for the effectiveness of Clarity-Sphere use, but to go significantly beyond.


Tunnelling vs bypassing

That aforementioned difference has a specific cause. When we use a sphere to enhance a method, what we're doing is using it as a bypass route for our deeply-sourced healing intent and power. That is, bypassing one's various blocks and distortions. However, because of the limitations of using such an aid, that bypass route is itself not a very clear passage, so it isn't forging a full-strength connection, and has no potential for more than a certain limited (capped) level of improvement.

What I'd unwittingly achieved through cranking up the effectiveness of the methods without Clarity-Sphere use, especially by use of the now-augmented Alignment of Intent and close of practice procedures, and the consistent use of the top of one's sternum as the replacement for a sphere, was to replace simple bypassing with a more focused and centred tunnelling through the blockages. Yes, this tunnelling is temporary, as with the bypassing, but every time you tunnel like that the tunnel is a bit more open, and the methods are thus more effective, than the last time. Also, each tunnelling event has a slight overall and more permanent weakening effect on the blocks — i.e., over and above anything that could be achieved with the Clarity-Sphere.

The problem with the latter is that the external aid is a non-living component in the communication chain between 'ordinary mind' and one's deepest aspects, and its functioning can't evolve to enable it to get more effective than it already is once you've got properly attuned to it and notionally programmed it fully effectively. Therefore, the sphere's enhancement potential for our methods has a definite ceiling. By contrast, when your whole focus is onto and through your own system, there's apparently no such ceiling or cap upon the extent to which you can continue 'opening up' and pushing through and clearing your blockages to your self-healing and self-actualization process.

I describe the programming of the spheres as 'notional' because I'm pretty sure that any programming doesn't objectively exist on or in the sphere. Rather, that programming is actually created within one's own non-physical aspects, to enable the sphere to be used in very specific ways to assist the bypassing of blockages between ordinary 'mind' and deeper aspects of consciousness.

As became increasingly apparent since I implemented this change away from using external aids, alignment of intent is a real key factor in being able to take proper command of your life.

Can you now see how this change in implementation of the methods had to happen sometime around when it did, and wasn't at all a result of some tiresome personal whim or fancy of mine, even though of course plenty of people would think it it was?!


This methodology's real cutting-edge work — fix problems in consciousness at a universal level

Think I'm kidding — huh? — See what this cheeky little monkey looks to be achieving now for the benefit of everyone in the whole of 'Existence', taking this methodology where 'sheep' and indeed 'dragons' dare not venture! Specifically, a boldly innovative experimental project to rectify the calamitously troublesome misconfiguration of consciousness at a universal level, which is | was responsible for the existence of the astral non-reality, with the massive problems for us that had been coming from that. Dissolution of the garbage included gratis! — And it was just so incredibly simple to make possible, once one had cleared out all belief and started really looking at what was really there and what was really going on… (I did have a rough journey to get to that point, though!)

— And I also hit upon a faulty data cache in deeper consciousness, which was apparently the fundamental cause of all major human irrationalities (though there were other important intermediary causes too), and which has apparently been fixed now…

Please see:
Project 'Fix the Human Condition'
>>> Hot topic

Sheep thinking 'WTF??!'

Questions and nay-sayings…


Do many people get the full claimed benefits from these methods?

I'd say, remarkably few — indeed, if any at all. — I'm quite sure that even I myself don't, though I've come a tremendous way through my ongoing use of them! — But on the other hand, what that really means is that the methods would always have potential to take any of us further than currently seems possible to us — provided that one isn't setting oneself unreasonable / unrealistic goals to start with (part of a self-sabotaging strategy).

Hitting the motivation 'bonk'

I'm aware that a fair number of people in addition to me do get pretty dramatic positive life change, and are at least initially enthusiastic about this whole methodology and working model. However, in my experience nearly all users have particular issues that have a strong enough grip on them sooner or later to lead them off at tangents, or at least to put a cap on their effectiveness in using the methods.

