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Solutions for some special 'difficult' issues for no-soul people


At a glance…

This page presents insights and experimental methods that promise to provide solutions — 'cures' in popular parlance — for certain issues more or less specific to no-soul people, which aren't at least adequately covered in other parts of this site.

Indeed, the apparent solution worked out for the hellish deep-level disconnect state is quite a find, its simplicity belying the previously seemingly intractable nature of that issue. Similarly so for the seemingly intractable 'multiple issues syndrome' caused by a corrupted developmental trajectory.

However, in practice, if any of these issues have been present from very early in a person's life, the chances of a fast or indeed significant recovery would be greatly limited by patterns and even physical restructuring in the brain that have been caused by the respective underlying issue(s).

That doesn't necessarily mean that the person is fully stuck with their troublesome situation, because at least the general methodology presented on this site enables people progressively to weaken and dissolve most of their patterns, to the extent that they have, or develop, sufficient motivation and mental clarity and focus.

Sheep thinking 'WTF?!'


This page, created in July 2022, is to help certain people — normally no-soul ones — who have particular troublesome issues or syndromes that aren't covered, or at least that much helped, by insights and methods given elsewhere on this site. In particular this is for 'specialist' no-soul people who are undergoing various basically positive changes at this time, and are experiencing glitches in the process, for example, caused by unexpected triggering of additional change processes that clash with an already-running process.


Non-standard forms of depression

Much but not all normal 'depression' can be cleared, and indeed susceptibility to it progressively cleared, by ongoing use of my standard methods, particularly involving using the The Work or / and the Grounding Point and Feedback-Loop Zapper procedure to 'zap' relevant beliefs and illusory realities. Indeed, often it takes no more than some practical life-change counselling (either by somebody else suitable or indeed oneself) to clear it, depending on what had brought on the depression in the first place.

However, this year (2022) I myself have several times been hit by temporary bouts of different, non-standard, forms of depression, I think as a result of very active positive changes occurring in my system, and I assume that similar changes would be occurring for other 'specialist' no-soul people, rendering them liable so similar unpleasant and potentially disruptive or even dangerous glitches in their life experience.

I think it likely that others wouldn't get as much of that as I did, because, according to my inner inquiry results, the really major factor in my own positive changes at this time resulting in such glitches is the alleged roughly tenfold amplification of my own 'sniff-it-out' configuration for this lifetime*, and the further amplification of certain aspects of it. Those amplifications were to help ensure that I had maximum chance of identifying and enabling the fixing of the main misconfigurations within deeper consciousness, including my being reinforced in order to have the best chance of surviving the expected destruction attempts from what I came to recognise as 'the garbage'.

* See the final section of About Philip Goddard.

Now that the primary task has allegedly been accomplished, with me still just about in one piece after said destruction attempts*, purportedly deeper consciousness is now amending or inactivating certain now-redundant aspects of 'specialist' no-soul people's configurations, so they get a bit more freedom of choice in their lives. The catch for me is that because of the greater intensity of my 'sniff-it-out' configuration, any changes made to it now would have a much stronger effect than for pretty-well anyone else, and have somewhat unpredictable knock-on effects for me — various forms of depression included, as well as some unhelpful 'highs' and often 'overactive mind' limiting sleep at night.

The most troublesome, and indeed actually dangerous, type of depression I got, which I call deep-level disconnect, was caused by a clash between, on the one hand some powerful and fundamentally very positive and helpful 'energy bolts' I received via hugs with several successive other 'specialist' no-soul people on one of my hiking outings, and on the other hand, a particularly intense inner 'restructuring' change that was under-way that day, which itself was already running in an unexpected manner (two sub-processes that were supposed to be concurrent running consecutively with a quite long hiatus between them, which resulted in a temporary 'local imbalance') — what a delectable confusion (aka 'mess')!

That resulted in the equivalent of a circuit-breaker being tripped, and most aspects of my connection between 'ordinary mind' and my deepest aspects soon became 'minimized'.

That was a ghastly experience, which I was landed with for about 36 hours before the temporary severe 'local' imbalance that had triggered the shutdown had been rectified by the other sub-process running to completion, and then I had to work on restoring the level of inner connection to 'full'. I particularly mention about this because it would readily drive many people experiencing it for even very modestly extended periods to suicide.

