Masthead logo: Clarity of Being — including pioneer project: Fix the Human Condition

No-soul and 'specialist' no-soul people — their great significance

'Specialist' no-soulers coming together at last?


At a glance…

Here the Author seeks to clarify in uncompromising terms the true and overriding significance of the (relatively rare) and authentic no-soul people as distinct from the soul-constrained vast majority, who latter at least to some extent are functionally sub-humans, and the majority of whom the Author and a significant minority of others tend to recognise as 'sheep'. This page is primarily to help no-soul people to understand their true nature and encourage / inspire them to make the most of that for the benefit of all people — both soul and no-soul.

In 2022 the Author came to recognise that no-soul people, who themselves are a tiny minority of the global population, contain a minority (who are thus still less common) who have 'specialist' configurations to enable them, at least ultimately, to carry out specific types of function towards bringing about the fixing (at a universal level) of the 'bugs' or misconfigurations within deeper levels of consciousness, which have been responsible for the pervasive human dysfunction and 'sheepism', and for taking other measures to assist people at large in opening up their own previously occluded authentic humanity after the fixing of said 'bugs'.

The various suggestions and even invitations made here, regarding 'specialist' no-soul people coming together, are to be viewed at this stage as putting some straws in the wind to find if there are any relevant people around who are bold enough to come treading where probably no-one's been before in terms of expanding one's life experience. So this is all to be regarded as purposeful exploration and experimentation rather than a crackpot scheme that's doomed to failure.

However, that being said, since this page was first written it's become clear that deeper consciousness itself was operating on insufficient data in its expectations of what 'specialist' no-soul people would be able to achieve, once the 'sniff-it-out' configuration had enabled somebody to identify and enable the fixing of the misconfigurations in deeper consciousness.

In particular, it's become evident that, for the most part, such individuals (to some extent, the Author included) are still too messed-up with all the patterns they're carrying, for them to be able very much or even at all to 'come together' in the manner envisioned. Yes, they can encounter each other, but are as yet unable to open properly to the really healthy, unattached but deeply close types of relationship that characterizes really well-functioning no-soul people.

Generally speaking, it appears now that such lifestyles will be possible only for new incarnations, who don't have all the patterns left-over from the deep-level misconfigurations and their effects (including all the garbage shenanigans). That doesn't mean that they definitely cannot occur at all at the present time, but simply that it's currently looking rather that way.

Attention, please! Important!

A cursory reading and instant opinion isn't enough!

Over the years I've regularly looked in forums where people have posted about the contents of this and certain other pages on this site, and so far almost every time this has been a quite frustrating and discouraging experience. Why? — Because people are disagreeing with me?…
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— No, it's not that (although indeed, predictably, plenty of people do 'disagree' with me). It's because, with only the odd rare and isolated exception, so far I've seen no sign of anyone having read this (or the other respective pages) really carefully and without some sort of preconception that causes them to have a seriously distorted interpretation of at least some part of what I've written — even on the rare occasion when somebody does more or less 'agree' with what they think I've written.

It would be so helpful if people who come here would let go of their preconceived notions and read carefully what I'm actually saying — and then sleep on it and then re-read it to see where their interpretation of what I've written has actually turned it into something else, so they can at least get a more accurate view of what I've written — whether or not they eventually choose to 'agree' with it.

I'd not mind so much if people at least took issue with what I'm actually saying, but they almost invariably go telling the world that I believe or am claiming this, that and the other that actually I hadn't said at all*, or they radically change the meaning of something by taking it out of context, and typically a succession of people then go pulling the stuffing out of what I'd actually never said in the first place, then regarding me as some sort of deluded 'nutter' with very confused ideas, who is best steered clear of.

* A related claim sometimes made about my writings is the generally completely false one that I've obviously based my own insights on the views of a particular specified tradition, 'teacher' or organisation.

Let me emphasize here, as is really made clear throughout this site — at least for those who are genuinely prepared to look at what's there — that, apart from getting some useful initial prompts from Steve Gamble in April 2007 just to get me ditching the 'received wisdom' from the healing and New-Agey mystical traditions, my insights are NOT, to any material or really significant extent, based on any person's, tradition's or organisation's views or outlook. I've worked things out for myself, based on my own observations plus the results of my own inner inquiry supported by Helpfulness Testing. The fact that there are apparent overlaps between my own working model and the scenarios believed in by various teachers, traditions and organisations DOES NOT in itself mean that I've therefore taken on board ideas from them — though naturally I'd have got initial prompts from various views that I've seen or heard expressed.

The reality is that it's the people who keep misinterpreting and misrepresenting my writings who are the confused ones.

It would help so much if those who are about to make forum posts about any of my material checked carefully the accuracy of any supposed quote or interpretation of that material before making their post.

N.B. There's an inherent problem with forums generally, in that these are places where people discuss ideas. Unfortunately doing that is one of the myriad side-tracks that point people away from genuine self-actualization — for the 'forum-heads' forever consider and discuss other people's views and outlooks instead of turning to the one source of the vital information and insight that they actually need — their own deepest aspects.

So, asking another person, for example, What do you think of this fellow Philip Goddard? may be a fascinating pastime, but that sort of behaviour is also a virtually complete block to any genuine self-actualization direction.

I talk here NOT about right and wrong, nor should and shouldn't, but simply of cause and effect. What do you want in your life — forever fascinating discussions relating to various notions of self-actualization, or genuine self-actualization itself? The two are virtually completely mutually exclusive.

Also, a careful reader would understand from what I've written, that I hold no beliefs, and that what I present in my writings is a set of helpful working hypotheses (at least they've helped me greatly) — NOT a statement of categorical fact, apart from recounting actual observations / experiences of mine. So, anyone who says Philip Goddard believes that… is straightaway off the rails, simply spouting opinion, and isn't worth heeding at all.

It's in the light of this pervasive tendency to misunderstand and misrepresent my writings on this site that I indulge in apparent redundancy by frequently repeating certain explanations and clarifications. I appreciate that some readers may find this tiresome (indeed, I myself do!), but hard experience has shown this repeated-clarification approach of mine to be necessary in order to hammer certain points home to the many less receptive people, so with any luck minimizing the quantity of pointless come-back and misrepresentational forum posts relating to this site's contents!



Sheep thinking 'WTF?!'

My little dilemma about this page

This page is unashamedly intended specifically for no-soul people and people with some soul programming but a really open, reasonably belief-free mind, and not for anyone else — but there's a big catch about that. That is, currently most no-soul people don't yet know whether or not they have a soul, and of course probably a big majority believe they have one while actually not knowing at all what their real situation is! — So, in order for this page to be read by its intended target readership it's been necessary for me to make this page equally accessible for all.

The downside of this situation is that the majority of people who read something of this page will at once dismiss me as a highly deluded and twisted egotist or indeed schizophrenic, and may be strongly disapproving or/and offended, because what I'm going on about is so far outside their own belief systems and limited world view, and inevitably shows the majority of them in a pretty poor light.

To a fair extent that's true of this site overall, but the challenging message on this page is particularly direct and concentrated, and includes certain things that I really don't want read at all by people without really open minds, who for the most part are totally unable to get their heads around how people without a soul 'tick', or the issues involved in any of them coming together.

Okay, the vast majority wouldn't take kindly to my 'blowing the whistle' by characterizing them as 'sheep', but, for better or worse, I didn't come into this life to be yet another 'sheep'-appeasing 'diplomat'!

I'm not at all blaming the vast majority for being as they are.The hideously harmful and troublesome trait of 'sheepism' represents a grievous misfortune for those people carrying that trait and all the related dysfunctions that go along with it, and I salute any attempts by such people to clear themselves of their soul programming, which is the cause of their lamentable state.

Rather than any sort of diplomacy, one particular task of mine, as one of those confounded 'specialist' no-soul people, is to be an awkward old b*gger and blow the whistle on our real state of affairs, and to do however much I sensibly can towards enabling Humanity at large to be freeing themselves of the soul programming and associated patterns that make them functionally sub-human.

That aim of mine is NOT 'altruistic', in the normal use of that term, but a matter of 'enlightened self-interest' and plain down-to-earth common sense. Enable or assist others to get clear of their dysfunctions, and you're making the world a better place for yourself. — Stands to reason!