There appear to be four main issues:

  • soul programming, which makes people tend to get distorted understandings of my working model in the first place, or/and to be in some degree ineffective in the way they use the methods, or/and to have some degree of poor focus / motivation;

  • Continuing attachment to / craving for particular relationships or types of relationship with other people, and feeling driven to move away from my methodology after a while in favour of some supposed alternative that doesn't challenge them significantly on those issues of theirs, so that they can continue with their actually obstructive and harmful attachments while fooling themselves into imagining that they're still into proper self-actualization;

  • Susceptibility to being lured by gurus / writers who present to the world an 'inscrutable front of perfection'. In reality nobody functions perfectly or gets everything right, so anyone who gives the impression that they're doing so is presenting a false ID to the world — including all those so-highly reputed gurus, so replete with all their supposedly wise words;

  • Susceptibility to being lured by mystique and appealing 'story' / scenarios, away from any observation-based, rationally worked-out understanding and methodology. Those appealing stories just load you with more illusory realities, and unsoundly based methods, so pointing you right away from any possibility of addressing and resolving your issues.

My working model and methodology are like a fast car, which latter cussedly travels no more than 0 km/h unless you start it up and actually drive it!

In other words, my methodology isn't at fault, at least in any really obvious way.* It's just that the hugely vast majority of people — even of those who believe they really want real self-actualization — are too hidebound by ingrained attachment issues to use my methodology except as a means to get them out of immediate crises or other obviously troublesome current life issues. No wonder meditation-based approaches are so popular — they don't challenge you to clear your more ingrained issues, and indeed they help you to firmly put the lid on them so you imagine you've already cleared them or simply don't have any issues to clear!

* That's not to say there wouldn't be room for improvement. After all, this whole methodology is experimental, under constant review and development. But it inevitably remains that the methodology as it exists at any moment is the best we have at that time, and it's up to users to get the best they can out of it.

So, once the most obviously troublesome issues have sufficiently faded away through use of my methods, then you get silly things happen, such as happened with the three individuals mentioned in the panel below:

1. The guy, once a really enthusiastic user and advocate of these methods, who stopped using them because he was desperate to hold onto a 'close relationship' with a fellow university student, and I found he'd stopped using Helpfulness Testing because he'd realized that if he continued to use it he would be getting results that would point him towards cutting loose from that toxic 'relationship'.

A year or so later he emailed me in a blazingly evangelistic tone, telling me he'd found a methodology superior to mine, which was actually being put forward by a really unbalanced crackpot calling himself 'Lord Steven Christopher Christ' of all things, who was totally out of touch with 'What Is', and whose theories about the nature of reality made no sense at all — and this guy was apparently really expecting me to give up my stupid painstakingly rationally-based working model and methodology for that real 'wow' guru's way-out delusional trip. It wouldn't surprise me if that guru got or gets far more devotees than I ever would with my own rationally-based (and — dare I say it? — honestly presented) 'pure spring water' — such is the pervasiveness of harmful and indeed delusional human irrationality!

2. The woman who'd been a fairly long-standing user of my methods, and was still apparently really appreciative of them, and had become a monthly financial donor — yet, on an occasion when I met up with her she rather sheepishly remarked that she'd fairly recently gone over to some guru who she thought had 'similar ideas' to mine, but whose methods she thought were more suitable for me at the present time.

Oh yes? — It just happened that, as reported by her, within the overall same period the garbage had been plying her with some 'twin flame' scenario, and although, according to her, she'd disregarded that because she knew it was rubbish, she had nonetheless got married! I can quite see why she'd been feeling the urge to find some alternative methodology that would give her the impression that she was still cultivating a full-blooded self-actualization process while not being challenged on her relationship issue(s)! High-ranking self-saboteurs, she and the other guy, and many others!

In fairness to her, it's as well that I report that more recently she's told me that she recognised that the particular guru's methods (involving getting in touch with emotions and promoting basic emotional release rather as in Re-evaluation Counselling) were proving to be unbalancing and ungrounding for her — as indeed they would be for anyone! —, and she was increasingly feeling that her involvement with the particular guru wasn't really gaining her anything worthwhile, so she'd put her attention back more on this site — though without any suggestion yet that she'd started holding her married relationship up to any sort of proper scrutiny.

In the course of a subsequent Skype conversation with her it became apparent that she was still very much in evasive denial of her 'relationship' and marriage being anything to put up to scrutiny at all, and I finally gave her a necessary kick up the butt by confronting her about that and telling her that it was necessary for the two of us not to be in further contact until she'd cleared that issue.

