The true nature of 'the forces of darkness' and its interference and attacks
— appendices
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These appendices
belong to
The true nature of 'the forces of darkness' and its interference and attacks.
This is intended to be read only as part of the above-linked parent page, and for many people it wouldn't be sufficiently meaningful on its own!
Appendix 1 — Attacks from the garbage (supposed 'forces of darkness')
In my experience, attacks from the garbage (mistakenly equated with 'forces of darkness', 'dark force', 'forces of evil') come in two broad types, with no clear dividing line between the two. As already noted, as far as I can ascertain, the emotional trauma material used in these attacks would generally more or less all belong not so much to the person but to parasitic lost souls attached to the him/her, or/and would be drawn from the great cesspit of distorted human experience that is the primary archetypes.-
Attacks to try directly to wreck the person. The garbage is able to cause stored emotional trauma experiences to surface with exaggerated and even hellish intensity, using primarily the emotional traumas of attached 'lost' souls as 'ammunition'. It does this as a sort of psychic attack to try and make an emotional wreck of the person and even to drive the person to suicide. It most readily attacks in this way with fear and related feelings (anxiety, apprehension, panic, terror), but it can also attack with other trauma feelings — particularly depression and self doubt. I give a fuller list further below. In my experience it's been generally less inclined to attack with grief-related feelings, though it can do so.
According to my understanding, the garbage is responsible in the vast majority cases of severe mood swings and attacks of nasty feelings such as panic, fear, anxiety and depression, and indeed at least some cases diagnosed as manic-depressive or bipolar disorder. Indeed, if I didn't have the mental clarity to understand what was going on for me and not to get fully into the emotional states of emotions that were being used to attack me, I'm sure that I myself would have been diagnosed as being 'manic-depressive' — and indeed very likely schizophrenic too!
Covert attacks to gain control over the person. The garbage also carries out attacks covertly, so that a person may just experience tiresomely exaggerated day-to-day emotions without any obvious pointers to these actually being attacks. Or the emotions may not seem greatly exaggerated but are more negative than they would be otherwise and are directing the person to act in particular ways.
The aim here is to have control over the person through controlling their emotional responses to situations and other people. Even in cases where a person isn't obviously psychic and doesn't 'hear voices', the garbage can still intrude little communications that mimic the person's own thoughts, so that, with pseudo-thoughts and manipulated emotions, the person can be controlled quite a lot without anyone realizing that anything is untoward.
I understand that it's in this manner that many people have got diverted from true self-realization / self-actualization and self-healing methods into religion and indeed religious fundamentalism and — yes! — psychiatric work. The garbage's agenda is all about gaining power and control and diverting people into paths of power and control over other people, and into a pervading and ever growing unawareness.
As noted further below, attacks with sexual feelings (virtually always adulterated with some degree of fear) are universally used to control people and make the vast majority fixated on procreation and self-gratification, with vanishingly few ever understanding what's really going on.
Here is a full list of the specific emotion feelings that I've identified in the various attacks upon me (I shall add to this list any others that I identify in such attacks):
- fear
- anxiety
- apprehension
- panic
- revulsion
- anger
- 'depression'*
- isolation
- disconnectedness — birth trauma**
- grief
- self doubt
- shame
- guilt
- embarrassment
- boredom
- disappointment
- sexual arousal***
- ecstasy, both erotic and 'aesthetic' or 'spiritual'***
- joy*** (rarely — this was used on me in particular attempts to manipulate and confuse me)
- hypermania (used on me initially during each of my hospitalizations to try to make the doctors regard me as mentally ill — no doubt because I was already recovering so quickly from the particular attacks and thus otherwise might not have been admitted into hospital (especially the case in my third and fourth hospitalizations).
* Please see further below for more about the true nature of depression.
** Birth trauma is something of a special case, because, although we're all carrying a birth trauma to some extent, it's not a normally a recognised arising emotion at all. There are ways you can get in touch with it, but I'm not letting on here about how you can do it, because I understand that to be a Satanistic type of practice and would rapidly lead you into serious problems. I experienced it massively in attacks during mostly 2004, and it was a quite devastating-feeling experience each time — all the more so because I didn't know what the hell (sic) this hellish experience was — something I found out only in late 2008.
The feeling is an extremely exhausted and washed out 'twilight' feeling, as though all your life force has been sapped out of you, and it's full of a sort of coldness and sense of personal devastation and ultimate tragedy, and of having been completely cut off from all warmth and from anything meaningful. This is accompanied by a strange 'knotted' feeling in about the position of the navel, and a sense of some vital connection having been cut off there. There's more to the experience than that, but at least that gives some idea.
I do have to qualify my description of the birth trauma attack experience, though, for, at least in my case and I'd guess in anyone else's, when it's used in attacks it's actually greatly distorted to make it feel much more devastating and horrific than it really is for the actual baby. I have, much more recently, had my own deepest aspects give me a brief re-run of the feelings of my actual birth trauma experience, and the devastating sense of disconnection and coldness was greatly less than in the attacks with 'birth trauma'.
Birth trauma is used in garbage attacks primarily and indeed possibly solely upon people who the garbage is seeking to drive into Satanism or other 'dark' practices. The garbage was in fact repeatedly trying by various means to drive me into Satanism and black magic, and indeed on one occasion actually directed me through a Satanistic solo sexual practice involving being attacked with the birth trauma experience as I came to climax — though I didn't realize at the time what it was all about, having been given a convoluted pack of untrue stories about it (as usual!).
More recently I've identified 'birth trauma' as being simply the main manifestation of one of the primary archetypes, and this would be why it's such a different experience from the general run of trauma emotions; really it's something different altogether. As I explain in Understanding archetypes — and clearing ourselves of them, archetypes have turned out to be a particularly major source of 'ammunition' that the garbage uses in its attacks and other interferences.
*** Please see further below for more about these emotions, which, for virtually everybody, aren't what they appear to be.
The true nature of depression
This is a rewrite in 2021, fixing the rather distorted understanding I'd previously presented here.
It appears that 'depression' is a more complex emotional state than relatively straightforward emotional stress responses such as fear, anxiety, anger or revulsion. In particular this is because it generally doesn't get recognised as 'depression' unless it's tied in with an illusory reality in which one is feeling worthless or unable to make headway in what one perceives as an important direction in one's life.
So we have the feelings on the one hand and the 'story' on the other. Yes, the same sort of combination does occur with the other emotions, BUT you can recognise fear, anxiety, anger or revulsion feelings even with very little noticeable 'story' to back them up.
On the other hand, the 'depression' feelings without the (often more or less covert) 'story' would be difficult for most people to recognise as 'depression', and could easily be mistaken for a physical rather than emotional state — a feeling of physical heaviness, lethargy and lassitude.
It's likely, thus, that a fair proportion of cases of 'chronic fatigue syndrome' are actually garbage attacks with depression but without (at least much) related 'story' being discernible to identify those feelings as such.
— But we're not finished with depression quite yet! What the garbage is also able to do, mostly to people whose awareness is particularly weakly grounded, isn't only to render the troublesome 'story' harrowingly vivid, but at the same time to blend into the basic depression emotional state an unbearableness about everything one is experiencing — AND, of all horrific things, also blending in an attack with some degree of panic! — Hell, yes!!
So the poor victim of the attack is being driven out of their mind in a desperate urgency to do something to try to stop this torment. That would pretty obviously mean suicide attempts, but also in some cases could lead to other desperate acts, if the garbage is able to give the person instructions to do something at that point — including even a sudden, opportunistic homicide attempt, such as shoving somebody in front of an approaching vehicle, or… (I'll leave you to imagine the possibilities!).
There was a brief period in early spring 2005 when I myself had that sort of attack on a few days, and indeed it was hellish, and for a few hours each time it would feel quite desperate. Fortunately for me, I had sufficient mental clarity through that 'desperation' even then to recognise that this wasn't 'reality' but an attack from the supposed 'astral beings' and so wasn't for acting upon. However, an attack like that would surely drive most people to attempting suicide, at least if they couldn't get immediate help — and indeed I think for many of them the intensely aversive feelings would be heavily loading even any thought of getting or receiving 'help', so that suicide would still seem to be the only option.
With this in mind, I'm suspicious that the basic 'depression' feelings — the physical heaviness, lethargy and lassitude — could possibly be an ancient evolutionary response to the garbage's having caused a prodigious number of suicides at an early stage in the history of human-type beings in the whole of 'Existence'. That could even have been prior to the existence of this universe. It would have required a pretty high suicide rate in order to exert a significant selective pressure for evolution of a defence strategy.
Clearly here I'm talking about evolution not just within one civilization or planetary population, but an evolution that would have had to occur within deeper consciousness on a universal — indeed even supra-universal level or scale. That could at least theoretically enable particular evolutionary processes to span all physical and temporal barriers.
In line with my policy of keeping to rational assessments, I'm not claiming that human evolution on such a scale has ever occurred or can occur, but am just postulating it as a possibly useful working assumption to explain the rather odd nature of what we call 'depression'. In considering such a possibility I'm mindful that the most fundamental 'reality' that we can ever know is NOT the physical 'reality', as most 'scientists' believe, but consciousness and the very nature of 'experience' itself. — Please see On the nature of reality and truth — Too simple to believe! :-)
If that really is the case, most people who the garbage would otherwise have sought to drive to suicide, nowadays would experience that heavy, lethargic emotional and physical state as a protection against what the garbage is really attempting to inflict upon them, and the likely suicide consequence.
That doesn't mean therefore that people need just to live with that depressed state. The important thing is to bring to attention all relevant (generally covert) illusory realities and dissolve them — which is generally easily done using methods presented on this site — while also getting active in grounding ways to help break any pattern of lethargy and lassitude.
Some 'positive' emotions that aren't what you think…
Contrary to popular notions, the joy that people generally experience as a strong but transient emotion is actually based in painful emotion, and isn't the same as the stable and much more subtle joyfulness that's opened up as we release ourselves from painful emotions. It's the former type of joy that the garbage can use in attacks and attempts to control.
Likewise, contrary to popular notions, sexual arousal and erotic feelings as people almost universally experience them are based in painful emotions, which is why the garbage can use them in attacks to try to control a person. This can, for example, be used on you along with overt or covert instructions to rape somebody, making it seem as though you're fundamentally a rapist. It's that adulteration with painful emotion (particularly a certain amount of fear) that makes sexual feelings so addictive.
Similarly generally unknown is the fact that what's normally experienced as any sort of intense ecstasy (whether erotic or not) is, for nearly all people, based in painful emotion and is thus used in attacks by the garbage to control people in particular situations as diverse as getting incompatible people infatuated with each other and getting people hooked on a particular religion or spiritual path or drug addiction (all actually sourced from the garbage and pointing the people right away from self-actualization).Ecstatically beautiful and loving feelings coming from supposed higher beings such as 'Jesus' or particular 'ascended masters' or archangels are ALL actually garbage attacks aimed to mislead. I experienced that a few times, and I found not a shred of evidence that those experiences were anything more than garbage attacks.
After all, if they were really genuine they'd surely have increased in frequency and vividness during the course of my self-actualization process, whereas I experienced them ONLY during the worst of my troubles from the garbage, when the latter was doing its damnedest to get me involved with all the convoluted 'story' about myself and my purported true nature and incarnational history that it was giving me.