At its fullest, I was 'living' with a washed-out, intensely anxious, sort-of 'pinched' feeling in place of all the expansive and positive feelings that previously had felt to emanate from my 'middle' — as though my core, my true personality, had been abolished, and I was struggling to carry on my everyday life as a mere husk of a human, with a sense of having lost the very purpose of staying alive.

When the connection had been re-enabled but was still at a low level, that ghastly feeling in my middle was replaced by all manner of anxious and gloomy thoughts and feelings, which all had a delectably horrible 'gnawing' feel. No use of Grounding Point or Feedback-Loop Zapper* made any noticeable difference.

It finally turned out that there was a simple procedure I could use to progressively bring up the strength of my 'core connection' to 'full' — though I don't know whether it would have done much for me while in the maximally 'shut-down' state, while the troublesome 'local' imbalance awaited another process (already in the pipeline) to kick-in and restore the balance.

I understand that if I hadn't had the complication of the 'energy bolts' from a succession of 'specialist' no-soul people on the particular day, although I wouldn't have had the deep-level disconnect experience, I'd still have had a more or less same-length period of some unpleasant but less critical type of depression, because what was happening then was a type of occurrence that was happening for me periodically during a phase of what my inner inquiry describes as 'internal restructuring'. During that whole phase a series of processes and groups of processes had been scheduled to run.

As already mentioned, when a group (two or more processes) were set to notionally run concurrently, it was sometimes the case that for some reason they would run consecutively, often with a pause in-between, usually while yet other processes were running. The problems occurred where any two particular processes were particularly meant to run concurrently because just one of them running would cause, yes, a 'local imbalance'. That imbalance would then remain till the other process kicked-in and restored balance. Generally some sort of depression or bothersome craving would be the noticeable symptom of any of those imbalances. Hence my various patches of rather weird types of depression at this time.

That may all sound pretty far-fetched to 'normal' people, but the latter, because of the belief and rigid pattern basis of their life outlook, lack the ability to apply a fully rational basis to seeking understanding of anything out of (their) ordinary (and indeed also within their sphere of abject ordinariness), so their views are completely worthless. At least my working assumptions, often reinforced through my inner inquiry, do generally provide explanations that go at least some way to working out solutions to relevant issues, which is thousands-percent more than the supposedly 'normal' armchair criticizers (embittered wannabes!) ever manage to come out with!


What to do about 'permanent' deep-level disconnect

In my early years of 'healing' involvement, I got to know a desperately unfortunate individual who had that very condition as his everyday state, because nobody anywhere (including me) had genuine understanding of what was wrong and how he could be helped — after all, all the people who notionally should have been able to assist him had their particular beliefs, which simply got in the way and compounded his problem.

At the time of writing this page I revisited my experiences with him in a bit of inner inquiry, because surely I could have easily and quickly freed him from that hellish state, if only I'd had the abilities, experience and insights I have now. — Except that, on consideration, it probably couldn't have all that much effect in practice. See why at the end of this section.

There are presumably other people around who have that condition, so this is just an intimation of the sort of approach that theoretically ought to work in at least most cases.

As I understand it, this is an issue that would affect only no-soul people, and almost always it would require another no-soul person (best by far, a 'sniff-it-out'-configured one), to make the breakthrough, because almost universally this condition is so debilitating that a sufficiently strong motivation and focus for doing this little bit of work on oneself would normally simply not be there.

  • Have the affected person or a suitable representation of them (normally a good recent photo with face clear) in front of you.
  • Carry out the full 'power' procedure for alignment of your conscious intent with your deep-level intent.
  • With your intent, allow your deepest aspects to connect with the deepest aspects of the person, so your own deepest aspects are now able to operate as a 'proxy server' or TeamViewer (the remote desktop computer software) to enable you apparently directly to be communicating with that person's deepest aspects.
    Note that this is totally benign, because deeper consciousness would allow only genuinely beneficial actions through such a connection. Any hint of untoward intent, and the connection couldn't be made in the first place.
  • Using inner inquiry (via Helpfulness Testing), test the following hypotheses, though being flexible about exactly what hypotheses to test, according to responses received. Basically you need to ensure that any remedial work that still requires the shut-down state to be maintained is now carried out / completed, and then the connection between deepest aspects and 'ordinary mind' be restored, and its amplitude brought up to full as quickly as is considered safe to do.
    For example (ideally):
    • Something needs to be fixed before normal connection between deepest aspects and 'ordinary mind' can be restored.
      ('weakening' response)
    • That connection can now be restored.
      ('strengthening' response)
    • That's now 'in process'.
      ('strengthening' response)