Then in late 2020 she contacted me again to tell me she had finally separated from the particular man — having seen increasingly clearly how falling into the roles of 'wife' and 'husband' had become a great limitation for both of them, reducing their quality of life and options for the future. She was also candidly remarking on the relevant personal weaknesses of hers that were coming more strongly into focus for moving against — all requiring independence and self-command.

It's important to emphasize that when a person does a 'wobble' as she'd done with regard to going to an alternative 'guru' or methodology, or getting entangled unhelpfully with another person, but with the mental clarity to learn from it and pull out of the wobble as she realizes something of what was really going on, that is extremely valuable learning — much sounder than just following my instructions or guidance all the time.

That woman's shown that she's smart in the best sense, and, to put it politely, has BALLS (well, er, figuratively speaking)! — Please, dear friends, do take a page out of her book and get making life choices that increase rather than limit your own freedom of choice for a more vibrant, creative existence, and being of maximum benefit to all as well as to oneself!

A modest number of such 'wobbles' can be part of the most effective learning process, and I don't want to appear to be discouraging the occasional such deviation where it's being properly used by the respective individual with the mental clarity to try out the odd 'third party' alternative on the side to find out through direct experience whether the respective alternative is anything like as helpful as it or its promoter makes it out to be, and genuinely more helpful than what I have to offer on this site. Helpfulness Testing, properly applied, is what's really needed in such matters to help ensure that one's 'intuitions' really are as 'right' as one feels them to be.

The trouble is that the vast majority don't have that sort of clarity, so that what needs just to be a 'learning wobble' manifests as flying off at a tangent as a means to permanently avoid the challenges that my methodology presents them with.

3. More recently (2021), a guy who'd eloquently praised my methods again and again for their integrity and their having got him out of a seemingly insuperable suicide-worthy life situation with masses of garbage entanglement, and had become one of my few more or less regular financial donors, started to urge me to take on board his own preoccupation with various paranoid and conspiracy theory scenarios — this culminating with him sending me a list of links to sites and videos that were all pseudo-scientific and conspiracy theory stuff relating to COVID-19 (and the alleged non-existence of the pandemic), and a range of supposed reasons not to get vaccinated.

That came with an ultimatum. Either I would get rational (in his view) and follow up (and presumably take on board) what those links pointed to, in which case he would increase his donations, OR, if I were stupid and didn't follow those up, he'd stop his donations! Naturally I was 'stupid' and immediately cut him loose, blacklisting him in MailWasher. How bloody stupid can I get??!!

To his credit, however, he eventually resumed more sensible contact, with an assurance that he'd seen the error of his ways and won't be running any further intrusive agendas on me — and in 2023 has got his act together well enough to be actually the first to be accepted by me in our beginnings of a small 'guardians / overseers for Humanity' team. For more about the latter, please see Project 'Fix the Human Condition'.

The bottom line is that if you really want my methodology to work fully for you, then you'll need to be focused on clearing ALL your issues, including all those involving attachment and how you relate with people, and any other issues you feel you'd rather not challenge. You don't achieve that by bombing off to some other methodology or guru's 'teachings' with which you feel more comfortable or excited. And getting married (or setting up any similar sort of interpersonal bond / commitment) is a great way of throwing a spanner into the works of any genuine self-actualization process and ensuring that any further progress would be only partial and thus leave you significantly unbalanced even if more socially acceptable like that.

It needs to be borne in mind that my work is genuinely of a pioneering nature, cutting through all the world's traditions and belief systems like a scalpel, at last to put forward a rationally-based and unprecedentedly liberating approach to understanding and addressing our issues. This situation is a significant parallel to that of Copernicus and Galileo when formulating and communicating their own early models of the true layout of the Universe, with the Earth travelling around the sun (What heresy!) rather than being the stationary centre of the Cosmos. It took a very long time for their more rational, observation-based approach to become anything like generally accepted.

So, it's inevitable that the vast majority even of people who try my methods are not fully attuned to, nor motivated for, fully comprehensive self-actualization, despite many of those actually believing they are so. — And thus, once they've reduced the pressure of their most overtly troublesome issues, off they go on their respective evasive tangents to avoid the deeper challenges they'd be facing if they kept genuinely on-course with the great liberation that this site has to offer.

