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Five inspirational encounters of the REAL human kind

Apparently one of the fruits of Project 'Fix the Human Condition' —
Some of us 'specialist' no-soulers are starting to find each other, at long, long last!


At a glance…

Here the Author recounts five recent inspirationally high-grade encounters during his hiking outings, which appear to have come about as one of the early results of his little Project Fix the Human Condition. Each appeared in one way or another to be a missed opportunity, but at least a learning experience at least notionally pointing to much better times further ahead. Not only do we have narratives, but also we have an analysis of each encounter based on an unprecedented level and depth of human insight and understanding, showing what we can all learn from those episodes to our own great benefit.

Additionally, he's retrospectively added two highly educational 'prelude' encounters from earlier in his life, which give a strongly meaningful background, demonstrating how deeper consciousness had been working in the background to help ensure that he be kept on-track for his particular pressingly important life task, even though that brought him particular stresses and hardships, and indeed on the earliest occasion reluctantly caused harm to the other person to ensure that any sort of 'relationship' could not happen then.

If anyone doesn't like what's going on, as the insufferable Author says, Hard cheese! (at least, if he's in a polite mood).

In June 2022, however, it turned out that he had to backtrack to a fair extent on his expectations and aims regarding such encounters, because his indications from deeper consciousness had themselves been based in insufficient data and thus had been significantly incorrect.

Also, it became clear that even most 'specialist' no-soul people were too loaded with ingrained patterns (albeit not soul programming) to be able to form enduring close friendships leading on directly from a single encounter, no matter how powerful / beautiful an experience the latter may have been.

Attention, please! Important!

A cursory reading and instant opinion isn't enough!

Over the years I've regularly looked in forums where people have posted about the contents of this and certain other pages on this site, and so far almost every time this has been a quite frustrating and discouraging experience. Why? — Because people are disagreeing with me?…
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— No, it's not that (although indeed, predictably, plenty of people do 'disagree' with me). It's because, with only the odd rare and isolated exception, so far I've seen no sign of anyone having read this (or the other respective pages) really carefully and without some sort of preconception that causes them to have a seriously distorted interpretation of at least some part of what I've written — even on the rare occasion when somebody does more or less 'agree' with what they think I've written.

It would be so helpful if people who come here would let go of their preconceived notions and read carefully what I'm actually saying — and then sleep on it and then re-read it to see where their interpretation of what I've written has actually turned it into something else, so they can at least get a more accurate view of what I've written — whether or not they eventually choose to 'agree' with it.

I'd not mind so much if people at least took issue with what I'm actually saying, but they almost invariably go telling the world that I believe or am claiming this, that and the other that actually I hadn't said at all*, or they radically change the meaning of something by taking it out of context, and typically a succession of people then go pulling the stuffing out of what I'd actually never said in the first place, then regarding me as some sort of deluded 'nutter' with very confused ideas, who is best steered clear of.

* A related claim sometimes made about my writings is the generally completely false one that I've obviously based my own insights on the views of a particular specified tradition, 'teacher' or organisation.

Let me emphasize here, as is really made clear throughout this site — at least for those who are genuinely prepared to look at what's there — that, apart from getting some useful initial prompts from Steve Gamble in April 2007 just to get me ditching the 'received wisdom' from the healing and New-Agey mystical traditions, my insights are NOT, to any material or really significant extent, based on any person's, tradition's or organisation's views or outlook. I've worked things out for myself, based on my own observations plus the results of my own inner inquiry supported by Helpfulness Testing. The fact that there are apparent overlaps between my own working model and the scenarios believed in by various teachers, traditions and organisations DOES NOT in itself mean that I've therefore taken on board ideas from them — though naturally I did get initial prompts from a few specific views that I've seen or heard expressed.

The reality is that it's the people who keep misinterpreting and misrepresenting my writings who are the confused ones.

It would help so much if those who are about to make forum posts about any of my material checked carefully the accuracy of any supposed quote or interpretation of that material before making their post.

N.B. There's an inherent problem with forums generally, in that these are places where people discuss ideas. Unfortunately doing that is one of the myriad side-tracks that point people away from genuine self-actualization — for the 'forum-heads' forever consider and discuss other people's views and outlooks instead of turning to the one source of the vital information and insight that they actually need — their own deepest aspects.

So, asking another person, for example, What do you think of this fellow Philip Goddard? may be a fascinating pastime, but that sort of behaviour is also a virtually complete block to any genuine self-actualization direction.

I talk here NOT about right and wrong, nor should and shouldn't, but simply of cause and effect. What do you want in your life — forever fascinating discussions relating to various notions of self-actualization, or genuine self-actualization itself? The two are virtually completely mutually exclusive.

Also, a careful reader would understand from what I've written, that I hold no beliefs, and that what I present in my writings is a set of helpful working hypotheses (at least they've helped me greatly) — NOT a statement of categorical fact, apart from recounting actual observations / experiences of mine. So, anyone who says Philip Goddard believes that… is straightaway off the rails, simply spouting opinion, and isn't worth heeding at all.

It's in the light of this pervasive tendency to misunderstand and misrepresent my writings on this site that I indulge in apparent redundancy by frequently repeating certain explanations and clarifications. I appreciate that some readers may find this tiresome (indeed, I myself do!), but hard experience has shown this repeated-clarification approach of mine to be necessary in order to hammer certain points home to the many less receptive people, so with any luck minimizing the quantity of pointless come-back and misrepresentational forum posts relating to this site's contents!

Sheep thinking 'WTF??!'

I actually wrote this initially as an entry in my Blog (on my Personal site), but as the details filled out, by the time it was nearing completion I decided it was so educational, and related so strongly to my Project Fix the Human Condition, that it made better sense to transfer the body of the post to here, but retaining the Blog post as just a little introduction followed by a link to here (i.e., to avoid publishing duplicate content, which search engines don't like). However, because of the very personal nature of this, I see it still as a blog post, but just a differently-located one.

I'm recounting the following experiences here because I was prompted to do so by the responses I got from appropriate people on my Cornish coast path hike on 7 May 2022 and the hitch-hikes to and from that hiking route. After the pinnacle-of-pinnacles encounter I had a week before (the fourth example below), I'd been getting resultant sleep disturbance each night, including a lot of tiresome sexual arousals* that were unwelcome and disruptive, and so, in conversation with appropriate people, who naturally asked How are you?, How're you doing? or some equivalent, I said I was in relatively poor form that day because of sleep deprivation due to my inner upheaval and readjustments caused just a week before by my highest-grade and most inspiring human encounter in the whole of my life so far.