    • Something needs to be fixed before normal connection between deepest aspects and 'ordinary mind' can be restored.
      ('strengthening' response)
    • That can be fixed now.
      ('strengthening' response)
    • That's now 'in process'.
      ('strengthening' response)
    • Connection between deepest aspects and 'ordinary mind' will be restored as soon as that fix is completed.
      ('strengthening' response)
  • Once you've got clear 'strengthening' response to the restoration (and any necessary prior remedial work) being 'in process', instruct the person in using the walking procedure given below, to help speed-up the restoration…

However, as already explained, there's a catch about this, for 'permanent' deep-level disconnect would have created not only ingrained patterns of brain activity, but most likely changes in physical brain structure, which would at best be slow and difficult to rectify, if indeed they could be rectified significantly at all.

Also, in September 2022 I had cause to carry out further inner inquiry to check on the validity of the methods given on this page. From that, my understanding now about this method is that, while it is truly valid, the problem is that currently probably very few people with cause to use it would have sufficiently strong communication channel between ordinary 'mind' and deepest aspects for it to work, at least very effectively. — Still worth a try, but I don't want to raise false expectations.

So, although the original underlying cause may be cleared, it's very uncertain as to how much recovery from that condition would actually occur, if any. Clearly, though, it makes sense to address the underlying cause, as detailed above, to give the person the best possible chance of any recovery that might be possible, and the walking 'practice' given below would help retrain the brain, to whatever extent it could be retrained at least to bring about some connection where it was lacking before.

If the person has sufficient motivation and focus, then of course (s)he would need to get using my standard methods for dissolving patterns, and would most likely then be able to clear at least some of them, which had seemed intractable before.


A simple self-restoring procedure for a wide range of depressive and negative states

This is a little walking 'practice' to do periodically (anywhere), for the odd half-minute or so (not a lot, because it can be fairly ungrounding). I've used it very successfully when out in the city centre to do some shopping and for other mundane purposes.

If you have the hellish deep-level disconnect, this procedure is particularly important, following the specialist work detailed above, to speed up the restoration of full power of the inner connection. Indeed, it's likely that in certain cases a person with exceptionally strong motivation and focus despite the debilitating effect of the condition would succeed in achieving what that specialist work would achieve, just by particularly focused and clear-minded use of this joyful little walking routine, especially using the 'inner fire-of-the-heart' version…

As you walk, ensure that you have best possible spine alignment (no drooping or abdomen displaced forward!). As you breathe in (deeply and quite slowly), imagine, using a sort of 'visualization with intent', that your in-breath is drawing up a generous increment of your own clarity, power and focus of intent through your spine area, and filling every part of you (especially areas that seem lacking in them, including your 'middle'), and then your exhalation signals an anchoring of all that was raised up by your inhalation. Do that cycle several (not many) times, then put your full focus on your surroundings again.

Sometimes you could do well to have some of those little 'sessions' to bring up your 'inner fire-of-the heart' (use Helpfulness Testing to check). By that I'm NOT referring at all to the 'inner fire' of the Vajrayana Buddhist Tummo practice, nor to the same thing invoked in the all-too-fashionable Wim Hof method (both seriously harmful!), but just to the figurative 'fire' that I embodied in my image of the symbolic 'dog Ukraine' in my poem For Ukraine – A New Painting On My Wall, In Which…. I used that to restore myself rapidly after the aforementioned deep-level disconnect.

It's greatly helpful, in and outside of those active mental procedures, to continually 'think' a playfully joyful 'twinkle' to your eyes, and a hint of a smile to your lips (imagine that the tips of your mouth are slightly pointed upwards, though hopefully not reproducing a Vladimir Putin-type 'evil zombie' smile!).