So, I remained most uncharitably underwhelmed and unimpressed when a local 'healer' acquaintance insisted to me that he knew that the so-called 'ascended master' Melchizedek was real and not illusory or any sort of 'dark force' manifestation, because he'd experienced the rapturous, ecstatic-feeling 'love' of that supposed being! All that that misguided fellow's claim indicated to me was something of the extent to which he was entangled with the garbage while being in complete denial of what was really happening to him.
Again, such seemingly ecstatically beautiful and 'loving' feelings are, like the 'normal' but actually highly dysfunctional sexual feelings, covertly mingled with painful emotion to make them feel brazenly intense and addictive, while genuine loving feelings, free from painful emotion, are immensely subtle and, for anyone not very advanced indeed in his self-actualization process, would consistently be drowned out by the spectacular 'loudness' of all the different garbage-adulterated replicas of such feelings.
Modus operandi of attacks
Two primary mechanisms are used together in attacks: 'emotional resonance' on the one hand and intruded messages (what I call 'pseudo-thoughts') or thought forms on the other, which cause one unawarely to create illusory realities in normally more or less hidden parts of one's mindspace. These two procedures between them can make a person believe that the most unimaginably frightful things are happening or going to happen to them, or, very commonly, that the nasty feelings of the attack are their own emotional response to a situation, whether it be a real situation or one itself 'invented' by the garbage.
What 'joins up' those two methods in really strong attacks, and especially the sustained ones that can become real crisis events, is the building up of a sort of feedback loop of emotional stress or trauma energy, using the particular illusory reality as a sort of 'augmenting resonator'. It depends also on a process that's most conveniently described as 'emotional button-pushing', which is the basis of the troublesome effect that Harvey Jackins, founder of Re-evaluation Counselling, called 'restimulation' (i.e., of stored emotional stresses). Actually, coming to know that much is good news, because it's possible to immunize oneself* against emotional button-pushing for any particular issue or illusory reality, so making it difficult or impossible for the particular illusory reality to be used that way again (though variations of that may be still be used until one has immunized oneself against those too).
* The neatest and most effective way that I know of to do this is the Feedback-Loop Zapper procedure.
The garbage is generally not able to attack a person to a significantly strong level with that person's own emotional trauma material, as that tends to be insufficient for that purpose, and people don't usually have sufficiently strong openness of the right part of their awareness into the astral non-reality for direct attacks on them to work, at least well. This is where the parasitic lost souls come into the picture, for the attacks from the garbage are made actually upon those lost souls, and their aroused trauma emotions are experienced by the person as his own.
I've 'read' more than one method by which the garbage allegedly achieves its attacks on the lost souls (i.e., causes particular trauma emotions that they're carrying to surface strongly), so I keep a very open mind about exactly how it does it and I shan't go into detail about that here, for it would only add non-essential and confusing speculations into the picture.
Also, alongside its direct use of attached parasitic lost souls, the garbage uses the latter in a peculiar way to bring in a whole additional very major means of attack and control-type interference. Through some but not all such parasitic lost souls, the garbage establishes additional connections, which link the target person to the astral repository of archetypes. The latter, and especially the primary archetypes, are virulent means of attack and distortion of people's life experience, while the more superficial, non-primary archetypes are instruments of control and self-deception rather than direct attack — though they still carry a certain controlling power because of the virulent emotional payload carried by the underlying primary archetypes.
For more about archetypes, please see Understanding archetypes — and clearing ourselves of them.
The garbage frequently uses its attacks in a truly despicable manner. If the affected person has a small health concern — say, has a suspect spot on their skin that would be worth checking with their doctor (that's plain common sense) — the garbage would then attack strongly with anxiety and fear and maybe panic too, especially in the day or so prior to any doctor's appointment, with the aim of giving the person the impression that they're terrified of the possibility of the little spot being anything sinister, and to get the person into a really bad emotional state about it, even to the point of failing to attend any arranged appointment and even committing suicide.
The garbage did this with me at each opportunity until my own self-healing methods had made that impossible for it to do any more, but fortunately I recognised its attacks for what they were and didn't get pulled down by them.
Another nasty trick that the garbage readily uses is to attack you with self doubt and shame over some error — either real or imagined — that you've made. Indeed, it goes further and often actually sets up the person to make some error, which then it will use as a focus with which to attack the person with self doubt, shame and self recriminations.
One situation where this happened to me was in 2004, when the garbage, posing as my 'guidance', on two occasions encouraged me to initiate lovemaking with particular men in inappropriate situations and without full regard for whether the men really wanted it at those particular times. It was far from rape (and indeed the particular men went along with it) but was the sort of manipulative, predatory behaviour that's so characteristic of the 'gay scene' and which I'd always repudiated.
Then, some months later, the garbage
launched into a major attack on me, still pretending to be my 'guidance', stridently
hectoring and haranguing me about my hypocrisy and pride
as a so-called spiritual
, I allegedly being the lowest of the low
because I'd behaved in such a manner.
At the same time this supposed 'guidance' was attacking me with feelings that were
allegedly of pride*, shame and self doubt — and then the
inner 'voice' changed tack and cranked up the attack into a continuous full-blown
crisis-level one in which it claimed that it was a group of astral beings
and their
attack would increase over the days till I committed suicide.
* i.e., the negative sort of pride — comparing other people unfavourably against oneself.
As already noted, during a severe and sustained attack there appears to be an additional mechanism that comes into play — a sort of feedback loop within the person's mindspace, involving an illusory reality. This is why I found that such 'crisis' attacks broke off when I took some positive action that took my mind out of the fear and re-grounded my awareness and thus broke the feedback loop, even though the particular action wouldn't in itself have stopped the garbage from attacking me.
In Anatomy of a 'forces of darkness' ('astral beings') attack crisis I describe how I first came to understand about the mechanism of illusory realities being used as part of the feedback loop mechanism of a crisis level attack. If I'd understood about that in earlier years of my garbage troubles, and had had the methods that I have now, I could have nipped in the bud any of the crisis level attacks, and indeed all of the recognisable lesser ones too, and presumably wouldn't have had to be hospitalized and gain the stigma of having a record of what was most unhelpfully described as 'mental illness'.
Twinges of headache and other erratic stabbing pains — and other little tricks
Migraine-like twinges and stabbing pains
I mention this here because for a minority of people who are openly afflicted by the garbage there are strange very transient twinges of a migraine-like headache, or small stabbing pains in other parts of the body — such as a pain feeling like stabs with a mildly electrified needle in a side of the chest, or a transient strong pain in the heart area. The garbage does this sort of thing 'deliberately', presumably to get the person worried about his health.
It commonly seeks to manipulate the person's worry and fear feelings to greatly exaggerate them, so getting the person into a really bad emotional state about their health — even feeling suicidal. Because of this situation, a fair number of people have been considerably but needlessly frightened that they perhaps have a brain tumour or some serious condition in their chest, then submitting themselves for scans, EEGs and ECGs and in many cases ending up with harmful medication to try and subdue their anxiety — and 'anxiety' very commonly then gets 'diagnosed' by uncomprehending doctors as the cause of the symptoms, which of course is putting the cart before the horse.
Other parts of the body where I've experienced such garbage-sourced transient pains include tooth root / socket area (seeming like genuine toothache, but lasting for only a matter of seconds), particular limb joints, my left testicle (where I have a varicocele), and the top of a foot (most commonly before or during a hike, and thus looking as though aimed to try to put me off the hike).
I've also occasionally experienced the garbage causing a migraine aura (a quite pretty visual disturbance) and on one occasion making it behave very anomalously as though several auras were occurring during about an hour. I guess that it was seeking to exploit the fact that I know that such migraine manifestations are allegedly caused by small blood clots lodging in the brain, and it was seeking to get me worrying about a multiple manifestation of the migraine aura and its implications for the state of my brain. In the event it failed totally with me, for I quickly saw through its shabby little trick.
Please note that I'm not claiming that true migraines are ALL directly caused by the garbage (though my inner inquiry 'reading' is suggestive that most may be) — though as for all physical malfunctions there's liable to be a non-physical underlying cause for every occurrence.
— And I don't equate migraine auras with mystical experience as some do; I experience them just as pretty manifestations and often rather a nuisance when I'm trying to carry out a 'sight-intensive' task, and that's as far as it goes.
Phantom pains and gross amplification and distortion of actual pains and discomforts
The garbage can routinely 'read' particular discomforts or minor pains that a person has — which may themselves even be so weak that they wouldn't get noticed at all — and, through interference with certain centres in the brain, project on to those discomfort spots a hugely amplified and generally more or less distorted version of the original slight discomfort to give the subjective impression of a troublesome discomfort or indeed in some cases anything up to a really severe pain.
Indeed, as I've experienced myself, in particular circumstances such a pain can be completely 'phantom' — i.e., without any present-time basis at all. In those cases it would be based on a particular recent memory or a belief / illusory reality that involves that particular type of pain or even just a similar sort of pain, even if only incipient.
I've had this done to me on very many occasions. In relatively small measure it was used to exaggerate small discomforts during my hikes — especially really long and hard ones — with a quite obvious 'intent' to try to get me to abandon the hikes. Almost always these discomforts and relatively minor pains would come to my notice each time I was approaching a place where I could conveniently abandon the walk — and those discomforts would rapidly ease off once I continued beyond those spots.
Usually those discomforts would come on little or not at all towards the actual, planned, end of the walk. On the face of it, this very much underlined the accuracy of the indications that I got from my Helpfulness Testing, that the pains that I was feeling were very largely bogus and wouldn't persist if I carried on without abandoning the walk. The main hiking discomforts that were regularly adulterated in this way were a strained feeling in my left shoulder, making it feel as though the rucksack were far too heavy for me, and a generally minor but still quite unpleasant nagging 'twingeing' pain on the inner side of my right knee.
On some occasions certain foot pains would be used in this way — most of them actually being referred from very slight tendon strain injuries in the respective calf.
However, what I'm not sure about is why the garbage didn't simply keep up that interference during a hike, because if it had done so I'd most likely often have been unable sensibly to continue for the planned whole route. Maybe there were certain physical constraints upon what the garbage could achieve, and just creating an occasional nuisance of itself in that way was all that it was able to do.
This might be because part of the mechanism in those cases was one or more minor illusory realities that the garbage covertly created in a hidden part of my awareness, and my Helpfulness Testing results were enabling me to largely 'puncture' one or more of the relevant illusory realities, so making it well-nigh impossible for the exaggerated discomforts to continue except when I was approaching potential abandonment points.
Much more troublesome, however, and not specifically associated with hikes, was the garbage's projecting quite severe phantom pain onto my anus at times. I had phases of the garbage doing that, and, as with major attacks with trauma material, these attacks typically would be triggered by some bit of significant emotional button pushing that happened for me, and would continue over a week or so.
The discomfort of the garbage-induced severe clenching of my anus, together with the presence of some haemorrhoids and a relatively superficial anal fistula, none of which were intrinsically really painful, got used as the basis of a horrendous phantom pain in the outer part of my anus, which was made to feel as though it was a raw open wound that had just been rubbed with coarse sandpaper, and, immediately following a bowel movement, as though my anal canal were being cut with a razor blade. And because these were phantom pains, local anaesthetic cream usually had little or indeed sometimes no useful effect.
