Creationism and intelligent design
— campaigns of darkness
At a glance…
The big problem about the public debate about the origin of life and of humans is that the main factions have each got it wrong. The 'science' faction, which has got it right to a point on the physical level, scores own goals all the time through the materialistic belief system of most of its proponents, so fuelling the campaigns of the forces of ignorance and 'darkness'.
There DOES appear to be a sort of intelligent design operating, but nothing like what the so-called Intelligent Design faction are claiming — and it's not in conflict with our scientific data, which overwhelmingly support the overall theory of evolution.
The need to look beyond faction views
On other pages on this site I've remarked on the incompatibility of holding belief and being open to genuine truth ('What Is') — that is, seeking to see what's really there and what's actually going on. Universally and indeed intrinsically, religions fall down as any supposed way to connect with genuine truth because they're based on the holding of beliefs rather than having fully open minds and allowing oneself to see, and understand from one's deepest good sense, what is actually there.
The problem about the public debate on the issue of whether life and the human race have arrived here on Earth through evolution or some form of divine creation is that we have a slanging match between belief systems, which obscures the underlying situation. The religious factions are seeking to suppress even the most basic openness to truth, claiming that their beliefs represent Truth. Their campaigns are thus ones of ignorance and 'darkness'.
On the other hand the 'science' faction, although they're rightly pointing to the common sense of a rational, physical explanation based on the data in the geological record and observed evolutionary processes, fail to take into account a form of 'intelligent design' that, to really aware people, looks like actually having been working through the evolutionary process and which has brought humans to Earth — almost certainly not as physical alien beings but as consciousnesses incarnating here in the physical bodies of extant pre-humans*.
* Even that would be a correct view only from a particular, non-enlightened viewpoint. When you become enlightened you perceive directly the breathtakingly simple fact or 'truth' that your own true nature is simply consciousness or naked awareness, and all that you experience arises within the 'meta-space' of consciousness. You can thus never truly (sic) know of any enduring reality or 'truth' (whether physical or non-physical) outside of or separate from consciousness and thus yourself. More about this in On the nature of reality and truth — Too simple to believe! :-).
Thus, from the enlightened viewpoint a person would view scientists' researches into the supposed origins of life and of humans, and indeed the origin of the Universe itself, with a certain wry smile — because none of that, even in the slightest degree, can tell you anything about your true nature and any origin that you might have (as a micro-aspect of fundamental consciousness), which has nothing remotely to do with biology (at least, in any way that people would generally recognise), any more than it has anything to do with religions or mystical beliefs / perceptions.
Thus the 'science' faction in their different way are also seeking to suppress even the most basic openness to truth apart from actual physical observations and conclusions narrowly drawn from those, claiming that their beliefs represent 'the truth'. At least they don't usually capitalize the word 'truth', but through their greater use of reasoning from actual observations, they assume that they have superiority — refusing to understand how limited is their viewpoint and their reasoning. Their campaigns are thus also to a considerable extent ones of ignorance and 'darkness', even though they're pointing more in the right direction than the religious factions.
I have no truck with the extant 'Intelligent Design' faction, who, as far as I can tell so far, are just a variant of the religious fundamentalist 'creationist' lobby, also seeking to discount evolution and uphold scriptural writings as more or less literal truth. On the other hand the form of 'intelligent design' that I do recognise doesn't negate any of our scientific data, but that recognition does require the recognition of a broader, non-physical context within which the physical Universe operates.
The absurdity of belief in an ultimate 'Creator'
Let's be clear that, provided we're prepared to take the wording in religious scriptures as generally being imagery rather than literal, physical truth, we can say that there need be no conflict between the notion of a creator 'God' (I'd prefer to say 'Creator consciousness') and the process of evolution, and even devoutly religious people should have no problem about this — for the evolutionary processes can be seen to be the physical means by which the postulated or figurative creator 'God' works. And on the other hand any scientist with a healthily open mind (i.e., not hamstrung by the materialist-reductionist belief system) should be at least open to the possibility of some sort of creator consciousness that's working through the evolutionary process.
The science faction has an important part of the picture, but they foul their own pitch by considering the physical 'reality' in isolation from its context among the non-physical aspects of what we experience — and indeed the non-physical and indeed indefinable nature of experience and consciousness itself. This deficiency arises because of their materialist-reductionist belief system, which I demolish on my aforementioned page On the nature of reality and truth — Too simple to believe! :-). We need to understand that consciousness or awareness is our primary experience or 'truth' — NOT an external, physical Universe, which latter is actually secondary and arises within the 'metaspace' of consciousness.