* Best to explain here. I'd always far too readily got sexual arousals, including ones triggered by things or situations that were inappropriate and simply didn't make sense. That doesn't at all meant that I'd acted upon those, apart from a reasonably limited number of solo 'lovemaking' sessions in bed at night, but they were still a pest, often losing me sleep. I'm 80 in August this year (2022), yet it has still been happening just the same this year! …
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… In May 2022, through some inner inquiry I finally worked out not only that this happens for me a lot more than for most people, and is, unsurprisingly, best regarded as an 'issue' — a dysfunction — but also, frustratingly, there's little that I can do to reduce or eliminate those excess arousals, for a very specific reason, which wouldn't apply to anyone else, at least in such a degree. (There is apparently light at the end of the tunnel, however.)

As mentioned elsewhere, I'm one of the 'specialist' no-soul people, having the 'sniff-it-out' configuration. But in my case, because of my lifetime developmental trajectory showing signs that I had an outstandingly high probability of actually identifying and enabling the fixing of the misconfigurations within consciousness that have been responsible for all the major irrationality and dysfunctions that humans display, my 'specialist' configuration was amplified about tenfold, and certain of its parameters amplified further. That would give me the best prospect of not being destroyed by the troublesome phenomenon, which I came to call the garbage once it got the opportunity to set out to destroy me too and I'd had time to work out what it really must be.

A worryingly large proportion of 'sniff-it-out' incarnations had previously been destroyed by that phenomenon each time they appeared to be starting to get anywhere near finding out its true nature. There had still appeared to be a distinct possibility of me being destroyed likewise, so this was still a risky business.

Clearly that gamble with my well-being paid off handsomely, and my consequent 'freakishness' did give me the capability not only to withstand the various dangerous excesses, but also to have a purposeful focused mental clarity to enable me to be all the time gathering data and preliminary understandings, even in the thick of those hilariously hideous tribulations. See The 'forces of darkness' ('astral beings') — My own tough experiences.

There were, however, two quite heavy prices I paid for that level of immunity, one of which was expected from the start — the stronger sense of deep-seated isolation and thus a seemingly intractable type of loneliness, owing to one of the configuration's purposes being to ensure that I didn't get into any attached 'relationships' that would risk sidetracking me from my vital life task.

The other — the excessive tendency for sexual arousal — was an inevitable side-effect of one of the additional amplifications, which strengthened my motivation to keep myself isolated, especially from the very people who were most compatible with me. That meant that, without any sense of fulfilment with regard to connecting with people, and companionship in general, whenever that isolation pattern was even slightly challenged, such as by a particular thought or setting eyes on somebody who looked as though they could theoretically be a worthwhile companion, I could have a hard time (sic) of it with tormenting arousals and unbidden and unwanted fantasy images.

Thankfully, I understand that, now that at long last I'm starting to form real deep connections with fully compatible people, the supernumerary sexual arousals will progressively decrease. Indeed, there are already signs of their becoming more transient and less inclined to arise at all at night, even after pretty strong 'challenge' during the preceding day.

What I observed was that, each time, my mentioning that 30 April encounter had a much more galvanizing effect than my just coming out with seemingly outlandish ideas relating to my take on self-actualization. That personal deeply human aspect of my life was clearly catching people's imagination and indeed touching on their own longings for something more meaningful in their own encounters and relationships, and in that context even my seemingly far-out concepts such as 'specialist' no-soul people, being a crucial part of the very personal and human story, appeared to be much more meaningful to them that way. Several of those people I got talking with exclaimed to me with an almost fiery intensity that they were finding this greatly inspiring, and they couldn't wait to get to my websites to find out more.

Hazard sign

…And an important 'advisory' caution before we proceed.

Romance — Yuck!

Please do not waste your time and energy looking for 'romance' in my writings or life experiences — anywhere at all. I do not deal in 'romance', and generally do not waste my time either in going on about 'love'. Romance is a dysfunction, which kills genuine love! — Love speaks more clearly without 'romance' in the way.

Always the more objective view is the more loving one.

  • Fog of (feelings + confusion + hopes + expectations + possessiveness + personal intrigues + posturings + self-deceptions) making out to be 'love'
    = romance
  • Objectivity + Clarity = love

Love speaks for itself, if it's allowed to, through our constructive thinking and actions —
not through talking, thinking or acting-out of perceived 'love'.

Think about that!

So, dear, lovely friends, here's some at least potential inspiration for you too.


Inspiring encounters — Apparently a real hotting-up trend…

(Blog post) 10 May 2022, with updates

For years it's been the case that if I encountered and had a chat with a particularly 'open' and aware individual (generally but not necessarily male), whether it be on a hike, hitch-hike to or from a hiking route, or a local walk, and it was clear that the other person was getting really enthusiastic or excited about our encounter, I'd suggest in as non-pressuring manner as possible, that we have a hug before parting. This would happen just very occasionally, and give me the odd tiny 'oasis' events within the desert of irrationality, unawareness and 'sheepism', giving me little flashes of the beauty of close contact with people who were nearer to, but still not fully being, on my own wavelength. They were sometimes particularly beautiful experiences.

When I talk of a hug during a hitch-hike, I mean, with both of us out of the vehicle and hugging properly, and for one thing that means full-frontal, with no silly turning one's body sideways to negate the real point of the hug! For more about hugging generally, please see Hugging is for everybody!. And on hikes, that means, having taken one's packs off first.
Philip Goddard with a particularly friendly driver. just prior to next stage of hitch-hike
Me enjoying the moment just prior to parting with one particularly friendly driver after a 'wow' hug, en route for another strenuous north Cornwall coast path hike…

Note that this 'selfie' shot makes me look peculiarly small because (a) the typical 'selfie' close wide-angle view gives a distorted perspective effect, and (b) I hadn't thought to stand fully on the verge as Jon was, so I look to be a few inches shorter than I really am!
Photo: Jon Zaple, 2 June 2022

Starting last year, but with a dramatic augmentation this year, coinciding with the alleged fixing of the major 'bugs' / misconfigurations within deeper consciousness earlier this year, there's been a distinct 'hotting-up' trend in such events in my life — not only in frequency but in quality too.

I mention here the most outstanding and potentially significant five so far. This was four, limited to 2022, but I was overlooking a surely very significant one in 2021, which I've now included, and I'm preceding those with two really weird and highly educational much earlier encounters, when I knew nothing of no-soul people and all the related issues and inspirations.

The overall common thread in the five headline encounters here is that no-soul people with 'specialist' configurations are now increasingly often encountering others, and allegedly (according to my inner inquiry) the need now was for such individuals to recognise such 'speciality' individuals as potential close friends / companions, together with having tasks to fulfil concerning easing the transition of the vast majority of Humanity from soul-programming constrained dysfunctional lives towards being fully human, without such constraints and dysfunction.