For this to be effective, you don't try to achieve a sort of fixed facial expression, but rather, you train yourself to perceive yourself as simply being like that, still with the flexibility to pull any sort of face. In other words, always implying a light-heartedness and playful humour about what you're doing, and indeed about the whole life experience, whatever the latter throws at you.

That of course implies also cultivating your sense of humour! — Go for it, doggie!


A whole complex of issues, not all that much cleared by my 'standard' methods

This is what I'm calling for convenience intractable multiple issues syndrome.

I've encountered at different times (responding to this site) two no-soul individuals who were plagued by issues and confusions, and, although helped somewhat by my standard methods, were not making the reasonably expected fast turnaround, with some issues remaining persistent despite their best efforts. In those cases it was as though they each had some over-arching issue that was causing all their individual issues or at least keeping them in place, and also scattering their motivation and focus for using my methods.

I was even wondering if they were blighted by some small brain defect, which was keeping them locked into their troubles.

But then one of the guys emailed, wondering if he could somehow be involved in the tentative idea of some sort of great 'coming-together' of 'specialist' no-soul people that deeper consciousness was mooting to me. That prompted me to check as to whether he had a 'specialist' configuration, and what I established was that he did have one ('sniff-it-out'), but also he had two others for different roles, which were situated in a place where they didn't belong at all (attached to his developmental trajectory), and which were conflicting with his legitimate configuration and indeed with his motivations and even sense of identity, clearly causing him mayhem. It was a wonder he'd managed to pull himself together as much as he had, with that problem to contend with.

More recently the other guy, who'd been in occasional correspondence with me over quite some years, emailed again, saying things seemed to be getting worse for him now, not better, and he was naturally worried, and wanting to write me a whole long history of his issues, which I didn't want because I was sure it would just bog us both down in a pile of actually irrelevant details. But at least I'd asked him to send me a good photo of himself.

The moment I looked at the photo he sent, his underlying issue was jumping right out at me for my attention. According to my inner inquiry, he too had a supernumerary 'specialist' configuration module, again attached to his developmental trajectory, and allegedly this was the primary cause of his big troubles.

My inner inquiry indications were, for each of the guys, that it would be very simple to clear those supernumerary configurations and indeed any unhelpful material at all attached to their developmental trajectories, and I took the necessary measure for each, to enable dissolution of the supernumerary configurations and then rebuilding of their respective trajectories.

Now I'm awaiting a sufficiently long series of report-backs as to results over time, to enable me to be reasonably sure that the 'diagnoses' and remedial actions really have delivered the goods.

I'm not claiming that ALL troublesome and seemingly intractable complexes of issues would have the same cause and so would be that easy to address (once one properly understands), but clearly some are bound to be, and hence my covering the issue here.

My understanding about this type of syndrome is that, although its actual contents would vary quite widely from person to person, a fairly typical common thread would be identity confusions, scattered focus and motivation, and often lapses or unfortunate confusions in their sense of personal responsibility, indeed strong enough to cause criminal behaviours in a significant minority of affected people.


Dissolving unhelpful material attached to a your own or another person's developmental trajectory

 Whoa there! — Read this first, because this fix MAY not need doing at all!

When I wrote this sub-section I was actually playing very cautious, because my inner inquiry indicates that this fix has already been done for all human-type beings universally. …

Click to read more / less...

…Actually I'd half-forgotten the fullness of what I'd done on 18 May 2022 when I found that one of my correspondents with this particular problem had clashing supernumerary 'specialist' configurations attached to his developmental trajectory.

According to my inner inquiry at that time, I could help him by using the remote procedure that I give further below, which I did, but then I tested the hypothesis that it would be possible for deeper consciousness to enable every person's deeper aspects to check for unhelpful material attached to their developmental trajectory, and to dissolve it there and then, without need for involvement of the person's 'ordinary mind'.

The response to that was 'strengthening', as it also was for the further hypotheses that that task was already being executed, and that it was also possible / workable to have the basic configuration for all human-type beings amended to incorporate periodic 'health scans' of their trajectory (say, at weekly intervals) and fixing of any corruption / inappropriate material found on it.