Outside the main phases of that sort of attack I'd often be given menacing slight
'tweaks' with that anus pain, combined with semi-covert pseudo-thoughts to the effect of Yes, we're still here and are still your masters, and you can't get away from us…
In 2012 the garbage inflicted upon me a much larger scale and very extended version of its pain attack strategy to put me off from hiking, in such a way as to really start disrupting my life, as I recount in Plantar fasciitis — My own weird experience; it looked to be a concerted attempt to get me to commit suicide.
Other disturbing sensations
One thing I experienced repeatedly was the sensation of non-physical hands around the top of my head, with one hand firmly on my right temple. This could on particular occasions become very menacing. For example, during one all-night spectacular ordeal I was given the sensation of the 'hands' being around my head while I lay in bed, these 'hands' holding my head firmly, and it was intimated to me that 'they' were about to wrench my head right off.
Occasionally I was given an exceedingly weary, almost fainting feeling in my most serious attack crisis situations brought about by the garbage, and this would usually be accompanied by inserted pseudo-thoughts to the effect that I was in the process of dying. On one occasion, in a particularly serious crisis situation being brought about by the garbage, I was given a multitude of slightly burning and very disturbing slight twitching sensations moving about in different parts of my body, with the accompanying story that I was then being eaten up from the inside by bloodthirsty demons.
In the phase of severe anus pain attack (see the previous sub-section) following on from my having my haemorrhoids 'banded' in February 2010, as well as the already described severe pain at times I often got another very unsettling manifestation — an intense sensation as though there was a vigorously writhing worm or maggot in the outer part of my anus. Sometimes that would be searingly intensely itchy, and sometimes it would feel as though it were almost red-hot.
I had no physical gut parasites to cause any such sensations, so it was clearly garbage attack. This was also underlined by the way that such sensations, however intense, rapidly died away when I used my early version of the Feedback-Loop Zapper procedure. Doing that (with a now much more effective version of the procedure) is nowadays my normal first step in dissolving any attempts by the garbage at new attacks upon me, and it's often the sole measure that I need to take to 'zap' an incipient or minor attack.
Other people report feeling physical sensations, for example, giving the impression that 'entities' are entering them through the anus and taking over their body. The aim is to try to get the affected person to believe whatever disturbing or frightening story (actually fiction) that the garbage is using, in order to get the person wound up into a terrified or desperate state. For a person with particularly weakly grounded awareness this can cause a destructive feedback loop that causes the person very great harm, even physically, and in some cases can bring about a very early death. Typically an elemental would be involved in such a situation, for it could interfere with the body directly in ways that the garbage couldn't do directly.
Tenderness in 'worrying' areas of the body
For a few months in 2005, during my 'darkest' times with the garbage, I had a pronounced tenderness to pressure or touch in the region of my right nipple. I couldn't actually feel any lump there, but the tenderness very much felt as though there must be some sort of growth — the effect no doubt much reinforced by covert pseudo-thoughts given to me by the garbage, to the effect that I had breast cancer (which actually does occur in men, albeit as a rarity).
I presented that to my doctor just to ensure that there was nothing really untoward, and he was convinced straightaway that it was just an 'anxiety' symptom (again putting the cart before the horse!). He said that this sort of thing was pretty common and 'nothing to worry about'.
For the garbage to be able to create actual physical tenderness like that, I think the person has to be pretty strongly open to and interfered with by the garbage — but then quite a lot of people are, without it ever being realized what's really going on.
Let me say here and now that, as far as I understand so far, anxiety in itself does NOT produce such physical symptoms. Where there's a significant anxiety issue, it's the cause of that anxiety that people need to look to — and, generally speaking, that would be attacks from the garbage, which also causes the problems that doctors would claim to be caused by the anxiety.
The garbage can cause a growth
to occur in some specific spot on the body, and this can turn cancerous. To my current
understanding, this is NOT a matter of the garbage
deciding Right, let's give this chappie a nice little cancer on his knob
(or wherever it
fancies to make it happen). What actually is happening all the time is that the garbage is exploiting whatever weaknesses it finds in
the person's non-physical aspects ('energy system', or often, rather misleadingly, called
the aura).
A fair number of people have particular localized 'energy system' weaknesses, which may have been caused by the garbage (whether directly or indirectly), which, when further intensified, result in a growth developing, and in some cases these turn cancerous.
Because the garbage isn't conscious entities, it's not very meaningful to say whether it has a specific intent to cause such growths or whether the growths are just a by-product of its intensifying such local 'energy system' weaknesses for some other purpose.
Sleep disturbance
In addition to the disruption of sleep by means of attacks with exaggerated emotion feelings or sexual arousal or/and hell / 'night terror' visuals, a very common type of interference from the garbage causes an overactive mind in bed, giving rise to sleeplessness / insomnia. This may or may not be accompanied by strange, distracting body sensations. In fact it's not always really the mind being overactive, but rather, an overall physical state of restlessness, which makes it feel as though the mind is being overactive even when it's actually relatively quiescent. It may be accompanied by a wearisome-feeling tumultuous (albeit not necessarily loud) tinnitus.
For means to handle such sleep problems, please see Ways of handling a prospective rough or sleepless night.
Temporary loss of consciousness — fainting or collapsing
This can be a very frightening trick to play on a person. Several times the garbage tried this on me at unexpected moments during the years when it was able to interfere with me most strongly. Because I have a particular ability to keep the relevant part of my awareness grounded, I managed not to keel over or indeed fully lose consciousness, and quickly restored full consciousness — but other people similarly interfered with do lose consciousness and assume they're being harmed considerably more than they really are.
This sort of interference is commonly part of a 'package', where the garbage is presenting a scenario to the person that (s)he is being or about to be killed, either directly by the garbage or by a supposed spirit attachment that they have (actually generally an elemental or 'combo entity' that is a combination of an elemental and a soul fragment). A sustained severe attack complete with the loss-of-consciousness trick can then seem very convincing as a supposed attempt on the person's life.
That sort of treatment can quite often result in the ending of a person's life through suicide; I don't know to what extent it could end a person's life immediately and directly, though I suspect that it would not, apart from weakening the person further, and so further undermining his/her emotional state and health.
Spasms and aggravated anal fissure / haemorrhoids
Spasms of the anal and bladder sphincter, as already noted, are quite a favourite of the garbage. The anal sphincter spasms include ongoing gross over-tightness (the medics have coined the jargon word 'stenosis' for it) and can cause even mild haemorrhoids to become painful and much more prominent and liable to rupture, and can make anal fissures excruciating and extremely difficult to heal. Such exaggerated anal tightness can also easily lead to an anal abscess or/and fistula.
Other spasms that have been a nuisance for much of my adult life and for which the garbage is now firmly implicated include very painful cramps of the prostate and also lower end of the oesophagus, the whole range of gut spasms that usually get labelled as irritable bowel syndrome, and various muscle spasms in my lower back that manifest as (a) sciatica mimicking hip trouble, (b) transient pains apparently from my left testicular area (apparently aimed at making me worry about the varicocele there) and (c) various transient foot pains aimed at making me worry about my feet and even stop hiking.
Ironically, doctors generally assume that such spasms are caused by worry or anxiety states, but what they don't realize is that often or maybe always the garbage is the real cause of both the spasms and the anxiety, the experiencing of the spasms then also adding to the person's worry / anxiety.
Disturbing smells
Another trick of the garbage for some people is to give whiffs of a smell that has disturbing associations for the particular person. In my case I'm aware of a small number of different smells, which, as far as I can ascertain, were stored in the memories of particular of the 'lost' souls that were attached to me, which have at times been given to me to try and frighten me — what was claimed to be (respectively) stewing and roasting human flesh*, vomit, fresh human urine, and a peculiar smell with a strong human semen component (no doubt something else associated with 'dark' practices). The 'stewing human flesh' smell has been the most frequently used.
* My more recent inner inquiry supported by Helpfulness Testing points to that identification of those two particular smells having been in part a deception aimed at scaring me, but also to the two smells indeed having been associated with certain 'dark' practices.
In this particular scenario, which is necessarily somewhat speculative, as I have no physical way of going back and verifying it, the 'stewing human flesh' smell wasn't that at all, but was from some concoction that was generally kept at the altar, and with which participants anointed themselves in particular rituals in front of the altar. Certain of its constituents would be regarded with revulsion by pretty well anyone not locked into 'dark' practices.
Similarly, my very plausible inner inquiry suggestions point to the 'roasting human flesh' smell having actually been that of a sacrifice being carried out as part of a Satanistic or black witchcraft / black magic ritual. It actually had two main components: the concoction mentioned above, plus burning flesh. The burning flesh was actually most likely that of an animal, though the possibility that on at least one occasion an actual human was sacrificed can't be ruled out.
Such smells that were presented to me could have been derived from memories held by one or more of the parasitic lost souls attached to me — though my understanding nowadays is that that would most likely be irrelevant, because those smells are contained in particular sensory primary archetypes anyway.
Also associated with Satanism or similar was a smell that was occasionally given to me in my bathroom, especially when I'd got up in the night for a pee. The smell seemed superficially to be a hint of somebody's cigarette smoke getting into my flat, perhaps through a pipe conduit — but on the one occasion it was made to come on really strongly to me I found that it had a strong urine component, and simultaneously the garbage was trying to show me a visual (which I kept de-focused from as much as possible) of a man in some sort of pit or trench or bath, being urinated on by a large number of people, and effectively having a 'bath' in fresh urine.
My understanding is that this could possibly have reflected an actual memory of one of the parasitic lost souls that had been attached to me, though probably was derived from one of the primary archetypes to which I had active connections.
Another smell the garbage occasionally presented to me during quite a short period was the disgusting smell of a person with absolutely no personal hygiene — say, a long-term unwashed tramp — in warm, sweaty weather. Fortunately I recognised that trick for what it was and so didn't go worrying about my own personal hygiene.
On one of the occasions when I was being subjected to attempts by the garbage to get me attached to seriously dark practices, at one point, when I was being given horrific emotional feelings combined with strong sexual arousal, it gave me a faint smell that I couldn't place, and which went with a peculiarly warm feeling at my nostrils.
Allegedly, what I was being given there was a memory of the smell and warmth of the entrails of what was claimed to be a freshly killed man* as I buried my head in them, remembered from a black magic initiation rite (which, allegedly, I'd undergone very much against my will) in a long-past lifetime. I now understand that the past life experience, although it presumably did happen, wasn't mine at all but most likely belonged to one of the 'lost' souls attached to me, though it could have been derived from one or more of the primary archetypes to which I had active connections..
* Again, the true picture was distorted to make it seem more intimidating and repulsive for me, for it may well have been an animal rather than a human — though the latter can't altogether be ruled out.
More recently (in 2008), when sitting on a clifftop to eat my packed lunch on a hike, I was about to start eating a rather ripe banana, when the (expletive deleted) garbage assailed me with the delectable aroma of dog shit, having used the smell of the freshly peeled rather ripe banana as a 'trigger'. I checked that there was no dog fouling there, and the smell quickly went.
My indications from my inner inquiry are that the smells are all just derived from memories (usually not from this lifetime, and usually not one's own but either belonging to parasitic lost souls attached to one, or/and derived from particular primary archetypes to which one has active connections) and are not produced physically outside the person, so nobody else around that person would notice them.