As the pioneer in all this here, inevitably I was the first to start attempting to lovingly rope in a range of those wonderful 'specialist' no-soulers, as powerful and seriously close friends / companions as well as co-workers on facilitating that coming-together world-wide, and fulfilling a variety of beneficial tasks to help make the world a better place.

Note the past tense, however, in the above paragraph.
In June 2022 deeper consciousness finally acknowledged that all its attempts so far to speed up the dissolution of ingrained patterns that people were carrying had failed to produce significant results, and future success in achieving that was now looking unlikely, even though not totally out of the question.

That meant that for the foreseeable future in most cases it wouldn't be possible for the 'specialist' no-soul people, who were meant / expected to start ongoing close friendships even sometimes on the basis of a single 'wow' encounter, actually to do so. Generally, relevant patterns would simply prevent such people connecting again after the respective encounters — or in the odd cases where they did, in most of those some distorted, attached, sort of relationship (very anti-self-actualization) would ensue.

So, my beginner's enthusiasm about the encounters I relate below has since had to be tempered. Yes, having wonderful encounters and sometimes a beautiful and powerful hug would certainly be a great advance, and help weaken one's ongoing sense of isolation to a certain extent, but it looks as though most of us 'specialist' no-soulers — especially the 'sniff-it-out' ones — are left to await their next incarnation before they'd be free of those obstructive patterns and could have genuinely healthy ongoing unattached fully compatible close friendships / companionship.

In the case of the five relatively recent encounters recounted below, I'm leaving them with the original wording, as that describes my experience at the time and immediately afterwards, but the reality is that for practical purposes each of the encounters would best not have been viewed as some sort of attempt to form an ongoing relationship of any type, apart from incidentally putting the odd straw in the wind to see if there were such a possibility.

On that basis, encounter #4 was not a grievous missed opportunity on my part, but was simply a particularly beautiful experience of a very high degree of inner compatibility in a brief encounter, and no particular follow-up was called for. It caused me a fair bit of stress and frustration, that my inner inquiry kept indicating that his coming together with me in some manner was important to achieve, when it became increasingly clear that, for whatever reason, like all the others, he had no clear intention to get in touch with me, and such an active friendship probably would never develop.

From my 2024 perspective, indeed, I find the accounts of hiking encounters I give below somewhat embarrassing, because I was largely ignoring a pretty obvious practical constraint upon what could reasonably be expected to follow on from such encounters.

Particularly as so many of my hikes were far away from Exeter, where I live, I was really pointlessly tormenting myself by concerning myself at all about getting any follow-up from those encounters. The latter were sure beautiful and deeply human experiences, but I'd been rather sullying them by hankering after ongoing relationships of some sort with those guys. Usually I remembered to give them one of my cards, so they could get in touch if indeed they really did want to see more of me, but generally they lived too far away for that to be a likely workable proposition.

That has been underlined by my starting to form the odd more definite friendships in Exeter, with particular workers in restaurants that I frequent. They're all too busy to be regular companions, but at least there is some sense of ongoing close friendship. Indeed, one of those is somebody who, apparently, deeper consciousness actually set up to come together with me at a worthwhile point in my life, for his incarnational thread is, figuratively speaking, entwined with mine, with very positive connections from many previous lifetimes.

Now, before the five recent significant encounters, here's a Prelude section, recounting the one, bizarre but highly educational, 'close encounter' with a 'specialist' no-souler who played a significant role for me during the most seriously testing period in my adult life, and an earlier encounter that was bizarre for having been set up to prevent me from connecting with the particular guy.

To make better sense of what follows, you really need to read No-soul and 'specialist' no-soul people — their great significance.


Prelude 1: Bewildering congruity / incongruity — WTF?

Sheep thinking 'WTF??!'

I remembered this belatedly, but it's significant enough to be worth fitting in here. It relates to an encounter in my final year at Exeter University (1979), studying biology (ecology) there for a first degree as a mature student. I was in University accommodation, and it was the summer vacation, near the end of which I'd have to move out and fend for myself.

One afternoon I was busying myself with something in my room, and I had BBC Radio 3 playing, and by a fluke they had a weird and wonderful choral work (Medea) by Iannis Xenakis playing — music that I greatly appreciated, but, sadly, Xenakis was and is too outlandish for the BBC normally to broadcast.

I heard a knocking on my door, and there stood a guy probably about my age, his face filled with wonder. XENAKIS!! I don't believe it! You really like Xenakis? — Wow! I never thought I'd encounter anyone who likes Xenakis! Wonderful!

I welcomed him in. He glanced around — Hey, I don't believe that either! Surely that book is—

Yes, it was. It was a not widely available large and heavy volume of Landsat images of selected parts of our planet. He'd recently obtained a copy of that very book, which was as engrossing to him as it was to me (initially).

And then — No, surely somebody's having me on! I've got one of those too! — Incredible and utterly weird!

It was my Casio bedside LED alarm clock — exactly the same model as he'd got. Such devices were only just coming onto the mass market then.

We were both very excited, it appearing that we'd each found in the other for the first time somebody absolutely on the same wavelength. — Close, meaningful friendship, even partnership, maybe?

We talked a little, and it did really seem that we were wonderfully similar in outlooks and mental capacity. But then he had to go off and do other things. He'd booked in just for one night in another room in that house — the University letting out student accommodation rooms to the public during the summer vacation. We'd see each other briefly before he went on his way, and would exchange contact details then.

Wow! — Except that my inner excitement didn't feel at all right. My heart rate was silly high for me, and there was something really uncomfortable and stressful colouring that excitement. I was feeling an almost urgent sense of this being too intense, and there being something not right in those apparent congruities, which were giving me an uneasy feeling of 'too good to be true', almost as though it were some sort of warning message for me. Also, there seemed to be a sort-of 'charisma of anxiety' about him, which I found uncomfortable and unsettling.

Also, even back then I recognised that wants and genuine needs are not at all the same thing, and I'd already become pretty clear that I had a lot more clearance work to do on the emotional issues I was carrying before I could make a good job of any 'relationship' that would be meaningful for me (being a picky old bugger) and wouldn't hurt the other person.

Come morning, and the guy (R) was preparing to leave. I still felt that excitement, but it was feeling really quite horrible in a sort of jarring 'warning' sort of way. Also, he was clearly not just excited but decidedly agitated, as though feeling desperate to get away. We did exchange contact details, and he said something about his now going on to meet up with his prospective wife, who, he emphasized in a rather frightened and heavily dogmatic manner, was to be his help-mate in true Biblical fashion (his words, not mine), and adding that he firmly believed that that was the role of women!

I exclaimed with rather shocked surprise, but didn't try to argue with him, because clearly he was stuck there in an absurd belief trap, which was really bizarre for a person of his degree of mental clarity in other fields. Nonetheless, it was clear that he felt threatened and was a bit trembly as he gathered up his bags and we cursorily shook hands — he seeming to be pretty desperate to get away from this implicitly challenging weirdo!