Note how I find it to come naturally to think in terms of how one would keep a personal computer in fine fettle. That appears in general to be the most helpful way to frame ideas and concepts when working things out with deeper consciousness — using computer hardware / software analogies.

My inner inquiry is consistent that those changes have all been made, so that nobody should ever again have any problems with corruptions or 'foreign' material on their developmental trajectories.

— Except that of course, as with the alleged fixes for the fundamental misconfigurations within deeper consciousness, no obvious observable results were showing up.

That could mean either that I was on a false trail, or that the fix had indeed been carried out, but the persistence of patterns in people's brain functioning was preventing obvious positive effects showing up at the present time, at least for most people.

That means that I can't honestly or indeed sensibly say to everyone that they don't need to address 'intractable multiple issues syndrome'.

Therefore, as a precaution I give the methods here for people to use in case the universal fix and preventive measure for that troublesome issue had not been applied, or for some reason the measures had been sort-of applied but simply not worked.

However, I should also say that my adding this clarification panel (on 19 July 2022) was prompted by another correspondent who apparently had 'intractable multiple issues syndrome', who reports having had a whole pile of his troublesome issues progressively falling apart in apparent sync with the various universal fixes that I'd allegedly initiated. He does appear to have changed quite dramatically, and in really positive ways.

My own inner inquiry indicates that that is genuine and a most welcome piece of real practical evidence that, at least for some people, the alleged fixes really are having a reasonably rapid effect. In that guy's case it may come down just to his being young, so that the patterns caused by his issues hadn't had so much time to become deeply ingrained in his brain function — though deeper consciousness is looking into this to see if there's more to it than that, which might point to some way for at least some other people to become free of major patterns more quickly.

Okay, this may sound like a very exotic and inaccessible thing for a person to get at and fix, but all it really requires is my standard approach to self-actualization and 'healing', involving, first and foremost, aligning your conscious intent with your deep-level intent and so enabling your own deepest aspects to carry out the specific work. It does require a certain level of awareness and understanding of the issue, however, in order that your conscious intent be truly meaningful to your deepest aspects. Otherwise your attempts may not be very effective.

Doing it for yourself

  • Carry out the full 'power' procedure for alignment of your conscious intent with your deep-level intent.
  • Carry out a formal declaration of intent, using the following or equivalent form of words:
    With clear conscious choice, I affirm my intent that my own deepest aspects will now dissolve all items or material attached to my developmental trajectory that are at least potentially harmful, or are serving no useful purpose, and clear any other corruption of it, and that this is coming about with all speed.
  • 'Power-level' end of practice procedure (3 steps, incorporating the 2-step regular version).

However, if you're no-soul and are very well practised in using my methods and get good results from that, you may be at least as effective by dispensing with such a strict routine. It depends on the extent to which you're being effective in using Helpfulness Testing for inner inquiry, and generally have particularly good clarity and focus.

If Helpfulness Testing is working reasonably well for you, then it could be that all that's needed is for you to do the initial alignment of intent and then to test a hypothesis in the nature of It would be possible and helpful to dissolve that unhelpful stuff and any other corruptions on my trajectory now, and, if you get a 'strengthening' response, to test That's now 'in process', to which you'd most likely get a 'strengthening' response straightaway. If you get a 'weakening' or equivocal response to the latter, the next thing to test is It's already done, and if that gets a 'weakening' or equivocal response, There's something additional or different that I need to do first to enable that to happen, and test further hypotheses to home in on what you actually need to do (or some further clarification you need) before the procedure can work properly.

Working that way, you should pretty quickly be able to ensure that the necessary task gets accomplished, even if for some reason it does require one or more additional or amended measures on your part. Also, in this specific case there would be no advantage in using an end-of-practice procedure, because you've already had an indication that the task is already 'in process' or even 'done'.

Whether you're using the standard or the 'expert no-soul' method, dissolving the bits of trajectory corruption would be a quick matter (easily within a day), but diminution of the related real-life problems to at least a low level would depend to a considerable extent on how deeply ingrained the inevitable left-over patterns are.

One determining factor would be how motivated you are to apply my standard methods then to the individual issues as they manifest. You should find that they then mostly yield to those methods (though that still takes some time), because there's no longer that particular big issue keeping them in place.