Also, leave those dysfunctions in place as most of the 'sheep' would wish, and what do you get? — Continuation of strife, wars, all the horrors of the torture chambers, terrorist outrages,… Do I really have to go on to make my point? — Surely it's a no-brainer for a fully functioning human to do anything (s)he can sensibly do to ensure the fixing of the universal human dysfunctions.

So, the many 'sheep' who view me as being on some monumental delusional inflated-ego trip are handsomely missing the point of all this — of course without prejudice to whether I really am an egotistical pillock! — And similarly, anyone who deifies me or puts me on a pedestal is, again, missing the point. All I am is a straightforward human who happens to lack much of the normal pile of dysfunctions, and had been detailed to do what I could to carry out what turned out to be a remarkably simple and straightforward task, and had been configured to make that possible.

This page is intended not at all as a rant against 'sheepism', would you believe (that's just an inevitable 'incidental'!), but as something of an inspiration point and rallying call for no-soul people, and especially the much rarer-still 'specialist' no-soulers, all of whom would be suffering from some degree of what I call dysfunctional majority stress*, and would benefit greatly from supportive and encouraging contacts with appropriate fellow no-soulers.

* Please see Understanding loneliness — The real practical solution for more about that, and, more generally, how to clear yourself of ordinary loneliness and indeed to be able to maximally enjoy and benefit from solitude — i.e., without having such potentially wonderful experiences being polluted by loneliness thoughts and feelings.

Most of the information here has appeared in various other parts of this site, but I draw it together here to focus my loving support and encouragement for other no-soulers, with clear intent that over time this would facilitate the much-needed transition to full authentic human function becoming the overriding norm in all civilizations, both here on Earth and indeed anywhere else in the whole of 'Existence'.


True nature of the soul

As already explained elsewhere on this site (so this is just a précis), the soul isn't at all what all the traditions and belief systems claim it to be. As far as I've been able to ascertain, it's a seriously dysfunctional state in which a would-be fully functioning human's clear continuum between dualistic conscious 'ordinary mind' and the non-duality of fundamental consciousness is distorted and disrupted by a mass of programming in the form of illusory realities, patterns and limiting self-beliefs. It thus blocks one's conscious connection with one's deepest aspects (including 'the Ultimate', which is none other than one's deepest level of consciousness), so one is extremely unhelpfully driven to try to find that apparently missing 'greater part' of oneself outside oneself — a quest that is intrinsically doomed to failure.

That 'outside' decoy can be one or a selection of things, including 'God', 'Jesus' or any other supposedly 'divine' beings (all illusory and harmful to engage with), and in extremely unhelpful attached close relationships with other people (marriage, for example, whether traditional or 'gay', being a harmful idiocy), and awareness-reducing preoccupations with socializing, social media, social self-harming (such as drinking alcohol and smoking), and passive 'pursuits' such as watching TV / videos, listening to masses of low-grade mind-numbing music, and so on. Anything to anaesthetize yourself against your loneliness instead of recognising it for what it is and actually clearing yourself of it! (Please see link in previous section.)

The soul is thus something that needs to be dissolved if a person so afflicted is ever to function anything like a 'fully-fledged' human.

The soul programming has been laid-in incrementally in the course of the process of each reincarnation, so the amount of such programming a person is carrying can range from nothing (i.e., the no-soul state) to so much that the individual can't reincarnate anymore and becomes one of what I (not fully accurately) call parasitic lost souls.


'Nearly no-soul' people

There's a whole category of people (quite common) who I refer to as being nearly no-soul. Those have only a very small to tiny amount of soul programming, and have maximum possibility of being able to clear that out and become fully no-soul and thus fully human.

However, there are two subcategories, as follows. They are all typically lovely and vibrant people (i.e., if they've not got significantly screwed-up), with much awareness, though not having quite the incisive 'edge' of clarity that I immediately sense about fully no-soul people.

  • 'Nearly no-soul' — The person's previous incarnation was a 'failed' no-soul one — that is, there was a miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth, or death within a very few days of birth, and thus little or no previous lifetime (as a no-souler). I often encounter them.

    The reason such 'cut-short' no-soul lifetimes have usually resulted in the following incarnation having the beginnings of a soul stems from the fact that they were not yet properly grounded when they got cut short.

    When they were in the dying process they were in a state of automatically constantly grasping for 'lifetime' experiences, and the garbage would virtually every time ply the unfortunate individual with a whole range of astral realm experiences posing as real-life experience, in which the consciousness was being given the basic soul programming, which would ensure that the particular consciousness would become diverted into the soul reincarnation cycle.

  • 'Almost no-soul' — The person's previous incarnation (no-soul, so this is their first soul incarnation), extended at least beyond that critical first few days, so theoretically each such person has a lifetime's-worth of soul programming, BUT in a small proportion of those, for some reason there's very little of that programming indeed — much less than normal for a first-time soul incarnation. Rather weirdly, in some cases the amount of soul programming is markedly less than I've detected for the people whose previous no-soul incarnation was cut short very early.

    It appears that the reason for these people often having picked up less soul programming than the first category is that when they died they were doing so usually from a reasonably grounded state, so there was much less opportunity for the garbage to capture them in astral realms and give them soul programming.

    Because of this, I find some people in this category to be very like fully no-soul people, in a way that people in the first category rarely are. Indeed, when I encounter one of these with 'sniff-it-out' configuration (see further below), I typically experience virtually as strong and harmonious resonance with them as with a 'sniff-it-out' (fully) no-soul person.

Note that the above distinction is a schematic one and there would be a fair amount of personal variation as to exactly at what point in a person's life they're sufficiently grounded to reincarnate into the second category above. Also, I expect there really isn't such a strict cut-off point that determines which of the two categories a no-souler would end up in for their next incarnation, i.e., if it were indeed to have any soul programming at all.

So, if you're using inner inquiry to establish what is the soul / no-soul status of yourself or another person, you'd need to be ready for some people to give equivocal results, which then would require the testing of hypotheses as to the reason for such indeterminate responses, and what their actual situation is (likely to be).


No-soul people

I've explained in some depth about their situation in The true nature of 'the forces of darkness' and its interference and attacks. However, that describes only the general situation for no-soul people, and doesn't go into specific categories of them.

For some no doubt very interesting reason, during 2021 and much more notably in 2022 my previously quite uncommon encounters with people who I recognised as no-soul became increasingly frequent during my hikes and the hitch-hikes that took me to and from the hiking routes. Previously, such encounters were generally wonderful experiences, and, rarely, would involve a warm and deeply-felt embrace upon parting — no-soul people being at least largely free from social convention wherever that gets in the way of behaving in the most positive and 'human' ways.

But in these last two years not only had the frequency of such encounters risen to at least one in probably more than half my outings, but certain of those encounters were a still more powerful experience. This caused me to do some inner inquiry to attempt to work out the significance of those — that is, just why they were more powerful and I was getting certain intriguing inner impressions about them.

I explain about this in the Postscript section of About Philip Goddard, so won't repeat that in full here.

Hazard sign


Warning — A serious hazard for no-soul and some 'nearly no-soul' people

The hazard described here would be gradually reducing now, thanks to the apparent dissolution of the garbage and cacoprotean network, and closure of the astral  (see Project 'Fix the Human Condition').

However, because of the very slow dissolution rate of ingrained patterns of brain function for most people, which are left over from, and mimicking, the interferences from the aforementioned troublesome underlying influences, it isn't at all safe to assume that this particular hazard has actually gone away yet, so vigilance is required…

This warning is for no-soul people generally, but the hazard is greater for 'specialist'-configured no-soulers, and most of all for those with 'sniff-it-out' configuration (See next section).

Such people were recognised by the garbage and the cacoprotean network as a potential threat to the latters' existence. Therefore anyone who was sufficiently controlled by them (primarily through being a member of that network) would be liable to receive 'guidance' to do serious harm to any no-soul (and especially 'sniff-it-out') person who got involved with them. Typically the dangerous individuals are 'lightworkers', 'healers' (particularly prominent ones), psychics of various sorts, and religious or spiritual teachers or leaders of any sort — including ones who aren't really prominent 'big name' ones —, and anyone at all who uses hypnosis / hypnotherapy. This isn't an exhaustive list, so the need is to be vigilant and discerning with all people!