I had very mixed feelings over that. On the one hand I felt very put down and demoralized, that he appeared to have taken fright of me, and, of all crass things, was aiming to have a particularly unhealthy and harmful married relationship in preference to anything genuinely meaningful.

On the other hand, at once I was feeling relieved and let off the hook, for, as I've remarked, I was really pretty sure I wasn't ready to be able to handle a properly compatible close relationship sufficiently well at that stage, and in any case I most certainly wouldn't have any personal involvement with anyone who had religious or other significant beliefs.

Okay, so far, so good. It was till mystifying about those three fluke coincidences, though. Even just one of those would have been really surprising, but three?… And also, even back then I sensed that there was something uniquely powerful about him, as though he were an ideal friend or partner who was meant to come to me — so why, then, all the obstacles, as though he'd been set up to torment me?

All I could do was to stow that episode away at the back of my mind as one of those little insoluble mysteries.

— That is, until the very day of my writing this particular account (23 May 2022). I was seeking to work out what's going on for a particular charismatic individual M who I was rather expecting to get involved with in some manner as close friend and co-worker on my project, and used inner inquiry to work out the cause and, maybe, purpose of that charisma of his, and a sense of very strong inner power. I did get that worked out pretty convincingly, but that had then prompted me to revisit my brief encounter with R.

In fact, R also had quite a strong charisma, though in his case it was a fear-based defensive one. But that charisma was a noticeable feature only because he, like M, had one or more aspects of his 'personal energy' considerably amplified. Was he, like me and M., a 'specialist' no-souler?

I established that he was indeed a 'sniff-it-out'-configured no-souler, just as I am. So, of course there would have been an immensely strong interaction between R and me, and tremendous basic compatibility for close companionship. — But then, why that freaky trio of coincidences, ('pull') and then R's eventually revealed incongruous rigidity and apparent desperation to get clear of this threatening bogeyman ('push')?

I do have an explanation from my inner inquiry, though of course I have no means to verify it apart from it 'adding up' and making the best available sense of the observations. Allegedly, deeper consciousness had expected R to encounter me later in my life, when it would have worked out just fine — i.e., from now onwards. The problem was that although that was marked out on his developmental trajectory, that was not a 'destiny' (one of the multitude of fictions that the garbage would give people), but simply the sum of a mass of probabilities, so there was still a small possibility that the intersection of trajectories could occur at some very different and most inopportune time.

That, allegedly, is what happened with R. — Deeper consciousness detected that anomaly in our trajectories at about the beginning of my life, and reluctantly took an exceptional measure to ensure that I didn't get side-tracked into any involvement with him when our ways crossed, so that I'd still be full-speed ahead for my own vital life task — i.e., finding out the cause of the major problems of human irrationality and dysfunction.

It was a real last-resort measure, because it would harm R, and reshaping his trajectory to coincide with mine much later on wouldn't have been a helpful option, apparently because of the likely collateral harm that would likely result for a number of other people.

Skipping details, basically R's developmental trajectory received a little configuration module to amplify certain aspects of his 'personal energy' such that he would be incompatible with me despite his basic overwhelming compatibility. Basically that feeling of power and charisma about him was 'giving me the push', despite whatever he was longing for deeper within, and creating an emotional rigidity that would be immediately repellent to me. After all, back then I had no Helpfulness Testing to enable me to get helpful indications from my own deepest aspects.

— Just sorry that R had to be mentally crippled in order to ensure I was kept on track! Deeper consciousness itself sometimes has to make some very difficult choices.


Prelude 2: The curious case of an invisible mini love story that won't make a best-seller!

Sheep thinking 'WTF??!'

Now, the case of A, back in 2004. Actually there was no way I could sensibly have got involved with him, because he was a local (i.e., Exeter) rough sleeper who understood nothing of self-actualization, and was on and off heroin and presumably other drug dependencies, and also with some violence in his makeup (I guess probably he'd had abusive parents) — and of course he was in with a whole pile of seriously harmful company — though there was also a certain endearing gentleness and almost tenderness about him too*.

* One demonstration of his deeply human side, even though coming out in a weird way, was what he did when his dog, I think a German shepherd, died. For a week or two then he himself was wearing that dog's chain collar around his own neck as a token of his bereavement and his attachment to the dog.

Also, one time I had a little chat with him he mentioned in passing that he was so touched by one old woman giving him a donation, even though she was eking out a minimal existence on little money, that he'd hugged her.

What was particularly striking about him was that every time I saw him either in the street (selling The Big Issue magazine) or in my mind's eye, he felt to me to be fundamentally, potentially an 'ultimate' friend / companion / bedmate — as though he had exactly the same 'energy' make-up and depth of awareness as I had (something I'd never experienced before except as something that I always longed for). I'd get exceptionally, tiresomely, sexually aroused each time, with a strong craving for his company even though I was clear that it was completely unworkable to have anything to do with him. — And that was in spite of the quite strong rather hostile-seeming 'push energy' I always felt about him.

Although I haven't seen him for many years, just to think of him still evokes that sense of craving for him, with strong sexual arousal, and I have a sense of ongoing connection with him as though he were a lifelong very close friend.

What I understand about him now is that, as well as having no soul, he had a particular 'specialist' configuration aimed at having a support role for 'sniff-it-out' no-soul people, of which latter I myself am one, in being a close friend / companion.

The reason for this configuration type existing is allegedly because deeper consciousness recognised that there were so many obstacles to 'sniff-it-out' people coming together as close friends because of their strong independent-mindedness and self-reliance, that it made sense to give them an additional and possibly more accessible opportunity for at least similar-level companionship — i.e., once the 'sniff-it-out' primary task had been completed and 'specialist' no-soulers were being encouraged to come together and at last find fully meaningful companionship.

In later (mid-May 2022) re-examination of what was going on between me and A, I find this to be a touching illustration of the love intrinsic in consciousness, right through from the deepest levels. At least, I myself am deeply touched in my recognition of what was going on. A came to my notice, having an electrifying effect on me, about the time my hilariously hideous and at times potentially life-threatening troubles from the garbage started in earnest (see The 'forces of darkness' ('astral beings') — My own tough experiences.

Unknown to my 'ordinary mind', those troubles were showing clearly in my developmental trajectory from a quite early stage in my life, and deeper consciousness tweaked the trajectory of A to intersect with mine at an early stage in my big troubles, when I'd be having a hideous time of it, and that hideous time would make my lack of any close connection with anyone an agonizing burden to bear. Deeper consciousness did that for me in pretty good confidence that at that stage in my life I had the strength of focus not to get at least significantly involved with him at the physical level.

