Helpfulness Testing: means for secure inner inquiry
— Introduction & Guide
Presenting the definitive user-guide for Helpfulness Testing…
At a glance…
This is about what people need to be doing instead of channelling, dowsing, divining, clairvoyance, or any other means to obtain 'occult' information. All those means in their own ways are seriously harmful, not least because all 'information' so gained contains a mixture of fictions and distortions that are seriously, even if covertly, troublesome if taken at all seriously, and even if any of the 'information' superficially appears to be accurate.
The Author has already broached this subject in Channelling and clairvoyance problems — the safe alternative, explaining what is the matter with all those methods and procedures.
Thankfully, using Helpfulness Testing, with care and vigilance for possible interference it's possible for some people easily to gain indications from their own deepest aspects for the betterment of their life in every conceivable aspect that is genuinely for their own and others' wellbeing, and to greatly focus and enhance the effectiveness of their own self-healing / self-actualization methodology.
This short page has been created very belatedly to function as a bridge between the Original Writings list and a detailed user guide to Helpfulness Testing, which you can download from the bottom of this page as a zipped PDF document.
I found out about all this the hard way…
Channelling was the final disruptive and clearly destructive factor that piled in to open me to the attempts by the cacoprotean network to destroy me, via a whole menagerie of illusory manifestations and indeed a series of potentially lethal psychic attacks upon me, mediated by a small number of humans who were under control of that network.
The attacks revolved around a mind-boggling series of fictions I was being given through my channelling, about supposed past lives of mine, and a purported special and indeed unique role I was imminently to take on as some sort of world 'spiritual leader' or father-figure for the whole of Humanity. I give a long and quite detailed account of those shenanigans in The 'forces of darkness' ('astral beings') — My own tough experiences.
Many New-Agers, 'healers', psychics and 'spirituality-heads' of various persuasions sought to persuade me that I was bringing the trouble on myself by channelling incorrectly, or failing to get backup 'readings' from more experienced channellers, clairvoyants and so forth, or not 'protecting' myself, or not asking any apparent non-physical beings whether they were 'of the Light', or not asking 'Archangel Michael' to clear the interfering entities out of my system, and so on.
Even at that time I could see that there was something terribly wrong about all those exhortations and criticisms. I only had to take a look at the people who were saying such things to me, to see that they were bogged-down in beliefs, and not one of them had any genuine inkling about what was really going on, and whether any of their own occultly-obtained 'information' was valid or giving anyone genuine benefit. After all, none of it could be verified*; it seemed okay to them only because it sort-of conformed with their particular pile of beliefs. WTF was the use of that for obtaining correct information about anything??!
* Yes, and, as I found out through direct experience, multiple channels / clairvoyants could come out with approximately the same fictional or seriously distorted story about one, so, no matter how many of these occultists (pardon, 'seers' — it sounds more polite!) come out with a particular story, that story is for total and complete disregard, or there will be untoward consequences — and another channel (or 100 million of them) 'confirming' your own channelling would be NO genuine confirmation at all.
Read my own experience about that, in My own self-actualization process or 'path'.
Indeed, even back then I was doing a better job of things than even the most highly-reputed clairvoyants and channels, for one simple reason. I was holding all the 'info' that I obtained at arm's length and regarding it as being at best 'apparently true, assuming I've been given correct information'. So I was only half-accepting the rubbish I was being given, and was trying to work out what was really going on. For that, I had little option but to continue using channelling, in order to eventually have enough data from direct observation to work out what the eff was really happening and how I could get out of the pretty desperate hole I'd fallen into.
In other words, in the most important sense, I was the one who was 'in the right', as far as anyone could be at all, because I was the one who was in the early stages of an active process of seeking to work out how one could obtain hidden information on what one genuinely needs to know, in a manner that wouldn't unground one's awareness and keep one involved with the garbage, which latter was the underlying troublemaker that was causing my troubles. Everyone else was hemmed-in by their beliefs, so they happily accepted their 'occult'-sourced 'info' and expected others to accept it as some sort of 'gospel truth', and had no thought that their whole mindset and framework of reference could actually be bizarrely faulty.