Helping another person with that type of issue

This is expected to work only if you are no-soul and very experienced in use of my methods and use of Helpfulness Testing for inner inquiry. And of course, as the intent here is to assist another person, it would be common sense to use Helpfulness Testing initially to establish that assisting that person in this particular way at this time would be a 'strengthening' thing for you to do.

Having aligned your intent first, with the target person (or a suitable representation of the person — particularly a good recent photo with face really clearly displayed) facing you, you hold the intent that your own deepest aspects now connect with the deepest aspects of that person. Then carry out the simple inner inquiry as detailed for doing this for yourself, but now understanding that you're doing it for the other person, using your own deepest aspects as a 'proxy server' (to use computer terminology) to relay all communications between your 'ordinary mind' and that person's deepest aspects.

That's all there is to it — though, as I say, this is experimental and so I'm awaiting real clinching evidence that this does work. I give the method here at this early stage to give people who are currently having a hard time of it at least a reasonable chance of getting clear of their issue without undue delay, for this is fail-safe and as safe as anything reasonably can be in our crazy lives!

I remind again, however, that patterns created by that syndrome may be deeply ingrained in the brain, and so actual recovery could still be a slow business, and may not necessarily get all that far for any specific person in the current lifetime.

I say that NOT to discourage anyone, but indeed to encourage everyone to go ahead but also to be realistic and not set up false expectations so that then one would get disappointed and discouraged!


Dissolving left-over patterns that are currently perpetuating the syndrome

In September 2022 I carried out further inner inquiry to see if deeper consciousness had yet found any means to help clear people of those dratted left-over patterns that had been caused by the underlying condition (allegedly now fixed).

To my surprise, my indications were that a simple, easy and joyful procedure has been identified as very likely to help a significantly less tiny minority than the really tiny minority who are expected to be able to clear those patterns by means of the methods already presented elsewhere on this site. The stumbling block for the majority, as with my methods generally, is that the communication pathways between 'ordinary mind' and one's deepest aspects needs to be pretty well-developed before this can work (at least, really effectively).

This is in effect just an adaptation of the walking / breathing 'visualization with intent' already given further above for clearing depressive emotional states. — So, instead of maybe beating your head on a brick wall, trying to get my standard methods (particularly Grounding Point) to clear the more deeply ingrained patterns within a reasonable time-scale, we use this alternative 'lateral thinking' approach.

In this case the 'visualization-by-intent' is simply that you're focused on your middle, where you've placed your developmental trajectory, which you can schematically imagine as an indeterminate-looking vertical column (fuzzy because of its probabilistic nature) with a sense of irregularities and imbalances about it, but no visible surface features.

During your (preferably complete) breathing, perceive your inhaling as drawing in your 'inner power' as a sort-of invisible 'wind' that incrementally smooths that column (dissolving the corruptions), and your exhalations as returning that instalment of your 'inner power' to the column, now with a rebuilding function.

It's important not to try to visualize anything at all specific as people often would in supposed 'healing' visualizations, for this is really just a 'visualization with intent', and to keep aware of the true nature of the trajectory as a probabilistic matrix, so the most that could be usefully visualized of it is, as I say, a fuzzy column, with no physical solidity about it — but just seeming somehow smoother, more coherent and balanced than before.

Like all these walking 'visualisation-with-intent' procedures, it's best to do for just a couple of minutes at a time, just once or twice in a day, at least while your own Helpfulness Testing indicates 'strengthening' for you to do so at the current time.


The 'scared to be here' syndrome or so-called 'schizoid character structure'

As I understand it so far, this syndrome (package of dysfunctions) is actually an attempt to cope with a certain amount of existential terror, which some people, primarily no-soul or at least with very little soul programming, are carrying. It's a defensive strategy to try to avoid the hellish experience of actually feeling existential terror — doubting your very existence or ability to exist or at least to continue to exist, and viewing with abject horror the very notion of annihilation or nonexistence.

Most people with no or very little soul programming are affected by some measure of existential terror, and are consequently more or less weakly grounded, and display more pronounced 'scared to be here' characteristics when certain experiences or people in some way trigger or challenge that deep-seated fear. A very small minority of such people, however, are so strongly loaded with that existential terror that their defence strategy is in a state of continuous restimulation (emotional button-pushing), so that it appears both internally and externally to define the person.

