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Night Terrors and Hell Experiences — Understanding and Clearing Them — Part 2

Previously entitled
Night Hells (Night Terrors) and Hearing Voices


At a glance…

Real hell experiences described, and explained from within a uniquely experience-based and belief-free rational perspective…

In this continuation, the Author explains hell experiences in a manner that at last points to real solutions.

With this new understanding, many people currently considered mentally ill, psychotic or schizophrenic — and indeed a huge number of others — can at last understand what is or has been going on for them, and can in a fair number of cases resolve the issue themselves, while many others can be assisted in that direction. There's NO place for a medical (nor religious) approach to such issues.

Making sense of it all…

Go for it — Tyger, Tyger, burning bright!

Clearly under the following headings we're going to gain more understanding of hells, including 'night terrors', but it would be helpful here to look at those common questions about the supposedly eternal and absolutely beyond-beyond-endurance torture that 'hell' supposedly brings to one.

To all the four questions listed above, the short answer has to be a qualified 'no'.

For a start, as we're now beginning to see, there's NO such thing as 'hell' (singular) at all, for hell isn't an actual place (implicitly only one in the whole of 'Existence') as various theistic religions make out. Indeed, the religion-sourced descriptions of 'hell' or indeed 'hells' need to be completely discounted, as they're all based on beliefs, and generally claim that hells are what particular people are dumped into after their lifetime — something that actually no-one could genuinely know.

At least the Tibetan Buddhist 'teachings' have understood better to a certain extent, in recognising that there are really all manner of hells, which are really subjective rather than objective — though the various gurus and 'masters' have still tended to describe them to their students as though they're 'real' and objective and something that would be used to punish anyone who doesn't follow their master's 'party line' or does anything that gets them supposedly serious 'negative karma'. That's just fear-based personal control agenda, and again has to be completely disregarded if we're to arrive at a rational and objective view of what hells are — i.e., seeing that I myself appear to have pinpointed a troublesome phenomenon that must presumably be the basis of all the distorted, agenda-driven religious versions of what 'hell' is.

When I was going through pretty horrendous all-night ordeals given to me by my 'guidance' (i.e., the garbage) during certain crisis events during my primary garbage shenanigans (2004–7), I was sometimes informed that some experience or visual I was being given was one or another type of hell, and I was rather bemused because it didn't seem all that distressing, and doubted whether it really was a hell at all. But in retrospect I'm quite sure that I was indeed being shown certain hell types — but by then, in my mature adult stage I was relatively incapable of undergoing the full hell experience even with the more distressing types, because of my deep awareness, strong intellect and my already being enlightened.

That meant that to a considerable extent I could be proactively peaceful observer of whatever I was experiencing, rather than get submerged in it and mistake it for 'reality'. A vital aspect of the real hell experience is your mistaking it for 'reality'.

Now, to understand better, let's consider the matter of 'eternity'. That's actually a nonsensical concept, which is adhered to by many religions specifically for controlling people. The reality is that nobody could ever know such a state as 'eternity', whether during their current lifetime or completely outside it. The very concept of 'experience' is dependent on change, and thus impermanence, of absolutely all that we experience. If there is change and impermanence, 'eternity' is meaningless.

If nothing is changing, you're not experiencing, and therefore you could never be genuinely aware of nothing ever changing! So, objectively nobody could be in 'heaven' or 'hell' (or anywhere else or in any particular state) for eternity! Just imagine, being stuck in 'heaven' for genuine eternity; it would be exactly the same as being stuck in 'hell' for genuine eternity — total oblivion, a meaningless, hypothetical but 'impossible' state!

However, things are less clear-cut in practice, because in a hell experience you're typically immersed in that experience and have lost any sense of time — particularly in the primary-level hells — the real hardcore stuff. So, in a sense you can have the impression of that being eternal, BUT because you've no sense of time there, 'eternity' really doesn't have any meaning even in those experiences.

You simply experience all that highly stressful stuff while you're experiencing it, and then when you wake up or otherwise come out of it, it seems to have passed in a flash — rather like how you regard most dreams once you've woken up properly. So, it could be compared to dreaming of being in an eternity, rather than actually being in eternity — which latter, as I say, is a meaningless, nonsensical concept and so an impossibility objectively.

As to the intensity of the suffering, one thing usually kept out of any religion's description of hell experiences is that they can't in themselves give you physical pain (at all) — at least not in any really significant way. I qualify that, though, by acknowledging that in rare cases it may appear otherwise, where there's some special circumstance, but nonetheless my clear understanding is that physical pain isn't a significant feature of hells, unless one includes some real-life physical situations in your definition of 'hell', such as torture chambers and so on.

So, the religion-sourced largely fictitious hells in which people or 'souls' are tossed into great furnaces and suffering unimaginable levels of pain couldn't be 'as described', even if they do occur. You could be given the impression that you're indeed experiencing unbelievable levels of physical pain, yes, but that would only be 'story' that the garbage is giving you along with intense emotional 'nasties' — attack with intense anguish, fear, anxiety, panic or something of the sort. So the real torment is NOT physical but mental / emotional.

Also, as we shall see further below, only some types of hell experience are actually intense and harrowing in any dramatic sort of way.

As to the matter of hell experiences being punishment, I think I'd rather be insulting the reader's intelligence by directly answering that question for them. Read through this whole exposé and see for yourself whether it's even conceivable that it's anything to do with punishment (i.e., retribution for something 'bad' that one has done)! 


My first breakthrough in gaining an understanding

It was in August 2005 that, while out on a hike, I channelled what was for me completely new 'information' about my early childhood torments, and it was at this time that at last it became clear that what I'd been experiencing was none other than the phenomenon generally known as night terrors. However, there was a problem. Because I was channelling, what I thought at the time was 'Archangel Michael' giving me all this information was in fact the garbage relaying to me a very distorted version of the real situation, which latter my own deepest aspects had repeatedly been gently seeking to bring to my attention.

So, the story that I picked up at that time, although it marked a great and positive gain in my understanding of what had been going on for me, was distorted by the garbage agenda in a way that was aimed to bring me a whole lot of further trouble*. I'll now give a summary of that story, because it's very instructional as to how the garbage distorts good information when it relays it via channelling, and I hope that it will help to serve as a warning to learn from my own errors and never to go channelling.

* I'd better explain here just why that distorted, partly fictional, version of the real situation was potentially so troublesome and harmful for me. Quite apart from its potential for throwing me off the scent of the real situation, and thus my still not gaining the real key understanding to enable me to resolve the underlying problem(s), the story about my having a major increment of massive trauma from childhood 'night terrors' in this and each previous lifetime of mine was a potent weapon that the garbage could use against me — and indeed did start doing so.

As already noted, it (posing as my 'higher' guidance) was then giving me the story that it was imperative that I clear out this allegedly massive accumulated trauma within this very lifetime. Because the trauma was, allegedly, so massive I had to work virtually full time night and day indefinitely in order to achieve that — and of course out of the 'kindness of its heart', the garbage had consistently guided me away from fast-track emotional clearance methods and was insisting that the methods that I'd got to use were ones that in reality were harsh and even traumatic to use, and indeed were really all 'dark' practices by any other name. So, it was all basically an attempt to rapidly reduce me to a worn-out physical and emotional wreck, and indeed drive me to suicide


"Tögal — my nightmare-hell" — partial misinformation with an agenda!

The story began in a purported lifetime of mine in the 700s AD, when I'd allegedly been a student of the revered teacher Padmasambhava in Tibet. Padmasambhava had actually combined 'pure' Buddhism with various aspects of the native Tibetan Bön paganistic tradition to produce the supposedly highest 'wing' of Tibetan Buddhism — the Vajrayana. The topmost of the Vajrayana 'paths' and teachings became known as Dzogchen. The latter contained two main divisions, one of which was Dzogchen proper, which was called Trekchö (I think also known as Trek chod and Trekchod), and, when shorn of its cultural baggage, was none other than the simplest and most natural way to cultivate genuine enlightened awareness, and indeed which is part of my own modus operandi, and what for a fair number of years I encouraged others to use.

The other division, called Tögal (also spelt Thodgal and Thod Gal), however, had no business ever to have been included with the core practice of Dzogchen, as it didn't point practitioners really to enlightenment at all, but got them focusing their awareness into a level of consciousness that was, purportedly, just short of the fully enlightened state itself, which they called the Sambogakaya*, where they then projected visualizations of deities and then visualized themselves merging with those deities. A fair number of these practitioners actually had 'dark' leanings — especially those who were converted Bön practitioners, and so tended to visualize demonic entities in their Tögal meditations.

* I have a very strong suspicion that all visuals within the 'Sambogakaya' are none other than hell periphery experiences — and that's strongly supported by my inner inquiry results on that.

That much is apparently correct, apart from me myself apparently never having had a past life in Tibet, nor indeed at all (at least with regard to sequential soul incarnations). However, according to that story, I myself had been one of those visualizing all sorts of bizarre demons (indeed some of the very things that I was shown in a certain re-run of hell visuals from when I was three) instead of supposedly light-infused deities in such meditations.

And further, according to the story, like everyone else who used Tögal, I was training myself to open spontaneously to Sambogakaya at the time of death, when, purportedly (yes, it is in the teachings!) one then needs to see the dancing deities and merge with them in order thus to become released from further incarnations.