Teleportation and other paranormal phenomena
In my case two instances of teleportation (apparent psychokinesis) of physical objects occurred when the garbage had a relatively strong hold on me, and also on one occasion the garbage apparently caused a temporary non-critical malfunction of my computer, but it was for the most part unable to get sufficient grip on my non-physical aspects for it to do such things, because the relevant part of my awareness doggedly remained too grounded.
There are other people, however, whose awareness is more generally weakly grounded, and they're more badly affected by the garbage, and even experience themselves or parts of their body being moved by it, or / and have disturbing psychic or paranormal phenomena occurring around them. Such phenomena may include 'poltergeist' happenings — movement of objects (telekinesis), pictures falling off walls, the causing of electrical equipment to fail and so forth, also possibly with sounds (such as creaking floorboards or knocking on doors) and apparitions.
A particular aim in moving parts of a person's body is commonly to get that person terrified that entities are taking their body over. The garbage actually can't take a person's body over, but it can give an alarming impression of that happening (which can readily lead to suicide) — but only if the right part of the person's awareness is sufficiently ungrounded.
This limitation on what the garbage can do is because, being non-physical itself, it can't directly affect physical objects or create physical phenomena. However, if it can get enough hold on a person's energy field (the so-called aura), as previously noted, it can then manipulate it in a way that's a sort of hijacking, using psychic powers that we all have latently, to create troublesome elementals and apparently to use 'special powers'.
So it's the person's own 'energy system' that the garbage uses to create any paranormal phenomena. That's very draining on a person's (subtle) energy, so that people who have that sort of issue tend to suffer a lot of tiredness and ill health.
Usually the garbage does these things to frighten the person and to scare other people away from her, but in my case — and this would apply to some other people too — it could also have been seen as having a primary 'interest' in convincing me that I had special psychic powers and getting me trying to use them, so effectively getting me working 'on the dark side' and getting me publicly discredited as a 'healer' and promoter of self-actualization. Fortunately I've always been clear that using such psychic powers would be highly problematical and at least often outright dangerous.
The garbage (whether directly or via spirit attachments, attached 'soul fragments', or elementals) directs the vast majority of its overt 'victims' into addictive behaviours, including tobacco, alcohol, cannabis and other 'recreational' or indeed 'hard' drugs. It does this particularly because such substance misuse and the addictive patterns relating to it help unground the person (increasing the entities' and garbage's hold on them) and help block any direction towards self-actualization (which, in its fullness, would render the person totally free of entity attachments and garbage interferences).
I've become aware of how the garbage repeatedly sought to bring me down in this manner. It would try to control me with covert attacks and pseudo-thoughts that made me feel drawn to, and even sexually aroused by, young men who had addiction problems — particularly alcohol, cannabis and indeed heroin — and very often were in very poor physical and mental state and in fact really very repellent to me, and the garbage even caused me to feel that I wanted to have those people in bed with me, or/and to join their ranks.
Fortunately I've had the clarity and strength of will to resist any such apparently inner pressure (always recognisable, even during the sexual arousals, because of the associated nasty feelings at the solar plexus, quite apart from my recognising what was going on, also with my rational assessment of the absurdity of any move to seek to gratify such cravings), and I've kept clear of such involvement apart from some very positive passing interactions with some homeless people on the streets, where, over a few years I even occasionally gave impromptu hands-on 'healing' sessions, and indeed on the odd occasion through such contacts I'd apparently been a significant factor in the particular person's having started getting more positive command of his life.
But underlying that has always been the pressure of the garbage, which was vainly trying to get me to 'proposition' various of these mostly very scruffy and indeed often smelly and quite repulsive individuals and get personally involved with them and their ways (and indeed, as I say, try to get them into bed with me).
N.B. During my original writing of the above (in late August 2006) the garbage was attacking me strongly with the very feelings that I relate above — to try to convince me that I really was hankering and lusting after those people. But all it was succeeding in doing was to show me anew how pernicious is its influence, which would strongly control anyone who hadn't got very considerable clarity and willpower to listen to their own deepest good sense instead. The attack actually progressed into an extremely strong attempt to drag me into and get me hooked on Satanistic sexual practices.
'Deviant' sexual urges
Shock-horror — I use the nasty word 'deviant' here! However, I'm NOT referring here to one's sexual orientation, which actually in the vast majority of people is dysfunctional regardless of whether their predominant orientation is 'homo' or 'hetero', and even if they think of themselves as 100% 'normal'.
What I'm referring to here is the urges to act in various ways that have nothing to do with true, mutually respecting love between people but to do with seeking to get sexual thrills.
It's not widely understood that much 'deviant' sexual behaviour or desire — especially in its more bizarre manifestations — is primarily the result of the garbage, or occasionally 'spirit attachments' (which, however, would themselves be garbage controlled / programmed), controlling or trying to control the person, for the garbage is constantly seeking to divert people away from truly loving behaviour into self-gratification and negativity, neither of which is what true love is about.
Anyone who indulges in Satanistic or black magic practices (which often include bizarre and sometimes horrific sexual practices) is bound to be strongly controlled by the garbage, whether or not (s)he has a partial walk-in or spirit attachment. Likewise, at least a fair proportion of, and I suspect all, paedophiles (at least the ones who act out their urges) are unawarely being controlled by the garbage. So, to call these people evil and wicked is missing the vital point and ensuring that their underlying issue is never acknowledged, let alone addressed and resolved.
Strong sexual clothing fetishes, such as leather- and rubber-wear and even such socially accepted articles as jeans or black fishnet stockings / tights are generally in at least large part the result of control and influences from the garbage, even though additional factors, such as particular childhood experiences and conditioning from advertising imagery, usually contribute — but then again, garbage interference would have given rise to those situations and influences in the first place. The garbage doesn't actually create such issues for the affected person, but it magnifies what's already there in the person's emotional issues or those of any of the attached 'lost' souls.
Without such interference, most people would hardly notice the actually quite normal potential within their emotional issues for seriously unhealthy sexual attractions, urges and preoccupations.
I do have some experience of this myself, as I've had certain common fetishistic and otherwise unhealthy sexual urges, which I always recognised as pointing to ways I didn't want to live (for they had nothing to do with love or genuine happiness), and now I clearly understand them to have been the work of the garbage. Indeed, the latter blew its cover handsomely during my writing about such issues on my site initially, and went attacking me strongly in a way to try to get me into Satanistic sex of the most horrific type imaginable (the Police would have been very interested indeed if I'd actually done what the garbage was trying to get me to do!).
That of course is, on the surface, extremely stupid behaviour of the garbage (as you could reasonably expect of rogue programming rather than true conscious beings), because I immediately expose such behaviour of the garbage on this website — which is clearly not assisting its agenda.
I also wrote down all the problematical thoughts underlying the feelings and urges with which the garbage assaulted me, and put them methodically to inquiry using The Work*, so progressively making it less possible for the garbage to interfere with me in that way again. Using such a method to dissolve the underlying thoughts, feelings and illusory realities is much better than continuing to live with such issues and being stigmatized and unhelpfully regarded as ill or disordered.
* I'm nowadays doing much better than that! I'm now using the tremendous life improvement and self-actualization methodology presented in Healing and Self-Actualization — The Safest and Quickest Way, and indeed have long ago left The Work behind. Grounding Point, used in conjunction with Self-Power Walking and my chosen Regular Core Practices, also use of the Feedback-Loop Zapper procedure as needed to dissolve attacks and other environmental stresses of the moment, is my method of choice now when I get a particular interference / attack. I recommend that combination of methods too for anyone with unusual or problematical sexual urges.
'Story' as a type of attack
The garbage constantly cultivates a preoccupation with extremely unhelpful 'story' (which is always at best a distortion of the real state of affairs) in everyone's mind, but during particular 'wrecking' campaigns by the garbage on specific people the 'story' becomes particularly convoluted and often bizarre, as part of a purposefully directed feedback loop of weakening the person's grounding. As the person's grounding weakens, so the convolutions of 'story' increase in their complexity and bizarreness, for the weaker the grounding of one's awareness, the greater one's gullibility to whatever 'story' the garbage or indeed any actual person may give them.
This then opens the possibility of setting up a potentially fatally destructive feedback loop of 'story' and trauma energy combined, and indeed the garbage actually does this. I had this sort of thing happen to me in each of my most major crisis events, when it appeared that the postulated cacoprotean network itself may have been more or less directly managing the particular attack regimes.
It needs understanding that any 'story' from the garbage is NOT just story. All that 'story' has been derived from the astral pool of archetypes, and that means that it's all underpinned by the virulent emotional payload of the primary archetypes, and so is leading people both into potentially becoming open to massive attack and into their leading bizarrely distorted lives, in which they're under the 'spell' of the scenarios and stereotypes of various of the non-primary archetypes. The 'story' that I'm referring to here includes religious scenarios and beliefs of all sorts, and indeed all 'spiritual' and metaphysical scenarios.
For more about archetypes, please see Understanding archetypes — and clearing ourselves of them.
A particular example of this in operation is given in One Really Weird Hike — 'Grand Design' Or Outlandish Psychic Attack? and in the relevant section in Psychiatry: my personal experience — Gaining fundamental insights (Visit 3), in which I relate the immediate and potentially life terminating sequel of that extraordinary hiking experience. Fortunately, on that occasion as well as the others, there was always some part of my awareness that remained sufficiently grounded to cause me to 'rebel' and yank myself out of the potential pit of inner self destruction into which I was at those times being rapidly dragged.
Unfortunately, when psychiatric / mental health workers hear an affected person talking of such things they routinely label what's happening as the person's 'having delusions', and treat it as a 'mental illness' — i.e., with medication / ECT instead of ever seeking to recognise and address the actual cause of the problem.
Appendix 2 — Obvious signs of teachers' / healers' / lightworkers' garbage (supposed 'dark force') connections
What follows isn't an exhaustive list, and I appreciate that it will ruffle many feathers and even scare some people because so much of what people have been innocently accepting has actually been the work of the garbage. In truth, I don't know one single 'healer' / teacher / so-called lightworker (or indeed other person) who isn't showing signs of garbage involvement (almost always unawarely, of course).
Let me stress that a fair majority of these people have none but the best intentions at a conscious level and are genuinely being deceived and misled, just as had been happening for me. Even now I'd make no claim that I'm completely clear of garbage involvement, for you can never know that you're clear. The most I can know now and in the future is simply that I'm being as vigilant and discriminating as I know how, and filtering or clearing out any further interferences and garbage-sourced distortions as I become aware of them.
At least that's a vast improvement upon what is much more the norm for teachers with any sort of public profile — for example, the teacher Grahame Wyllie who calls himself Shabdan and who claims to be an incarnation of Lord Anju (a purported higher being of some sort) and who channels extensively from supposed angels, archangels and ascended masters, operating as a guru leading many people towards horrendous problems beyond this life by means of an illusory reality involving the supposed 'ascension' of humans into the purported (but fictitious) 5th dimension — all with the noblest of intentions but a tremendous lack of grounded awareness and willingness to hold himself and what he's doing up to aware rational scrutiny.