It's important, therefore, to give ALL such people a wide berth. I'm referring here not so much to transient physical proximity, as to purposeful engagement with them (i.e., beyond minimal standard civility — e.g., Hello! … Goodbye — Have a nice day!), and never to obtain from anyone 'healing' or 'life improvement' aids of any kind, let alone actually use them. Have nothing to do with crystals, stones, wands, sacred geometry or other devices that are supposed to have any non-physical / metaphysical / 'spiritual' effect, never mind how well-regarded they may be in various quarters! The supplier may set them up in some way to channel an attack to you, but they can't if you don't have such objects in the first place.

The harm committed is generally through setting up various types of psychic attack, which can in some cases be just in the form of extremely harmful advice for one's own 'healing' or 'spiritual advancement', or trying to get one set up as a 'spiritual teacher' or 'dark' practitioner of some sort, but may consist of direct psychic attack strategies and scenarios, which are potentially lethal, either directly or indirectly.

Such types of attack may involve:

  • Illusory 'entities' or supposed 'higher beings' interfering and playing nasty tricks on one, or leading one into elaborate fictitious scenarios that are disruptive to one's life — including big stories about one's own purported incarnational history and purported special purpose in the current lifetime

  • Attacks with hellish feelings

  • Using the above two and other means, in attempts to urge or compel one to suicide

  • Attacks with supposed 'Earth (or Galactic) energies'. These can't be felt but can readily be lethal if you're carrying an at least covert illusory reality in which those actually nonexistent 'energies' really exist. In other words, in some cases you could be killed even if you have no actual belief that they exist, because you could be carrying the relevant illusory reality covertly in the back of your mindspace, thanks to the garbage. Such attacks usually (but not necessarily) require the target person to be using particular types of crystal or wand — especially involving the use of sacred geometry.

You can get a good idea of all this in action through reading my account of my own experience of being so targeted by the cacoprotean network, particularly via a particular 'lightworker' and confederate (probably plus a number of other members of the network unknown to me), who the network had informed that this funny little man here was a top-level enemy of the 'Higher Plan for Humanity' and so had to be exterminated. For a real eye-opener, see:

Yes, I'm lucky to have survived what that seriously misguided and indeed deluded little crew tried on me, just getting a major attack of osteoarthritis in my right knee that prevented me from going on hikes for a whole winter season before I managed to heal it and get to full-length hikes again by the following July, and scared the shit out of my would-be assassin by still being alive and well! — Forewarned is forearmed!

…And if you're already having some such trouble, please go to Crisis emergency self-help — Life upturn the SMART way to start extricating yourself from your predicament, and know that I'm lovingly right behind you there and wishing you all power!


'Specialist' no-soul people

One thing I established was that I was one of a very thin scattering of no-soul people with a 'specialist' configuration to make one better equipped and more motivated to attempt to figure out what was the underlying cause of the pervasive human dysfunction, and be able to feed back to deeper consciousness the requisite conceptual description of the issue(s) that would then enable deeper consciousness to take measures eventually to fix those issues — i.e., on a universal level, so all human-type beings anywhere in the whole of 'Existence' would benefit as they lose their major and, one could say, 'systemic' dysfunctions.

In fact it's not individual people that received that configuration. Rather, the latter was applied to a scattering of incarnational threads, as that's much simpler and more effective to execute and manage. So, rather than make individual attempts, it made much better sense to give whole incarnational threads — and a reasonable scattering of them — a gradually increasing prospect of hitting upon the right set of life circumstances that would point them in the right direction for one or more of them to eventually work out what was really going on. It appears that this node on my particular incarnational thread just happened to have the right 'developmental trajectory' for me myself to stumble into the requisite discoveries.

I know of four of these 'specialist' configuration types, but my inner inquiry points to there being a few other types that I haven't yet identified. Apparently they're for less crucial, albeit still important, roles. If / when I identify any of those I'll add respective notes here. In the meantime, the following four are the ones I know.

The recognition signs that I give below are my own, and may differ for different people, and refer to typical cases, who aren't unduly screwed-up by issues of this lifetime. I always use Helpfulness Testing to confirm my initial identifications. The impressions from individuals with two or more specialist configurations take more practice to recognise. Helpfulness testing is best always used to check if there are additional configurations, and what they are.


Sniff it out! — getting to the bottom of the universal human dysfunctions

Just to clarify, for the sake of any news media reporters who come sniffing around here — no, I don't have a habit of, or fixation on, sniffing bottoms! I may be a bogeyman, but I'm not a dog!

How I recognise one: exceptionally strong 'spark of life' impression, with a penetrating, inspiring and energizing quality of their gaze; a sense of concentration and focus. They have a distinctive 'neutral' clarity about them — classically like pure spring water (but without the water, the spring, or anything about it that could be described as pure or impure).

My particular configuration that helped me to 'get there' — what I refer to as the 'sniff-it-out' configuration — included making me exceptionally independent-minded, shunning beliefs and 'received wisdoms' in favour of direct observation and working things out for myself on the basis of what really 'adds up'. Basically, that's a rigorously scientific approach (yes, Occam's razor included!), coupled with a strong and grounded (and thus very practical) exploring urge.

Also, importantly, my sexual orientation had to be homosexual, so that I'd be very unlikely to get diverted into family life (the latter would be a real show-stopper for my primary task). That would also have the advantage of making me more likely to be drawn, at the appropriate time, to other 'sniff-it-out' no-soulers, most of whom would also be homosexually oriented for the same reason.

All other 'sniff-it-out' people would have similar basic characteristics, albeit always modified by their individual life experience, just like the effects of genes being modulated by environmental and developmental factors. Their intended roles are secondary, in the sense that they're all dependent on one of the 'sniff-it-out' people having at last 'cracked' the misconfigurations within deeper consciousness, and those then having been fixed.

Has anyone actually found that 'holy grail' yet? — Apparently, yes. See Project Fix the Human Condition.

One particular issue for some 'sniff-it-out' no-soul people — being 'diagnosed' as 'autistic'!

Once I understood about my own 'hyper-tweaked' sniff-it-out configuration I could see more clearly than ever that it was quite a wonder that I myself never got 'diagnosed' as having some degree of 'autism'. Thank goodness I didn't, because, far from helping me, such a 'diagnosis' would have caused me all sorts of problems in addition to the relevant issues that I do have! The whole 'medical model' mindset is hopelessly wrong-headed and harmful when applied to this range of differences from the norm*, which all get bundled together and called 'autism'.

* I use that rather awkward term deliberately, in place of the prejudicial term 'abnormalities', even though technically they mean the same. 'Abnormality' is widely understood to mean 'something wrong', which means that we all need to drop use of that term like a red-hot brick if we're ever going to get genuinely understanding humans and human functioning. Let's say it yet again — in that arena, the 'norm' that people generally accept as 'good' or 'correct' functioning is in fact itself highly dysfunctional. They thus have a grievously faulty model of what a well-functioning human is, or at least would be, like — with the result that they have no sound rational basis for identifying and resolving issues.

On the other hand, a tiny minority of people, with greater awareness and mental flexibility — inevitably primarily no-soul people — do have at least more of a proper understanding, to the effect that our true nature (exemplified by a model of a fully, not normally, functioning human) is one of rationality and mental flexibility, with an absence of reactive or repetitive patterns. Such a person is positive, constructive and creative in all aspects of the life experience, and always aware of and taking into account the likely consequences of any thoughts, words, or action that (s)he may come out with. Such a person is naturally, lovingly joyfully vibrant in everyday life — still able to feel painful emotions in stressful / trauma situations, but naturally letting them go without storing them and allowing them to cloud and restrict one's life experience.

Being 'normal' in our current planetary civilization is therefore not being in a genuinely good state at all, but in a normal state of dysfunction, never mind how socially acceptable it is!

What deeper consciousness is indicating consistently to me through my inner inquiry is that a large majority of people who've got stuck with that 'autism' label are in reality no-soul individuals with the 'sniff-it-out' configuration. That does NOT mean that sniff-it-outers generally are autistic, but that (a), a pronounced 'sniff-it-out' configuration does tend to tick a small proportion of the boxes for being labelled as 'autistic', and (b), this configuration carries with it a much higher risk of troublesome side-effects than the other specialist configurations.