So, when one died, one carried with one the propensity to spontaneously open to this 'Sambogakaya' and see all those deities. According to the story, then, what would happen then is that actually nobody would be released from reincarnation as they believed would happen when they merged with the deities, but instead they'd simply spend a little time in some sort of limbo before reincarnating again, but this time with a serious problem — because they'd retained the tendency to spontaneously open to the 'Sambogakaya', and during their first several years of life would be inclined to keep opening to 'Sambogakaya' when really needing to go to sleep.

What they'd see there in that 'Sambogakaya' would be all the visualizations (not specifically 'Sambogakaya' ones) that they'd made in any of their lifetimes, including lifetimes when they'd been into dark practices and thus doing 'dark' visualizations. Hence all the demons and Satanistic stuff.

According to the story, this was what 'night terrors' actually were, and they'd be tremendously traumatic to a sensitive very young child, resulting in an accumulation of severe trauma over the nights, months and years. What's more, that tendency plus the trauma itself would pass on into the next incarnation, so that a further childhood would be blighted with 'night terrors', but now they'd be more intense because they'd be restimulating the stored trauma from the previous lifetime, in addition to the 'present time' new trauma, so the resulting effect would be still more severe. This in turn would lead to still more severe 'night terror' experiences, incrementing in severity indefinitely with each further lifetime — an unspeakably massive and horrific problem!

According to my 'guidance' (actually the garbage, posing as my supposed 'higher consciousness' much of the time, but sometimes as 'Archangel Michael'), I thus had this absolutely massive trauma to clear, and it was imperative* that I fully cleared it in this lifetime. This was the excuse then to try to get me following directions to undergo an impossibly taxing regime of very severe 'self-healing' practices — all really part of the garbage agenda to try to wreck me.

* As I well understand now in retrospect, any notion that comes to you from any source, that something is imperative for you to do, or that you should or must do something (or not do it), indicates control agenda, and that means the garbage — not any genuine source of beneficial guidance (and the latter can mean only one thing: your own deepest aspects). If I'd understood that simple thing during my 'dark years' (2003 to early 2007) I could have avoided much immense trouble, and would have been bound to have got clearing myself of garbage interferences much sooner than actually happened.

However, I did get a message come through — supposedly from guides of mine but really from my own deepest aspects, reassuring me and indicating that the situation wasn't as severe as that — but the garbage had still adulterated the message so that it appeared that I still did have this immense trauma to clear.

Despite these problems, I still knew from my depths that I'd got an important understanding of the 'night terrors' phenomenon, even if at that stage it wasn't fully 'there'. Also, that story about the cause of my hells promptly gave me one interesting little bit of self-healing relating to a detail of the first rerun of my childhood night hells that I'd been given — the one that I recount further above.

As for the cause of the 'second level' hell experiences, the story that I was given was again a fiction created by distorting the actual situation. The particular things that so terrorized and pursued me were mostly replicas (with various distortions) of objects that were in the living room of my home at that time, and I'm sure I was informed correctly about why those objects were used to terrorize me, because of a traumatic incident when I was about 18 months old (probably in late 1943 or early 1944), which of course was during the Second World War. My father told me about this when I was well on in my adulthood.

On the particular occasion it was dark outside — all the more so because all the houses then had blackout on their windows — and I was in the living room (the front room), sitting on my mother's lap. A bomb fell in the recreation ground just behind the house, so there was a massive wham of an explosion, blowing the rear windows in and simultaneously causing a power outage, so we were instantly plunged into darkness — absolute pitch black.

I was silent for a second or so, then let out an almighty shriek, then clammed up, absolutely out of my mind with terror. Inevitably, I'd stored in my mind a 'snapshot' of the room and what was in it just before 'Existence' had suddenly exploded into darkness and nothing and terror. That meant that, until such time as that trauma had been healed, every image of objects in that room that could be brought to mind would be powerfully 'pushing buttons' — restimulating trauma feelings from that overpowering shock.

So far, so good, and, I think, quite correct. But the story went on, that my own mind ingeniously created the second level terror experiences in order to experience the fear and torment of the underlying 'true' night terrors in a more coherent form, in which I could have more specifically focused experience of that fear.

It wasn't till I'd taken up Helpfulness Testing in 2007 that I came to the understanding that I've given further above about what the second level hells really were.

As for that troupe of almost insect-like 'demons' that I mention in my account, it had been bugging me ever since I'd seen them in that late 2004 re-run of the relevant hell sequence — actually because the garbage was bugging me with images of them and associated worrisome pseudo-thoughts that they were indeed demons — real ones — and were just waiting for their moment to take me over in some delectable hell, where they'd use pitchforks to dig my eyes out and do other nasty things to me!

In my 2005 channelling I was given the story that they were actually derived from perfectly benign ancient cave paintings of hunters in a cave in which I'd been practising black magic many lifetimes ago. Allegedly, at the time I'd regularly visualized the painted hunter images as demons using sharp implements to do very nasty things to people.

Even though there was actually one important bit of misinformation there (the past life involved was actually not mine), the notion of those 'demons' being just illusory images derived from cave paintings of hunters was a great liberation for me, and one day I had an unexpected spontaneous vivid visualization occur, of that whole troupe of 'demons' emerge joyfully from the twilight world of the night terrors garbage, all going off to wherever they really belonged (i.e., presumably on the wall of a cave somewhere).

I felt greatly moved by that, feeling towards them a loving Power to you on your way! sort of feeling that I'd have had towards real humans who had been liberated from some hellish prison. From that moment on they never bugged me again, and my memory of their appearance has ever since been much less distinct — no doubt because that particular memory had been largely cleared of garbage or hell connection in my mind.

Actually, further inner inquiry in 2015 about those matchstick-hunter-demons and why they were singled out for that liberating spontaneous visualization indicates that they actually had a much bigger significance for me in my infancy than was revealed in that little December 2004 re-run. According to this much later inner inquiry they'd actually been ongoing particularly major players in my basic-level 'terror' hells, and really had been terrorizing me.

No, as it was basic-level hell experience they were not actually doing anything nasty to me (basic level hells are just displays and don't involve interaction between display objects and observer or vice versa), but they were overpoweringly up-front and terrifying in that monstrously chaotic display in which I was frequently agonizingly submerged (i.e., emotionally agonizing). So, no wonder that in the little 2004 re-run I'd felt so shocked that I as a three-year-old had been given visuals of them, and then in late 2005 had felt so moved at seeing that representation of their being liberated from their terrorizing role, once more (notionally speaking) to be just benign human artefacts in some cave.


Gaining a proper understanding…

In 2007 I eventually completely finished with channelling, having come to understand how it operates, always involving the garbage and therefore NEVER being safe to rely on (nor indeed to use at all!), even when it appears to be giving important and 'squeaky clean' information — and then I took up Helpfulness Testing instead. The latter enabled me, with great vigilance and care, to get a certain amount of otherwise 'hidden' information directly from my own deepest aspects.

So, okay, I'd got a channelled story, which had at least begun to make a great deal of sense of my hell experiences, and in 2007 I was able get to work on that and use my later insights to weed out the channelling distortions and garbage agenda, and see what I could come out with then.

It was clear that my hell experiences had to have been drawing on something extraneous to this lifetime of mine. There was absolutely no rational way I could escape from that conclusion, based on what I'd seen in the hells. How the hell (sic) could a child of three come up with the sort of images that I'd been seeing, including Satanistic sexual stuff and ancient cave paintings? That simply doesn't make sense, no matter whether or not one cares to put a label of 'ill' or 'sick' upon the mind of that child! — All the more so in my case, because my parents were no hippies, nor Pagans nor New-Age freaks, who might have been getting up to or talking about 'dark' things that might have 'given me ideas'. No, in that respect I'm sure they were 'squeaky clean'.

My father was a highly intellectual atheist with strongly 'capped' awareness, while my mother was also highly intellectual but much more aware, but also very hamstrung by the conventions of her upbringing (which among other things diverted her into membership of the Church of England) and the horribly limiting effect of her having got paired up with such a much less aware person for a spouse. She was very broadly educated and full of good intentions, and there was no hint that she might have had any sort of interest or knowledge of anything overtly 'dark'.

Regarding matters sexual, both parents were quite strongly prudish, even though always trying to make out how broad-minded they were, and sometime before I was ten my mother told me in simple (and incorrect!) biological terms that to make babies, the man puts his 'wee thing' into the woman's bottom to put sperm into her to fertilize her egg(s). Apart from that, they sought to avoid talking about such things at all, even when I was in my teens (apart from my mother on a couple of occasions very awkwardly broaching the subject of er- rubbing up (she actually meant masturbation) and in a frigid tone of frightened admonishment advised that it was best that I (and boys in general) should not do it.

So, I can safely count my parents, and indeed all relatives of mine of whom I'm aware who would possibly have had some contact with me as a baby or infant, out of any quest to find where the hell visuals had originated from. On the other hand the story about the hells' origin in past lives of mine certainly appeared to 'add up' and, so it had seemed, could explain my experiences, and could be true, but was it actually true? — In fact not necessarily.