I did sometimes actively go out of my way when out shopping, to have the occasional brief chat with him. I was feeling almost desperate to have him in my arms and indeed in bed with me, but knew the unworkability of such involvement with him and all his own issues — and indeed of allowing myself to be driven by such feelings in any circumstances at all. I was aware of a general life purpose of mine, to work in some way towards bringing more rational and human behaviour into the world, even though I had nothing like the clarity and insight I have now on the matter, so was determined not to let 'affairs' or 'romance' of any sort stand in the way of that.

However, each time I had one of those little chats with him my deeper aspects were working away to ensure that I unawarely established, and then each further time reinforced, not only a proper deep-level no-soul companionship connection with him (truly a close friend for life), but also a mental image of him as he would be without all those issues of his. I then effectively had healthy focus for my periodic solo 'lovemaking' sessions at night, so as not to suffer the harm from either abstinence or crude masturbation without real human connection. That real deep connection with him, and the surrogate mental image of him still remain with me, though now getting quite sidelined by new developments.

At the time of my troubles, however, my connection with him was a figurative lifeline to me in helping keep my morale up during the ongoing stresses and periodic more or less dangerous excesses of those times, and gave me some sense of a powerfully inspiring friend in my arms while I had the occasional solo 'lovemaking' sessions. — Not that he was my only sanity saver, however, because:

  • even through the most difficult periods I still forced myself to go out on full-length (up to 21 miles) strenuous hikes, even on far Cornwall coast path, hitch-hiking to get to and from the hiking route, and

  • as I'd already become enlightened (in 1997), I had a rare advantage, in having the ability to be proactively peaceful observer of even the most difficult experiences, and not to get attached to any of the supposedly alluring scenarios and out-of-this-world 'soul mates' that I was incessantly being informed were just round the corner for me, or get damaged by the severe attacks that were kindly given me as part of various attempts to destroy me.

As for A himself, his own deepest aspects had used our encounters to provide him with a similar deep connection with me, of which he was most likely superficially unaware, but which considerably lightened the stress he was enduring because of his being unable to connect with anyone really meaningful to him.

His inability to connect properly with anyone was made more tormenting because of his 'specialist' configuration, which meant that he had a very strongly supportive and comforting type of energy, and use of that (i.e., through healthy connection with an appropriate 'specialist' no-souler, and especially a 'sniff-it-out' one) would be the real fulfilment of the 'relationship' aspect of his life experience, which latter as I say, was blighted by his inability to connect.

According to my current inner inquiry, it was that connection with me as a fellow 'specialist' no-souler that gave him the extra bit of inner strength to get fully off heroin and wean himself more or less off the whole rough-sleeping arena and actually find a female partner and have a family.

I did see them fleetingly once in the street. It looked to me like a pretty low-grade existence, in which he looked awkward and out-of-place, and the violence aspect from his childhood may well have given the children a hard time, but at least he'd found some semblance of stability away from the rough-sleeping and drugs scene. A check now of his and my developmental trajectory shows no further signs of meaningful encounters with him in the remainder of this lifetime.

…And now, let's fast-forward to much happier and obviously fulfilling times, starting in 2021…


#1: 23 and 24 June 2021 — Weird double coincidence

This was a freaky encounter / supposed missed opportunity at the end of a hike from Tintagel on the north Cornwall coast to as far as I could sensibly go beyond Boscastle (ideally to Crackington Haven). It had a weird sequel the following day.

My leg muscles were stressing prematurely, and, when I got to Boscastle I thought I'd cross the steep-sided Pentargon valley and take the steep ascent on Fire Beacon Point, then take one of the odd escape-route tracks to the minor road not far away, which I remembered from previous walks along there, so I could start my return hitch-hike to Exeter.

Somewhat expanded from my rather bafflingly terse entry in my walks / hikes journal, this is a précis of that last section of the hike…

My leg muscles were flagging after the Pentargon valley, but I kept going gently, thinking I'd take the very first escape route once I'd got up to the top of the Fire Beacon Point high ground. However, once I'd toiled my way up there, to my consternation there seemed no longer to be an obvious way through, without battling through routes that were now blocked off. Because of my leg muscle stress I didn't want to give them a lot of additional stress negotiating barriers and possibly getting a severe bout of cramp.

So, on and on I walked along the coast path, still finding that the odd escape route that I'd previously noticed was now blocked off and displayed the odd 'PRIVATE' notice here and there. Fortunately the walking then was easy-going, most of it on pasture land just back from the clifftop, and the undulations were gentle, with an overall gradual ascent towards the top of the Rusey Cliff headland. I kept to a very gentle pace, and my legs were managing that without significant complaint, though fatigue was gradually building up, and time running out, and this was mid-week, and I'd not seen anyone at all for nearly an hour.

It would have been nice to continue towards Crackington Haven, but I knew there was a National Trust owned good track from that high point leading to a bridleway, which would take me soon to the road, so I aimed for that, and eventually came out on that bridleway, and paused to take stock with my map.

I was well aware that I was taking quite a chance coming out there, because it was gone 6.0 p.m., and I was still well removed from any main road, and when I got to the minor road I'd be hitch-hiking back to Exeter, with very little traffic on that road, and without any nice through route towards Launceston or Exeter. — It's an adventure!, I silently reminded myself with a grimaced smile reflecting a joyful nervousness.

While I was checking the map to make sure which way to direct myself when I got to the road, a runner (quite resplendent-looking and darkish-skinned but not what I'd call black) came down, and stopped by me, asking if I was all right and needed any assistance. That was a rarity — a runner who actually stops for anyone. In my experience the vast majority of runners are so fixated on their running that they ignore everyone. But this one had not only stopped for me but was showing real human concern.

I averted my gaze from him a bit to quell a slight pang of erotic feeling, for he looked really great and I'd love to have him in my arms right there and then, and explained that I should be okay, and was just checking to ensure I pointed myself the right way for my return hitch-hike to Exeter — the immediate target probably being the not-far-off Tresparrett Posts crossroads, where there would be a little bit more traffic.

The dear fellow (I think his name was D) offered to drive me to a spot that was reasonably secure for me to get picked up. At first I didn't want him to go to that trouble, and said it really was okay, and all part of the adventure, but we got talking a little anyway, and I was starting to tune into him, and felt drawn to him, feeling I wanted to be close to him (I mean now not the superficial thing of his physical good looks, but something deeper), and he was clearly getting more interested in me.

As I was about to move on, he repeated his offer, emphasizing that it would be no trouble, and he'd really like to do that for me, so I accepted his offer, and we walked up to his car at the top. In the short conversation with him I gave him one of my cards and he got interested in my Clarity of Being site, and I told him about his having no soul, and thus there being a strong affinity between us.