Normally such people also have distinctive physical weaknesses. They tend to be of 'slight' build, with weakness of skeletal joints and the ligaments, tendons and musculature that are supposed to keep the joints properly aligned and indeed the spine in good shape. There is usually some degree of scoliosis (slight 'S'-shaped bend of the spine — often confusingly described by 'healers' as a twist).

So, joint and spine problems are very common, especially from middle-age onwards.

Note that, according to my inner inquiry results, ALL people are carrying some degree of existential terror (at least, those who haven't actively cleared their own load of it). However, soul programming blocks direct awareness of it, so, typically, it's only no-soul people who are, or can become, aware of it, and are directly affected by it.

Individuals affected by this syndrome are constantly partly out-of-body — yes, not fully incarnated, or indeed maybe in some cases partially disincarnated. As a generalization, they seem withdrawn, vague, often tending to look a bit 'dopey' or 'not all there', and sometimes rather tenuous even physically. I myself had that sort of 'dopey' appearance in my early years — especially in my childhood, and later on I felt some dismay at the sight of me in photos taken during that period, looking so vague and un-with-it, and frankly, 'vacant' or 'dopey'. I've seen this, more strongly marked, in a tiny minority of no-soul people (adults) I've encountered.

It's a pretty horrible life for anyone with this syndrome really pronounced and more or less continuous. Such a person, being chronically weakly grounded and indeed not fully incarnated, is exceptionally open to the astral non-reality, and therefore has a lot of attention stuck in the chaotic illusory worlds playing out there, and in more or less all cases would have had various forms of childhood night hell — including what are widely called 'night terrors' in ignorance of their true nature — though memories of them are often suppressed because of their traumatic nature.

The person can't connect healthily (or indeed at all) with other people, and for the most part any attempt to help such a person is perceived as an intrusion that's trying to interfere with or take control of them — the immediate result generally being that the person goes still more out-of-body, so becoming still more unreachable, or may be over-the-top defensive about their way and view of life. Much of the physical life experience is dim and tenuous compared with that of a well-grounded no-soul person, and typically the person would be tormented by strong longings and cravings for the human connections that actually (s)he simply can't make. Lonely solo eroticism is thus pretty normal.

Paranoid tendencies are common, and the weak grounding normally results in gullibility towards widely touted paranoid scenarios, such as conspiracy theories, outlandish metaphysical or pseudo-scientific scenarios (e.g. Concave Earth or covid pandemic just an official scare story to control us all), hugely exaggerated notions of the harmfulness of electromagnetic radiation, unfounded fear of drinking tap water (i.e., where the latter is widely known to be perfectly safe in all normal situations), and so on — and a general high degree of unfounded mistrust of 'official' or genuinely reputable information sources where there is no cause for such distrust beyond a 'healthy discernment'.

All this means that the person may in some circumstances get 'diagnosed' as schizophrenic — though schizotype personality disorder would be a much more common 'diagnosis', as also would very likely be some version of high-functioning autism, thanks to the supreme ignorance of our medical and 'mental health' services about anything to do with 'the mind'.

Think I'm just ranting about our wonderful medical and 'mental health' services? — Then please carefully read How all psychiatrists could begin genuinely to help their clients, and think again!

Sometimes such a person does form an intensely attached relationship with another person who has some degree of the same issue, but any such 'relationship' is driven by their painful emotions — the loneliness, isolation, and existential terror, the desperate eroticism then really being an attempt to affirm to oneself that one really does exist and have something to live for!

This sort of life is also being driven by torment from connections to certain relevant primary archetypes — especially the proto-archetype (nonexistence or void as the ultimate horror), but with others too, including 'doomed person' and 'lone voyager'.


Some measures to progressively free oneself of this affliction

If you have this syndrome, you need to take command of your situation in order to get clearing it, for generally anyone trying to 'help' you would most likely unwittingly cause you to go still more out-of-body, so their 'help' attempts would thus be greatly unhelpful. — Tricky, isn't it!