My understanding now is that the origin of hells is, generally speaking, NOT in a previous lifetime of the person experiencing the hells.


Parasitic lost souls and primary archetypes are part of the picture…

Here it's necessary to appear to deviate from the subject of hells to explain an important aspect of their background. According to my understanding now, I and the majority of people who have hell susceptibility are actually no-soul incarnations, who have no past lives in the sense almost universally meant (i.e., sequential, karmic ones) — yet ironically we're the very people who nearly all 'healers', psychics and mediums would say are very old souls who've reincarnated countless times so that we're supposedly highly evolved and thus fundamentally deeply aware and wise beings. So, what on earth is going on here?

The answer appears to be that the garbage, which interferes at least to some extent with EVERYBODY — you included! — imparts misinformation to 'sensitive' people (including 'healers', psychics and spiritual teachers) to seek to convince them that everyone has a soul, and that the soul is their true identity, and that that soul keeps reincarnating to learn lessons and evolve, so that people come to believe that they will reincarnate according to that scenario. This, then, would generally help ensure that upon their death they'd become programmed to soul-reincarnate — i.e., if they were not already programmed for that to happen — rather than die properly and revert to fundamental consciousness, which is what happens in the (actually rare) healthy situation.

The overwhelming majority of people are in fact incarnations of such 'lost' souls who got soul-programmed to repeatedly reincarnate, and are on this downward path of increasingly degraded soul-reincarnation, towards what we would view as a horrendous state of existence. Sorry to say this, but this does appear to be the case, and running away from recognition of this (which state of denial is just what the garbage cultivates in us) just helps seal our fate. Yes, this is serious stuff!

Eventually these souls become so degraded that they cease to incarnate and are then just non-physical puppets of the garbage, and it's these degraded and reprogrammed 'lost' human souls that are the parasitic consciousnesses that attach (in the first two years of life) primarily to people who, like myself, are no-soul incarnations (actually direct incarnations of fundamental consciousness) — and they're pre-programmed by the garbage to cause these people a variety of serious problems with a view to preventing them from achieving enlightenment and full self-realization / self-actualization, and to become ensnared themselves or inveigled into the garbage's agenda for them to develop a soul and thus be also progressively degraded and eventually become parasitic puppets of the 'dark side'.

So, each one of us who is a no-soul person has some parasitic consciousnesses attached to him/her. These consciousnesses are of people who had died at various times in human history, and we can and often do experience their memories and traumas as though they were our own — which is apparently the reason why so many of us who haven't incarnated before (i.e., in the sense almost universally meant) still apparently have traumas and memories that are clearly not of this life (as indeed I had on a pretty grand scale!). So, yes, they do have past life traumas and maybe past life memories, but not of their own! The results of past life regression (NEVER a recommended procedure), therefore, give a completely wrong picture of the situation of the person who is being 'regressed'.

However, a further major iniquity is wreaked upon everyone who gets any of those parasitic lost souls attached to him/her. Apparently in the vast majority of cases the garbage in some manner creates 'active' connections, via those lost souls, between the affected people and any or all of the primary archetypes. Apparently this can't be done, at least very effectively, without the intermediary of attached parasitic lost souls — just why, I've no idea.

Those archetypes are (a) a massive source of virulent emotional trauma energy, and (b) a powerful and ever-active 'story dynamo', generating masses upon masses of 'story' and legend all underpinned by that emotional trauma energy. That means that you can NEVER know whether any particular apparent past life experience (including any supposedly belonging to one of one's attached lost souls) is a genuine historical memory or is a piece of 'story' generated at least indirectly from one or more of the primary archetypes.

I write in more detail about this phenomenon of parasitic lost souls and their part in the scenario of a degradational sequence of soul reincarnations in The true nature of 'the forces of darkness' and its interference and attacks, and I explain about archetypes in Understanding archetypes — and clearing ourselves of them.

The indications from my own inner inquiry about my own situation point to my having had an exceptional number of parasitic lost souls attached / connected to me, at least many of them being strongly traumatized — the traumas including ones that could be used to cause specific types of problem for me. These included a lot of traumatic separation experiences and quite a lot of extremely troublesome experiences in various 'flavours' of dark practices, including being killed by curses and so-on.

However, again I've no means of knowing which of such material affecting me was actual historical experiences and how much was unedifying globs of 'story' dredged up by the garbage from the continual troublesome spewings from the primary archetypes. My suspicion, though, is that actually the primary archetypes would have been the main source of the 'nasties' that I experienced.

No wonder, therefore, that I seemed always to have such a load of trauma material to clear! Indeed, my inner inquiry indicates that I'd been carrying very little trauma material of my own at all, even resulting from the childhood hells, and had cleared all of what was mine, barring the odd relatively insignificant details, by means of the relatively slow and inefficient method of Re-evaluation Counselling, during the 1970s.

Thus the story about me having an enormous load of trauma looks to have been, like virtually every story that comes to us via the garbage, based on a true situation but wildly distorted into a seriously troublesome fiction. My real need, then, as I came to realize in 2007, was to clear myself of those parasitic lost souls, and not to keep spending time and resources in trying to heal all of their traumas. And then, as I came to recognise in 2012, an equally important need was to dissolve / inactivate all my connections to primary archetypes.


Now wait for it! — The real origin of hells is…

Now, let's return fully to the hells issue. Although it's of course impossible to know for sure where the garbage dredges all that virulent stuff up from, there's an important point here. My own inevitably somewhat speculative understanding, after having slept on this and looked deep within my own consciousness over the days, weeks and months, and using inner inquiry / Helpfulness Testing upon the 'intuitions' that have come to me, is that the hell visuals have originated from visualizations by actual humans being controlled by the garbage — because the latter, not being true conscious beings at all, doesn't have the creativity and awareness and experience that humans do, and so it can't actually create such material itself.

Although the garbage has no true or direct creativity of its own, what it can do is to direct people to create the material so that the garbage can then 'steal' copies of it, placing it in an astral repository of human memories, and present any of this, suitably distorted, to people as hells or any other sort of disturbing manifestation. That's very much how the garbage operates. Like viruses hijacking the 'machinery' of the body's cells, the garbage, 'empty' in itself, hijacks aspects of the human 'mind' actually to create the illusions and gain the seemingly overpowering awfulness of its hell displays.

Furthermore, if my own 'reading' of the situation is correct, much of what I saw and other people see in their hells and other horror 'hallucinations' (which are really nothing more than hell material experienced in different contexts) is drawn from visualizations by humans not so much here on Earth as in other parts of this Universe and very likely even other universes, and, what's more, the garbage to varying extents distorts the images in ways that it calculates will be maximally disturbing / upsetting for the affected person. Hence the displays seeming so freakishly grotesque to us, and so teeming with immensely, jarringly, disparate elements.

Commonly there will be one or more particular 'phobia' elements in a person's hell visuals. In my case this was most strikingly ichneumon wasps and impressions of writhing masses of maggots, but another person might get mice, bats, spiders, cats or really any type of living or non-living thing serving the same function. What this is clearly about is the garbage selecting particular material that pushes strong 'phobia' buttons relating to traumas and phobias carried by parasitic lost souls attached to the particular person, or to strongly disturbing elements of 'story' generated from particular primary archetypes, in order to increase the unbearableness of the night hell sequences.

So, in my case the ichneumons and masses of maggots would have been chosen for me because EITHER one or more of the lost souls attached to me were carrying an intense fear / revulsion towards these owing to particular traumas that they were carrying and thus the particular fear / revulsion of theirs would be experienced by me as if it were my own — OR/AND those particular phobia elements were in particular bits of 'story' that the garbage had retrieved from the spewings from certain primary archetypes to which I was connected.

Much further above I mentioned the horrifyingly revulsive sound that was associated with impressions of masses of writhing maggots. My inner inquiry points to the likelihood that the underlying source of that sound was memories held by one or more parasitic lost souls attached to me of a particular everyday sound that even nowadays sounds greatly disturbing to me. That sound is produced when a fly such as a blowfly or bluebottle has failed to get completely clear of its old puparium case, and this interferes with the fly's ability to fly. When it attempts to fly, as well as the standard buzz of its wings you get a harsh high-pitched sort of rattling buzz as one or both of its wings beat extremely fast against the rather papery material of the remains of the old puparium case. In the revulsion hell experiences, that sound had been distorted to give it a more 'wet' and almost voice-like quality.

One thing I noticed time and time again in the various maelstroms of hell visuals was that the majority of the faces that appeared actually looked happy in a way — though there certainly were various others that looked too ugly or grotesque for one to be able so say that they looked happy at all. However, in the context of the hell maelstroms such happy-looking faces were extremely disturbing. Of course they were not really happy beings in the midst of all that hell garbage.

They were simply images of the faces of various beings — 'snapshots' taken from civilizations in various planetary systems and most likely different universes — and most likely most or all of them had been distorted in any case, for the astral non-reality doesn't deal in 'pure' representations and 'pure' truths, and, by its very nature, always deals in some degree of distortion. One way that I'm sure that at least most of the 'happy' faces had been distorted was in making their eyes bulge at least to some extent, giving them some sort of gloating appearance.