Indeed, as would be apparent from the examples given in the panel further above, a small proportion of those people have been enabled to be much more open and even 'evangelistic' about particular delusional hobby-horses that they're firmly attached to, so in those cases it could appear to the more unaware majority that my methods have harmed them by causing their increasingly problematical outlooks and behaviours.

In all such cases my methodology could enable them to clear themselves of those issues, but all too often those people, sadly, are firmly entrenched within particular illusory realities to such an extent that they consistently perceive those illusions / distortions of reality as the 'real' reality, and so are completely unwilling to do the necessary work to clear them.

Please see:


"Aren't your methods just a version of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?"

I've heard that one several times, not only about my methodology as a whole, but also about the Alexander Technique, which at face value is a 'third party' method / discipline, but which I regard as a de facto part of my methodology — a seamlessly integrated 'plugin', if you like, without my making any claims to own or have originated it (though in some respects I have 'clarified' it).

That headline question is in fact a real 'weasel-words' one — the most 'weasely' word there being 'just', with 'therapy' coming up close behind. It's actually being asked by individuals as a rhetorical question to dismiss my work as nothing significantly different from various previously existing and already recognised methods, unsurprisingly of very limited scope.

If you look with genuine awareness at what's happening in 'official' Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), you'd see that little or no attention is being put on underlying causes. Now, please don't get me wrong about this, for I'm sure that it would achieve a fair amount of positive effect, at least within its limited remit — but being restricted to it is a mind-numbingly blinkered, tunnel-vision sort of approach, which is focused on specific issues, generally requiring a 'therapist' to guide the client. In itself, it's not at all a self-actualization method, thanks particularly to the almost paranoid avoidance of consideration of a self-actualization or overall life improvement context — materialistic reductionism again being a key culprit.

However, there is an underlying principle in that method that does have a fair amount in common with certain aspects of my methodology and the Alexander Technique. Where the two latter score hugely over CBT is that they are proper rationally-based life turnaround approaches and don't have to severely limit their goals for the sake of keeping within the materialistic reductionism belief system.

I did write here initially that it was clear that CBT needed to be replaced by my methodology, but that prompted some very helpful input from a user of my methods, who'd found a limited but very helpful place for CBT alongside my methods, to assist her with particular issues for which she wasn't making all that much headway using my methods alone.

She'd made some very valid points. It would generally come into its own NOT as an overall alternative to my methodology, but primarily for people who get rather limited progress out of the latter because of particular issues they're carrying — primarily some soul programming. It would need to be limited to the odd specific 'detail' issues, much in the same way that The Work would best be used, and it would need to be at least mostly carried out under one's own self-direction — not normally requiring a 'therapist' to direct you.

I do strongly recommend, though, that the word 'therapy' be dropped from the name of that method, because that dratted 't' word straightaway encourages self disempowerment. 'Cognitive Behaviour Modification' (CBM) would surely be a likely candidate for a better name for the procedure — or, better still, something completely different — less jargonistic and sounding much more user-friendly.


This is all just one man's delusional indulgence! — Where's the scholarship in his work?

Read through my work on this site, setting aside every whiff of BELIEF (as I myself had to in order to achieve this work and get myself out of dire trouble), and you yourself would begin to understand how rational and indeed 'contra-delusional' my work is, right from its foundations upwards. 'Delusional' is one of the most common pejorative epithets people throw at me and my work simply because it challenges and indeed cuts right through their cherished beliefs.

Belief, by its very nature, lacks any sort of rational or worthwhile basis, always standing in the way of seeing what's really there and what's really going on, and so itself is intrinsically a self-deception and thus a delusion. It's quite understandable therefore that the deluded majority will describe anyone who sees through their delusions as 'deluded' or 'delusional', and use all sorts of other dishonest rhetorical ploys to discredit him/her!

As for the matter of 'scholarship', have you ever stopped to consider what so-called scholarship normally consists of? Do you realise what most 'scholars' are doing?

For a start, for many, to be seen as a 'scholar' is to have a much revered social / professional status symbol, such a person being widely regarded as greatly 'learned'.

— Indeed, generally speaking, they are 'learned' in a way, but the real question is what they've been learning!

The world is replete with 'scholars' who spend their precious time reading up the work of other writers and teachers, often going back into far historical times — and for some limited purposes that may be necessary work. However, when it comes to understanding the nature of 'reality', 'the mind', life experience itself, and 'the human condition', all scholars can ever trawl up in their 'learned' researches is piles upon piles of psychological elephant poo (to put it politely)!