Most or maybe all sniff-it-outers do have some unhelpful side-effects of that configuration, but they'd be unlikely on balance to earn the affected person an 'autism' diagnosis. On the other hand, a small minority of sniff-it-outers are grievously unfortunate in the severity of those side-effects, and it's primarily those who are regarded as having classic 'autism'.

Nowadays it's widely recognised that 'autism' covers a very wide spectrum of differences from the norm. However, that whole assessment is wagging the dog with its tail! Let's remember that 'autism' is just a label of sort-of convenience, NOT a condition in itself. What that label really is, most fundamentally, is a whacking great FIG LEAF that the caring professions put on people, which saves them the challenge of ever working out what is really going on for people who've been given that convenient but prejudicial and obfuscatory label!

It's widely been a subject of some mystification, that a certain proportion of autism-labelled individuals display an 'abnormal' (i.e., unusual to exceptional) level of good functioning in certain aspects of their lives — especially with regard to intelligence. In other cases, of course, the troublesome side-effects would block that high-level functioning, and indeed in other cases there would be other causes of the problems, such as genetic or environmentally-determined developmental factors.

Overall, then, there's a real need for all the caring professions to get out of their beliefs and orthodoxies over this, and get recognising the 'sniff-it-out no-souler' issue and respond to individuals in that category with true understanding of what's going on for them, and how it's come about — AND, for goodness' sake, to recognise many of their differences from the norm as being fundamentally 'meant to be there' and not a 'condition' or 'something wrong' about them.

Look at this crazy Philip monkey here! I'm very much a non-'sheep', not a socializer, bullied and ridiculed in my early years, always tending to be socially excluded. Even my often unique literary and music works are consistently sidelined in favour of the more superficial or conventional works that are aimed at gaining financial success. My mental acuity and self-command has brought me into loggerheads with schoolteachers, university lecturers, doctors and psychiatrists, experts in various scientific and creative fields, not to mention all the belief-driven people in all manner of spiritual / metaphysical / 'healing' traditions. That's all because I genuinely think for myself and don't let others' poorer functioning deflect me from what I've carefully worked out for myself on the basis of my own observations, rigorously worked-out deductions, plus nowadays input from deeper consciousness itself. On the other side of that coin I'm slow in carrying out all sorts of everyday tasks, and with a certain clumsiness… (Some checkboxes duly checked for supposed 'autism')

Why am I like that? — Because I'm 'autistic'? — F*ck, no, at least not in any usefully meaningful sense! It's because I have a brain function anomaly (i.e, difference from the norm) that was deliberately configured by deeper consciousness about the time of my conception, for a specific crucial positive purpose. Rather than repeat about all that here, I refer you to the final main section in About Philip Goddard.


Guardian / overseer for Humanity

How I recognise one: They're too rare for me to get a clear indication from their appearance, but they all have 'sniff-it-out' characteristics. I do tend to get a sense that there's something more to them than just 'sniff-it-out', so I check them out, using Helpfulness Testing. If I've been talking a bit with the person my suspicion would be raised by their life outlook revealed in things they say — a sense of caring and responsibility for all Humanity rather than just oneself and maybe immediate 'friends and family'.

This is of at least equal importance to 'sniff-it-out', and is restricted to a quite small proportion of people with that configuration (nobody else). In other words, a thin scattering of sniff-it-outers are configured so that their 'sniff-it-out' capability is strongly directed and focused towards benefiting Humanity at every level, including the universal. Such individuals are intended and motivated for facilitating the development of new, 'clean' global civilizations, which have started arising after the fixing of the misconfigurations within deeper consciousness that had been causing all the human dysfunction and irrationality that we are still observing here on Earth.

It's envisaged that, roughly speaking, a 'handful' of such people (per planet) would operate as a lovingly monitoring and guiding group, who would be on the lookout for issues and would report them back to deeper consciousness in conceptual forms that the latter can use for it to be able to work out and apply solutions. The group would also be responsible for disseminating methods similar to what I'm nowadays doing my best against great odds to disseminate here in the highly dysfunctional Earth civilizations, so people can generally become progressively better integrated between 'mind' and deepest aspects and thus become still more powerful, constructive and creative.

I myself have this configuration, and I know of two and possibly a third similarly configured individuals who are intended, all being well, to incarnate not too far away from me when I enter my next incarnation (not on Earth, which is a figurative sinking ship now in terms of habitability for humans), together with a few more, so we can operate as one of the first such groups in a new, 'clean' civilization.


High-level leadership capability for 'transition time'

How I recognise one: They're somewhat less rare than those with Guardian / Overseer configuration, but still rare. To my perception they tend to have a charisma, full of particularly radiant warmth that radiates resplendently from them like a sun — and I feel I want to bathe in that wonderful warm radiance of theirs. They give an impression of being particularly at ease with and enjoying some sort of supervisory or management role. Their type of job may give a hint too. Ones I've known included a restaurant manager, and a supervisor and most recently a new security man at my local Sainsbury's supermarket.

I don't know the specifics about their particular configuration, but they would all connect with a much wider range of people than the 'sniff-it-out' people, and tend to be effective to downright powerful as conciliators, while being strong on clearly thought-out decision-making, and indeed able and ready to briefly put on a dictatorial-seeming 'hard edge' if that's what is genuinely required to cut through some bit of nonsense that's threatening to cause significant problems. Also, the need for a specific sexual orientation is not so clear-cut, so there's more tendency for an open-minded bisexuality, though not so much for 'hetero-only', which would tend to divert too many such individuals into more 'normal' family lives and lose them from availability for their fundamental task.

Hazard sign Important clarification
I do NOT mean to imply that any particular no-souler with the 'high-level leadership' configuration would necessarily be fit for that purpose. That configuration simply increases the individual's likelihood of that capability developing to the requisite truly outstanding level. The majority of those individuals at any one time would probably not have developed it that far or even at all, because of all the 'diversionary tactics' of the life experience itself.

Also, in some cases the respective individuals' garbage interferences would have diverted them into misuse of their leadership capability, turning it away from its strongly humanitarian purpose, to produce, for example, a cruel dictator head-of-State or fanatical religious leader, or heavily (stressfully or indeed destructively) controlling parent or workplace manager.


Supportive companionship for other 'specialist' no-soul people

How I recognise one: Both a sense of immediately being close, loving friends (even in some cases feeling immediately 'in love' with the person, as a mutual thing as distinct from simply desiring him/her), and generally a sense of great beauty about them.

Actually that sense of great beauty is the result of a colouration of their 'energy', indicating a problem for the person, caused by their not having relevant people to whom they can fulfil the purpose of their configuration (see below for more about that). It seems so beautiful actually because it reflects a pain that the person is carrying, causing him / her to spontaneously seek to give themselves away to others (including me), causing me to feel that that's just what I need, so the person could be my 'one and only'! Almost always the person wouldn't be aware that this is going on, though when I point out to them their pervading pattern of giving themselves away and not receiving (which they could counter), I get a really surprised response because they were sort-of aware of it, and I'd put them fully in touch with a meaningful and exceedingly helpful explanation.

People with this configuration can have aptitudes in common with any of the other 'specialist' configurations, but their primary speciality is to be more approachable and 'accessible' fully compatible friends / companions for those 'specialist' individuals whose configuration (primarily sniff-it-out) have caused them a persistent state of isolation and consequent loneliness. This role's relevance emerges only now, following the alleged fixing of the basic misconfigurations in deeper consciousness and consequent inactivation of any 'keep apart from others' element of their 'specialist' configuration.

Having that barrier inactivated is all very well, but affected people would still be carrying strong patterns that perpetuate their stressful state of isolation, especially keeping separate from the most obviously compatible people (those with their own 'speciality' configuration). Hence the availability of a whole category of people who are fully compatible in 'energy' terms but more inviting and less inclined to trigger 'keep apart' responses.

Actually this speciality can readily be a problem for people carrying it, because, without relevant compatible people being readily available, there's been a strong tendency for them to develop a pattern of giving themselves away to others (at least in 'energy' terms) without being able to accept much or indeed any giving back to them.