On the basis of my own experiences all the pointers are towards the occurrence of hells being NOT directly a malfunction of the person (i.e., caused by something wrong about him), nor some karmic repercussion for the person caused by harmful or 'wicked' things (s)he has done or which have befallen them in a previous lifetime, but being actively produced by the garbage hijacking aspects of the person's awareness to produce the visuals, and working through the attached parasitic human consciousnesses that it's controlling, and harnessing primary archetypes as available for the particular person, in order to attack the person with intense fear and related emotional trauma feelings.

So, let me spell out more prominently that last point. The cause of the intensity of the hell experience is NOT that the presented images are intrinsically upsetting, for nothing is intrinsically so. What makes hells so unbearable is their grotesqueness coupled with attacks with intense trauma emotion feelings — primarily fear-related in the better-known hell types (including 'night terrors').

And what's the source of that trauma material with which the garbage attacks? — Why, of course, either the parasitic lost souls attached to the person or/and the primary archetypes 'actively' connected to him/her! That's the primary role of the parasitic lost souls in hell experiences. They don't attack you themselves. The garbage attacks them, causing particular stored trauma 'energies' / feelings of theirs to arise intensely, and the person feels those, and anything dredged up from relevant primary archetypes, as though they were his own.

Not only that, but the garbage is also constantly feeding in covert 'pseudo-thoughts' or/and open comments or commentaries (as I had) that are designed to make the person believe that something dreadful is about to happen, or that one is irrevocably in some sort of tragic predicament. This ties in with the attack feelings to create a tremendous impression of unbearableness about what's going on. If it were just once it wouldn't be so bad, but it goes on and on.

By the same token, when I was shown hell visuals during certain of my ordeals in 2004 and 2006, and in a particularly spectacular extended all-night ordeal in February 2007, it was a quite different experience for me, even though, especially in the 2007 spectacular, I was being attacked particularly intensely at times. The point is, I then knew I was safe and was just being shown a display, and I recognised the odd intimidating intimations that were made to me as just a lot of old flatus (i.e., fart gas!).

However, this wasn't just a matter of my being adult then, but also being enlightened, so I simply remained proactively peaceful observer of whatever happened, including even the most intense attack feelings. Of course the poor young child has no idea that the feelings aren't his own, nor that, like the visuals, those feelings are nothing more than a display — albeit a disruptively disturbing one — and so the experience is completely overwhelming and simply hell.


Origin of religion-disseminated 'fire and brimstone'-type hells

Top candidate out of any possibilities must surely be real physical volcanoes! Just think — terrifying sizzling, hissing, roaring and indeed often exploding deep pits that are red-to-bright-yellow-hot inside, venting sulphurous fumes, especially sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide, and presumably at times sulphur trioxide and sulphuric acid.

I don't mean that religious leaders directly thought to use volcanoes in that way, but rather, the garbage would have stored a plethora of terrifying experiences of volcanoes in the pool of primary archetypes, and then fed distorted images derived from certain of those to the priests and 'seers' as the (God-sourced) 'hell', complete with pitch-fork wielding demons and what-have-you!


The origin and purpose of second level hells

As for my experiences that could be described as 'second level hells / night terrors' — i.e., my being terrorized and pursued by replicas of various objects that are inanimate in the physical reality — I now understand that these did NOT arise through some attempt of my own mind to get more focused on the fear. That had been just one more of the deceptions given to me by the garbage to deflect me from properly understanding what was really going on, and as part of a virtually lifelong strategy to convince me that for healing purposes I needed to have experiences of extreme severity in revisiting and even re-experiencing old traumas (which, as already noted, I now know didn't belong to me in the first place). Those second-level hells were laid on by the garbage, not by me, in order to give me an exceptionally hard and harrowing time each night.

The real point of the 'second level' hells was to give me further terrifying and otherwise greatly stressful experiences when I managed (as I often did) to get the focus of my awareness out of the primary hells and into a different aspect of consciousness where, if it were not for the garbage interference, I'd have found some respite and peace (but in that event of course, without garbage interference there wouldn't have been anything at all that I needed to escape from in the first place!). Standard hell maelstroms couldn't operate in that aspect of my awareness, but astral realms could be created there, in which other types of troublesome experiences could be and indeed were regularly given to me by the garbage.

Now I understand better the origin of my own impression of being a wolf-like animal during my early childhood night-time ordeals. My inner inquiry supports the hypothesis that I'd actually been given the correct explanation in my 2005 channelling, apart from one crucial point — it was NOT ME that had been into dark practices and putting part of my mind in the brain of a wolf-like animal, but another person a long time ago, whose consciousness was, in this lifetime of mine, one of the parasitic 'lost' souls attached to me. So, if those indications are at all correct, in my night-time torments I was experiencing that person's memories (distorted by the garbage) as though they were my own. Whether correct or not, at least that scenario would make better sense, all other aspects of my situation taken into account.

Real origin of the hell-related nightmare I recounted

I finally, quite serendipitously, established what had to lie behind that horrifying experience of the cabin-like house (with people in it!) quivering and shearing, progressively converting to what looked like roof slates, violently flying off into the sky. In December 2021 I watched part of a YouTube video composed of clips from several videos of high-power tornadoes coming right over, in residential areas — definitely not for the faint-hearted! A real goose-bumps déjà-vu experience, that was!

Evidently that nightmare had been sourced from one or more memory 'video clips' stored within both fundamental memory and from the generalized pooled impressions of such experiences and their terror, horror and sense of extreme violence out of anyone's control, that is stored in the seething cesspit of primary archetypes. That included the horror of knowing people were being mangled and killed as their own homes were destroyed and became just more bits and pieces violently flying up into the air.

As for the nightmare overall, really that would hardly count as a 'normal' nightmare. If I were to stick a category label on it, perhaps 'hell-extension nightmare' would be a good one to use.


— and now Tögal revisited…

Does all this more balanced insight that I've gained now exonerate Tögal and similar esoteric meditation practices that I'd so grievously impugned? — My answer to this is a resounding 'NO'!

It has been through use of such practices that people on Earth and, if I understand correctly, human-type beings in many other locations in this Universe if not other universes too, have unwittingly, through visualizations covertly directed by the garbage, created the material that the latter would then subsequently use in people's hells and any other troublesome hallucinations, apparitions or 'psychotic' manifestations.

Even supposedly completely innocent and bona-fide visualizations, such as of great buddhas and beneficial deities are part of this arsenal used by the garbage, for, although it doesn't have the creativity to come up with the material in the first place, it's proficient in distorting material as it presents it to individuals, in ways that it calculates will be maximally disturbing / upsetting to those particular people.

Even if a person uses such meditation techniques without visualizing anything in them, that person is nonetheless creating an illusory reality that's being used by the garbage to ensnare that person when (s)he dies. So, NO use of such esoteric meditation practices is ever benign, even though in, say, Tibetan Buddhism, those methods are hailed as advanced practices taking you rapidly to enlightenment. In fact they don'thing of the kind and are an absolute menace, whether or not you do them 'correctly' under the guidance of a so-called qualified guru or 'Master'.

So, what is that 'Sambogakaya' level of consciousness that Tögal and various other Vajrayana Buddhist practices get you opening up to? Is it really just a gnat's whisker from the non-duality of the deepest level of consciousness — 'the Ultimate' — as all those Vajrayana practitioners believe? — Not on your bloody nelly! It's simply an astral realm, created in the astral non-reality. That's why I say these practices are an absolute menace. They're effectively 'dark' practices masquerading as ones for enlightenment and liberation.


New insights in 2015 — making real sense of it all!

Towards the end of 2015 I got an apparently ground-breaking set of insights into the true nature and purpose of the astral, and it became clear that its being accessible at all to people's 'ordinary minds' was something of a configuration error in human consciousness at a deep level, and that such accessibility was the root cause of all the masses of problems that beset Humanity not only now but probably since near the beginning of the presence of human-type beings anywhere in all of 'Existence'.

The point here is that effectively what we had all innocently been regarding as some sort of (albeit troublesome) alternative reality was nothing other than the equivalent of a system-reserved partition on the system drive of a computer. You wouldn't seriously go using that partition for your own purposes, would you? — But that's effectively what we've all unwittingly been doing with the astral non-reality, for it's really a 'system-reserved' area or aspect of consciousness that was intended only for use by subconscious levels of one's awareness to use as a sort of deep-level scratch-pad and working-out area to assist the creativity process.

So, even before people started polluting (i.e., corrupting) it by stuffing it with thought forms and indeed unwittingly creating the garbage, their attention would have been drawn to it because they'd have seen weird things there, which were really just the 'internals' of various bits of deep-level creativity processes at work, and not at all meant for observation by anyone's conscious mind.

Although for the most part it wouldn't be possible for us to tell whether any particular things we see in hell visuals are, or are derived from, the actually legitimate material working out in the astral, my indications are that generally visuals in the nature of what I've been calling night hell periphery experiences would be at least close to being the legitimate material. That does NOT mean at all that it's okay after all to watch that stuff, for it was never meant for observation by the 'ordinary mind' in the first place, and it still effectively acts as a lure to keep one's attention in the astral, whereas your attention needs to be almost anywhere but there.