What I mean by that is that they're wasting their time, just engaging with, and giving completely unwarranted credence to, the beliefs, the ignorance, confusions and distorted notions — yes, including delusions! — of all those earlier writers, teachers and so forth. They're hanging on the words of other people who in reality were at least largely out of touch with 'What Is'. WTF is the point of that??! — What they are clearly not doing, at least to any material extent, is to work things out for themselves on the basis of their own observations, and going on to use the data and working assumptions gained, to provide real, effective solutions to real worldly issues that pressingly need addressing.

For example, anyone who spends time on the writings of psychological theorists such as Freud, Jung or Reich, is on a completely woolgathering trip — all the more crazy if they're aware of my practical, rationally based work here on this site but simply can't be bothered to use the insights and methods I present here that could really turn their lives around. They prefer the allure of convoluted and merely conjectural theories and 'story' (and undoubtedly the personal status of being regarded as 'a scholar') to the practical and demonstrably effective nitty-gritty that I give on this site. Sad, really — so many wasted life works!

My work scores hugely over all that unedifying mess of blind and confused 'sheep' following blind and confused 'sheep' pretending to be wise and learned just because they know what a whole lot of other people have said on a particular topic (and in many cases also have a long beard to show the world how 'wise' they are!).

Unlike those highly regarded 'honourable ladies and gentlemen', this stumbling monkey here has actually done his homework and got looking at what is really there and what is really going on, without prestigious 'qualifications' or title, long beard or any belief getting in the way, and testing working assumptions drawn from his observations by enabling him to get himself out of an almighty pickle that no 'scholar' or indeed 'scholarship' in the whole of 'Existence' could even have begun to extricate him from. It's not for nothing that I often describe myself as a 'practical old sod'!


You can't change human nature! — I tell you, you can't change it!

I've had that one thrown at me from various directions. The most persistent such missive coming to me from somebody who one would particularly expect to know better — an honourable gentleman who I'll just call MJ, who was my English teacher, and then my form teacher when I was in the 6th form at Harrow Weald County Grammar School back in the 1950s to about 1961. As compared with most of the other teachers there, I regarded him pretty highly, though there was one occasion where he got very irritated with me because I pointed out to him that he was handling long-play (vinyl) records incorrectly (and thus setting a bad example to everyone in the class as well as putting finger grease and grit into the outer grooves of the records — I wasn't just being disruptively nitpicking!).

That lowered him in my esteem. However decent a fellow he was generally, clearly at least to some extent he was posturing like the other teachers, making out to be doing everything right, and to be above having anyone point out any of his errors (i.e., when they really did need correcting).

In about 1980 / 81, just for one time only, I went to a reunion of ex-pupils and the teaching staff of that school, and I got talking with MJ. He seemed to be sort-of okay, though with perhaps a rather too smoothly self-assured manner, and I told him about how I'd got into Re-evaluation Counselling, and this was turning my life around, and gave him a nutshell explanation of RC. — Whereupon, he put up a stonewall and just repeated at me the mantra You can't change human nature!, completely disregarding what I'd actually said, and beat down my brief attempts to explain. He'd clearly converted my words in his mind into simply Re-evaluation Counselling changes people's nature, and got fed up with me when I said he he hadn't understood what I was saying, and then went off to talk with more conveniently unchallenging people who didn't push any buttons for him.

Then, at Exeter University in the late 1970s I encountered him twice there on campus, as he was then lecturer and Dean of the English department there. Both times the same thing happened, except that it was all more abrupt, and the 'energy' of his abrupt and huffy walk-aways was really unpleasant, no doubt because he, as Dean of a department in a highly regarded university, felt rather outraged that a mere student there was not accepting his actually mindless mantra repetitions of the headline quote of this section, and indeed this young blockhead was implicitly indicating that he knew better than he (which of course I did, because I was using my brain instead of some posturing self-belief!). Pity he's not alive nowadays, so I can't taunt him or even conceivably wake him up a bit by giving him a link to my Project 'Fix the Human Condition', and indeed one to this very page, to show just how off the rails his funny 'beat Philip's silly ideas down' mantra really was!