I also lamely said the real way for us to part would be with a hug, but I was still taking anti-covid precautions (indeed I was wearing face mask in the car) and so would keep it to elbow bumps this time. He said he'd be very amenable to a hug, so I was feeling a little silly and frustrated when I 'religiously' did the final elbow bump, by then feeling this guy to be a really delightful close friend, but was wearily resigned to turning my back on anyone who I really wanted as a friend / companion. He dropped me at the Marshgate turning on the A39, and then I had a surprisingly good remainder of that journey.

That wasn't the end of the story, though, because I had unfinished business a little south-west of Buckator, on the coast path, as I wanted to return there the following day to see if active piecemeal cliff subsidence was still occurring there. If it was, and with much lighter wind, I wanted to make a sound recording of that.

So, to get there most directly I chose to hitch-hike back to the very spot where I'd come to the road with D. Of course I was wishfully thinking that just maybe D would pop up, but definitely not expecting that. To quote from my journal:

As though in answer to my frustration at not having had a hug with that wonderful guy who gave me the first return lift on Wed., my final outward lift this time (from Kennard's House junction, just past Launceston) was with a youngish guy (J) who resembled the former guy to a bewildering extent, even to the extent of somewhat dark skin colour, and had extremely similar (beautiful) energy, and who quickly got really interested / excited about my music and my Clarity of Being site.

He was a sort of mental health worker, but freelancing, and doing what he could to assist people with special needs – including people with the various types of supposed autism. – And this time neither he nor I had any doubt about parting with a delightful long hug!

In retrospect from mid-May 2022, my impression of the second guy's 'energy' was that although indeed it was delightful, it could hardly be described as extremely similar to D's, for there was an absence of the wonderful 'deep bass' I was aware of in the latter's energy. With D I had an immediate sense of a silent deep 'togetherness' connection with him, though I hadn't tuned into it at all strongly compared with how I am now. With J, there was a quite different sense of a lively and sunny exuberance. — How my perceptions have sharpened up between then and now!

It was only at this point when I thought of D again, that I became aware that I had quite a sense of loss in not having enabled any follow-up with him (after all, I had no idea then about 'specialist' no-soulers and their being due to be coming together so shortly hence). I had no such impression about J, even though that was a delightful encounter and I'd greatly enjoy any further encounters with him.

My current take on that is that D was indeed a 'specialist' no-souler, while J was a 'standard' one, and I suspect that the latter's awareness may have been somewhat attenuated by use of cannabis or / and meditation — possibly in the past rather than currently. Surprisingly, my inner inquiry points to D being a 'double-specialist', with configuration for both 'high-level leadership' and 'supportive companionship for sniff-it-outers'! — Not only that, but, as could be suspected from the freaky nature of the encounter, that was one that was particularly aimed for by deeper consciousness, but had happened prematurely, when I wasn't yet ready to recognise 'speciality' no-soulers as anything distinct or specially significant for me. — Ouch!

It's almost as though the following day's encounter had been hurriedly laid-on to imply to me that there was something important I needed to know about D, as to why his 'energy' was so different from the second guy. —Well, if that was the case, at last the point's been taken.

Following some inner inquiry as to whether there's anything I could do to make good that missed important coming-together, I've formally set my intent for another encounter with him to occur as soon as possible, by means of my and his developmental trajectories being suitably tweaked to considerably increase the probability of the encounter happening on any of my outings. Also, I've set my intent through deeper consciousness for D to receive motivational nudgings to remind him of me and encourage him to visit or revisit this site and then, just maybe, find this very page, and know that he's a wanted man, and with some very joyful and valuable work to do with me and 'the team' as it gradually gets together! But he still has free choice, so any outcome is still in his hands (sigh! )…

As explained in the general introductory notes, I've had to backtrack on my intents and aspirations regarding this encounter with D as well as other particularly 'pinnacle' no-soulers I encountered on my outings. I can at least remember with a great fondness that particular encounter and its inspirational strangeness, and I'd love to encounter him again, including making up for the missed hug that previous time!

Thus the last paragraph in the main text above now makes me wince with a pained chuckle when I read it, seeing how I'd briefly got a little detached from the practical reality of my situation then.


#2: 21 February 2022 — L, the 'congruity' man

This was the first one that really stood out in 2022, and was with L, who gave me my return lift from Dogmarsh Bridge (near the Teign Gorge). As I recount in my walks / hikes journal:

The return lift was with L, a youngish no-soul man, who was going to drop me at Whiddon Down, but he got very interested in my Clarity of Being work and my unique Fix the Human Condition project, and then wanted to take me into Exeter so we could talk for longer.

There turned out to be a quite disconcerting congruity in our outlooks and thinking, which suggested a similar, outstanding, level of mental clarity, and, strikingly, that very word 'congruity' kept flashing up in the back of my mindspace. I established that he was no-soul, and told him about that — which he appeared to understand almost instantly. At my suggestion, we had a parting hug, and for me that was not just a ‘wow’ experience, but it felt mighty strange, as though his whole ‘energy’ were calling out “Congruity! Look, congruity!”.

As I walked back to base I realized that the 'congruity' message was not so much anything coming specifically from him, but it was my own deepest aspects drawing my attention to something important about him. Allegedly he’s a member of another incarnational thread that is specially configured the way mine is, for the purpose of fixing the ‘human condition’. He said he wanted to get in touch soon to talk over my methodology and project, and I offered him an introductory Alexander Technique lesson.

That was when I first learnt of the 'specialist' configurations of a minority of no-soul people*, and that I, and indeed L, both had the 'sniff-it-out' configuration. I was feeling frustrated and sorry that I hadn't 'checked within' about the 'congruity' signal before my parting with L, for he'd gone off without the crucial bit of data that could motivate him to follow up that encounter with ongoing contact for working further on the Fix the Human Condition project and having a wonderful friendship into the bargain. He hasn't yet been in touch, so by now I've tentatively assumed that that encounter was a narrowly-missed opportunity — except that, particularly in the winter half-year, I quite frequently walk a route in the Teign Gorge, so it's reasonably likely that at some stage he'll spot me again and pick me up, and then I could make amends for my previous omission.


#3: 1 April 2022 — J2, the violent-looking man who wasn't

Again it was a return lift from Dogmarsh Bridge. This was delightfully weird! — My journal entry (slightly edited) states:

That return lift was with J2, a no-souler who was actually returning from work to his home in nearby Chagford, and had passed me by, but came back, and was insistent that he'd take me to where I wanted to go, even though it would mean going right out of his way. He said he'd seen me hitch-hiking several times before, and each time had felt that he wanted to pick me up, but had been in a company van and so hadn't been able to do so.