Your need is particularly to get living fully in-body. That means making and coming to terms with a big change in your life experience, which in turn can appear to be threatening you with annihilation!

The sordid truth is that the only thing that would get annihilated is your existential terror and the hideous restrictions and distortions of your life experience that are caused by that ingrained terror.

  • Measures to ground your awareness
    I give general measures for that purpose in Healing and self-actualization — The safest and quickest way.

    • Additionally, for the time being you need to be much more rigorous than hitherto in keeping your attention and focus on all your sensory experiences in the physical 'reality', and consistently to disregard 'inner' experiences, never mind how compelling they may feel to be.

      If you visualize 'energy' at all (for the most part decidedly unhelpful), visualize it expanding from somewhere in your middle, and filling, strengthening and grounding all parts of your body, including all your limbs. If you have any sense of your tending to be 'up in the head' or 'out the top of your head', then anytime you sense that, counter it by a reminding visualization, drawing ALL of yourself and your 'energy' firmly down into your middle (NOT lower at that stage), from where it can then be the focus of the former visualization (expanding from your middle into all your parts — upper, lower, and in-between).

      For the above visualizations to be maximally effective and minimally ungrounding, they need to be carried out using focused breathing while walking, as described for the restorative procedure for depressive states.

    • Get really proactive in arriving at or choosing physical explanations for physical observations, never mind how compelling some stories you receive may be, whether from within or from external sources (non-physical or people relaying non-physically sourced stories / 'explanations'). Remember, you need to be really hot on that, at least for the time being, as part of your self-training to live as a fully incarnated person and be in grounded healthy balance.

    • More generally, get rational in your whole outlook and modus operandi. Let go of spirituality's tendency to avoid rational thought and grossly overrate the importance of intuition. Yes, intuition is part of healthy operation, but only in tandem with fully rational thought and rationally based choices. Using intuition in place of a rational, thought-out basis for a choice ALWAYS causes problems, whether you're aware of those problems or not.
    • A crucial thing to remember at all times
      Always keep in mind that by getting better grounded you are NOT going into denial of genuine deep awareness. The genuinely deepest awareness (of your own deepest aspects) opens up only through getting really well grounded. While you're weakly grounded, the illusory manifestations within the astral non-reality, or within memories of them stored within left-over patterns that had been caused by one's previous open connections to the astral, act as decoys, so you continue to be largely out of touch with your own deepest aspects (and thus out of touch with your own genuine helper and 'saviour'!).

  • Measures to progressively dissolve interference from left-over patterns created by one's connection to particular primary archetypes — especially the proto-archetype (the latter being top priority, as it's effectively the root cause of all existential terror that anyone is carrying). Please go to Understanding archetypes — and clearing ourselves of them to, yes, understand them and to start clearing yourself of their influence in your life.

    I caution people to be as objective and practical as possible in reading that page, and NOT to go ungrounding oneself by seeking to experience any of those archetypes! Just to briefly imagine each in a detached manner is plenty enough, just so you have a working understanding of what it is.

  • Relevant broad-spectrum methods
    In Some Potent Healing and Self-Actualization Practices I present two particularly relevant practices that would be important (and non-threatening) for such people and would assist their grounding. Both of them need using — Self-Power Walking, which progressively clears the trauma energy of all emotional issues, and Grounding Point, for dissolving specific troublesome or limiting beliefs and fears (and a whole lot more 'undesirables'), also with pretty frequent use of Feedback-loop Zapper.

    In my description of Grounding Point I give some suggestions for specific types of (probably hidden) belief or illusory reality to 'zap' using that method, including some that are key ones for ending the stranglehold of existential terror upon one's life.

  • Getting the best possible use out of your body despite its skeletal weaknesses
    Take up the Alexander Technique.

    I took this up at the very end of 1992, when I was in desperation about my deteriorating neck and back condition, and was just on the point of discontinuing hiking because of the troublesome neck pain I had on the days following a hike.The AT saved my hiking and progressively got me out of pain and into the sort of 'proactive mindfulness' that is very much at the core of my current methodology.

    It does require ongoing motivation, with mental clarity and focus, but the rewards are significant and can be huge.

Go for it, Tiger!
Go for it, Tiger!

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