So, what was wrong about his belief? — Surely you really can't change human nature!

The reality is that it's both true and untrue that you can change, or enable change of, human nature, because it depends what one is meaning by 'human nature'! — Surely obvious enough once you stop actually to think about it! In reality it isn't what the hugely vast majority of people believe, and there's a LOT more to it than that.

First of all, let's consider what 'human nature' is almost universally supposed to mean! — To the vast majority, including that MJ guy, 'human nature' is simply the whole gamut of human outlooks and behaviours that we actually observe. Our whole psychiatry / 'mental health' setup is based on that*, regarding anyone who is relatively 'normal' as okay, and anyone who is significantly outside the norm as having some sort of 'condition' or some fluke exceptional functioning in some aspect of their life (which 'fluke' they never have any genuine explanation for!). They are all believing or at least strongly assuming, without any genuine basis, that irrationality, patterned outlooks and behaviours, reactiveness and addictiveness, possessiveness and deviousness are all aspects of basic human nature, and therefore are a fixture, a 'given', which is not for holding up to rational scrutiny or question.

* For my real prime first-hand exposé of that whole pantomime — as hideous and harmful as it's absurd, see Psychiatry: my personal experience — gaining fundamental insights (both parts).

I first found, to my immense relief, that that was not the case at all, when in 1972, with a strong emotional crisis coming to a head, I was introduced to Re-evaluation Counselling, and found out by direct use of that method, that when we get releasing or dissolving our emotional issues we become progressively more rational, flexibly thinking and behaving, and constructive and always considerate of others as well as oneself. In other words, by so doing we're actually opening up a hidden potential within us — which surely implies that our full true nature includes all the potential that we can open up by whatever means.

Indeed, 'potential' is effectively quite a weasel word in that context, for it implies for most people that it's just something available on the side, it it really exists at all, which is a luxury that some rather daft people could open up if they really wish to be so silly! So, I don't go talking of 'opening up human potential' as a scattering of other people do, but of opening-up or manifesting one's own full true nature.

My whole life 'process' of self-actualization and opening up my own full human nature started in earnest at that point, when at last I started releasing emotional stress that I was carrying or at least connected to, and thus started opening-up my own full humanity.

Okay, I left RC behind for other, more effective methodologies, and especially the pioneering one that I developed myself and present on this site, but my whole life 'process' is living demonstration of how our true nature is immensely beautiful and powerful, rational and always creative, constructive and considerate for others — positive in all genuine ways, and can be increasingly opened up and manifested through use of appropriate methods, such as I give on this site.

Note that that cannot be achieved by use of psychiatric or 'mental health' treatments! They are all directed in the opposite direction, towards hiding one's issues by interfering with brain function so that any supposed 'symptoms' they experience are suppressed, along with important aspects of one's humanity. It's all about closing down or at least minimizing important aspects of brain functioning — equivalent to taking painkillers to limit severe chest pain instead of determining what's actually causing the pain and addressing that!

Note also, that meditation and indeed the whole meditation mindset works in much the same way, so, no, meditation, including meditation-based 'mindfulness', is NOT at all any means to open up and manifest your full true nature; rather it points you in the closing-down direction.

Nowadays I can say with security, based on my own and a scattering of other people's observations, that every single one of us is, in at least some degree, functionally SUB-human.

In other words, what we generally see of 'human nature' in the world at large is human nature in a state of grievous — one could even say calamitous — dysfunction.

Now, do we say that a person with some physical problem — a weakness, a deformity, an injury, an infection, and so on — cannot be physically amended or managed in some way to rectify or at least mitigate the particular issue(s)? Do we say That's your true physical nature, and so it cannot be changed?

— No (surely)? — Well, why do we say That's simply human nature, and you can't change that, when it comes to how people are functioning mentally and thus behaving? That belief, like all belief, is just another element of the dysfunction, which is primarily belief-driven throughout. What we need (and have on this site) is a proper model of a fully-functioning human so that we can accurately recognise people's dysfunctions, and the areas of functionality that are currently occluded or partially so, and then be able to get addressing those issues.