They can appear on the surface to be living a great and rewarding life, 'helping' others and apparently with little or no issues they need to address or have any support for, but actually that sort of pattern is keeping the person largely 'out in the cold' emotionally, and gradually weakening them both physically and emotionally. Yes, ironically they themselves are commonly in a situation of shutting out the genuinely supportive and compatible companionship that they would most benefit from!

I've worked out a potentially very potent way of starting to clear such patterns, helping the affected person to start learning to keep their 'giving energy' under aware control so it can be moderated to allow a healthy reciprocation. It needs a fully compatible co-worker or 'accomplice', who is unfazed by emotional release and can remain fully supportive throughout, and who has at least a reasonable degree of control over his/her 'energy' output during hugs, and reasonable awareness of what the other person's 'giving' energy level and balance are doing. I look forward to experimental use of this with relevant 'supportive companionship' no-soulers.


Anomalous situations

I've already mentioned 'nearly no-soul' people, who can be confusing to identify / understand precisely, but there can also be anomalies relating to fully no-soul people.

On a Cornish coast path hike on 9 April 2022 I was starting the tricky descent towards Trevaunance Cove, when I encountered a very intent- and aware-looking man coming the other way. I noted particularly an almost fiery focused intensity of his gaze as he laboured up towards me. We got chatting, and the formalities rapidly fell away as I rapidly picked up cues from him and steered our talk to self-actualization. With each brief exchanged sentence or two he got more excited and his gaze more intent, and then I sprung my little surprise on him, telling him that I'd been checking him out internally, and it appeared beyond all reasonable doubt that he had something great in common with me — of course, that he had no soul —, and I explained very briefly the significance of that. It was really striking how each thing I said 'clicked' with him, with immediate understanding (i.e., as distinct from just swallowing my words and ideas as a belief).

I gave him one of my cards to put him in touch with me and this site, which intensified further his fiery enthusiasm towards me, and then we both had to go on our different ways. He held out a hand, and of course I laughingly dismissed that, and it was really quite hilarious to observe him almost blowing a circuit breaker as I started taking my pack off, saying something like This is the real way no-soulers do it…. He couldn't get his pack off fast enough for that intense and rapturous embrace!

What struck me particularly afterwards was that his 'energy' and outstandingly focused intensity and bang-on understandings, suggestive to me of a 'sniff-it-out' no-souler, hadn't had the powerful and indeed even erotic effects on me that I'd experienced from the one 'sniff-it-outer' I'd so far encountered then, and the further one I encountered (still more powerfully) on the coast path near Boscastle on 30 April 2022.

My inner inquiry on this anomaly indicates that the guy near Trevaunance Cove had no 'specialist' configuration in his incarnational thread, BUT his developmental trajectory in this particular lifetime had given him a much more superficially based close replica of that particular 'thread-level' configuration — or at least, a major part of it.

At least, now I have a very good yardstick for recognising a range of niceties about no-soulers' special configuration type or lack of it when we embrace! — Indeed, I need all the self-command at my disposal to keep myself in balance and not fall into, shall we say, 'unhelpful' behaviour with the true 'specialists', especially ones with the same configuration as my own*.

* I'm talking here about such people who are at least largely 'clean' and free from harmful or potentially troublesome patterns. Many rough sleepers and 'druggies' appear to be no-soul — all of them having fallen by the wayside, getting led into mind-numbing and self-destructive patterns — but, for my own well-being it's necessary that I keep clear of those, no matter whether they're 'specialist' or not. It's essential for all no-soulers, and especially 'specialist' ones, to draw their respective personal boundaries very strongly, so that they can be of maximum benefit in the population at large, while not getting dragged down into other people's emotional mires.

Are 'specialist' no-soulers immune to getting trapped into a soul reincarnational sequence?

The contents of the following panel are based on my original cautious 'fall-back' scenario, that the misconfigurations within deeper consciousness (and therefore the garbage) still exist…

Sorry to say, 'immune' is too strong a word for the actual situation. Undoubtedly, 'specialist' no-soulers — particularly the 'sniff-it-out' ones — are inherently more resistant than standard no-soulers to getting side-tracked and diverted into soul reincarnation cycles, but to make them all fully immune would be far too big an interference in our whole notionally 'free choice' setup. I do get indications that in various subtle ways, in more recent aeons deeper consciousness has slightly 'bent the rules' at times by subtly tweaking or skewing certain details of a particular 'sniff-it-out' no-souler (and indeed, allegedly has done so in my case), where it looked as though the individual was looking to be getting really close to a breakthrough towards success in identifying the fundamental cause(s) of human dysfunction, or at least a real breakthrough direction.

— But yes, sorry to say, a small proportion even of 'sniff-it-outers' have fallen by the wayside and got dumped in the horror-purgatory of cyclic soul reincarnation, so having their awareness and ability to experience the beauty of their and others' humanity progressively shut down — except…

What my inner inquiry points to is that for a long time now the 'specialist' configurations have included an element that hugely limits the amount of soul programming that can get laid in, in such a way that after probably just one or two soul incarnations the attempted input of any further soul programming causes the soul to disintegrate and release the affected consciousness so it can incarnate again 'as Nature intended' — i.e., as a lovely, wonderful 'specialist' no-souler (i.e., real human) once more!

Having said the above, however, my default working assumption now is that the major misconfigurations within deeper consciousness really had been fixed in early 2022, so that nobody at all would any longer enter the soul reincarnation cycle, and at least almost all would die properly and reincarnate without a soul.

I say 'at least almost all' because my inner inquiry results on this suggest that, as a rarity, the odd person may not lose every last bit of their soul programming upon death this time round — though they would lose any remainder either in their next lifetime or upon dying at the end of it. In other words there is allegedly no longer an ongoing cycle of soul reincarnation for anyone.

However, as that possible exception applies only to soul-programmed people, unsurprisingly it cannot apply to no-soul people.


Where are the women in all of this?

They are present, though apparently less numerous, and often more difficult to recognise. Currently it appears to me that few are in a sufficiently 'free and open' state to be motivated to play much part in the proactive aspects of the current 'coming together' trend — the problem being the strong socially-inculcated fixation upon projecting an inevitably false stereotypical 'feminine' self-image. For most, that's much more than just appearance, and embraces life preoccupations (typically child bearing / rearing and associated domesticity) and a certain 'non-maleness', which tends to down-rate their intellectual abilities in favour of appearing to be 'warm' and emotionally spontaneous.

The provisional good news, then, is that, on the assumption that Project Fix the Human Condition really has succeeded in its primary objectives, and the garbage really has been dissolved now, and all its harmful effects are now in a process of dissolution, then (a) all new births would at least very soon be no-soul, and (b) extant people would be coming to their senses increasingly, and women would be progressively less interested in projecting false images of themselves (i.e., they'd be becoming more authentic and free at last). There would thus be a progressive transition of many people who are not too heavily soul-programmed, towards fully no-soul state, regardless of gender.

So, although it would take some time, there should be a steady transition to all people being no-soul — by which time the 'speciality' configurations may have been removed from all incarnational threads, for those configurations would then be redundant. How far that transition would have got before we're more or less all wiped out in the impending global collapse of human civilization here on Earth, I don't know — though it looks to me and many people to be within a very small number of decades.


Getting together? — Wow!!…?

A real 'wow' mutual recognition as 'specialist' no-soulers
The real 'wow' mutual recognition of specialist no-soulers
(AI generated symbolic representation)

No-soulers generally have an apparent big problem, in that when one encounters another, and recognises the latter for what (s)he is, all the pent-up loneliness / isolation feelings are very likely to cry out for coming together and being 'soul mates', 'twin flames' or getting into other versions of closely entangled and attached 'relationship'.

For 'specialist' no-soulers — primarily the 'sniff-it-out' ones, that issue is significantly more intense, because (with individual variations) their particular 'special' configuration has kept them feeling much more isolated from any sort of close or meaningful human contact, and has further limited options by giving them normally a homosexual orientation.

Okay, such attempts towards 'living happily together for ever after' do happen, and the couple would at least initially claim that they have the ultimate relationship bliss, and all that. — Yet, once they've fallen into that trap they're lost to further self-actualization, until such time as they come to their senses and go their own ways once more, or maybe change the nature of the relationship, so that it's no longer an entangled emotional attachment (in other words there has effectively been a parting, of sorts), but they're simply working together on a project instead. Then they're much freer, and are able to connect once more with other fantastic no-soulers who they'd never have had the joy of properly encountering if they were still stuck in that suffocating 'pair' relationship.