…And now a caution about getting into belief about this

Now I must give a gentle caution about all that I've written above. My understanding is that it's highly problematical for us to go into belief on aspects of 'story' or supposed higher or non-physical reality surrounding our lives, for such beliefs increase our potential for interference and control from the garbage, of which I say more further below, quite apart from such beliefs' tendency to directly limit our ability to live happy and fulfilling lives, living fully in the present. It's through keeping out of belief (and indeed out of disbelief, which is also a belief) and living fully in the present with open minds that we render ourselves least vulnerable to the garbage agenda, and indeed live as fully healthy humans.

For this reason, I'd encourage people not to get attached to the above explanation of the hells issue nor the particular scenario I've outlined. What I'm really concerned about here is simply what we need to know in order to resolve the scourge of hells and related phenomena. What I'm presenting is a practical working model — NOT a statement of 'fact' or 'Truth'.

So, to what extent do we really need to know the precise origin of my or anyone's hell experiences? — I think the answer to this is actually Probably not that much on the part of the average mental healthcare worker — but what's crucial is an awareness of the involvement of the garbage and parasitic human consciousnesses / primary archetypes (giving rise to experiences and emotional traumas and issues that appear not to have an obvious origin in the person's life), for without that sort of understanding there's not a dog's chance in hell (sic) of ever genuinely resolving such issues, because one would be pointing in hopelessly wrong and ineffective directions.


Mental health implications for other affected people

It's apparent that hells, including 'night terrors', are generally part of a 'package' that includes severe emotional trauma (which typically is a mixture of that belonging to attached lost souls and that built into the primary archetypes, and really which doesn't belong to the particular person at all) and interferences from the garbage.

A fair number of people who've had night hells may not be aware that they've had them, because the experience was so overwhelming that the memory of it had been firmly shut off upon waking.

Thus psychiatric workers would often not notice the stored trauma material (actually generally that of the attached lost souls plus effects of any primary archetype connections, rather than belonging to the person) or at least wouldn't correctly identify it, because they don't have the awareness or training to look sufficiently below the surface and see what's really going on.

Indeed in some of these cases the effects of the attached 'lost' souls and the primary archetypes with their big store of trauma emotions would be unhelpfully given one of the 'personality disorder' labels, then leading to 'treatment' (usually drugs and maybe ECT) for that supposed personality disorder — so further directing everyone involved away from the true cause of the problem and its real healing requirements, in addition to causing further harm to the affected person.

It's exactly like a patient presenting to his doctor painful ears when he listens to music, and ringing in the ears afterwards, and the doctor obligingly gives the patient some medication to try and reduce the ear pain and 'ringing' — with absolutely no interest in what was actually causing the fellow's ears to hurt and be 'ringing' — the over-loud volume of the music!

Okay, in that case the problem is self-inflicted, but otherwise the principle is exactly the same. Indeed, if one looked even closer, one would see that almost certainly it was garbage interference that would direct the fellow to be harming himself with over-loud music in the first place (a splendid way of still further closing down a person's awareness and generally dehumanizing him!). So actually the true healing need there isn't only readjusting the music volume but actually clearing out the garbage interferences, including, very likely, an assemblage of attached lost souls and some primary archetype connections.

Another thing that mental healthcare workers ALWAYS need to remember (but sadly in almost all cases wouldn't even take on board in the first place) about people who have, or have had, hell experiences is that these latter people will be either no-soul incarnations, or very early soul incarnations (that is, people who are first or possibly second time incarnations from their respective souls). Regardless of hells and other garbage interferences, such people would always be impossible for ALL psychiatrists and psychologists, and almost all other mental healthcare workers, to understand correctly*.

* Their 'thinking' that they understand them just helps to demonstrate that they simply lack the awareness that makes true understanding possible. Unawareness makes people unwittingly totally dishonest about their supposed ability to understand other people.

Such people, with no or little soul programming, have much deeper awareness and sensitivity, and a much greater potential for excelling and manifesting a joyful and creative abundance in their lives, which is quite different from the normal (strongly soul-programmed) person's narrow horizons and gauging his/her life's fulfilment on the basis of material pursuits and successes or getting stuck into some sort of narrow religious or 'spiritual' rut.

They also, because of their lack of soul programming, tend to be a bit awkward socially and very often not to 'fit in' very readily, because they're less inclined to learn or accept social rules and conventions, which for the most part seem alien to them*, and a much freer, flexible and more spontaneous manner of interacting with people comes most naturally to them.**

* Indeed, such rules and conventions would seem alien to any truly well-functioning person, for they simply don't make real sense!

** Such a person might well give me a warm, affectionate and really meant hug, full of love and the joy of life — regardless of gender. Now, imagine a psychiatric doctor, or even any ordinary, soul programmed person, trying such a thing with me! They'd be scared out of their pants, and simply couldn't do it! An extremely rare individual might conceivably put their arms around me, but, as the saying goes, One swallow doesn't make a summer!

Unfortunately, psychiatric doctors, psychiatrists and most other mental healthcare workers carry soul programming of their own (courtesy the garbage) that directs them not only to fail to understand such unprogrammed people but actually to seek to impose their own limited view of reality and the nature of 'mind' onto them, and to harm them in various ways to close their awareness (seeing the latter as a type of personality disorder that requires some sort of 'treatment' or at the very least deserves a prejudicial label such as 'schizotype').

This is all part of the garbage's overall strategy to use pressures from all sorts of sources and directions particularly upon no-soul people, to limit them and keep them well sidetracked away from genuine self-healing, self-actualization, and clearance of garbage-related obstacles such as their attached parasitic lost souls and primary archetype connections.


'Night terrors'

Typically, a child with what's labelled 'night terrors' wakes up in abject terror but can't describe a specific nightmare or cause of the terror. Now that we're armed with the description of what I was experiencing as a young child we have some idea of the likely cause of this previously mystifying 'condition'. The child has been receiving visual displays primarily directly from the garbage, while the latter was also attacking certain of the lost souls attached to the child or/and 'milking' one or more of the child's primary archetype connections to give the experience of intense fear and related emotions, even though those emotions for the most part didn't truly belong to the particular child but were those of the attached lost souls or connected primary archetypes.

So, the unfortunate child has been having an absolutely overwhelming, hell experience that it can't describe, and indeed in many cases the child would most likely block off the memory of the horror show upon awakening, so that all that's left for a concerned parent to observe is the naked terror.

The child's desperate experience is further compounded by the fact that the parents almost invariably can't be truly supportive to him/her, because they themselves are troubled by their child's terror and really have no understanding of how they could be supportive. Thus, instead of real emotional support the child has worried parents, who would blindly seek to shush the child up — whether 'nicely' or roughly — simply to try to salve their own discomfort at what's apparently happening for the child.

If the child repeatedly disturbs the parents through waking up in distress, inevitably a doctor of some sort would get involved, and of course the whole matter would then be treated as an actual medical condition that supposedly requires 'treatment', so drugs that shut down the awareness and have all manner of very harmful long-term physical effects are given to the unfortunate child to try to make him/her more 'normal' in order to keep the parents and the doctor comfortable in their unawareness. — SICK!

We need to understand, then, that anyone who experiences hells (and not all children will express their terror openly, so that some may pass undiagnosed, as indeed I did) is carrying a significant load of emotional trauma from that source, which, although probably mostly not their own, is still real and needs to be cleared or healed.

If this isn't healed or cleared out it will lead to further problems, including keeping the person in the 'clutches' of the garbage, which WILL then cause further, serious problems in the future — which in the majority of cases wouldn't be recognised as being caused by garbage interference and the presence of attached human consciousnesses at all and so would remain unresolved. We should therefore not be deceived by the child coming to a point where the 'night terrors' appear to stop. That does not mean that the real problem has gone away.

It's sometimes thought that 'night terrors' have been caused by strict or abusive parents, but I must stress that, by the very nature of the phenomenon, this can NEVER be the case, although such parents would undoubtedly exacerbate the child's problems, and in rare cases could be a triggering factor of the hells for a child who otherwise would have been just about resistant enough to garbage interference not to experience them.

In my case the cessation of the nightly horror shows came about at the age of six through my starting to fantasize about an adventure serial in a comic. That helped to ground my awareness and mental focus, but although I didn't have further night hells the underlying issue was still present, completely unresolved, and was to be a problem for me in various ways whenever my awareness got more ungrounded or I got particular stresses.

Although night hell displays are typically a childhood occurrence because as we grow up our thought processes and fantasies take our focus more into a grounded state of perception, some adults do experience varying degrees of the horror shows, and these may not necessarily be restricted to night time and then would be described as hallucinations.

These people are then typically labelled as mentally ill, psychotic or schizophrenic and given harmful drugs such as Diazepam, Haloperidol, or indeed electro-convulsive therapy (ECT), to try to hide the problem and also to try to prevent the much needed emotional release — of which latter most mental healthcare workers, and especially psychiatric doctors and psychiatrists are greatly afraid, because the garbage has interfered with them to make them unaware in ways that exacerbate their patients' problems rather than truly address and resolve them.


'Night terrors' and high intelligence

A quick Web search reveals that various sources recognise that people who have (had) 'night terrors' tend to have relatively high intelligence. As far as I know, however, none of those sources has had any inkling of the real reason for that. They just tend to assume that the high intelligence must be part of some sort of mental illness or 'syndrome' that causes the 'night terrors'. In fact the situation is rather the other way round. The affected individuals, as already noted, will generally be no-soul people or people who've incarnated probably no more than twice before and thus still have very little soul programming.