The real way forward
In 2007 I learnt a fairly primitive form of what I now call Helpfulness Testing, which was among products and services one could purchase from the Energy Egg makers. Although their physical products come into the realm of 'semi-scam' to full scam, their so-called 'Energy Testing' did have some potential to get more reliable information, of types that would be genuinely beneficial to us, and devoid of unverifiable 'story' that would get one into trouble. The crudeness of their implementation of it was clearly linked to their highly visible business strategy of selling products or services that indeed had some sort of potential, but were limited in their functionality so that their customers would keep on coming back for more products and services, so lightening the customers' financial reserves to the benefit of the vendors.
Needless to say, the Energy Egg people took great exception to my developing various of their methods into something much more effective and empowering, and freely sharing them as parts of my own methodology on this site!
The seriousness of the threat to their business that they perceived was made clear by their producing and freely sending out to anyone who mentioned my name, an eye-wateringly dishonest and misrepresentational defamatory dossier on me. In that, they presented a skilfully compiled collection of out-of-context quotes from a few pages on this site, plus breathtakingly misrepresentational distortions of my personal encounters with them, mixed-in with various turns of pejorative debating-society rhetoric (such as describing anything I might write about them as 'diatribes' for everyone to ignore), all to convince the reader that I was emotionally unstable, seriously mentally disordered, and indeed specifically had all the signs of paranoid schizophrenia! (The criteria for the latter that they gave were all spurious anyway, so further showing their desperation to discredit me despite lack of any genuine basis upon which to do so.)
— And when I emailed them to tell them I'd been sent a copy of that defamatory dossier and pack of brazen untruths and distortions, and asking for an assurance that they would desist from that behaviour forthwith, their response was fully unapologetic, to the effect of "We're doing nothing wrong, because we're not placing that material in public view and only sending it to people who ask about you" — and of course with no response to my request for an assurance that they'd stop doing that. — So, I have it in an email from them, that they are tacitly announcing to me that they're brazen liars and, by implication, running a highly unscrupulous business!!
If their business were truly honest and wholesome, then why would they ever tell even one lie about me and my work, let alone a whole campaign of defamation?!!
I progressively adapted and developed their 'Energy Testing' to make it much more robust and far-reaching in its constructively life-changing ability, and, under the more accurate name of Helpfulness Testing, it's available for you now as a free download.
Helpfulness Testing (HT) can be used in a wide variety of ways, but one thing that's consistent throughout the lot is that you do NOT ask questions, at least directly. If you do so, what you're doing then is implicitly interacting with something separate from yourself, and that would invite all sorts of harmful interferences and misunderstandings. For this reason, you need to conduct the procedure always, without exception, rigorously in a manner that 100% implies that you're seeking indications from yourself (i.e., of course, a much deeper level of yourself, but nonetheless yourself and nothing else).
To do this, you get a binary response to your silently presenting a mental image, symbolically making a choice, pointing to an object or location, or, with particular care and vigilance, presenting a hypothesis. That binary response means NOT 'yes' or 'no', but 'strengthening' (beneficial or least harmful) or 'weakening' (harmful or least beneficial).
That's important, because we cannot absolutely know anything, and the indications that we're getting from HT cannot be validated except through your carefully checking out and testing your HT results in everyday life, to see which ones 'add up' and are genuinely helpful. That way, over time we can build up a picture of how HT reliability can change according to different situations, and find ways to improve it.
For very 'deeply-connected' no-soul people, in some cases a lot of rigorous and vigilant use of HT can lead on to a much more fluent and integrational sort of two-way communication between deepest aspects and 'ordinary mind' throughout everyday life, though even then it makes sense to use the formal rigorous use of HT to get confirmation of anything important. That's my own position now.
I do have to add, though, that most people I know who took it up (and indeed benefited from it) stopped using it when they came to realize that it would most likely give them responses they wanted not to get, to the effect that they needed to get clear of particular unhelpful to downright toxic personal relationships they were attached to. I'd like to think that you wouldn't be yet another of those self-sabotagers!
…And now, here's your download link to get started…
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