'Specialists' getting together — now he's getting 'personal'!

This section was written before deeper consciousness finally indicated that 'the great coming together' as originally envisioned was an unrealistic aim for us at this time. It had been assumed, on the basis of insufficient data, that after the fixing of the major misconfigurations within deeper consciousness any left-over patterns from the harmful effects of those would dissolve quickly and at least the more 'open' and aware people would rapidly become sufficiently pattern-free to form 'open', non-exclusive, unattached friendships of various sorts.

In the event that hasn't worked out, because the patterns left in people's brains have proved relatively resistant to the various methods deeper consciousness had so far used in attempts to speed up their dissolution.

For the time being I'm retaining this section, though with revisions, as it still contains information and suggestions that could be helpful, even though now in most cases it would be by far the best not to actively seek friendship or 'a relationship', but to allow such relationships to grow naturally out of working together on projects or sharing particular healthy pursuits.

So, we're not quite 'back to square one', but clearly the first need would be the ability to recognise no-soul people and especially 'specialist' ones. At least then you'd know who is genuinely compatible with you in 'energy' terms, and who, however 'nice' or 'endearing', would be a drag on you — but then, going beyond a passing encounter would generally require a shared interest / pursuit / activity to start giving a framework upon which a genuinely healthy sort of friendship / companionship would naturally grow.

After a few most unsatisfactory experiences of trying to pair up with somebody or, shall we say, having a little squirm together in my earlier adulthood, I found it unremarkably easy to recognise that those sorts of preoccupations were pointing me in really silly-unhelpful directions (providing me with stress and indeed intensified loneliness), so it was relatively easy for me to recognise that any answer had to lie in some other direction.

It was clear that there was some strong incompatibility between me and even people who I thought I liked a hell of a lot, or who simply triggered sexual arousal because of various 'fetish' fantasy effects. I therefore learnt pretty quickly to avoid any likely route to the popular notion of a 'relationship', pending my having sorted myself out sufficiently that I understood what the eff all my inner turmoils and issues were really about and how to get beyond those and all the unhelpful pressures from people to live this or that way.

In retrospect I clearly see that, however stressful it was to maintain an aloofness from the people around me and avoid getting close with any of them (and for so, so long — ouch!), it was totally the best strategy for me, until the current time (in 2022), by which time a shift in emphasis was clearly occurring. Now it's become almost hilariously common for me (i.e., as compared with previously) to encounter and immediately recognise no-soulers and indeed 'specialist' ones. That does at least present one with opportunities for transient close friendships, with some sense of enduring connection even if one doesn't see the other person ever again.

Armed with an exceptional level of insightful perception and experience-based confidence, I'm now able briefly to relate directly with those wonderful individuals at their own level, in the process of telling each about what's special about him (/her), and giving him (/her) a card with my web address and contact details on. My own hiking outings have taken on a new and amazing dimension with such beautiful and often intense experiences along the way.

My understanding from my current inner inquiry about all that is that, with the main underlying causes of human irrationality purportedly now fixed, it's time now for some of us 'specialist' no-soulers to come together more purposefully, and not leave it entirely to 'hit and run' encounter experiences. — Except that currently that can't work out for most relevant people because of the issue of their patterns left over from the effects of the now allegedly fixed misconfigurations in deeper consciousness. Those patterns aren't dissolving rapidly as had originally been expected, and so the vast majority of us 'specialist' no-soulers are still unable to come together in healthy and self-actualization supportive ways.

Because of that issue, it's best that we don't actively seek the sort of friendship that we long for, or that we simply recognise as being the most healthy for us, but simply enable it to develop if / when a fluke opportunity arises. It does make sense, though, to take the odd measures that would increase the chance of that coming about, but without making it a big thing in your life, for that would unbalance your life experience and cause a lot of stress, especially if none of the sought-for friendships turn up.

Hazard sign Caution — there be dragons here!

Some wacky tips for becoming a great and joyful role model of a REAL human, when two 'specialist' no-soulers come together

Great insightful self-discipline is necessary for us 'specialist' no-soulers when we encounter each other, and especially when seeking to go beyond mere 'hit and run' — or should we say 'hug and run'! — encounters.

Immensely deep and intense feelings of love, eroticism and pent-up longings are bound to arise in such circumstances, until we're more used to each other and are joyfully, humorously, acknowledging such things and allowing 'action on that front' only in sensibly small measured doses (i.e., where it genuinely makes sense in the first place). Life centred around such feelings and cravings for each other (and acting them out too!) would be just a more intense version of the suffocating attached relationships that soul-programmed people get into, and would be missing the real point of self-actualization, and indeed of living as a fully functioning human.

A really good starter for any sort of continuing / developing relationship is to drop completely the term 'relationship' for anything worthwhile you're getting into, because it's so loaded with preconceptions. Best to think of it always as simply a fully human working friendship — open and non-exclusive, and being simply a part of your life, not the centre of it. The real centre of your life is you, yourself! Look at it all like that, and that gives less foothold for stultifying attachment and 'devotion' to creep in. It also helps focus you where you always need to be basically focused — in your awareness of yourself as a manifestation of non-dual fundamental consciousness itself.

We thus need to be keeping our attention well grounded, the lion's share of it being on our surroundings and our sharing practical tasks and pursuits while together, and otherwise still being physically apart most of the time in order to maintain a healthily outgoing outlook and connect with further 'specialist' no-soulers as opportunities arise. You see how, by putting sensible constraints on one particular super-close friendship, you actually maximize your opportunities for additional uplifting and life-affirming encounters and even super-close friendships — each of the latter similarly constrained so you keep on a joyful even keel and also get plenty of vibrant solitude.

The primary way for each of us to help keep in balance is to use Helpfulness Testing (HT), to see how one's deeper levels of consciousness assess particular choice options one is considering (indicating 'strengthening' or 'weakening') — those choices including hypotheses about what's going on, say, for somebody you're interested in for some worthwhile and beneficial reason.

You can thus cultivate / sharpen-up your ability to recognise a no-souler. I myself always use HT to double-check my direct impression that somebody is or could be no-soul — and nowadays, since I came to understand that it was particularly important for me to recognise 'specialist' no-soulers, I also use HT to double-check any suspicion that I'm faced with one of those.

Regarding those hugs with complete strangers I encounter on my outings, so far it's almost always been me that's had to pluck up the courage to suggest a hug (generally upon parting), though in the aforementioned case near Boscastle my suggestion of a hug caused the guy to emit a burst of astonished but so relieved laughter, admitting that he'd been wanting but not quite daring to suggest that very thing to me! — a real sure-fire confirmation that I was absolutely on the right tack!

In such hugs I always aim to keep the tone very light, with some gentle laughter. That's important because without that sort of lightness of tone one can readily get straightaway onto very murky and unhealthy ground. I particularly enjoy launching into one of those hugs with a brief quiet but joyfully intense 'bear growl', and I recommend that 'lightening-up' tactic to all and sundry.

We need to remember that even as 'specialist' no-soulers, we're nonetheless currently booby-trapped 'damaged goods', with many issues that garbage interferences plus all the problems the dysfunctional majority have 'kindly' caused us to have, so it really is necessary to behave in ways that ensure we don't go falling into our own or anyone else's emotional mires. At least, with insightful care and a good dose of playful humour we can cultivate ever healthier and more grounded functioning both in ourselves and in every single no-souler we relate with, no matter how much various emotional pressures seek to capsize us!

And now, after the cautions, the provisional Green Light!

Reading the above cautions and caveats would no doubt reinforce many isolated-feeling ('specialist') no-soulers in their fear / timidity about getting in touch with each other or indeed with this monkey who writes such outrageous things here. There's no guarantee that anyone with whom I've had a tremendous encounter on one of my outings will be constructively bold enough to get in touch to follow up that encounter by keeping in touch and (shock horror!) actually meeting up sometimes for a workshop session, some other project sharing, or sensibly constrained social togetherness and enjoying the beauty and life-affirming nature of real prime physical contact as we'd get only from a 'specialist' no-souler, so one is going some way towards at least ameliorating, and with any luck actively shattering, that miserable old 'isolation' bogey we've had to live with for so long.