On the other hand I do also have to say that there's a small but very significant
proportion of such 'healers' / teachers / 'lightworkers' who are not genuine even in their
conscious intent, and who do things like putting psychic attacks on those who they see as any sort
of threat to their personal or social status. One such very prominent individual was the
late Indian guru Sai Baba, who was very widely known and even revered, and still is at the
present time, as supposedly one of our greatest spiritual teachers. That he purportedly
performed 'miracles', and a fair number of people were going as far as to believe that he
was the new Christ
and had come to save Humanity, should be warning enough that
something was awry there…
Although this listing is referring particularly to teachers, 'healers' and 'lightworkers', it's really a valuable check-list that anyone can use to assist them in constructive self scrutiny with a view to progressively getting themselves clear of garbage influence and thus tremendously improving their lives and speeding their self-actualization process.
Here follows the listing of signs of garbage involvement / influence, then. The person…
Is operating intentionally as a guru with a group or circle of students / disciples / followers.
Is a student or follower of, or reveres, a guru or 'spiritual teacher'.
Believes in or promotes modesty or humility as anything desirable.
Believes in 'ascension' of humans, individually or en masse — i.e., into some sort of non-physical or semi-physical 'higher order', 'higher dimension' or 'heaven'.
Believes in humans at some point achieving 'full consciousness', in which the person's purported separate 'higher consciousness' or 'higher self' descends from the 5th dimension and merges with the ordinary or 'lower' mind.
Believes that his/her view of reality is true or 'Truth' rather than just being a convenient working model for healing / self-actualization purposes.
Makes people feel afraid to find their own most helpful view of reality (i.e., people are made to feel that they're supposed to 'follow the Party line' of the particular teacher).
Puts psychic attacks on other people, whether this is done awarely or unawarely.
Believes in an evolutionary process of each individual over successive reincarnations.
Believes that reincarnation of souls in some sort of evolutionary sequence is the natural thing to happen for us following our death until we're very 'advanced' in our supposed evolutionary process.
As noted on the parent page, sequential, karmic reincarnation of souls is actually the norm, but it's NOT the natural thing to happen and is a very serious malfunction caused by the garbage's having hijacked what was initially a non-karmic, non-sequential no-soul incarnation, and is NOT evolutionary in any positive way, for it's actually a degradational sequence over many reincarnations.
Believes in karma as primarily or wholly relating to positive or negative actions of yours.
i.e., rather than it being simply an accumulation of the harmful or weakening effects of various of your life experiences, including such things as emotional traumas and environmental stresses — see What Karma Really Is — Cutting Through the Confusion
Believes in a need to purge previous supposed wrongdoings, whether of this lifetime or a purported previous one — and especially any notion that you have to go through any sort of hardship in order to clear such karmas.
All karmas are best and most easily cleared simply through diligent and truly effective self-actualization methods, which the garbage seeks to steer us well away from. See especially Affirmations & declarations of intent for healing & self-actualization.
Believes in 'higher realities', including higher beings.
I exclude fundamental consciousness ('the Ultimate') from that, as it's really neither a higher being nor a higher reality, but is simply the fundamental aspect of 'What Is'. Fundamental consciousness (also known as universal consciousness) is what you recognise directly as your own true nature (and the true nature of everything) when you gain fundamental clarity ('become enlightened').
Many would regard that as a 'higher reality', and indeed the highest of them all — but actually it transcends concepts of 'high' and 'low', as you'd reasonably expect from something that's all-pervading and therefore has no specific location nor level — and indeed is non-dual and thus apparently devoid of concepts.
It's indeed healthy and desirable to recognise and be as open as possible to fundamental consciousness — provided that one doesn't then distort it, as so many do, into something that's in some perhaps subtle respect seen as separate from us, such as 'Spirit' or Brahma.
Believes in discrete (usually numbered or named) levels of consciousness or of Existence.
They are ALL illusory realities given to us from the garbage and so exist only within the astral non-reality, never mind how wonderful and elevating some levels may subjectively appear to be.
Practices, promotes or encourages in any way astral travel or astral projection.
Astral travel or projection is an extremely harmful and dangerous practice, because it severely ungrounds you and opens you pretty fully to the garbage and greatly strengthens and cultivates its hold on you. Astral travel allows the garbage to stage a partial walk-in upon the person or may result in a very troublesome spirit attachment being installed if the garbage is 'interested' in doing that to that particular person.
It would thus undoubtedly have been disastrous for me if I'd tried astral projection / travel and had actually succeeded in doing it. My understanding is that the vast majority of partial walk-ins that have occurred have resulted from the garbage (usually covertly) encouraging or inveigling the person into going into astral travel or astral projection and then sneakily driving the specially programmed 'lost' soul into the temporary 'void' left by a major part of the person's awareness having gone on astral 'walkies'.
Uses 'special' or psychic powers, including the performing of 'miracles', the non-physical moving of objects, and 'seeing' into people's bodies — even just for healing.
'Reads' or looks within people's minds — even with their permission.
N.B. Nobody is really able to read or look within another person's mind. This is just a particular case of clairvoyance, which involves the garbage presenting to the 'seer' certain 'information' and impressions that convince him that he's actually 'reading' or 'seeing' directly. Thus my pointing to 'mind reading' as being garbage-connected is NOT based in any sort of moral or ethical judgment but a simple recognition of what's really taking place when a person goes supposedly 'reading' or looking within another person's mind.
However, this needs distinguishing from the straightforward application of deep awareness, indeed with aware and vigilant use of Helpfulness Testing, which can enable one to have a pretty good idea of certain things that are going on in a particular person's mind. That could also very loosely be called mind reading, but normally would be pretty well free of garbage involvement, and indeed theoretically could be completely free of it.
Channels from any apparently external source, never mind how (supposedly) high or 'divine' — and including even one's supposed 'higher consciousness'.
Uses telepathy — even with the other person's full agreement and participation.
The problem with telepathy is that it's just a variant of channelling, and, except theoretically in the case of an extremely self-actualized person (well beyond mere enlightenment), this couldn't occur except through the garbage relaying the communication to you — with all the problems of censoring, distortion and addition of material. It may be allowed to proceed apparently undistorted in order to lure the telepathist and get him/her more deeply involved with the garbage.
My understanding is that some degree of genuine telepathy is theoretically possible between people who have very compatible energy make-up / configuration, BUT, as in the case of channelling, the garbage drowns out any such subtle communications with its own versions of the telepathic messages. I've no evidence yet that there's anyone on the planet who is so clear of garbage interference that the genuine telepathy would be recognisable and usable.
Incidentally, such genuine telepathy is NOT what is cultivated by the use of certain crystals (e.g., held to the actually illusory / fictitious 'third eye'). They disrupt your 'energy system' and cultivate the standard, garbage mediated version.
- Uses or encourages dowsing.
One type of testing that superficially appears to be a form of dowsing is exempt from this listing, however. That's the healthy and grounded Helpfulness Testing method, provided that it hasn't in effect slipped into ordinary dowsing as a result of the person's carelessness or lack of deep awareness in using the procedure.
Uses or gives credence to any method of divining or fortune telling, such as Tarot, runes, I Ching, angel cards, scrying — and related methods such as astrology, numerology and palmistry, and 'readings' of a person's future or 'destiny' by any means.
What all these methods have in common is that they involve and encourage ungrounded non-physical perceptions or 'energy awareness', which connects and involves one with the garbage.
The only safe, healthy and garbage free means of gaining information that's truly for a person's deepest and ultimate good to have (i.e., to promote their self-actualization process) is through properly grounded 'energy awareness' and Helpfulness Testing. In any case, it's only the garbage that seeks to make your future appear to be (to a fair extent) predetermined, and which encourages people into preoccupations with their future rather than allowing their lives to unfold freely in the present.
Believes in our having a separated-off 'higher consciousness' or 'higher self'.
Uses candles or similar lights, or/and incense, including joss sticks.
N.B. Smoke from incense of any type (never mind how nice some of it smells!) is extremely harmful, containing a cocktail of carcinogens and other toxins that have a long-term cumulative effect when periodically (passively) inhaled — at least as harmful as tobacco smoke. Thus incense is doubly problematical.
Regards or treats any specific thing(s) as sacred or holy — including particular numbers.
When you regard something as sacred or holy, what you're doing is at once going into a potent self-deception mode, because you're making that 'something' out to be somehow more than it actually is.
The reality is that each object, person or place is simply as it is, and 'sacred' or 'holy' is simply a label that you put on certain of those to convince yourself that they're something that they aren't (or at least more 'special' in some metaphysical way than they actually are). By doing that you're immediately creating illusory realities in your awareness, bringing yourself increasingly under the covert control of the garbage.
The numbers 9 (especially) and also 7 and 3 and multiples thereof are a particular focus because the garbage has 'loaded' those particular numbers with 'garbage resonance' in the human consciousness, so any focus on those numbers as 'special' or sacred immediately increases any garbage connection of the person.
Believes that (s)he is an incarnation of a particular higher being, or a reincarnation of some prominent figure(s) in the past.
Uses rituals.
I have to qualify this because there are various truly beneficial practices / procedures for strengthening your energy system that could be described rituals of a sort. The test here is, is the practice just being done as an essential practice in the sense of opening the front door or preparing a meal, or are there elements in the practice that are being done because
that's the way it's supposed to be done
(e.g., you're toldit won't work if you don't do it this way
, but there's no obvious reason why not)?For example, if you want to attune yourself to something, all you need to do is to have physical contact with it, with the clear intent that the particular contact is for the purpose of attuning yourself to it.
So, if anyone deliberately does more than that to attune themselves to something (leaving aside for the moment the matter of whether that attunement is really such a good idea in the first place), they're practising, or at least beginning to create, a ritual, and, by so doing, aligning themselves with the control agendas of the garbage. Virtually all Reiki attunements, thus, are firmly 'of the dark side' not only because of the symbols being used but also because of the quite unnecessary and usually quite complicated ritual involved.
Uses any 'sacred', healing or meditation symbols (including Reiki symbols, the pentagram and the OM).
Uses mantras.
This needs some qualification, because in a very small number of instances there are beneficial uses for specific mantras for particular self-actualization or healing purposes. However, even those uses of mantras are problematical because of the way they increase your garbage connection (thus needing to be used sparingly and with discrimination if used at all), and thus a person fully clear of garbage-sourced deceptions would always use other means than mantras — and always there are garbage-free methods that can be used in place of them.
Uses or in any way encourages the use of sacred geometry in any form — whether as drawings, symbols or actual constructions, such as merkabas, and supposedly healing and self-actualization / self-realization devices using sacred geometry, including stargates, meditation chambers, pyramids and wands, and the whole range of actually extremely harmful 'Soul Therapy Healing Tools' made and sold by the Maitreya Monastery at Glastonbury and other locations.
Uses or encourages the use of charms, amulets, talismans, fetishes (not referring here to anything sexual, which is a separate issue), or anything that's intended to function in such a manner.
Attaches 'spiritual' significance to certain colours, and in particular, regards gold, violet, purple or saturated mid- to deep blues as 'spiritual' or spiritually connecting colours.
The garbage has loaded the human consciousness generally with a garbage connection to those particular colours, which is then presented to 'healers' and psychics as being a 'spiritual' connection — people thus being lured further into the 'spirituality' trap and increasing their garbage connections in lieu of the self-actualization that they really need to be pointing to, which would get them free of garbage interference and control.
There's nothing intrinsically problematical about those colours, however, and as long as they aren't treated as having any 'spiritual' or metaphysical or ceremonial significance they're absolutely no problem.