These are fundamentally and potentially the best-functioning people, with the deepest awareness and at least potentially the greatest intelligence. Unfortunately their greater awareness, while of overriding importance, and not something that one should ever seek to limit or close down, is also their Achilles heel, because the garbage exploits that and their relatively weak grounding to use various means to screw them up emotionally and mentally and, in at least some cases, effectively to wreck them altogether — and nocturnal hell experiences are generally the first step in that process.


Substance misuse

My understanding is that at least some of the troublesome hallucinations that some adults experience, not necessarily at night, apparently resulting from previous substance abuse, are actually hell / 'night terrors' visuals that have been triggered by certain disruptions of normal brain function caused by the particular drugs — the underlying result being to reduce the person's degree of grounding (i.e., to increase the imbalance of their entire being, away from their physical experience and towards their non-physical experience), so increasing their tendency to open to the astral non-reality, thus making them more susceptible to interference from the garbage. Cannabis, LSD and various other 'psychedelic' drugs can cause this — and also, apparently, a very significant proportion of psychiatric medications.

I warn here, however, that alcohol and tobacco products, in their different ways, also achieve this end of increasing people's susceptibility to the garbage, and that any true healing methodology needs to involve cutting out ALL mind affecting, addictive or habit-forming drugs, whether or not anyone regards some of them as beneficial or therapeutic. 'Therapeutic', my haemorrhoidal arse!


Attacks from the garbage

Please see the relevant section in The true nature of 'the forces of darkness' and its interference and attacks. As already noted, it's these attacks plus intruded 'pseudo-thoughts' that make the hell visuals into such a hellish experience.

Now, before I go on to present real healing possibilities for susceptibility to hell experiences, let's just do a recap on the tremendous 'benefits' of our psychiatric and 'mental health' services…


Somebody, please remind me
what psychiatry and so-called 'mental health' is supposed to achieve!

Does psychiatry really work or help for 'night terrors'?

Question mark EITHER…

ECT — electro-convulsive therapy
'Treatments' galore!

Forbidding-looking psychiatric hospital — "Abandon hope all ye who enter!"
Where the eff is your future?!!
  • Degrading, disempowering 'diagnoses' that are nothing more than prejudicial labels;
  • Any professional counselling or 'analysis' has the general effect of trying to remain in denial of the real, underlying cause of any issue, and usually to dwell upon analysing or responding to details of the issue's 'illusion side', so actually reinforcing the garbage involvement — and it's almost always disempowering;
  • You have to undergo 'treatment' — drugs, ECT (all very harmful long term and intrinsically disempowering);
  • Attempting to hide problems and, at best, to patch a person up to be able to 'cope' — much being made of 'coping strategies';
  • Normality (i.e.,a normal level of dysfunction) is the ultimate goal, NOT healthy, full functioning;
  • By the same token, if you're enlightened and relatively advanced in your self-actualization process, you're liable to be diagnosed as somewhat disordered, and thus as a person who needs 'treatment' for certain of your areas of abnormally good functioning;
  • If you talk at all of the garbage — the real cause of much if not all your problem(s) — you're at once seen as at least somewhat disordered;
  • You accumulate harmful and disempowering thought forms and sometimes even 'entities' (soul fragments or/and elementals), picked up from doctors, mental healthcare workers and also other 'patients';
  • Your awareness progressively dulls, contracts and becomes less deep.
  • Result - If you're very 'lucky' you might become less aware of your issue(s) and thus just possibly become a bit more comfortable and 'normal' — but you'd always tend to depend on the medical and psychiatric services — the supposed 'experts' — when things get 'difficult'. Your life experience is dull and limited, even if you believe you're 'happy' (actually not knowing what real happiness is). You aren't anything much of a positive force for other people.
    Unless you're exceptionally lucky, your problems would get progressively worse, for they've been aggravated and added to, and you'd thus become progressively more open and vulnerable to garbage interferences and 'entity' attachments.
    Your physical health wouldn't improve, and indeed would deteriorate further over a long period. You may take medication to try to hide the real problem by countering some symptoms, but that can't stop the overall decline in your health.
    Also, for the rest of your life you'd be carrying a social stigma — of having been labelled as 'mentally ill', whether or not you'd been really ill at all.

Question mark

Question mark OR…

Crisis Emergency Self-Help
— The best starting-point for getting into the right mindset for then taking up the various methods pointed to, for clearing your issues yourself, cultivating your own joyful self-command, and dissolving all manner of garbage attacks and interferences, including any hell experiences, and progressively immunizing yourself to any future attempted incursions of such disturbances.

Tapping mudra, used in a safe and effective REAL self-healing methodology
Tapping mudra, used in a safe and effective REAL self-healing methodology

Affirmations & declarations of intent for healing & self-actualization
— Centred around what's almost certainly the most potent and effective set of affirmations and declarations of intent for fundamental healing and self-actualization that you'll ever have seen. Use this as a powerful foundation of any personal plan for self-healing, self-actualization or removal of foreign 'energies', 'entities' and garbage ('dark force') interferences.

Philip Goddard hiking on grassy cliff-slope near Land's End
In one's element, hiking near Land's End — enjoying life with new levels of freedom and 'grounded buoyancy'

  • Applying clear-mindedness to the issue, and recognising its real underlying cause and the true nature of the latter;
  • Effective measures to progressively resolve the issue — all of them joyful, beneficial and profoundly and comprehensively life-enhancing self-actualization methods — all of them self-empowering, and most of them grounding;
  • Full and healthy functioning is the goal — NOT normality, NOR what people expect of you;
  • Because you're working on yourself, using the resources of your own deepest aspects, and not requiring anyone else's assistance, your self-healing methods can't cause you to pick up entities, thought forms or other 'energy nasties' from anyone;
  • Your methods progressively strengthen and immunize you against garbage interference / attacks and entity attachments;
  • You progressively gain in extensiveness and depth of awareness.
  • Result - You become progressively LESS normal, because you're becoming FREE, more clear-minded and more and more happy in a joyful, vibrant sort of way. Your life experience becomes more vivid, abundant and positive. You're a strong positive force for other people — being a natural catalyst of other people's beginning to move towards self-actualization and gaining inner clarity and freedom.
    Your physical health would improve (mostly very gradually) over a long time. In areas of your physical condition where actual improvement isn't possible, at least any deterioration would considerably slow down.

Paragliding — Freedom!
Freedom! — Psychiatric doctors may call it hypermania and give drugs to 'cure' it — the wise-guys!

Question mark

There's no should or shouldn't about any of this.
I understood and made my choice. Your choice is yours alone to make!


True healing possibilities for hells and related phenomena

Self-actualization beats Psychiatry — hands down! — logo

The great good news is that broadly the same set of methods works to clear hell susceptibility and indeed virtually any other so-called 'mental health' issue — and by far the most effective and safe set of methods that I know of is actually presented on this very website.

The fundamental key is people reducing / eliminating the hold of the garbage upon themselves, while simultaneously using the most helpful possible strategies to ameliorate the above issues while that underlying cause is being progressively addressed. It's important that such a balanced approach be maintained and never slide into a 'symptom suppression' mindset, seeking to hide the issue rather than resolve it.

Hazard sign Caution! Despite any claims you may encounter to the contrary, you can't effectively use what people generally call 'spiritual healing', in any of its forms, including Reiki, Vortex Healing and shamanic healing, for clearing of hells, garbage or 'entity' issues.

This is because those healing methods are all distorted by connections with the garbage, which latter is generally involved in any healing work using those methods. That ensures that hell / garbage / 'entity' issues are NOT cleared and indeed may be exacerbated. My own involvement in various spiritual healing methods, including Reiki, actually helped bring on my own massive troubles with the garbage.

Indeed, such 'healing' methods are at best pretty ineffective for any genuine life improvement at all.


A note about medication and ECT

Antipsychotic drugs such as Haloperidol are harmful not only through their many side effects (most of which are unrecognised in the medical profession because they manifest as health issues in later years and their real cause would thus never be recognised). Also, if they have any apparently useful effect at all, it's primarily through to some extent hiding the problem.

So, they don't genuinely address or resolve the problem, so that then the underlying issue is left unresolved, and thus the person never gets out of the clutches of the garbage and has an unenviable and indeed chilling future lined up for the real long term (i.e., beyond this lifetime).

Such drugs are thus not tools nor agents of true healing. The one positive indication for their use, as a pragmatic measure, is for very temporary crisis management when things have temporarily got just too much to handle.

I myself kept a small stock of Haloperidol (eventually replaced by Risperidone) and also some Zopiclone sleeping tablets just to enable me to attempt to get a certain amount of sleep when under major attack from the garbage. In other words it was only for an occasional night in extremis that I'd been using such medication. Long-lasting 'depot' injections don't belong in a true healing regime.

As far as concerns ECT (electro-convulsive therapy), I'm inclined to call it The Mind Smasher. All of its apparently positive effects are achieved through immense destructiveness, in disrupting and destroying communication pathways in the brain that are involved in the troublesome experiences — whether it be depression, anxiety, 'voices' or whatever.