In reality, through my own self-actualization process I myself have apparently become in important respects the most powerful human for the benefit of Humanity, not just here on Earth but through all time so far in the whole of 'Existence' — for the simple reason that nobody had previously managed to open up their full humanity sufficiently for them to achieve what I myself have done in my Project 'Fix the Human Condition'. No, my genuine 'human nature' had not been changed, but it had got opened up and able to manifest much more than is yet the case for the vast majority on the planet. Fundamentally I myself am no more than anyone else in 'Existence'. What marks me out to a fair extent is simply the degree to which I'm actually manifesting my true nature — my full self — instead of keeping most of it locked up!

Does that make me some sort of super-'Christ' then? — No, not 'super'. Just 'christ'! — At least, that would be sort-of true, but would be missing the point, for every single one of us is fundamentally 'christ'! I came into this life with an unprecedented little practical task to fulfil, in the role of a 'service technician' to enable 'the Ultimate' to fix a few misconfigurations in consciousness at a deep and universal level. Job quietly done now, and I'm ready to move on. It doesn't matter who's done that, just as I don't ascribe a degree of 'holiness' to somebody who comes and fixes my washing machine.

For that very reason, when you genuinely understand, that 'Christ' word needs dropping like a red-hot brick. It's both meaningless because it doesn't genuinely distinguish anyone, and incredibly harmful to use because of all its religion-based connotations (deification of a person and then putting that person on a pedestal to worship, rather than open up your own full 'christ' nature). Note that the word isn't capitalized if you use it sensibly — though the most sensible use of it is simply to drop it.

Rather than mess about with that loaded and really very silly label, what I do widely nowadays when introducing myself to particular people (using discernment about that!) is to give not only my 'real' first name, but also, my 'joking name', Mickey Mouse the Mighty, which generally gets a laugh. I generally add laughingly that there's a big story underlying that, which gives it more meaning than most people could get their heads around, and also that in reality every single person is 'Mickey Mouse the Mighty' — the only problem being that the vast majority of them are too blocked from that awareness ever to be able to recognise that simple fact!

'Mickey Mouse the Mighty' is simply one particular accurate description of genuine human nature, including the implication of a playful sense of humour, which is far-removed from the brain-damage related peaceful composure and lack of vibrancy and proactive dynamism (and all too often the presence of a certain quiet superciliousness) of so many of the world's spirituality- and meditation-heads.

That word aside, though, yes, I and a minute minority of the human population here on Earth really are way ahead of the historical man who people came to know after his death as Jesus, Issa, Yusu Asaph and presumably some other names too, and likewise way ahead of Buddha and all the other revered teachers, gurus and 'spiritual leaders' of the past, for they were all being pixie-led by the garbage, indeed as I myself was briefly during my involvement in spirituality and 'healing', and they were all to considerable extent belief-driven, and brain-damaged by their limited lifestyles, held beliefs and meditation practices.

Not one of them, to the best of my understanding, was putting any priority or premium on opening up one's full human functioning, including inherent rationality and objectivity of perception, outlook and modus operandi, in which the true essence of one's humanity ('the Ultimate', whatever that is) — one's true nature — lies.

When I myself got into spirituality and 'healing' many years ago now (eventually dropping it like a hot brick in 2007), I'd naively assumed that the main part of 'spiritual opening-up' was what I call 'self actualization' — the opening up and manifesting of all those aspects of one's fundamental true nature that are currently blocked / occluded. That was one BIG mistake of mine, which dropped me into deep trouble and indeed went near to killing me!

— However, notwithstanding all that risk to life and limb, all those disruptive and at times potentially lethal events and experiences turned out to be an essential part of my life trajectory, which was to ensure that I had both the data and the motivation to work out the true nature of what was causing human irrationality and general dysfunction. That has put me in the position where I can ('arrogantly', of course!) at least figuratively stick up my middle finger to all who seek to tell me I'm wrong in my Clarity of Being work and its basic axioms and rational basis. It appears that I myself am the one, apparently in the whole of Humanity, who's fully done the crucially important homework on the matter, and fully understands the pointlessness of engaging with anyone who's coming at me on a belief basis. Like it or lump it!


Pages / files presenting the methods

I list below all relevant pages, but not pages that just link to the methods on other pages. I include the odd 'third-party' methods (viz. The Alexander Technique and The Work, and also my revamped version of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)), which I regard as important elements in my overall methodology.

Go for it, Tyger, Tyger, burning bright!

Priming for action — Mindset and Strategies

The basic Methods

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