Practises or promotes any healing method that relies at least in part on supposedly external 'energies' or/and beings, and doesn't work exclusively from their own deepest aspects.
Uses or promotes the use of crystals and stones.
I must qualify this, in that polished spheres of certain types of stone can be very helpful for some purposes.
However, my own methodology, as from September 2018 has developed significantly and no longer uses spheres or indeed any external aid at all, and gets better results, and without a serious down-side that I discovered relating to using even the most benign of external aids.
Uses or encourages 'smudging' (production of smoke from incense or certain plant materials such as sage) to clear spaces and people's 'auras' of foreign ('negative') 'energies' and 'entities'.
There's just one undesirable thing that such smoke might possibly clear out if you're lucky — flies!
For clearing out 'entities' and untoward 'energies', 'smudging' is totally ineffective, and simply succeeds in getting people believing that they're clear of stuff that they aren't at all clear of — so that they never get to using methods that would be effective in carrying out the requisite clearance. Also, smudging is polluting to the air you breathe — albeit normally only very temporarily (unless, of course, one repeatedly 'smudges' one's living or working space and keeps the windows more or less closed).
Has or recommends the use of any sort of shrine or 'sacred' space.
This is to be distinguished from a dedicated harmonious space for specific purposes such as one's healing or self-actualization practices. It can be very helpful to have such a space — but the problem comes the moment one regards that space as anything more than functional, for then one is connecting with the astral non-reality and bringing in a sense of ritual and all the garbage connections that that involves.
Thinks / speaks / writes of us being light or Light rather than simply awareness or consciousness.
Thinks / speaks / writes of us 'going to the Light', or needing to do so, when we die.
Has anything to do with prayer.
Uses the concept of 'the inner child'.
This is a garbage-sourced decoy to ensure that when people do look within themselves they're looking for some sort of wounded or vulnerable child instead of their real true nature, which is the non-duality of fundamental consciousness — 'the Ultimate', which is thus one's ultimate power and is intrinsically invulnerable.
Believes that we are 'spirit' or 'Spirit', or even just uses that term for fundamental (universal) consciousness or 'the Ultimate'.
Uses and/or encourages a lot of formal meditation.
N.B. A certain amount of formal meditation can be helpful in some cases, but generally this would be for people who are of pretty low awareness. They'd need to stop doing that as their awareness opens up more, because otherwise they'd be increasingly weakening their grounding and also 'putting the lid on' various of their more deeply seated issues — problems that are the reason for ongoing formal sitting meditation being best avoided for all reasonably aware people.
But then the less-aware people would generally not understand the need to use meditation only judiciously, and would generally just get stuck in a rut of daily use of it — so really it wouldn't be doing most of them a genuine favour after all, even though they may love its mentally cocooning effects.
Regards him/herself as a 'lightworker'.
Uses hypnosis in his/her methodology.
Hypnosis is extremely ungrounding and is thus a real no-no in serious healing / self-actualization work. Also it's extremely disempowering for the person put under hypnosis. In all cases it's a garbage-sourced control agenda that causes people to choose to use hypnosis on other people — regardless of any good intentions of theirs.
Hypnosis is intrinsically harmful and 'of the dark side', because its very mechanism is the installation of one or more illusory realities in a hidden aspect of the victim's mindspace.
Indeed, it appears that particular individuals are garbage-programmed (whether directly or through something like a partial walk-in or spirit attachment) to use hypnosis therapies so that the garbage and entities attached to the therapist can exploit the powerless, ungrounded state of clients during sessions and actually cause the therapist to put 'nasties' in their clients' non-physical aspects, such as harmful thought forms, implants or even in some cases partial walk-ins. (I've experienced this myself, though I never allowed myself to get into a hypnotic trance as the particular practitioner was trying to achieve.)
Uses 'religion speak'.
Examples are too many to list, but I give just a few off the top of my head here:
Christ (including 'Christ consciousness'), baptism, chrism or Chrism, God, the Seven Rays of God, divine or Divinity, sacred, holy… -
Has an 'angel name' or other special pseudonym to associate him/herself with a religion / spiritual tradition or higher beings such as angels or to increase his/her guru status, and thus to effectively to set him/herself apart from other people — whether or not the person continues to use his/her own name.
This tends to be a sign that the person is in particularly deep trouble through being manipulated by the garbage. Indeed, the latter tried in late 2003 to get me myself to formally change my name from Philip Goddard to Melchior Elias for this sort of purpose.
The Buddhist names that many Western Buddhists take up or are given are also problematical and a result of garbage influence.
Sanctions or condones the use of status-indicating appellations for him / herself, such as His Holiness, Pope, Jetsun, Rinpoche, Sathya, Shri / Sri*, Swami, Reverend, Archbishop, Master, His Grace, His Excellency, His Worship, Doctor, Professor, The Right Worshipful…, The Right Honourable…, Sir, Dame, Lord, Lady, Duke, Prince, Princess, Duchess, Earl, Baron(ess), His / Her Royal Highness, and His / Her Majesty.
NO person of true integrity, free from garbage influence, would sanction or condone the use of any such titles / appellations for themselves, whether they have religious, professional or any other connection, for they're ALL about personal and social status and power / control relationships with other people, and thus of 'the dark side'. Even sanctioning or condoning people's addressing one as 'Sir' or 'Madam' is actually to a certain degree a part of the same phenomenon, and helps to align one with the garbage, because it's a deferential appellation, and, despite widespread beliefs to the contrary, is totally unnecessary, even, say, for workers in shops when dealing with the public.
As for the matter of professional status, anyone with specific qualifications is free to indicate their qualifications in specific situations (such as in the authorship of a paper), and, say, in the case of medical practitioners and therapists, indicating their qualifications on informational material about themselves — but that's something quite different from having themselves being addressed using an appellation, which is actually not about the person's ability in their job (after all, there are plenty of atrocious medical doctors and extremely ignorant / unaware PHds!) but about personal status and setting themselves up as socially above other people.
* I appreciate that 'Shri' and 'Sri', and probably certain related appellations are commonly used just as an everyday equivalent of 'Mr' / 'Ms' (etc.) in English, and I'm not really referring to that. I list those appellations here for situations where they're being used to indicate some sort of supposed separateness or superiority of the individuals concerned.
Thinks in terms of 'vibrational frequencies' or 'vibrations' of things, 'energies' or people.
This is all part of the garbage-sourced New Age mindset, whose attention is diverted away from simply tuning into consciousness itself, which is where true enlightenment and self-actualization lie, and where the concept of (non-physical) vibrations is meaningless. So-called vibrational frequencies or simply 'vibrations' (non-physical) are illusory. Yes, people use that expression to differentiate between apparently higher or lower or lighter or darker, but what they don't realize is that all such non-physical polarities are illusions given to us by the garbage, and are not where we need to be pointing.
Sees auras, chakras and other non-physical things such as entities.
This is virtually always a sure sign of poor grounding of the whole person and not just their awareness. The person's non-physical perceptions then open most readily into the astral non-reality, where the person doesn't see things that are really there at all but is shown things by his/her garbage interference. Such ungrounded and garbage-mediated 'perceptions' are used as decoys or lures to point the affected people away from true self-actualization.
The Barbara Brennan School of Healing actually trains people in such ungrounded energy awareness, calling it Higher Sensory Perception (HSP), not understanding its true nature, and not understanding that none of that serves any beneficial purpose whatsoever!
Predicts future events or scenarios, or believes such predictions made by anyone else (straightforward extrapolations on the basis of physical observations are excepted from this).
Believes in a specific 'Higher Plan' for Humanity, whether it be an apocalyptic or messianic scenario or one of the many variants of an enlightened civilization or/and some sort of world government.
N.B. I'm not meaning to imply that there is necessarily no 'higher plan', nor that we're definitely not moving towards an enlightened civilization, for we can't know such things. My point is that any true higher plan that isn't just another illusory reality presented to us from the garbage would be impossible for us to know about, so any supposed Higher Plan that anyone believes in is bound to be a garbage-sourced invention designed to lead us into further trouble.
There's a very important point here about ANY supposed prediction of the future, whether it be relating to any particular plan or not. Free choice, which is a fundamental aspect of our true nature, rapidly dwindles and becomes constrained by garbage-sourced control agendas as we get accepting any sort of specification about how things will work out in the future, whether for oneself as an individual or for the human race at large. It is thus extremely important that we keep our minds entirely open about what the future holds for us and ignore any non-physically sourced predictions.
Any true 'higher plan' (which I can only speculate does exist in some aspect of 'reality') would work very differently — not trying to achieve particular happenings at particular times and places, and, particularly, not revealing to us anything of our future (as the garbage does in its fictitious 'Higher Plans'), but operating by means of an open-ended flow of a 'fluid' matrix of possibilities guided by a broad underlying 'intent'.
Believes in Atlantis as part of Earth history.
The legend of Atlantis is, according to my understanding, based on (but doesn't accurately represent) historical events — NOT on Earth but somewhere else in our Universe or indeed even in another universe. The garbage has widely presented that legend to us as a supposed fact of human history on Earth as part of the various illusory realities that it presents to us involving a supposed Higher Plan for Humanity (always involving humans being controlled / manipulated by supposedly higher beings — actually the garbage).
Gives credence to 11:11 or indeed any other time of day as having some special significance — or indeed likewise for any particular dates.
Yes, indeed — for particular people 11:11 or some other time may repeatedly be brought to their notice, but if it's more than coincidence in the particular instance(s), it wouldn't be any beneficial higher beings that are contriving that, because, as far as I can tell, there are no beneficial 'higher' beings in the first place. This is just yet another deceit and attempt by the garbage to lure people into illusory realities.
Believes that we have, or will gain, more than two strands of DNA in our chromosomes, at least 'etherically' (i.e., as part of an illusory reality).
This 'New Age' myth, which comes in a number of variants, is generally associated with 'ascension' or 'full consciousness' scenarios, and comes to us from the garbage.
Gives any credence to, or is at all fascinated by, the Moon Matrix conspiracy theory, or indeed any other 'conspiracy theory'.
This is another of the multitude of 'New Age' myths, giving a completely spurious and paranoid explanation of what I unequivocally ascribe to illusions and other interference manifestations caused by the garbage. It takes very seriously ungrounded people to get believing that the Moon is actually some sort of spaceship being used as a base for unwholesome races of extra-terrestrials to take control over us.
You only have to look at the Moon yourself with a suitable telescope, while in a grounded state of mind, to see that it's basically a very old perfectly natural rock object, and can't be reasonably identified as either a spaceship or as a green (or Gruyère) cheese! Accusing NASA of a cover-up about the true nature of the Moon is a sure sign of a person's awareness being hopelessly ungrounded and the person being seriously attached to particular illusory realities and out of touch with the much healthier and happier reality of 'What Is'.
Generally speaking, anyone who regularly takes conspiracy theories seriously is in the grip of a very troublesome more or less paranoid mindset, and would have a high chance of getting 'diagnosed' as having schizophrenia in any contacts with a psychiatric / 'mental health' service.
Has anything to do with, or believes in the efficacy of, healings to repattern or reprogram people's DNA — whether the supposed healings are from a person or supposed higher beings.