Yes, we do need to apply thought all the time to how we're conducting ourselves, and to intercept the 'attachment' bogey wherever it creeps in, as it will try to — but we also need to risk making supposed mistakes, for the purpose of extending our horizons and learning as we go. No 'mistakes' is bound to mean minimal learning and outward progress, and minimal life improvement! — Stands to reason!

Do take care!Rubbish! Be bold, with awareness, and risk making 'mistakes', so you can learn and experience more!Now we're getting somewhere!

When we 'boob', the obvious thing is to make any due apology, hopefully in light-hearted manner, and back off a bit or simply do things differently in a similar situation next time.

Making sense of getting horny…

If, while you're together and 'the serpent rises' for both of you, simply abstaining or trying to avoid or deny the issue wouldn't normally make sense (can cause all manner of harmful stresses).

It's important to understand that the erotic feelings are NOT YOU!! — They are experiences that arise for you just as other experiences arise. If you train yourself to perceive them as something that is imposing itself upon you when it's come on unbidden, rather than its simply being you, then you're in a better position to find means to stop those feelings and urges coming on except when you deliberately allow them, when it makes best sense to 'get erotic'.

So, we have these two broad choices…

Scenario 1 — the supposedly obvious one — but ANTI-self-actualization if it's your automatic first choice. This is your 'safety-net' option, when the Scenario 2 measures don't stem the arousals on the current occasion.

Subject to Helpfulness Testing indications, it can make best sense to make the most of the occasion by acting (sensibly) on those compelling feelings. Of course as we're particularly intelligent types we surely wouldn't act in ways that would likely pass on sexually transmitted infections or otherwise be injurious (notably anal penetration, of course, but also 'doing it' orally, which readily can cause urethral, mouth or gut infections and puts attention on the thrill rather than the person). As we surely all know, some STDs have a nasty way of lying in hiding, so due caution in a non-paranoid fashion makes complete sense.

— And then, when that's finished, you draw a line under it, remembering that that particular tremendous experience is now in the past, and that it's you and not the other person who is still at the centre of your life, and get properly grounded again, respecting the other person's independence and self-determination, and keeping main focus on working and achieving things when you're together, rather than turning inwards to each other much of the time and thus being lost!

Scenario 2 — the MUCH better one, most of the time — self-actualization-friendly!

Subject to Helpfulness Testing indications, generally the best approach is to openly acknowledge the erotic arousal, but NOT to act on it, and immediately both to have a session in which you first both use the Feedback-loop Zapper procedure, which may stem the current arousals, and then after a few minutes, examine the feelings and, specifically the thoughts / beliefs underlying them, and put the latter to inquiry using The Work.

That can be a great and loving experience because you're then learning more deeply about how the two of you are really interacting, and the crazy false expectations you've both been putting upon each other, and dissolve your attachment to them, so they themselves then dissolve, and you both become freer. For that purpose you both start off by writing down your own list. Doing it in discussion with each other will most likely get fuller lists, and is a most enjoyable and loving experience.

You make sure to include in your respective lists the thoughts that come up when you contemplate (a) never (again) getting erotic with each other, and (b) never seeing each other again. This isn't to convince you to live without eroticism and indeed without your friend, but is for the purpose of clearing out the polluting and debilitating attachment to each other and to eroticism.

When you've done that, you both use the Grounding Point procedure to 'zap' up to three successive highest priority thoughts / beliefs from your respective lists, according to the instructions for that procedure, followed by Feedback-loop Zapper again, followed by close-of-practice procedure.

— And then, because it may take some hours / days / weeks for the relevant patterns / illusory realities to dissolve, and one may find that more The Work and Grounding Point sessions are required, to dispose of further relevant illusory realities that have shown up, if you're still both being pestered by arousals, rather than simply stress yourselves by abstinence, Scenario 1 may then be indicated for this time.

How 'specialist' no-soulers can maximize their chances of encountering and recognising others — a non-exhaustive list for starters

Hazard sign

I caution that the following notes are NOT meant to imply a need to be all the time trying to find prospective friends / mates. If you operate like that you'd be, or soon become, horribly unbalanced, and all sorts of distorted interactions and relationships would result.

Indeed, I myself started getting a little that way as a result of my original writing of this page, and that soon caused me some major stresses, which was a salutary reminder of the need to get back into balance and take things more gently!

These, then, are just useful suggestions for an overall policy to ensure that you do have opportunities for encountering suitable people. Application of those suggestions and principles needs to be in a laid-back manner, so you then get on with life attending to other things, but just keeping that little bit alert all the time for good encounters, being outgoing and not trying to achieve anything relationship-wise. In other words, you let go of all end-gaining tendencies / patterns as you notice them, and attend to the means (in this case, getting on with a rationally based everyday life!).

  • Be sure to set your intent that you're going to encounter other 'specialist' no-soulers here and there as an ongoing feature of your outings, and that the relevant developmental trajectories (in deeper consciousness) be adjusted accordingly now. Use a formal declaration of intent to make that maximally effective.

  • Learn to use Helpfulness Testing carefully and rigorously, so you can check on the status of any individual whose 'vibes' and other cues (such as signs of exceptional mental clarity together with deep awareness) seem suggestive. Learn also to identify certain types of probable contra-indicating issues, such as attached soul fragments (I sense a dark, mucky or sticky 'something' around such people), and seriously weak grounding (I sense a faint whitish radiance around them), and hidden agendas. A lot of contact or exchanges with a very weakly grounded person can weaken your own grounding and eventually cause you problems.

    Another type of issue that needs recognising and either avoiding or awarely and firmly handling is the pattern of always giving oneself away to others and not being able / willing to accept support or reciprocating 'energy' from them. Such a person's 'energy' can feel exquisitely beautiful and loving, because it has a 'coloration' (actually a distortion), but it is actually disempowering to those who receive it. Healthy, undistorted 'energy', has an uncoloured, 'pure spring water' quality, so its power and beauty are a much more subtle experience.

    A close, reasonably long full-frontal hug is a great way to pick up fully on the state of a person's 'energy' and outlook and presence of potentially problematical patterns, and helps you subsequently to get the most reliable Helpfulness Testing results relating to that person. That's another reason why I myself am so keen on hugging 'specialist' no-soulers.

  • Get out on walks and hikes in countryside and wild places. Normally do it solo OR with another 'specialist' no-souler, working then as a team for spotting no-soulers, otherwise you'll likely miss most relevant individuals because your attention wouldn't be focused in the right way — and by the same token, they'd not recognise you as anyone potentially significant to them.

    Solo hiking is generally more beneficial and deeply enjoyable anyway, with maximal connection with one's surroundings and noticing all the beautiful fine details and nuances that are missed when you've got company — and it's overall the most self-empowering sort of outing or trip.

  • For those with 'sniff-it-out' configuration, a considerable emphasis on wild rugged places is particularly indicated, which are challenging or remote enough that they don't get masses of ordinary people. Challenging long-distance hiking routes, or sections thereof, are a good bet.

  • If it's workable in your country / area, use hitch-hiking frequently, at least in wilder places, and be properly kitted up for that (prominent clear computer-printed destination signs, and high-visibility wear, including high-vis / reflective strips attached to the rucksack so you're prominent to traffic coming from behind if you're walking. That's not only safer, but increases your chances of getting picked up, and by the right sorts of people. Extra layers of appropriate clothing are normally needed in case of very long waits in cold or windy situations.

    I give some useful info for hitch-hiking between Exeter and various parts of Cornwall, UK in Favourite great hikes.

    Philip Goddard hitch-hiking — freedom and adventure!
    Little short of being an octogenarian — me in my element, outward on another joyful hiking and hitch-hiking adventure from my Exeter home…
    Photo: Jon Zaple, 2 June 2022
  • If you're driving, be ready to pick up hitch-hikers, though of course still with discernment as there are potential risks in doing so, and there are countries where it's much less safe than here in the UK, and may not be a good option. Best, if at all possible, to use Helpfulness Testing very quickly the moment you spot a possible hitch-hiker ahead, to get some idea whether it would make sense to pick the person up. In that event, and particularly in less safe countries, be sure not to pick up unless you get a clear 'strengthening' response, and are experienced enough to know to what extent you could trust even that.