This felt surreal, because superficially he looked to be a quite unprepossessing character, his face / ears disfigured with body piercing and small metal rings put in — something I generally associate with a fair amount of violence and unawareness in the person’s makeup, if not actual criminality. He was sure giving me rather a thrilling ‘buzz’, but I thought probably that would be for an unhelpful reason (one of those tiresome sexual fetish effects caused by those mutilations).

Yet he was surprising me. He got really interested when I gave him one of my cards, and mentioned about Project Fix the Human Condition, and told him he was apparently a no-soul person himself. Nearing destination, I suggested that if he wasn’t averse to the idea, he get out of the car when I did, and we have a real and ‘meant’ hug to enjoy the experience of a real no-souler hug, and he clearly relished the idea. It turned out to be another real ‘pinnacle’ hug (to call the beauty of it 'rapturous' seems horribly prosaic!), also underlining for me that he really was no-soul.

It came to mind then for me to comment that the chances were that he had spinal / skeletal weaknesses – and, I think rather amazed, he acknowledged that he was aware of some, and was duly interested when I mentioned the Alexander Technique intro on my Clarity of Being site.

Despite the ‘violence’ signals given out by his body mutilations, he came across as a gentle, intelligent guy who I’d love to be an ongoing friend of mine.

Rather as with A, in 2004, any thought or mental image of him still has 'certain effects' on me, which are quite inconvenient, though at least are pointers to a very positive connection. My indications are that he was another, like A, who has a 'speciality' configuration to predispose him to be available to 'sniff-it-out' no-soulers for at least similar-level companionship. If that is the case, no wonder he'd been so keen to pick me up, for undoubtedly his own deeper aspects would have recognised me as a particularly meaningful potential friend / companion / associate / mentor for him!


#4: 30 April 2022 — You look happy!

I was near the end of a Cornish coast path hike (short, because I was out of sorts that day) from Tintagel to a bit beyond Boscastle, on the stretch beyond the latter towards the Farm Shop, when I encountered a tall lovely-looking youngish-looking man, W, clearly on a multi-day trek, but taking a pause to enjoy the scenery, with a gentle, peaceful smile. You look happy!, I ventured. You look happy too!, he responded, with a sweet humour and directness of gaze that at once felt to have established a deep connection between us* — something seemingly like a kiss from a gentle gust of breeze.

The subjective experience was as though an invisible though yet visible pulse of colourless laser-beamed energy shot from his gaze into me, giving me a slight 'jolt' feeling in my eyes and chest, and I rather expect he'd have had the impression of the same, shooting out from me into him. My inner inquiry about that while writing this indicates that something very significant did happen then, though for brevity I'll not go into that here, especially as it would remain unverifiable at least for quite some time.

Then, to quote from my journal…

We got talking, and what really got things going was my announcing to him that, like me, he had no soul.

Wow! was his amused and measured but really meaningful response, much underlining my indications about him, and he got much more interested. That simple monosyllable and its mode of delivery communicated much to me, and in particular a great mental clarity and lack of attachment.

Then, after some more talking, eventually he was about to move on, and we initially shook hands, but then I said the real way for us to part would be with a warm and joyful hug — at which he burst out laughing because, he said, he’d been not quite daring to suggest that very thing himself!

So, packs hurriedly taken off, we had a laughing, rapturously beautiful hug, which felt all in a league of its own in its magnificence, with a sense of a great wind of pure fresh air blowing reciprocally between us, silently exclaiming At last! At last!.

Then we got talking just a bit more, and we’d both got our packs on again, and we were laughingly and laughably doing our best to have another hug like that before finally parting. You'd no doubt have joined in the laughter then if you'd seen us at that point — vainly trying to get our arms around each other with those confounded big packs bang in the way!

It was clear that he didn’t want to part with me any more than I wanted to part with him, including the physical closeness. I’ve never had such a strong and mutually loving interaction with anyone before, without the slightest hint of 'coloration' or agenda of any sort.

A bit frustratingly, once he’d gone I thought to check on whether that unprecedented level of interaction reflected his having a special configuration as I do. My indication for that was that indeed, he's another of the ‘sniff-it-out’ no-soulers, and, what’s more, my inner inquiry indications were ‘strengthening’ for the two of us to get together* to share projects and be open and supportive to each other at all levels. Indeed, I'd also picked up from his own deepest aspects that it would be by far the most beneficial choice for him too.

* It was a bit more than that. What I picked up when reviewing the encounter was that both his and my developmental (life) trajectories indicated a high probability of an encounter that marks the start of a top-grade friendship / companionship on this particular day — the exact intersection point being where and when he and I were together (give or take perhaps half-a-mile either way). It would be unthinkable to abandon that priceless opportunity!

He’d talked of wanting to contact me after his multi-day SW Coast Path trek, but had expressed some diffidence as to whether he’d know what to say in any communication, so it could be that his own lack of self-confidence about that (or indeed really his own strong self-reliance pattern making excuses for continuing our respective isolated existences) could make him hold back. If only I’d known then that he was a ‘sniff-it-outer’, and that there really was strong reason for us to come together a lot as both fellow project workers and close friends on the most deeply human level!

Also I could have offered him a workshop cum Alexander Technique lesson and some Helpfulness Testing and self-empowerment training to start things off, but didn’t think of all that till too late. At least he did have my card, so could get in touch once he was back at home, if indeed his motivation wasn't to get obstructed by his uncertainties or independence / self-reliance pattern…

Over the days, then, I was plagued with a certain anxiety that that would turn out to be another missed opportunity. At least I knew not to expect an early contact, for he was likely doing the whole South-West Coast Path, and it's a long way to hike on that route from near Boscastle to the route's southern end at Poole in Dorset; I reckon that if he completes the route he'd be back home sometime in June, obviously depending on his daily mileage.

In the meantime that intense uncertainty was a bit punishing for me, keeping causing completely pointless sexual arousals, and, through both that and general 'overactive mind', depriving me of much of each night's much-needed sleep. Desire wasn't the issue; it was the uncertainty, which powered mischievous and 100% unhelpful fantasies at the back of my mind, even when I sought to focus elsewhere.

It's actually quite a relief no longer to be hankering after a follow-up from W — as per my June 2022 backtracking regarding encounter follow-up intent / aspiration.I can simply enjoy the various encounters that do come my way — so much simpler and more stress-free that way!

Indeed, from my 2024 perspective I think he was likely somewhat meditation-damaged, and that would probably have been a significant constraint on our long-term compatibility.


#5: 7 May 2022 — A big deception of 'love'

Returning from a quite strenuous coast path hike from Portreath to Perranporth, I was on my return hitch-hike in the early evening, and had got as far as Carland Cross roundabout on the A30, having a rather tedious 28-minute wait there. It was well worth that little wait, however. Although this wasn't another super-duper fully no-soul encounter, it stood out as a quite extraordinary experience — and immensely educational.