This is all part of the garbage-sourced fictitious 'ascension' and 'full consciousness' scenarios. In fact it's extremely unlikely that even straight repair of one's DNA can occur as a result of 'healings', never mind how highly reputed is the 'healer'. In any case, in the most effective and genuine healings — those from one's own deepest aspects and not any supposed external energies or entities — there's NEVER any cause for one to concern oneself with DNA.
Fundamental consciousness, which is the source of any genuine healings, carries out whatever work is needed, and which is for the deepest and ultimate good of all involved, and thus there's no need or cause to concern oneself with specifics of the healing work.
Warning: Some supposed DNA healings would most likely fall into the next category… -
Has anything to do with or believes in the efficacy of DNA activation 'healings'.
Red warning! My understanding is that such sessions aren't at all what they're made out to be, and they'd tend to be the occasion of people being unawarely made part of the postulated cacoprotean network, and so effectively unwittingly becoming part of the garbage. In general, any people who offer such sessions are already members of that network and thus, normally unawarely, are already part of the garbage.
Even if I haven't got it exactly right about the cacoprotean network, my clear understanding is that there's still something seriously untoward about those 'DNA activation' healings or sessions, and participants would tend to pick up serious problems of some sort from them.
Smokes, drinks alcohol or takes any other mind-affecting or 'recreational' drug.
For small, occasional use of alcohol the garbage involvement may be less, but it's still there. Also, even the taking of caffeine-containing beverages and also chocolate and other confectionery ALL involve garbage connivance, even if at a lower level than, say, with smoking or alcohol.
Many people insist, for example, that they drink
only moderately and occasionally
oronly a little now and then
, meaning to imply that whatever they take is okay, but I emphasize that NONE of that is benign with regard to garbage involvement, and the only way to relate to all such substances and to get completely 'garbage free' is to keep clear of them ALL, COMPLETELY. If you hanker after even just that occasional drink or smoke or piece of chocolate, then that's a problem that needs resolving, because that 'want' has nothing at all to do with needs or what's for your deepest and ultimate good.So, any teacher or 'healer' who isn't fully free from use of ALL such substances (yes, even their cups of caffeine-containing tea or coffee) still has some degree of garbage involvement and is setting an unhelpful example for everyone — though of course that may be interpreted as simply 'bridging gaps' to make him/herself more accessible to ordinary people. There's no 'right' or 'wrong' about this; I'm just pointing to cause and effect.
However, the problem about 'bridging gaps' is that in at least the vast majority of cases 'bridging gaps' is actually being put forward as an excuse for maintaining an attachment / addiction of the particular person, so should never be taken at face value.
Has taboos (any at all).
ALL taboos, never mind how socially acceptable, are seriously harmful and garbage-connecting. I find that many people who believe themselves to have open and 'enlightened' outlooks, supposedly free of taboo, still get hot under the collar or at least uptight and disapproving about paedophilia and various other problematical sexual attractions or behaviours, and even about such trivia as people farting.
I'm not suggesting for a moment, for example, that a person free of garbage influence would be 'effing and blinding' all over the place, for such a person would be aware and sensitive about his use of all language and its effects on other people.
Likewise such a person, through not having a taboo about paedophilia, would NOT be therefore a paedophile, nor be condoning of paedophile behaviour, but simply wouldn't go into judgment and condemnation on the issue, and would relate with each situation in the most positive and constructive way possible. Taboos ALWAYS stand in the way of usefully addressing issues.
I count among taboos the belief among many 'healers' that healings must not be carried out without the permission of the prospective recipient. I describe the belief as a taboo because of the rigid and judgmental responses I've observed amongst 'healers' towards any hint of anyone giving healing without some sort of permission having been given, at least tacitly.
Significantly, some of those 'healers' have been extremely ready to jump upon me over something or other that I've said about the problematical nature of different people's healing methods, accusing me of being judgmental, and emphasizing to me that they themselves don't go judging upon anyone. Such people are clearly in a whole confusion of self-deceptions.
'Reads' from, uses or gives any serious credence to the Akashic Records.
Gives any credence or ascribes any supposedly positive attributes or qualities to 'ancient wisdom', 'higher knowledge', 'esoteric knowledge', including such supposed esoterica as 'the keys of Creation', 'the keys of Metatron', 'the keys of Enoch' or indeed the keys of anyone or anything (i.e., non-physical).
Has a background or training in a religious, esoteric, mystical or spiritual tradition, without having openly repudiated, or distanced him/herself from, its teachings.
Belongs to, or believes (s)he belongs to, an organisation or 'network' supposedly for the betterment of Humanity, which supposedly includes or is directed or led by one or more non-physical or extra-terrestrial beings.
The so-called Brotherhood of Light, Galactic Brotherhood of Light and Galactic Federation of Light are included here, and are extremely harmful inventions of the garbage based on particular illusions that the garbage creates in certain people's minds. The 'lightworker' who supplied my (extremely harmful) sacred geometry wands told me in 2003 that he's a member of the Galactic Brotherhood of Light.
ALL such organisations would be 'fronts' of the postulated cacoprotean network — but, whether or not the latter really exists, those purported organisations are all guiding people into (usually unwittingly) working for the garbage and doing all manner of actually extremely harmful things, even though their conscious intent may be wholly positive, with no idea at all that what they're doing a lot of the time is at best highly problematical.
As far as I've been able to ascertain, all the manifestations of extra-terrestrials that people have been experiencing as supposed proof of existence and validity of the aforementioned organisations have been astral realm experiences, sometimes augmented by the production of particular elementals, as I explain in Beliefs and illusory realities — Their role in human irrationality.
In the case of the Galactic Federation of Light, much is being made of their purported imminent 'disclosure' to people on Earth — but to the best of my understanding this would be only a whole lot of (maybe co-ordinated) astral realm experiences, much facilitated by all the build-up and hype that's being put across by Galactic Federation devotees and enthusiasts.
Thus such 'disclosure', although it would be taken as 'proof' to those who want to believe, would actually not prove the existence of anything — apart, possibly, from astral realm experiences!
Has any connection with or belief in the supposed Network of Light around the planet, or any similar scenario such as the 'River of Light Consciousness Stream'.
The Network of Light is part of an alleged plan by supposed higher beings to
raise the vibration rate of human consciousness
for the sake of (depending on who you listen to) assisting humans to reach 'full consciousness' and an enlightened civilization here on Earth, or to bring us all to 'ascension' into the supposed 5th dimension.Even before you look any closer, there's a clear sign of garbage agenda here, for, according to that scenario (i.e., story) we're all being manipulated according to a plan imposed upon us from 'above', which is outside our control. That's very much one of the great hallmarks of the garbage agenda.
One of the definite patterns in the garbage-sourced deceptions that we're given is that what's being called 'raising the vibration rate' of a person or of 'Humanity' is NOT bringing them towards true enlightenment and self-actualization but instead is getting them more ungrounded so that they're more open to the garbage illusion and whatever deceptions the garbage plies them with.
Thus, if this Network of Light actually existed (my own 'reading' is that it doesn't except in various poorly grounded people's unaware astral replicas of the Earth system), it would be an instrument of disaster for the human race, not 'salvation'.
The River of Light Consciousness Stream is a similar sort of thing, promoted worldwide by a particular 'lightworker' / guru, and allegedly administered by a whole assemblage (I'm inclined to say 'menagerie') of purported higher beings with impressively exotic-sounding (garbage-sourced) names.
It's a tremendous means for people to go ungrounding themselves on a grand scale, simultaneously ensnaring themselves nicely in one of the plethora of garbage-sourced illusory realities so that their 'downward' path of degradation over many soul reincarnations is virtually assured. There are no doubt various other variants of this theme.
Both these networks would be 'fronts' of the postulated cacoprotean network.
Has anything to do with the practice of DarshOm (also called Darsh-Om and Darshan)
DarshOm is the practice of supposedly giving healing to people, usually en masse (and sometimes over the Internet), just through their setting eyes upon or touching the particular 'healer' or a picture of him/her or indeed a picture of a part of him/her such as the palm side of his/her hand. As part of this practice the 'healer' may deliver a 'blessing' to the people.
Although I think quite a number of prominent 'healers' / teachers use this practice, the ones I know of at the moment are the late Sai Baba, the late Mother Meera, and Mellen-Thomas Benedict. All such people are in serious personal trouble through their garbage-led outlooks and practices, presumably without recognising the fact.
I somehow doubt whether the historical Jesus would have sanctioned the 'institutionalized DarshOm' that the various branches of Christianity and related religions have been practising over the centuries right up to the present time, and which is so strongly (but I suspect fictitiously) depicted in the biblical accounts of Jesus.
To what extent any real healing is given by that practice, rather than people just opening to their own self-healing through their belief that they'd be healed as a result of the DarshOm (in other words, a placebo effect), I'm not clear — but nonetheless, DarshOm is basically of the garbage, in that it's a potent means of disempowering everyone who receives DarshOm (causing them to look up to and even depend on the 'healer' instead of getting on with their own self-actualization) — and it feeds the distorted, garbage-influenced outlook of the particular healer, which sees him/herself as a great 'healer' (/teacher) rather than getting on with the real task of all such people, which is to empower people for their own most efficient and direct self healing and self actualization — much as I myself am doing nowadays.
A person who isn't significantly garbage-led wouldn't consider involvement with such a disempowering and outlook-distorting practice as DarshOm.
Gives blessings.
Although blessings may be given as part of DarshOm, many 'healers' and spiritual teachers and indeed religious clerics — including the Pope — give blessings in various forms without an explicit DarshOm context — though if you look with more awareness at these situations you'd see that in many cases there's at least an implicit DarshOm element in the proceedings.
The one thing all blessings have in common is their garbage connection, and their disempowering effect upon all who receive them. Indeed, the giving of blessings generally has the same negative effects and significance as DarshOm — albeit generally on a lesser scale.
I repeat my point here — people who carry on in any way like the Pope and these other 'healers' / teachers or leaders (the latter being neither 'healers' nor teachers in any useful sense) are in deep personal trouble through all their garbage connections and involvements, presumably without having any idea that this is the case.
N.B. Once one lets go of the harmful practice of giving blessings, there are a thousand and one different alternative ways in which one can instead deliver some truly positive and inspiring 'energy' or 'message' that would be empowering rather than disempowering, and which would be at least a small encouragement towards people's own self-actualization.
Attaches any importance to ley lines or any other supposed Earth energy lines or 'energy points'.
- Has a shaved or closely cropped or long hairstyle (men) or spiky hairstyle, or dreadlocks.
At the moment I don't know the full significance of the spiky or shaved hairstyle phenomena, except that apparently this is a bit of garbage agenda and indicates the person's attachment to some sort of 'spiritual' illusory reality. Shaving off all your hair is an unnatural thing to do, and, while that doesn't in itself make it 'wrong', my understanding is that it's a weakening and ungrounding thing to do — hence its commonly being encouraged by people's garbage interference to make them more open and vulnerable to the garbage and its illusory realities.
People commonly mistakenly equate the resultant weakening of grounding with becoming more 'spiritual'. Thus it's normal for people in monastic orders (hotbeds of garbage-sourced control agenda) to have their hair shaved off.
The issue of significantly long hairstyles for men isn't so cut and dried (ouch!), but generally is associated with having a 'New Age' or paganistic outlook, and so in that respect it's usually a sign of serious garbage involvement (and including use of drugs such as cannabis).