Unfortunately that destruction is also cutting out a lot of everyday brain function and effectively destroys a whole range of parts of the mind, decreasing the person's deeper awareness and ability ever to heal properly (i.e., in the holistic sense). Antipsychotic drugs ('chemical coshes') do this too in their own different ways, but ECT isn't so much a cosh as a wantonly flailed-about sledgehammer — like using a large flail instead of a pair of secateurs.

It's the star mind destroyer in the psychiatric establishment's arsenal of mind screwing measures — second only to the long-discredited and (hopefully!) long-disused prefrontal lobotomy operation, which itself was really an attenuated variant of pithing.

Not only that, but, if my own inner inquiry on this is anything to go by, ECT, like any other gross electrical or electronic stress on a person, does immense damage to the person's non-physical aspects ('energy system'), which leaves a whole range of stresses and distortions there, which add to the accumulating load of such damage that would then manifest later in life as all manner of physical problems that medics would regard as largely age related. In other words, like heavy smoking, ECT can be expected to shorten a person's life expectancy, also generally reducing the quality of physical health later in life.

Patient set up for ECT
ECT — Better wiped off the face of the Earth!

I did present below specific methods for addressing the main issues caused by hells / 'night terrors', but now, with a clearer understanding, I see all that as a bit confusing and so I'm taking them together, because really the overall and really fundamental issue is that of garbage interference, in whatever form it may manifest for any particular person.

Basically, I refer you to the following pages (and relevant pages that they link to), which give much information on methods to clear emotional issues / traumas, get properly grounded, and to progressively strengthen your non-physical aspects, so that you eventually become invulnerable to all garbage interferences and 'entity' attachments, and I include some further, important notes further below — and also, very importantly, to stall garbage attacks, hells and other troublesome manifestations as soon as you become aware of them. Then after that short list I give a brief summary run-down of


Grounding is the crucial TOP PRIORITY

The primary and top priority general healing and crisis management need in the case of night-hell-related phenomena, hearing voices, and indeed ALL so-called mental illness and 'personality disorder', is NOT medication but grounding — though certain well chosen medications (primarily something like Zopiclone, to get some sleep if indeed sleeplessness is a major issue) used briefly in addition may help to get through an extreme situation before grounding measures have had time to take significant effect.

For an important explanation about the nature of sleep and the effects of sleeping medication, including how to minimize the latter's harmful effects, please see Ways of handling a prospective rough or sleepless night.

There are two aspects of grounding. One is the state of 'physical connectedness' of the whole person including their non-physical aspects. Any weakness of this fundamental aspect of grounding, contrary to what virtually all spiritual 'healers' would tell you, can't be quickly rectified, and needs ongoing healing and positive life change work of the right kind to cultivate the optimal state of 'balanced grounding'.

However, there's another aspect of grounding, and that's the state of balance or otherwise of one's conscious awareness. You can be quite reasonably grounded overall and yet have particular circumstances such as an emotional shock or/and garbage interference that unbalances and ungrounds part of your awareness. The state of your conscious awareness is much more volatile than your 'physical' or overall groundedness, and a particular part of it can generally get poorly or well grounded relatively quickly, regardless of the state of one's underlying groundedness.

Because mental healthcare work at the moment is so much geared to trying to cope with crises rather than resolving underlying issues, it would be the grounding of conscious awareness that needs to be the first line of action for mental healthcare workers. That's in any case the most immediate need even in a full healing strategy or methodology, for little else can be done for a person while their awareness is seriously ungrounded and they're unable to 'take a step back' from their issue to take a more detached and practical view of it.

To illustrate my point, let's look at the example of me myself when I got hospitalized four times because of my particular garbage shenanigans*. Each time I saw to it that I had either no medication or as little as the doctors would allow me to take, which for most of the time was little enough to have no more than marginal effect — on the basis that I had a fair idea of what was going on for me and was sure that all I really needed was supportive humans around me to enable me to get rebalanced — and explained it articulately to the doctors and nursing staff — and recovered very quickly each time.

I'm pretty sure that, especially in my second two hospitalizations (in 2006), many of the hospital staff must have been wondering how it came about that such an articulate and apparently sane man had got admitted to the hospital in the first place, and was so speedily recovering from whatever it was (within at most a couple of days) without their having to do anything to him!

My situation was actually this. As compared with the vast majority of 'healers', mystics, psychics and so on, I'd been particularly well grounded and was thus actually not particularly open to garbage influences and particularly the sorts of belief that such influences seek to cultivate in such people. My 'undoing' had been through my getting into various types of spiritual healing and then taking on the garbage-connected methodology and beliefs of the 'healers' I was associating with — albeit always holding everything at arm's length (because my awareness was still fundamentally quite well grounded) and never regarding anything as certain truth.

However, by taking those various notions on, I was progressively ungrounding a particular part of my awareness, and so it came that my awareness was getting quite open to the astral non-reality (through which the garbage operates), and I really believed that I could channel from true higher beings, and when the results of my channelling turned out to be strange and troublesome I acted in a quite ungrounded manner in some respects, in holding onto the notion that I could, and actually needed to, channel from higher beings.

— So I kept channelling despite all the glaring evidence of massive garbage involvement and the continuing nasty tricks on me and then the nightmarish attacks. I also amazingly readily accepted stories that I was given by the garbage posing as higher sources — albeit always trying to filter out good information from the fiction.

However, because overall I was still relatively well grounded, the massive attacks from the garbage failed to achieve what the latter was really after, which was apparently something extremely sinister, which I'm not going into here but you can read about in The 'forces of darkness' ('astral beings') — My own tough experiences.

I say this with considered hindsight and insight, and not in any mindset of paranoia. It was my underlying relatively good groundedness that enabled me progressively to extricate myself from the morass that the garbage was trying to pull me down into — actually learning from its attempts to bring me down, and using what I'd learnt in order to weaken its hold on me.

It was this groundedness that enabled me to be so articulate with hospital and Crisis Team staff — and indeed also right here on this website! — and to speedily get back into excellent balance each time, once a bit of supportive human contact had assisted me in getting my awareness fully grounded again after the garbage had launched another crisis-level attack. — and indeed to build up from scratch a working model and methodology that has made me in very great degree immune to garbage interferences, with no further need for any sort of call upon 'mental health' (sic — i.e., sick joke!) services.

For measures to address grounding issues, see Healing and self-actualization — The safest and quickest way.


Reducing / eliminating hell visuals

  • Keep clear of or discontinue any esoteric meditation practices, and similarly even any normal sitting meditation that you may have been doing.

  • Discontinue or keep clear of any 'dark' practices of any type.

  • Also keep clear of religion or 'spiritual' practices or beliefs of any type, for those themselves are ALL garbage-sourced (unknown to almost everyone) and actually make it much more difficult to truly clear your unhealthy garbage connections.
  • Grounding of your awareness — very important!
    When a hell visual* occurs, best not to try to avoid it altogether, but rather, to look for just a few seconds clearly at the images and then to refocus your attention to the normal level of consciousness (everyday 'reality') and ignore any continuation of the display. If the display persists for at all long, it may be helpful after some time to look clearly at it again for a few seconds, and then again to withdraw your attention to the physical world.

    * Actually, this applies not just strictly to obvious hell visuals but to ANY visuals, such as faces of supposed entities, strange landscapes and so on, no matter whether your feelings towards them are adverse, neutral or even supposedly positive. Generally speaking, if you were not getting interference you wouldn't get ANY vivid images coming up unbidden, and so the need is always to get your visual awareness grounded enough to cut off or dissolve that sort of interference, whether or not you like what you're seeing.

    In this way you're (maybe gradually) retraining yourself to distinguish between the level of the 'dark' visuals and normal consciousness, and to keep your attention in normal consciousness by default — asserting your self command. On the other hand, to keep watching the display would perpetuate or even compound the problem.

    However, by far the most effective way of handling the above is, when you've looked at the display for just a few seconds, to use a powerful and grounding practice that I call eight-point eye movements, which is fully described on my page Some potent self-actualization / healing practices. On that page I give directions for using the practice, both to initially disrupt the displays and to progressively eliminate the tendency for them to occur.

    A simpler way of 'tuning out' of the hell visuals, which I found more recently and may be just as effective, is, while keeping your eyes closed, to 'look' with concentration at the inside of your eyelids. Of course you don't actually see anything in particular, but if you do that with clear intent, what you can achieve is the grounding of your visual awareness.

    That's also what you achieve by opening your eyes and seeing physical 'reality' around you, but if you're in bed and wanting to go to sleep, then this method, which you can use with your eyes closed, and which doesn't distract you from going to sleep, is exactly what's needed. Also, you may find that there's a particular direction to point your eyes to have maximum effect while looking at the inside of your eyelids. For me it's towards my nose, but the exact most helpful direction may well be a very individual thing.

    It works well enough for me that for some years now I've hardly ever needed to use the eight point eye movements when the garbage has been intruding hell or other visuals.

    It's also helpful to keep aware of other physical sensations — your breathing, the feel of your bedlinen, and ambient sounds, and so forth (inwardly reminding yourself all the time that they are reality — not the hell visuals), for that all helps ground your awareness. On the other hand you'd need to disregard any 'weird' perceptions such as an apparent entity touching you or trying to move part of your body. In other words, you keep your attention on what your own deepest good sense informs you is the straightforward physical 'reality'.