Once we take that on board, then we can begin to understand that cause and effect presumably work through all aspects of what we experience of the Universe — i.e., both physical and non-physical, and all this actually being within consciousness — and because consciousness itself is the ultimate reality, as far as we can ever tell, NO process in the Universe is operating independently of at least the deepest levels of consciousness. Thus the room for all manner of 'intelligent design' is huge and beyond the imagination of most people, and can presumably operate through what scientists are calling random or chance processes.
I hope it will thus be seen that I'm not at all seeking to be an apologist here for any standard notion of 'intelligent design', i.e., by some God-like ultimate being or 'presence'. Even to talk of a 'creator consciousness' is far too anthropomorphic to make genuine sense. At its deepest levels, consciousness is non-dual and thus apparently 'universal' or indeed 'supra-universal', if that were possible. It would thus be hugely different from any popular idea of 'God' or a conceptually-thinking 'Creator Consciousness'.
When anyone talks of a creator consciousness they're at least implying that it's somehow separate from ourselves, but by the very nature of consciousness (non-dual in its deepest levels), that could never be. Even to talk of consciousness itself as 'creating' anything implies separation and duality in a manner that the genuinely enlightened person doesn't perceive nor recognise. Rather than 'creation', all we can genuinely sensibly talk of is 'arising within the metaspace of consciousness'.
As to how in the name of Winnie-the-Pooh that could be happening without some supreme 'father figure' at the helm, no-one genuinely knows, nor could they ever know. Consciousness has no means of understanding its true nature, because to understand that it would need to be observing from outside the very system within which it's operating — the thought of which of course can get you mentally 'in the twist', so to speak, not to mention getting seriously ungrounded.
But the fact that we can't understand how it could be all operating without a supreme 'Creator' being or presence does NOT at all mean that there really is or even might be one. You've only to examine the (non-)logic of belief in such a Creator, for it takes you in a nonsensical infinite loop. That is, if this Universe has any sort of 'creator', then we're left to ask ourselves what's created that 'creator', and then indeed what's created the creator of that creator — and so on, ad infinitum!
The sensible and healthy approach to that extreme conundrum of course is simply to recognise it in a joyful good humour as one of the genuine unknowables of the life experience, and not to go struggling with it to try to understand what can't be understood, nor to jump in with actually fear-based beliefs to hide the gaps in our ability to understand various aspects of our life experience.
Pointless debates about evolution
There has been a lot of debate as to whether evolution occurs through a gradual process of adaptation or whether it occurs in big steps, and also about whether Darwinism has got it wrong. Such arguments are pointless, because it's clear to anyone who observes 'Mother Nature' with a modicum of intelligence that many processes have played a part in evolution, and there's no one process that accounts for all of how life on Earth has arrived at how it is today. Also, you can't go back 'there' and observe what actually did happen, so you can never absolutely know how evolution occurred at any time in the past.
Some people have channelled information to the effect that advanced extra-terrestrial civilizations have been assisting and guiding the evolutionary progress of life and indeed humans here on Earth — in particular a civilization based in the star system NGC 584. This latter civilization allegedly specializes in genetic manipulation for positive purposes and at various times has seeded Earth life forms with modified DNA to bring particular life forms to a state where what we recognise as human consciousnesses could start incarnating in them.
However, ALL channelled 'information' is totally unverifiable and comes to us with a pernicious and usually unseen agenda to mislead, as I explain in Channelling and clairvoyance problems — The safe alternative. Therefore it makes best sense to assume that the morsel of channelled 'information' that I've repeated here is untrue (having come to us from the garbage in order to cause serious problems for many people), but nonetheless we're being plain stupid when we keep our minds closed to possible unseen influences on evolution here on Earth or indeed anywhere.
While I personally hold no belief one way or the other about such influences, I do have to say that they don't at all fit into the working model of 'reality' that I myself have built up, except as 'story' given to us by the garbage in order to divert us from understanding the real situation — i.e., that all we experience and appears to us to 'exist' (whatever that means!) has arisen out of consciousness and thus in various ways is presumably directed by consciousness itself, albeit at a supra-universal rather than individual level.
I do keep a healthily open mind about all this — but I bear in mind that it's so far been a
mystery to the scientific community as to how humans could have such large brains, and have such
abundance of aesthetic / 'deep' experiences, without any obvious biological selective pressures to
cause these to come about. I wonder how much longer scientists are going to
keep saying Go away, I'm looking for the truth!
each time truth comes knocking on their door, or
indeed staring them full in the face!
As long as scientists maintain such a narrow, belief-bound outlook on the origin of life and of humans as we know them, they unwittingly ally themselves with, and give much support to, the 'forces of darkness' and ignorance that they're publicly making out to be dismissing.
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