Very conspicuously spiky hairstyles, on the other hand, are immediate indicators of the person having a very serious problem indeed (including a big streak of violence in their system), and even very modestly spiky hairstyles (as have been very fashionable in recent years among supposedly 'ordinary' people) are strongly problematical and indicative of garbage interference.
All spiky hairstyles are ungrounding and have a slight but distinct disrupting and weakening effect on the person's energy system and even to some extent on that of anyone else who comes at all physically close to the spiky-haired person. That weakening increases one's vulnerability to the garbage.
Dreadlocks tremendously muck up the person's energy system, more particularly in the so-called 'white' cultures, so making the person much less healthy in the long term and much more open and vulnerable to the garbage, and so naturally nobody would have such a hair 'style' if they were not under the control of some negative force to start with.
I can feel strong harmful energy effects even upon myself from anyone with dreadlocks coming close to me — though I'm not fully clear as to whether it's the dreadlocks themselves that are doing that or soul fragments attached to the person, which are associated with that effect that I pick up.
I appreciate that my saying the above would immediately elicit accusing cries from certain quarters that I'm clearly a racist. However, the truth here is that dreadlocks have NOTHING to do with race. They're a product of nothing more than, at most, cultural tradition (and cult fashion among various non-'black' people), not race. And, anyway, where has that particular cultural tradition come from?
— According to my current understanding, it is, once again, the garbage, which is all the time seeking more control over people — both directly and through weakening them so that they're maximally configured away from genuine self-actualization. No culture that I'm aware of is anything like free from garbage influences.
For people who read the above and are now either feeling anxious about their approach to their own personal hairstyle, or indeed those who are now mirthfully scoffing at my 'self evidently' absurd claims about the effects of certain hairstyles, I've a few more words to say here.
The above are general principles, but for the specifics of what are the best choices for you personally in your everyday life, it's no good hanging on the words of others — even a weirdo / 'idiot' called Philip Goddard!
Somehow, therefore, you need to find out what's most healthy and most harmful for you yourself — and there's only one available source for that information: your own deepest aspects. You can't get the necessary information through channelling or ordinary dowsing, because the garbage is what always gives the communications in such procedures, and it would always be seeking to mislead. Therefore you'd need to use Helpfulness Testing.
The answers that you'd get from your Helpfulness Testing would indicate whether what you're testing is strengthening or weakening for you at the present time. You'd need to re-test periodically, because your needs, resonances and sensitivities vary in all sorts of ways over time.
Even if one finds the above observations of mine difficult to accept, there's still the basic fact that people with any such hairstyles are seeking to hide their genuine selves and project some fabricated image of themselves to fill the gap, and are thus not genuinely 'living their own truth' — and again that comes down to garbage interference.
Has hair, including any facial hair, arranged or sculpted in any way that's designed to project a pronounced image or impression of the person to others.
I've noticed that there's a widespread tendency for men who are into some sort of 'spirituality' on the basis of soul programming and fixed beliefs and rules to have their facial hair, in particular, sculpted very neatly to give them a certain rather 'picturesque' appearance, which can seem extremely attractive and appealing, giving them an appearance of a sort of 'perfection' — but actually it's a deception, even though presumably usually carried out unaware of their motivation in doing that, and thus it doesn't genuinely represent the person.
For some reason, in my experience those people are usually (but not always) rather on the short side physically and have black or very dark hair. Overall (with exceptions, of course), such people are particularly inclined to seek to criticize me and my writings, or try to get into arguments with me, because they're locked into their (garbage-sourced) 'spiritual' beliefs.
Has tattoos, or any sort of body piercing that isn't medically necessary — even for ear rings.
It has amazed me to see that a high proportion of people — especially those with extensive tattooing — have tattooed designs that closely resemble various hell (including 'night terror') visuals — though a lot of their virulence is lost through their being static images instead of the writhing maelstroms of actual hell visuals, and of course also without the attacks of intense fear-related emotions that you get in a hell experience.
The nature of such designs would virtually certainly have a very strong garbage connecting effect for the people carrying those designs, in addition to the intrinsic weakening and garbage connecting effects of having tattoos of any description.
Wears body ornaments, such as ear rings (with or without piercing of the ear lobes), a pendant, any sort of bracelet or bangle, or any other personal ornament — indeed any object(s) not required for a specific beneficial practical purpose.
Using such objects to make some statement to others about yourself doesn't count as a beneficial practical purpose and merely shows that you're posing to other people and seeking to hide yourself as you really are — a sure sign of garbage interference. Generally speaking, such objects are all more or less weakening to the wearer's non-physical aspects — some considerably so.
Wears make-up, or clothing that is gender- or stereotype-specific or intended to put across some message about oneself without regard to its suitability in terms of function.
Make-up may be extremely socially acceptable (indeed almost socially demanded!) for women, but nonetheless it's all about people hiding behind some sort of defensive front or stereotype — a denial of one's own authenticity. That inevitably aligns one with the garbage, which seeks to control everyone into abandoning their authenticity and opting for 'appropriateness' instead. Regarding clothing, at least in Western cultures a particularly high proportion of articles of women's clothing, including footwear, come into this category.
Believes in the concept of the 'twin flame' or any sort of personal destiny of individuals to come together with a specific 'soul mate'.
Puts any sort of energy implant or configuration into people's non-physical aspects, whether for supposed healing or any other purpose such as supposedly enhancing psychic abilities or the ability to channel particular 'healing' or 'divine' energies.
That whole mindset of requiring a person to 'heal' you rather than your healing yourself is disempowering for you and pointing you away from true self-actualization (even though it may make you feel 'better' for a time);
Healers and 'lightworkers' who operate like that and give healing sessions are themselves being interfered with and to varying extents controlled by the garbage, and in many cases are (usually totally unawarely) putting 'implants' or other distortions into the recipients' non-physical aspects, which are designed to make them much more vulnerable to the garbage (whether openly or covertly).
I know of four highly reputed and supposedly accomplished 'healers' and 'lightworkers' who at different times apparently put seriously harmful implants into my own 'energy system', thus exacerbating my problems with the garbage.
Two of them were actually awarely putting in implants, which they believed were healing implants that would dissolve over a week or so, whereas some of those were actually relatively permanent (until deliberately cleared) and significantly harmful, weakening my non-physical aspects and increasing my vulnerability to the garbage. One of those two 'healers' had shown the other how to create such implants. I may well yet discover that other individuals who had given me healing sessions had also left me with harmful implants.
Also, I quite narrowly missed getting a whole lot of particularly sinister implants put in my system, because at one stage I'd been seriously considering learning and taking up Vortex Healing, which I now recognise as actually one of the 'fronts' of the postulated cacoprotean network.
I shall undoubtedly add some further entries to the above list from time to time, but please note that I'm not trying to make it an exhaustive list, so plenty of people will be showing various garbage influence indicators that aren't included above.
How high does your favourite teacher / guru score on this list?
I know of no teacher, 'healer' or 'lightworker' who is clear of garbage interference / influence, so ALL of them who I know of would get a positive score from the above list — in many cases a very high score, even for various individuals who are very highly reputed.
However, my aim here isn't to go guru-bashing. This isn't about personalities per se and also isn't about being negative. It's simply a matter of using clarity to see what's really going on. Only then can we start properly addressing the issue of the pervasiveness of garbage influence in our lives and in all healing and spiritual traditions / paths.
The people who score significantly on the above list aren't bad, but are in various degrees of trouble (usually without realizing it) — as indeed you yourself are to some extent if you haven't yet cleared yourself of all garbage interference. There's no moral high ground here.
My aim isn't to frighten, for actually there's nothing to be frightened of. Things are simply as they are. However, most people do see plenty in the world at large as well as in themselves that they want to undergo positive change, and I'm pointing out an important aspect of what needs to be changed in order for human life generally to become happy and positive.
Do you see yourself as being implicated in the above list as having one or more significant problems with unaware garbage involvement?
If so, seriously, you need not be dismayed, nor seek to 'shoot the messenger', nor jump off a parapet, but indeed you can take heart! That's NOT bad news! It's actually tremendous news — because now at last you have the opportunity to face the issue and get resolving it.
That means that, far from your life suddenly being marred or 'ruined' by starting to see how distorted and stunted it's been so far, you have the opportunity to start a great upturning and opening up of your life, bringing yourself levels of happiness and inner freedom that you'd never known before (never mind how 'advanced' you and others had been believing you were) — and you can make that start not some pie-in-the-sky time in the future but right now.
Here's as good a starting point as any (provided you follow up that page's various links): Affirmations & declarations of intent for healing & self-actualization. And another great starting point for anyone, though particularly those who are already aware of having some sort of garbage or 'entity' manifestations: Crisis emergency self-help — Life upturn the SMART way.
Is it really necessary to avoid all teachers of any sort because they show some signs of garbage (supposed 'dark force') influence?
I'd say, not necessarily. Clarity and discernment are required, though. The real point, however, is, if you're wanting an ongoing teacher or guru, then you're off-course anyway and would do much better to clear yourself of that perceived want, which itself is unhealthy and being cultivated by the garbage. To clear a belief like that, you can use The Work, or better, a combination of appropriate methods that I list in Healing and self-actualization — The safest and quickest way (note especially the Grounding Point procedure).
Put it this way. I myself took up healing and life improvement methods and practices from certain other people, but don't regard any of those people as any sort of ongoing teachers / gurus for me or anyone, however they regard themselves. They simply provided me with excellent means to start me off in getting on with rapid self-actualization on my own — which I myself have further developed and added to, to produce a much more comprehensively effective and garbage-free methodology.
Indeed, those people, like any 'teachers', were all into their own versions of 'spirituality' — and thus they were presenting a lot that actually needed to be discarded or 'filtered out' if one was to be serious about genuine self-actualization and clearance of garbage interferences.
And further, those from whom I picked up the real core of the beginnings of my own methodology (Stephen and Lynda Kane, producers and purveyors of the Energy Egg 'family' of devices) proved a little later on to be, frankly, unscrupulous and dishonest people who sought to discredit me with a brazen catalogue of lies and clearly deliberate distortions, presumably because they perceived me as a potential threat to their business or / and their personal status.
If they were that dishonest about me, then what chances would there be of their being squeaky-clean and honest in anything they do, or their claims for what they teach or sell? No sensible person, knowing of their behaviour towards me, would have anything (further) to do with them!
But I don't then fully dismiss such people's work, methods or products that I'd already picked up — I simply keep vigilant and discerning as to what I'm prepared to retain / adapt, and remain very open to amending any method or practice according to what my own Helpfulness Testing and experience indicates to be beneficial, and generally to build upon what I've gained from them (as well as other sources), and of course also to originate my own methods to add to my 'armoury'.
Thus I'm not taking anything on uncritically as a tradition or ritual or a guru's teachings, but instead have taken on particular methods as a basis for creating my own individually tailored self-actualization methodology. That's the real way to learn and gain from people with special knowledge / experience — not to go hanging on their words, nor to depend on them in any other (at least ongoing) way. At most, their words, if properly used, would be used only as initial prompts, which one then lets go of.
But why bother with them now at all, now that there's a source of the information and methods that we really need (i.e., this site)?
On the other hand, if you're looking to another person to give you healing sessions to resolve an issue or generally bring you forward in your self-actualization, then, as I've come to recognise from my own hard experience, you're definitely in trouble, because:
You have been warned!
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