    If you don't succeed in eliminating the disturbances quickly on the particular occasion, and so it appears that you're in for a disturbed and probably sleepless night, there's a great way of handling the situation — the supportive surroundings strategy. For more about this, please see Ways of handling a prospective rough or sleepless night.

  • When you do see any sort of display, maintain awareness that the display is just that — an 'empty' display. Never mind how horrific or menacing any images are, they're just a display and can't physically harm you. Any feelings of fear or panic are an attack from the garbage and don't represent any objective reality about the images. Also, any menacing or intimidating thoughts will almost certainly NOT be your own thoughts, and it's extremely helpful to recognise them as messages intruded upon you to try to frighten or upset you — and NOT as your own assessment of the situation.

  • Never use cannabis nor any other psychedelic or so-called recreational drug, as these can cause future hell visuals, not necessarily at night. They also make you more ungrounded and weaken your non-physical aspects, so making you still more open and vulnerable to the garbage — and indeed also to 'spirit attachments' and troublesome elementals — which may attach themselves to you and further compound the problem.

  • Keep off legal, socially accepted drugs too — particularly alcohol and nicotine in any form. They too make you more ungrounded and render you more vulnerable to the garbage and much more likely to pick up 'spirit attachments'. If that's a bit hard for you to swallow, there's a considerable chance that it's the garbage that's manipulating you into wanting hold onto the use of such harmful substances and maybe seeking to justify use of them. People often insist that 'moderate' drinking is okay — but that's just the words of their own addictions and garbage manipulations. Why on earth make yourself more vulnerable to the garbage and open to 'entities' at all?

It's important for those who've been using formal meditation practices (whether ordinary or esoteric) to understand that if they resume their practices after having used any methods to eliminate their hells susceptibility, or any part of it, then they're to some extent undoing the beneficial effects of their 'anti-night-hells' methods — so it's important that such meditation practices never be resumed. There are much more effective means in any case to bring you towards enlightenment and self-actualization, and so formal meditation sessions are absolutely pointless.

The same principle goes for use of drugs. Oh, just one more smoke won't do any harm or Of course I'll still have a pint with the boys — just one pint is harmless enough and will do me a world of good is no option at all for anyone serious about getting clear of their garbage / entity issues, or indeed serious about self-actualization / self-realization (which is the definitive 'protection' against all garbage and 'entity' issues).


Attacks with stress / trauma emotions

The primary hell trauma emotions requiring release are generally fear and related emotions such as anxiety, apprehension, panic, possibly full-throttle terror and also revulsion, along with emotions (not all easily categorized) associated with separation, disconnection and extreme loneliness and isolation. Most of the time what we call terror is some combination of fear and panic, but in my experience there did seem to be a still more powerful and quite rare emotion that went beyond these and which I'm referring to as terror (though I'd not want to be categorical about the exact nature of any such experiences, for the garbage can do so much to cause confusion).

Encouraging trembling and laughter and crying — the natural release processes for these emotions — would appear to be what's needed. However, the overwhelming amount of the stored relevant trauma emotion energy (even though, generally speaking, it would be the trauma of parasitic 'lost' souls attached to the person or/and coming through primary archetype connections rather than emotional issues of his own) means that really there's just too much for the basic natural release processes to clear in any sort of reasonable time-scale, even by use of such a respected emotional clearance method as Re-evaluation Counselling*.

* I explain about the various drawbacks I found in using that method, in My own self-actualization process or 'path' — Part 1.

Additionally, a true healing regime would address other, apparently non-night-hell-related trauma emotions, not only for the general benefit of the affected person but also specifically to reduce and eventually eliminate all ammunition that the garbage could use in its attacks. It can attack, for example, with depression (or rather, with what causes depression), or self doubt or anger, even though these would be mostly related to other issues than the hells.

Thus the healing measures for the hells really need to be thought of as general emotional healing measures, albeit with a special emphasis on clearing the fear-related emotions — except that the best emotional healing methods that I know now provide across-the-board emotional healing, so that any talk of an emphasis on healing a particular type of emotion is unnecessary and indeed meaningless.

Thus, as I'm intimating, help is at hand. Please see Healing and self-actualization — The safest and quickest way, and note particularly Self-Power Walking and Grounding Point, though I list some other effective methods too.

As to what can be done for people who aren't willing to use the appropriate self-healing / self-actualization methods to clear their issues, much thought and awareness needs to be applied, because there are ethical issues involved in directly interfering in a person's free choice — though too much can be made of those because a person who is resistant to clearing their issues is actually being controlled by the garbage anyway and may need some compulsion from really aware and caring support workers in order to get out of his/her invisible imprisonment at the 'hands' of the garbage.

However, there are certain ways that ALL healthcare workers — no matter whether medical or psychiatric or high-ranking consultants or student nurses — can assist even those who on the face of it wouldn't get using self-healing / self-actualization methods themselves. I mention three here:

  • For the workers to take up The Work, use it diligently upon themselves on an ongoing basis, and, when the method is truly 'in their blood', to give guided sessions of that method, for clients / patients who would accept this. They could thus guide people through working in an effective way on some of their issues and at least bring them some genuine benefit even though not the comprehensive and ongoing healing and self-actualization that would fully clear the person's garbage interferences and emotional issues.

    It's also necessary to understand, when using those and indeed many other emotional clearance methods, that traumas carried by the person that actually belong to an attached 'lost' soul, and those that are really based in primary archetypes, can't be cleared as speedily as those actually belonging to the person. Indeed, those residing in primary archetypes can't be cleared at all.

    Thus one of the person's own traumas might conceivably clear in a single well executed inquiry session using The Work, but any traumas belonging to attached entities may require a number of repeats of more or less the same inquiry sequence over a fair period to clear them, with a fair degree of uncertainty as to whether they could ever be fully cleared that way.

  • A potentially much more powerful bunch of options is to have guided, supervised group sessions of Self-Power Walking, Grounding Point, Feedback-Loop Zapper and Environmental Stress Zapper for clients / patients who are willing to do either of these, and even certain other practices that I give on this site, such as Expanding Clarity and Clarity-Power Marching, for suitably enthusiastic individuals. In a supportive group setting, many would surely be happy to have a go — and would enjoy it — even if they wouldn't dream of or be seen dead doing it on their own.

    I'd very happily instruct groups of healthcare workers in these powerful and completely safe practices, as long as my time and expenses are reasonably paid for, and subject of course to practicability for me with regard to scheduling / location / travel.



Self-actualization beats Psychiatry — hands down! — logo

In my own four hospitalizations I saw for myself how at least most of the patients were bored out of their minds (sic), and various of them (quite often including me) were left to aimlessly pace up and down the corridors for a good bit of their time (especially if one didn't want to spend time in the smoking room and watch television or have one's lungs poisoned, and, usually, listen to pop music).

Wouldn't it be wonderful if that natural walking urge — because underneath the surface everyone knows that walking itself is therapeutic and life-giving — were properly harnessed and these people were encouraged into guided Self-Power Walking and even encouraged to do bits of it when pacing the corridors on their own — starting to get some sense of healing themselves and regaining their intrinsic power! And also to use the Grounding Point procedure at suitable spots when out on the odd walks.

Of course upon my pointing to the benefits of mental healthcare workers getting patients / clients actually using some of my methods for their own healing, I can hear the chorus of despairing hospital staff — But we haven't the resources to do that sort of thing!. — To which my reply to them would be as follows:

Rubbish! At the moment your resources are being squandered by the extremely wasteful practice of the 'medical model' being used where it's signally inappropriate, and constantly focusing on coping with crises rather than enabling people (yes, themselves!) to get addressing the real causes. As I've shown, addressing the real causes is actually a remarkably simple and straightforward matter of getting the person's awareness grounded and getting them starting to clear their emotional stresses and traumas.

If healthcare workers focused clients and patients straightaway on enjoyable, grounding and empowering activities for healing and self-actualization — in a warm and accepting way — then their resources wouldn't be so taken up with the demands and apparent needs of patients whose true needs were not being met in the first place.

So, what looks at a glance like just a political slogan of mine — Self-actualization beats psychiatry — hands down! — is actually a pointer to the fundamental change of mindset that we need in ALL mental healthcare. You don't solve any problem by harming people with drugs or ECT to try to hide it.

On this and related pages that I've referred to, you can find pointers to methods that, if applied diligently, with awareness and in an ongoing manner, can progressively resolve ALL 'entity' and garbage-related issues, and thus indeed virtually ALL so-called mental illness and personality disorder issues. These methods are painless, uplifting and even joyful to use, and turn around a person's life in a much more comprehensive manner than just addressing the issue that has been presented.

self-actualization — and nothing else — is the genuine mental health.

Do you really mean to settle for less?

Go for it — Tyger, Tyger, burning bright!

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If you value this page / this site and its contents, a one-off or especially regular donation would be greatly appreciated and would help me maintain it and continue my beneficial projects.

All donations are welcome; a £5 minimum is suggested, but anything at all would help and be really appreciated, though clearly larger sums would really help.