To quote from my journal…

The longer wait and my refused lift offers were all made worthwhile by the guy who did offer a usable lift. His name was H, and although he was nearly rather than fully no-soul, I got an immediate impression of a great and immensely genuine and beautiful love about him, and it felt shiver-up-the-spine beautiful sitting right beside him and having our conversation and being very open between us about various issues. He was greatly interested in my take on self-actualization and the matter of no-soul people coming together.

A bit in advance, I suggested that when I dropped off at Alphington Junction, he also get out of the car so we could have a proper hug. In the event, that was exquisitely beautiful and lengthy, with a real ‘epic’ reciprocity feel about it — even though the ‘energy’ of it not having quite the same depth and magnitude of ‘epic’ quality as with my mind-blowing embrace with W last Saturday.

Two nights later, during an hour lying awake with 'overactive mind', I revisited that experience to seek an explanation for that so-beautiful impression of what seemed compellingly to be love that H was giving off. This is what I came up with:

For a start, for many years now I've recognised that genuine love is not a feeling or emotion in the way that people generally mean by those words, but is more of a certain joyful delight in the life experience and every part of it, including each person, combined with aware mental clarity. That's not just a fancy theory but something hugely observable in my own life.

I ditched feelings of supposed 'love' a long time ago, yet in real, practical terms I've been much, much more loving for having jettisoned that perniciously decoying crap and focused on my intrinsic clarity and objectivity! Love is simply an aspect of my life and being, just as it is for any other reasonably fully-functioning human. To grievously misquote the wonderful Russian composer Igor Stravinsky, My love is like an arse — it just is.

So, on that basis what I'd been experiencing from H, although undoubtedly love-based, was something other than love. I'm not talking of anything bad, but simply something different, needing to be correctly understood.

One thing I'd noticed about him from the moment I set eyes on him was that he was giving the impression of having a very strong pattern of compassion and an ingrained pattern of giving himself away for the (assumed) benefit of others.

My inner inquiry supports my hypothesis that what I was feeling was not simply an emanation from him, but a sort of ding-donging 'energy' interaction between the two of us. He was automatically and unawarely giving himself away to me (a fundamentally disempowering thing to be happening), while my own system, recognising what was going on, was spontaneously beaming back to him the supportive 'energy' that he was silently, unawarely, telling me he really needed!

What a pity I didn't quickly pick up on that impression of his giving himself away like that, and tell him what I saw going on and what he could do to get himself properly balanced, and with his personal boundary properly configured so that people can't 'lean' on him and drag him into his own and their emotional mires! It's horribly weakening to be automatically giving oneself away to others, no matter how wonderful it may feel or how virtuous it may seem.

And it harms rather than helps other people, because it feeds their helplessness patterns and isn't giving them the inspiring effects of a good role model of a well-balanced, vibrantly positive no-souler. My own love is manifested particularly in my thought-out actions, laced with a playful humour, towards making the whole of the life experience better for all of us, and being a good role model of a well-functioning human, so always there's a deep, pervasive and joyful benefit for me, practical old sod that I tend to be!


Summing up

Finally, let's consider which of the five encounters recounted above was the real 'model' pinnacle love experience — one could humorously say, 'absolutely immersed in and reeking of love', or, more succinctly and accurately, love of the highest order?

— Without a doubt, in terms of real-time experience, it was with W. — It was silent*, invisible, had no flavour, smell or coloration, wasn't expressible in words, and had nothing about it that ordinary, soul-programmed people would recognise as love. It was like pure spring water, but more so. For those wonderful moments while we were there together — No. Further words couldn't describe that 'pure spring water' of our brief close meeting there, for the first time in my life (and maybe his too) with no mismatch, distortion or corruption of any significance to get in the way at any level at all. 'At last, at last!' — yes!

* Oh no it wasn't silent! — It was the quiet distant sound of the gentle sea on the cliffs far below, and the odd birds calling and singing around us, including the unimaginable sweetness of a linnet briefly singing nearby. At that level of experience you're tuned into your true nature as being 'The All' (and without a god or God or 'Christ' either in or out of sight!)

Having a torrid squirm together, however 'electrifying', would have been nothing (well, er, almost so!) to those priceless moments there with W.

However, was W actually the highest-priority person of the five from my overall perspective? — Actually not quite, because in truth, the first guy, D, is rated just as high when I carry out inner inquiry on the matter. They aren't alternatives. They're both, in their different ways, equally precious and inspirational; it's just that my awareness has opened up so much more since that first encounter, that naturally I experienced much more with W. I couldn't wait for either / both of them to show up and begin the most wonderful of life-experience adventures as we (supposedly) worked out between us how to develop the project.

I should stress that my great concern for W and D to come together with me was NOT for me / us to have a supposedly wonderful time in an exclusive, attached and devoted pair relationship and 'live happily ever after' just for ourselves. The 'sheep' may dream of such things, but those who genuinely understand what life's about would know that the aforementioned mode of living is effectively consigning oneself and partner to a stultifying type of hell — no matter how 'wonderful' it feels subjectively.

The real purpose of us no-soulers, and especially the previously so isolated 'sniff-it-out' ones, coming together for close companionship is undoubtedly to have a (much more) wonderful time (at long, long last!), but also effectively to be world leaders — Yes, you read that right! — in the sense of using ourselves and each other as demonstration models of the REAL, most meaningful, ways to relate with each other, devoid of all the attachments and agendas, and without the abomination we call marriage anywhere in sight (institutionalized attachment and 'social confinement'), which all blight the lives and social interactions of ordinary soul-programmed people and even trap some no-soul people, each in their own usually unacknowledged hell of limited awareness and general sub-human function.

So, even though I could conceivably appear to get into one or more partnerships, all of them would be open, non-exclusive, and not just allowing but encouraging much time apart, for each of us to have space to breathe and expand, gaining new fields of experience, new encounters, friendships, partnerships, without prejudice to any existing ones — obviously within practical constraints of workability. It's truly a matter of being rational, practical old sods in maximizing the vividness, variety, and inspiring, life-affirming quality of the life experience.

And we'd be preoccupied with 'love', right?

F*ck, no! — What's the point of preoccupying ourselves with what we simply are?! The concept of 'love' is a concept of the 'unenlightened', who are to greater or lesser extent shut off from their true nature, which latter could be dubbed 'love incarnate'!

Again, I remind that I've now (as from June 2022) dropped my intents and aspirations regarding ongoing relationships of any kind with these wonderful individuals I encounter.

I'm definitely not closing the door to any such relationships, provided they make proper sense, but it's the active and inevitably somewhat anxious striving for them that is so unbalancing and stress-making, and probably actually would reduce the chances of anything genuinely worthwhile developing anyway.

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Continuation from this page, with a slightly broader remit:
Further inspirational encounters — Blog

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