  • If you can afford it, have a meal in a restaurant (NON-fast-food, and with at least some genuinely healthy eating options) as often as is sensible for you. If possible, try different restaurants and make a short-list of those with the most 'interesting' staff, who relate with you in the most 'human' and genuinely interested (rather than formal) ways, and make a point of taking interest in them. Rotate through the short-list to maximize variety of cuisine and number of people you encounter. In my own experience so far it hasn't been so much customers who've been of interest, but certain staff members. Getting to know and address the more interesting ones by their first name is a good starter. As with hiking, this is best done alone, otherwise you'd miss most opportunities that do present themselves.

    Even though there may appear to be no relevant staff initially, if you make a point of reasonably regularly frequenting certain of those venues, that would result in a reconfiguration of your and other people's developmental trajectories such that there becomes an increased probability of relevant 'specialist' no-soulers popping up there, helped of course by the normal quite rapid turnover of most staff in the hospitality trade generally.

  • Generally shun socializing places and events unless you genuinely get something beneficial from particular ones (use Helpfulness Testing to find out), for, generally speaking, they're a complete and frustrating waste of time, and a deep stress-maker and not the sort of place that other 'specialist' no-soulers (particularly 'sniff-it-outers') would be drawn to, even though there might be the rare exception.

  • Always carry a little bunch of some sort of contact or business card with at least your name and basic contact details, and, if you can sensibly fit it in, not only any relevant URL of your own, but the URL of this site.

  • If you've determined that a person is at least likely to be a 'specialist' no-souler, if you're feeling really strong positive resonance with the other person, gently suggest that you both have a warm and really 'meant' hug, as is the real thing for no-soul people. If hitch-hiking, suggest to the motorist that when (s)he drops you, (s)he get out of the car too, so you can hug properly. The best form of words I've yet found to get round any off-putting awkwardness about making such a suggestion is a light-hearted If you're game for it, I suggest that when I get out of the car…

    On the other hand, more caution and discretion is needed if you're male and the driver female. In order not to stress a female driver, who could feel quite threatened by such a suggestion from a 'strange' (indeed, weirdo!) man, you could perhaps qualify a hug suggestion with a recognition that you're used to doing this with relevant male drivers, but would make such a suggestion to her only if that is really what she wants — or something like that. I myself have hardly ever hugged a female motorist who's picked me up, though it could happen with an exceptionally 'with-it' woman who's clearly no-soul and not identifying with a woman stereotype (for one thing, no make-up!).

    Note, however, that same-gender hugs are generally significantly more effective and healthy than most cross-gender ones. That's because of all the gender stereotype interactions that occur between men and women, which tend to hinder or obliterate any really aware and healthy interaction.

Notes for individuals who I've encountered and told they're no-soul

If your experience of that encounter with me was a genuinely positive and inspiring one for you, and you want to make something more special, inspiring and fulfilling of your life, I want to encourage you to push through any timidity or feeling that you wouldn't know what to say or write to me, and to email or phone me, and keep in touch with me so that we can possibly follow that up to help enable you towards fulfilling that wish or motivation to whatever extent is workable for you. This is a two-way process, so it's not a matter of me giving myself away.

Although my self-actualization methods are strictly do-it-yourself, the sordid truth is that, never mind what the notes on my Contact page say (please do read them anyway for your entertainment and edification!), in most cases of people who I've told about their being no-soul, if they are still reasonably local so we can meet in person, I'd generally like to give them a bit of 'head-start' training / coaching in the odd 'workshop' sessions, with a whole lot of self-confidence boost (no fee asked).

All being well, that should help you point yourself in the direction of recognising no-soul people you encounter, and, when you have sufficient confidence about that, to explain to them what you've picked up about them — and of course to put them in touch with this site so they have the opportunity to follow that up.

But even if you're currently not thinking in terms of taking such positive actions, potentially to be a real life-changer for other no-soulers, you can at least use your no-soul qualities to be an increasingly effective good role model for people you interact with generally in your everyday life.

The top priority thing for me to give training in is Helpfulness Testing, and likely also with an introductory Alexander Technique lesson, also with clarifications concerning use of various of my self-actualization procedures.


Postscript — one great big 'but'…

(Written on 17–20 June 2022)

You know that old saying, don't you, If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is?

As already intimated, the problem is that the expectations of us no-soul people readily coming together as ongoing friends / companions and project co-workers was based on a set of rather shakily-based assumptions (within deeper consciousness) — in particular, that people's patterns left over from the effects of the apparently recently fixed serious misconfigurations within deeper consciousness would be rapidly dissolving after those fixes.

That particular assumption, sadly, has turned out to be mistaken. Yes, it does appear that I myself am encountering a wonderful succession of 'specialist' no-soul people (mostly but not entirely male) on my hiking outings and associated hitch-hikes this year, BUT, despite the often powerfully mutual rapport and hugs, and often-stated intent of the other individuals to contact me very soon, so far NONE of those people has got back to me at all, apart from in a couple of cases sending me relevant photos they'd taken during the respective encounter, with no sign that either was thinking of continuing the contact. It wouldn't make great sense for me to chase after those individuals, for that would give rise to all sorts of stresses and distortions.

At least at face value, that's a continuation of a rather tormenting 'story of my life', with people just being unable to connect with me for any sort of ongoing friendship / companionship. The issue is clearly that the same patterns are running as before the alleged universal deep-level fixes — both for me (to some extent) and for the other people, and so, apart from the wonderful encounters (great in themselves), little has changed for the better, yet.

Presumably the situation would be the same for other no-soulers experiencing lifelong isolation and now hoping for better times. That doesn't mean that I or the odd other 'specialist' no-soul person may not 'strike lucky' in the odd isolated instance, but overall it appears that for the time being we'll need simply to make the most of the 'specialist' no-soul encounters that we do get — i.e., just as transient encounters. Maybe that's the most we'll get out of our current lifetimes (me especially, as I'm now just into my 80s), and we'll just have to console ourselves in our presumably not having this sort of issue in our future incarnations.

I state all this as the worst-case scenario, and in my view probably that won't last for all that long before we're more or less all destroyed anyway through global-scale collapse of human civilization. Then presumably we'd incarnate into an altogether better situation, without the sort of issues that have plagued our lives here on Earth, and with any luck nobody on our new home planet would have a soul, nor indeed 'specialist' configuration any longer* to get in the way of a really inspiring and satisfying existence, with whatever companionship is genuinely healthy and fulfilling for each of us.

* If that sounds a bit disturbingly retro, worry not! — My understanding is that deeper consciousness has been gently using me as an 'experimental subject' on account of my allegedly uniquely 'hyper-tweaked' sniff-it-out configuration, and has already determined that various parameters of that configuration are looking to be very worthwhile to apply, albeit with a gentler amplitude, in the basic configuration for ALL incarnational threads.

Allegedly, that adjustment has already been made for a small number of those threads on an experimental basis, and, subject to positive indication from the test threads, and likely with further minor adjustments, in time those enhancements would be applied to all threads, to be the new norm. That wouldn't produce anything like clones of this chump, but it would mean that the new starting-point for each incarnation would be much smarter and more immediately powerful in the most positive ways.

That would mean in particular that new incarnations with that enhanced basic state would be mentally greatly sharper, inquisitive, adventurous, but yet highly discerning with it all, and respectful for each other, and much more likely to learn properly first time from their errors and misjudgements, and generally more independent-minded so that their creativity can flourish more as something truly life-enhancing. — And of course all that would avoid getting into the various ruts of stultifying 'sheepism' that have always blighted Humanity on this planet and elsewhere.

In the meantime, here on Earth, it's still conceivable that at some point deeper consciousness would find some means after all to considerably speed up the clearance of our left-over patterns and enable some sort of 'great coming-together' of 'specialist' no-soulers to develop more or less as originally envisaged, but I suspect there's not much time for that to come about before we're more or less all wiped out anyway.

A real 'pinnacle' no-soul hug!
A real 'pinnacle' no-soul hug!
(AI-generated symbolic representation)

Go for it — Tyger, Tyger, burning bright!

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